Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 28 Feb 1922, p. 7

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 PAGE SEVEN ini eT ------ ~~ _-- - ---- rT -- TIE oY Pas . Ek - n rm-- " Dental a Wank Articles For Sale | Help Wantea--Male | Rug Weaving RR | 1 DR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND | FOR SALE---~1 TON FORD TRUCK, | WANTED -- AN ENERGETIC TAN RUG "WEAVING OLD CARPETS Office aver Audison's Tallor hop. ye au, ph Luke- in rst class shape, $350 cashe {to go into Life Insurance Business redvoven inh reversible rUES by weil 19 King St. West, Phone 231. Reformer, . I 0 Box {Apply 158 Albert Street L__131-tf| with the idea of making a success |i, own Toronto firm, Leave your Juilders and Contractors. | BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A new home, or repairing your old one, sea me. 1. also have fine building lots for sale bean give you easy payments. and save you money. (3, N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, Park Road South, Box 530. i hone 0n7. : 130-3 mos. ae FORD TRUCK FOR | SAL; i of it ¢ life work. Some experien- ; |nddress with ¢. KE. Aldswortu, 3 g . DR. R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- Stor shape. Apply, R. ©. Henry & ., {ce preferred. Must be a marr Athol St. East, 'Phone No. 519, and 4 ley Block, Simcoe St, 8. Phone 504. i3 dob rage King Str Street East, 3 man. Apply Room 2, 221, Shiro Hathor st, ius will call on you with § . $0-tf FURNITURE STORE] D -- IN CLEAN | FOR SALE --- AUTO KNITTING | Street South, 135-¢ sample rug and supply information. 3 = : + dry building. Also storage for cars. | machine, Duplex, new. 138 Centre | WANTED--EXPERTENCED FAR J | Li0h DR. T. 8. TUCKER---DENTIST, OF- | Day phone §52J, night ge i Rit} St, evenings. 183.0 hand; single. One who can milk A joe over Sukg and Lytle's Sire, son Road North. J 91-t.£ | FOR SALE -- BABY'S CREAN jand do other general farm work. Ap A wicker go-cart. Apply 155 Simeco: ply H. M. Hinkson, Base Line W. | | | | i = Werk Wanted = YOUNG LADY (ENGLISH) DESIRES a position, in Oshawa, as Children's J :; experienced. - Address, Miss Port Whitby. Ek Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. live Stock, a specialty. "hone 167r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos cp 'Real Kstate tor Sale FOR SALE~SIX ROOMEN HOUS! all conveniences, good location. Ap-| ply 228 Bi'uce Street 134-¢| { FOR SALE MODERN BRICK HOUSI 8 rooms, hardwood floors, all conveni- DR. 8, J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; St. 8. 12k {Phone 25008 iis Office over Kyle's' Grocery (lore. RY DAY, WKKK, MONTH or YEAR [FOR SALE "BABY CARWIAGE |© Joa PY Hg Phone 959. 4-1 yr.) Assembly hall, suitaje for general Wicker, nearly new. Apply 329 Al Farms Wanted " -- 5 | purposes, Good trance, well [Pert St, Oshawa. 13%-c WANTED TO H EAR FROM. OWN- DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen, | FOR SALE -- A GREV WICK: er having farm or unimproved lan cnges: mew garage; most desirable : over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. ksink, connections for electric stove |baby carriage. Apply 303 Albart (for sale. John J. Black, Chippewa |W ality -- Phone 10%) 134¢ Phone No, 97, { 1. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, 119-1m |Street. 