v » wh vy 23 10 TET SIT OC CS Y ¥ 28, 1 uh y ripe wh rs Y THURSDAY, FEBR "JAC We ------ By COUNTERS BARCYNSKA of 'ROSE O' THE SEA" KIE " ( OHAPTER XX XIW=Continued "There was once a man," he re- joined, ahstractedly, "who was rien, He had fur on his coat and gold in his pocket, and a motor-car in which to travel at his pleasure. And it so 101 out that this man made a bhar- gain with an honest man who was poor and the father of children, The rich man promised the poor man five pounds for a servee that he coula render. After a time, the poor man faithfully discharged this service and the hour for his payment was ap- pointed. For many hours he wait. od, but the rich man did not come mek. He had no thought of pay- ment. He was a cheat, without hon- our. The poor man hecame wroth, At great expense ho was forced to make a journey in the hope of ob- taining his money, but when he reached his destination, the pien devil laughed at him and struck him and threw one miserable copper piece at him as a last insult, So the poor man made a vow to pay back insult for insult and blow for blow. And now, as I speak, he is avenged. 'The debt is collected. See." eH thrust his hand inte his trous- er pocket and drew from it five crumpled notes, 'And I am not thief," he declared magniloguently, "In his pocket there was monep enough to taka us te Italy and establish us. Also his watch and chain were of gold of good weight, and there was a ring of value upon his finger. But none of these did I touch. They who find him will know that he was not robh- Holl's Catarvh Medicine Those who are in a "run down" condi tion will notice that them much more than w food health, This fact 'atarrh is a joo snd orig hoy All druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., bed. 1 do not rob the dead, |! i an honourable man." He chucked the baby under the chin and gave it one of the Treas. ury notes to play with in place of the knitehandle, So he sat for a little while and then, his sickness having passed away, ha washed, and chang- ad his cont and sash, { "Come now," ho sald briskly, "Put the little one in the basket and 1ét ua depart." | - His wife stood cowering. i "Darest- thon show thpself in the! street?" she queried apprehensively, "If the hand ol the law should fall on thee as we play the musie! Art thou entirely without fear?" sassoni squared his shoulders. "I have nothing to fear, 1 went,| 1 came, an 4 ne one saw. Thou, thy- self, knowest nothing of the mah on whom I_am avenged, How should the law discover anything? Unless I were to tell thee and thy fool's tongue talked too much," he added: os an afterthought. "But if 1 wepe! accused hy the law | would speak openly of my vendetta and say what manner of a man he was whom I, have justly slain. In the war that Is. past I killed better men, though they ware pigs of Austrians, and was praised for it. This man was worse than a pig. He died too quietly. 1 do not think he felt pain, which is tg be regretied." "But who was he?" curiority made her ask. f Sassoni had told her all he intend. | ed-=just enough -to make her uneasy ' "I would sooner talk to a parrot and spoil her slep 0' night... ' than a wife," he replied, flippantly. | In the street he took the cover olf the piano-organ, adjusted the basket hetween the shafts for his bambine, and signed to his wife to start. i "It is a thousand pities thon hast the feet of an elephant and cannot dance," he grumbled, surveying her with husbandly depreciation. "That nichilita, Jackie, would have made cur fortune. There is more worth 3 4 a eu A patty, numbering twenty-seven represeitative Canadian manufacturers and wives, sailed trom Halilax on Wednesday, February 15th, for a tour of the West Indies. tion Grand Trunk route on Sunday evening, February 12th, travelling in special sleeping car ditect 10 the ship's side They arrived at Halituy on the evening one of the Canadian Cwinernment Merchant Marine's fine ships regularly in this service ton, Jamaica, on February 28th, where they will be interviewed by the Governor of Jamaica also been completed fur the entertainment of the pasty at various other points en route by Government |rade Com missioners, Boards of Trude. and Chambers of Commerce Ihe primary object of this trip 18 to consider how trade between Canada dnd the British West Indies can best be promoted It = felt that tt should be very beneficial und should foster a lurge interchange of commerce : into conditions generally, to learn what goods the West Indies have to sell 10 Canada, and 10 descritiec what gouds Canada Las to sell to the West Indies, this tour wus organized by the Canadian Manutacturers Association I'he tour will occupy a month, Jamaca, Panama Canal, La Guaira (Caracas); d Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Kitts and Bermuda ~ Fhe following i» « list of the persons consutating the party : ram & Sons, Co. 1.td., Montreal, Que . Col. and Mrs. RW. Leonard and Mr Douglas Mutch, Coniagas Reduction Co. Lid, St Catharines, Ont., Mr G Clifford McAvity, Mr and Mrs. | WN John, NB. Mr and Mrs. A. H Stretton, Peterbore Review Co Lid, Peterboo, Ont pert, Geo. |. Lippert Table Co. Lid., Kutchener, Out Mr and Mrs H Pocock. London Concrete Machinery Co Lid, London, Cu Secretary of the Commercial