Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 2 Mar 1922, p. 5

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, commencement of big civic i» 11 CIRC ULATION 6JA RANTERD 10 EXCBED 2800 + £ Ontario Reform 4 4 / [4 - ~All the News ile dt Is News ~ VOLUME 50 --No. 138 Published at Oshawa, Ont,, Canada Fuesday, Thursday and Saturday OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 Yearly Subscription $3.00 Single Coples 5 Ceats TEN PAGES Assistance Civ 86 Needy Families By Welfare Association Over 400 Given Helping Hand--Civic Works Give Jobs to Many--Local Con- ditions Better Than in Many Other Places--Ex- pending Large Sums for Relief beh: 1, FEW SEEK HELP ; AT PRESENT TIME r Secretary Wilcox Reviews 17 Weeks of Operations of Community Welfare As- sociation's Second Year-- Red Cross; Health Nurses | Milk Por Unierweight | Kiddies In Schools Not content to rest when the sealed which they have pre sented to the public schools of Oshawa have shown a pupil to be underweight, the ladies of the Red Cross have taken steps to correct, if possible, that phy- sical defect and build up strong and healthy boys and girls in local schools, and the cowm- munity at large. The Society has arrangodgto purchase daily 25 qfarts of milk, and every day at eleven o'clock children underweight or requiving a little bullding up are to bé given a drink of fresh, pasteurized milk The experiment, followed with sue In Toronto and elsewhere, | li and Civic Officials Have Co-operated Oshawa, since Qctoper 27th, 1921 when the Community Welfare Asso ciation began to function for the winter, hos fared well dn the matte: of distribution of relief because © unemplpyvment, as compared wit! many adjoining towns and cities oi the same size and larger. To-day because of the improvement in in-| dustrial conditions locally, and the { works, \ practi. { within | applications for relief are cally nil, none at any rate the last eight days. Over 400 Assisted i At a well attended meeting of the | Welfare Relief Association, held vesterday afternoon in the Board of LOCAL MEN GOVERNMENT HOUSE will be elogely watched in Ozh awa ATTE LUNGHEON TUESDAY Col. Grierson Extended 'Bon Voyage' to P. C. Larkin, High Commissioner was | H ay Elected Liberal Leader Ontario Libc:ul leadership, which position he since the resignation of H. Hartley Dewart, K.C., M.P.P, i The Liberal convention which' is being held at Toronto (ak. o'clock this afternoon, selected Mr. Hay as leader. There were only three balloted on for the position--~F. W. Hay, W. E. N. Sinclair, 'K, C., M.P.P. of Oshawa, and J+ Q.Tolmie, M.P.P, of Windsor, Only wis not announced, The result is of significance in view of the fact that Mr, Hay is considered one of the Libéral members favorable to co-dperating with Mr. Drury, whereas Messrs, Folmie and Sinclair were said to be anti-Drury in their views. ' id L270 Local Delegates : South Ontario Liberals who are attending the convention, to- gether with six hundred delegates from all over Ontario are, Mrs, C. F. Farwell, Oshawa, G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Sam Jefirey, Port Perry, R. R. Mowbray, Pickering, W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P., Oshawa, and L. O. Clifford, M.P.,, Oshawa. Local Women's Council ~ Hears Report of Year; ge Central Organization Has | Many Important Matters) to Consider During the] Coming Year, Declares Retiring President Mrs. | | | Must Report Income 2 For Year By April | Those who are reguired to fill ont jincome tag papers, arc reminded that this mupt De done before April 1st next. A Post Office official informed The Reformer yesterday that as vet very few of those who « compelled to make out this wtement regarding their in- | | | | | G. D. Conant--Unity is Most Necessary DISCUSS PLANS OF FUTURE ACTIVITIES a sly Mrs. McLaughlin Pres. On First,Ballot 10-day F. Wellington Hay, M.P.P. for North Perth, will continue in the has temporarily held | one ballot was taken, and the nuinher of ballots secured by each man | Council Adjourns Without Making Decision on Bill Re Water Rates; " i yotor my DIGNATION 0 JOWN ENGINEER a. N. G.:McDgnald Requests to be Relieved of Duties by March 15 REFERRED