Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 7 Mar 1922, p. 8

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1922 ptt PAGE EIGHT 'absian ee ------------------------------ Interruption in the Hydro ser vice affects everything excepting phonographs, fllvvers and 'flabben gasters,--Stratford Herald. SPRING IR COMING pull yours, If you pinch it I'll pinch Detroit Free Press: As soon as you, the seed catalogue begins to look | jessie after n moment's thought) attractive you may assume that the | Mamma, 1'11 pull its tail, Life srr PERSON L | gy ue Te - : . | Hoy long wold 8 Wivate Mistne A aR, ADY last if conducted in the same y i hackbone is that it frequently frees. READY TO HELP go-lucky way as the ecity's?----Hamil | i | on itself stiff after it is fractured, i The Reformer {nvites the co-opera- | I} "Beg pardon, sir, but could you [ton Spectator, wem--p----r tell me if there is a man living in| The wonder is not that the girl MORE HEAD THAN HEART this hotel with one eye named John | wear those ugly overshoes, but that | Wp QUESTION OF TRANSPORTATION | When a young maid entered in; "Do you want a pullet " the store. But several who had not cared a rap| STREET CAR ETIQUETTE swaying strap) | [|| items to this column, Send us a | burt that kittie, I am going to do tha| *'Mayhe I could help you out. Do [keep them till summer and wear | Place at the home of Mr, and Mrs,| -- Mr. Arthur Wilkinson, of To- TL * rvs The girl walked briskly into the mpere were men WAH seemed to he | ARRIED HERE li store and dropped her bag on the "taking a nap [i SOC TAL d Souuter. "Give me u chicken." #16 lwhile the. oid maid bung to tha an r swaying strap, | keeper asked. \ Hl "No. the girl replied. "I want wmped ki het feet with a cheer. A | carry it." N tain (The old maid still clung to ner, MF. and Mrs. Wm. H. § ton tion of its veaders in CORDON ste 4 t ga . Harding?" year them | hy An old maid hung to a swaying strap | When the young maid entered in. a POSEurd of Pe Be, Mother----Jessia, the next time yon 8 they wear them in winter, Why no ud iy same thing to you. If you slap )t| ou know the name of his other|them with the furs? Hamilton A vory happy event and one which| ~Mr. J. H, Smithers spent a few 1'll slap you. If you pull its ears 1')] [eyo?" Herald, = occurs only once in one's lfe took|18¥8 In Guelph visiting friends. I RP Pi ronto, was in town visiting his moth- William H, Stainton, 23 Charles Street, | br Mrs, Hervieux, 196 Albert St. ERNIE MARKS |on Saturday, it being the occasion of over the week-end. r Manager Spring Millinery ~ Opening A remarkable display « Millinery creations especially arra. ged for our SPRING SEASON OPENING Friday & Saturday, Mar. 10 & 11 PEARSON'S 7 Simcoe St. N. | NEW MARTIN THEATRE} sx SATURDAY their golden wedding, Mr, and Mrs, - --Mr, and Mrs, A, 8, Tooley Courtice Stainton have spent that fifty years of aRAI0URce Ba eagageent of thelr | r . ' (daughter, Arlie Ruth, to Mr, Herbert happy wedlock right in Oshawa and | yo mes Hobbs, Oshawa. The marriage og are recelving the congratulations '(o take place quietly in March, of a host of friends and relatives and 1400 [heft wishes for many future years of | Mr. and Mrs. Earle Davison, of "health and happiness, Toronto, Mi visitors with her mother, Mrs. J, Braund, Brock 8t Mr, Stainton was horn in Darling '5° ' ' {on Township, near Zion, where he > over the week-end. lived until his marriage with Miss MILLIONS HAVE READ THE BOOK]! MILLIONS HAYE SEEN THE PLAY } NOW SEE THE PICTURE Ee MN lt "DISNEY" Stands for everything that is depend- able and refined in Funeral Services. When Death enters your home, you are void of sound judgment. It is a satisfaction to know that "Disney Ser vice' is at your disposal. CALL PAY OR NIGH" The Disney Funeral Service 14 Bond Street, West 'Yelephone 1062 Unsurpassed Ambulance Service v AT ANY AOR, mn New Martin Theatre | The House of Vaadeville Musical Revue | ERNIE MARKS, Mgr. EDDIE COLLINS HERE 2 More Nights 2 TO-NIGHT "JIGGS ON BROADWAY" TO-MORROW NIGHT "JIGGS' NIGHT OUT" Feature Film "SHATTERED DREAMS" | Martha Tremeer, also a native of Zion, then taking up residence on | King Street Bast and operating a farm. ' :onage yesterday afternoon, Ten years ago Mr, and Mrs, Stainton | J. H. MeBain officiating, the map | moved still