Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 18 Apr 1922, p. 3

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0 les 03 5 DAR A oR wl OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1922 PAGE THREE tOnly Change Of I Oshawa and District | HeWorld Conditions Largely attended and very helpful Addressed Sunday School able chairman for the short program and inspiring services were held] Mr, L. Fowke, ex-M.P. for |and entertained those present with his | morning and evening in St. George's! : 1 | South Ontario, addressed the Sun-|own splendid readings. Mrinted song|Church, Centre Street, on Good | ho ' day School of St. George's Church [sheets were then distributed and i | Friday. The special speaker for the on Sunday afternoon. most enjoyable hour spent in com- | day was Venerable Archdeacon War- K -------- munity singing, led by Mr. Petley. ven, a distinguished English Church . Consolidated School . After an hour of jolly and lively | clergyman, of Toronto, Both dis- A lot of five.acres of land has|8ames, refreshments were served courses were eloquent and approp- been purchased at Brooklin, in the and iid voted this the most enjoyable |riate to the close of the Lenten DNESDAY N northwest corner of the village, for |€vening spent at the Mission this |8eason. In his morning address, | i a eonsolidated school jini ud After | Winter, {Archdeacon Warren endeavored to) STORE CLOSED WE OON at 12.30 a long campaign it looks now as ee | point out a practica remedy and sol- though five school sections will unite . 4 {ution of the difficult problems which in the new project. Junior Red Cross Formed confront the world to-day. Perhaps, nowhere Five Junior Red Cross Auxiliar-| Men to-day were looking around Se 3 ' is v1 io wi WEDNESDAY - 3 ies have been organized at King St, ! for a solution of the world's prob- J yo Mi I" Ontario will you Unique Event at So, Oshawa League. | Public School, The object of such Jems legislators were looking for 3 \ find such a supply Monday night was Missionary |is to stimulate interest in good | trade unions were searching for |} ¢ of this most useful MORNING night at the South Oshawa League. | health and good citizenship. db hut they were finding it impos- The topic, "Missionary Work in|members of these Auxiliaries made | sible to reach a solution of life hy 'a : goods, They are Africa," was. taken hy Miss Hazel |a splendid Easter offering of $27.36, formula, the speaker declared, Noth- ik a scarcity on the McMullen, Mrs, Sharpe' and Mrs, [to help buy food for the starving | Ing wounldwghange the world but a 53) Moffatt rendered much appreciated | children in Russia reports the prin-| change of heart. There was some- A, market. By care- solos, The unique event of this|cipal, Miss J, W. Garrow. The money | thing about life which was consider- 7 ful management meeting was the prize given for a |is being turned over to the local | ed to he wrong. Men were every- 4 VE od contest which has been running for | committee to be forwarded, [where confessing that matters were C we have secure some time, League members pledg- Inot as they should be. He made | ' Wade : 1 both quantity and Curtain Nets, Regular up ed themselves to earn one dollar for -- !reference to the terrible conditions EE J N li hat § to The vd Missions--a prize to be given for the | premier Presentation [in Ireland to-day, the unsettled state I ap ETD ? ha quality that is not 0 {ac yd, most original manner in whieh the bo es 4 ' lof Russia and the Genoa Conference, | \ JS ; to be seen else- 49 d dollar was earned. Monday night | teatre goers who attended they) of which were proof of this, | ar, Ah ID "2 i" where Whole- C. y was the close of the contest and Mrs, egent Theatre lust night and en- | Apchdeacon Warren proceeded to | {== PWV KA, po \ : 1 ; 1d will Bickell won the prize. Joyed hearty laughs .while watching sow that the difficulty was sin. He! IR 7 NA DORA << 2 salers would will- t---------- -! the feature picture, "The World's spoke of the sufferings of Christ that | » i \ AREAL NE LY \ WAL. ingly bu them 0 . Young 'Folks Entertained Champion, 7 which Wallace Reid | the world might be Litily emphasiz- | k { : Fo TR Be hack Td us, at Window Blinds, lace trim- On Tuesday evening last the offi-|ing that this was the first time this 0g SOREL Sat uf vie pha] L ' a a 2 EASIRBY ¢ an advance in med, White, Cream and cers and teachers of the South Osh- release had heen shown in Canada, hf not "be able to cast off the : : Spats "price, Green. 