PAGETWO ™* Rl LPR - a in 3° & EC A CN be Oneacio Reformer (Established in 1871) . 4m independent newspaper pub. lished every other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publishing Company litmited, Charles M. Mundy, Presi- dent, Managing Director and Treas- ureg; A. R. Alloway, Assistant Man- ager. GEO. A. MARTIN Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year. United States subscriptions $1.50 extra to cover postage. Single copies 5c. / OSHAWA, THURSDAY, MAY 18. OLEOMARGARINE TO REMAIN By a vote of 83 to 57 the House of Commons early Tuesday morning voted. against a proposal to prohibit the manufacture and importation of oleomargarine in Canada. This de- cision will be received with approval by members of the Local Council of Women, as a fortnight ago they adopted .a resolution favoring the aale of oleo in this country. Ten years ago popular sentiment was strongly against the sale of the butter substituse. At that time there was good reason for jt, as the qual- ity was by no means good. But that was before the day of specialization, and in the intervening years machin- ery has been found to make oleo which assures an article of good quality being placed on the market. This improvement in manufacture, .and also the greater demand for the butter substitute, came about during the. war. The high price of butter during those dark days, together with the increased cost of other ar- ticles, compelled the small wage earners to look for substitutes. It wag then that oleo gained favor, and in some instances expensive plants were installed by manufacturers 'to meet the demand. Since the war there has been 2a ceaseless demand from the dairy in- | dustry to have the ban again impos- ed on oleomargarine. Each year a fight has been waged on the floor of parliament, and on each occasion the members representing dairy con- stituencies have been defeated. Oleo, when manufactured under EDITORIAL COMMENT Have you noticed the affeation some people are showing for the dan- delion this spring? A Port Huron ligucer smuggler died while rowing a cargo of heer across the St. Clair river. Not a very desirable harness to be found dead fn. . If a few of the witnessos in the notorious Stillman divorce were imprisoned for perjury would be some likeiihood of the being concluded. appea: there case Two New Jersey women, withi the lagt month, have been acquitted charge of murder, after kil ling their husbands because of un faithfulness. And still there will be a large crop of newly-wedded hus bands this June as in ghe past. ikely. Activities of a Labor camorra Chicago have brought , assurances from civic authorities tha in there there will he a clean up of crime need such clean ups made permanent, Trouble seems to be they are made only every four or five years, Chicago seems to Plant Managed by An Oshawa Man is Rapidly Expanding It is of interest to Oshawa peopl to learn that the Fisher Body Cor- poration's west end factory in De troit is to he enlarged by the addi- tion of six storeys--one of the larg- est industrial undertakings in the history of Detroit, according to The Detroit Free Press. When the addi- tion is completed the unit will equai in size the company's huge Cleveland plant--the largest body building fae tory in the world. "The new building and equipment will represent an expenditure o more than $2,000,000." continues the Free Press. "It is of concrete fire- proof construction, 1,000 feet long with 650,000 square feet of floor space, making a total of 1,282,000 square feet, or 30 acres of floor space for the combined unit--which equals the floor area of the (Gienfral Motors office building on West Grand Bou- levard, the greatest building of its class in the world. y "The completion of the new build ing will mean the employment by the chmpany in its west end unit of from sanitary conditions, and sold as oleo and not as butter, should be avail- able for those who desire it. It would be folly for dairymen pect the butter-making industry to be protected, unless they are will- ing to admit that all other industrie deserve protection, which the major- | ity of them are not. Consumers who | have used both aver they would rath- er use good oleomargarine than poor dairy butter. Parliament did right in acting for the good of the largest number. to ex- "*CANADA'S FISHERIES Fisheries in the waters off both coasts of Canada in 1921 produced a revenue of $18,866,062, compared with $26,857,952 in the previous year. This slump in the revenue was attributable to several causes, chief of which was the falling off of a large part of the demand for Cana dian fish, which had been created by war-time conditions. The drop in the market price of the product also had considerable effect in reducing revenue, while the coming into efiect of the United States emergency tariff in May shut off to a large ex- tent the supplies of fish whieh had annually gone across the horder to the United States, says a report 'on the industry. British Columbia continued to lead the provinces @f Canada in the matter of value of sea fisheries with 4 revenue of $8.359026. Nova Scotia at the other extremity of the continent, took second place with a value of $6,738,309. The value of New Brunswick sea fisheries was $2, 073,615. Quebec accounted for $1,- 244.704, and Printe Edward Island $451,048. Salmon continued to maintain = healthy lead as Canada's greates: fish revenue producer, accounting for a total value of $5,040,022. Cod was hext with $3,654,130. Halibut ac- counted for $3,403,936, and lobsters for $2,962,487. The only other fish to exceed the million mark was the' herring with $1,098,681. Mackerel produced a revenue of $776,960; smelts, $712,660: haddock. $436 - 701; hake and cusk, $i13.552. and oysters $92,977. . British Columbia's most valuable fish was, naturally, the salmon, with a reveaue to the province of $4,412.