Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Mar 1922, p. 5

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i Se bi OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 21; 1022 Lc Dental ; R. T, C, CLEMENCE, DENTIST, flice "over Andison's Tallor Shop, 19 King 8t, West, Phone 231, Help Wantea--Male | wANTED--AUTOMOBILE PAINT- ers, Apply McCulloch Auto Body Co,i, 20 Church St, 146-h CAN YOU STICK TO A JOB? Iv DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAPE You are a sticker you ean make from eight to ten dollars a day sel- ley Block, Simcoe St. 8. Phone 804, ling Gold Medal Government Tested Sah | Garden Seeds al ten cents a packet DR, T. 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- --the higgest and best looking pack- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store, Cis ever sold for the money, Kvery Phone 048, I-yr, house-holder a prospect, Small out- DR, 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; i lay-=hig profits, Good work for Man, Woman, Boy or Girl----any- Office over Kyle's (rocery = toe! whepe-- Phene 969, 4-1 yr. eral whole or spare time, Lib- - | references, credit If yon can show good Don't apply unless you DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE are willing to work--and keep on over Jury and Lovell's Drug Stove, ' working, Phone No. 97. | vis Breet, Toronto, P, W. Johnston, 311 Jar- DR, TREWIN, DENTIST trance to ofice one door Detenbeck's Store. SR N- | of _- Help , Wanted--Female _ WANTED --- A G00D GENERAL, wink ; Apply 28 King St. East, 148-t.1. Medical IWANTED---A COMPETENT STENO- [graphey. Apply Box "D" Reform- R. C. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN | er. 145-¢ nd Surgeon, Union Bank Building, ' WANTED A GOOD WASHER- imecoe St. North, Phone 57. 130-1yr | woman, Call 148 Colborne St. E., TMcKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR-| or phone 1043W, 145-1 eou, Accoucher, Office and resi- = fence, King St. Bast, corner Vietoriy Jost and Found 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. BE, A RUS PR. L. J. BEBERT, 73 BLOOR S7., lof ner Owner may have same Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & by calling at Lander's Hardware and Jovell"s Drug Storg each Saturday identifying same and paying for from 11 am to 4 p.m, for consulta-' jad, _146-y tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr - =m DR. D, B, NBELY, PHYSICIAN &| Houses Wanted Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat. | HOUSE WANTED --- PREF ERAB- | Ofice over Dominion Bank. Tele. [Iv to rent, will buy, must he cen-| phope 1155, Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or (tral or west of Simcoe. Phone "| by appointment. 96 i Auctioneer R. A, A. HALLIDAY. 143 COL-| ego Street, Toronto, will be at Jury | WILL. T. BAKER, "HAMPTON ONT, & Lovell's Drug Store eyery Friday live Stock a specialty. . Phone | from 2.20 to 4,30 for consultaticn in '167ri-4 Bowmanville, 124-6mos | digcases of the nose, throat and ear, ° = aa Builders and Contractors | 134-1} DR. ¥. T, BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A | Street West, Toronto, will be at his new home, or repairing your old one. pfiice over Miller's Arcade each Sat- see me. | also have fine building urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul-ilots for sale. I can give yom eas) tation and treatment of diseases of 'paymenis and save you money. -('. ear, nose and throat only, 'N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, | fiealiin 1329 Park Road South, Box 550. Phone | hh7. 