: Ws --- ~The Ontario Reformer VOLUME 51-- No. 20 Thursday and faturday Tuesday, Published at Osnawa, Ont, Canadas OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 WORLD EVENTS: THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. Pa] - y William Banks. Is British' Columbia to remain a "white man's country"? In other than the Pacific Coast sections of Canada that would sound like a rath- er surprising question, Out there it is a very lively as well as a serious issue, So grave indeed that after an all day debate in the Canadian House of Commons, a resolution was passed 'in favor of the "effective re- striction" of Oriental immigration into Canada, Throughout the debate there was clear indication that the feeling of the country is for the ex- clusion altogether of Orientals who come with the idea of colonizing or making their homes in Canada for a long period. The fact that Canada and Japan are about to discuss the mense importance to all. racial antagonism that bear themselves with the air of conquering race. real diplomacy in as against them alone. affairs as 'a nation, about her status within the Empire The whole question is one that is hedged about with perplexities and dangers. Chin- ese do not arouse anything like the the Japan: ese do chiefly because they do not There is need for the handling of the whole matter since it is ohvious that while Japanese are in the main the cause of the anxiqty on the part of those who are studying the situa-| tion, it would be difficult to: proceed | The debate and the problems which were shown to exist are another reminder that Canada has taken her place in world Hair splitting the excitement of battle, enlisted in considerable numbers in such a legion some time ago. But they com- plained -of bad usage by their task- masters and there was a tremendous falling off in recruiting. LJ * . France, like every other country in Europe, is forced to resort to dras- tic measures for economy's sake. One measure recently taken was the dis- mistfal of 50,000 government em- ployees. This does not, however, mean that the permanent civil ser- vice whice is very extensive, has suf- fered to that extent. The vast ma- jority of those now let out were aux- iliaries taken on during the war per- fod, France, in common with most of the nations, has found the un- tangling of the skeins left by war, to be a tedious and difficult task. ! Armies of employes were built up everywhere for various departments whose reason for existence passed with the end of the war, But the] demobilizing of most of those has a Yearly Sunseription $3.00 Slagle Coples 5 Cents Second Section--Pages 9-12 rr --_-------------- Garis' Bedtime Stories & UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE SWEET WATER Copyrighted, 1921, by McClure News. paper Syndicate, (By Howard R, Garis.) "What's the matter, Sammie?" asked Uncle Wiggily one evening as he stopped at the home of the little rabbit boy to pay a visit. 'You look cposs and unhappy.' "Heo is," ting her corncob doll to bed, "He hasn't got his home work done and 1 have mine all finished!" "Hu! Yes! Such home work as [ have!" grumbled Sammie, "The lady mouse teacher wants me to learn all about the trees in the woods---how to tell which is a maple, which is a pine and which has the white hirch said Susie, who was put- N v And, of course, next day, not know- ing his lesson, he was kept in after school by the lady mouse teacher, Sammie had to write, fifty times, the sentence: "The pine tree has long, green needles for leaves." "And tomorrow," said the lady mouse, as she told Sammie he might go, "I hope you will know mere about the trees, little rabbit boy." 4 Sammie didn't say anything. He just hurried out of the hollow seump school, anxious to. find Jackie and Peetie Bow Wow, the puppy dog boys, to play marbles with them. But all the animal boys had gone on through the woods long ago, and Sammie was so fussed up, from hav- ing been kept in until he missed hav- ing fun, that he did not notice which way he hopped. And, hefore he knew been a much longer job than was the| case in the demobolizing of most of | the actual combatants. The Finance | ICommissioner of France has made | the proposal to cut the salaries of | Ministers, members of Parliament and | the leading permanent officials of the government services. In Britian al-| 180 estimated government expenditures | are being cut with a sharp axe. One| recommendation of the Economy | Committee calling for aggregate re- In the spring of 1923 the North mob and anotifer was ductions of one hundred million ipo. mo5a Chureh expects to commem- [tower higher than that pounds has been adopted to the ex-|,.. 