- 239; followed by halibut, with $2.- 996.242. Cod led in Nova Scotia With a value of $2,614,257, followed 600 to 10,000 people and 'withir it Cas every process of 'hody-build [ing will take place from the time the raw materials enter antil the finish od bodies leave, ready Tor the chasis | * 'Becanse onr Cleveland plant i | unable to take care of all of the con |stantly growing demauds for Buicl land Chevrolet closed bodies we am [compelled to round oul our develop ment projects even earlier than we {anticipated a year ago," said Fred J | Fisher, president of the company." This huge plant is managed by ai ! Oshawa boy, Mr. W. A. Kirby, eldes Igon of Mr. % #H. Kirby, Park Road | After statesmen have tried every- thing else they give up in despai and do the sensible thing. --Bethle {hem Globe | em ---- TC ------ MON., TUES. REGENT ene os | Mary Pickford in "Little Lord Fauntleroy" Std A dg PAY TT OSHAWA, "ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1 amu MM nt PURE hat br i St ¢ or . 922 Plebiscite (Continued from page 1) than offset the inconvenience to the General Motors if yvlight saving were passed. The principle was alto- gether wrong. He favored having the question voted on by the people at the next election, to consider any large gram this year. After further discussion which did! not seem to lead anywhere a mo- tion by Couns. Alger and Hubbell that tlle question of daylight saving be reopened and submitted to the people for their opinion at an early 4 i ; Ee hie - date was carried unanimously. jo more than five years has heen All members were present exeept- (associated with Mr. H. A. Butt in ing Coun. Rowe, Johnston and Stan-!the Oghawa House and Land Com- vine wro-| Arthur Lewis Opens Own Offices as a Real Estate Agent Friends of Mr, Arthur Lewis, who people on the question, and moved that the vote be taken at once. Coun. Trick made it clear that his desire was Lo carry out the wishes of the people, and while he was willing to take a plebisicte, it mighf he too .ate to do any good this year. He predicted the defeat of the measure } tol. Coun. Burns stated that while personally he had no uwse for day- light saving, looking upon it as a lool measure, yet on investigation he found that it was an inconvenience '¢ the General Motors to have the measure in operation in Toronto and not here, A Conteatious Point A contention by Coun, Hawkes that inasmuch as the Council had al- ready gone on record in the minutes yn the question it could not be re- pened unless that motion was re- Coun. Alger favored a vote of the, ton. | pany, Simcoe 8t. North, wifl "be in- (terested in knowing that he has en- { : . ; ! + -- tered business for himself, Mr. Lewis Assessment (Continued froin page 1) Couneil to take the matter up with Mr, 1. O. Clifford, M.P., and ascer- | . tain if the nuisance can he remedied. | Mr. Lewis has taken offices in the The Council was unanimous that the Bradley Block, rooms 3 and 5. He burning of soft coal in the centre of and Mr. Butt will still co-operate in the town constituted a nuisance and a business way, as they have hereto- should be abated. The clerk wak|fore. Mr. Lewis will specialize in instructed to take the matter up|the real estate business from every with Mr. Clifford, in order that itlangle, which he knows thoroughly might be brought to the govern- from the subdivision to the home, in ment's attention. It is understood addition he will manage the local that after similar reprasentations by |hranch of the Investors' Service Cor other 'places hard coal was placed|poration. in yse. ; ism What could be more beautiful than Visit Gas Plant Ithis balmy spring weather? Surely On the invitation of Mr. A. T.0,, foreign clime surpasses Canada in Hicks, local manager of the Hydro! glowing month of May.--Brant- | eR THR - [came to Oshawa from Toronto to en- ter the service of Mr. Butt, and to- sether they have watched the busi- ness grow steadily, seindéed, opened up a debate on par- ijamentary procedure, th emayor rul- ng that it was quite in order for some person to make a motion to re- apen the question. Coun. Brown stated that a man from the General Motors was pre- pared at the risk of losing his job, to come before the Council and swear that when the petition in favor of daylight saving was taken araund the plants by a constable, the circulation of a petition" oppos- ing it was stopped. Why this dis- srimination he asked. Coun. Preston contended that Coun. Moffatt had no right to wave a flag for the General Motors and paint pictures of them nailing un their doors and windows. If such 1ction hy the company were intended .he Ccuncil was skating on thin ice Electric Power Conimission; the Ford Expositor. Council will visit the gas plant to se = g ida the new machinery recently installed! The man who wears a shirt Made there. Unable to go in a body, the bY his wife is not always a martyr, : iy i be g 3 » 2 {members will individually visit the Usually a wife doesn't care enough | plant for her husband to make him a good A petition for a sidewalk on the shirt.