130- 3 mos, "Poultry Buying i BUY ALL KINDS OF POULTRY | c Lega) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| ya seyapcer. Money to loan. Office: ,,9 pay (he highest market prico. | 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 11 you have any for sale write J 445. | Rains or Phope 428 144-¢ D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete, All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osiu- awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 616d, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank sembled that of a eathedral clock entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. : The cost of this wonderful thing F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, was twelve hundred guineas. B.A. { eft er SULTAN'S WATC - Iu 1844 a most elaborate ateh was made - of twenty-two carat gold ---- for Sultan Abdul-Medjid by a firm at Cornhill. T™is giant wateh was five inches in diameter. Though it had no bell, it chimed the hours and quarters, the strik- ing apparatus consisting of wires. its powerful yet pleasant tone re NYY TT DECLINE OF $218.071.656 G. D. CONANT, B.A, LLB--BAR-1 gig; Courier: It might be well | rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, ete.| ponder the significance of the Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St! c.f that the exports from the 1'n- South, Oshawa. Loans arranzed on} |ited States to Canada for the seven mortgages, conveyancing and | months ended January 31. 1922, eral practice. Phone 63. were $329,989.499 compared to H. E. --B $547 061, 1565 for the seven wonths 11% MORPHY. B. A --BARRISTER. | | ended January 31. 1921! Doesn t | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office | appear to be so much Canadian eag- | 258 as there was be- | P| ---- erness to buy here as Ropes- Office 225, Res. 190. _! fore the passage of the "emergency" tariff! |] IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- | practic Spinal Adjustments and get! well. Examinations free at office. Dodge Cars Reduced Dr. S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. / = Substantial reduction on the price of Bodge Cars now in effect. Bradley Bros. of Oshana. are Abe Dealers for this locality: Mrite for illustrated catalog or Phone 169 for demonstcation. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- | minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. T2348 My Wife and I sat up aatil three aan. this morning talks ing about The Three Musketeers era it will live im our memory 12 tf { forexer. One who appreciates. MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- en on. Conservatory method. For Appeintment, phone 226. 61 Athol fd EB. LUKE BURIAL C€0. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in cop- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence im Division st. 26-1 pr! In r : sel Enquire at the office of > : Agents ] Messrs. Grierson & Creighton FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Solicitors Wellington Mutual and Union Fire OSHAWA, ONTARIO lusurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean. Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Commercial Kody. Also Brantford Computing Grocer's Scale. 15C iter and gas. {8500 teentral, ! brick with all conveniences, iently located to General Motors and Fittings, | $4200 WILL GIVE YOU | house, al | Whitby | A. Forde) | |] | up to March 31st, 1922, { tion To Rent - OFFICES TO RENT, §6 AND §io per mouth. Apply J. V. Hill. 146-c DOWN STAIRS SHOP. WITH GOC ight; suitable for barber shop and bathe. H, Engel, 16 Simcoe North. Phone 308, 140tf FO LET A SIX ROOM PLAT, with toilet, water, electric light ang gas, Posession first of April, H, Salter. 