Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 28 Feb 1922, p. 3

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Watch Thursday's Papi «Watch our advertisement in Thursday's issue. Ladies' and Gent's furnishings at Rock Bottom Prices. ---fchwartz Bargain Store, 136-138 Simeoe St. 8. Phone 725. 137-a . - Passed Musical Exams, At the recent examinations In pi- ano playing, held hy the Toronto Conservatory of Music, the Bishop Bethune College, the following pu- pils of Miss Bamhridge were suceess- ul: Intermediate School -- Miss Dolly Hutton (pass); Junior School ~---Migss Florence Cox (hon.), Miss Violet Belt (pass). Primary School ~~Misses Annie Storie, Minerva Sin- clair, Elsie Ross, Claribelle Wray (hon.), Lois Mundy (pass); TIntro- duetory School -- Jean 'Mathews (hon). 137-a TEE New Concrete Floor A new concrete floor has heen put in the waterworks pumping station in the old part of the electric pump- ing room. The DeLaval pnmp and motor, the old electric unit, has heen Called to Ottawa South Rev. A. J. H. Strike of Perth, a former well-known pastor of the Bay of Quinte Methodist Conference, has received an unanimous call to the pastorate of the Ottawa South Methodist Church for next confer- ence vear, Will Replive Broken Ligh "When any person notices that a street light is broken or for any othe er reason is not burning, we would appreciate it if they would notify us at once, no matter where it is," said Mr. A. T. Hicks, manager of the Hy- dro Elecertric Commission, to The Reformer. "Frequently Tights go Invite Turley Here An invitation to visit Oshawa on Monday, March 9th, has been sent to W. E. Turley, Proving) Secretary | of the G. W. V. by. the local Vet-| erans, whose Ni it is to talk | over the re-organizing of the Osh- [ awa Branch and to ask assistance of | the Provincial Command. An inter-; esting meeting was held in the G. W. V. A, Hall last Thursday even- | Ing, reports showing that already | considerable headway is heing made. | Farther steps were taken towards liguidating local debts and some pay- ments were made. Have Deli Have Delightful | 'EBontinued from page 1) streets in the centre of the city are very narrow with only sufficion at | room for two cars to pass while the | pldewalks are so narrow that (we persons could not walk abreast or each other. This also stops pedes- i trians from stopping to gaze in store | wi 8. A peculiar feature point- ed out was that the awnings over the | windows meet in the centre of the} street. A They also had the privilege of vis-! Sting 2 fruit farm owned by Mr Jones, formerly of Grimsby, Ontario, | who is making a success of shipping fruits in large quantities to New York and other large American cen- tres. Among the fruits grown on this. plantation are grape frait,, or- anges, lemons, bananas and pineap- ples. They also had the pleasure of meeting Mr. J. F. Graham. manager of the Bank of Neva Seotia in Ha- ne and formerly of New Brums- k and Toronto, who took dellght in. showing the visitors around and makipg their visit one long to he re- membered. Mr. Graham. besides en- tertaining them at the leading ho- tels, jdvited them to his private home: near the Golg and Country Cinb where he made arrangements for them to play during their stay. Mr. Henderson speaks very highly of the fine treatment accorded them hy Mr. Grabam and they hope to reeip- rocate . some time in the near fu- ture when he pays his annual visit to Toronto during the summer. It was alee their privilege of see- ing Fritz Kreisler, the noted violin- ist; Fraeda Hempel, the famous sing- ér, Ring Lardner, the humorist, Clara Briggs, the -cartoomist and Mrs. Briggs, while John Philip Sousa and big band were also there. Many interesting incidents are he ing: told by Mr. Henderson and his companions who are very much ben- efifed by their trip and while ther wene delighted to be able to visu Caba, they are doubly glad to he back home again. ""OVER THE HILL" Advance Sale opens at the GRAND WED., MAR. 1st is dark and we don't learn of it for some time unless someone in the neighborhood notifies us of it." Celebrate Rotary's Birthday Oshawa Rotary Club on Thursday evening is to observe the 17th anni- versary of the inauguration orf n movement whieh is now warld wide. sud which has met with much sue- cess in the town since March, 1920. There was no weekly luncheon Mon- day, but on Thursday evening Welsh's parlors there will he cheon, which will he open to the ladies of members." An address 1s to be delivered hy Rev. J. H. AMe- ut a lune SEASON OF LENT Chritian Guardian---Lent begins {on March 1 and Easter falls on April 16. Might it not well for our | ehurches general make more {of this season than we have heen in {the habit of doing? The season lends itself to high amd holy pur- poses and it would be too had if we missed the opportunity that it brings 10 us, in to ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO, odist