PAGE STIX OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 --- -~ -- NIGHT WITH JAPAN On Tuesday evening the Soulh Oshawa League members had a rare treat in thelr night with Japan, Miss Hazel McMullen gave an interesting talk on Japan, as it is geographical ly, politically and our relation in our missionary work. This was illustra- . ted with one hundred lantern slides , #howing the beauties of that coun- try, the progress as shown by splen- did school buildings and the mis sionary churches and hospitals. Mr, Kelly moved a Miss McMullen for her 'trouble in| giving the leaguers such a fine treat. | PPOSED Next Tuesday evening the meeting | ( } will be under the joint auspices of | BUILDING HOMES the Social and Literary Department. | A fine programme has heen prepared | refrashiments will be served and sames will be a part of the even | bs ings programme, 2 ate Welcome, Arthur Lewis Suggests Money on and tne jeaguers hope to make 18 | H and Should Be Loaned to i grand rally for the spring session | of the Epworth League, Workingmen The Toronto Star says all proof readers are deaf,. That would mat-! To the Editor of the Reformer, ter less if fewer of them were blind. | Dear Sir;---I should be glad if you . | will allow me to give my views re | The Housing Commission, -- GRAND THEATRE ge." Special Engagement THE GREAT FILM MASTERPIECE OF MOTHERHOOD Hailed by eritics, ministers and prominent leaders of the day as the crowning artistic triumph of the motion picture world. ADDED ATTRACTION--The beautiful ballad, "Over the Hin," inspired by this wonder film, will be sung at every showing of the picture, x tory o ie divine ¢ vv Apicture that ded One entire year in New York st six different Broadway theatres vote of thanks to | Orillia Packet, -- meer rt | I notice that the Town Council has { granted themy permission to build "another ten houses this year on ac- count of their having ten lots on the speeches of | several of the Councillors it seems to me that some of them are going fow months ago "lieve the building of houses by the "Housing Commission has been a {geod thing for the working man, 'and being afraid to offend the work- ing men on account of his vote, they | back on their convictions of only af ville, was » visicor acre yesterday, | coming In for the ; Some of them now say they be.| Regiment oflicers' reception oy the Nem------ -- SOCIAL and PERSONAL Belleville, and Mrs, --Mr. A. Newson, of [spent Sunday with Mr, ! Rutherford, Celina St, | --Quite a number from Oshawa went to Toronto last evening to hear the final concert of the Mendelsohn Choir at Massey Hall, Miss Elsie Ross, Mary street, en- toertnined a number of her friends at Welch' parlors las Friday even- ing. & ARIE the wives of Ontario Legislative members who attended a luncheon at Government House, Toronto, on Tuesday, was Mrs. W. KE, N. Sinclair, of Oshawa. --Co}, L. McLaughlin of Bowman: Ontario County armories --Mrs. W. I, Neame and baby, Ritson Road, North, left Oshawa on Wednesday to spend a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. Mitchell, Notre Dame de Grace, Montreal. have sanctioned the building of the additional ten houses. | 1 believe when I am sincere to! {myself and my own convictions | am | {a friend to the working man in every sense of the word. I have my doubts | as to whether in buying these hous- es the working man is kind to him- self, First of all he sees the house | and agrees to buy it on account of | the casy terms as it appears to him, i but when he realizes that money in-| | vested at 5% for 11 years doubles! | itself, by the time he is through, the! {price of the house looks quite differ- | ent, again | understand he cannot | | rent the house should he have to| leave the town, neither can he soll | Lit for profit He has not much free- | "dom under this proposition if such SH I bs : 2 3 is the case. If tho Housing Com { William mission has money on hand and] presents want to use it for the benefit of the working man, they can go back to! lis the recipitent of many congratu- --Miss Elsie Follest, 31 John St, lations on having passed her prim- ary examination with honors in the conservatory of music, Miss Follest is u pupil of Miss Olive Freneh . Rebekah Lodge No. 3 held their regular monthly meeting last evens McLaughlin and some other friends, | attended the presentation of the | opera, "Pinafore," in Toronto on | Saturday evening. Mr. Victor C. French, publisher | of "The Times," Wetaskiwin, Alber- ta, president of the Canadian Week-| ly Newspaper Assocfaidon, is a guest | at the home of Mrs. G. #, Blamey,| Many of our Patrons were delighted with the Bargains we had for them on Saturday last. This week we present another list of rare buying opportunities in CHESTERFIELD SUITES, FLOOR LAMPS, COMFORTERS. The Chesterfield Suites in each case only one to sell at these prices, if you are interested get in early on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Comforters--Half Price fo $5.00, $5.90, $6.75, $1 They will go quickly at these prices ~ $10.00, $11.75, $13.50, $20.00, $28.50 and $32.50 0.00, $14.25, & $16.25 their first works, Loan a working! Division Street. Mr. Frenelt was af man the money to build his own | caller at The Reformer office td-o.1y. | home, provided he has a Jot paid | Miss Mabel Coedy, pupil of MiB 3 for. He can then sccure his own! Ida Arnott, is receiving the congrat-| Maa Liisi: aoa Chesterfield Suite say about the house he is building, in% successfully passed with honors °F and borrowing the money for, and | her junior piano examinations which instead of driving all the small con. wus held recently by the Toronto tractors out of business, he can Conservatory of Musie. ; | stimulate building and the contract- On Monday evening about sixty! «4 can order his goods frem our | members of the Adult Bible