24 Rayal Fiat Phone 155. aR 146-¢ TO RENT --~ WHLL FURNISITED six roomed flat, all modern conven- fences, also good piano, very central, cheap rent to good responsible ten- ant, No children. Apply 520 Sin- coe St, South, Hey tf Real k Estate tor Sale LOT FOR SALE, 42% x 99 PRET. 190 Albert St. Apply 102 Church St. 146-¢ FOR" SALE=100_ CHOICE BUILD- ing lots. Terms, $1.00 down, $1.00 per week. Apply Alex. Hart, owner 167 Park Rd, N. Phone 446 143-t1 ge ESTATE HAND- fehl and satisfactor- Bradley Bros, 146¢ Da ESTATE -- FOR YOI'R summer home enquire about Windy Cove, just West of Bowmanville Beach. Beautitul front lots for sale. Moderate building restric- Articles For Sale FOR SALE AN AUTO KNITTER; 3 evlinder,~~Apply, Mrs, T. G. Vancroft, Whitby. 1407 |/ FOR SALE REFRIGERATOR, | Chiffonier, writing desk. Apply 29 'Mill Street, f FOR SALE -- A DINING A ROOM giite and kitchen cuphoard and Ques bee heater. Apply 93 Alexander St. 144-c BARRED ROCK EGGS FOR IHAT- ching. from hirds that are bred to Iny, $1.25 per setting of fiftesn eggs. 448 Mary Street. DRIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE Including horse, 7 vears old, Laughlin buggy, a family made hy Wm. Baynes Co... Hamiis ton, with two seats, all upholstered, I set single harness in good repair. Apply L. V. Hogarth, R. R. No."2, Phone 487w. 146-h FOR BALE - | MEDIUM SIZE TE. frigerator, 2 kitchen chairs, 2 bed springs and mattress, 1 kitchen table, 2 rugs. Apply 25 Ritson Rd. 144-¢ FOR SALE A QUANTITY OO! Marquis seed wheat, Apply C. J. Stone & Son, bake Shore, Cedar Dale. 144-¢ FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKER carriage. Apply 23% Prince St. 146-c FOR SALE --- BABY CARRIAGE Me- cutter, tions. FF. G. Dyke, Room 708, minion Bank Building, Toronto, 144- -may4 | House For Sale rand Jot, x 35. House 20 x 15; Terms, cash. Phone lot 102 | s02w. | 144-c, FOR SALK--S8IX ROOMED BRICK | house with all conveniences. {ply to owner at 1564 Colborne g., after six p.m. COTTAGE FORT SALE, henette and summer kitchen, ree garden, all kinds of fruit, arge chicken house. ert St, 146-c FOIL SATE =X FIVE ROOWTT | frame house with electric light, wa- Apply 200 Elliott Ave, 148-c| "RIX | also DOWN house nice Price right. $4,000" WILE WiLL BUY with lot, de yp Room sirable location. BUY KX. SIX ROOM conven- A SEVEN | room brick with all conveniences on paved street, lars. §5.800 WILL, all of BUY A TEN ecouveniences, with ground. in good ROOM eres and sewer on a price to interest dejay! Now is the time lot We have choice wots in all parts of the town. Farms near Oshawa and Bowmanville for sale Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co 61 King St. E Phone 792. CC. Lyeett, J. C. Young. Phone 625 Phone 996 | ' 146 Tenders Wanted SCALED TENDERS will be received for the erec three story apartment house. Plans and specications may be seen at the National Life Office 19 King St. West. The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceptd. 146-a NELSON BUSINESS LOOKING LP Arthir St. to be sold! you. Dont to get your of a With great improved business con. | moderate op- | ditions which even the timist predicts with the coming o spring, travel between Eastern and Western Canada will resume its normal volume, and we want it im pressed upon the traveling public that the service provided by "The Continental Limited" the Canadian National Railways premier train, is the last word in travel comfort. This splendid train with all-steel equip ment rams daily between Montreal and Vancouver, via Ottawa, Winni- peg. Saskatoon and Edmonton. Wes! from Edmonton the route is through Jasper and Mouut Robson Parke, af- | fording some of the most bean! ifu: { mountain scenery in the world. Con- nection is made from middle ané western Ontario points through To ronto and North Bay, through sleep- ing cars being operated from Tor onto daily commecting ihe *"'Contin- ental Limited" at North Bay. 1 Through standard sleeping cars are | alse operated between Toronto and Winnipeg via Port Arthur, leaving | -------------- VY. