Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 21 Feb 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR es I er OH or 8 rinse Te cam RW I wv Aro a nee ---- oan hha ae ey orp OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, F EBRUARY 21, 1922 ' TE EE " i | |BOWMANVILLE H.S. Cl abs Are : IC. 0. B. League -------- CANADA FO THE MO LLOWING THERLAND : | DEFEATED COBOU RG! ® Bly 2 : -- The Lond Gar ars' Gazette for Bowmanville High School defeats Anticipating Good Season Janney ioe that he or [in ehours [Coleklaze 0 3 Sami -- sumption of tea in Groat Britain and final Centra ntercolleglate Hoe: . " . . . Ireland has increased 24. per cent. key Luge game ut Sin No Change 18 Likely m (ircuit--Several Amendments To hh Los, hey ow -- about Meeting nine pounds. per howd per annum | last Friday night 6 to 4. The game! | was very fast, and the local team. won hy consistent playing and good of Cobours, Constitution Will Be Considered At Annual Here Next Month--Double Schedule Good crouse in qualified | 3 a W N ; turn game Will be ised and under the guidance of nu . not enough baseball was heing furn- High School played in Cobourg. in the United Kingdom, 1921 year amounted to 19 This enormous consumption aceounts price The consumption of te pounds LL ------------------------ CL ------------------ in x , | toam work. Rooney, REGIMENT NINE ARE BELLEVILLE H. . | Was the pick of both teams, he hav- ee -------------------- : IN THIRD POSITION ENTERS THE FINALS ny had vee RORUOe In O.H.A. 0-1 The Central Ontario pageball | ying jdle for several weeks petore | for the great : jrany. In inten ne Jimetrong, pIay-) eague {s commencing upon te] entering the O.BAA finals, Under tea, ed well for the local teat we re! pupth year since ft Wie first OPEAD™ | ne old system of a single schedule, 3. only amonnts hewd per anndm, aver the rise in the 414 lo und the in= previous a in Canada put it is increasing. million pounds. of, per BOY SCOUT NEWS his is "Good Tr Local Boy Scout N ' Day of the Week v This is the third day of the Scout- week, amd It is Good Turn' day fe sare and (0 yours before you sleep to-night The Scouts fina pleasure in doing at least one good turn every day; you try it! There wis i good arn out of geouts and Wolt Cubs to King ®t Church on Sunday night, ukthough it was 80 wet, but the secret is: the eighth scout law 18: A Seout amiles and whistles under all cir- cumstances." No! We did not have the hockey mitch with the Scouts of the County Town, us the rink could not he obs tained. Walch out for the Scouts and 'Wolf Cubs on Wednesday night. They will parade through the main streets Wout 7.30 o'clock. i Say, fellows! wouldn't you lke to he Scouts and have i real time? You will get a chance 10 join on Thurs 'ay night. Come to the basement | King. St. Church at 7 p.m, and Just remember "A scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other to what social Scout, no matter class the other helongs." No! Friday night is not decided it is expected to he a Bur Just get Thursday's what is in store for Fri yet, but prise packet paper to see day night. Wouldn't you treasure hunt? for Scouts; No! like to join in the Too bad it's only we are not going to Treasure Island, or to look for hid- den gold: but «av! Scout, just turn out on Saturday afternoon and "Be Prepared' ana: you n find on: | what the treasure really is. The Wife's Keen Eyes are quick to detect those spots on your clothes and she is equally as quick to send them to Peter McLaughlin The Cleaner & Presser 121; King st. W. We do all kinds of alter- ations. Phone us at 9 and we will call and de- liver your garments. Over Ellis & Canning's Store AR -- a ne A) By defeating the Business Men Just Belleville night 14 to 5, the Regiment stepped| p, ASC : r the finals in the Interscholastic ay The ETT i i up in third position in the Indoor |, okay series by defeating Diane i Monday night. The Hne-up: {good strong execntive it has steadily Baseball League and to within two, op, col Tate In Be oh I Bowmanville Gonl, James; de- improved, until now it ranks OF jshed: to keep up enthusinsm ay it points of Pedlars, who are in second | yy a by 4 to 0, and the | fence, Somerville and Armstrong; | probably (he best in Ontario, both} should he. Then again it wave © A ) s place, The game between Pedlurs and yound by 6 to 3 "Belleville now | centre, Fraser; wings, Pointen and: in pogard to the brand of baseball | {uum an opportunity of making good ; nother. work has passed ahd the Knights of Pythias resulted in a tie on A a ® lg He oan. | Tey: subs., Hall and Oliver, J | displayed, und the manner in whieh {| ' ond J Ww arter iL hid B08 mystery Why girls leave their gol- 5-5. In the first contest the soldiers i i ville 2-1 Cobourg Goal, ooderich dei in operated, Despite predictions in the second hall alle it had go ashes unbuckled is no nearer solu- gave their best exhibition of the se bth od sine . CuErs' do. | tence, Rooney and McGuire; contra, | of ruin, which have been made hy | away to a bad start in commencing tion than over St, Catharines con and by clouting the ball hard ob Wig i Ey lire Croft; wings, Surrey and Moore; one newspaper on the eirenit, the the seaxon. Braud in ead. Sones, HUN Ah Py a bi | Bubs. Field and Cameron. majority of clubs ure anticipating some Amendments ve difference between fn dipio- The line-ups: we te oh is agi y nee. + AFHY Roferee- Frank Williams, Bow- having a petter year than ever be- | t 1 ing 8 ou #04 un aniomat 18 Ha you : Regiment--Salter, Gower, McBrien, ind IPistie; Sth. ay 4 py of manville, ft tn 1921 all teams showed in- Ar: the gunus tnealini some Kiiow hut the automat is Kolbk 15 Gibson, MeNeally, Ambrose, Northey, res i ont, Bra eys 3 ou S------------------------ creased strength over the previous amendments to the constitution wii give you Seattle Post-Intelligen- Sitheop, Wel yA ce. Gilchrist, and enry; centre, ~ = ; Voi Ath the exce i { Peter-| he made, I the sessi Jhieh will cer 4 3 Madi " . JOOR BASE AGUNG | year, with the exception © : w made, and the session which Wi Business Men--Alger, Chisholm, | Heron; wings, Redpath and Man ' " BASEBALL LEAGUE 0 whieh club anffered heavily rw : oe i whe Diplomacy, it seems, is the urt of ogon; wings, i STANDING x geeupy i whole day, and will he the : y Whinfield, Dobson, Bouckley, Rae, | 00: sub, Chen, ' Jide | through injuries to its pest: players. | oles for hv " { speaking frankiy and at tie sal Sheridan, Driscoll, Kelso and Ormix- m---- gta A . PP W LD PtE'lnd it not "heen for that, the Petes liveliest ever held by the exeentive | time being nonecommittal Jackson ton, i) SC Williams... 87 2.0 14 would have heen up near the top| Of this jeggue, Some of the amend! ville (Florida) Metropoliz, The score: : UNDAY h CHOOL Lpediaps .. .. +0 3 NEE Nes 2 fighti ward for the pennant. ments to hie sngrested will he in con: Splensures," said Unele kara, "an == i" of : fighting hard for the pel L i Regiment Snr sedo---14 GAMES POSTPONED | Business Men. 0 12 08 All Clubs Stronger nection with artieles No. 5, 10 and | uch like mushrooms De. right pl utiness Men 2 } 1 ' 01 : 8 oi | Regiment eR a NE Ee Tn LL This coming summer will no doubt} 17 The first one mentioned states kind he fine, but you lias to he on bedlars secured i big lead in the Simeoe Height S 4 5H 0 6 ftind all club agal rongthene hat this + sh ilinte de lookout foh toudstools" West: ' ; A 3 ) 2 i s again strengthened to | that this we shall affiliate with didi first frame of the second contest when on aceount of poor ire the tWO | Officers AERO TR We al 6 uw certain extent with the exception the Ontario amatear Association ern Christian Advocate, they tallied four times, but in the ve umes Which were to be played last Goperal Motors $Y 4 + possibly of Belleville, the 3919 0, Bland shall he governed by its rales maining six innings. they only added night in the Sunday School Leagues | Knights of Pyihias 8 1 6 1 1 A. A. champions having lost their | This, it is thonght, hy one official si one. Even then it looked as though | were postponed until to-morrow and is star twirler, Freddy Goyer The | should be altered because the C. O. 1 1 Metal workers Jyouly hose out their | night. The games wil decide he \ Cobourg Club has mule wreful {1, Is rules do pot ages with thors e p [I] alr ints iki og? wu the Knights tied thej group championships in the Juven- 13 ackie" | preparations had the 1822 seas the OB AA 'Another chang» he hd ast Jrame, [in a and Junior > lg ir oa will find it to be a real contender | will be digenged in regard to the A lady visiting friends says tim be finals cannot he played unti LEB 0 i Tee wi i a gue x. In regard to the | residence