VOLUME 60 --No. 141 ¢ Ontario Reformer , OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MA a HA EIR 0 gage A pi wt Ape ag ESTING Second Section--Pages 9-12 aman a Yearly Subscription $3.00 single Coples § Cents RCH 9, 1022 ADDRESSED LEAGUE AT SOUTH OSHAWA Rev, J, H, McBain, of Simcoe St, uMthodist Church delighted the South Oshawa ',Laguers .on Tuesday night, He gave a most practical ana instructive talk for young people, taking as his theme, *'I beseech you therefore, brthren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, wh is your reasonable serv. ice," from the 12th chapter of Ro- mans. The speaker pointed out that the following of the teachings of Jesug Christ, helped an individual hoth.D ysically "and mentally, It helped to make a sound hody and a clear mind, Mr. McBain went on to say, "At times it is hard to distin- guish a follower of Christ from one of the world, but there is a differ- epee. A difference of a celan body. and a clear mind," The speaker pointed out to the young people taht Christ never demands an unreason- able seryice--one may never fear to follow' Him for He 'neyer blunders and 1s never unreasonable. Miss Gertrude McMulien was In the chair, and in addition to the ad- dress by Mr. McBain, there was a plano solo by Mr. Fred Thompson, & violin solo by Miss Norah Lalone and a solo by Miss Mona Hurlbert, | | | | | By IAN DUNELM t of The Re. Here and there some of them were making hurried inspectations of desks which were new Lo them and looking up and around at the gallaries to seo it they recognized any of their friends. Old members called out groetings to one another and there was much goodnatured hadinage and shaking of bands as everyono got settled down into their places ready for the heginning of things. Eleven o'clock struck and the formalities began. The members being sworn and having made their formal hut frujt- less pilgrimage to the Red Cham- her, they returned for the election of a Speaker, in the person of Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, member for Gas- pe. A flowery tribute from the Prime Minister and also from the leaders of Lhe opposing parties, and the day's ceremony was over. To- morrow sees the delivery of the Speech from the Throne, and the he. vous, =F TEEN CANADIAN TREES FOR GREAT BRITAIN the British Isles, the Forestry Com-| mission is depending chieflly on Can-| sods Js done by dha Poroutry Braneh | Opening Ceremony Is Impressive But Is the Same Year RAFUmOI pt Lie IMerar | After Year, the Only Change Being in the * minster, British Columbia, Before Christmas, a shipment of 8,000 former) seed, Just lately the second ship. " ment was made consisung of 1,800|, Ottawa, March 8---To-day the f western hemlock : hird | the session the Prime Minister may Shipment which wil bo made as soon | 88K His Excelloncy to appear in the ! and then the Commons may still be fh Veanon, OF AB81. Jt lu reported | ol iating bout winding up bush boot is on the other foot as it were, + The Governor General called the you had much experience in a jazz! business and come back to-morrow. orchestra?" True, he didn't appear in person, but "Well? | The ceremony connected with the "Feel my muscle now!" 'opening of the first sessions of a new Extra! 'SPECIAL | 50-Men's and Young Men's Suits, all sizes, regular | $25 and $32.50. To clear at $16.50, $17.50 and $18.50 100 pairs Boots, black and brown, reg. $6.00 and $7.00. To clear at ........ $3.95 $4.50 and $4.95 50 Boys' Suits, grey worsted and blue serge, reg. $9.50 & $13.50. To clear at $5.95, $6.95, $8.50 & $9.50 Also big Specials in men's fine and working Trous- ers, fine Shirts, work Shirts, Caps, Hats, Sox, ete. ------------ SUITS MADE TO MEASURE -------- BE SURE AND COME EARLY *. As these Prices are good for Friday and Saturday | wis Dominion Clothing Co. || 68 KING ST. WEST Formerly Old Oshana House / What, A Motor Show in Whitby? Yes THE DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED wish to announce the opening of their- new premises on SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922 Officials of The Chevrolet Motor Company will officiate at the opening, and short addresses will be given on Chevrolet 'Progress and Service. There will be a full range of cars on exhibit, as well as a complete line of Automobile Acces- sories. Arrangements have been made for enter- tainment by local talent, and a real time is promised. Everybody invited, so everybody come. We want a crowd. The programme is as follows: Official opening at 3 pa. J Diving contest for ladies of West Whithy for $500 Cash Pine given by The Davideon 4 Motor Co. Lad. / Oppodumity to lock ofier all new models. (Do not hesitate to ask questions.) talent, with an Orchestra Entertainment by locsl in the there will be DANCING until midwnight. ginning of the work. @ a ° The ceremonies of Parliament, with their pomp and vanities are well worth watehing---onece. If