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE | Sup Life of Canada, also places fire. accident and automobile insurance in | reliable companies. Phone 1046w. Ideal Tire ie Shop, dn Aid age, Siucoe St. Seuth. Tires for! sale. Jamieson Broa, Proprietors. i Phone 68. i siy FURNITURE STORED -- dry building. Also storage for cars. i Day phone 552J, night 552W. Rit sop Road North. femme -- IN CLEAN! | Community Auction Sales a am tit a BARBER. WYNNE-ROBERTS & will be held in BOWMANVILLSE during the next few months. As Seymour. Engineering, Architectuve | this is a progressive step in and Survering, 61 King St. Eas. Oshawa, phone 93. 40 Jarvis St., | right direction. we ask your ue support. Toronte. Phone Main, 2897. 289-1! & - ; Bring along anything that you do: Musical instruction sive to sell. We will do the rest. JIERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C.M.. | First Sale: At 1.30 PM... Manch erganist and choirmaster of the King 1 sat. Whis sale for Live Stock St. Methodist Church, is prepared to | Toronto Mondays. Wednesdars and Fridays. Try this superior service om yow next trip west. For information and reservations apply to Local Agent Canadian National--Grand Trunk Rys.. Oshawa. Ont. 146-0 At Genoa Germany will recite los- Ses as a reason for the Allies being easier on her. We presume the loss of the war will be InciudogeyPitte. burg: Gazette He Needs Glasses-- the mau you see whe holds his book at arms' length really Do- . | stove , one nak bed and springs. FOR BALE--TWO ROOMED HOUSE | PI 98 Albert St, Ap-| I i -¢ | dale, Pennsylvania, WITH RIT | Wilson, 421 King East. very | Apply B37 Al-jehen chairs, pair tapestry all conveniences, | selected convenient to Ped- | | two! location, | 5. BAIRD. | and cabinet gas range, both in good condition. Will sell cheap. 210 Prince Bt. North. 146-¢ [FOR SALE ---- KITCHEN CABINET, | combination econl, wood and gas Ap-| d6-c; FOR SALE --- AN ORGAN AND| other nseful articles, Apply to Mrs. Stevens, Park Rd, Sonth. 146-c | {FOR SALE--BRONZE TURKEYS pen consisting of # hens and 1° bred by Bird Bros., Myers- Apply J. W 146-a | TTROUND two kit- curtains, 146-¢ | PIGEONS, Apply P| 146-¢ | WYANDOTTE gohbler, FOR SALE ---- BUFFET. dining table, refrigerator, Apply 25 Ritson Rd. N. FOR SALE -- HOWE Lal 50 black Siderian doe. Hayes, 223 Burk St. . FOR SALE--WHITE guaranteed tires, $1. 160 King St. W., $7, [$8 /, x4, 33x 41 Xx 4%, 36 x 4%, 37 x b, all real good tires, on your tar. say, averywhere. Waseanu 144- A oo {FOR SALE---THIRTY-FIVE ACRES | igood land, Port Perry district, [did residence, water system, floors, silos, houses. Perry, Out. ing story in a Bombay gacl. after fixing the hour of execution of | a prisoner, The prisoner the change: | stead of | led a prior engagement. | | statistics show a crease in the consumption of Cham-! j duction in price {is now seriously threatened 'continuance of ~ HOARI St. Ask your dealer TWO a hous¢ PTRES-- $6 each, y 32 x 31, 32 32 x 4% Black, Ave, 21 454 -i | | RUGS WANTH draperies, pillows cleaned | cleaning process, Farms For Sale | mattresses, Damaged, 102 Alice St. General Wants | WANTED---ONE BBL. NO. |thern Spy apples. Write P. 476 or phone 3023. | A. Gerry, Phone MAKING SPEECH was forced to alter It, | was thus informed of "The governor presents | his compliments to Mr. -----, and' would like to know whether it would suit nis convenience equal- | ly well to be hanged at 10 an. in- p.m." History does not tell us whether the prisoner plead- accurate tracings upon records of actual | sounds in articuia instrument is worked power tered hrations, speech, 30 x 4h TO RENT Oshawa, 143-1mo | . 