pes ee on : i OSHAWA, "ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FE bd hed ¢ + Fry ARY 283;-:1022 - ~ PAGE FIVE . 3 : Dental | * Real Estate for Sale PR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, ll conveniences, good location. Ap- 19 King St. West. Phone 281. DIY 228 Bruce Street, ~~ 134-¢ FOR SALE MODERN BRICK HOUSI, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, all conveni- ences; new gurage; most desirable lucality,--'Phone 752j. 134c DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD ley Block, Simcoe St, 8. Phone 504. 8§9-tr DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Pine 948, 2" Lary building. 180 storage for cars. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Day phone G6562J, night 652W. Rit. Office over Kyle's Grocery (tore. son Road North, 914.1, Phone 959. 4-1 yr. To Rent BY DAY, WEBK, MONTH or YBAR Assembly hall, suitable for general | hurposes, Good entrance, well ©N- | lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen, tPance 'to office. one. door of | simk, connections for electric stove Detenbeck's Store. , H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, 119-1m au im fedical = | FOR ing h 9 PUBLIC GARAGE M | property 34 x ft., best stand in ; naa { Oshawa, Apply evenings, Geo. C. DR C. EB, WILSON, PHYSICIAN (oh "50 'Golbourne St. W. 185-c d Surgeon, Union Bank Building, a tus fincoe St. North. Phone 57. 110-1yr {HOUSE TO RENT---76 COLBORNE i h Sandi Ha East. F urnished and heated, Ap- DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR {1% atter 5 o'clock. A FOR RENT--A SUITE geon, Accoucher. Office and resi: | opr po her. nd res |gpricKs dence, King St. East, corner Vietoria ¢ yyro0 fully modern equipped of- rent. Ahove Standard 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. fices for DR. L. J. SEBBRT, 73 BLOOR ST. Bank. Phone 89° for particulars, West, Toronto, will bo at Jury &/ mo Se 123--1m Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday Two FRONT OFFIC AN from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for eonsulta-{ down stairs» with' good light. tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr! suitable for barber shop and baths DR. D. B. NEEIY, PHYSICIAN & H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, Phone Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. |' Office over Dominion Bank. Tels-j HOU J RENT hone 11566. Hours 2 to 4 pm, or HEL, Phone 252. y appointment, 96-41} FEET Kn ate Tennis pra A FALLibAY, 145 col. Help Wanted--Female lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97. DR. TREWIN, DENTIST east ' 23 0 day from 2.30 to 4.30 for consulta- 307 King St. E, 134a and ear: 134-tf! live, ambitious, clean-cut men and Dit. F. T. BRYANS, OF 760 BLOOR | women, who would appreciate a per- Street West, Toronto, will be at his| manent position; persistence, deter office over Miller's Arcade each Sat-! mination, character and presentabic urday, from.1 till 4 p.m. for consnl-| 3ppearance esséntial--Mr, F, Syms, tation and treatment of diseases of; Standard Bunk Buildings. 134c ear, nose and throat only. | WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIR). dle - | for general housework. English girl preferred. Apply 485 Simcoe St. N Legal 134-D ps ETE) poi TIWANTED SMART YOUNG GIRL TO JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR | assist in light house work; no wash rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| A eV os | sol IDB; can stay home nights.--Mrs., N. veyancer. Money -to loan. Offic Mechin, 16 Ritson Road. [BA 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone |': 445. sire bse - --. | middle aged widower. D. A. J. SWANSON---BARRISTER. "G", Reformer Office. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-| cér; ete. All brauches of Civil and Criminal Law. loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osb- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence: 516J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAL- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, experience and salary. B.A. computed by the hour G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR-! P. G. PURVES, rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen-| eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. 11%; Rimecoe St. South, Oshawa. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. 134-c WANTED---GOOD GIRI, FOR GEN- eral housework, Apply Mrs. Edgar Bradley, 4352.8imcoe St. North. SE "Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS will be received 1922. . 