---- ACPA ATRIA OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922 PAGE THREE Oshawa and District Fix Up Fountain So that the water will run away properly a drain is to be dug in Lakeview Park where the new foun- tain was recently installed. The fountain is already proving 'a great convenience to park patrons, Visiting ©, A, Wards "AH Inspector Elliott, of the Children's Ald Society, is completing his annu- al visits to wards of the Society in the County of Ontario, He has al- ready covered several hundred miles, taking advantage of the good roads and fine weather, ' Exams Start The midsummer examinations commenced yesterday at the Osh- awa High School, with the pupils of the Commercial Departments writ- ing for their diplomas. The promo- tion tests begin next Wednesday and the Departmental exams commence on Tuesday, June 13th, with the Middle and Upper schools following the Lower school, Former Principal Dies James A. Brown, for many years principal of the Whithy Public Schools, and lately of Toronto, died: at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday last, May 25th, follow- ing a lengthy illness, Mr. Brown re- tired from the principalship of the schools in Whithy thirteen years ago, and joined the staff of the De- partment of Education, at Toronto, where he served for ten years, retir- ing three years ago, Council Meets Monday The Town Council meets on Mon- day evening in regular session. A number of important matters are scheduled to come up, one of them a report of the Fire and Water Com- mittee with recommendations re- specting firemen's insurance and the installation of a motor on the hook and ladder truck, The question of street repairing may also come up, also several petitions for local im- provements, Customs Returns Lower, the month of May in Oshawa are al- most $50,000 less than during the | was ever thus, and so 35¢ a dozen previous month, the receipts still res | was asked for eggs, after the pre-| main at a high figure, indicating that | vailing price of many weeks of 30ec, business industrially is going on|qpere apace, The small decrease does not mean there is a slacknéss in local factories at next month's returns will probably show a marked in- crease again, No Measles Epidemic Here Epidemics of measles are reported | in several places in several places | in the province, several thousand ! cases being reported in Toronto. Dr. | McKay, M.O.H., stated yesterday that while there are quite a number of cases in Oshawa, the epidemic stage has not yet been reached. The M.O.H. stated that there probably had been and were a number of cases | of thi disease and whooping cough not reported to the public health de- partment. oniedt BEAUTY COMPACTS {to the nurses and to Miss Dyke, by | them will work as Christians among eLIGHTFUL Face Powder Jonteel in handy cake form. So much easier to carry = doesilt #il-s0 theses no waste. I'ragrant, velvety pow- der that goes on smoothly and sticks--not easily brushed or blown off. Tints Sat match all complexions. In chic box, complete with puff. JURY & LOVELL KING ST. and SIMCOE ST. S. AND F. W. THOMPSON | ant supply, far greater than the de- hearty vote of thanks to Miss Dyke Although the customs returns for | mand. But when one product comes and the artists who contributed sol | marking that the diploma represent-| yanan, gave a most inspiring addres: |ed the marriage license and the pins on the work in Japan. A college, | a A] | the Superintendent's prize for Ban- | daging was awarded to Miss Jeffrey, | the presentation being made by Dr. | Henry. | Need For Isolation | ), McKay in an interesting ad A A . dress made a direct appeal to the Building Forty Cellars ...... .. audience for their co-operation in Mayor Stacey is constructing Cel- | Aupplying a building for the isolation lars under forty houses this seasot;" of patients, If it is the wish of| most of them on Verdun Road, and|the people to safeguard patients | in that viciniy, 'The mayor stated| cleanliness would not do it.| last evening that he has had numer-| Somelimes those persons who ous enquiries for houses in the past|wore the best developed were most | few weeks, more in fact than for susceptible to disease and would con-| some years at this season, tract germs which might sweep inj | from other patients. A small build- Old Oshawa Boy Honored, ling, he averred, to accomodate a Rev, Father Carr, a son of Mrs, small number of beds would relieve Margaret Carr, Simcoe St, North, and [the situation. Some of the unfortun President of St. Michael's College, [nate "patients suffering from these Toronto, was last week the recipient |afilietions could be cared for separ- of a degree of Doctor of Laws from ately and there would not be that Toronto University, 'The University {unpleasantness floating down the cor- never did a worthier or more pleas-|ridors to affect the progress of other ing act, for Father Carr's friends arc patients, Provision should be made | legion," remarked one Toronto press for at least twelve beds. It was up commentator at the time, lio the municipality to provide an : oad | isolation hospital, There was an ah- Passes Exams, {golute need and the McLaughlin Bro- Included