13%-c | Falls, Wise onsin. i ; NTT TE DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- @N-| FOR RENT = BUBLIC GARAGE| FOR SALE--IVORY BABY CAR-[T "Board and Room ; ~ [Athon st ne ALA i trance to office one doar east of | roperty 44 x 90 ft,, best stand in riage, nearly new, also child's stypl-| ______ * J REEDS ; re Les Detenbeck's Store. Oshawa. Apply evenings, Geo. C.]lerwith wicker hood, new. Apply 608 PURNISIIRD ROOM ALSO "RATT FOR SAL } -- MODERN BRICK ARAL RR LIE TO AN | Alehin Colbourne St. W, 135-c [Albert St, Oshawa. 138-c | flut to rent. Apply 13 King St. w. hepse, 31 Ritson Rd, 8. 8 rooms a ; TWO FRONT | OFFICES = AND|WOR SALE «ST ONKE CHEVROLET 135-i | Bardwood flocks, ail rable Tali % z down stairs shop with good light, | roadster; oquinped? with roadster sor | WANTID TWO TURNISHBD "ey Ba ¥ *Siraiie & THE OSHAWA RAILWAY COM- PANY, PHYSICIAN gyitable for barher shop and baths JUMck body. Can Be seen at StalteFs | rooms with conveniences for Heh | |r han Tho and" Burgeo? Talon Bank Bung H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, Fhone|Music Store. 137 + | housekeeping. P. 0, Box 537, Osh- MR, SOULES OFFERS FOR SALL the Annual General Meeting of (he Simcoe St. North. Phone 57. 110-1yr . 119-tf | FOR SALE -- MATCHING BOGS. | awa. 155: his house and lot, 17 Ontario Street = |Shavehelders of the Oshawa Railway PR. McKAY -- PHYSIOIAN, SUR- | TIOUSE TO kl I --KPPLY 0. R. | Sheppard's stralz, Anconas, bred to FURNISHED ROOM OR ROOM Oshawa, adjacent to Post Office, po AD == [company will be held at the office INOTICE 1S HERERY GIVEN THAT FO EA geon, Accoucher, Office and resi-' Hall, "Phone . 97tr lay, $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs. Ap-|and Board, Apply 207 Simcoe St 8. session April Ist All modern = |of the Company in the Town or dence, King St. East, corner Victoria | = ply H. Fish, 274 Verdun Rd. 137-¢ | Phone 667W. equipments, easily convertible inte | Gananoque, Ontario, on Wednesday, Bt, Oshawa. Phone 94. Help Wanted--Female | FOR BALETWO GUBLPH PLY. | === za owas slores, rooming house or duplex. 11 ZS [the 15th day of March, 1922, at the TE A b : ---- {mouth Rock kerels. big fell i not sold will lease to responsible and £= hour of 10.30 a.m., for the election of PR. L.. J, SEBERT, 78 BLOOR ST. | WANTED --- EXPLRIENCED GIRL Ook faesereis, alg 10 ows Houses Wanted S ; "Directors, and such other business a« areful tenant J. 8. Soules, 42 t Jury & one : full of pep and type. §3 each. Dickie, - ATE % ; y ni Mg ig hin x b Saturday » De re Sore 16 136% 139 King E. 1a {WANTED TO RENT --- A FIVE Of Maitland Ave.r Toronto } Very may be hrought before the said meet- i ponsula- | ore mde ---- WOR SALE --BGGS FROM HBAVY (8ix room house. Must have all mod- jing. from 11 3.m. 0 § D0. for consulta WANTED IMEDIATELY -- COM: (fers Waae Lo ROW HEAVY lem conveniences. 4. FE. Warton, | tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr hi J vetent stenographer. Good salary i,rize winner, especially u tor | Cedar Dale, 136-e | ny > = | SHIR es > 4 . ; 4 or, especially mated for COL LEGE GIRLS PASS DR: D, B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN T& land steady position for the right svinter layers. $1.80 setting. Dickio - = 3, : : 4 u Gananoque, Oni., February Sth, 1022. Burgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat. party. Apply W. J. Trick Co., Ltd.| 339 King B. 137-¢1 THE WAR TOLL CONTINUES "| LIFE-S AVING EXAMS. ¥ 130-1 Office over Dominion Bank. 'Tele- 131 | RV RA SPOOR Ov 0 RTT Y ad | 10 cara 5 J. H. VALLEAU, Secretary. a ------ Sr SII IT IIT RY dim ~ Z'PRIVATE STOCK 3 IRNITURS To ti ail ane 'mpire: Peace | phqne 1155. Hours 2 to 4 pm., OF (WANTED -- AN BXPRRIENCED | orig oi A TOCK OF FURNITUS Poveistn Mull ang panier J by Appointment. Te 96-tf, f 1 Jor general housework. AD-{yunge, 1 heater, dining room chairs, | of death. Besides 'the 60,000 Con-| Whithy, wag again the seene bi once 3g URUDIIORA DR} AA, HALLIDAY, 113 COL- Mrs. G. W. 