Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 18 Apr 1922, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 2 Sr -- News of Nearby Places EBENEZER Pleased to report Mr, Horace Han- cock is improving after an attack of blood poisoning, Mrs, Acy Penfound is visiting with relatives in Toronto. Spring seeding has commenced In these localities and fall wheat has wintered well, Mr, Arthur Pascoe has put Ped- lar roofing on his barn. The Maple Grove young people presented their play, "1 Can't Afford It" here on Thursday evening, un- der the auspices of the Mission Cir- cle, Proceeds were $38, Mrs, John Hawkshaw, Oshawa, is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Bickle, At the monthly meeting of the W. M. 8, Miss Louise Osborne was appointed delegate to Branch Meet: ing at Belleville, to be held in June, The annual election of officers for the W, M, 8. for the coming year resulted as follows: President, Mrs, W. R. Courtice; 1st Viece-Pres., Miss Muriel Penfound; 2nd vice-pres,, R. C. Pearce; 3rd vice-pres,, Mrs. F. W. Rundle; secretary, Mrs. A, J, Gay; corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. J, Courtice; treasurer, Miss Hattie Osborne; pianist, Miss Louise Osborne; strangers secretary, Miss Aura Osborne; superintendent of systematic giving, Mrs, Dennison; superintendent of Mission Circle, Mrs. A. E. Rundle; superintendent of Little Light Bearers, Mrs. 'H. F, Osborne. Miss Elsie Oke and Mr. Cyril Wey- rich both underwent operations for the removal of tonsils and adenoids in Bowmanville Hospital last week and are improving nicely. Mr, and Mrs, T. C. Oke spent the holiday with Ebenezer relatives. Mr, George Gore visited with Osh- awa friends on Friday last. KEDRON Sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm. Der- 'by had the misfortune to fall and break her arm on Sunday, April 9th, while she and her father, Mr, John Lee were visiting at the home of Mr. Thos, Snowden's, Maple Grove. It is to be hoped the injuries were not serious and that she will soon have the use of her arm again. We are pleased to report a slight improvement in the physical eondi- tion of Mrs. Wm. Batty, who has been eritically ill. Miss Dorothy McGregor returned home from Port Hope last week, and is now nursing at the Oshawa Gen~ eral Hospital. The Kedron Mutual Benefit So- ciety concert which was to have been given on the evening of March 31, and owing to a rainy night had to be postponed, will now be held on Wed- nesday evening, April 19th. AX splen- did program consisting of dialogues, solos and other numbers will be given Ly local talent, assisted 'by elocutionists from Oshawa. Mr. Chas. Fox, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at John Lee's. Miss Gordon, of Myrtle, was the guest of Miss Florence Luke for over the week-end, Miss Marjorie McGregor, who esl derwent a serious operation for ap- pendicitis at the General Hospital, | Port Hope. about two months ago, | was able to be motored home on Saturday, and is convalescing. Mr. Frank Lee, Ottawa, and Mr. | and Mrs. A. R. Scott. of Bowman- | ville, were Easter guests of F. W. Lees'. | Miss Olive Luke, of Toronto, spent | Easter at her home here. We are sorry to report that Mr. Edgar Glover has the flu, Mr. 8S. E. Werry, of Solina, and Miss Nora Werry, of St. Catharines, are visitors at R. J. Luke's. Miss Florence Luke and Miss Gor- | don left on Monday to spend the| Easter holidays in Toronto. | Glad to see Miss Beatrice Mount- | joy out around again. Mrs. Eli Osborne and Miss Aura, of Ebenezer, were the guests at] Jesse Arnott's, on Thursday after- noon last. Little Miss Bernice Ar- nott accompanied them Mite and is spending a few days with r grand- mother. -- - w-- " If your hair is falling out, pre- maturely gray, brittle, lifeless and full of dandruff, quick action must be taken to save it. Get from any drug or toilet coun- else so simple, safe and effective. "Befo re going to bed I rub a little Parisan Sage into my scalp," sars a women whose luxurious, soft and | visiting his sou, Mr. A. Harpel. BRADLEY'S Mrs. M, Dewell is under the doe- tor's care. Miss Florence Walkington attend- ed her cousin's funeral in Toronto on Monday. i Mrs, Arthur Martin has been vis. iting her mother, Glad to hear that Mrs, Byron Nes- bitt is improving, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Frank Ashton, It's a son, Mr. Elgin Taylor is able to be out again. Master Russel Hardy has been k. Miss Kate Oryderman was taken vy surprise last Saturday evening when the young people of the Sev- anth Line celebrated her birthday. ENFIELD Mrs. Frank Gilbert entertained her Sunday School class, "The Mer- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1922 ~* SPLENDID