0 jig first jubilee. The Bang-Kah est temple in the eity. This church is tent of half that amount. There i8|,,,,0regation whose pastor is the son- {now too small, and altogether in to be a reduction of about sixteen |i, ,.\w or Dr, G. L. McKay, of Tor {adequate for preaching purposes, million pounds in naval expenditures, | o,,, are building a new church, and land Sunday School work including those covered by the BC hone to make the opening event a| A new church is to be buiit, cepted proposals of the Washington | ;,.,i16, celebration, | Mr. MacLeod, who has addressed armament conference, as againsg| i | congregations on many RIGA twenty-three million recommended | let me quote what Dr. McKay says i since ue Can BUS Tevor by the Economy Committee. {about the Bang-Kah city. "Atl every| ed nis als | Ul ot ! | "ee visit, when passing through the nix ARE py or Rigen Of course there are differences of [streets we are maligned, jeered at, lthe present Soper unity through hi opinion on the matter of naval redue-|and abused. Hundreds ®f children | ages obi tha Refornor.. ol fetting tion 'but Britain is determined to live run ahead, yelling with derisive | P readors know that he is eying up to the principles of which sheishouts, other fellows pelting us with | 0 Le 00 0 Fee (00 organ subscribed at Washington. At thelorange peels, mud and rotten eggs. | =o a hall tor the atirons If same time there is a feeling over |For hatred to foreigners, for pride, anv Oho interested in the Formosa there that the Dominions are not swaggering ignorance and conceit, should this and wish to welp playing the game in respect to their {for pguperstition, hangthy, double- please forward. contrib ations how. share of the still staggering naval faced wickedness, Bang-Kah takes | 0 small. to Mr. Maclwod=47 Rit- burden. Lord Lee, First Lord of [the palm." tion road woith i to i a tov. the Admirality, gave expression Lo} Tho first church a laco. Yale | this view in an address in which he) | recalled that the Imperial Conference! had agréed that the maintainance of | | the Empire navy was the common | New Way to Make (Continued on page 12). Jams and Jellies question of immigration from the lat- ter country was the only thing that saved the House from placing itself on record as against such a class of immigration altogether. Frankly there is a very strong feeling against the Japanese in the West. All along the Pacific coast of this continent they are making a foothold. As most people know they are an aggressive race. In the language of one com- mentator they do not "walk softly" They have acquired much land, fish- ing rights, and concessions, lumber leases and business, and in other ways are planting themselves as a race that has come to stay and to have a large part in the affairs of the coun- try. No one pretends that it 1s pos- sible to assimilate them, British and Oriental stock do not do that, If they were of the races that readily coalesce with those which laid the foundations of this country and are its chief peoples so to speak, there would be no problem. But when one finds the Canadian Minister of Im- migration himself admitting that ex- isting conditions are a menace to white supremacy on the Pacific Coast, there is reason for apprehension in all parts of Canada. What is a dan- ger Lo one of our provinces is of im- bark. J know that last one, any- how." "Well, may continue for some time without altering the faet. LJ * At a time when Canada is looking for the expansion of her trade abroad | anfl especially with sister Dominions, itis curious to note that the recent!y revised Australian tariff confines the preference to Great Britian alone, This follows the line of previous legis- lation but there had heen a confident impression that ap alteration was te be made and that an Empire prefe:r- ence was on the way, - New Zealand has also lately had a tariff revision. In this preference was given to ail British Dominions. Subsequently this was withdrawn in so far as it applied to Australia pending nego- tiations for reciprocity between the two. These have now heen complet- ed and await the sanction of the re- spective Parliaments. - LJ it, that rabbit boy was lost in the woods. Yes, just as tr I'm telling you, Sammie was ing forest, and he didn't know which way to go to get to his home! He hopped first this way and then that, until he was all tangled up, study | well, if 1 can't find my own bur- BOE | vow house maybe I can find where | Uncle Wiggily lives," thought Sam- mie, as he gave a big jump, thinking he heard a Fox in the bushés, But it=was only a black crow Mr. hege * Same (Continued on page 12) it would be good for you to know all the trees," said- Uncle Wiggily. "We rabbits have to eat tree hark very often It is well to {know the trees." 