A E-- -- - The Ontario Reformer (Established In 1871) An independent newspaper pub- y lished every other -day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reforme: Printing and Publishing Company Limited, Charles M, Mundy, Presi- dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A. R. Alloway, Assistant Man- ager, GEO. A, MARTIN Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail agywhere in Canada $3.00 a year, United States subscriptions $1.60 extra to cover postage, Single copies 5 cents. OSHAWA, SATURDAY MAR. 4 1022 SPELLING BY SOUND The Montreal Witness never tires trying to persuade its world of read- ers that spelling by sound of the spoken word is the only rational way and that if English is ever to be the international auxiliary langauge it will have to give up its traditional il- logical and altogether ludicrous spels ing. Last week in half 2 column js told the story of a recent attempt at spelling reform in Bulgaria, under- taken by Government. The Univer- sitles. of course. immediately pro-! tesled. It wou'd never do to break with the historic past. It would be- come too easy to hecome a scholar. Of course, the Universities won the! day _ The incident recalls Roosevelt's similar attempt to reform the spell: | ing of American-English, It too fail- ed, Great is the power of passive resistance. Wonderful is the hold, the traditional bas on many Bther- wise enlightened and progressive minds. The older anything is-- even bric-a-brac and furniture----the! more sacro-sanct. I The Irishmen who are risking! their Mves and the national life for! what they call Independence are very slaves to the past in their gistence on retaining and using the language of their emcient anpeestors ~--spelling and all. They insist on | spelling Erin. Eireann. while they pronounce it as we #0 Aaron, the brother of Moses. which we might as well spell Moughzeas. If the Irish really want to restore and preserve their ancient snoken language, they should adopt a pure- ly phonetic alphabet. Even China lest year bet and letter-symbols by which al} the sounds in the spoken language are exactly indicated so that the alphabet is mastered the lan- guage can be learned as rapidly as 2 vocabulary can be accumulated. The same rule applies to the Eng Msh language. to its own until it is spelled as it is! pronounced and pronounced as it is spelled. What divers ot tears have once It will never come been shed by generations of children | learning to spell! Why shouldn't we for the sake of the children, not for sake eof rroof-readers, begin sound? Why to that odd to spell by should we be bound enough fetish? me throuzh" could ten be wri itten "A ruf kof and hikup plou me thru. Mow easy it would be to learn To read as well as to spes. if only the | Metvergitics wouid consent CAMPAIGN AGAINST CANCER Efforts are beleE fi made to get the! Dublic in Canada and States 1inlerested in = against that dread disease, which is now killing one out of ¢ ten persons over forty years of age. i it #s unouestionable that many of these deaths are preventable, since | vazcer ie freguently curable if recog- | campaign i nized amd properly treated. 4 in a circular recently iscned by al prominest life fAnsuramce company to help in the dissemination of use- fui information about the disease, it is pointed out that camcer begins as #& small local growth which cap often oe entirely removed by competent surgical treatmmnet, or, in certain ex. ternal forms, by radium, X-ray o other methods. Cancer is mot 2 £on- stitutional or blood disease, and it is mot communicable. It is mot "ian- herited. Its begluning i= ubually EDITORIAL COMMENT | Of all glad words that are now on' deck, the gladdest are these: closed find cheque." "En- You can say one thing for the war. | It made "billions" a household word. | While the average man realizes that his sins will find him out sooner | or later, he ig willing to bet that| they won't, 1 Even in this age of the woman cit-| izen one of the surest approaches to: the male heart is the "line" that be- gins; please tell me what you think?" People who deplore the fact that the nationally-owned railway sys. tem has deficits, gnd then don't put- ronize it when ppportunity offers] are disloyal to thelr own interests. being employed by the License The tactics 'spotters' used by Board to secure convictions locally! under the O, T. A,, are doing more to hurt the temperance cause than any other single thing. Telegraph next week, The great talkfest the year opens at and tens of thousands of words will be ticked off to all parts of the coun-. | try Every week. North