soen too often they hecome somewhat monotonous, which perhaps explains why the members, on their first vis- it to Ottawa as such, are crowding upon one another's heels on the way to the Senate chamber, and in sub- sequent sessions, prefer often to stay in the corridor and smoke, and then read the Speech® from the ) Tuesday, Thursday an "sine 3) In carrying out reforestation of Wi ith Fuss and Feathers threshing, and shipping of theso at a very efficient plant in New West. ' between Douglas fir and Sitka spruce, (Special Corres of . Sitka spruce, and 100 pounds| the Commons. Toward the end of patch of the seed collected during! purpose of proroguing the House lv well in the British Isles. presentative waiting, but to-day the Passing Show, London: "Have | then told them to go about their was a physical weakling!" but. the effect was the same. "tday, is Impressive. It means, first | of all, that 234 members, many of them here for the first time, are fae. { ing the inevitable aod doing it with | a8 good a grace as they nn mus- ter. They are Jere in answer to the summons to meet here to-day "for | the despatch of business" and to- {day's 'business is chiefly that of {swearing in the members. The four {| commissioners, appointed by Dedi- i mus Potestatem (who, by the way, {| doesn't live here any more) get the | members off their guard and admin- ister the oath. The Gentleman Ush-| printed copies. er of the Black Rod, who is a most, To-morrow there is the added at- becoming fellow in tight black knee | traction of this being the first ap- breeches and who wears a cocked | pearance of Lord Byng in Parlia- hat and carries a sword as well as| ment, and even the older members his Black Rod calls them to the | want to hear his first Speech from Senate Chamber where he announces (the Throne. And the ladies--this is the Governor General's deputy | ithe real day of days for them, and awaits i the Senate chamber, floor and gal- leries, will be ablaze with brilliant not | Bowns, though evening gowns at an at all from that which has taken | afternoon function do always look | place at the opening of every first | a little out of place. But it is a| session since Confederation. The | great day for Ottawa -soclety, Which { Commoners went to the Green Cham- | rung very much. to stratas anyhow | ber, some of them wondering what . they would see there, and others as | !a matter of form, and when they | got there they were told that His| in state to government House, and { Excellency did not see fit to declare | the House adjourns this time, un- the cause of his calling parliament | (il Monday when the speeches of the {until they had complied with the! mover and seconder of the Address | formalities of electing a Speaker but!ja Reply will start the ball rolling {that if they were good he would | for fair. Of course, the intervening (talk 10 them to-morrow time is taken wp with luncheons, Published ot Oshawa, Parliament Opens To-day ada for tree seeds, The sollecting, The threshing and cleaning is done Personnel--Chiose Speaker Yesterday pounds was made, evenly divided pounds of Douglas fir, 1,600 pounds Governor General has the laugh on as possible will conclude the dese Senate Chamber at a stated hour for above mentioned grow exceptional. | D088, and thus keep the King's ro- ATHLETIC HARMONY | members to the Senate chamber and "Have 1? Why, five years ago I, sent his deputy, Sir Louis Davies, Parliament, which was held here to- Ret / Extra! ¢ - - To-day's procedure differed . * Following the Speech from the Throne, His Excellency drives back A Revelation in Green Tea IT'S SO SWEETLY PURE, CLEAN AND DELICIOUS" ~ : for seats which will aaly Aceammd- date ahout one thousamy). 8 | for the men, those who are entitled | - to wear 'em find this a chance 0} . , display their windsor uniforms, and like Sir George Foster, trip over | thelr tin swords at every third step : they take. But all in all, ta a be great day for, Ottawa. | All the nows that is bhohind it, for i 1) = %, | those people outside of Ottawa who | g look upon Parliament as strictly a| » "Ls place of business, will he contained | 18 sold on merit and mer it alone, gs in the Beer from the Throng to-| it once and you will never go back to morrow, and nohody outside of the! oahinet and the Governor General | Japans. At all grocers, F himself yet nows what that speech contains, IV it is like all others that have heen dolivered during the last | ten years or so, it will be remark able not so mueh for what It con Laing as for what it omits, The gov- | ernment will Wy down ipsit a legls- | lative program which e¢oVers only the things, or some of them, which can he foreseen, but there will he many + more things crop up during tha sion of suflicient importance to de mapd legislative action at And the unforeseen things will probab. ly carry more public interest thao do those which the government