Class of | FROM THE POEM BY WILL CARLETON A Sccaavio by Paul H. Sloane as 33 a Directed by HARRY MILLARDE Created New York record at Two DoMars a Seat threnghont year' run Sensationa! succes at Fifteen Torcuto Theatres PRICES--Children, 25¢; Adults, 50¢ Plus War Tax Performance for School hildeen Saturday, March ih, at the Special caly at 10.00 reduced price of 15¢ Advance Sale opens on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, at 9.30 am, local merchants. This, in my opin | ion is how the Housing Commission shonld spend their money. The man then really owns his own home and the Housing Commission stands us| First Mortgagee more on the same footing of any other money lender, Lot us have expansion and everybody have a fair chapee to do business. Thanking youn Sir, I am. Yours very truly Arthur Lewis King Street Methodist Sunday | School were entertained at the home | of Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Winters, 217 | Athol Street E. A very pleasant ev- ening was spent in games and music after which refreshments were en- jod ANTIL--REE At the Anglican Rectory on Tues- day Feb. 21, Rev. C. R. dePencier, ofliciating, the wedding took place of Miss Georgina Florence Ree to The Leading Theatre In Oshawa FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Big Double Bill JACK HOLT ""The Call of The North" A thrilling story of the Great Out Doors ALSO SIXTY LAUGHS A MINUTE COMING MONDAY "Saturday Night"' Mr. Florian Paul Anptil. They were unattended, and will reside at 178 Alice Street Miss Audrey Werry was suceess- ful in passing her junior piano ex- 3 aminations with honors Pupil of LYSDE--GUY ' Miss Mariel Pe n 35-4 : Tai ALi 1 Mariel Penfcund 135-a \ quiet but pretty wedding took in the Presbyterian Church on Pupils of Miss Olive French who lice passed in the recent examinations Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock, held in the Bethune College are: | When Nellie Gertrude, daughter of Primary Scheol--Honors, Elsie Fol- Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Guy. 148 Brock lest, George Lofthouse. Congratu- cast. became the bride of lations 35-a | Walter Rogers Lynde, son of Mr. and | Mrs Thomas Lynde, of Breoklin The bride was charmingly attired in u suit of brown broadcloth with! moleskin collar and hat to mateb, and carried a boguet of pink and white carnations. The young couple wore attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Sadler, sister and brother-in- { law of the bride, while the ceremony [ was performed by Rev. Geo. Yule Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Lynde left on the 4.45 G.T.R. train for Toronto. Hamilton | and' Buffalo, the bride travelling in| ja seal coat with sable collar and leafs. Prior to her marriage, shel | Was given two showers, one taking | place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sadler and one at the home sof Mrs. Orchard, Division street. The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts, in- cluding a purse of $95, and remewm- brances from the Presbyterian | Churrh choir, General Motors' Office (stall and other organizations with which she was actively connected The groom was presented with two | handsome leather chairs by the mem- bers of the Radiator Department of which he was foreman. The bride and groom are numbered among the (most popular young people of Osh- 'awa and a host of friends will wish them prosperity and happiness street Ward Off Brain Fag OU need something to renew your over-worked and under- nourizshed vital forces. Take a tablespoonfil of Wincarnis three times 2 day. 16 os. Beitles, $1.50 At All Druggists Proprietoms : COLMAN & CO. Limited, Norwich, Eng Canadian Office: §7 Portland St, Toronte. Frank S. Rall Resident Director. 54 a J -- - 'MRS. KINNEAR HEADS CENTRE ST. CLUB Centre St. Home and School Club ! held their annual meeting on Wed- | mesday afternoon. Election of offic- | ers was the principal business, after | which refreshments were served and [a social time spent. The officers for the coming yoar [are as follows: - President --Mrs. Kinnear Vice-Pres.--Miss Ilolmes Secretary--Mrs. Colpus. Treasurer--Mrs. Crothers Executive--Mrs. Saywell. Mrs. Proctor, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Holt, Miss | Robinson and Miss E. Currie. --r. Try a Different BREAKFAST Toy Roman Meal -- the elicious whole grain cereal, nut-like in flavor. 1 You'll find it far more nourishing than any other breakfast food--and it's more economical. IN MEMORIAM LUDLOW --In loving memory of my dear mother, Martha Lagdlow, whe passed away Feb. 23rd, 1921. Far and oft our thoughts do wander, To the grave so far away, | Where they laid our darling mother, | Just ome year ago today. | | We think of her in silence, { Her name we oft vecall; But there is nothing left to answer, Except her photo on the wall. Daughter. ANNIE. 135-a PIED HODGSOX---At Columbus, on Mon- day February 20th, 1922, Ellas 8. Hodgson, widow of the late Rob- ert Wilcockson, aged #66 years. Funeral on Thursday, February etery 135-a | Ing when gix new members were in- itiated into the Order. Refresh- ments were afterwards served and a most pleasant evening spent. -- Miss Doris Miller, Miss Marion Mickie, accompanied by Mrs. R. 8.1 THREE PIECE CANE BACK Chesterfield Suite Your choice of two different coverings, walnut finish. (Reg. price $160.00. Sale Price $115.00 $300 Suite for $200 A large three piece suite in tap- estry cover, detachable cush- ions, spring back and arms, nicely made. A rare bargain. Special / for three pieces. $200.00 Floor Lamps Only Five To Sell $47.00 Lamp complete for $55.00 Lamp complete for $48.00 Lantern Style for $65.00 Lamp complete for A special quarter-cut Fumed Oak Dining Suite in this week. [Eight pieces for $125.00 A LUKE BROS. 63 King East 23rd. at 2 p. m. to St. Paul's Cem- ttt tsetse