TO WORKS BD. Council of Women Recommend Mrs. Wm. Culling as Police . valuable assistance would be a seri- | Prideess Mary's wedding day Education rooms, at which the pres- chosen by Lieutenant ident, Dr. T. E. Kaiser, presided, it especially was shown in a report. presented by Governor Henry Cockshutt for the Secretary C. J. Wilcox, from Oclober sixth of a series of luncheons which 27th, 1921, to Febraary 17th, 1922, ! His Honor recently inaugurated for! a period of 17 weeks, 86 families, | the purpose of bringing the business totalling upwards of 400 men, wo-| men of the province into closer men and children, have been assist- touch with cach other; and the oc od with food, fuel, boots and shous, | fon was also taken advantage of | medicine, drugs, ete. Work waz] to bid hon vovag: to Mr PC: foynd for 276 men on the Base Line | Larkin, is leaving Canada and Westmount sewers. The total} agsue duties of High Commis. | expended to date is $1,949.77, while sioner iu London. Tuesday's guests | the cost' of administration has only | comprised representative men from | heen $42. This is much smaller than | the connties of Ontario, Victorla, | fast year. The administrative work | Durham, Northumberland, Peter has been handled largely by the see- borough, Haliburton, Lanark, Hast- retary, all men seeking work or re-| Ings, ete. The guests were received lief having passed through the by His Honor, and the attendants hands, investigations heing made by filled the large ball-room, wherg the the investigation committee tables wore and where a rechi- The quantities and amounts erche repast served. After the A luncheon the guests were given an : s oxpended are as 1 i Soikogitive expended are opportunity of inspecting the vari ows: ous rovins of Government House and Fuel, coal and wood admiring the numerous art trea- Groceries sures Mett .... Immediately Milk { King, His Honor subinittod the health Bread | ot Princess and her husband Meals ... {| wishing them long life and happiness Blankets | This toast was enthusiastically hon rugs ored. Railway Fiour Sa Boots, and shoes whe no hi was of fol alter the toast of the Mary tickets Forthcoming Departure His Honor next referred to forthcoming depariure of Mr. P { Larkin Mr Larkin had made sueouss in commerce in the Domino wn, but was now about to sacrifice his own personal interests here in order to serve the Dominion in Lon don "1 believe," said His Honor, "tha! Mr. Larkin is able 10 carry out in a Canadian way the Canadian spiri| {Continued on page 3) hi Cc a Total 3 $1.4 The Sceretary's Report Secretary Wilcox in his report for the season of 1921-1922, pointed out | that the period when most relief was | necessary was earlier than that of! last year, whereas for the season | 1920-1921 relief on a general scale! did not commence until the first] week in January. This was due to the fact that most of those helped) did mot have a good summer, and | therefore after a few works' unemn- | ployment the workers found them selves almost destitute. The number of applicants for relief this year was, considerably lower than last. due to] two considerations, first being be-| = . cause of increased industrial acti- | Distinguished Commander of vity in town, and because of wore | 116th Battak Wants to work being provided in municipal | undertakings. In the winter of 1920 Meet Oshawa Boys 1921 only a limited number of men could be placed at work and then, po. col. GR. Pearkes, V.C., ouly in two shifts of three days peri SO, MC, ARC, late commander A SRE ET TE N =| tendance on s acellency, provided for amy number at fui | Brag of Vimy. Governor General, at time. It is interesting to note, the | the opening of parliametn on March report gates, that Sifter rk was| ath He intends remaining in the commen applications for assi l-| capital for a few days after the ance practically ceased, thus showing | Spd and word has been received that Oshawa wen prefer Work 19 here by Major A. F. Hind that the charity | distinguished soldier will visit Osh Since the commencement of the! awa, if possible, to moet as many of Base Line sewer the only cases where | the boys of the 116th as can be assistance has boen rendered was | Zathered together. Major Hind wil where sickness had overtaken the (be advised by Col. Pearkes of the bread-winner of the faiily. date of his intended visit, Ad 0 ee . $ FL weantime the former members abe secretary ackpowlodsod Xn good old 116th are advised to s the assistance given him by Kk in 1 b with the major as he Chairman Brown of the Sanitary and | Mob 18 A088 WH ormer Relief Committee, of the samitary | oPes 10 hare every poss a member of the unit greet the visitor fuspector, the public health nurses, on his arrival both by caunsel and practical help, 4 alse the services of Iaterpreter Ize! of the police department for his val- | unable assistance to the association where the citizens of foreign birth have been concerned. "Too much praise," said the report, "cannot be given the ladies of the Red Cross for their splendid and untiring efiorts | in_suppiying clothing to the poor of | the community. To be without their | GOL. PEARKES, V.C.: BAGDAD TO OSHAWA fetter Travelled Part of Dis tance By Aerial Mall A letter which loft Bagdad, Mes- i Fob y Ath, by 0 on the Bagdad-Caire acrial mail, was delivered in Oshawa yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Hareld Payae, T3838 The letter and other mail which came with it was apparestly dis- tributed at Ottawa, as the stamp ous loss to the town, because not a | woman or child has been without! proper clothing where a case has, been brought to their atbention. The | capital co-operation of the Provincial and i rk of te « Nas agg: Federal Governments in the matter | ge stamps, 11 all told, and bore of paving a portion of cost of relief | geyernl postmarks. This is one of for civilians and returned soldiers | ghe first letters to arvive here by (Continued on page 2) ~ acrial mail. on { officers, fof | { V.M.C.A MAY PAY VISIT or iscuss Problem of Women Who Are Strangers in| Town Being Unable to) Secure Hotel Accommoda- | tion -- Treasurer Reports | Substantial Balance on Hand | D Reports presented at the annual meeting of Oshawa branch the | Local Council of Women, held Tues day afternoon in the Y. M C. An] wore the logical result of a year's! work: vonducted i the community 4 interest, by women of vision and executive ability, representing map? women's organizations in Oshawa. | The Local Council to-day with it such organizations Red Cross, Hospital olie Women's Lea U. and yvarion church working in different sphere many respects to the one and same end, the betterment of humanity The meeting in addition to adopt- | as 1 all ww the Wo bodies, ! ing the various reports, and electing planned much important work for the coming year. President | Mrs. G. D. Conant presided Year's Work Reviewed secretary the year's Mrs work, | he Kinnear, report of the outlined |] showing that by quiet but persistent everal objectives have been | atiained. Oue of these was the ap pointwment. of Mrs. J. C Young, cor responding secretary, as a the Town Planning Commission Later on a committee of ladies was vhosen to act as chaperones at the on girls' day, while a la to co-operate with internal, mana- 0A ap effort { dies' auxiliary the directors in the gement of the ¥ NM pointed During the summer, at the roguest wa of the Parks Commission. the Coun- | | cil undertook fhe decoration aw | furnishing of two vest rooms | Lakeview Park for the beuefit of wo { men and children These room? { have bowen comfortably fitted up, and the Council appreciated very much the donations that came in for the purpose from the poople of Oshawa During the rear the report noted, the Council heard a number of iw- portant lectures om such questions as pasteurized milk, town planning, supervised playgrounds and social service work. all of which were ap- preciated. The Council alse vender- od in various wars help to the'Na tional Sanitarium Association in the war of teas and concerts, and alse made all arrangements for the en- tortainment of the British Bowlers here in August. Treasurer's Report * The treasurer. Miss Dillon. ported recvipts of $335.94, and ex peaditures of $234.76, leaving a balance on hand of $161.18. The accvunt for the rest row at Lake- view Park showed donations amount- ing to $199, all of which