OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1922 PAGE THREE a ---- ' --- -- --_------ | P------ - i Oshawa nd District fmm Bakery Addition Started Work has begun on the new addi- tion to Tod's Bakery at the corner of Bond and Church Streets, on which $16,000 will be spent. The addition will be a solid brick structure, and while it is being, built some new and modern machinery now used in the art of bread making 'will he brought in, TY Obesrve Palm Sunday Palm Sunday, commemorating the entry of Christ into Jerusalem be- fore His trial and crucifixion, and marking the opening of Holy Week, was observed in St. Gregory's Church on Sunday, when at the 10 o'clock mass the ceremony of blessing and distribution of the palms was car- ried out by Rev. Father Bench. The beautiful and solemn ceremony was witnessed by a very large congrega- tion. The service lasted for over two hours, being one of the longest of the year. This week special Holy Week services are being held. Now Shoe Store Opens On Saturday, April 8, Errol Bru- ton formally opened his new shoe store at 12 Simcoe St. N. Hundreds of people attended and viewed the display of high class shoes which Mr. Bruton had on show. The intention of the management of the new store is to carry on a high class fitting service such as is found in the larger centres. Besides this he is handling a high class stock of goods and is prepared to give the best in every- thing. Music was provided by Cox's orchestra. : Ready to Wear Bargains In ladies' suits, coats, dresses, blouses and skirts, also in men's suits, coats and pants, See Schwartz Bargain Store, 136-138 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 725, Belt Block, Oshawa, Mr, Salter Is Seventh Mr. George Salter, of the local Fire Department, is taking part in the contest being held by the Buffalo Courier, and if successful will form a part of a party of twenty firemen from Central Ontario who will enjoy a week's trip on the Great Lakes this summer, with all expenses paid. The contest will he wecided accord- ing to the number of votes received by each contestant. Each week the Courier contains a coupon which represents fifify votes, All readers of the Courier in the various towns have the privilege of filling out the coupon with the name of the per- son to whom they wisn to give their votes and give it to him. At the present Mr, Salter is seventh on the CA You Need In The Spring Even if you have been lucky enough to escape the colds and sicknesses of winter, still you cannot help being run-down to some extent. mark upon us all, and it is just now we begin to realize it. You need a tonic to build up your run-down system, to purify your blood, to put vim, vigor and vitality into your whole system. Peptona is Our Best Tonic Knowing its qualities and the wonderful work it has accomplished, we recommend Peptona above any other tonic. Try a bottle to-day at The REXALL STORES # JURY & LOVELL WE ARE, HERE TO SERVE.YOU (NPN BYR a \VIe I cA Rg = 0] SIC ICR =) 0) >) " ES A Tonic | Winter has left its F. W. THOMPSON df | "adn ln WRIGLEYS ! locality. | LOST A Bone Fertilizing Plant There is a rumor that the managers of the curling rink have been ap- proached for the sale of their pro- perty, with a' view to converting it into an experimental bone fertiliz- ing plant, somewhat under govern- mental supervision. Repair Pavements Work will commence forthwith on the repair of paved streets, Chairman Trick of the Board of Works an- nounced yesterday. Tha holes in the streets in the business section are numerous, many of them those that were filled with tarvia last year, The tarvia has not stood up well where the traffic is heaviest chiefly be- cauge it was laid where there wag (either no base or where the hase was broken. Accommodation For Press ,. ,... The Board of Education meeting room in the Town Hall has been improved with the installation of two handsome tables that were formerly in use in the public library building, the old tables that have sen service for many years having ben discarded. Representatives of the Fourth Estate were pleased when they turned up at th regular meeting table, a convenience that has heen lacking for a long time, and which is! appreciated. Those present at the meeting were Chairman Henry, Trustees Drew, Smith, Myers, Saunders, Browne, of the Board last night to find a press | = - - Tat IN IRELAND Ottawa Journal: "Well, I guess the trouble is all over now," remark- ed a Belfast man as he sat reading the peace terms between two Irish governments. At that instant a homh came through the window and, ex- ploding, killed his little son and wounded several members of the family. The world is doing some deep thinking just