TURNOUT LACROSSE PLAYERS If there were any doubts in the minds of Oshawa lacrosse followers as to the amount of material avail- able for both junior and juvenile teams, the number of lads who turned up at Alexandra Park last evening more then satisfied thelr misgivings. Nearly thirty beys participated in the initial workout of the season and manager Lovegrove is most enthusi- astie over the prospects of being able to select two strong aggregations to represent this town in the O.A L.A, Manager Lovegrove wishes to an- nounce that a large supply of sticks has been received and every eligible player who wishes to come out to practises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings will be welcome, Last night's practise was most grati- fying to the manager who feels sure he has some fine materiul to develop. The boys will get down to work in earnest from now on and rapid pro- gress is anticipated. Leaside (Continued fron page H) | { liberal support, success Is assured The letter received fs as follows: Durant Motor Inc, 1819 Broadway, New York, April 11th, 1922, Mr. George KE, Peacock, Vice Pres. Leaside Athletic Leaslde, Ontario. My dear Mr. Peacock: 1 beg to acknowledge your favor of March 23rd, in which you inform me that I have been appointed one of the Honorary Presidents of the Lea- side Athletic Association. which privilege is deeply appreciated, I note with interest the plans in mind for future development of uth- leties and the promotion of a hetter understanding among the men, and I most heartily endorse your activi- ties, 2 Enclosed find my check for $1,000, payable to Mr. J. Brennan, Treasurer of the Association, which i send with Assn, -- vn ------ ve? mtr 4 ited success of the undertaking. Yours very sincerely (Signed) W, ¢, Durant, President, 'Mr. Peacock wag in Oshawa over the week end and in speaking of the baseball situation in Leaside sald: "Things are shaping up fine and we will have "just a real good ball team to put in the field against Osh- wit on May 20." Shooters (Continued from close second with 32, Class A and B prizes were silver berry spoons and umbrellas, Class C prizes wers uo thermos bottle and a cartridge holder. \ The sweepstake was hotly cdn- tested, also the auction shoot, M. Gay, T. Miller and W, 8. Williams, of Whithy, each broke 22 birds out of 25, A, Maynard, D. 8. P. Williams cach broke 21. R. Gay broke 20. In the auction shoot page 5) of 26 birds W. Worth hit 22 while (J. my very best wishes for an unlim- McKay and Tylor each broke 21, In McKay and!) the shoot-off for the best out of 12, A, Maynard .. score while | 8. Brooks Following { M. Gay |G. Conant . Gay McKay had a Tylor had two are the scores: Class Shoot A. Maynard ., .. 8. Brooks .. M, Gay NE 4. D. Conant .. R. Gay .. .. J. McCaffrey KF. Worden T. Miller .. D. McKay .. .. R. Flintoff W. Waddell Jno. Knox C, Layton \. D, Stewart ,., G, Freise ., . Nicholls .. . Penfound . Giffillan Hardacker . Rowden Whattam ., v. Felt fixity) pti i iti Sweep (25 birds) L. Whattam .. . Tamplin perfect INisses, (50 birds) LAME sy T. Miller... McKay . Stewart . Flintoff Freise rong... Tylor .. Vs Ta) IS . Conant "ay T. Miller .. . ayy, A Worden = Flintoff ., Knox... . 8. Williams... S. P. Willlams . . y. Davey. .. . a Gia lit Ey T. B. Mothersill ,., .. Auction She PF WOrEN: yy ee iy . Tamplin .. LTROWAR ». 2 ei as a . Maynard .. Brooks He vs EB NR MeRay .. .. + oviesse CR IS = BS = 10 S LD RD hh ELS 1D 0 31D de =d 10 2 BO mt $n pt pt a BD AE -- 00 XE WTS --- « @ ry Maids," on Saturday, the 8th, The afternoon was spent in games. A dainty tea was served, and all report a pleasant time spent, Mrs, yon Hepburn visited at Mr, Harry James', Columbus, Miss Ruby Smith spent the week- end with Miss Dorothy Pascoe, Spring house cleaning is the topic »f interest with the ladies these days. report of 8. 8. 15, Enfield, for Easter term: Figures indicate per- centage--Honours 75 per cent, pass 60 per cent,:--- Jr. 1V.--Marion Simpson, 76; Lloyd Ferguson, 70; Helen Pascoe, 70; Merle Ashton, 55. Sr, 11L.--Herb, Ashton, 61, Jr. 11I.--Harold Cochrane, 64. Sr. II.--Norman Stinson, 76; El- va Ferguson, 73; Verna Ormiston, 57; Amy Ashton, 56. Jr. 11.-----Bessie Pascoe, 83; Evelyn Stinson, 75; Grace Niddery, 64; Dave Gatchell, 48. Sr. 1.--Carl Bradley, 87; Leslie Cochrane, 73, | Sr. Pr.--Ivan Cochrane, 87; Nor- man Niddery, 77; Johnnie Ashton, | 66. ( Jr. Pr.