129-132 Columbus, Feb. 7, the erection of 10 houses. Tender: Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well Fxaminations free at office.' Dr. S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North 'Surveyors : {witli be considered electric light, heating, painting and plumbing. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Com mission. 11 King Street East, hy ap- plying to Mr. Sam Gliddon. Iaspee- tor of Works. Wasps Articles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $350 cash. : Apply 488 Albert Stredt 131-tf IC LE TD shape.--App L. R. C. Henry King Street East, FOR SALE -- WICKER BUGGIR and go-cart combined, Thos. All- man, 146 Elgin E. 133-¢ FOR SALE -- AUTO KNITTING machine, Duplex, new, 138 Centre St., evenings. 135-¢ FOR SALE---IVORY BABY ' CARs riage, nearly new, also child's strol- ler with wicker hood, new. Apply 808 Albert St, Oshawa, 136-¢ FOR BALE -- CREAM WICKER haby carriage, 14 in, artillery wood- en wheels, good rubber tires, in first class condition. 71 Eldon Ave. : ; 134-¢ FOR SALE -- MUSIC CABINET, parlor rpcker, two reception chairs, summer kitchen range, cheap. Ap- ply 146 Albert St, 134-b FOR "BALW -- RE-NEWED COW & Co, er, Apply L. J. Pearce, Base Line, Bowmanville R. R. No. 2. Phone 139, Oshawa. 134-¢ AEROPLANE LINEN --- STRONG<¢ ast 'and best obtainable for shirts, waists, window hangings, dresses, ote., ete. reduced to She. per yard, while it lasts. 10 only white enamel bed cots and springs $3.76 to clear. The Army Store, 21 Prince Street, 133-tf. 134-¢' : : | WEDNESDAY, Salary to be! 119-tf | TR. | Work Shirts, Riding Breeches, 97tr! tees, Leggings, (irey Greutcoats, un- | dyed, $8.00 each. | The Army ' & Lovell's Drug Store every Satur-| work.--Apply, Mrs, C. W. Detenback, ! BLANKETS, MEN'S FLANNEL Lowest prices. Stores, 21 Prince Street. 133-41 PRIVATE STOCK OF FURNITURE, | thon, when extending | parlor suite, 2 bedroom suites, steel works System by the construction of tion in diseases of the nose, throat I WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH | range, 1 heater, dining room chairs, sideboard, kitchen table and chairs, ete. Call afternoons, 2 to 5 5; ninge 8 to 10. 511 Albert 'St, 130t8- with ealf, Ayrshire breed, good milk-| Put- eve- mr A pn op cl i ---- - v Farms For Sale Rug Weaving FARM FOR SALE--ABOUT SHV: |RU6: WEAVING=OLD CARPETS onty-five acres, five miles from Osh-| re-woven into reversible rugs by well nwa, Good* buildings, Land alllknown Toronto firm, Leave your plowed, Apply A. W, Short, Oshawa [address with C. E. Aldsworth, 32 1R.R. No, 3. 131-2 Athol St. Kast, 'Phone No. 540; and Too ACTIN TARM TON SALE OH representative will call on you with exchange; splendid bit; roof bank sample rug and aypply information. barn; good 8-room house; orchard; 130h woods, creek; near Oshawa; Sad easy terms; price right.--Lycett and | Young, 61 King E, Oshawa. 'Phone! 793. 134b | LOST "TERMS OF SALE: 20 per cent. on day of sale and balance within 30 days. Purtifer terms and condt- tions can he sedured on day of sale, or in the meantime from W. KE. N, Sinclair, Oshawa, solicitor for the 'Executrices of Emma Jane Coombe Estate. Dated Feb, 13th, 1922 at Oshawa. W. ©. N. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for the [xecutrices. JAMES BISHOP. Auctioneer. Lost and Found -- A BLACK POCKETBOOK al the corner of King and Mary Sts, containing a sum of money and keys. Finder kindly apply to Box "DD", Re- former. 135-2 "Board and Room _ FURNISHED ROOM ALSO BATH flat to rent. Apply 16 King St. W, "! 136=h TO RENT -- A COMFORTABLE | room and board for two young men with every convenience. About b Keb 16-28 minutes' wdlk from Y.M.C.A. Phone - SBE ee Eat Re A re | 795. 13440 Help Wantea--Male q&a Two FURNISHED 3 gs with conveniences for lght WANTED -- AN ENERGETIC MAN | 1001 WI © Box 537. 'Osh to go into Life Insurance Business | housekeeping. P. 0. Box 537, law 135-b with the idea of making a success RN NNN. 1 TL HEATED, of it as a life work. Some experien- | A a ie wo pre * he married | chee ; i ; : 52 Preferred: a be zo mantic icomfortably.--Apply by letter or "phone It ah FHS oa del 135-¢ | Vincent N. O'Vernon, General Motors. reel SOMIE. oo. Dl i'Phones 700 or 762 APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT | cesar ams sas pe mas 2 Tl Nd ! 4 " NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that | Builders and Contractors application Will be made by the Mun- ' ABFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A ielpal Corporation of the Town of Loo me. or repairing your old one, Oshawa fo the Legislative A mhiy see me, | also have fine building of the Province of Ontario the Hots for sale. .I can give you easy next session thereof for an ACt-- fn, yments and save you money.