Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 23 Feb 1922, p. 8

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» ach Ahk A Ji fhe i 0d ERP PAGE FOUR : : OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 _ ---- Ho A, A -- 8 ---- » Scout head- [MUCH INTEREST IN ' PICKED TEAM TO ine hdd hd EE bucin BOY SCOUT NEWS und wour cubs he Friday night UL cloging stages the v ] : . THE HOCKEY FINALS MEET PORT HOPE coming strong, foreing the. play and . et ib Refreshments will he sarved, a------ -------- threatening to score constantly, The |} . 3 Surprise Packet || In view of the bad weather on On Friday night the finals of the Port Hope Guide : Exhibition tilt between King Street and 8t, Gre- Li Systery a pris eke Wednesday night, the torch ¥vight Sunday School Hockey Association | gumes, as a rule, are tana affairs, ROY's promises (6 be a grand battle; E | parade had to he postponed until will be continued, and some royal) jut we ave going to have a real one 4% the teams will he very evenly . | Friday night, 24th, at 7 pons battles are anticipated. South, 08h- | hore next Thursday evening when matched, Fhe surprise packet whieh was | Thursday night, 23rd, we will hola awa will clash between -¥ and 91 gyur intermediates will play an all-! The line-ups wore: kept a secret for Friday night has |, special meeting for the purpose of iy Jame i ps Bo star team from Grup No. 3 of the, South Ouhawy---Goal, Bentley; de- heen opaned and it contained the | receiving recruits to éur (roop. ( als; w K St. SLT OHA. The visitors' line-up will he, fence, Snowden and Arnold; centre, | . i i A y r i claim that they are good enough to} ae follows: Muclnally; right wing, Clapper; lett | FoHowing programme: al ig parents vight on the overcome the two goal lead South * 0) (1 6rs Whithy; butouao, wing, Edmonson; sub, Wilson, On Friday night 'we are going to} ® adh id HR Chev Testers losers in about fifteen seconds and Oshawa TRE Trine Bat IAs Same : : * he also secured the other two a few awa 4 ; '| Fair, Wa; n King Street: (3 x glve a few demonstrations on scout # South Oshawa claim the Lovell Cup Pair, Oshawa; Drum, PONIE ; Tym bal, Blnir defence, work and one pairel has got & pew Let ug Nope that the brighter sun- 4 minutes later. Pellow and Tipw i centre, Pipher, Bowmanville; wings, | Irwin and James; centre, Hall; right ) . Ws BRR i ; . . : : A H eo > : shine of these days portends a hright- Defeat Body were the best for the Body Room As teir . But to-morrow it will be Moyse, Bowmanville; Rowden, Osh-| Wing, Lowrey; left wing, Lott; subs, | Method of "painless" surgery. EF and move SY: dorse asa beg in while Braund and Bell starred for a; v, 0 eg v | C0 T se Ws eXte sarty : for Ba Room 4 = 3| ihe winners. Pipher, the big dofence| The King St. Juveniles and St or Bi Rooney, Conor: Hundy | vos ana Allman, The Scoul leaders extend a bearty | the business sphere. Bravtiord Ex- : : Gregory Juveniles will battle be- Athy. | Referve- -Dr. Adams. invitation fo the parents of scouts | positor, man of the winners played a very Ti " . 3 | . on 7 i o'clock for y ie players are coming for their . ; x | Mrong game, and at time was | tween 7 and § o'clock for the Juven- ' Ba ] Bhi ana pe ---- a--------------. SS ---------------------- BODY ROOM SEXTETTE FADED | 0 estractive. A es given | le Reformer Trophy. King Street | eXpenses ouly: Captain Colwill is === _---- AFTER TAKING THE LEAD three rests dUrig: ihe hour, lads have a fast aggregation, and |BIVing the rink free of charge and | IN THE FIRST PERIOD--A clnim they are going to pile up athe entire proceeds will go to our] h " The rere i BANQUET AFTER The lineups were: three goal lead for the final game | 800d friend Pete Darch who is still | Body Reom- -goal, McKinnon; de-| on Monday. But St. (iregory's ave hin ace broken leg as the result of} i : | me -- ; tence, Fairthorne and Trew; centre,| going to have something to say ahout | M8 accident in the game at Oshawa, Bradley's arens was the scene of pojigy; "right wing, Leaman: 16ft{that for they have u fine kalsinine os topes a mighty struggle on Thursday ev- . 4 y 4 ening when the Chevrolet Final| WIDE: Ladd; subs, Cory and Pearce. | team, HAD COLLAR BONE BROKEN Testers met and defeated the Body Willi Taso ogoal, King; defanse, The Bi, Gregory Jantar and Pros-| Port Hope Guide: Schultz, one / Room sextette by 4 to 3. The win-| Pipher and Knowles; centre, Bell: | hyterian Juniors will battle for the | of Cobourg's new ball players from A Wonderful Musical ERNIE MARKS, © The House of ning goal was rammed into the net | "1&ht wing, Braund; left wing, Fos | Junior Alchin Trophy, between 9 | Kingston had his right collar hone | 2 M Vaudevill in the second five minutes of over-|'er: subs, Woodcock and Pa)mer, [and 10 o'clock. 