Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 23 Feb 1922, p. 1

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BEER Ch ph A HR cco [AR nhario Reformer ss == VOLUME 50 --No, 185 ; Rbiaan ab fuhiwa, fut. Suman OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1902 VEER oi inarintion 26 w Second Section-Pages 7 7-10 a pen me -- SLL = TINE him, but he received it surily and in : y -- , COMMUNITY HAI I | | long: felt want in the communify, The silence, All his looks sdemed to AY WEDIN FIFTY $A Rell huilding has a seating capacity of MODERN ROBINSON yi 'What the deuee do you want i, NEWS FROM THE REFORMER OPENE D AT WHITBY !anour 275. Considerable property ere?' 7 surrounding the hall will he weed | | " ya | . for tennis and bowling purposes. In CRUSOE STILL LIVES sa uring Loe Jhuey veire ho Bit WAYS IN OLD LAND FILES OF BY-GONE DAYS The new comity hail al Port | the winter a skating rink will fhe ", Whithy was formally opened Tuesday | ), Maugham, "the old man has lived on . . night. The struetnre i i onesstorey | hi chickens---which, it seems, he. intro- : 5 LJ - 'Lives Alone on An Island Be: | duced to tho island from the ship |A Special Licsase from the Arch:| Tho following officers wera olect-|a "vory able and instructive addyess | frame building a hs WOMEN IN PUBLIC LIFK tween A a New in which he was wrecked--their ed for the Oshawa hranch of the|on 'Success in Farming.'" 8 : oo to : 4 Indianapolis News Most of the ustralia and bishop of Canterbury British and Foreign Bible Society | bifid with two dressing rooms and tw | women who worked for suffrage did eggs, fish, and the fruit of coco-nnut ' ? , ; A . extra rooms for general purposes ' Guinea trees. Costs $128 for the year 1872; Mr. Wheeler, MP, for North On: f gions ur (ho A Ee W so without any thought of rusning 3 Gb for office Having got the ballot, R---- "During the war he was left alone ymyeen President, Rev. Dr, Thornton. {tario, who has mado It his paritenlar | oon Gineiaip, MP, snd Vener Between Australia and New Guin- | for five years, for no ships passed The wedding colebrated in the sits Viee-prosidents, Messrs, A, Fare-| business to ascertain the wants of able Archdencon Davidson. Mr. Freep | they are content to exercise the right on, ow 8 lonely island in the Ara-| his way, and he was reduced to lv-| ting room of #& Yorkshire cottage| Well, T. N. Gihhs, Thomas Eek, W.{the sufferers hy fire in Mara and and Mr. Sharps, of Tolom to vote and possibly to take some fura Sea, thelr lives a modern Rob: | ing entirely on what the island could | says a London paper, emphasizes the | H. Gibbs and Dr. MeGill, Rama, has induced the Ontario Gov- ; ; part in organization work Fhe ola inson Crusoe, produce, fact that there ace very many ways Jeerutary, Xm soliton, | Jrment ia hand him . sigue for The gi was iol lis ieclayad Lopnans nts of equal sutlrage said 3 : 7 " A -------- of getting married under the marri- roasurer, R, ellington, h which ho will make it his fur J open hy Reeve bk ow in the | that "woman's place is in the home '* wriny Joars ago he war ship: AN OPEN LETTER o & iii of the United Kingdom. | commision, Messrs. John Boyd, i [ther business to see properly distrib ithsenco oi Mayor Burns. Mr 8 J As long as men sald that, they were other sailors, of whom he is the only FROM WILLIAM FOX One expert puts the number at fifty P. Luke; M. MeLean, John Gould, A. uted, Spaitl*presided at the meeting. The hent upon showing that they could J Annis, A. Henderson, Wm. Doid A PRE hole hall, which was built entirely hy vol- 1 go where they pleased l Nn survivor. ope, hating all ' ) ith, ir may choose : i | , [3 oy pleased politically, urvivor. A misanthrope, hating To hegin with, the pair may €hoos® | onus @awards, John Steele, M. Mr. F. KE. Gibbs, manager of the unitary labor under the auspices of | hut it appears that they loved how his kind, he lives on the island In presenting "Over the Hill" tor | pe peligions ceremony of the denom A ' " ) Bato So an ' ; alone, and has nothing but scowls | the consideration of motion picture | ination to which one or both helong. Martin and W mm. King. [Oshawa Cabinet Company, is now in the Port » hithy 8 ial and A leule | hottor thay public office Phere n v and curses even for those compas. | Patrons the world over, I am per-| Op they may he martiad at the office : a 4 | Winnibeg. He hasimade some large) DO. WIL Serve as u somuminy Ler should os polities! contest with sionate travellers who from time to| forming a task which affords me a | of y yegistrar--that is, a civil mar On Sunday, Feb. 11, at 3 a. m. fire |sales and expects to seh about §25,- n e for the sou yoward. bey A ho the women supporting a. woman can time take him food delight wholly unalloyed, rlage. Or they may go through the | Was