-C in). To authorize the Corpora- ~ "Giacey, Builder and Coutractor, the water i309 park Road South, Box 530, furnished ' i Phone 557. 130-3 water mains, to charge lands abutf- | = SE NOT CALLED FOR {ting directly on said water mains or: { benefitted thereby an annual rate of | nop) RUGGY WHEELS, THE PROP- Seven and ope-half eents per foot SET BIRCH STAIRS, 14 TREADS, 24 inches wide. one 5 f.t electrie celling fan (new), 1 table, 4 ft, hy 7 fi, suitable for store; 1 partition x ' board with drawer section. 21 Prince Street. J FERRIS WHITE LEGHORN PIL lets for sale, $2.50 cach. Apply 1223 Cheap, 134c | WANTED--A HOUSEKEEPER BY | Apply to Box | {grade Shorthorn by the undersigned up to noon Mar. | Ist, 1922, for the position of Road | Superintendent for the Township 0) | sale at one o'clock sharp {East Whitby for the year 1922. State | months' credit. { Celina St. 133-1.1. Houses Wanted WANTED TO RENT GOOD HOUSE near school, north or east end Ap- ply Box "Q". Reformer. Auction Sale MARCH 1ST, ON 25, Con. 9, Whitby Tp.. 5 mile of Ashburn, Clydesdales. high cattle, registered implements, belonging to Lot Us and hogs Chas. Pilkey, will be sold by pablic W. F. MARQUIS, Auctioneer Township Clerk | THE OSHAWA RAILWAY COM P N ele ti pn Sgn geta---- ---- - p-- Tenders will be. recieved by NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT ithe Oshawa Housing Commission vp | the Annual Gemeral Meeting of the to the 1st day of March, 1922, for | Shareholders of the Oshawa Railway Company will be according to plane and spe-'of the Company cifications for the complete house. |Gananogue, Outario, on Wednesday comprised of six rooms, or tender: the 15th day of March. 1922, will be held at the offic: in the Town of at the for the different 'hour of 16.30 a.m., for the election of trades, carpenter work, mascn work. Directors, and such other husiness 2- may be brought before the said meet- ing. J. H. VALLEALU, Secretary February Sth, 1922, 1301 Gananoyue, Ont M. M. GIBSON---ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic Es | $ gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc-| cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. , 73-1 LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS AT the jJargest, best Sehool--ihe most instruc tion in the most practical formn e -- H Wonderful opportunities for young x | l wen in an unlimited field. Prepare Educational NOW 10 open a uarage, sell p at RI 2 RII oN TRACH. | mobiles or trucks, work in a fa MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- | Zarage of er of Piano. Pypils now being tak- | en on. Conservatory method. For | { service station. Sue 1 awaits the appointment, prone 226. HKesidence | trained man. Write our illustrated booklet. 161 Athol St. E. 27-41 | | ATE MARY | MNTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILY SCHOOL LIMITER, APRIVATE CLASS FOI 1. u Gth. | TORONTO pupils will commence JManh - Qualified, experienced teacher. For inferamtion apply 76 Colborne St. | West, or phone 802 135-a, Undertakers & Embalmers; LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL? directors, embalmers, private am-: bulance; morgue and chapel in con-! nection; picture framing; 11 Simeoe! St. South. Phone 210. Residence! 19 Division St. 26-1 yr! cunipped efficient Motor + M3 VICTORIA ST. q-- Say It with Flowers F. H. COX Florist Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs 8 specialty. 364 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Phone 885 Insurance Agents - 1 FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN; Wellington Mutwal and Union Fire] insurance Society, London, England.' NX. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 A Kingston clergyvman's hens won the Dominion egg-laying contest. Aa honor which would maturally go to the laity Owen Sound Advertiser. ft. by 24 ft. panelled with beaver | inierest thereon, and to charge the 133-18. | 1340 ; Terms, 12 | frontage for a period of Thirty years to pay and in full satisfaction of the} owner's share of the cost of such | -- 2 axtensions and water mains and the | in 10 days will he sold. TAUNTON BLACKSMITH SHOP Work Wanted ; 3 Sains "| YOUNG LADY (ENGLISH) DESIRES g remainder of the oo apaiist frets position, in Oshawa, as Children': Corporation of the Town o shawa | Nurse; experienced. -- Address, pat are, : tends abuttin | Edwards, Port Whitby. 129; | ). ) 0 charge lands abutting on | Somme oe oe me Lor hencfitied by water mains con.) POSITION WANTED A¥ sali: i a Vlady; experienced; would aceon posi structed as local improvements prior 00° . " och 'eninge to the 1st January, 1922, is, | tion alternoons and Saturday evenins respect of which special Assessment ----Apply. Box H.. Reformer. ed) Rolls have been settled by i Court Auctioneer of Revision, an annual frontage rate | comme ee of Seven and onc-half cents per foot] Will. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT Live Stock a specialty. Phone 167r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos ; frontage for the remainder of a per- J Schools { fod of Thirty years calculated from the year in which the said special . Consolidated Growing in Favor and ) | $ i | Assessment Rolls in respect of such works were respectively settled, not withtanding anything contained jn | said assessment rolls or = By-law in respect of such works heretofor passed. the first of such annua! rates qf Seven and one-half per foot frontage being imposed and collected in the year 1922; the said | ton and Haldimand townships and the annual rate of Seven and one-half | town of Cobourg, Northumberland conts per foot frontage being for ti 1 county, Col. J. W. Odell, Public School {| purpose of paving and in full sati | Inspector, reports that a number of faction of the owners' share of the {ineetings of rutepayershhave been held ! eost of such water mains and the { for the presentation and discussion of terest thereon and the - remainder | COnSoMdated schools, but thas, while of the cost of =uch water mains to | the matter is receiving serious atten | { | | 1 " hi In Public School Inspectorate Ne, 2, i including Hope and Cavan (ownships sand Millbrook village, Darlington county, and South Monaghan, Hamil cents I be borne by the Corporation of ti tion, the growth of the idea is slov, Town of Oshawa at large but sure. He further States that the (2) To charge ldnds: abutting | supply of teachers is not nearly as in- directly on or benefitted by wats r | adequate as it bad been for the past mains heretofore constructed at the jew Years, although ol qua] yet bo expense of the Corporation at large. ! the demand. an annual rate of Seven and one-half cents per foot frontage for a period of Twenty years from and includinz | the year 1922. The remainder of the cost of such water mains to br borne by the Corporation the Town of Oshawa at Jarge, { DATED AT OSHAWA day of January, 1922, The Corporation of the Oshawa By J A bachelor has his trouble ery time he meets a family which he would like to marry, discovers there's no daughter London Express Out i their sunshine and warm climate, yet the other day a lady slipped on pavement and broke her wrist, Hew often the truth comes out by wecident.--Orillia Packet. Ev- Ine this 27th Town of | G. GRIERSON. Town Solicitor Mis: | i | PLANS FOR ADDITION | At a meeting of the Oshawa Hog | pital Board held this week tenta-| tive plans for a new maternity wing | in connection with the hospital were | presented, but no action was taken | as further details have yet to be re- celved. The Board plan if possible | to make a start on the new wing this | spring. The new addition to the nurses' residence ks now practically | completed and will be occupled shortly. | S000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA | The 1922 edition of the popular | little Cyclopedia of the Dominion | "65000 Facts About Canada"--will | be warmly welcomed hy the public, ; which" regards it a3 an indispensable | booklet, "us full of meat as a cocoa- | nut," us one wittily expressed it. Its | compiler, Frank Yeigh, is widely | known as an authority on eyervthing | Canadian, and it fs a marvel and | model of condensation, with a fact | in a sentence. The new issue is enlarged and improved, and its ebn- tents will prove a revelation of the | growth of the country, not only in| a single year, but in a five or ten year | period. Over 50 chapters, ranging | alphabetically from Agriculture to Yukon--provide a bird's eye view of | the Dominion from every angle. No | better advertisement of the country | could be had, amd many use it that way Lo enlighten the ignorant: as to the wealth, prosperity and ad-} vantage of this Britain of the West. | Coples may be had from newsdealers or hy sgending to the Canadian Faets Pub Huron Street, Toronto $0 centz Co., 388 NEW MARTIN THEATRE, Those who witnessed the and produced atv the. New Martin Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday nights. by the Arliec Marks Company. will not hesitate in pro- { nouncing them a musical treat. The | {and Miss Daisy LeRoy into in Los Angeles they hoast of | ni three plays, "The Girl from Killar ney." "Poggy O'Neil' and "Lure," showed the coterie of ar- tists to be real actors und actresses Their talents were not limited to the stage, but tl in fact. perform in a manner whiel pronounced them up-to-date v4 ville artists Those forming company were Lindsay E. vin. manager