Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 6 Apr 1922, p. 4

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AGE FOUR We ---- ------------ News of Nearby Places A splendid review of the yuar- ter's lessons was given at Sunday School on March 26th. The Janu- ary lessons were given hy Mis: Lola ZION The Epworth League was disap- pointed again on visiting Ebenezer League last Thursday evening. The old saying was cemainly true this year. March came in'like a'lamb and it went out like a lon with sleet and snow and the wind blowing over the speed limit, Baby Marion Balson has been under the Dr.'s care, hut Is improv- ing. Miss. Amber Sonley, is slowly im- proving after her long illness. Wedding bells have been ringing in this district again, Congratulations Hoskin; the February lessons by Mr. Ross Lee, and the March lessons by Miss Florence Luke. A solo by littla Frank Hoskin and the reeith- tions given hy Howard Hoskin and Gordon Davis were also very good and much enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. A, L, Pascoe of So- lina, were the guests of R. J. Luke on Thursday of last week, Miss Hazel Van Dyke and Misses Worence and Janie Trevall visited Miss Amher Sonley at Zion on Tues- day of last week. The latter has been quite .ill though we are pleas- ed" to report is improving now, The '*'Golden Links," Miss Lola party at thelr home on Friday eve- ning which, owing to the weather was o decided success. The music heing furnished by out favorite or- chestra from Oshawa, was, as usual, appreciated very much. Everyone went'away thanking Mr. and Mrs, Wilson for a very enjoyable evening. Miss Edna McKee of Manchester, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Evans, The hox soglal held under the aus pices of the Methodist Church on Wadnesday evening was a decided success. The lecture given hy Rev. C, Adams was enjoyed hy everyone to W, J. Sully on his marriage to Mise, Nellia Me, Gregor Oshawa, RAGLAN Under the auspices of the Ladies' Ald of Raglan a first class tea and concert will be given on Good Fri- day, April 14th. Tea will be served from 6.30 till all are served, after which the members of the Dramatic Club will furnish a play entitled, "The Young Country Schoolma'am.' Mrs, A. Bryant is visiting with relatives in Toronto, We extend our sympathy to Mrs. 1. Stanton in her sad bereavement in the death of her sister, Mrs, Ste- venson, of Brooklin. Mr, and Mrs. M, Knapp and baby, Marjorie, spent Sunday with rela- tives in Burketon, Mr. And Mrs. G. Wilson entertain- ¢d a number of their friends to a COULD HARDLY STAND AT TIME Hips, Back and Legs Would Have That Tired Ache Everett, Washington. -- ** For several years | have had trouble with the lowest part of my back und ff my hips and my legs I] would ache with that I could hardly stand on my ll feet at times, I was always able to do my work although 1 did i not feel geod, saw ll Lydia. 2. Pinkbam's egetable Com- | dadvertisedand | aving heard several praise it 1 decided to try it. I feel first-rate at the present time. [It has done wonders for me and 1 keep it in the house right along. I always recommend it to others who are sick and ailing."' --Mrs. J. M. Sissy, 4032 High St., Everett, Washington. To do any kind of work, or to play for that matter, is next to impossible if you are sutfering from seme form of female trouble. It may cause your back or your legs to ache, it may make you nervous and irritable. You may be able to ki up and around, but you do not feel go Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is 2 medicine for women. itis especially adapted to relieve the cause of the trouble and then these annoying pains, aches and "no good "feelings disappear. It bus dope this for many, many wo- puen; why not give it a fair trial--now, ===>= holidays for a few days, viziting old Hoskin's Sunday School class of girls entertained the "I'll Try," or Miss Florence Luke's class of girls, at the home of Miss I. Hoskins on Saturday afternoon last and a very pleasant present, Much eredit is due the ane- | tioneer, Mr, Ted Jackson, for the way {in which he carried on the selling of jthe boxes. The proceeds amounted Ito abont $53, Mr. Rogers fs very ill in Oshawa Hospital, Next Sunday there will ha special services at the Sunday School and a collection taken up in aid of the starving Russian children. Come and help with the good work. H Sorry to report the serious iliness of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Rodds' infant daughter, Hope for an early rocov- ary, Miss Hartshorn, of Peterborough, visited a few days this week with | Miss Ada Barlow, EBENEZER | Messrs. Frank and Farguson Ab-| ernethy left on Monday for Mattawa, | where they expect to take up Gov-| ernment land, Miss Lillian Hillier was home over the week-end Miss Irene and Master Orville Grills entertained their many young friends ut their home on Saturday evening last, Progressive Lost Heir Cubic Feet of Gas. be less. time was spent. Misses Florence and Gussie Luke sang a duet at the church sorvice on Sunday afternoon, which was well rendered, The Ladies' Aid are heing wouter. tained and are holding their annnal meeting at the hoe of Mrs, Wm, Derby on Thursday afternoon this week, A number of the neighbors assist ed Mr. Werry in unloading a cor- load of lumber on Tuesday last weel, which is to be used in building his pew barn on what was formerly known as the Batty farm The Kedron Mutual Benefit ety are expecting the Zion Loague to visit them in the near future, TAUNTON The cold and wintry weather we have heen having lately does not seem very good for health A large pumber of people in this vicinity have very had colds, Mr. Norman Leach wears a smile on each side of his face now has another little daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Lander, is epending a few days with John Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lavis and Don- ald, visited in Whithy on Sunday. Several from around this burg at- tended Mr. Ed. Millson's sale at Mt, Vernon, Monda) COLUMBUS { Mrs, John James has been spend- ling a few days with her sou; How- ard, in Toronto, who has heen very [seriously fll. We are hoping for a lepeedy recovery. Miss Gladys Timms bad the mis. fortune to let a sharp axe fall on her foot while cutting some kindling wood and resulted in making such a cut that it required seven stitches to close the cut, She is under the care of Dr, James Moore. Mrs. W. L. Ellins has been under {the care of Dr, John Moore hut is lable to he out again. | Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Stabeck {have gone to Sterling to spend their friends and relatives in. that | munity. | Master Willie Thompson of Hay- {den, has returned. home after visits | ing hig uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, { James Ashton, | Don't forget the Choral Class con- | 'cort which will take place on the [12th of April, They are making | strenuous efforts to make this event! 'one of the most pleasing and up to date of the season Come and enjoy good time and learn what it {means to have a 'musical community, | {We are sorry that more young people {have not availed themselves of the opportunity of the services of Miss Nm ete pe, Hi Adams, who stands high in musi-| THORNTON'S CORNER jcal profession as a teacher. | The recent snow storm and the We wonder why Mr. E. Waobber | sleighs running for a day or so, dis is wearing such u smile these days. leouraged the spring outlook Wao 1s it heecause it's nu boy? are hoping for nice weather now, - ---- the farmers are looking eagerly for KEDRON i Owing to the inclemeacy ci the| Mr. H. North and L i {weather on Friday evening last {moved on their farm near Corbett's {week, the K.M.B.S. did not hold Point. He wishes to thank all the | their concert. and owing to illness in {neighbors and friends for the pless- {the neighborhood it has been indef- ant surprise party and pres mation {intely postponed. Particulars later. (to Mrs. North and himself. We wish | We are sorry to report illness in them all success for the future the Werry family. Every member Mr. Watson, of Toronto, of the family has been afflicted and [this week at Mr. (;. Barlow's tall have been under the doctor' care! Mrs. Knight, of Toronto. and Miss but we are pleased to report at the | Margaret Calder, of Grafton. visited 'time of writing that Mr. Werry aud | Miss Jean Calder at Mr N Clarence are able to be around and | this week also that Bernice is recovering. But Mr. and Mrs, W. Stonehouse the rest of the family are still under | tored to Raglan last Wednesday and the doctor's core, and Mrs. Wm, Bat | visited refatives there ty had to be ken fo the Oshawal Mr. and Mrs. J. McAlpine and General Hospital on Mondays suffer-: children, of Oshawa, visited last Sun- ing with pneumonia. Their many dgy with Mr. and Mrs. H. Drew.~ friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. .E. Pascoe } Miss Luella Hepburn has retunred house these days home from M. Hepburn's, Enfleld. | Sorry to report com- Oshawa, Mrs. | a | visi Mr. and SOLE AGENTS FOR COILENE CORSETS | F. T. Lamble | WE SELL SANITARY GOODS newest and very best in found in these GLOVES with or without clasp. They are to be had in such lovely soft shades of Navy Brown with Champagne priced at ..... $3.25 The advent of Easter finds this store more than ever prepared to take care of EASTER NEEDS Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Veils, Beautiful Handbags are some of the lines we have given special attention to for this occasion, and we always carry the Tempting styles for Easter are New Silk Gauntlet Mastic, Mastic with Navy, Navy with White. They are $2.50 and of your Corsets and B rassieres st Silk Beauty Bloomers In such lovely shades of Delph, Peacock, Strawberry and Navy Blue. Price . $4.50 Very Exclusive Easter r Such pretty colored Organdy Embroidered Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets, such fussy Vestees and beautiful Lace Collars. Such Lovely Silk Stockings Radium Pure Silk Stockings with four-inch garter welt. reinforced soles, heels and toes, seam up the back of the hose. Priced .......ccccoeeiiiinnninnnans Also a very similar stocking with clock at Beautiful Black Stocking made of Pure Tram Silk throughout, with special elastic-ribbed top $3.00 | Plain Kayser Silk Stocking with pyramid heel at $3.75 ~! Fancy Kayser Silk Stocking with pyramid heel at $4.25 with and Specials tor F riday and Saturday Soft White Cotton Vests 29c¢c In four different styles, ribbed and plain A real bargain at 29¢ each stitched, Chamoisetie Kayser uo With contrasting backs. Regular $1.25. Special 98c pair Very fine quality Chamoisette in Mastic, Pongee, Brown, Grey. Black and White. Special 98¢c pair Soci- | Ha | family have. Buss | mq- i= remodelling his Mrs. J. | was played and dainty refreshments were served, All enjoyed a very {pleasant evening together. | Sunday afternoon service last woo was in charge of the Men's Bi- {ble class, . Mr. A. B. Werry ably | took the chair. A quartette hy Messrs. I, W, Rundle, G. I". Annis, 'A, BE, Rundle and W. H. Courtice was also beautifully rendered. This week's Sunday School service is in! charge of the "Acri Puneri" class, A] | good turn out is hoped for as the boys | je preparing a good program for PHONE 233 The Mission Circle are having the (Maple Grove young people give their They all Cost Mogey to Make. with the Price to the Buyer--Few Purchases contain as much Real Value as the Thousand Cubic Feet of Gas. : Expenses attendant upon the operation of the Gas Plant, Fuel Oil, Wages, Administration, Maintenance, and Fixed Charges on the Invested Capital, govern the Selling Price. BUT. the Newly Enlarged Plant can produce Twice as Much Gas daily as is now being used by the Customers. the Cost of the extra coal and oil. If More Gas is used, the Production Cost per Thousand Cubic Feet will Production Costs Money Whether it is a Stick of Chewing Gum, an Ice Cream Cone, o1 a Thousand For Real Usefulness--when compared The Only Additional Cost will be If the Production Cost per Thousand Cubic Feet is lowered. the Customer must benefit by Lower Rates. Use Gas For Greater Convenience, Comfort and Cleanliness Permanent Gas Service Hydro-Electric Power Commission Of Ontario 15 KING ST. EAST play,"l can't Afford It," April 13. on- Thursday evening, April 13 | the occasion, | This week's League service was | held on Monday evening under the supervision of the consceration viee- {president, The topic was taken by : : "national Rotar § as econ- Mr. 