3 x 6 awa Sunday School entertained the |Next week it goes to the Regent .hains of sin which were enveloping | : , Youns Foovies classes of the Bune Theatre, Toronte, S50 that Oshawa |ipem, By following Christ, assisting | For one whole week our customers will be able to revel among delightful 98¢c each Ra Str Lynelio- was vl ore Frsldonte are this lime ahead of their | jenp His burdens with His Spirit | fresh and crisp Ginghams. Checks from pin points to half inch size, check \d [and the spirit of saerifice, only would] within checks, in hold canna, bright vellow, vivacious periwinkle against white A @ , - - " {the 'solution of the world to-duy be or ivory grounds, plaids of a fascinating intricacy. Send out a ~~ Get Busy" orp edict which lovers of pretty frocks will not ignore. found. : NOT TOO LATE | Aeproprite Canta / oprat y Choir $1.00 pair If you have not as ye hat Spring Suit, ' JU p Cok oF Bien ven a pring Sut, | Editor The Reformer: MILL ENDS ment. Also a good stock of M Suits, Coat | Dear Edit If you would kind-| and Pants. Suits made kof Men's § yA has | 1y ea Jo Yo i pape : I Ginghams 32" wide and Chambries 36" wide, Plain Blue, Small and Large Women's Summer Vests, anteed or money refunded. Bi 10 CRpIeR A lle 1 ese Check, Pink, Green, Blue, Red and Black. Regular 50c quality. .................... short sleeve and strap SCHWARTZ BARGAIN STORE [Ereal or small way, fo the rendering 33c. yd. shoulder, slight imperfec- 5 i Women's Corsets, excep- tional good quality. Size 18-29 cantata, 136-138 Simcoe St. S. - Phone 725 | which was given at Simcoe Street | 1 tions Church on Good Friday eve g I ' | shall I ly i hax al-| 2 for 49c. ways remember the thrills, and the {thoughts that accomuvanied it. When | we Sut Sia ban, oy Savio Kine ANDERSON'S SCOTCH GINGHAMS Girls' Gingham Dresses, which passion was uppermost, I was The pest to be had. 2 . 3 : ye 8, 10 & 12 years iglad. and I was angry. I was pleas. | The best in quality and the newest in patterns; fast 1ed and I was erying. 1 was happy, colorings. 32" wide ..... Basia sai TARR {and I was guilty of fear, It was a $1.49 | quick march. A THANKFUL OSHAWAITE. REGIMENT LOSES At Alxendra Park. Brooklin and the Reg > clashed in an ex- NEW hibition >, the visitors going Gi h SOMETHING home with the long end of a 4 to 2 ing ams ' score. The score was hy uo means > Organdlie Trimming for Ging- fan Indication of the play. the kha : 20 Pieces British Ginghams in Plaids, Small and Medium Checks; a fine soft ham Dresses. The daintiest clad men scoring the first. goal ane } li . . | ; cellent qualit as z 2 and playing a superior brand of finish; an excellent g y SBC, yd Trimming that we have yet | soccer or. oe real. J part of the 35 Pieces New Gingbams in all the very latest Small, Medium and Large Checks been | able { contest, 1e count at half time was . . . . 4 to show to 1 for Brooklin but ihe lovals and beautiful Plaid effects. A very strong corded weave El {should have had an equal number . A . 8 Ls . {The Jast half was closely contested, . 4 \ ~ Plain Chambries in Blue, Pink, Rose, White and the soldiers securing the only goal, aA y : Grey. Ox Blood, Green and Brown Colors Sgt. Maj. Green did not have all his | Prak - . 37 | regulars out but on their showing he q , J ; . rege highly po, ik oy iB 0] : £ " 3 20c 25¢ The lens sees with you~--the auto- fident when they play a return game | = og LY 19c yd. and da » the score sheet will read differently graphic record remembers g for, || Tho sume vie soo exhibition nd Sy 30c. yd you when you INTERMEDIATE O.A.L.A. TEAM POSSIBLE K : ica an Bh. oda as | oU 0 H It would not be surprising to see - ETE _-- -- - - = ---- --- -- ' an Oshawa team operating in the A | PROMI ING FUTURE PRACTICAL METHODS FOR DE-|musieal classics as they were made music to the Fifeshire educa intermediate series of the 0.A L.A Los Angeles Times: They are go VELOPING MUSIC EDUCATION | familiar with a great deal of good (authority. in conjunction wit $s year despite rumors to the con ing to send pictures by wireless literature they would turn many | head teachers of the towns an . » a There are a number of ex-| First thing we kauow the wireless Various methods are being adopt- thousands of well-informed concert- | lages visited. In severa Our store is so conveniently located that it is a id players in town who are will supply all our contacts with the ed for developing the musical side of goers and admirers of the art of |afternoon performances for pretty sure to be "righton your w ay." Stop offa 2ngious te gat Lolo he kame dgiin Bnjverge. In ; 2 bow thousand Jeurs [education i culture ju : Britain. orchestral igh and this Siew ie aren Yocte Elven, ia_adéition | & $ 58 > sleeps d - © Qe ace oO every n ive specia concerts wi 18d iven ordi y endorsed hy the teachers. 