Church, Hold Annual Meeting afternoon in the Y. lors, M. C. A, Leaves For New Field Rev, C. F. Stent, assistant at 8t, George's Church tor few months, left Oshawa on day for his new field at Akron, Ohio, | He carries with him the best wishes of the many friends he has made ip Oshawa during his stay. . Residence Sold rector Ritson Road North, .belonging = to Mr. Hugh Hamilton, has been pur. chased by Mr. D. A. J. Swanson, tho price being in the neighborhood of $8,000 it is reported. Mr. Hamilton has gone to Toronto for the Dirant Motors, Npecial SiVidin Conta ne The third week of special night services in Oshawa Church opened last evening, when Rev. Duncan McLeod, of Formosa, gave an inspiring evangelistic ad- dress. Rev. Mr. McLeod also ad- dressed large congregations at that church on Sunay with deep spirit- ual effect, Baptist a6 Communicable Diseases A typographical error crept into | the report of the Public Healtn Nurse for Webruary published in Saturday's issue, It was stated thas the number of scarlet fever cases for the month was 36. This read that the number of communli- cable dieases was 36, with an in- eredase in the number of scarlet fever There was also shown an in- erease in the number of chickenpox CASeR, -- Enjoyed Entertainment A musical entertainment of high order was given in the Assemb- ly Hal of Oshawa Missionary Col lege on Saturday evening All "ecol-| lege talent fiurnished the program, Outstanding in which were the sel- ection rendered by the school oreh-| stra. Other numbers were: Violin 3010s, piano solos, and selections by a very: SALON REFORMER WANT ADS PAY | Garis' Bedtime Stories WIGGILY'S EASY SHOES 1921, by MoClarge News. paper Syndicate Howard R have a good, hot supper for me when I come home, Nurse Jane." said Unele Wiggily his muskrat lady housekeeper one day as the bunny rabbit gentleman hop- ped off the front step of bis hollow stump bungalow "1 shall he most happy wered Miss Fuzzy Wuzzy hot turnip pancakes for carrot maple sugar sance sprinkled down middle I'l have warm slippers near the fire for and an easy chair But where you going?" "To look for an adventure. Uncle Wiggily. "Aud they are ting so searce now that I have to a long way from my find gne. [ll be tired when T get back.™ "I'l have everything ready for vou," promised the muskrat lady housekeeper. Then Unele Wigglly hopped away, Nurse Jane was just finishing dusting the cups and sauc- ers when, all of « sudden, a cute little voice said: "Ive come over to spend the with Uncle Wiggily." "Why, Baby Bunty!" laughed Nurse Jane, as she saw the tiny rab- bit girl. "I'm so glad to see vou! But 'Uncle Wiggzily has gone out ad- venturing. However, you may stay until he comes home." "AN right." said aby Buatly, "What are those?" she asked, point- ing at two things like large Noah's arks beside the warm fireplace. "Those are Tnele Wigglly's easy UNCLE Copyright, (By Please Garis) 10 to," "rn you ans- have with the your you, are said go wp bungalow to and hungry day Names That Count In Pharmacy The names on various nadeasis of Drugs and Chem- icals may mean little to you as far as their direct sig- , but they often do mean much to you, especially when you have a prescription to be dod . We carry the grades of goods that aed physicians insist upon--and it will pay you to insist upon them too. if this care in the selection of drugs andother drug store merchandise means anything to you, let us serve you zegularly. Our regard for quality has caused our name to be look- 4 pon oy» Sistamtes The REXALL BR weg aq 'k JURY & LOVELL L, STORES . W. THOMPSON 1, stringed t¥1o. A well filled auditor ium heard the concert Which was well received Ld shoes." explained Nurse Jane. put thew there to get wurm and he' slip them on when he from adventuring," 'OL said Baby ful like Vnek shoes! Sort of extra aren't they, "Yes lady. they pay much comes jin tir Bunty Wi big Nurse Jane thouglt- v's slippers. answered are." more the Then attention to mupkrat didn't Baby "he should have | 5 The annual meeting of the Local] Council of Women is being held this |&8 par- == the past ES Mon- | &= The fine buff hrick bungalow. on |g week | SE IH SL XT RET TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 1922 PAGE THREE Bali, petor of Hiroe 1 Street eon E! Closed 'Wednesday 12.30 Noon BE TL CRON R SCNCNE SONCRC MEN NC NE Wo WNYC MCR JON REE ONE MONORE MEN XM NUNC IO JOB 2 OB 22 NOR MONON WE WENEM nt --_] Closed Wednesday 12.30 Noon aegeadedfentesferaciertectonionts neste destests Making Wednesday Motuing a Profit- able, as well as a Popular Time to Shop Our entire staff are going to enjoy a half-day's holiday to-morrow. You know it's our first Wednesday holiday of the year; and if you are one of the many that are confined to an indoor occupation, you will know just how much this opporfunity of getting outdoors means to us. hearty co-operation very much-- We'll appreciate your "GET THE HABIT--SHOP IN THE MORNING" ONLY TWICE A YEAR-MAKER'S SECONDS IN WINDOW BLINDS Green, cream and white, size 3 x 6 ft., complete with Regular 95¢ for 69c¢ each brackets and ring pull. Regular $1.50 for ........ 