Carolina taqitly admitted (that it hadn't a leg to stand on in a fair British court In its demand for i Bullock's extradition, when # re- fuzed to send witnesses to give dence before Judge Snider in Ham-| fitonm, Oshawa is Indeed fortumate In having such =a Association. {rom jt. "Oh, Mr, Jones, I don't know | a thing about politics, so 'won't you] H companies will rejoiee ol} Ottawa there! evi. smooth-functioning |. relief organization as the Welfare It 1s doing its work in; a way that places much larger migh., advantageously take a few pointers OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1922 -- y bringing rich rewards | to their publishers. With trumpets, by every art and artifice 'of the vaudeville stage, these wares only attegtion ix sought, Admiratios and find an acceptance as wide as America, Poor in Nentiment With few exceptions, unite vapid tunes with weak and mawkish sentiment, An occas- fonal effort, to our delight, rises above sheer mediocrity. And why? From what is termed in the trade twist," that is, a happy phrase in stanza or a catchy Hit in a melody which speeds a song across the foot: lights, and gives il a grasp, for a day, of the public ear. This "twist" may sink sentiment into mushy sen- timentality, But Hke the high-hecl ed hoe, it attracts attention, ano only attention is sought. Admiration | it never wins, even with the un-| thinking. Many song-leaders, nf community singing, they must. allure the public WNT S07 FAST SPREADING OVER CONTINENT 177 Athol St. BE. : Phone 880], {Need of Direction to Secure | SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH 5. Full Benefit from Its Popularity 8 a.m,--Holy Communion, S---- 11 a.m,--~Morning Prayer, 2.830 p.m,--Sunday School, 4 p.m.--Baptismal Bervice A tidal wave of song 1s sweeping ond Bunday each month.) {the continent. It has reached Owen 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong. Sound---witness the hearty singing Monday, 7.80 p.m.--Teachers' at recent gatherings. Community ing, !slnging resounds in every State of cre Seeder, py m~--Boys' | the Union, in every province of Can- ada, says the Montreal Gazette, and 87. GEORGE'S HALL poes on: Passions for patriotism, 0 p.m,--8Bunday School. grief for our vietorious dead, and Tuesday, 3 p.n.--Mothers' yearnings for a peace which shall | fon. endure, dve added to themes of hope i Wed. and and faith, of love and exuberant joy | Girls' Club, i whieh we have sung from childhood. | CHRISTIAN WORKERS' Athol Burect This new birth of music creates a Rev, T. 4. Logan, Pastor new need, a golden opportunity. Now, "Thore insistently than ever SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH b. | | Rev, T. J. Logan who has hecn before, arises the question "What I ghall the people sing?" The churches holding special meetings in Peter. 1% their great field, have garnered Re has returned bome and will | throug} the Sani uFies a rich hazves: is : of moble hymns, voicing the highest J1Nduet Dots gereicss Aundur. "aspirations of the human soul. But fd " J Public Worshi "even in temples of worship, charlat- a. gin ap. Study, Wns have forced an entrance. Dur. Thursday, 3 pm Prayer mest, (ing the past fifty years evangelical Please aotei---Rer. Duncan Me. scnp-writers have written many Leod, of Formosa, is conducting gospel songs," faulty in literary woot A Tagger A form, and commonplace as muSic, {church next Sunday, March 12th! (and each night during the following iweek, Don't fail to heap him, AMONG THE CHURCHES | ANGLICAN St. George's--Cor, John and Centre, ! Rev, C, R, dePencier, MA, 89 Athol Street West. Rev, O, V. Stent, B.A,, Tune songs | and these Versi \ | (gee | meet- | 7.80 Ute and promoters | maintain that | Thurs, 7.30 p.m.=- with | Furthermore, many i ti new | i is vangly | tupon songs of merit. of these chieftains be Heve th song, if gathered on certain to bg popu) these men waste the! ephemeral pucedsse White Way, But we glance at the music ot yeurs to note that which never really 'avor. soon faded Time is an inexorable and only music of sound textuye cen survive its unrelenting touch | As year follows year, the quietly discard "hits" once : i applauded--often from the When we turn from churches to, and beauty of a fashionable schools we observe, with cheer, that | stress. The arts of salesmen, 'afeguards have heen reared against| ovr forceful and beguiling, BAPTIST pnusic not of cultural value. Thanks | tj oir jimits, also, No pushing. [Pmmannel Baptist Churcn--King E, to onr educational authors, and their | ov.r determined and adroit, ta fiev. J. L. Harton, B'th, Pastor ! publishers, every pupil in our schools worthless song into the portfo Residence: 18 Aberdeen Street, has placed In his hands the true andard music with its perma SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH v heat of musie, faithfully winnowed place in public regard 11 p.m.