3 PURTSAED ROOMS ~ FOR $9, 54 | '85 x 5. These are 5 nets and other office y WANTED TO HEAR FROM equal to new seconds. We ship Hor pencils --everything Wisconsin. reasonahle prices, splen- | large harns, stone. stables, 143 146 149 he master drawing pencil" { 182 has lead so smooth and of the graceful courtesy | H" ure. All 17 degrees vou have never used or 'We shail gladly ads tse Tires For Sale | w AN TH D - 50 and $12.50, \ | rooms for light 30 x 3,81 x 4; your office dx 4; { housekeeping, Box ""W", all ready to put furniture--ledgers, Westen Tira. Co 1 | er having farm or esto , ! Falls, for your office is here steam heated, fine | { young orchard, hen and hog! A GOV ERNOR'S { oP IME NTH The. zoveraur.) easy -flowing that it are for sale here (HL B the Kldorado, try one vou which - degree 1° Ag PROTAL 30 = / : SALES E hi § yt 211 Court Tiger Tire Sales ver mg or a, ply 1849 Albert St x 4; 13x 4: i PR 510 ay . Desks, filing cabi- Be Farms Wanted They are, as you might stationery--inks, pens, | BF Raving Ii oF Toronto. 148-1 at its best and at very open grate, hardwood | | DIXON'S W. C. Pollard, owner, Port A ELbo rADO| .A correspondent sends the follow. | ! makes writing a pleas- for general use). If just to satisfy yourself, best for your work e and each different { In the presence of @ person saying upon paper line. The LOSING THE SWINE" HABIT Overseas Daily Mail: Recently most marked de- | a wobbly, REFORMER OFFICE Oshawa, Ont. The | ------ | wines |3 y -_m - ny i | by the, the "wine habit" altogether This the heavy tax on, is bad news just at a ti when them One' well-known expert es- | some the Dominioms making timates that the quantity of wine efforts to push wines drunk in England to-day is only British market, one-third what it was befor: thi war, and he fears that unless thers is a big reduction in resteurant prices we may be in danger of losing { by means of delicate and this in spite of the caused hy the { moval of the ad valorem duties. popularity of less expensive re- re- pagne, ormous number eof times. aided by ready in use, it will be timately to read and translate foreign or unknown tongue of these lines are the record. A man who is always polite wife in company doesn't alw member that two Is company lington News, me are their ol ! special on the The fst German lloyd in eight years has arrived buken It was delayed hy steamer | in Ho a storm. | red and old furniture re-polished 11867. vibrations LTUa LIGHT Reformer, 146- bd OWN- unimproved land Chippewa 5 45-0 SO CARPETS, to he by our thoroughly sanitary seratch- w. NO 0. Boa 146-¢ VISIBLE A wonderful new mvention culled ! the Lioretgraph enabies one to make permanent of The motor When a vowel sound is ut- the room heecomes full of sound | gives vibrations of u different shape. the Lioretgraph "Ah" would record symmetrical principle involved is sim- ilar to that of the phonograph, but, mechanism, affects of speech are enlarged an en- It is be- lieved that with this new invention, mathematical formulae possible vi- the al ul- any whieh to his ys re- Bur- eggs. Martin strain, winter dozen eggs. 73 from carefully layers Dollar Oshawa Boulevard 144-c | FOR SALE CONTEXTS OF - A four roomed flat, evervthing in splen- | did condition With option of rent- ing flat. Box "G" Reformer. 145-c FOR SALE -- COWS, FRESHE ! shortly, also horses. Apply Jas. H.! Platten, R.R. No. 1, Raglan 145-¢ FOR SALE -- 1 RANGE, | oom suite, beds holds furniture 3 DINING and other house- | Apply SO Emma St. ids -b | Automobiles For Sale | FOR SALE =] * TON "FORD TRU CK yin first class shape. $350 cash L Apply 45 8. Alpe rt Street New Lumber for Sale WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH | and dressed lumber, ask for guota- tions. Whithy Lumber & Woodyard { Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont 1461 } TIMBER AND LUMBER FOR SALE at Port Whithy, out of the Watson elevator, smitable for all kinds of , frame buildings, barmps, ete. Quan- tity of belting, chafting and seales | ready for delivery April 1st. Apply | John Watson, Port Whitby, Phone 13 145-« {If there are any streets thut have uot previously been watered or