----Clear-Watér Sua. north side of Lloyd Street was refei- ee ja red to the Board of Works, and a pe-| Radiophone wiil never be *popular | tition for a water main on Grooms as church meetings till it gan also Avenue to the Water Commission. |serve refreshménts.--Toronto Tele- A petition from residents of Div- Bram. ision Street, between Eigin and Ag- nds, asking for street oiling in that | section, went tc the Board of Works. | W. H. Jaekson wrote asking for the remission of his income tax as- sessed this year, on the ground that DUSTBANE Makes Sweeping easy. It disinfects and keeps down the dust. It brightens floors and carpets. When you pick up the broom to sweep be sure you have a tin or barrel of DUSTBANE at hand. 4 JOHN BAILES & SONS DISTRIBUJORS he is the sole support of a household, and is now paying taxes in the muni-| cipality. Referred to the Finance Committee. AMIE ore Le Oshawa Bargain Store 42 SIMCOE ST. N. SN \. A large user of gaso- line, (name on request), after a careful and Specials Friday-Saturday 'And All Next Week extended test, told us that themileage from his cars was increased more than a mile per gallon by using Imperial Premier Gasoline exclusively. iy » IMPERIAL $1.50 75 pair working trousers to « leas at . $2.50 to $4.50 t Blue serge trousers Tweed trousers to clear at Balbriggan underwear, firsts All goods guaranteed Bluc chammbray working shirts Boys' bloomers, regular $1.50, to clear at 100 boys' caps, all colors and all sizes, to clearat........) 50c Men's caps, regular $1.50 and $1.75, to clear at . . Men's soft felt hats, reg. $3.50 and $4.00, to clear at $2.50 Young men's & men's Oxfords, reg. $6.50, to clear at $4.50 Come and see our Suits as we are selling at the lowest prices. M. ENUSHESKY « , per garment $3.50 Joe GASOLINE 95 TRB ec 95¢ You, too, will get, "More Miles per Gallon," if your carburetor is properly adjusted to burn it and you use Imperial Premier Gasoline all the time. firsts or money refunded. Obtainable every- where. Every galion the same uniform high quality. WERE. 2 ment. any obnoxious odor. by $2076.022 for lobsters. Quebec's first Ssh is the ood, with 4 value of $631,932. and second. salman, $157.- 028. Smelts and lobsters were near- iv. equal in New Brumswick, with a value of $552.016. and $513.556 ve- spectively. The Srst revenue producer among Prince Edward Island's fish is the crab, with an annual revenue of $22R.926. : | Not an ordinary hair tonic --but a wonderfully scien- tific scalp and hair treat- It does not con- tain grease, oil, stain or Let Your YHair--Y our Scalp Meet KOREEN Today in Oshawa Nature's own sure and scientific hair and scalp treatment-- If your trouble is DANDRUFF, FALLING or FADING HAIR, SCALP IRRITATION, You should heed nature's warning. To disregard these symptoms may mean total, or at least, partial baldness-- Scientific treatment alone will effect a permanent restoration. Every man, every woman may have healthy, beautiful hair after using OREEN ah. | | | { | | | | | | | K RE 0 : iis IF GE 4 4 The Double Track Route Belneen MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT & CHICAGO Uneacelled dining car servioe, Sleaping cars on night paricr cars ou principal day As, ull information from any Grand Trauk Teckel Agent or CE. Horniog, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, HH. R. Sheridan, Town Agent Telephone 132 W. H. Hutchison, Depot Agent Telephone 690 1s anu "Life is Real-Life is Earnest."' Life is also Earning. At least, that is true of - London Life Insurance Company "Policies Good as Gold" HEAD OFFICES LONDON, CANADA Agencies in all principal cities H. L. RUTHIG, Dist. Representative, 225 Simcoe St. J. C. McGILL Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes The Latest STRAW HATS $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 New Goods Low Prices High Qualities J.C.McGILL 12 KING STREET EAST A Genuine Hair Preparation Hair or Itchy Scalp. I GUARANTEED We will give $100 to the first person in Oshawa who does not get relief from Dandruff, Falling B your hair is shightly grey or faded, a few applications of Koreen will restore its natural color and luster. KOREEN is not an experiment, but an accepted, proven remedy. Thousands of people throughout Camsada, owe a hairdealth andreamed of, to Koreen trcatsivents, What it has done for bthers, we guaranoe that it will do for you. Become acquainted friend, today with this wonderful PROCURABLE AT MOST GOOD DRUGGISTS. SALES CO. LTD. 2 NER Fen] Still the most for the money. CHFEINE 2 ANDREWWILSONAG mite Sn) hod?