in the list of those Who {hers had put it up to the people passed University of Toronto exams, py donating a maternity wing which announced today are the names of wuld he as near perfection as it was Mr, H. W, Trick, standing sixth in possible to be, At present the ac- Class II, Physiology and Biochemistry, \ Miss M. J. Jamieson, standing third in household science, both securing their B. A, degrees, and A, R. E, Mounce,| done the institution would he abreast who passed in fifth year medicine, of the times, "We must not fall all of Oshawa. | | down until we have accomplished it," he said. Dr. McKay also advo- cated an outdoor clinic for the north end of the town. In referring to the new maternity wing on which work commodation was 56 beds, but in Oshawa it should be eapable of harb- oring 125 people and when that was Open Office Here, Mr. J. K, Watson, district sales] manager of the Dominion Bond and | Debenture Company, Ltd, of Toron-| srogrossing rapidly, Dr. MeKay to, has opened an office in the Engel | oS 2 hat provision nad. not vel Block Simcoe 8t, N, The local agents |, wo Se for equipping it andi of this bond house are the Northern [CCN Ha e inl rtly a speci all on the spirit Finance Corporation, with offices in| shortly a special ca : I | of giving would be made, the Engel Block. As will be seen| 4 ; by an advertisement elsewhere in | Will Furnish Room these columns, the Dominion Bond | Mr. Storie stated that he was en and Dehenture Company, is placing |tirely in sympathy with the Doctor's lon the market, here and elsewhere, | remarks hut tifey would have to wait the bonds of the Dominion Alloy | He announced that one lady had of Steel Co. Ltd, {fered to furnish a room in the new | wing and also plant flowers and tree { wherever permitted around the new | Butter Down, Eggs Up Butter has been 45¢ a pound on building. Mr. J. D. Storie, then, on Oshawa market for over a year, but [behalf of the Board expressed hi | this morning found Mrs. Oshawa [appreciation to all those who had so | Housewife able to buy the product| kindly assisted in making the oc |at 35c., the reason being the abund- | pasion a success and extended a down in price another goes up. It ..,cpaily '0 the evening's entertain | ment. | was an abundant supply of » . » rhubarb at 5e and 10¢ a bunch, and Whitby District y p 'q 260 © agke . Be Bena ht WMS, Raised $2,000 Last Year pound. Two Nurses | 1. womens siccionary society x -- lof the Methodist chureh, Whithy dis- (Continued from page 1) | triet, held their district conven those who graduated from the Osh-|tion in Port Perry on Thurs awa Hospital under Miss McWil-| Gay, May 25th, with morning liams had received the nighest stand-| and afternoow = sessions There | ard of training that it yas possible to fare we Auxiliaries three ir receive, cles and six Bands in the dis- Pledge Recited Following the address, the Flor-|from all. The Port Perrg Band | ence Nightingale pledge, embracing | gave some very inter 'tsing exercise a very impressive text, was recited at the afternoon ession, owe im by the graduates. Before presenting pressive one being, "WN anted, the the diplomas and pins, Mrs. R. 8. Whole World for Christ': The pa McLaughlin told of the origin of the | pers on many parts of the work Were art of nursing and impressed upon |all instruetive and helpful. The the graduates the principle of loyal-| money ral ed for the year was over ty to their profession. Mrs. Mec- $2,000, a substantial increase over Laughlin first presented the diplo-|last year. { mas and then the school pins, re-| Miss Campbell, on furlough from | triet, and good reports were received the marriage rings." The diplomas, | founded hy dengminations, for she stated, were awarded only after girls, is doin: ood work in Chris- Kiddies' Summer Parasols Plain Pink and Blue, also floral patterned tops. Every little girl will want one, and they are only 58c Each BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN The Biggest Forget who have put off. OF AGE Dewland's." Write only on in close decisions. tains $3.45 Pair $4.50 pair. room. Suitable for Boys and Girls, Don't Tuesday, 6 p.m., the contest will be closed. Get busy, those Many answers are coming in on every = mail delivery or are being handed in at the store, Just to remind you, here it is again. OPEN TO ALL BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 12 YEARS "Give the ten best reasons why mother should shop at Ward & daidhiab one This is for Monday only. windows for fur ments during the week. side of paper, as neatness counts 36 Pair Filey Net Cur- Strong square mesh with dainty French figure designs, 40" wide, 21/, yards long: Regular price doing all the time. any special value. Shopping Event The people of Oshawa have made this Buy at Home Campaign one of the biggest successes of the year. Just six more days, and every day full of enthusiasm. Every day has its own special interest. It will pay you to keep in close touch for the remainder of this great event. Of Special Interest Monday--Free One large size English Bath Towel of unexcelled quality will be given with every sale of $5.00 or over. 50 Pair Marquisette Curtaigs $2.95 Pair Exceptionally fine