Intelligence Brauch of the Depertment of Trade and Conunerce of Canada. Col Arthus Om Hatch, Canada Steel Goods Co Lid of Commerce, Windsor, Ont.. Mr WH. Shapley, Goold, Shapley & Muu Co, Lad Greene, Hiram Walker & Sons, Lid. t | Que . Col 1 1. Edmonds. John Marrow Screw and Nut Co. Lad, Ingersoll, Om My won & Co Lad, Hamilton, Ont MUSIC ROOM & LOUNGE S. S.:CANADIAN FISHER OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MERCHANT MARINE BE a TP es vt na THE SALOON The delegates left 'Toronto by Canadian National February 14th, sailing the following evening on the *S.S. Canadian Fisher," They will arrive at Kings Arrungenents have ¢ trade agreement recently negotiated between Canada «nd the West Indies With the object in view of looking during which time the following places will be visited Nassau, BI, Kingston, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Demerara, Grenada, St Vincent, Barbados, Sut Alexander and Lady Beocam, Jolin Beet Duvidson, T McAvay & Sons, ™ Me. and Mrs. Geo, J Lp Turnet, | J. Turner, Lid | Peterboru, Me and Mes CH Payne Mr. and Mie R HN . Hamilton, Ont, Mr. Jus Anderson, representing the Border Cities Chamber or AA Poy J er a Quarter of of Public Service a aCentu every packet sold. of the 'highest order, -stands behind "SAL AD "" BlacKk-Mixed-Green-Sealed' Packet Qnly. fully headed him off it, There was another subject of prime importance to every member of the company ox- eapt Measurer that required consids eration. Bowman's death meant that their living wyg at stake. Measurer had not concluded his negotiations to take over the play and now might pot do so. He spoke of this, ana Winter listened listlessly, He was in the grip of a dull fatalism that made him indifferent to the affairs of this world Milly's quiet entrance put a stop to the one-sided conversation. She had walked from the station. In spite of Winter's preoccupation he could pot help noticing the tranquil look in her face. Twenty-four hours ago she { bad left him in a frenzied state. Now | she seemed quite calm and collect .ed. There was a little colour in her cheeks, and her eyes were clear and untroubled. He could not under- stand it. To disturb her apparent tranquility and inflame his own feel- f ings by plunging into the catas- | trophe that had overtaken Bowman was moret han he was equal to. Ar ter a moment of nervous vaeccillation he got up (Continued on page 10) spairing strain until Measurer ter) THE NEWSPAPER "I was horn in the silent forests far from the ports of men. 1 have watched the Red Man hunt his game by day and great animals fight to death hy the aurora's pale glare. 'The woodman's axe, an ley stream, a merciless shrieking of wheels and knives, terrific heat and pressure, and I am a great white ribbon, spun into a roll, only to he drawn out again through the batter- ing, thundering jaws of a printing press. "But in the hanas of all men [ am now an inspiration, a clairvoyant, a historian. My sides are covered with magic symbols of a gigantic significance: "I am fhe voice of the nation; the light of the world. When I go forth II bear the decrees of gr st brains, and eats of the strongest mob forces of m "I tell my story; a king topples from his throne, and millions of sol diers march gallantly to an unknown death. | ging their requiem and it is known in the farthermost corners of the earth, and in its deepest seas. "1 am feared by all men, yet wooed and courted like a fickle muse. "I am the papyrus of time. "1 am the newspaper." i=---Douglas Gessford. SEE _rrrTTrgpg tr rt Branttord, Om. Mr H I D Johnson, Canada Cement Co Lid, Montreal, Mr WJ] Auchison, D Auch London, Ont: Mr Graham + . Walkerville, Ont. Mr SL. Guan, The McClary Mig Company Towers. Supentendem Foreign rade Department, Roval Bank of Canada, Montreal. Que Canadian National Railway > and Canadian Government Merchant Manoe, Lanited, will be 1eprescuted on the np by Me CK Howard, of Toronto. ther General Towns Agent curly head. Then he addressed Sas- like the good old times before the war. He even found a penny for the baby in the basket, and patted its | in a monkey with mange than a wile | Mrs. Sassoni | his efforts were not who is as heavy as thou." They trundled the wrgan uiong, harnessed like the beast of burden she was, in front, Sassoni pushing behind. Sometimes conspicuously | energetic. Today for his own reasons he did | mot follow his customary route. He A Weekly Talk with Home by Long Distance si Y don't you talk home by Long Distance ? said Mr. Wynd- ham-King, Banker, to his secretary; "Have a good talk with your mother occasionally; it will do you good." The young woman, an invaluable aid to the busy banker, had not been at her best for some time, and her work was suffering. "I never thought of telephoning," she con- fessed when the suggestion was made, "T'll surely try it? She was simply homesick; her employer had guessed right! Those weekly talks with her home have made a wonderful difference in the girl's life. Her health, her work, her general out- look on life have all reflected the change. Long Distance did it! It is doing the same thing for hundreds by hridging the gulf between them and faraway home and friends. Station-to-Station service with low Distance within the reach of everyone. After 830 P.M. Station-to-Station rates are about half the day rate. At midnight they become about one quarter the day rate. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ! street. Faster and faster went ili : ErEig 8 2 i A a 4 £308 4 ! i f played in streets little known to his wife, and in time came 10 a stand- ill before a house off the Strand. One of its several doorplates inscrid- od (without any apostrophe) TOUR- ING ACTORS CLUB showed that somewhere within the itinerant Muses revelled ®hen not on husiness Heat, With eyes uplifted 0 a row of windows whose blinds were drawa Sassoni set the organ going. It gave out a blast of opening chords and thon settled dowm to a boisterous | syncopated movement that fulminat- ad riotously from wall to wall of the the handle. It was Sassomi's triumphe | 0 the dead--the dead, up there be- hind those drawn blinds, whe oconid toll mo tales. Very soom a policeman emerged from the house. He made a gesture . Sassoni's kmees to shake with fear. But he only smilea at the pair. He enjored seeing m- ano-organs and Italian folk about old Londen streets again. It was ---- kt Seems So in Many Cases Good Heelth is Always | | i | | i Hl TH if : ; 3 1] I $ £ i i wil if # i I i i 1 i i ir : ; i. fi -- soni, who had not turned a hair ar} affair at all all this attention. | taling it may." "Move along, sonny." he said gen-| "yes yes, 1 know. You're quite faly. "There's a dead man indOOrE. | right. You're a good chap. I'll re Don't seem quite commy-fo to Play | member what you say. What I'm dance tunes under his window, more | afraid of is that when she gets back especially as he's boen done in. Goi and hears what has happened 10 a bit farther down. there's a £004| Bowman she'll de something desper chan. ™ ate. Then the whole story of his Sassoni showed his comprehen-| blackguardly treatemmt of her and sion of the tragedy by vigorous nods| her inaftuation for him will come his sympathy for the victim bdriout™ mournful sighs, and then cousider- But if you go ahout He continued to argue in this de A full-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." Best for any and all household use. a ------_--rrnaem OO 'A Real Remed bat | who ave growing baid and have | The Place To Buy Meat ie the place where you get the best satisfaction. Our meat is bound to give satisfaction for it is always the best that can be had. The delicious kind you enjoy serving. I ------ ~~ I WM. ATKINSON ately moved on CHAPTER XXXV. Winter's hands holding the morn. ing paper shook visibly. An appali- od look was in George Measurer's| face as he read over his shoulder. a They were absorbed in same para- | graph, a report of Bowman's mars! > der outside the Touring Actors' Clwb. | Here's good news for all men and The deed had ben commited 100 late | women whose hair is falling out, at might to permit of anything a brief report, but such as it was, it { scalps covered with dandruff that allected them both indescribably. |jieh like mad. Any good druggist Bowman, whose identity had Heed | oan now supply you with the gen- established by papers in his pocket] yine Parisian sage (liquid form), as well as by the evidence of Several} which is guaranteed to quickly, suve- members of the Club, must have | yy and safely abolish every sigm of heen fatally stabbed as he was lear-| aanarufl, stop itching scalp and fal- ing the premises a little after mid- lng hair and Promote 3 Rew KHOWLR night. He had been discovered, i¥-{. over refunded ing on the pavement in a pool of! 4 Sr z | blood, almost immediately after thei Thousands can testify to its excel | attack and carried upstairs 10 one ot | 1ence; some who feared baldness now the club rooms, dat had expired be | Rory in their abundant hair, while fore medical help condd he sawmon | others who suflered for years with od. An aspect of mystery surround. |dandrufl and itching head got a o@ the case. The motive of the clean. cool scalp after just a few crime had apparentiy mot heen robh- bast use of this simple home treat- bery, for a considerable sum of mon-* ment. | oy and various valuable were fownd] No matter waether potherod with on the deceased wan. So far, the po- | falling hair, gray hair, matted, strin- { lice, who admitted to the absence of | zy hair, dandrufl or itching scalp clues, had made np arrest. try Parisian sage--you will mot be The paper dropped feo, Winter's . Mts a scientific pre- nerveless fingers. He tarned a scar- { paration that supplies all hair needs. od face on Measwrer. t "MANX" he gasped. "She wemt up 10 WRRA--Festerday---10--10---ry 10 see--" He oonid zet no mare ont. Measwrer was natarally aware of Milly's absemce. at he had not known where she had gone or for what purpose. Winter's unfinished sentence told him. Of course she followed Bowman to London. The ominons fact Alled him with horribly afraid? Why & » She promised 10 he hack hy an early irain" Me looked at his watch. If at wasn™ for at TOD'S ! i 5 { is -TOD'S BIG 4 TOD'S "T" LOAF 4 TODS GENUINE HOMEMADE TOD'S FRUIT BREAD BIG DANDY BREAD All Made With Milk and Malt | 2 z EY 5 Ring 500 41 Have The Salesman Call FACTORY COR. BOND & CHURCH STREET AR teeter teeter te elie i 8 he tothe thotiot ether ithotivile elite iivilvietoileileiviivieiioiiivivie