had been spest im painting, decoraling and furnishings, with the exception of ! $19. Citizenship Cemmitioe The sverotary of the Citizenship Committee reported aine regular meetings and one special held duar- { ing the year. The meetings were ir joctz of importance to the commun- ity being under discussion Ad- dresses and papers were given several influential citizens, as well as different members of the commil- tee, on such topics as "The British | Constitution. "Good Citizenship," {| "Parliamentary Law." "Towa Plaa- (Continued on page 1) Hl affiliated | the | Auxiliary, Cath-' {| doubt has | Epox ial member | | that at the regular ret well attended and interesting, sub- | come for 192], bave secured the revulation, forms. These may be had, gpon application at the Post Office. Filling out these forms 'is rather an arduous task and not at all a pleasant one to the majority of citizens, but as this Jaw has been in effect since 1917 peuple are fast becoming accustomed to I These who must Sil out the papers are slagle men over twenty-one years of age, hav- ing an income of $1,000 or over, and warried men having an income of $2,000 or more. NO RESTRICTIONS ON SPECIAL MEETS -------------------- Done at All Council Meetings For some time, both during the present and former years, some existed to whether the Town Couneil can trausact at a any other busin than that for which the meeting wa called The matter has come up time and again but without any de meeting cision being made Coun. BR. Moffatt, at Tuesday ev- euning's special meeting, gave notice meeting next Monday evening be will utroduce a whatsoever can be transacted special meeting, provided, however, that two days' notice of same is given in writing to each member of the Council Coun. Moffatt stated that there was nothing in the Municipal Act lor town by-laws covering the matter in yuestion, although the general understanding had been that oul the business for which a special weeting was called sacted | { ticularly last year. whem special meetings were held almost weekly, business of every description was transacted, although on several oc- casions the validity of the procedure was chaliemged. Mayor Stacey took the view Tuesday night that business | of the town could be furthered by ' tramsacting same at any meeting Coun. Meffatt's motion, if adopted. | may solve the problean. | LIBRARY BOOKS ARE ALL INDEXED NOW | A complete card index. designed | to serve as a key to every book in the library, scoiting forth the name and anther, and the number of cach book ou the shelves, has just been completed in Oshawa Public Library ! the shelving with the result that the library te-dar is in first class shape. The circulation report for Febra- ary shone a total of 2.269% bevks taken from the shelves, fire Jess than last menth, this being due to the fact that February iz a shert | month. The classification is:-- | Fiction Clasced 1569 218 639 128 2204 346 A total of 37 mew readers secured for the month, 20 adult 17 juveaile. Adult 8 Juvenile LJ motion providing that any busivess) at a | { | | | { { { | ! i { { | | i could be tran- | at the Presbyterian Church T da | | Woman N. ;. McDonald, town engineer for several months, succeeding Stans ley Shupe, now city cnginecr of Kit- chener, has tendered his resignation to the Town Council, to take effect not later than March 15th. The re- signation, without any explanation from the engincer, was read at the special mecting of the Council Tues. day night, and referred without dis- cussion to the Board of Works, which means that it probably will come up again next Monday even ing, when it is expected that a re- commendation will be presented re- commending the appointment of W. C. Smith, Toronto, to assume charge of all town engineering work. A request from W Willams, for permission to install a gasoline tauk in front of his premises on Prince Street, was referred to the license committee, : Want Policewoman The Local Council of wrote recommending the appolnt- ment of Mrs. Culling, wife of Constable Culling, as policewoman, pointing out that she was well quali. fied to perform this work. The pusi- tion a year. ago was held by Mrs, Adjutant Laing, who 