discovered in 1. Wilkinson's| 000 worth ot furniture hotore ve- jd nating piges tor young people's didate, the men supportivg a man » ; D, Aha) a) "I hoot and shoe store. The eb o! turnin socjeties, Boy Scouts, clubs, and The sole basis of judgment should be The story of this strange old man Will Carson, upon whose poems (¢Ivil ceremony and the religlous one. | lion 4a be frozen he re ied 8 " » other sorganizations and will fill a {ability to serve, Be Liki of the sea was told to a london re-| this production 4s based, is knowa | Many people do. And that makes | ~o0 entirely on the hook and ladder y | the porter' hy ' Mr. W. Somerset Maug-| as the "Farm Poet," Ho sang of the | three methods of getting married. | Co, nom" ovine ia™ Se hve Yori Wan . SA "e Se : . " ri ham, the playwright, who has just | homely things of life--the things But either way ---religions or eivi! seph fl anufacturin om , : ) a) " which. for a time threatened to des | 8 returned to London after a 15 mon-| with which you and I are intimately is subject to variations, or what{gyoy the Commercial Hotel. Those | i a 02 his Janes agsy ful STRENGTH for INVALIDS ths' tour in the East. -~ familias. : Nor hs any poeg ever Blatistielans prefer 10 eal Porm bia suffering loss were Messrs. Wilkin. . . : If other foods seem to do him no good give him " , . » fn ener ledee of > : Thus, a religious g 0 fs : : ' 4 o I had chartered a lugger for a led a keener nowledge of the tions Thus are Rlous marr age son, Brennan and Hobbs, on stock James Stovens was: killoa at Perl Oxo. Oxo helps the patient to regain bis health crnjse in the Aratura Sea," he said, | IPner workings of the hearts and| may be by the publication of bans |and furniture, and Mrs. Woon and | Ba Ha Oe a ! > and strength even when other fo il "and I was asked to drop a hag of minds of just Plain Folks, or hy license. Mr. Cherry, owners of bulldings | Hope, being Eryshiod to death" unde: ( 14 ! er foods fal ¥ y oy H H plovy 4 nt p rice on the island---whose name 1|° In "Over the Hill" and its com-| These licenses are issued by a var. | *in & EPAIN £ VMOP ation. shall' not d#ulge--for this old her-| panjion poem he touched upon the | ity of ecclesiastical authorities, In| Oshawa market prices: . Wheat, oT THIS REGDNT $200. given ayy mit, same subject which caused Absalom | london, Doctors' Commons, where! §1.80 a bushel; oats, 40¢. a bushel; | AT THE BEGUNT. 4 Wnts for "I learned on the way from those |to break the heart of his father, | dre situated the Archbishop of Can-!potatoes, 35¢. a bushel; butter, 18¢.! Jack Holt, the newly-created Para booklet who had already seen him that hel David, King of israel and which {terbuey's Faculty Ofice, the Viear-| L pound; eggs, 18e. a dogen; dress-! mount star, has his first opportun -- was shipwrecked 30 years ago and, evoked fro ing Lear his i at! General's Office, and the Bishop o! | nogs, $4.50. ity to prove his stellar brilllanecy rom King Lear his immortal} { i a m with 15 other men reached the is-| plaint, "Hbw sharper than a serp-, london's Registry, is the spot where * on Friday night at the Regent Theatve, land in open hoats. They lived on|ent's tooth it is to have a thinkles;| ihe little piece of paper is so often The new Baptist church was un-|! When he gives a most pleasing por- 120 und 306 Tins the island for three years before | child." It is a subject whieh wil | 2btained in haste and repented at nounced to he opened on Feb. 18|trayal of the role of Ned Trent i they were sighted by a passing ship | wrest songs from the poets of all] teisure. with: three sermons that day and a) "The Call of the North." The pie: Oxo Limited, 232 Lemoine Street, that observed their signals and put | generations yet to come. 80 far, those are the ordinary lic- | Soiree on Monday night ture is based on the novel, "Conjur- Montreal. in to them mses. But there ts also the special € « ® or's House." hy Stewart Edward ry PR a "Over the Hill" is : X , Lenses, ut there is also the speeia D pec A 'Of the 16, only 5 were then alive will live as Jur ie a i : that i license which the Archbishop of The Grand Lodge ol he Sons ot} White, and the play, "The Call of thy and only 4 were taken away---for the | tues continue 10 exist Jomels hi Canterbury is alone able to grant | England Benevolent Society held | North," by eGorge Broadhurst, ffth, the old man living there now, | TNE a he or a Wil ' A "1 A special license costs $125, and it [their annual session in Oshawa Tha locale of the story is the wil- velused to Jepve. oe i the. yoo her bairns Dedicated os an the authorizes a Church of England may- The mutiny in the north of India ; derness reaches of the Hudson's Bay cuers that during the three years) " k "riage to be solemnized elsewhere is being put down with a