farther into the city, mak: ing their home at 23 Charles Street. They have three children, George Osh: awa, Luther Brooklin and Mrs, Speight, at home, Saturday afternoon about fifty-six relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Stainton to ex: ond congratulations, giving them no! a pleasant surprise, During the after | NOON 4 Program of addresses and musi: ead numbers was given, Mr, H., F. {Werry officiating ag chairman. speakers were Rev, J. H, McBain, Mr. William Batty, Mr. Thos, Stainton, Mr. John Stainton, Miss Grace Tremeer, ' Mr. Frank patty, 0. D. Friend, Mr: Foster, Mr, Charles Stainton, Mr, E. Batty, Mr. A. Stainton, and Mr. H {Stainton. Others who took part were , 0. D. Friend, Mrs. Speight and : Stainton, Miss Foster and Mis: .. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs, Swinton were further honored when they were presented with a purse of gold, Mise {fie Stainton making the presentation, while Mr. Clarence Batty read the fol- lowing address:-----We your children jand close relatives here assembled desire to congratulate you on this the day of your golden wedding. On reach- ing this far distant milestone in yomr life's history a kind and smiling Pro- vidence has been always guiding and directing your path through life's long 'journey. He has blessed you with health and prosperity and permitted you to reach this golden era which few | couples, comparatively speaking, ever ireach. We are very grateful that God has spared you to be a guide and com- fort to us all these years. Your for- bearance with us when we were chi! |dren, your kind words of counsel 10 ws as we faced the responsibilities which !manhood and womanhood always bring and your deep interest and guiding ad- vice in times of stress and your material assistance to us in makieg {homes for ourselves. All of these [things and many others place us under The | last night, TURNFER--ROBINSON At Simcoe Streat Methodist par- | Rev. riage took place of Misg Florence | itohinson to Mr. John Turner, both! of Newcastle. The young conple | were unattended, | | Os The Employed boys Gym' clas =| | HEART INT had an enjoyable time at the *'¥ | A large number of the! TREMENDOUS boys turned ont, and from 7.30 to| 9.00. P.M. the old "Gym" was eer-| SCE A O000Feer tainly lively. After a good workour m the horse and mats, the boy: RECTION APFEL Y.M.C.A. NEWS finished up with a smart game of basketball. The class meets again Thursday night at 7.30 P.M Wednesday will be ladies day. | All members of the ladies and girls 'lagses are requested to meet Mise | Dayis at the regular class hours, Thursday will he a busy day at the "Y". 6,30 to 7,20 p.m. the hoys from the Christian eburch Tuxis group will have games in the Gym nasium. 7.30 The Winona sporting club will meet. 7.30 to 8.30 Em- ployed boys class. 8.30 to 9.30 the Oshawa football elub will workout in the Gymnasium. Friday the Business men's clas will meet at 5.15 p.m. Supper will bho served at T.p.m. The Board of | directors will moet with the Busin ass men for supper, after whieh the board will have a special meetin © Saturday morning the Junio school hoys will meet for their Givm nasinm class, Mr. Galley will be pieased 1 weet any Business men who would like to form a Business mca"s cia: to meet Tuesday and Thursday wornings from 11.60 am. to 12.00 | pm i! We are watching to see what llals looks like when turped into Pruning --iheslie-- Toston THE MOST FAMOUS T DRAMA THE WORLD HAS Do], BN 7-1 Sh | RELEASED BY CA FEATURE & PR SEE STREAMS 7-11) -Bhes aun] Starring Miss du Pont eportss En ar ES : Extra "GENTLEMEN CADETS" Comedy "ALFALFA LOVE" Seats 35, 25 & 10c Here Thurs, Fri. and Sad. "TEX NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM™ Seats Ground Floor 35¢ Balcony 26¢ hildren 10¢ E-G-E-N R Jubilee xr To-night Your Last Chance to see Thomas Meighan in "A PRINCE THERE WAS" Wed. & Thurs. March 89th. Moran of the / | Lady Letty', an abiding obligation to you for amy {further service we may be able to Leather R |render. As a slight token of our ap: | preciation we present this purse of |gold, and may God preserve you for many years 10 enjoy each other's com- panionship.