now knows it has to meet ! For instance, the government will! be expected to lay down polleies regard to the tariff and railways, and while there are undoubtedly | the beginnings of these policies | drawn up, it is bardly expected that coneideration of them will have pro- gressed far enough to allow of them being written into the Speech. These however, are probably the biggest things which the sesston will hring forth. On them will depend much of the government's support in the! House, for it must satisfy not only | its own party members but also the Progressives, since a eombined vote of Progressives and Conservatives would perhaps bring defeat and new election WIE Ld Ing for it for weeks, and incident- ally, making life miserable for those government officials whe have to Iss sue tickets and try to satisfy the demands of three tl jusand people < -- Service No other word can betes reasons for La eminence of the -- Steamships in Atlantic travel, ord SERVICE. the wi wi first Hot reservations, ti have reached vour you are conscious of a a tentiveness on the part of the Cunard agents and em which lends very con: your enjoyment of the trip, Wits for illustrated travel books, rates and dates of sailings, or consult the Cunard Agent in your town. The Robert Reford , Limited Genera! Agents Eine' MACDONALD Ir | And to-morrow's procedure is the teas and such, all of which tend to { beglaning of the real thing. Most | relieve the monotony of life for the {of the members were in their seats Ottawa debutantes and dowagers who | long before the opening to-day, some | look ypon this as ond of the social ot them looking mighty proud and | times of the whole year. They have | important, others somewhat mer-| been talking about it amd prepar- | - WORLD EVENTS: THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. - L William Banks. For Camada at this moment the | agreements, Britain bas declared | bost of mews is the steady climb of | the protectorate over Egypt 0 be its dollar toward parity in the New | abolished, and the country mow has York market. As this was writ-| complete autonomy if it desires to tem it had reached the neighborhood | acoept it. There is little doubt of (of 99. That is the meavest it has | this though some agitators man per- come to parity with the United sist in disturbances on the ground States dollar since 1919. There are | that the terms do mot accord full a number of camwses to which this! sovereignty. For the preseat and improvement is attributable. One is| until the Egyptians have organized | the improvement in sterling ex- | their government and taken comtrol | change with its consequence reflex | of the public services, Britain will {on Canadian funds. Another is the | preserve the status quo in respect to (signs of renewed financial streagth | defense. tin the old land which is manifest- ernment begins whenever the Egyp- ing itself in the efforts of 7 London | tians are ready. Safeguards az to , bankers 10 secure foreiga Brit- | communications and foreign imter- {ish Empire loans. New York be-| ests and control over the Soudan are {Aleves that a mew Canadian loan of | maingained. fit is felt in the old | $100.000.000 to be floated this sum- | land - that the concessions to Egypt 1 mer will zo to London. There is no | may result in a renewed agitation in | statement on this from Ottawa, bat i In@ia for a fall measure of "home it would mot he surprising if it were | mle." Ar the same time those who | confirmed by actuality later. A | know both countries well are agreed sign of the times is the anmounce- | that the experiment which gives | mont of Seattle traders amd store | Ezypt practical freedom, could mot | keepers that Canadian money will | be attempted in India without ia- mow he accepted at par for the first | viting disaster. Gandhi, the leader 'dime since the unfavorable money of the Indian Nationalists, is said ompditions created by the war and | to have fallen in the estimation of its aftermath. his followers hecanse he has again N succesfully objected to plans for a widespread armed uprising. Excitement has been caused = * =» ewenmg. From 10 pam. rE 1 Hi In other words self gov- | Cigarette Sp Shee 10 For I5¢ For Mud and Slush You | Need these Rubber Boots and years of sxperieace 0 making subber {potwear can Jive Ames Holden Rubber Foptwess is built for jong wear, otherwice the won tied guananfés couldnt be tied to «ach pair. We stand be- hind at because it rcans fall welue for your mi lL . s ask us flor al { Every farmer----ecvery member of his family | -every man who works cut-doors wm: all lands | of weather---needs the dry. foot -comiornt given by Ames Holden Rubber Boots. For use on the farm, Anes Helden Rubber Boots are easy to wear because they re ounce OCS Ss lighter in weight, but they have the toughness that only pure subber --- pressure cured ES HOLDEN ony. The next time you noed rubbers, )