24c A YARD--NURSES' GALATEA OF EXCELLENT WEIGHT AND WEARING QUALITY It's a very except depended upon to keep its color until the Jast. indigo dyed navy and cadet ground with woven striped patterns, width 28". Special Price ional price for Galatea that can be Best The new season's price is 33c yd. White Huckaback Towels Are always.in great demand. Here is a very special line, size 17 x 36 inches, with fringe ends. Wednesday morning e---- rp ------------------ Clearance of $3.00 Corsets If you are fortunate and can wear one of the sizes mentioned below, it will surely be a lucky day for you. Finest quality pink coutil, brocaded, elastic top. Sizes 21, 23, 24, 25, 26. Wednesday morning Black Sateen Underskirts Fancy accordion-pleated flounce, sizes 34, 36 and 38. A rare bargain for "Wednesday morning ............ $1.49 Ginghams, 36° All-over Aprons Light and Dark Prints, 'Special Wednesday morning .... 88¢c r= 31, 4 atl Save 17¢ on Fach Yard Wednesday Morning Best quality Chambrays and wide; fresh, crisp merchandise, all in good lengths. A saving of 17c a yard; reg. price is 50c. Wed- nesday morning only 33 c yd clean, This Fine Bengal Factory Cotton Measures 40 Inches Wide And regularly it cannot be bought for less than 25¢ a yard. On Wednesday morning 300 yards are ready to be measured off at this of .... special price 19¢ ¥+- --- Bleached Longcloth--How Many Yards Can You Use at 18¢ Yd." Ten' full pieces await the big demand for this strong, evenly woven cotton on Wednesday morning. It's a yard wide and priced much below its worth. Flat Curtain Rods -- The Kind That Never Sag or Tarnish brass finish, extends from 30" to Wednesday morning 25¢ yard Brush 48 tee---------------------------- Ji EE Burity plives who, sat to amuse Uncle Wiggily On and ou, the fields through the woods hopped the rabbit gentleman. looking this and that for an adventure, but none could he find. Then, all of a sudden, it began to rain : down near the wail tire- herself and over and! busy { wi "1 guess I'll go home, easy shoes and sit by the fire with Nurse Jane." aid the bhuuny rabbit gentleman. "This is not a good day for adventures." i But just you happens Back to his hollow low hopped the bunny put on my wait and see what! stump bunga-! The firelight now evening) shining through windows made the hungalow most cozy. I shall be glad to put on my cany shoes and rest," thought Uncle Wig-! gily, as he went in. "Hello, Unele Wiggily!" Iv Baby Bunty "Oh, hello! You here?" Mr. Longears in surprise tine!" He caught Baby the eried jol- Bunty up in his! paws and kissed her. Then he took | off his wet coat and went in by the warm fire. Uncle Wiggily was just | going to put on his easy shoes, and teil Baby Bunty a Bedtime Story. was pushed open and into the bun-| zalow burst the bad old Fox. "OL, ho!" howled the Fox. thought you'd get away from me, Uncle Wiggily. but you didu't! What | are those?" the Fox 'asked, pointing | to the things like Noah's arks. "My easy shoes." said the bupuy. as my feet are wet, "Give those easy growled the Fox. myself. My feet are wet, 100"! The bad chap pulled off his old shoes. and thrust both feet, as hard! as he could, into Uncle Wiggily's | warm, dry, easy ones. And then, al! and shoes to me? ad: - "Hi! What's this! Nut shells and | picks! These easy full of stickers! Oh. trick on me! You'played a trick!" And with a loud howl, shaking the easy shoes off bis feet, Fox. "What in the world i§ the anatter | ive .. WNL FINE did not know when the her the liguor and that Roy Snyder is Fined $200 and still not guilty by Thursday and the gw of the lamp (for it was! Roy Snyder was | with seem | at hard lab | der | Swanson, case | the that bottle of whiskey. asked | spoken to her for the past year "Phat 'gals 0 SWOre by | false that house marked Sayyae a prescription but a six-ounee { bottle of whiskey. when, all of a sudden, the front door! | prescription filled himself. } Mason "You | trying tempt to convict him. that Mrs. self | me nts ei ven by "I was just going to_put them om, | tor, he told a ne » | tioned "I'U pat thew on! spent his time of February called cused's of a sudden, a look of pain came ov- : fhe er the face of the Fox and he howl-| four and five o'clock noon, a shoes are janve vou played al when he i ounee bottle Witness did out ram the obtained it. | bottle. nding the accused, she said she jor Vi ac she did pot bottle J. P. Mangan asked if she were ander the influence of liguor at the time, but Mr Swan- | sou objected and His Worship w ould | not allow the guestion to be answer- ed give him a of FOR 0.T.A. BREACH 'uzed gavel! Martin The: Hop on e of two dollars i iB to Harry led with 119 correct w Hou, press ilre that aft answers