'This promises to be | broken while nlaying hockey. the | ied gr. gville time. It was a memorable victory Referee--"Kip' Rowden, a hate YosA) ; ; other night. Cohourg shonld take | as the Body Room 'have a neat and Following the game the players A fine ecard is presented for hoe- | better care of her importations; » ral . . . 1. a: ; well balanced aggregation with | of hoth teams, and a number of their | K¢¥ fans to-morrow night: Got out | they shouldn't be allowed to take EDDIE COLLINS is coming with his Big Comedy Hit speed and team play combined. The | followers, repaired to Welsh's Par- og sae the last hockey games. of | part in any such strenuous exercise first period saw the losers leading] lors where an elaborate repast was the season. : as hockey, be od >I 4-0 and lcoking by far the best of | spread to which all did full justice ; TET ---- - : 'the two teams, They had a big mar- | The many differences which occurred When a hired man becomes a tired Canada wants immigrants who | - gin of the play but on entering the| quring the game were all forgotten | Ma" he eventually developed ipto a | will do something--not start some- second session the Testers jumped |and everyone present spent a- most | Ared man. Montreal Gazette. thing.---Ottawa Journal, on to the offensive, and while there enjoyable evening. An impromptu was no scoring, the play was evenly | program was given, which included or . Starting Monday night with "NGGS IN FINANCE" divised, uth teams J iesing BOO | many humerous numbers, |vesides opportunities to scor®. The final | goles, recitations and instrumental . 'e er / 34 i SUPE IES 0 at ar Sal | sion. verltutions sn) istTamentale South Oshawa Have | With a change of program every night for a week. There will be a full en- | the Bodyists started the parade to gathering did not hreak np until semble of the penalty box under the direction| one o'clock. A Ne Lead In Senior Race| pretty Dancing Girls | SEATS heavily through penalties and with bE hh tents mainte thoy were uns | + hanter that deals with Ure in its | Best Combination of Season on Local Ice Displayed hy| A Wonderful Musical Review |35-25 & 10c able to hold the Testers, who were/| exotic ax well as its ilusioned mo- Sunday School Teams--Score 4- 2--King St. going at a faster clip than at any| ments, is portrayed in "The Invis- previous time during the game. In| ible Divorce," a National Picture Juveniles Defeat South Oshawa the second five minutes of overtime, | which will begin a three day's show : NIG ; 4 . I 1 of J i - Foster took a puss from the corner] ing at the Grand Theulre tonight, TONIGHT, FRIDAY and SATURDAY there will be Special Vaudeville num and shot. The disc slithered into! phe Tnvisible Divoere™ de picts Although Somith Oshawa were | ier opponents and as a result of tl { bers by the net, although it never left the | incidents in the lives of two couples | "118ItIY the favorites last night when | combined efforts, the South Oshawa ' ice and the game was over. The chose mar(ial affections have been | 'Dey elashed with King Street in the | stalwarts had very little time to} > RLY yA TTR! a \( y Body Room fans were given .lots of | weakened by the stress of conditions, | 1irst game of the finals for the senior | themselves, The largest crowd tof PATERSON JOLLY SAUNDERS ART & KATE SNOW opportunities to deer during the | yy unusual situation i built up with | "hampionship of the Sunday School witness a Sunday School league game | & Comedy Novelty Acts in Novelty Surprises early stages, but towards the close tangled loves marring the happiness League, indications were fof a time this son was on hand despite the! NEWTON they had to give way to the enemy. of all concerned. Then, through cir- during the second period and the | disagréeable weather, and the oon- | hd A ' Pellow Got Three Goals | cumstances, cones the renewing of | first part of the third session, that | test furnished all the thrills and ex- | Singing Wands Hawley in "The Capitol Comedy AN SEATS Pellow opened the scoring for the! original love King Strees" would come through | citement. that goes along with nyery | " i oi AN L WE IAN a ke 32 ! coring for th 4 with a victory, The final score of | tast and closely contested game of Repartee House That Jaze Built SUL Em Kind EXTRA §25 & 10 Cis. f to 2 in favor of South Oshawa zives | hockey, | Dancing he South Enders a big advantage, and when the second game takes place they will be filled to the brim : tor 1] with confidence which counts for a Hutchinson, for the winners bare) » best men on the ice, the former whole Jot. The winners were leading the ; 53.383 : da if at the end of the first period 2-1, | #VIBg a fine exhibition of stick work F) He thie Leathe Ware Oli saven LOrms. and backeheeking, while Hutchinson, | al the eudtol the second the star man of the South Kndoars,| - Displaying the best combination contributed bis ushal selling rusiies 4 ) : hd rd Feb ary 23 24 25 seen on local ice this year, King The King Strect forwards provided I u J 9 Streét had as much of