0! ary wening 1 - = few minutes. Te Kodak you want is here. {ganization may be taken shortly. Alfrom grand opera season to a Thu ng for sc Ae children by the Bi el Sori -casaised 9) | few members of last year's team meal {ham City Orchestra during the pre- Another experiment is that which te meen af {have left town for Husiness reasons AN AWFUL WARNING {sent season. and for the purpose of las recently been carried out suc- ta ad Kodaks from $9.00 up but should an intermediate squad! Kincardine Review: When Rev. consultation in regard to these cessfully in Fifeshire. Scotland, The spectacle of bleeding Irelar i" a : | be collected one or two of them | Ben, Spence and his friends journey-| events, Mr. Appleby Matthews. the under the auspices of the Carnegie | was undoubtedly pathetic at ol i Brownies from $2.00 up would gladly return to Oshawa. Or-led to Ottawa to ask for a bone-dry |director and conductor. met the United Kingdom Trust. This consist- | time, but when the bleeding is don ville Ganton. who i= in business up prohibition law for Canada. they |teachers before the series began od of a week's tour of a concert|by those who pretend to be the anly near Aurora, has stated his inten- must have imagined the Cabinet{ Mr. Appelby declared that if. be- party through the rural districts of | friends of Ireland. then the (tion of coming back if intermediate Ministers had forgotten what hap- | fore leaving school. children could that county The tour was orgamn- tacle becomes tiresome, not u Expert Developing and Printing. Bring {lacrosse is decided on. pened to Hearst. be Side Samilior Nth Soran bf ihe ized by PD. C. Walker, director of disgusting. --Roc hester Democrat a ta : -- Yow Films to us and be sure of good EN -- a as sn | m-- ee te - --- Pits I {OHOLCE OF ROUTES 10 W STERN | | JAMES--Suddenly. in Oshawa Hos- i | CANADA {| pital. on Saturday. April 15, 1922, | The Rexall Stores The Canadian National Railway in| Richard David James, brother of | addition to providing wunexcelled| Mrs. Morris. Whiting Ave., Cedar | service between Eastern and Western | Dale, in his 20th year. i-a Jury & Lovell F. W. Thompson jern Canada offers patrons optional iroutes. You may travel westward: IN MEMORIAM via the Port Arthur - Fort William | HEWSOX---in loving memory of ! routes returning the northern route| = Margretta. Hewson. daughter of via Cochrane and North Bay. or vice! Mrs. and the late Johm Gibson. a versa. This means that you are in! whe died April 16th, 1920. (new environments continuously. A 1 cannot clasp your hand, dear -- train leaves Toroato. (Grand Trunk Greta, . (RY) at $.45 P.M. carrying Standard! Your face { cannot see; T hE | Sleeping Car to Winnipeg via North« | But let this little token tell | Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane daily. and] 1 have not forgotten thee. | through tourist sleeping car Toronto | Sadly missed by Mother. { ationa). WESTERN EES 2 | Saturdays and Sundays. a -------------- {| "The National" a solid through HEWSON--In loving 'memory of our train leaves Toronto for Winnipeg dear sister. Margretta, whe de- lat 10.35 P.M. every Monday. Wékines- parted this life, April 16th, 1920. | day amd Friday via Sudbury and Just as the days seemed brightest, | Port Arthur with standard and Tour- Just as her hopes seemed best. list sleeping cars, coaches. colonist | God called her from among us. THE NEW ROUTE {car and dining car service. To lier home of eternal rest. PEG O0ON PR RUPERT Get full particulars. reservations. Sadly missed by Eliabeth and Tom. Winn SASKAT INCE jetc.. from local Agent or mearest T-a BRANDON CALGARY VANCOUVER Ascat of the Canadian National |WALKER--In fond and loving | Gi d Trunk Railways. memory igna alker REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA de A Say Royal Canadian Regiment, who E "ESTERN . " - died April 18th, 1917, of wounds i AXD ALL WESTERN POINTS received at Vimy Ridge. Buried at Etaples, France. oe Samet or ROUTES . m E | "Until the day breaks. and the » ©. - we Toronto pm y. Standard i 4 3 i = | shadows flee away." A full f [|| Wi lid ba oo via Bouts Ba Bay and Cocmane n YOTHER AND SISTERS. -S1Ze, u - SO r a T eg on d Thursdays. Saturdays . = = of is "SURPRISE." gt asus 10.35 p.m. "The National" Mondays. Wednesdays i CARD OF THANKS { : soap is - wad Fridays wia Sudbury and. Port Artis. Solid through tram Mr. and Mrs. E. Bathe wish to | and Tourist Sleeping" cars. ches. C ist car and thank their many friends for their | 7 cde Car Service. C ion at Winnipeg for all points West. ) | kindness aud sympathy in their be- | Best for any and all household use. - | reavement. a | or mearest Agent of the Canadian National--Graud Trunk ! EL y wi LEAD OF THANKS | a For use in washing machines shave or slice Railwax. : . { or: Mary | Street. desire to express their thanks | @ portion of the "SURPRISE" bar direct | to their many friends and neighbors | --Jt will do | | for kindness during the vecent ill- | to the machine. do fine work. i ness and death of their infant daugh- | ter, also for floral tributes, a-a | | EP E-------------- Get Fall Particulars, reservations. etc.. from Local Agent

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