-- (Signed) Children Rela tives and Friends The house wus very preuily deca lated with flowers, which formed an | attractive sceme. Tea was served to the guests and the evening was hassed socially. Mr. Speight read many let ters and ilelegrams ofiering congratula (tions from outside points, all of which {testified 10 the great respect in which Mr. and Mrs. Stainton are held. Since | | making their home in Oshawa they | have heen staunch members of Simcoe | Street Methodist Church, and on Sunv- | | day Mr. Stainton, who is also a mem- | | ber of the Men's Club of Simcoe Stree! Church, was showered with best | wishes by his fellow members. Both | | Mr. and Mrs. Stainton are enjoying the TTMILLER 6 SON | best of health and hope 10 spend man! Open All Day Wednesday re Tr ae Extraordinary Bargains All D ay JOHN KIRK . At Oshawa Hospital Saturday af {ter a brief illness with influenza that | {developed into pneumonia, the death, | ocoury@d of John Kirk, of Harmony. at the age of 44 years and thre months. The deceased came to Har- {mony from Avonmore, Oat. abou! two and a half years ago. and fallow - led the occupation of a farmer. Al though only a short time im this | neighborhcod, he became known by quite a number who regret his early i demise. He is survived by his par-| lrents, two brothers, Ernest, of 144! Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Wil- frid at home, and two sister, Mrs. Fred Saudden, Harmony, and Mrs 8 Geo. Rowe at home. The funeral {was held Monday afternoon from | Disney's undentaking parlors, Bond | St. West, to Union cemetery. Rev. | | Geo. Yule, of the Preshytarian| {Chareh, ofliciated. ! ------ With double attractions during the afternoon--READ CAREFULLY --SO of these extra specials are on only for the aftermeon--DON'T GET vy | 62 inch three-quarter bleach Tabling, neat clover pattern, good quality. Regular price $1.25. . All Day Wednesday 89¢c yd. Full Comforter size Bats, pure White clean ¥ (American) open out full size. ie sas, quality All Day Wednesday 95¢ Yard wide fancy colored chintzes--Browns. Greens and Blue grounds--neat designs. Reg. price 55¢ yd. All Day Wednesday 43c yd. wg Comforters and Tiedowns. Regular 30c yard. All Day Wednesday 23c yd. 2 yds. wide best quality unbleach Sheeting. free from specs and dressing. Regular 75¢ quality. All Day Wednesday Sic yd. Made up English Net Curtains with lace insertion and wiging. splendid qualiy. Retular $6.90 pr. bide WH Yard wide (Old Rose only) Casement Cloth with self Yard wide hematitchad white ox HORACE CAREY stripe. Regier pice 73¢ youd - Be Camtaing, ves Sli tite or cream mateo gfot | A young life was ended on Sun-| Day Wednesday now yard day morning at the Oshawa Hogpita! | a All Day Wednesday 28¢ pd. when Horace Carey, aged twelve! years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam | Cavey. 32 Bagot Street, succumbed to a serious illness from which he had been suffering for several AFTER DINNER BARGAINS ONLY--At 1 o'cdleck these 4 extra specials will he gn sale NOT BEFORE b \ 200 yards of absolutely all pure Linen heavy Towelling with weeks. Some weeks age Horace fast color ved hovder. Reg. price 3TAac. was Hc. was taken to the Hospital 10 receive the best of medical cave hut he was | After Dinner only 25c pd. aa allowed to return home a few dars prior to his demise, having betome | much better. 'However, he was Ag- | | ain 1aken seriously ill and obliged {to roturn 10 the Hospital. Mr. | | Cavey, his father, has heen in Eng-! land for the past four months and | on learning of his son's serious con-| | dition sailed for Canada on Friday | lof last week but has npt vet ar-| {rived home. Deceased is surgived | {by four hrethers and two sisiors he. | | sides his pavemts. Mr. and Mos. | | Cavey and family have the doep sFm- | | pathy of the community in their sad | 1] A0-in. extra fine and heavy Factont 'Cotton Anote width) clean, ne dressing. good hleacher. Regular 3c. : only 20c yd. Yard and a quanter heat Tahle Ollcloth in White or colors. sells most places at 506 yard. ; 20 dozen White Huckaback homstitched Towels, size 17x30, After Dinner only 33¢ yd. extra quality, really worth 60c¢ a pair. After Rinnor only 38¢c a pair READ AGAIN CAREFULLY --¥f you shop after one o'dlack y ou can choose from the whole 12 bargains--4f H morning the last four Bargains will not be on sale. mo" dnp in the Thos. Milier & Sons

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