mercerized quality, with either neat lace insertion or lace edg- ing, hemstitched, 34' long. Regular price $4.00 pair. A very * wide, 21, yards a Roman Stripe Drapery 40" widé, suitable for hammocks or summer cottages, Special 65¢ yard of the Year Two Lines of Window Shades Plain Blind, green on one side, white on other side, oil- 'colored opaque, Hartshorne rollers. Complete $1.25 Each £/mething startling Good quality oil-cofored opaque in plain white, green and cream. Complete 79¢ Each Still a Few Suits Left at Half Price The style you are looking for may be among them, as they include the season's latest styles Watch ther announce- | and the best qualities. Also Coats at $14.95 Don't neglect this opportunity, as the stock is rapidly going down and you may be too late. Ch Stamped Rompers and Dresses for Children All ready made to be embroidered, and just the very neatest patterns in plain blue, pink and natural. amb rays, knitted from heels and toes, throughout. An low price. Women's Cotton Hose 25¢c Pair One of our great leaders, sell- softly, looking best ing at a very popular price, | good quality, | | not strong cotton yarns, with neat hem tops, reinforced soles, | which is not too hot viceable stocking for such a Ratine Suitings 36° Wide Te rough surface of Ratine is the charm of og this fabric. Being very supple, the cloth he the garment fullness to spare when launder in soapy water It may he worn with o | without ironing unusually ser- | are Reseda, Jurnt Ora and seamless earnest and faithful work. Bou-| jap ducati quets of roses were then presented | graduated this year, and- many of sixty-seven girls " four charming little Misses, Annie their own poepls She spoke of a Storie, Margaret Anderson, Pauline | hostel in T for factory girls, and Coad and Marion Storie. also for kindergarten work. Rev. A. M. Irwin in a brief ad- The spirit of Japan is changing in dress told of the high esteem which many w and there is room for | he held for the Oshawa Hospital and | many ore Christian workers. related from personal observance | There is also a great improvement and from testimones received from in the work for temperance: one former patients, the efficient and | woman has been president of the W commendable work being carried on | C.T.U. for twenty years. M Camp- there. . The ceaseless aetivity, cheer- | hell was very urgent in ask moth. | fulness and constant fidelity were al- ers to encour. their daughters to ways in evidence. prepare for missionary work; also ; Prizes Presented | the Hospital Beard, then presented the increase of money, though that, | the prizes, first thanking the public of course, is necessary, too. for their support and interest in the In the m Hospital work. The Dr. James F. W. | very sweetly, "Thy Will Be Do Ross Scholarsitip ($50 in gold) was |and in the afternoon presented to Miss Violet Jeffrey by | Eternity," was enjoyed and su Dr. F. L. Henry, for General Profic-4 Mrs. Tordiff; nd Mrs. Bentley gave | jency: the Hamilton Pin for neat-| an interesting reading, "His Moth- | ness was awarded to Miss Norma | er's Sermon." Last 'year's officers | Pinder by Miss Byran, Superintend- | were re-elected for the coming year; | ent of the Ontario Hospital Whithy; | sud a very sueessfgl convention | the Storie prize for practical work to | closed, to meet next year at Man- Miss Irene McCaughey, who was un- | chester. able to be present, owing to sick. Aa lls ! ness: Dr. F. L. Henry presented the : i wy | Rundle prize for Practical Surgery : CRISP COMMENT sk a) to Miss Violet Jeffrey; the McKay An English jud ze dgrides that 2 | prize for Practical Obstetrics was [Man cannot libel his wite, oat why awarded to Miss Pinder by Dr. Mc- [should a man wish to?--Hamilton Kay; Miss Jeffrey received the Wil- Herald. liams prize for Dietetics, which was When you see a gentleman inte- presented by Mrs. Williams; the rested in a lady's shopping, the gen- Robson prize was presented by Mrs. | tleman is not her husband. --King- Frank Robson to Miss Lucy Wilson; | ston Whig. Add EX | 'Building for | Jno. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Oli- CC. Pascoe's. showing the need for more earnest |{Geo. Stinson, on the arrival of a Mr. H. 8S. Langord, treasurer of!prayer, as even more important than | daughter. orning Miss Adams sanz | day and Monday. ME | | The speakers for the evening were ENFIELD Mr, Walton Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs ver MeCullough and son, at Mr. L Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A number from here attended the Eldad Anniversary service last Sun- A consolidated school meeting was | held in the hall on Tuesday evening. Dr, Jno. Moore and Mr. Thos. Hall, Byooklin Mr. hos. Baker, Solina, Mr. E. E. Snider, Port Hope. The Anniversary services of En- field 8.8. will be neld on Sunday June 11, at 2.20 and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Mr, Harrison, Port Ps , will preach at both servi seial music by the school, 3 by 'jihe choir in the evening. On Monday evening May 12, Rev. GG. T. Mackenzie, will give a lecture entitled Jean Valjean. Special music is being arranged. TYRONE Mr. Allan Annis, BA. is at home. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, Toronto, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay spent Sabbath with friends in Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner, Miss- es May, Florence and Annie, spent Wednesday with Miss Elma Gard- iner, Smithfield. Mr. David Aldred, Bowmanville, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Virtue and chil- dren, Bowmanville, visited Mr. Ed. Virtue. May and Russell visited relatives in Solina and attended anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry viisted the latter's sister, Mrs. Webber, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wotton, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hudson, Burketon, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Nelson | Hudson's. { Mr. and Mrs, B. G. Stevens, Mrs. | E. Stevens, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. | Stevens, Toronto; and Mr. T. H. Brown, Ottawa, called to see Mrs. Bob Burgess who has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Love, Doris and Lin- ton, Parkdale, Toronto, were week- Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright, Miss | bath sehool in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner, Mrs Woodley, Mr. Hodgson and 11 who is very ill. portion of scripture. "Canada and Bigelow and enjoyed. BROOKLIN vention in Oshawa on Wednesday, af- | ternoon and evening. . Mrs. G. Anderson and children, of | Toronto, visited her mother here last | Canadians," was also taken up and educational series was disappointing | a contest, later, on "Canada." Mr. in regard to attendance, Scarcely a C. Stinson also assisted on program. dozen people availed themselves of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mutton, Mr. and the excellent address given by Miss Mrs David Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. | Lillian Dent, kindergarten teacher, Miss Beatrice, Miss of Toronto. Her subject was "Kin- Mary Brightwell and Mrs. Noble at- dergartea Work in the Schools." Her ; oe tended Salem anniversary and pro-| ideas were excellent and expressed a Enniskillen were favored thi nounced Rev. H. K. Edminson's ad- | loug felt want in the country scnool, | With good weather and roads for dress both pleasing and instructive. and which could only be accomplish- | their anuiverss services. On Wey The music under the leadership of | ed by having most of them remod- | Pesday. May 24th, ai Mr. Leslie Collacutt was also much |elled. per was served by the ladic At Quite a number of Brooklin peo- her son's, Dr. C. W. Slemon, Bow- | jacked, many having to ple attended the Sunday School con- manville. | recently visited at M Places i the cup this year at the Fair. | father. Mr. Love addressed the Sab- | in Toronto for the winter, has re spen Wes | turned home. | very ill Mrs. George Jones left on Satur A iy for King, where she will teach | atte ntil the end of the term and | nded My Miss Minnie Kerr, who has been The annual meeting of the Brook-| 1 \ of k | line branch of the Bible Society will | football here Hicks visited the latter's bro- {be held on Thos. Brisbane, Yelverton, | 5), 4¢ Monday evening, June | manville and 8 o'clock in the Presbyterian | Mrs, (Dr | church. An illustrated add will | elass en Mr. Howard Brent sang very ac-) be given by Rev. Mr. Hazzard, of To- | ise' « ceptably at League © on ®Thursday. ronte. Everyone interested in this | home Miss Wight very ably dealt with a &reat work is asked to attend. Mis The meeting on Thursday on The | visited Mrs ho Mr. N Stewart and lis M ' hell, Os pent Sunday C. E. Stewart's. excellent sup PE ue 5 - p. m. a lively game of foothall ENNISKILLEN played between W by and Eunis " ! he Killen, the r seoring 3 goals and Mrs. John Slemon is visiting at|ywhpithby 1. At 8 p. m., the t shed to hear the entertainment of Miss Rena Ventress, Bobcaygeon, | the Fax Fun Company, of Toront W. Ashton's. | Many pronounced this the best ey Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson spent |given here. Proceds over $361. \ Mr. O. Sebert has been confined to the house during the past week through illness, but is able to be around again, | Miss Olive Thompson spent the| week-end of May 20th with relatives | in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heard and | daughters, of Wallaceburg, visited | her aunt, Mrs. Ketchen, recently. | Mrs. Morris, on her return from Bermuda, where she has spent the winter, visited her mother, Mrs. A.! Ketchen, en route for her home in| Ottawa. | Mr. W. F. Ketchen, Mr. and Mrs. | Bond and son, and Miss Crawforth, | of Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Ket- | chen's. | A large number of visitors came | to Brooklin to spend the 24th. | Mr. and Mrs. Leader, Mrs. Balls, | Mrs. Bell and Mr. L. Arnold, were visitors at Mr. C. Curran's. | Mr. Billy and Jim McBrien, old | residents of this place, but now of! Toronto, were looking up old friends. | Mr. F. Seott and the Misses Scott, | of Oshawa, were visitors among | their old friends. 1 There is general rejoicing in the | end guests of Miss Werry and her " village. The Brooklin Football team week. he "The biscuit Baked in the snow-white, sunshine factory « SSO... A A LN