oiled where the residents wish to have it | done, it will be neessary for peti ttiong to be in the hands of the un- { dersigned by March 31st, 1822. F. E 146- a RAILWAY TIMETABLES GRAND TRUNK AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going east: S23 am. daily cept Sunday; 8.58 a.m. Suaday 022 am. daily; 104 pu except Sunday: 2.50 p.m. daily cept Supday; 4.54 p.m. daily ex cept Sunday:9.40 pom. daily; 21.59 pan. daily stops only for passengers for Montreal and beyond: 12.49 a.m. | daily. Coing west: 4.44 a.m. daily; 5.56 am. daily; 624 a.m. daily: 2921 a.m. daily except Sunday; 2.45 p.m. daily except Sunday: 4.44 pam. daily: - 729 p.m. daily except Sunday; T.23 | p.m. Sunday only 5.35 p.m. dail y ex- | cept Sunday. ex- | only; daily | ex- CANADIAN PACHUC RAILWAY Going east: 240 aun. dally; 2.49 nan. daily exeept Sunday; 9.40 p.m. | daily excopt Sunday; #2608 am | daily | Going west: S07 a.m. daily; 8.40 aan. daily except Sunday: 8 pw. ! daily 8.04 4p. m. daily except Sunday, OSHAWA POST OFFICE Mails close at local postoftice at: | Coiling East: 7.80 a.m. all East; ! 2.00 p.m. Port Hope and Peterboro Division: 8.45 p.n.. all East. Going West: 1.15 pam. all West: | 7.00 p.m., Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Division: N45 pam. ali West. needs glasses. and 8 | datic Fact is--he is about forty, the les of that focus his eyes need help to | give cleal, comfortabld SER Is it that way with you tee? Mhen We Test Eyes At ds accept a limited number of pupils in | Bianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe | gan. For temas, etc., apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodis' | Phone 8077. NEIL AC. AM. TE! eriof pianp and theory. Pupils hie d for all examinations, 282 Clerk, R. F. Aitchison. dames Bishop, W. T. Baker, Auctioneers. Tons at time, of sale. 146¢ tL -- -- fered one Prapevly {at 3 2--Four Corners. 3---MeLaughlin's. --Pedlar's. --Canning Factory 6--=Schofield Woollen Company T--Fittings Ltd. N-- Division and King Streets. 12---Albert Sit. School. i 14- Convent, Brock and Siumcoe St. 15--Ountarie Malleahle Irom Co. 16--High School. 17--Hospital. : 18 Brivo Bethune College Voliva insists the sky is a lange | inverted bowl. Presume that ex- piaing why the rain won't stay in| St. Joseph News-Press, March Records Are Here---- Come in and hear the latest in popular Dance and Song Records A COMPLETE LINE OF RED SEAL RECORDS STOCKED D. A. hut Music Store Queen's Hotel Block Phone 1138) coe St. North MARCH LIST io OF »» "His Master's Voice"-Victor RED SEAL RECORDS Featuring the first Victor records by the Great Russian Basso, Chaliapin. A new number by Caruso, the greatest of all tenors --more beautiful than ever, and other new interpretations of musi- cal masterpieces by the world's greatest artists. N 88645 88646 88644 87335 05027 87333 64776 74687 06022 87334 66023 66028 4727 74729 74730 74728 66025 The Two Grenadiers When the King Went Forth Song of the Flea Messe Solenmnelle- Crucifixus Bless You Don Giovanni Ultima Rosa (Lovely Rose) Faust--Salve dimora Sérénade My Ain Folk Paradise Sweet Peggy O'Neil Mazurka Salome's Dance -Pait 1 Salome's Dance Part 2 Polka de W. R. Serge Rachmaninoff Chimes of Normandy Renato Zanelli Ask Lo heer them played on the Victrola atany "His Master'sVoice" dealers Manidactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited, Montreal Feodor Chaliapin Feodor Chaliapin Feodor Chaliapin Enrico Caruso Frances Alda Lucrezia Bori Giuseppe de Luca Beniamino Gigli Jascha Heifetz Louise Homer Fritz Kreisler John McCormack Erika Moriui Philadelphia Orchestra Philadelphia Orchestra Also we carry a choice selection of Classical Records and a complete line of up-to-the-minute Popular Selections: D. J. BROWN Jeweller & Optometrist

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