--Clarence Bradley, 70. LYDA I. TAYLOR, Teacher. "BETHESDA Awaken! Awaken! The Easter- tide is here. Easter is the crown- ing day of Love, and if its cheery lovebeams within our hearts abide, our hearts will be the sweeter for every Eastertide. Pastor Wickett delivered one of his excellent discourses here on Sab- bath to an appreciative audience, The Adult Class, under leadership of Miss Florence Werry, arranged a Bible Contest, Friday, April 7th, Fifty-one questions were handed to members two weeks ago. Messrs. Floyd Dudley and Douglas Cole act- ed as captains. Mr. J. R. R. Cole gave out questions in form of spel- ling match. Two much cannot be said in favor of this sort of enter- tainment. Everyone must study his Bible. Pop corn, candy, cake and sandwiches were provided by ' social committee. TYRONE Miss Westington has returned to her hate in Plainville, Mr. Worden is improving in health Mr. Colville Evaas, Yelverton, visited his cousin, Nrs. A. W. An- nis and called on other friends. Mrs. Werry and Miss Alma Werry | Enniskillen, spent a day with Miss] Eva Wenry. { Mrs. Levi Aunis, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Annis and Ada, Ebenezer, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Anais. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry, visited Mr. Sherwood Rundle. Bowmanville, | on Sunday. Miss Irene Werry came from Oshawa and joined them there, Dr. B. J. Hazelwood was in our village yesterday sporting a splen-| did new McLaughlin 3 | { CEDAR DALE Nr. Wm. Henderson and Mrs. A. Harpel have returned home from! Kingston after attending the funeral | of their brother, Fred Henderson. | Mr. H A. Harpel, of Kingston, is Miss Violet Walling spent Easter at her home in Lindsay. | Miss Winnie Jones is visiting at) her home in Port Grauby. ! Miss Nellie Hannah spent ol week-end in Toronto. Mr. Sullivan and little daughter, | Audrey, spent the week-end at! Lindsay. Miss Isa McDonald spent the week; end with friends in Toronto. { Nr. and Nrs. Waiter Smith and family are visiting Mrs. O'Brien, in Toronto. \ Miss Gertie Gillard spent the holi-| days in Toroute. { Mr. Sargeant has purchased Ms. | Joba Shemilt's house on the Base Line. ' Mr. Roy Bennet, of Oshawa, will: | preach in the Cound next Sunday You Need Strength and TANLAC wt oe Great A: = FREE ob mal Jungleland Moving Pictures right in your home today, tomorrow, for weeks to come--FREE to Every Family! _Jungleland Jass Boys will tickle little folks and big folks most to pieces! They're the cleverest, funniest outfit that ever scrambled pell-mell into Canada--all FREE! Every Jungleland Show is yours to boss to your heart's content! A performance every time you want it-- from breakfast till the good-night- lights-go-out! A wonder-fun-feast that astonishes and delights children; a scream-series of animal antics that will bring bunches of laughter from every member. of your family!! Kellogg's Jungleland Moving Pic- tures are HERE TODAY--ready to hop into your home; ready to turn tricks and stunts; to dress up in un- heard-of jungle-jee-jaws--just to give > and the kiddies the heartiest of un And all free--ALL FREE! -- this Jungleland joy-book of Kellogg's-- the cleverest, happiest. most enter- taining animal aggregation ever heard of. yell el aR i that is a marvel as a side-splitter! It would cost 50 cents to buy it at any store! Kellogg's Jungleland Moving Pic- tures are right here in town to tell you the joys of eating 's "WAX- TITE" Com Flakes! A band of happy. light-hearted junglefolk who come ~directly into your home with a big and Alise makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN. cosked and keumiblod 2% 'week started righ to every famil glad -package of KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" Corn Flakes! Get KELLOGG'S from the nearest gro- cery store and you get KELLOGG'S Jungleland Movies--FREE! Jungle- land is-inside the "Waxtite" wrapper. You can't get Jungieland without get- ting KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" Corn Flakes! QUICK to the grocer's at the break of day! QUICK as the doors swing open say "KELLOGG'S 'WAXTITE' Corn Flakes with the Jungleland Moving Pictures!" And, you'll get the big "WAXTITE" package that holds the most delicious Corn Flakes any boy or girl or big folks ever ate! KELLOGGS ARE NEVER LEATHERY! Never hard to eat! Millions of children refuse the tough, leathery imitations! And you won't wonder--once you know the marvel- ous flavor and cri iness of KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" CORN FLAKES. GET busy mighty, mighty EARLY! Get KELLOGG'S I ARTITE Co Flakes and Jungleland and get the 3 t! Have big bowls filled brimful of KELLOGG'S sunny- brown Corn Flakes for breakiast--all crispy and crunchy and all-the-time joyously good! KELLOGG'S "WAX- TITE" are the ORIGINAL Com Flakes: they ought to be best! BE Quick! Get your package EARLY, for today is KELLOGG'S JUNGLELAND DAY! WAXTITE, Movies ily! CORN FLAKES

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