'Pooh! I don't think Sammie, "Im not going [this old lesson, anyhow I'm to look at my picture book!" Aud though Susie told her brother he'd better study, and though Uncle Wiggily said it was not hard for a rabbit boy to learn the different | | kinds of trees, Sammie would not listen, so!" said to built with a of the high- "Please, Crow," - Rev. I _ " occa reached ICan Save You 36% Days a Year You know from laborious experience that you spend at least an average of one hour a day in pumping water for use about your farm, Stop losing this valuable time. Save your strength. Instal a Toronto Windmill and see how quickly it will pay for itself, Toronto Windmills are quiet, efficient workers. Cost nothing to run. Require practically no atten- tion outside an occasional oiling, And when linked up with a Toronto Pump and Toronto Water System, a Toronto Windmill will give you a city water service right on your farm. H. J. OGDEN --Oshawa, Ont. # . Spain is in the limelight again with a resumption of the interminable war in Morocco. This time there have 'been considerable Spanish successes. There does not seem to be any Brit ish rg4ised legion with the Spaniards now. Adventurous spirits who served in the great war and still sought for gee or my was ruined by mingle Yotely The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.60 ; double room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, b0c. to 76e. Luncheon, 65¢. Dinner, $1.00. Free taxi service from trains and boats. Take Black and White Taxis only. Write for booklet 240 JARVIS STREET TORONTO, ONT. A VACANT SENATORSHIP GH COR i HAN | Si. John ndard RETURNS NOT COMPLETE Owing to the fact that in three] churches, the Baptist, St. Gregory's | land the Christian church, a collee-| 204 {tion was not taken up for the hos- {pital last Sunday, but will be next| |Sunday, the complete returns from | Honpital.Sunday are not available! [tural principal $s is, thar will Ottawa The new methoa of making james | C28 the ong jellies is rapidly replacing the | Bathered together has du old-time, wasteful, haphazard ways, [ing the lust few d This new scientific method results | DY in perfect dams aud jellics from ai |each of -- ---- . fruits --gives 50% more jam or jelly | that and he alone p from the same amount of fruit man "to fill the \ > ' UB com > i linfinitely more delicious guality du I 3 ; irant The motor accident reeord indi-| Ir dich 4 S quality due Not only have aspiran « » rots o 4 5 origin: cates that there are too many speed (0 yor Jelalninz or al) the original trails on the highways and not he oF an 4% oro) the fruit which enough in the courts.--New York!'® ordinarily destroyed by Tribune | boiling and great saving | Canon Doyle says that spirits maj fuel and Hime Beciuse these v letters and telegrams he has received ry. but don't have children. He is lade and jellies require ly jams ins [from his fellow provincials, cath on {mistaking New York for heaven, as|OBly one minute-of boiling with alll 0 iine forward the elaims the {all fictionists do.--Washington P ost. | the guess work eliminated. particular aspirant whom he she | When it comes time to beat the| These results are revolutiohary, |favors. On T afterndbm there | {rugs, father agrees that short skirts of course, and they are attained by |was, we are rmed, a regular | give freedom of movement.--Mus-|a geientific discovery, but that does! parade the Parliament |kegon, Mich., Chornicle. not mean that they are difficult. On [Buildings Rideau Club | Miss Agnes McPhail's comparative (the contrary---they are being per- |New headed Hon |silence at Ottawa is a subject of puz- formed every day in the home with | Mr Walter Foster. | zled comment. Perhaps the lady isla fraction of the effort and skill re- waiting for the chance of the last|guired by the old highly wasteful | word .----Hamilton Herald. methods. The new way is as easy | It is well to remember. however, as A.B.C. By following the Simplest | SHILOH STOPS [that the only girls who leap from rules the most inexperienced house- ; strangers' automobiles are those Who wife can produce perfect jams and | THAT COUGH of in the | I"'or grown-ups. or children. Safe, lclimb in.-- Rochester Times-Union. jellies of quality unheard ! home and impossible to attain by the | J sure and efficient. Small dose - old wasteful, laborious methods. means scolomy, und does Hoty {One simply asks at the grocers for| § 39c, 6oc and $1.20. 