Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 4 May 1922, p. 1

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(8 x 4 The Onkario Reformer i/ VOLUME 51--No, 14 Tuesday, 4 Thursday and JSoturdn [; , Ont, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1922 Yearly Subscription $3.00 Slagle Copies § Cents © + Second Section--Pages 9 to 14. WHEN'S COUNCIL REPLY 0 GRITICS \ Desire To Co-operate With the i Town Fathers And Not To Censure A reply from the Local Council of Women to the cFiticism of Coun, (A, W. Brown in connection with a esolutien passed by the ladles deal- Ng with the town's treatment of the foreign born, was reasa at the Town | Council Monday night and was the Subject of considerable discussion, during which the general opinion was that the desire of the ladies in this connection, as in many other lo- cal affairs, was not to criticize but co-operate, Cae What Ladies Say The letter from the Local Coun- ell, signed by the President, Mrs. R. iS. McLaughlin and the aciing secie- tary, Mrs, Bull, set forth that the Council was surprised at the stand taken by Coun, Brown, and other ¢ | i | t 1s Your Child members of the Council, since it was on the strengtn ot representa- tions made to the president regarding conditions among the foreigners, and asking for the co-operation of the women, that the resolution was drawn up and sent to the Town Council. The letter stated that the president was called on the tele- phone by Coun, Brown and after a lengthy discussion, in which he des- cribed din detail conditions in the foreign cection of the town he asked for the co-operation of the Local Council, When the president brought the matter up before the Executive, every member expressed the opinion that it was beyond the sphere of the, Local Council, but in order to comply with Coun, Brown's request, and to show willingness to co-operate, the matter was put be- fore the general meeting and' the resolution sent to the Council. With regard to the employment of white girls in Chinese restaurants, it was contended in the letter that the Council had power to control same, and in connection with this matter the attenticn of a member of the Council was asked to section 417, sub section 4, of the Ontario Statutes, for further confirmation of the 'Council's position. "Regret was expressed that the resolution sent to the Town Coungil ,was misunder- stood, and that a wrong impression was created. Still Claims Irzerierence In the discussion that followed the reading of the letter from the | Starved Not only children of poor, | but children of well-to-do I parents, suffer from malnu- i trition, The latter often suffer most because more daintily fed. Children given Roman Meal porridge for breakfast get a properly balanced food -- exactly what Nature needs to nourish the body, And it is delicious and economical, {ONE SERVING '- ONE CENT Get a package to-day at your grocer's ladies Coun. Brown admitted the conversation over the telephone re- ferred to but claimed that he did not say anything that wopld cause the! Council to censure the Town Council in connection with its work among | owned the foreigners. The resolution ask- foreigners, that the Council was too hard on them. He would like to give the ladies half a day with him so that they might see counGitions as they really are. Was the town to spend money to educate people who did not want to be educated in our ways. and for whom the town has already paid thousands He would sdy no. The average for- eigner was too keen and crafty beg- ging in the winter for work and re- fusing to work in the summer. Coun. Brown stated that the town paid a nurse $1500 a year practie- ally to work among the foreign born, and if conditions did not improve might have to pay another one. Coun. Brown deplored the exisfence in Oshawa of so maay commissions, stating that it was getting near like living in Germany instead of Osh- awa. Persopally he was trying to give his best service so the town and he felt that other 'members of the Council were doing likewise. 4 A Different Spirit Hawkes took issue Coun. with (Continued on page 12) { --- OSHAWA KIDDIES ENJOYING THEMSELVES (ERY £2 BE of LATRARY "= A "recommendation SKATING CHAMPIO in hospital bills?:|in an afternoon and three times a week, making railway jour- neys and her staying ability is that she trains the whole year round on a bicycle. that the prepare a proper town plan, time, that after looking over the ground they were of the opinion that Mr. Haley has no claim for damages against the town, It was recommend- ed that the town Solicitor he author- ized to write Mr, Haley to hat effect, The report was adopted. wis adopted that Engineer Smith be paid $60 per month for the use of his car, part to he borne hy the Water Commission and part by the town, It is under- stood that Mr. Smith is to supply all gas and keep the car in repair. It was decided that the town en- gineer arrange his work as far as possible so that he can be in his of- fice from 11 to 12 a.m, and from 4 to 5H p.m. A recommendation . was adopted engineer be instructed to ONTARIO'S PUBLIC OWNERSHIP