'Hezzlewood, 59 Bond St. | leboard, kitchen table and chair vdians who '0 their lives wile very successful series of examin IN JHE ESTATE OF CLARA lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury| I. _ 38T-aiote, Call afternoons, 2 to 5; eve-|they were carrying on the strugsio| tions for the awards 1 JONES, deceased. : & Lovell"s Drug Store every Satur-|WANTE IDA WOMAN 70° | nings 8 to 10, 511 Albert St. jugainst the enemy, very many of | Royal Life Savi All persons having any claims day from 2.30 to 4.30 for consulta- cist with housework. Apply between | : ; against the late Clara Jones, who EE yh PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITU Lm, | their comrades who we red to! der to obtain thee awards, a or- = ar La ce tiow in diseases of the nose, throat 10 and 12 a. m. Le Duke, 239 Ar-| overything must be sold Tok S66 their own. Souttire r hat loneht knowledzs of swimming. and] Z| died on oF. shit the 15 day ut sag gar. - 34-tt| thur & a 137-¢ | noons 2 to 5; evenings 8 to 10, 5i1 | planted in them the deadly seeds of jl HE 1s Necessary ne. youre | Hast Whithy: re od os DR; F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | WAN] A STENOGRAPHEL | Albert St. 137-0 | that warfare, which have since cvt|ladies who tried the examinaiions WE iad i parlor suite, 2 bedroom suites, steel { did not pat an end to the war's toll! The Ontario Ladies' College 1 not put an : : : . jand addresses and particulars of Street West, Toronto, will be at his with bookkeeping experience AD: | (rr ---- we them of Scarcely & day ass ire deserving of great praise their clai 4 | fi $ i . ; i : ir claims to the undersigned, !- offiée over Miller's Arcade each Sat- pix Box "U'", Reformer, stating «al on SALE oL AR i 2 Jew ol vithoat its chronicle of the death of | also Miss L. Murchie, the very popu- thely for a $ ® Mnders gned £0 ; en lt a . of as range, also. green elvetl da i ome ember of r litionary | lar an ypete ivootor of vim- TE sk o 8, BF.. urdhy, from 1 till 4 p.m. for i pi i Binetied oN port. Both in good condition. 219! i Ji yh aden ing sie! ATE lar ud JA 89 Aitestor of swim PHONE 308 == the Administrator of her Estate, on tatlon and treatment of diseases of WANTED -- A GOOD PLAIN COOK | (10 sr. 1 Phone $65 187-¢!, 1" wie a MING aL COL ORE = or before the 1st day of March, 1922, ear; nose and throat only. | Also woman for general work hy ar r------ 2h Are. to 1 who are m f € ne 3 lady, 1 eS I ea oh SiS a | OR SAVE ENA PROSE Tos i Batt ie and en a RS vc YS na fo ais | King St. E. 137-a se, uge 7 this spring; also some D146 viene of Ui 1a Eupire 0. i mantic While the work of all w ill | i I Ii | assets, having regard omly to the FART SEEN edar fence posts Apply W H. | o : of I > pt et remarkably well done in {for claims then received by the under- ------------ ton Ye : : : French, Westmount 137-¢ ne ol ie, men of physica vigor: , Award of whic} } HEV. signed 7 - 4 Germany's contention is that she | "ToVed nd of brig rol When the wis 1 wird ol Mi vi J ¥ AN v igned, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, BA--BAR-| Germans's conten a is that she and of bright promise wh : TT 3 HIDDEN JOYS Dated at Oshawa. thiz 13th day of rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-! HLL ) support France in ta Tend Ww ed egiau, are now dropping off been i rabruary. 