--Public Worsh from its chatl ; But when we pass 7 p.m.--Public Worship. » community singing, which to-day | The adult bible classes will meet Pks so largely in the public eye, | again on Sunday in Church Audit-;»* find no protection whatever | orium, against exploiters of the spurious! Monday, 2 p.uw.--P. M. A. Club. in music, and yet, thousands of | Wed, 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting songs. sterling in merit, are avails | Friday, 8 p m.--Choir practice. chile for community choruses, and for | peda ihe home as well. Why, it may be CHRISTIAN ished, does this excelent music suf T. Cotten, Ph.B., Pastor CHURCH ve only to every "success" deserved public into oblivion, | | fomdly grace SOng- how- haves Jow- Safeguards in Schools nent 5. 4 Faults of Critics While harm ha feebleness in song writing, jury bas been inflicted by critics narrow spirit Our musical higi- brows are wont to aim above t heads of plain people. upon songs of love and gladness, © merriment and fun. But it iz a poor heart that never rejoices A wealth ho equal In of Rev, E. tor neglect? Skmply because it doer blare of |" cheap jingles hefore they will acept Greal | the past fifty | test of values, people heen wrought by and frown! Assisting the Farmer HE interests and requizernents of agricul ture are fully understood and well served by this bank. To encourage progressive enterprise in the farmer and to make his financ- ing as easy as possible, practical assistance in the form of loans is given, and complete bapking facilities, specially adapted to farm business, are available at each one of our branches. Consult our local manager. [] DOMINION BANK . OSHAWA BRANCH, HENRY, Manager. CEDAR DALE BRANCH, w. H "SHEPPARD. Manager, BROOKLIN BRANCH, CROSS, Manager, eM Sunday, March 5, at 7.30 PM, Christians should keep the Sabbath for Christ is Lord of it. and has commanded all men to keep it holy. Jesus said "The Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath Day" Mar. 2:27, 28, "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy" Ex. 20.8, Ministers and laymen of all denonunations are especially in- vited to hear this sermon at the above place and date. Admis- sion free EVANGELIST W. R. FRENCH ' he he not, old or new, written aut or abroad, are today more plen- rt known of reason The) m= evolved a phonetic alpha- "will be better off without being the "stopping place for a week or two of {when testimonies type-setters and: wal rough cough and hiccough plough | | aproach the problem from this. point | of view and drop the idea that we the United | 1 cancer, ! fideni that we shall find Egyptians | saMOOE ST. METBODIST CHURCH marys ready 10 meet us. | i dear?" she said. ! for wi all | us And worth mer of than ever before. To the brim- treasury of times past is (Continued on page 4) of tongs, fond and impassioned, bv composers of acknowledged rank have become elassies and for a good | i not epjoy the tireless promotion ac- rded its unworthy rivals. These anderserving songs are sold as mere | Providing fresh milk for under-, 169 Athol St. E., Phone Bold vs i weight kiddies In the schools is & 847] i Christ ch--C {forward step. In some cases chil-| rd Chur entre St., j dre n are not given milk to drink' Our Leader-- Christ regularly because. parents do not Our Name--Christian vealize its value; in other instances' Our Creed--The Bible.. | the parents cannot afford the milk. OurRight--Indwidual interpreta tion experiment will be watchea, Our Fellowship---Character. closely. The Red Cross Society i5;SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH to be congratulated on this further 11 am.--Public worship | offort to help the children i 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public worzhip, Monday, % p.m. --Prayer meeting Wed.. 8 p.ma.--Prayer Meeting Public cordially invited to attend Parsonage t clutch while so ' wit} near a Dr. "BEHCLD, NOW is the aceepcd time, now is the day of Salvaticn." --Il. Cor. 6:2. The The Locai Council of Women on the right side in endorsing stand taken by Chief of Police! riend against allowing travelling learnivals to visit Oshawa during 18 Simeve St. X {the summer. All of us need pleas- {BERY ces St XDAY, MARCH 'ure and amusement, but the town i 11 a.m. and 7 p-m.--Public Wor- ship. Subject, "Man." , Wed. & p.m.