the play 2 real tre at for the fang by the man-| « - ecCla owin throughout the contest as their heay | Por In which they worked together. | y The results from combined. efforts were most successful and quite often Losers' Good Teamwork Ross Flintoff, for the losers. and| oo ° gi the King Street forwards worked | EER : 6 J)» their w in close to the Southj for Ye e nvist ¢ IVOrCe Oshawa net, only io have Barriage' pp 0 7 7° clear in fine style Individually the g pe 's 14 ., n . winnerz looked to be the better team From story by Leida Burton Wells . "Forty years | suffered. One leg raw and the odds will be in their faver from toes to body. No living mas onuid when the deciding game is staged 5 rected i i hat | suiles t was on Friday nizhi. K gag : Dir by Tom Mills A tiene ve. and 1or three years i n Friday nizh Jin x Eile / A Fhe by \ \ haven't hed a sizn of eczema." First Period ; 3 A } It pictures the spectre that stalks through many a life. A 7 hese words ave taken from the letter of Ru- A combined eos: gave King St > p 2 g g y fas Garrett, Cre , Ontario, Mr.Gamrett § ,),., ,. 1 cht on goal in commencing will auswer any que tions you care to ask him. y (ied fi : he first period and for the first few a / ° PY photoplay you'll remember. + tried the tooling, healing } 17 ! ! / po' Javews hive we sha Le al be gid to | minutes they 'had a good margin of { ¥ - WE pecCl epresen a ve *}l you a hottie today on ou BUBF- } +) play. Gl Flintofi rushed the e . 5.00 a bottle, Ty D:D. Dr oe Soap, $00. } ie ; aftee. Hl length of the rink and passed 1) Ross Bill West Chaplin's Double in a two-reel DD. 0. Flintoil. who shot. but Burrage 2 ; y Oo - i locked. lay then drifted to © om y cindy. for S} 2: es other end of the rink and Lott drew | r ur . JHE Jotion for first blood when he grabbed a loose) 1 Ww. H. Karn, '. H. Beattie, Oshawa puck and scored ou an open shoty Jury & Lovell, druggists without being checked. Sonth Osh- ] awa continued to press hard Ahout : ouse five minutes later Al Flintoff cvened | " e the score with a shot following a | face-off a few feet from the South) Oshawa goal Hutchinson again put . . . : O% A To Aas, i A most extraordinary range of all the newest individual effort, scoring from out-| oF : . a u hl a A side the defence \ creations in ) » Score Again Tied wi About two minutes had elapsed in! the second pe Elva w fe n Cop w a i I SPECIALS IN GROCERIES AND MEATS FOR SATURDAY ihe dise Sutwoeh Bl es due] --D R E S 5, E S-- no farther scoring in this session, | - although hoth teams threatened. Alj Flintoff and Cox combined nicely and Meats netted the disc, but the referee's bell | for ue ofltide prevented the goal SILKS, SATINS, CREPES, CANTON CREPES. SERGES. om coun z. King Street's o - s ation was till i evidence. TRICOTINES AND GABARDINES The final stanza was just as fast Sausages, per lb. 1 as the first two periods, although Made in designs that are superior to anything ever shown in this - | the losers were being checked more alr Hamburg, per 1b. . | closely and their team-play could not p Sa city. ob lik - | be worked so effectively Jackson Deo not ail to see hem turday al select the one you & e. Head Cheese, I y 3 yi was called on to save some hard shots t » " " and finally Hutchinson broke away Pot Roast, rolled, per ib. = 5 all alone and skating down the side § | again shot from outside the defence, Roll Boil, per 1b beating Jackson. This proved to be . the winning zoal, although Mallett » Boek, wer [fhe wining ont RN See The Windows (hursda Stew ber Ib. 4 centre ice. which fooled the King y | Street goal man. The final score was Night For Bargsine on T he Main Creamery Butter, per lb. ahs South Oshawa 4. King Street 2. How the teams lined up: ! King Street Goa), Jackson; de-! fence, Irwin and G. Flintoff: centre A K » | F g J ; right wing. A. Flintofi: left] ll Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Fish |: iv .0we.5 ; and Drew. ; ( 5 oC p Sout dshawa-- Goal, Barrage; . do Luont aad Hutchinson: oen- ic ive : - oll - Ovex: % : nr ile wink: fuk, Let G U C Gunn: | Referee Dr. Adams. ! ea A " X10 King fit. Auvemiles Qualify | bs the. Cranuiated S5gu to one of ie tae mnie 2c ll PDipegges and Coats . ET 2 tures of the season King Street de-| i Canned Corn, per can foal Both Odin 13 2 four r i night, thereby winning the title of | ol d rr rs Sr Simei] will Be Displayed | ENGELS . : ; Gregory's in the final for the Suv- " Choice Apricots, per 1b. enile championship. The brand ef i 3 v - 4 hockey was of junior calibre and In A ? | Plums, in heavy syrup, per tin wither team would be able vo hold: its own iu junior company. King! : Phone 308 4 1b. Pails of Jam : : 37% y ; Stret had the edge of the play dur | Both Wi i s CI RINE Nes de 4 . Simcoe St. N. wa HARPER & CLEMENS al =r | Friday Night -- i | 56 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 66 *

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