1990 veyancer Money to loan Offic> 8t¥le in which she was razed. - enders ant Ys RE, candidates, Mi neds Some of our rarest joys are to be February, WE J y . Finn thier s rook first bl > ifo-sa , K- Hr or > e's Hv i . Con : 141% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone | Kingston Whig. Tr ENDER FOR PAINTING ' he © i F country's d fir i place ¥ : found hidden in ot r peopl : 3 [ : H Be auant 2 445. When you see silk-clad ankles in HD The war greatly shorten Aid Nn eng EN, And dongs B71 ! have been hidden there i arrisier 1. f : | Tenders will he received up wr : i a Crt shaws rar -- erates -- | weather like this, you wondcr| yp, Ji ior a 2 luting 3 unl days of many splendid men w! y BW i f rder thi ' seek and find on Oshawa, Ont D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER | whether she is try to catch a hushand tori of the ap wily a) as survived its battles hie following gnalified for the ele- | anotd i tual commun Ir | Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- or pneumonia.--Pittshurgh Dispatch. {ay or ov sera. FLT Dons He) . en certificate. proficiency . ce we just walk aboui our own field ' > = -- ' cer, etc. All branches of Civil and | { Marker Building | Heat. .and bronze moda Ph h emain comparatively poor, and | New York might begin her adver- Criminal Law Loans arranged. | > ct For information \ Ah e 4 % ising campaign with this notice: will be thin a signed own J. H. Jowett 518). | GRIERSON & CREIGHTON- BAIL. | F. H COX Pisters, Conveyancers, Notaries Puab-! . Me, ete. Office over Standard Bank | Florist entrance Simcoe 8t.; Phone 13. °J , FP. Griérson, B.A, T. K. Creighton Wedding Bouquets, Funersl B.A, . : Designs a specialty, The Double Track Rruic Solution hi aroma, ble Acxentiin. BAiD | prayer as discipitne." But whew oive| 0 »QVER THE HILL" (Cofnued from page ! TORONTO £1 his : : siiule Diesence and Lider i Adsatico. Sale opens at he Vio were i Ip rompelling charm of reat GRAND wihted on hat his own j nerty on DETROIT i y the A i of M hér wd how = i rovis v Ea Simcoe Bivecs Soule Bod a. o Te I Tr WED., MAR. 1st T - . main of 270 feet frontage t ' : dit) ole 0 i. cof A n we talk ith God" G. D, CONANT, BA., L.L. B.--BAR: | 36%; Simcoe St. North him nothing, while the aout 1 CHICAGO I Shirley Letshma: F908 Dokl. BE JOR Re: Ri" MN ister, Soligifor." Notary Public, ae fis A iE, eitlle ; ! ! i | Isaac Edw Office (entrance) 7'% Simcoe St, | Oshawa, Ont. A ale TE ha es : ; £3 e examiner w p, y: C : is : a p-- Oshawa, Loans arranged. on Phone 885 On the viner han s hos ver, undof 11. sted TP (tne ang tke, Chair { the Bo: i mortgages, conveyancing and gen Nad . little NOUS on . La ¢ oi : ies miario ' afar practice. Phone 63. : ae a 1 : bh] DE Troe man fh {i ai WARE 173,¢. per foot frontage and i | ,H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. | | the same amount for water service, : 1 xii) PWHY MARY CARR MAKES 1bEAL | . . "11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 11 With the statement made at neridan, Yawn duo Solax MO Tabi 4 oO f OSH Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office | une meeting last week by Dr. Ka { : phone i CHEERY MUTHER T WN oO NY AWA Phones -Ofice 210, Res, 160. iy Lad Lod -- oe ser to the effect that the manufac \ Hutchison, Deg Bei nm f the outstanding featur ? = turers, as large users of wattr, ward Telephone Ni ; t x their proper share for t) \ \ X ot vO thie Chiropractic ; : a & their proper share for th William Fox pho hi % a "» {|| Glass Signs