'Cedric Parsons. A good CR Lidge tiny Cih : Sh wo : on . y 31 3 « ear 1 O be a Zr was pr ' i gram was provided | masterpiece. ey i Wel Entertained \ HAMPTON | At 6.45 FPriday evening the vis- W. M. S. met at the home of Mps. iting Rotarians, with their wives, |W. W. Horn March 21st with a good (daughters and friends were received | atendance, After singing and repeat- lat dinner in the industrial building {ing the Lord's Prayer in unison, the {of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. ! {secretary called the roll and each {This enormous building of five stor-| member answered with a verse of [ies is a model of modern commereial | | scripture, Business being disposed structure. Its size may be estimated | lof, Mrs. Burns gave a reading on|hy the fact. that 1,500 people sal {Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Salter {down to supper at one time, The read the devotional leaflet; Mrs. W, ldinner was interspersed with songs. El Clemens favored with a solo: Mrs. |cometimes by the whole body, and F. E. Corden led in prayer, Mrs. cometimes by different branches of Jones then took charge of the study Rotary who had representatives at {book several giving short readings.'the meeting. After dinner the vis- |The task in Canada and meeting the litors were entertained in the huge tchallenge was taken up by Mrs. Col- 'assembly hall to dancing, push ball | will, Mrs. Smith and Mrs, Barron. !contest (the latter between Toronto | followed by a discussior Meeting 'and Rochester with a vietory for the closed with benediction | Americans). games of and nsements Ideal polo, | NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUC. CESS, rday there was a splendid Boys' Work, in which ~ ' particularly interest- ied, cker was O. H. Benson, tat Havopene to tof Spris 1. Mass The address Ma . 2 fw a masterly effort and dealt Qld Railrcad phase of helping boys of Joe ties on | A 4% vy become the men of the na- LOINoOrrow Music In the afternoon there was a con- ert the combined orchestras of 1 H Schools of Rochester, given = a demonstration of the develop- the schools. This performance, the scholars excellent. | wnd their spirit in and enjoyment |of the work evident This concert | {was followed by an address on "The ('reation of International Goodwill," Hon. Fred. H. Hassard, of Utica, and was enjoyed by all Towards the wonderful H in Schools | ox {* 8 ent of music splendid training of the wh in | Was a slant on or \ buy them at nomina ces, u Iv |. ten or fifteen ce: them for [irewood. "That about road company has thus far, in o worn-out ties, Such disposal is practicable the t end of the address on "Higher Ethics in Modern Business" was !eiven by Dr. Arthur F. Shelden, of Chicago The address, while i nasterpiece of eloquence, was doub- | y interesting to Oshawa Rotatians )ecause it had become known that itotarian Milton Bergey spent eight vears earlier training with the speaker. and no Oshawa Rotar- hy the users. and where ian had been let forget that this ad- | ' A dress would he good stuff and must so delivering them " 2 than the nominal! j es : ie. (MOL. be musseq "The Company cann sar nm 1 afternoon Cases w..oe¢ at a public : where they can of his t Saturday evening groups of Rot- the public going promis ously over j2rians were broken up and distrib- | tracks and. through yards to gather |Uted among the three large hotels| up old ties. To do =o would be prae- | of Rochester for a get together din- tically letting down the bars against [ner. At the Powers Hotel several | trespassing om the tracks, an evil {fine addresses: and entertainment by | «which has been the cause of ubout |'he Toronto Club were given. At half of ail the fatal accidents on | the Rochester Hotel a very valuable | raiiroads in the United States. address was given by Hon, Thos. M "Efforts have been made to Oshorne, of Auburn, N.Y At the Senecca Hotel the Elmira Club fura- | ished the entertainment. i The ladies of the party during the | od {two days were given ample time for A Wf SONU Moke or less Stone. | shopping. sightseeing. luncheons ik WW saz wedged : the CTacks | automobile trips. ete, as well as at-| bi Fp ght injure