4 {Certo and then follows the direc- | "A" NEARLY {tions. That is all. KILLED HR What is Certo? It is pectin, anit} Brew This Fine pectin is one of the elements Nature | | Be | Spring Tonle Yoursel | | makes jelly'":jell." Science has found | Brew a cup of this gentle and effec- |a way to concentrate the pectin from | tive remedy and take it before going "I was so weak that I [pure fruits so that it is available in| tobed. three times a week, for a while. . . had lost interest in " 'handy liquid form. Certo is a pure | fruit product ord free from eV! {preservative or atine. It is as . It will purify the blood, make you feel vigorous and healthy at a eost of natural as the fruit itself and being {a natural pure fruit product it makes | wholesome jellies and jams. only a few cents. Give it to the chil- dren, too. Al druggists have Celery King, large , 30¢ and 60c. heen invaded numberl Brunswieke 136 DC unr rinly coavine 1 d he i= the righ vacant Big Holiday Specials'! 10 doz: only Boys' Scout Shirts, reg. $1.50 Men's Sailor Straw Hats, regular $2.75 Men's pure White Silk Shirts, reg. $7.50 Men's Jap. Silk Striped Shirts, reg. $6.95 5 dozen only Pongee Silk Shirts with collars to match Senatorship. | heen there in person, but the New Brunswick |representative in the Government 100g | 1 he Hon. A. B. Copp. has heen liter of any snowed under by the bushels of | mod .. $1.00 $1.69 $5.00 $4.95 of regular $5.50 ERE .... $3.95 Young men's Blue-pin-stripe Suits, regular $37.50 __.. $28.00 Men's Grey Worsted and Navy Blue Indigo Dye, reg. $28.00 visits desea 319,50 Men's Balbriggan Combinations, regular $1.50 . 98¢ Men's 2-piece Balbriggan Underwear, reg. 75c, per gar't 59¢ Men's heavy work Trousers, regular $2.75 ..... : .. $1.50 Men's fine oxfords square and pointy toe, reg $6.95 $4.95 Men's Black Sox, reg. 25¢, to clear at per pair Men's fine Shirts to clear at .................. .. .... 100 pair Boys' Boots, all sizes, to clear at Boys' Wash Suits, all shades, to clear at 1esd int hetween and the Irunswickers, Copp and Hon y Ol by | il I ij) FTN v/, I (PW Also other specials in boys' Overalls, Blouses, Jerseys, etc. - Be sure and come to these specials as they are ofily until May 25th. Store open Tuesday till 12 p.m. Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Known as Old Oshawa House Phone 1151-) Com in and examine it when you are in town. 1) We can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence any» - 208 J. V. HILL, Oshawa, Ontario HOGG & LYTLE, Limited ~ Farmers, Attention! We kave a fresh supply of choice Seed Grain of the following varieties just arrived. TWO-ROWED BARLEY, SIX-ROWED BARLEY, MARQUIS WHEAT, ABUND- ANCE OATS and BANNER OATS. Complete lines of CLOVER and TIMOTHY always in stock. BRAN, SHORTS, GROUND FEED, OIL CAKE, COTTON SEED MEAL and etc., at lowest market prices. Complete line of Garden Seeds, including NEW BRUNSWICK GROWN IRISH COBBLER POTATOES, Government Inspected. : Because Mrs. MeGregor let her- self become in down, yesd what ha, ~*Like a great man ot gmt who got the "i" a ears ago,"'she writes," it left , run down eondi- bring back y energy. I was tired all the time, Llad no appetite. yer um, y. 1 had pains all ov y aa: Pectin is found in all fruits, but the quantity present varies with diff erent fruits and with different de- {grees of ripeness. Those that have the proper amount will naturally make better jelly than those that are lacking, but the house-wife has no means of telling the amount of pectin present in the fruit she is go- ing to use. The. use of Certo over- comes this uncertainity by supplying the necessary pectin, enabling jam and jelly to be made with one or two minutes boiling and thus eliminating all chances of spoiling your frait | MACDOD -=e [= MACDONALD Cigarettes NALD'S Certo, used along with the requir- od amount of sugar, will make de licious jelly, with fruit juices you wilt get wonderful flavor and color undreamed of by the use of the old, wasteful methods. You can use the juice of any fruit you like and make sparkling jelly with the natural color and the fall richness of flavor of the fruit." You can also make jams with all fruits and the flavor will be fruit fiavor, and mot that concentrated sugar taste so noticeable im many home-made jams. : THE BOLSHEVIK WAY Detroit Free Press:--ALenine "de- mands" loan and seems in a fair way to get it. Most 'of us have to put it in the form of a request and fre-| quently den't get it. Like to have that Bolshevik formula. PHONE 203. USE IT. HOGG & LYTLE, Limited it may yet be the proud boast of Russians that their country was ablg to survive the plague of famine and the plague of Bodshevism, both oper- ating concurrently --Hamilton Her- Wm. BH. Karn, Oshawa, Ont." ald,