13 pow in 5t Catharine: The letter was referred to the Finance Committe The Union of Canadian Muunigipal- ities, the organization which repre- sented the Town of Oshawa on the appeal against the application uf the Bell Telephone Company for increas- ed rates, wrote informing the Coun- cil that the company's application had been dismissed. Coun. Preston, as a motion went through to receive aud file the letter, jocularly sug- gested that a vote 9f thanks be sent. Says Land Damaged J. PP. Maugan wrote Council, on be- half of Jerry Haley, claiming dam- ages sustained to dis client's prop- erty from flooding, the water oom- RS Women but in | Permit Any Town Business to be! ing from Louisa Street, aud from a field where it was claimed some wells bad Leen dug years age by the town It as also contended that a horse became stuck In the mire om the property sowe time ago and had to be destroyed. Mr. Haley offered to to waive all claims for damages if mat-! ter? complained of were forthwith by the Council te the Board of Works ------------------ TWIN BEDS NEEDED Mary had a little foot, With sole as cold as spow; And everywhere that hubby That foot was sure 10 go ! COMING EVENTS IRISH CONCERT MARCH 17. gent Theatre Beep tris open rectified Referred rolled. RE- dats 138-b KING STREET CHURCH RUMMAGE sale, 22 King Street West, Satur- day, March 4 1370 HEAR MISS JESSIE IRVING, MAM- ilton, entertainer, and local ta ue 137-b y. March 7. Tickets, 56c It is interesting to note that par | Look FOR THE SALE OF HOME- made cooking at the market om Saturdar, March 4th, in aid eof King St. Bazaar. 138-a RESERVE THURSDAY, MARCH » for Dr. Jackes' Travelette on the Empire in Africa, under the aus- pices of King St. Home and School Club 138-a THE INTERDENOMINATIONAL W. Methodist Church, Friday, Marcr 3rd, at 3 pam. Speaker, Rev. Mr. Mcleod, of Formosa. 138 BEN HOKEA DANCE, WHITBY, March 8. Grand Trunk trains leave Oshawa 7.29. Whitby 12.2%. Canadian Papific leases Oshawa $92; Whithy 11.54. 1R8« DON'T MISS "DUST OF THE sion: Adults. 35c, children 20c. 138-2 ON FRIDAY. MARCH 2 AT 8 Pp mm, a cencert will be civen by the 1. 0. ©. F. ledges. PGM Cex will deliver an address. A good time ic expected AV members and friends are invited. Admis- sion free. 138a ST. HOME AND SCHOOL Club will meet Monday evening, Garbutt, BEFORECOUNCIL ; of courtesy which he M. 8. prayer service in King St. |; " drama at Kedoon Monday, | Passage En Vous he hint Travelling Carnivals The Local Council of Women in a letter to the Town Coun- cil Tuesday evening at the gpeeial meeting, heartily en. dorsed the stand taken hy Chief of Police Friend a few weeks ago regarding the bans ning from town of travelling carnivals, The ladles asked the Council ty endorse the stand taken by the Chief, poluting out that not only did these car- nivals take away a lot of money from the town and leave very little behind, but they also had an evil influence, The letter was referred by the Counell to the License Com- mittee Town OPENS EVANGELISM CANPAIGN HERE Gifted Preacher From New Bruns- wick Speaking Nightly at Baptist Church The special Evungelistic meetings {at the Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev, Bowley Green. ID.D., of Moncton, N.B. opened' last {evening and it is safe to say that Dr. | Greeu cowphetely won the hearts {of his audience during the course of his first address in Oshawa. A man lof splendid physique, of courteous {beariug, and endowed with. unusual {power as au orator, Dr. Green held {the atention of his listeners with ap- parent ease as he unfolded the fam- illar Gospel message and applied it | particularly. to the Christian people { present. The Woman of Samaria Dr. Green based his address om ithe well known incident of Jesus' trip through Samaria on his way to Judea when he met the "woman of Ramaria" at the well outside the icity of Syear.. Why is it recorded ithat Jesus "must needs" go througn !Samaria? the preacher asked. Why | aid he not do as his fellow Jews who, | because of their racial antipathy te- | ward the Samaritans, aveided Sam- 'aria by going around it. Jesus did inot ge through Samaria because otf {geographical compulsion," reasoun- led the