severe | Country and concern Ned Trent, one | st ore ] he had spent with the other men on | Bothers amd Rithers in the WOrld. | ay ina church and at a time other | hand. The commander has ordered | of the men Who try to set themselves 1 m por Le FS, Riding Breeches the island he bag seen such horrible | the world a better place pil ong than within the preseribed hours. A Af of the matineers to be blown! up as free traders. The story bristles Men's Tailors, Shooting Coats things that he wished never to live | ch to arriage p s . i rivate from the mouths ranNo a terri-! w red - ad acti ccitement Baamead y a | marriage in a prison or in a privat ) of cannon---a terri- | with red-blooded action. excitement Desi gners Evening Wear 08 AK live. (Signed) W y Ad 3 among his kind again. 8 ) illiam Fox, house could ouly he performed by Plo sentence, as it involves, accord-, and suspense and is a most appro "When I saw him he looked an old | ne -- - means of this special license ing to their ideas, eternal as well as | priate vehicle for the new star and bairy hermit. He was dressed The women of Ontario want to Avoiding the Bans temporary punishment Madge Bellamy is delightful as his simply, in a singlet and a pair of [share in a man's income as a mat- " : lf 4 i ANE leading woman und the other prin trousers which had been given totter of right. Goodness, Way can't Then it is possible to be married FORTY YEARS AGO---1883 cipal characterizations are enacted) him by travellers who had previous- | they he content with the whole of it| '™ church by 2 ceptiticato from the A -- by Noah Beery and Frances Me-| wee S ery es Iy called at the island. He was very | without wanting a share. Brock- superintendent registrar in place ot A meeting of the Oshawa Farwm-) Donald. Joseph Henabery directed. | y glad to get the bag of rice I took | ville Recorder. bans. In other words, *hy note---eX-| ops oul was held. at which the Harold Lloyd appears in one of his | : hibited in a registrar's office- instead M ) i . hs Te ; ) Lo president; Mr. A. Annis, presided, mirth-producing comecdics "Never | SS SST-- soo of by bans published orally na od Mr. J Dryden, M.P.P.. delivered | Weaken." evio S chureh. Apparently this is a method | } whereby sensitive persons edn avoid a -------------- having their names called out pub- F hd Ww d licly hetore their fellow citizens t Also there are C rr Biphon i WORLD EVENTS: tne ors e s {ald R qmbers [| certal N Money Saving Specials | Ji. domain den THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. | homes with the ordinary civil license ON GENTS' ssn Jl At more thon onomenorsble sage | "S by William "Banks. drama has familiarized the public | ( lothin and Furnishin 8 with the plighting of the troth| Another of the agencies which it, seem probable that the logic of ev We desire to intimate to our many pat- g among aypsies hefore the head of the | is hoped will assist the world to theients will bring about the readjust- aim tribe {ideal of peace has started to fume-iment which cattle breeders in this rons in Oshawa that our complete range Including all the possible combin-, tion It is the permanent Court of jcountyy had hoped would he settled f im) - | Q ri | Summ Quit i a ' . ations of the above varieties, that !laternational Justice. It was opened ' long ove this | Of Importea Spring and summer sSuit- Look at This List for Friday, Saturday brings our choice of* ways to got mar- at the Hague with fueen Wikelmina i i i- and Followin Ww ried to more than twenty of Holland and her consort Prince! 4; i. juteresting to note in fonnee ings 148 Arrived , and to extend a core £ eek | After that counting becomes Henry oy Shs distinguished tion with comments in the cattle ial . ; : "headsplitting." especially as we company in attendance at the peace | will he dealing in a direct manner | Pall Men's New Spring Hats, latest styles. all sizes. regu- have not yet touched upon the Seot- Palace where the ceremony 00k with most of the questions of inter KeaSon lar $5.00 " | Mish varieties, which one might We place. Judges representing nine of ast 10 them. The solens of proceed sisishiss . Men's Silk Shirts, all sizes, regular $5.50 | tempted to call endless pe Naious tok tae Gah of oftice, | ure at Ouawa arc looking up pre > \ y " i ORE iY dations in all are col-igedents and the interna@onal law io Dominion Special Shirt, regular $2.50 One method stands out conspioV- jahorating in the hope of making Stouts ud 1s atu onat Te Men's Fine Boots. regular $6.50 | ously in the winds of English people. type count » success. Matters rofer- matically correct when She Logins Men's Fine Black Boots, regular $5.50 Ie Is 50 Simple in o Persons who ved to this court may often he settled 15 negotiate and exchange notes Men's Fine Trousers. all sizes, regular $4.50 ie eclored Waban and there whereas in former times they with the new states. The Empire . wife before witnesses may find them might have drifted from the vealms | grows Men's Fine Braces, good elastic, regular 60c . | selves tied as effectively as the most Flaw i r 1 : ine a eg of law national or international in Young Men's New Spring Suits, regular $25 00 lahat ceremony. in Au LamONs 10 the channels OF Gipiomacy And | The difficulty in printing anything ' Men's Blue Suits, guaranteed not to fade, reg. $32 .. 