reecis Arlie words from whe hi Mar gold has r.J Ey | who Costs for Selling idence given by the drug id Liquor filled the preseription corres- with that of the aetused in| Suvder had procured it about | o'clock Mrs. Sayyae's stat - | ment was that the accused gave it to | her between four and five o'clock. t fined $200 and costs Result of Drankenness { ; fl months J. P. Mang in his address, cov- in the county jail. Un-j ered the ease very thoroughly, pre- cross-examination. by ID J. | senting a strong plea. He pointed who was conducting the out that Mrs Savyae, the strongest for the Crown. Snyder denied | Witness for the Crown, did not re- cnrents made Mrs. Sayyae | member when she obtained the nad given her a six-ounce | bottle. He attributed she statements = = dating le had not | made by the accused concerning In- sala He | spector Mason to the fiery cross-ex- eo that the statements made | @mination of Mr. Swanson and the luspecior Mason were accused feeling a little antagonistic. latter told the Court § The complaint which had been laid had come to his] Was the result of drunkenness, he summons and re- stated. and on the evidence he did did not give Mrs. junot think His Worship could con- viet The accused had lived im Oshawa for many years and had pever been in Police Court before. Mr. Swanson dealt with the two stories. endeavoring to show that Snyder had buil'! up an alibi with the sole object of getting off at ail costs. He termed an alibi as the last refuge scoundrel and in some cases the only defence of an honest man. "Was it likely that laspector Mason and Mrs, Sayyae would go out looking for man on whom to blame and pick om Sayder?" J Swanson asked. He also pointed out that one of the principal witnesses had not heen called for the defenee, the accused having stated a friend of his had been with him 211 the afier- noon. If this witness wore called, he would no doubt have aupther story. Before sentence was passed, Maugan pointed out present time the pounded i that that was j seven declaring he after being convieted Hind in Police Court rnoon of selling liquor. Although Magistrate afte of three an, an aiive A by ne License when the "the acensed about the that he he having had the Inspector Sayder declared that ving and was deliberately to prosecute him in an at- He also swore was perjurying her- when she made certain state- Apart from the evidence him concerning the inspee- story from which be Mr. Swanson ques- accused to how he during the afternoon "th, and Witnesses were by the defence to prove ae- stateudents. Paid $2 for Bottle Sayyvae testified that she saw on the street between in the after- when she asked him to get her prescription Witness stated she him $2 "He went away and returned he gave me a six- of whiskey," she said. uot know where he but stated it was a round Mangan, who was Sayyvae . ha of a wer wavered the as Mrs. accused Mr. that up to the character of the ac- eused had been irreproachable, and considering tho evidence was not of a conclusive nature, lienency should be extended. Mr. Swanson stated he would not press for a heavy penalty To M a To r and would agree 10 a minimum flue. with my easy shoes?" asked Unéle Wiggily in surprise. . ! "Oh. I guess 1 left wy dolls in! them." laughed Baby Bunty "Your dolls!" said ahie bunuy. "Yes, 1 brought over wy rough | corncob doll, and another dol still! more sharp and prickly. made from a pine tree cone. I made believe your | easy shoes were cradles and 1 put | my stickery dolls to sleep in 'em. See!" And from the big, easy shoes, Baby Bunty drew out her and pine gone dolls. "He! Ha'" laughed the as he now put on his easy "You fooled the Fox all right?" And s0 Baby Bunty had. And if the rics | pudding doesn't boil over in the o5- en and try to run out and play with | the fried egg, Fi tell you next about bunay, shoes. | < cornced |» Uncle Wiggily and the-rubper plant. | His Worship thought in view of the circumstances. a minimum fine would be in order ANEW MARTIN THEATRE "Bringing Up Father" has proved as eutertaining to Oshawa people as it has to theatre goers vlséwhere. Eddie Collins as "Jiggs at the New Martin makes himself an object more to be "laughed at than pittied." The entive - review is full of laughs. A pretty ensemble of girls support Mr. Collins, chief of whom is Miss Fior- ence Wilmot a "prima domna™ . of} the Brunette type. The winner of last weeks program contest Was Miss Ella Sharrard, whe won a Prise of a fine chased flower wase. Mr. I. E. Perrin, Manager of the Aria 4 Marks Co., has advised Mr. Vi DODDS KIDNEY: PILLS Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and Spearmint cerwinly make three delightful flavors to choose from. And the new HIPS--the candy-coated peppermint gum, is also a great treat for your sweet tooth. All from the Wrigley fac- tories where practice has made perfection. "we

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