the saws used in {tending the big dinners in the even- | cutting them; that in many cases !; : N cast. his wil gn jing. One specially noticeable treat | they ul partie decayed; Mas Huu? in their program was a recital at Are fried ov A heh er thee | the Eastman School of Music. (just | ore iy gS they being completed), followed by an' x tee Sy: d Soe i \. {inspection of the building. This, RS ng he reasons assigned by deal- |g.e structure which has already | ers whe haze not been willing 0 pay cost $5.000.000. has failen to the 1 iron NOM : J J . A ost co pon Bg the oAty of Rochester through the gener- | and delivering Shan to ry point at osity of George Eastman. of the] which they could be removed. | Eastman Kodah Company. | "Efforts have also been mada to | - TEE dispose of old ties in a number of { ANOTHER $9,150 IN hulp purposes, for the extraction of | BUILDING PERMITS pulp purpeses, for the extraction of | Town Engineer W. C. Smith has chemicals, for burning and sale of the ashes for fertilizer, and for | manufacture into charcoal, but with- [issued the following building per- out success in interesting parties en- mits: Er hese auctions. dite | Clarence Gait. Rrame dwelling, tinue, and wherever feasible A jaouth side of Westmoriand St . tend, t e : " 200, : hy is oe In eat Rice of ei for F. H. Davis, garage, west side of nominal prices at points where they | Mary Street, $250. g can be delivered without danger to | A. B. Harris, summer kitchen. ihe purchasers and without costing, | north side of Aberdeen Street. $650. for collection and transportation, | |. Sutcliffe and C. Fry, brick vea- niore than they are worth as fuel, jeer dwelling, east side of Ritson The i . $3,500. S. H. Jackson. brick veneer dwell- side of Arthur Street, . The causes appear the old ties are often ' suggestions by which move of the cid ties can be usefully disposed ins, souih of or made available for commercial |$3.000. ; or dustrial id {| W. J. Lewis, frame dwelling, fH @ ian i Railway {north side of Olive Avenue, $500. goes further than the Pennsylvania | A. G. Storie. alterations to house. Railroad and gives away ties to any" |south side of Bond Street, $250. who will take them, such giving be-' | eo -- ing surrounded with the necessary' | Shades O° Shimmy safeguards as to trespassing. Thei| He (a! any dance) -- 1 think Jim | experience of the Canadian Pacific 'is trying to shake his girl. | is that ties are taken only where She -- 1 think Jim is succeeding. there is no standing timber in ----Mckeesport (Pa.) News { 3 vicinity, and that in many cases rr ---- - not ful Hops He -- 1 comld dance on like this forever. | She -- Oh, I'm sure you don't mean it! You're hound to improve. ) 4 do or farmers taking the ties them for firewood but purposes around the f i ng that the walue of old i yivewood im this ceumtry Sremety small. 1 -- *s Weekly A pe . a | Fi Oshawa Cash Grocery Soap light, Lennox House Cleaning Specials good to April 12th Gold, P&G Surprise, Comfort, Sun- and laundry Ivory Toilet Liteh Pear Laux Rinso Lye Old Duteh Soda ine ., 30¢, Ammonia Soups LO Be; 3 for i8c, Oc, and 3 for i 3 for 10¢ 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 12¢ 10¢ 16¢ .- so 130; 2 for 25¢ ER 3c 1b,; pkg. 10¢ . 13¢ 10 20¢ 1b, 14h. .... £1.00 Pure Maple Syrup wy and Topnotceh, , Bulk qice Sugar, Worwour lmpwmy Texrme Coton On ) Here's;Value For You! Our BENGARD Suits for Spring Aud only $2230 to $35 "Price" is a poor selling argument, there's real quality to back it up. We've got the right backing im these BENGARD Suits. We're very glad that we can show you such good suits---- at only §22.50 to $35 this Spring. and guarantee that voa-ll lose moihing in Style or Quality, That's what makes them such exceptional values. BLUE SERGE SPECIALS Every weave and finish is here for you to choose from. Every size from 34 to 44 and a special type to fit your particular figure. All styles from the nifty double- breasted for young fellows to staple styles for conserva- tive dressers. And as we said before they are exceptional value, particularly our mill finished Blue Serge at unless Borsalino Hats

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