speaker. but because of "spiritual compulsion * Se also the { "spiritual compulsion" should be the determining factor iu the lives | of followers of Jesus today. Dealing with the meeting of Jesus {with the Samaritan woman at the well, Dr. Green pointed the lesson said should be a characteristic of all Christians. He | then spoke of how the Master com- {| descended te place himself under ob- | ligation to the despised woman, whom Le met at the well. Then the i (Coutinued on page 4) 7 HOUSING COM. SELLS ALL ITS HOUSES Find Great Demand for Homes-- Could Sell Many This Year So great has been the demand for houses erected in Oshawa by Che Housing Commission that every home has been sold, the last one be- ing purchased yesterday aftermeon, and evem mow the Commission is receiving ~~ mumerous applications | from others wishing to take advant- |age of the government proposition. in speaking to The Reformer this morning Secrctary Glidden stated that they could dispese of nearly five hundred were homes if they were built. livens Meeting Councillor ' Trick Accuses Mayor Stacey of Trying to Block {Progress and sof Trying to Run the Meet- ing--His Worship Refutes the Allegation -- Won't Support Compromise Plan PROCEDURE IS WARMLY DEBATED Finance Committee Will Present Report of Joint Meeting on Previous Even- ing at Regular Session Next Week--Delay Will Cost Town $5 a Day if Bill Is Entered The special mapting of the Town Couneil calle r \Tuesday evemng to deal with the waterworks equals ization bill, which it is proposed to place before the Ontario Legislature was productive of mo results but lengthy discusion and considerable cross-firing tovk place. The result is that matters are nc further advanced, and the petition for the bill is as yet in the hands of the town selicitor. "A serious aspect is that if the Council really intends to present the bill at this session of the Legislature it will have to pay a fine of $5 a day for every day that body, has been in sessiop, as the time for presenting private bills his long since passed. lucidenmtally, at Tuesday's meeting the dove of peace which bas hovered over the Connell Chambers since the .new year was forced for a few moments to make exit. A feature of the meeting was some sharp exchanges between May- or Stucey and Chalirinan Trick of the Board of Works. ' A deadlock arose a few moments after 'Reeve Geo. Morris, chairman of the Finance Committee, seconded by Deputy-Reeve Mason, presented a written "metion that 'the mayor and clerk be authorized to sign a petition asking the Ontario Legislature to pass a bill enabling the town of Osh- awa to equalize waterworks frontage charges at T3%¢. a F000. Charged In a moment several councillors objected to such procedure on the ground that it was au effort to rali- road through something which had not been considered by the whele Council. Some called for a report of the joiut meeting of the Finance Committee, citizens' committee and Water Commissioners held on MNon- day night, at which several recom- mendations were embodied in a mo- tion, which, was suthorized to be seut on to the Council for consider- ation at a special meeting. Others demapded that the original petition, as read at a joint meting of the Council members and Water Com- mission en Feb. 17th, be read. Mayor Stacey ruled several of the councillors. who presented argu- ments out of order, and declared be- fore anything else respecting the bill could be done, the Council must first ratify the motion pased at the meet- ing of Feb. 17th authorizinz the mayor and clerk to sign the petition. His Worship explained that the meet- ing on the 17th, while agreeing to the motion made by Mr. Conamt, was mot a regular meeting of ths Council, therefore the signing of the petition, according to the Solicitors ruling, was mot legally authorized. The result was that the petiticn was still here while the time was getting short in which it could be presented, the town in the meantime being lla- was passed that the petition be com- sidered by the OC citizens' i Water Commission, iH ih il i x 4 TH Ii % | : wl : . § i j ; ; sig Ii ki : H H Bgil {1 11}

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