H Marks, Phoebe Marks mond, Miss John Alma Andrews, Vivian, Mrs. Becord Clarence Kane Miss LeRo: also intereted with her ind reading and little sensation wis caused by those whom her read ings concerned Mr. John An 7 interesting exhibi many not a gave ral of SOV ions the magic ari Ther are now talking about invest igating the Irish conflict. The: been doing that for a generation Toronto Mail and Empire have Foster Homes Wanted for Five Fine Lads I Boy aged J years Boys aged ¢ vears 1 Boy Photo children quest, For ged 7 years raphs of any of these will be sent upon re- further information appl Box 321. Oshawa Children's Aid Society of the Province of Ontario 1350 CONSIDER TENTATIVE | ini leading ! =---- three | f { Plays presented by Mr. L. E. Perrin, | jines in red ink under cert erty of Frank Page. If not called for | the, v could sing, dance and ¢ "| England, who is the MES G. WW. Marks, } Messrs, Chas. K. Moise, Cecil Dram- I ---------------- I'll Show You How to Increase Your Profits If you'll talk over with me the advantages Toronto Stable Equipment will bring to you farm. Toronto Stable is designed to save you keep the stable cleaner, your cattle healthier. mos tented, more profitable. Let's talk this prea! ment over. - Toronto Siuble Eq uin- meny" includes Stalls, Boll Pon Water Bowls and Litter Carrio. H.J. OGDEN Oshawa Ontario Equipment Inbor, Loep COn- improve MARRIAGE LICENSES, RAYAL Princess Mary's marriage license will, if it follows precedent, be written entirely in Old English letter ing and in black ink, relieved by words { Royal licenses are the largest mar- | riage licenses prepaved, costing about | $200 each; and they obviate the for- {| malities connected with the ordinary | marriage leense. such as the swear- ing of affidavits and personal appli- cation by one of the parties concern ,ed. Under the Royal Marriage Act {of George IIL. before any member { of the Roval family in the direet line can marry, a Royal marriage license | bearing the consent of the King and i che signature of the Primate of All mly authority { empowered to issue the Royal license, { must he first obtained. -- The horrors of another such peace ag this one should be all that to deter the world from an- other war. --Columbia Record any hough ever trem- HO man in any commun: uninfluenced by I Youths' Companion is nec- essary No leaf on bles alone: ity remains | neighbors TR AND TRONK Then The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT & CHICAGO elle ng Services ne cars' on wht al da fiom if ation 1 Aszent Tor R. Sheridan, Town Agecut Telephone No. . Hi. Hutchison. Depot Agent Telephone No mio IT IS DONE PROPERLY 4 formation as 1 Lr She ay JURY & LOVELL, Lid Paone 28 Paose 11) | OES Es : 124-6 -8at. To wash a collar in Moscow costs 240,000 rubles. This would be dis astrous if anybody in Moscow ever had a collar washed. --Ottama Jour nal, MAIL CONTRACT SLALED TENDERS, addressed 10 the Post of master General, will be received at tama | v's until noon, on Friday, she 31st March, 1922 for Me copverance of iis Majest Mail-, on a proposed Contract for fo years, siv | anes per week on the route, fshawa Rural | Ruute No. 3, via Colmmbu-~ { Printed uelices containing further to conditions «f joopused Con Le sean and blank fomes of Tender ma) be obtained a1 the Post Oloe- of Oshawa and Colmubus, snd a1 the office of the Post Office Iasnector: Toronto. | A. SUTHERLAND, Post OMce Inspector afllce Inspecior's Gftlor, Terwato, Fob. 13th, 1092. aut "al Still the most for the money. V. A. MENRY, AGENT FOR THE' Sum Life of Canada. also placed fire. { accident and automobile insuranee ia reliable companies. Phone 1046w. 9-6-3mo. | ire | ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Idea: Tir: Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- -- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for! sale. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-tf] --_---- ---- nie J - 2 i BARBER. WYXNE-ROBERTS &, Seymour. Engi ing, Avehit e 4 and Surveying, 61 King St. Eas. | Oshawa, phone 793. 40 Jarvie St. | Toronto. Phone Main, 2687. 39-u Musical Instruction HuRBERT C. TREENER, ATC.M.,! organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church. is prepared to! accept a limited number of pupils in | Pianoforte. Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc., apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist | GRACIOUS - ta FOQT IDALL SWOLLEN ACAN'T GET MY SLIPPERS QM - iLL HAVE TO SIT HERD | Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30} MONICA MeNBIL AC AM. TEACH er of piano and theory. Pupils pre-! pared for all examinations, 282 Jar-| sa IS YOUR FoaT TOO 20 'TO pe | ©1922 -~r