now about Ire- land. Sometimes a quiet neighbor- hood will tolerate a couple of unruly boys up to a certain point and then something drops. The elements of anarchy in Ireland do not constitute five per cent. of the population and in good time this fractional propor- tion will he dealt with by the Irish- men who insist on law, order, and public security. STEEL TEETH FOR GERMANY (Krupp's official to Whiting Williams, Scribner's Magazine,) One new produce we are not manu- facturing for the market, though we are willing to give the public the idea. Our workers found that they ruined their gold caps and crowns when they gritted their teeth in the effort to lift the heavy pieces of iron or steel. As a result our dental department has discovered a very successful way to use for their teeth, not the usual gold but a certain alloy of steel, . THE CRAZE FOR DANCING London Dally Chronicle: Dancing in England today is a pastime which its devotees think worth while taking seriously. They not only dance, but they 'do their very best to dance well, and in 1922 to dance well does not mean that you can do countless difficult steps, 'but 'that you can do a few simple steps, smoothly, un- ostentatiously, and in perfect sym. pathy with the rhythm #f the music. No, dancing is not on the wane, It has become part of our life and when the hot summer months come, if those who think that dancing is a pastime of the past will visit the huge pop- ular ballrooms at Blackwood, Scar- borough, Brighton, Douglas and Whitley Bay, they will find them | packed with an enthusiastic crowd, | who care nothing how high the | thermometer may stand. | | A UBEFUL TOY Chicago News: Radio is capturing | the boys in greater numbers than any | other of their enthusiasms since the early bicycle days, except war. It is raleing up a pcientists, and th neration of young|to be important to the whole human e results are bound | race, : ~ Any Touch of Indigestion Your Food will Feed you more Take Until your various digestive organs are in order your food, instead of properly nourishing you will be liable to clog and poison your system. Your blood will be poor and impure and your nervous system thoroughly run down, Take immediate steps to secure the healthy activity of stomach, liver, and bowels. » To this end you should Beecham's Sold = Pills everywhere 25¢--40 pills 50c--90 pills Chappell, Cornwall, Knight and Storie. The absentees were Trustees | J. B. Thompson, Dr. Hoig, W. B. Nott | fand Fathr Bench, PRACTICAL TEST Kincardine Review: What gentleman? Over in the United States they know. You ge to aj friend's house and he gives yon a drink, If he is a gentleman he will offer you another. If you are a gentleman you will decline, Too Late to Classify SALE --A NEW 6 ROOMED with electrie lights Good Will sell cheap Apply | to Box "H" Reformer. 5-c| CORNET FOR SALE HIGH GRADE | "Conn" instrument, trumpet style, ! silver plated, ean be used in hand or| orchestra, practically new, phone! 162-J Str. | AND FOUN -- SMALL. BROWN SUIT-/ T. R. and Central | kindly return to] Central 5-a| FOR SALE--WALNUT DINING Room Suite, and two brussels rugs. Apply 242 Kendall Ave. or Phone 529-W. Hc FOR SALE--14 GOOD LAYING hens and one cockerei. Reasonable | price. Apply 28 Royal St or Phone 818. 5-a WANTED--FURNISHED HC eight rooms, in good locality by a family of three. Box "K' or phone 700 Davidson. 6-b WANTED--TO RENT HOUSE OF 7 or 8 rooms ,Cenral, by May 11th. Leave word at 9 Bagot St. and re-| ceive the reward. H-c| FOR SALE--CLASSY UP-TO-DATE | six room Bungalow and all conven-| iences. $4,500--81000 cash balance easy terms. Apply, N. A. Campbell, | 300 Richmond St. Phone 1203-W 5-b! LOST--A BLACK PUP, ANSWERS to name of "Scamp" and wears col- lar with name "'Snookie" on it, Tele- is a FOR bungalow LOST--A case between G Hotel Finder THREE ROOM LAT TO RE® suitable for light housekeeping. All | conveniences. Apply 108 Agnes St. | 5-a THIS CORPORATION IS BIROAD-! minded enough to appreciate a wo- | man's ability to fill a high-salaried | position. We are willing to train the right one. Mr. Syms. 5, Stand- | ard Bank Building, Oshawa 5H-e HALKY BALTES LIST FOR SALE | 5 roomed house on Drew St. | | | room house on Division St room house on Athol St, hot water | heating. | room house on Roe St. | room house on Brassey St. | 9 room house on Elgin St. $300] down balance as rent. Vacant lots on Jarvis St. 40 X 110 $240 Cash or $280 on time. It will be to the interest of ail per- sons waiting to buy a lot or house to see me, or Call up 185 before purchasing. I will pay 7 per eent for $10,000 and give first class security 5 or 7 years. Harry Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185 5-b To Stop