gery er: iDeviiy-Rewva L asp Hat Dah Bios re raed Rr rir ' 0 IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO. || Cotton Signs 00k CM. Maton pointed out | ; oan a 3 Nan an y Pa . - hdd he A i a #4 ne i o ihe » : i dt, on? "Don't go West and get held up o edi A Cars Lorn niy H 0, Ye ls. i iidisinc ph . TET v; ry a briny re : ] n or rea avle nlp ur | Tome to New York." New York St. , Osi Bominttien jh \ ol Fair i. Marion Ran- | purposed to imn bly enri ut vening Post awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence | Say It with Flowers mites, 187 i LE 1 EE Y Fvalss : Evening Post. | | | : : . he charge tor ryice ast practic Spinal Adjustments and ge Window Cards don the Sir of the mates. soa well. Examinations free at office Wall Si ns 4 tHe manain is being larg : manuf recs being 3 g : MOUS SLOTY in verse, Wol nich Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simeoe St. North {| Signs kinds ers of water paid more in propos 1 hall of film fam ver th RE ! PHONE H6-4 tion to those who used the ordinary til vill be shown at the irand Su E i High Class Workmanship household meters. Of the i EE Mirch } and rveyors maid Assured | venue last year $54,000, the manu- | it arr's achievement has i M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO E. H. TANE facturers paid $$11.000 It | has a circulation that foundation iu the fact tha . winfon Land Surveyor and Civic En- 91 Wiikinson Ave | pointed out further that whi hu exceeds 2800 copies is 4 of "Over the Hill" ¢ d gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- - rate per thousand gallons was 71% ued every other day ot tat ali, but rather cessor to late W. B. Yarnold, of Port | { cents in Cobourg, it was 26 1 . i the ig into the picture surround Perry. 3-tf | : déhawa, and this was a big factor full of the latest lo own little broad of ¢l ro : I ' 5 Teas ad -- Betws, gut Ss win u big TwerlV. ole ows Vtte brosd of children These sceurities are due March, 1923-1952, ty important characters Educational | Ee ot REAR", | <ching to local hore While real! lier part of the picture; and when that is, they run from one to thirty years, ; | § "9% | izing that there must be some ep | called upon to register a cortaln this giving the investor several maturities 'MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH-1 4 : tken to raise the required addition ' emoetion or visualize a particular in dd hi er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- i al revenne this year, he did not I : ident of the story; she merely por from w hich to choose. en on. Conservatory methed. For ' WHEN WE TEST fin | heve that x would be wise to further i trayed herself i E sh 99 ide iv | increase the rates. would have done with u 1 : Yow : nf i H : Tor athol st Ee Ege. Beet Tit | 1 Coun. R. Moffatt said that he was | ure read by all aud are attempt at theatrical embelli nt. | There is also a variety of denominations A PRIVATE CLASS FOR PIT» RY | EYES G old by one manufac or, who con sure Lo bring results { Mre, Carr, though sought persist- | unning approximately from $200 to st little bur ae 3 i sidercd that he was now paying en- They cost little b ; ently by several picture prod 'Y £ pupilé will commence Maveh Gtho | § ong gute aul Sa nat , complish 'much. Don't . y. 5 Lp clure producers $1,000. Qualified, experienced teacher. For| ; Mp ity ! sitate, 10 will om 4 eTor sine the eventual ni ast inforamtion apply 76 Colborne St | 4 | rates were raised he would get his | he September when Broadway awoke J 5 x West, or phone 809. 