a PAGE FOUR 'W™ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1922 | -- REGENT ALWAYS BEST IN ALL Last Showing To-day Gloria Swanson in "Her Husband's Trademark" = Wednesday and Thursday The Big Attraction That is Packing the Strand, Toronto, : "This Week PRICES: ADULTS, 25¢; CHILDREN, 10¢ _ [GOLDWYN PRESENTS FRANK LLOYD'S PRODUCTION rr ------ 'SUPERVISED #9 DIRECTED BY The Mightiest Question Answered---See and Thrill Selected Comedy--*"Saving Sister Susie" Famous Regent ORCHESTRA Special Good Friday Matinee at 2.15 CHILDREN, 10c; ADULTS, 25¢ selected Views Latest News CAR HITS A HOLE GLASS CUTS DRIVER The sight of high big smoke stacks, buildings and the sign "Wel- come to Oshawa' giving travellers along the Provincial Highway ap- proaching Oshawa the impression of a modern metropolis, are deceiving in so far us good roads are concern- od. This fact was vividly brought home to a well known official of the General Motors from London, Eng- land, who is in town this week. Mot- oring,_from® Toronto this official as he} approached * Oshawa expected great things, hut, alas, as he gazed up on the sign "Welcome to Osh- awa," his car was thrown into a hole of terrible mud just at the edge of the pavement. His hat was thrown in the air, his forehead cut, and it was with difficulty that the car was resurrected from the mire. This spot surely' requires the attention of the Council forthwith. A NEW YORK PROPOSAL New York Correspondent: In ohe of the same cafes the other night I heard one of the 'flat hats' propose marriage to an artful young flapper while they were fox trotting. Said the flapper: "I don't just exactly wrap mind around' the idea, You really want to marry me?" "You said it," he péplied, And vier] fixed the date for Agg. 9, and took a | surreptitious dr bind the bargain. But I imagine by this time the young man has been properly spanked and sent buck to 1 New Haven, DIRECT FROM Pantages Toronto [ A BEN B HAMPTON PROBOCTION EGEN Theatre THURSDAY April 13 - 22 Every Patron will receive FREE One 5 Cent Package ' Dentyne Gum 20 Valuable Prizes 20 CT -- ZANE GREYS "Phe Popular Story STERIOUS "RIDER Robert - Claire s Adame and Car) & Oemj BB. pings oo AY Z8ne Grey Pictures Lncosp Friday and Saturday R EGENT PRICES Adults 25¢; Children 10¢ Tax Included SPECIAL MATINEE GOOD - FRIDAY At 2.15 p.m. MACDONALLTS | presentation of the A. 0, Felt Cup. | The evening's entertainment was to | game, the presentation of the cup | | | | from a flask to world stories of the screen has such BOXING BOUTS AT 'THE LAST TRAIL ~ WILLIAM FOX SPECIAL PRODVCTION. AT THE GRAND Thursday, » Friday ar and Saturday AT TH THE REC REGENT Rarely in the history of under- {a vivid tale of regeneration found so {excellent an ensemble of forces as those that produced 'The Invisible Power," by Charles Kenyon, which {| will be shown at the Regent Theatre, for Tow days, commencing Wednes- day. | This Goldwyn picture was direct- ed by Frank Lloyd, with a flawless east, headed by House Peters and Irene Rich, Mr. Peters is well known for hig virile and sympath- [etic charaeterizations, In "The In- 'visible Power," Mr. Peters makes 'his how as a Goldwyn player, Miss i Rich has appeared in many photo- plays as leadihg woman for Will | Rogers. In the short space of three | years, she has developed from an "extra" to the position of leading Woman, Among the well known players in "The Invisible Power," are DeWitt C. Jennings, who has appeared on THIS YEARS' The 123 Moffat Announcing LEADERS and $10 Complete Installed Conforming to the Policy of Our Big Cas Campaign now in full swing. We are offering Two Stan- dard Gas Ranges as our Leaders, at a price so low, that All who See will Pur- chase. Read the Specifica- tions Read the Price Never before have prices on Gas Ranges Equal Quality been so low. of #45, Complete Installed in Black Enamel, with White Simmerer. Finished same as No. 123 No. No. Think what this means. If For the small sum of $40.00 the Broadway stage for many years, Sydney Ainsworth, Lydia Titus, Jessie de Jainette, Friend and Gertrude Claire. William Benjamin B. Hampton's powerful [production of Zane Grey's novel, { "The Mysterious Rider," the most (recent Hodkinson release, is the at- traction at the Regent Theatre day op i Miss Wayne "Madge Smith" in | Rider," that more than her famous { beauty of face and golden hair and | { statuesque form went into her eli mb | | to big roles in hig prodmnci.onz. She displays rare emotional talent in her acting which is sometimes subtle, sometimes fiery and passionate, sometimes repressed, but always ex- | pressive of the true character of her who aids her hus role. As the wife | hand to make a dupe of "Jack Bel- registers particularly proves, "The Mysterious lounds." she |W ell. Along with Miss Wayne's beauty {end acting ability is her superb taste in selecting and wearing ¢lothes, an! ability never vantage displayed to better ad- than in "The Mysterious ! Rider." Her personal charm, beauty 'of face form and earriage and un- {questioned dramatic gkill cannot help but win the spectator's admir- ation despite the role she plays. Notice: A special lgiven on Good Friday afternoon at 12.15 P.M. and the usual 25¢ 10e, prices will prevail AT THE NEW MARTIN When Elaine pears at the 'next Thursday, Friday (in her newest ° Seiznick Picture, {**Handeuffs or Kisses," she wiil be !supported by a cast of plavers who jare well known to local patrons of the screen. | Robert Ellis, Hammerstein ap- New Martin Theatre leading man in Selznick Pictures and recently a idirector of several screen successes, (has the leading suporting role op- posite Miss Hammerstein. Mr. Ellis li¢ remembered here as Olive Thomas' | leading man in her early Selznick successes, "Upstairs sad Down." and "The Spite Bride." He also has ap- peared prominently in other pictures made by tails producer, and among {his directorial successes was '"The {lip." with Elsie Janis. Other play- ers im the cast who have important roies ase Jlorence Billings, Julia | Swayne Gordon, Dorothy Chappell, | Ronald Schabel, George Lessey, Ed- 'wards Davis and 'Ronald Coleman. | "Handcuffs or Kisses" was writ- iten by Thomas Edgelow and has for [fon background a large reformatory for girls. The scenario is by Lewis {Allen Browne, and George Archain- |baud. who has directed other Elaine Hammerstein suecesses, directed the picture. a TN ARMORIES ENJOYED The only part of the program which had to be dispensed with at | the Armories 'last night was the consist of the final indoor baseball |and five good boxing bouts and a Yeamans | Fri- | M | in her role as |§l Use Gas For Greater Convenience, Comfort and Matinee will be! and | and Saturday | you live on. PHONE 233 | | The No. 123 MOFFAT is a Three Burner Range with One Oven, 17 x 13 x 12, Finished Nickel Plated Door Frame and Front Legs. The No. 44 MOFFAT is a Five Burner Range, | Giant Burner, 3 Regular Burners, and | Bake Oven measures 17 x 17 x 1Z, 123 Range will sell for $40.00 complete installed ready for use. 44 Range will sell for $45.00 complete installed ready for use. $45.00 including the 44 Range. The above Prices apply where the Gas Main at present serves the section of the street Prices on other Model Ranges given on application. This year is going to be a Big Gas Year. Permanent Gas Service Hydro-Electric Power Commission Of SPECIFICATIONS Enamel Dust Pan, Oven Door Panel and Valve Handles. alk ' PRICLS the gas main is on your street but no service in your house, you pay for everything, including the 123 Range. Or for They are surprisingly low. Have your application in early. Cleanliness Ontario 15 KING ST. EAST | -- | wrestling bout. The on by the Oshawa which has training quarters at the | | srmories and while they were no kayos" two or three of the contests | were exceptionally good. Butcher and Parish provided the. most pop- |ular bout of the night. The youn- sters mixed it up, took all kinds of | punishment and handed out stiff | hooks which appealed to the cirele | lof spectators around the ring. The result was a draw, Another bout which provided | some amusement, mingled with ex- citement, was the affair between "Seotty" Miles and "Irish" Gibson. The two lads have heen carrying a grudge against each other since their last bout some weeks ago and both were anxious to express their feelings in a forcible manner, Gib- son was given the decision. Mor- rison won quite handily over Salter, while Chiddzey scored a vietory over Bathurst. The remaining bout was between Patton and Petrie. Patton was substituting for Lyons who was slightly injured in the soccer match at Alexandra Park on Saturday. Pet- rie is a coming youngster and his trainers are hoping to see him stead- ily improve. There was no decision given in this bout. The wrestling bout completed the program. Tom Bouckley and Jack Barnes were the contestants. Both showed considerable skill and the spectators enjoyed the two six min- ute rounds. Mr. J. Burke officiated as timekeeper and Major Frank Chappell and Capt. A. Harris as judges. bouts were put Boxing School, | om SHINES Bones Si Sm ---- Wni. Fox presents Zane Greys | western story "The Last Trail THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Grand Theatre New Martin Theatre ERNIE MARKS, Mgr. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE LOCAL PICTURES OF OSHAWA Will be shown in conjunction with the regular program and vaudeville NO ADVANCE IN PRICE MATINEE GOOD FRIDAY 230 P.M. Also Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. [ PRICES: 10c AND 25 | See Yourself in the Movies 7 NEW MARTIN THEATRE | TO-NIGHT AND WEDNESDAY PRISCILLA DEAN i Conflict The Biggest Thriller Screened, Also THATCHER, THE MAGICIAN . Where Do the Ducks Go? COMING--Thursday, Friday and Saturday ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in HANDCUFFS OR KISSES Also Vaudeville and Local Pictures PRICES: 10c AND 25¢