Falling Hair If you are losing your hair and fear baldness--dony worry. Use Parisian Sage daily for a week and you will surely be surprised to see how quickly it stops falling hair and itching scalp and removes every sign of dandruff--the hair destoyer, "A New York woman says: "I have {used Parisian Sage only two weeks, but my hair has wonderfully increas- ed in beauty, seems much heavier, and is entirely frée of dandruff." if you want to save your hair and make it grow, don't delay-- begin using Parisian Sage Yonight. M's not expensive, and sold at all drug and toilet eounters with money back gaurantee. DODD'S KIDNEY | FASHION DEMANDS FOR ~ EASTER from Umbrellas To add to the general effect an umbrella is required. A large assort- ment has just arrived, including the most approved of styles in fancy handles and best quality coverings, $1.68 to $15.00 | And a Little Lace should selections. \They will every kind imagined. from. heavy jet beads for women. the effect of a suit. easy to choose from, and very reasonable prices. Girdles, Neckwear, Beads You will find in the neckwear the very latest ideas to choose Beads run from the little pearl strings for girls to the A bit of lace will often add to Here you will have a selection that will be Children's Reefers Another big order of Children's Reefers have just arrived. ey have proved themselves very popular this season. The same excellent quality and low prices reign in this last shipment as in all previous shipments. These are the finishing touches; for that reason great care ken in making your either make or mar the whole appear- ance. Among the newer girdles there is appearing a very neat silk braided girdle that is ex- quieite, bead girdles, in fact that can be if ¥ 74 HE one time in the whole year when Everybody -- Man, Woman and Child -- must have something new to wear, We and some of t articles most necessary. suggest here would try he leading that are Corsets And Underwear They are not seen, but then, in order for your costume to have the proper swing and style, you must have everything to match; for instance, an old pair of corsets will hardly add style to a new dress, therefore these important items must be attended to. A New Range of Under- your selection. excellent. least. will completely captivate at first glance. are not to be beat either, as they supremacy in style and quality, bé they Crepe-de-Chine, Swiss Organdie or Voile daintily trimmed with Gingham With a stylish little frill or collar that is' just a little different to the ordinary. piping or just plain. at Every woman will have a coat, suit or dress. bave waited till now and for quick choosing you could not do better than inspect the wonderful range we have for The prices are at rock bottom, the quality What more could anyone wish for? The fashion's favor a separate skirt and blouse--the skirts in either plaids or stripes, but very dignified, to say the One will see some of the most stunning effects that Then the blouses vie with the skirts for For those whe skirts Just in time--the arrival of these perfectly delightful frilly Underskirts to match your Easter costume. Best quality Taffetine with a dainty flowered flounce in a combination of colors that are pleasing, and so moderate in price '] Hair Ribbons Girls' Straw Hats Brown, Navy, Rose, hagen or White. All kinds, sizes and shapes. The particular one to suit your little girl is here, be it in Black, Copen- Small, medium or large size to fit any little gid from 4 to 14 Qualities. rm ee - Ni ra finen This Store Will Be Open All Day Wednesday Friday is a Public Holiday SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY Imported English Ginghams, Best 28g yd. Regular 35¢ yd. . a ve TPR ET Every little girl will want a new Hair Ribbon for Easter, and such beauties to choose from. If any little girl has set her mind on a particular kind or color, we have it. Every kind and quality that can be thought of. Ribbons that positively will not wrinkle, yet are soft to feel. Silk and Satins in plain or figured patterns. Gloves $1.00 to $225 pair. Of special mention are Silk Gloves in either sport, gauntlet or long, ranging in price frem To Match Then the Kid Gloves are very popular, saying nothing ab o ut Chamois- ette Gloves, whose popularity is well known, and there. are many new and | dainty effects carried out in the trimmings of these very neces- sary articles. { | New Silk Hose For Easter Are imperative; not only must they be new, but they must be the last word in neatness, for they will be seen-- just a weeney, is a Silk Lisle Hose of thread Hose i including well known Glove Silk, at $1.00, $3.95 pair. tiny bit, but they must be correct. There Glove Silk the $168 to