136-a | : Water from the creek | a 'consciousness that's screen hit of Price on application rn 3 i Coun. Trick took the apd that tremendous proportions bid arrived {9 Undertakers & "Embalmers | | / M'| overy manufacturer should pay thejr : in "Over the Hill" is ! laying A . : 5 i proper share for water service, and mothers in other Wi 1 Pro- A A 8 pd LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL | : i | that they were free to get their wat- ductions and her cheery, « } unicipa al ers orporation t Sectors, eBbaliers, Drivine am-! 4 | er from the creek if they so desired. | hi Chia i i is one of the brightest assets of | ' ' bulapce; morgue and chapel in con- | yi Cpr . X 4 Wil you as bos hundred the Fox Studios. nection; picture framing; 11 Simeoc | Dr. Kaiser said that when he ted the # . th { of others to give The i Sir John Willison, K.B.. LL.D. Sir William Hearst, K.C.M.G.. K.C. 3 quoted » figures showing the posi- | Wan is - . » { 'hairman Ex ive C ep St. South. Phone 210. Residence | J au0uey ie owns Lae pom | Reformer Want Ads ' a Vite Agen President Chairman Executive Committes ahi "" ids 7) | figuring on raising a revenue of $21,- | trial, Mutual Lite: Agents Victoria Street Phones Adel. 2000-2901--Toronto suri E p Venue 20-1 emma : JURY & LOVE Ltd 11000. but si th be 1 d that | The second annual "Get Together' Field Representatives Gi des: Et Li but since then he learned that | : 3 . 2 Cieid Represe Insurance Agents i ! E : Jl) convention of agenis of the Mutual " : ihe amount to be mised Was only The Ontario Reformer Life Insurance Co. of Canada was M. J. ROWE, Phone 594J, Oshawa i E --P 9 i $10,000. He still contended, how- FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Para: 23 Para: ti) H hat of : A Phone 35 | held in Edmonton, February 7 and 8. | I. D. HEADLEY. Commercial Hotel, Oshawa i i i ver é rs rate nat- | one 3 eliasion Matas wad Eoin Fir Ee Sr Ar] Jusurance Society, London, England. at qua y. 8 pa) rs ' = RARIE asim N A Mel.ean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 21 : | what was used. | REFORMER WANT ADS PAY ¥. EN) ENT FOR THE | : rr Sun x7 , also places fire, aceident a aie fnsurance ia reliable companies. Phone 1046w.' T - - ir -------- mre. He RRS 9-6-amo. || | wrx cony you BY JOVE » YOUR | A! : ; x i {WANT YOU TO GET ME on ik Ta FE SA ITA bec Webs dase | 40 YO WOR. - OUITE RAGHT - 11 THIS LUCY Ls A POSITION - DON'T BE hy pl vig - STEADIER RE aNY 1 Tire Repairing i Vn. iT WOULD | SONG TO Asc - YAS DOSY GOING AFRAID I'M NOT STE ALY, Sg ! PE MOTION LESS - TLL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS 51 \ OF YOU soon YOUR FATHER S TO YOUR Ee AM IMT, ao a 1deal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- Jf f= FOR. A did, ih : LTO CALL OM ¥ age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for, 4 3 ; " ng 4 2 ) sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. | ? Soi. : J Phone 766. | eo TB "Aingmeers 1 BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS &| Seymour, Engineering, Architectu~e | and Surveying, 61 King St. Eas. | Oshawa, phone 793. 40 Jarvis gd Toronto. 'Phone Main. 2897. 29-tf Musical Instruction nenpiiil C. TREENER, AT.C.M., organist and choirmaster of the King | St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, ete., apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church, or Phone 3079. 73-jue 30. \ theory. Pupils pre- pared for all examinations, 2§ -- { Slofieost, -- p-- - -- |

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