--Testimoay meeting aer given of hesl- travelling carnivals and their hang- {ing through Christian Science. ers-on. You are cordially imvited. BING ST. METHODIST Rey, A, M. Irwin, BA., BD., Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. E.Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH &. 11 a.m.-- Public Worship. p.m.--Public Worship A massed choir of male yuices will he in eharge of the music at is the! CHRISTIAN SCIEACH 5 wley Green OF MONCTON, A GREAT PREACHER A GREAT MESSAGE gs A -- I sunaay AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH | WHAT OTHERS SAY | A FRIENDLY EGYPT. Westminster Gazette: There is no security for communications to be) £531 by amy ifititary preeaution which is comparable to the seeur:iy of a friendly Egypt. There is 42 the eveniag service. order that we can guarantee by any - . | military force 10 the foreigm com- PRESBYTERIAN munities resident in Egypt that will |Simege St. South, Cor. Bruce Strect, be comparable to an Egypt reconcil- Rey. G. ule. Minister, Residence the jed with Great Britain and endeav-| Manse, 65 Simcoe 8., Phone 493. i oring to work out her own destinies. | gpRVICES, SUNDAY. MARCH ! There is no safeguard against for REE ! eign interferencs or aggression whic al a A Polie obip, ' ean equal that of an Egypt on friend-; 7 oil kf i : {ly terms with Great Britain. If we 1 yl ia both services. can make either ourselves or the for- oi agli iaties sw cfianiol ie ners or our Imeprial communica- hearty welcome awaits you. ne safe by a great army guartered | Friday, 8 pa m--Chonr practice on ar unfriendly Egypt, we are eon- | 7 i i Vv. charge of 1 Bey. J. H. McBain, B.A., Minister A TENSE SITU ATEG ATION $2 Simcoe St. South. Phone 148 Harper's: Mrs. Jones found Mrs SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH Smith. the avaitor's wife, fa fears. 19 am --Fellowsulp Meeting "Whatever i= the mater my 1? awm.-----Public Worship anxiously. 3 p.m.---Sunday Scheel and Meu's "I'm worrying about Harold," | Club said Mrs. Smith. "He's bees trying! 7 pm.--Public Worship a week to kill our cat. and Monday 8 pm --Epwonth League a last resource Le took her ap Wednesday 7.39 --Praver Meeting.' his plane. He said he would take] "MENS OWN er up two thousand feet and dro; bet pe Mo the side." P| semvices, SUNDAY, MARCH 5. "Well, what is there io worry! Brotherhood Federation of Canaga about?" at is the i Beano South Oshawa Methodist. "Lots," exclaimed the frantic wo- eeting Class "EIRRA™ 2.59 man. "Harpld isp't home yet, and [PR. Bible Study, also Special and | ihe oat 48" | Vita! Subjects, up-to-date. { GOSPEL = MEETING AT THE GRANY THEATRE Speaker, W. BR. French | SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH ». | 11 AM. and 7 PM. Meeting for Men A Bit o' Verse painless, and its insidious onset fs overlooked. Other 1 The fashion of bobbed hair among girls is said to be due for a change. It will be found, however, that it is much move difficult to counteract than buckling up sloppy overshoes. 1 An' the clonds hang dark and heavy] at 730 pam IN A FRIENDLY wax Subj. ~The Decaiogue tr God's When a man ain't got a cent an' he's) Standard ©i Judgment." feelin' sort © blu, Mhis ds the second of three ser! i "Why I Am a Sev-| an' won't let the sunshine thru, {eath Day Adventist." it's a great thing. oh my brethren,! The public ave invited to hear this fer a Teller just to day geries. Admission free. Collection. His hand upon your shomider dn 2 - friendly sort @° way! THE SALVATION ARMY Adjutant and Mes. Graves. Com- manding Officers AND OLDER BOYS At YYM.CA, 4 PM. WEEK NIGHT MEETINGS at Baptist Church, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week at 7.45 o'clock. SHALL N | | { it snakes 2 man fecl curieus, makes the teardrops start An' yom sort o feel a flutter ln the | region of your heart; y You can took up an' meet his eyes; | Fou dont know what to =ay, When his hand is on your shoulder, in a friendly sort o' war. { Oh, the world's a curious compound, | with dts honey an' its gall. With its caves an' bitter srosses, but a good world after all; And a good God must have made it-- Leastways that's what 1 say, | When 2 hand is on my shoulder in meting at 8 p.m. a friendly sort ©' way. am meetin: --James Whitcomb Riley. ppm it] | 'SERVICES. SUNDAY, MARCHE 5TH. | 11 am.--Holiness Meeting, ; 1 pan.--Salvation Meeting. Yeung People's classes directly {the onrning at 19 o'clock. Sunday School and at 2 pan. Monday at 8 pan, Tuesflay--Life Saving Scuwols and | Lite Saving Guards. 180 pan. -- Also cottare Pr aver | in i Bible Class | night Salvation meeti ing | ~Eamilton Spectator 4 ' al yg