22.50 maeh. subsequently into causes for war. !ahawt Ireland at this time is that it 239 Yonge St Toronto Men's Grey Worsted Suits, reg. $24.50, to clear at 17.50 { To English people that simple me- There is a clear division beiween is barely in print bofore the situa 4 Bo Blue Irish Serge Suit 16.00 {thod across the horder would prob- ithe functions of this body and he sian changes. A few weeks ago ys pe In ge a. regular $16. | ably be regarded as quite the figti- League of Nations. whose child it is i Boys' Womed Suits, regular $10.50 [ath--- and lust-- way ; 'But both are founded on the same (Continued on page Wa Boys ey Worsted Suits, regular $12.50 . ... 850 ---- : . idea and ideal-peace Two Cau- Men's Strong Working Trousers, regular $3. 25... 200 Because a Chicago woman's hus- fans. Sir Herbert Ames financial Men's Blué Indigo Dye Trousers, regular $7.50 5.50 { band put a live mouse in her hed she 'difector of the League of Nations vy 8, regular o is suing for a divorce. A woman Sir Eric Drummond the socre Men's Grey | Wed Sox, regular 39¢ sis = | judge would sentence the Brute o he Ary general were presemt at the Men's Military Flannel Shirts, regular $1.50 1. | hanged. --Orillia Packet CATRIMONY. In every particular we fully guarantee OW COM m---- I in gaiss You son. - mo From an exchange Of Yiews by co- nee the proposals for closer » » PY ws, relations betwoen Australia Dominion ( lothin Co. and Canada have advanoed a farther g stage to personal discussions. This was possible through whe gresenc: 68 KING ST. Ww. in Canada of Hon. George F. Pearce, Australian Minister of Defence. Al -- House (Ottawa he was in discussion for AT a aa aa aL EE Ee Ar Le Le SK &< invitation to visit us again this BOAO. some time with Premier King aud | | séveral other members of the Cal-: | inet. In 19123 the Canadian Imi {ports from Australia were under | $500,000. These vose to nearly $5. A00.000 in 1919 but fell to just wa- \ . rder SSA0000 last year. Canadian / > as an 7 This Guarantee Gives have grown from about $4.000.008 zr lin 1913 to no less than $18.114.486 : - Better 5 in 3921." Recodur. however. Ane You : Rubber Footwear walia has ad iderabir " higher tarifl than in past years. and The strongest guarantee under which rubber footwear has ever been sold is {ustoned Te ho Fig Diet Campton Aeade i | each pair of Ames Holder. Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says: ithe stage of an academic intevest, so | "Every pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear ia "asrantesd 10 ONLWeAL ANY Pair of simi lar ww speak. as to the possibilities ot | shoes of any other make. sold at the same price aud wort under the same conditions prise SERIO. A suo Jo dae It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the steatest | nppposals should come Xeom both | possible value for the price you pay. I every pair wasnt made right~-- with the tight |sides. The Australian tariff has! Aratesile. we rubber and stout strong fabric and linings -- this guarantee Would Ho iC , ONAL DS 3 : {seme provisions of a vecipoecal aat- 1 ne ussite No matter what you 2 need in rubber footwear, we Want you 10 try a pas Alo uve, on certain conditions, with other and yourself that the best is " | British Dominions. 4 Curt Brier - We , - While the announced decision of! oy / the British government to maintain! ¢ / the embargo on cattle from Canada | : i mene RUBBER | mont te this country. many who have | pn led in the fight for the removal ate | ARBEY JP. mot discouraged. Sir George Perley! {whe vecently vetived from the Can-| adian High Comupassinatship in | London emphasizes the promise given | x or far Britain that the embargo wonid | BURNS CO. LD. be removed after the war. Others | Oshaw Oat | ave pointing out that the stat: of WA. the lvish Free State 1s now like that | lof Canada, vet dvish cattle ave freely | {admitted to Britain. This they oon | {tend is a discrimination agamst a {part of the Empire that Britain jab | - aot afford 0 maintain especially {against a country which was abhan-| utely free of mouth disease while ithat infliction had recently plaved | havoc with British herds. It does | Re SUA Se NEN a man PA it al St

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