Toronto Globe--A writer in the Hamiltoy Spectator compares the cost of électric power to the consume er in Ontarie and Quebec, taking fifteen Quebec cities and towns with an aggregate population of 968,000, and an equal number in Ontario with a population of 891,000. The conclusion is that the Quebec con- sumer pays more than twice as much as his Ontario neighbor. This is a comparison between private and public ownership and operation, THE NEW POPE Hamilton Herald--The new Pope is sald to be doing all in his power to help make the Genoa conference a success. According to Mr. J. 1. Garvin, of the London Ohserver, who is in Genoa, Pius XI. is "the strong- est and ablest man who has sat in the chair of St. Peter for mony years," and his influence is very marked to those on the inside of the proceedings. GRISI COMMENT Horse sense will restore stable conditions.--Asheville Times, = The early bird gets the space to park his flivver.--Toledo Blade. Many are called, but the operator seldom gets the right number,--Life, Who realize that we don't under- stand everything is understanding, ----Atchison Globe, We can't wipe out taxes, hut we are not sure they can't wipe us out, --Greenville Piedmont, Don't blame a man for filling a hankruptey petition--he is simply making the best of a had jobh,--Life, A wise girl doesn't think herself an angel just hecange some man tells her she is,--Toronto Telegram, A crowd of youngsters gathered at J, ago to secure A GREAT CYCLIST Gladys Robinson Keeps Herself in Condition by Wheeling in Summer Gladys Robinson of Toronto is re- as a speed skater, her ! d achievements consisting of the win- yl for more sympathy towards the| ,;, inferring as he took iil onic for of pumerous women in championship 'both Canada and the United Statey and of the making of various wq on people have marvelled at the ease in which she wins the many races and at her power of endurance. a season she compeied several times en's records both sides of the line. Many During or four One for between appearance. probably the chief reason When Miss Robinson is not train- ing on her skates, she is taking exer- cise with the aid of her bieyele. makes finds that cycling is a very pleasant way in which to exercise and train. She great deal and not oniy does she ob- tain much beneficial ozone but sees the scenery of the countryside. She long rides particularly and gets out into the open air a P. J. Mulqueen of Toronto, chair- man of the Ontario Athletic and Box- ing Commission, has told JAContinued ou page 11) many a share of the free ice cream cones being given away. Welsh's store, King 8t., a few days TOWN TO BUY LAND OF A. WILKINSON Offer $1,500--Council Will Ex. propriate Property If This Is Rejected It Mohammed will not come to the mountain, the monntain will go to to Mohammed. This was the at- titude adopted by the Town Council last night towards Mr. Arthur Wil kinson, when it was decided to make! him an offer of $1,500 for the pur-| chase of his land south of the C.P.R.! tracks and East of the Ritson Road, | the money to be payment in full for all damages to date. If Mr. Wilkin- son refuses to accept this offer the town solicitor is to proceed to acquire! the lands by expropriation. In introducing the recommendation Chairman Trick, of the Board of Works. explained that this matter had been hanging 'fire for three vears, during which time the town had endeavored to negotiate a satis- factory settlement with Mr. Wilkin- son for damages alleged caused by a storm sewer emptying on his pro- perty. It was time the matter was settled and if Mr. Wilkinson werc not prepared to accept the offer, which he considered a big price, expropriation was the only remedy. The Board reported that in the matter of the claim of Jerry Haley for damages against the town, which has also been banging fire for some ror ia ti A dit At thei et titi A lh 2 ttl L Always Good Every time you buy "SURPRISE" you get a big, bright, solid bar of the highest grade household soap. We Have At Last Secured The Agency For THE WEST OF ENGLAND TAILORING CO. and in order to emphasize the great values of these famous suits and overcoats, we are having an ex- 'pert tailor and designer from the Head Office in Toronto come to our store and give his personal services on Friday and Saturday, May 5th - 6th BLUE SERGE GREY SERGE BROWN SERGE ENGLISH WORSTEDS SCOTCH TWEEDS Just Imported direct from the mills ~ Order Now For May 24th. Also fine grades of During This Visit We Make This Extraordinary Offer SUIT or OVERCOAT 200 Made To Yow Individual Measure $30to $35 Don't forget the date-FRIDAY & SATURDAY wxeesw. DOMINION CLOTHING Whe The West of England Tailors are the greatest in Canada. The West of England Tailoring Co. are the leading tailoring house in Canada. They import materials direct from the English and Scotch mills and make them up in their own tailoring Apis 86.58 Kictuind Si. Wen, Yount, Those ate mo widens est of England Tailoring Co.'s clothes. You really get values are unguestionably Every Garment is Absoluteley Guaranteed Phone - 1151) Oshawa

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