rule as contained in article "Parisian ro, whie 8 ¢ Pdlars--Clark, Kilburn, Smith. | games are over. So it will be tw: (Continued from page 3) or league honors. In SESE Lp Hie. This states that all layers, with |} CI druggists 2 mt Va "rons: v " & + srCONSe MOSS 3 i 5 BL v A de : : uk i Crouse, McNeally Jos Thompson 5 ay we her consciousness, She did not love outlook for bis nlf in Port Hob 1] i Sta or nat wll players FILED MN . os Woods, 0'Bri Stik bay possible. to play the first round in Bowman any more she did not The Guide remains quiet and Port | the exception of students, mus! bal 1 ever used ww miko my hair wavy, Ki 5, Oprieh ' i the finals until Friday night. Fall Cont him. She ARer vXig 0 popers will no doubt follow their residents of the town they represent | lustrous and abundant. It Keeps Knights --Muckler, McCabe, Salter. | particulars re finals will appear In i wn. She no longer existed for . saving \ til | « before May 15th of that part way all J 8 i 4 : Mu MeCal | ps ar N als him. Spirituafly, ment 1 hysicil usnal custom of staying out until jon or hefore Ma) oth o Jat parts away a dapdrafl znd stops itching, Flintoff, McBride, Northey, Diplock, | Thursday's Reformer; also hand } ¥. mentally, physic § rare deciding to | fenlar 0 An attempt will he . Murray, Thompson, Salter 3 ghey 2 aig R lv, his domination over her had ceas- the lust minute hefor deciding, ta lenlar CALL il gp! \ " . The score: a ' pills and posters will pe out bY oq Something evil had been v MoV enter the league. Last wonson. they | made to alter the date to January | = wi ¥ : Tharsday, The games LO-MOrTOY | > gl Bam re "ranked as one of the pest teams in| 1st Although this has been dis Pedlars F001 00005 Bi i ed from her life Rien AL : i 4 ght wil 4 WH : eire aving pital haters | BURN iy ey . a ie p Knights 11002801 = 2 iy Wine Jollow South Osh Hor sudden_comprehension of us the Sirf in, & feted te © SUE TE ph Bo Sy Ee A : Bre Bt. ri # id change was a ceompanied by anoth- Jory eto fh iii a , sult we ained as awa Juvenile. : : 3 r ronzest of the six clubs {but some results may be obtained "( : HE "aN es er fecling, or 8 ; lie . i i WER THE HILL? COMING Sudden death game for group ing Bi Sing wo) ah ee - The Central League will Tike Iv be] from the discussion at the meeting s ied AV . » he i ahi v So A } id : : a A heattjeal event of much more championship. Th : 7 | plo utal and they explained the comprized of the same SIX oun nis Sd vogard to article 17 B pi he han ordinary interest and impor- | Bad 9. St. Gregory vs King 8 mystery of the alteration in her. Té- year sithongl Ss Whi 4 ia i UE Sa is Y : se 4 Wil th tance i¢ the tonoming kz e. 3 unior. | other they gave 5g . some other towns woul like to join, j 20 cerning ou protested 2a nes . rida i Tam 1" "Sudden death game for group BA a ense of Gaver, if there is and truth in thas) the amendment carries, the rule will ment of the William Fox production, | (hy mpionship ; cer any he knew what had hap port it will no doubt 1 lisens=zed r that protested games will not hOveor the ok AsErL wh pik a pened. Kyery instant she became plaid doult be- discusses | | d i a "over the Hill. whic I will open af Fhe Executive HL moot wt 7 o'-| more Sd of It weame Sipe annual meeting here neat {he played will the end oF tie Hey on 1 ; irand March 2nd. [clock in the Y. M. (. A. to-night for Bowman no longer existed for her month . hich 'WwW th " i rine ov Gong ied The theme of "Over the win is short meeting to make final ar-: beeanes he no longer existed for Fe duals Ee a asd iis a ther i ham) wil a od tho & > 3 AR LL ements for the finals to be | himself or any » olse a AE inaugerated last year was a complete | sip any other suggestion : wore love, and ihe story is based | i ved on Friday night and Monday Kavita gp 2vy Ine Sise, He Yo » pecess and it should be continued. (so Tortheoming ; : : : a . \ an 4a) i b , some ere, " y tly increase pa ------ pon the work of Ww in Carleton, the | night. weather permitting. Fhe | he had died while she slept! 3esid creating # greatly ne; 1 : Sere es i bot. Ihe action is drawn from an | fans are asked to keep the two A merciful Providence had given | 2 among the folios ui uiee I and Wo. ; . iB Tn incident which occurred during the | nights clear for they will see som« chr back her heart the untainted hall i lengthe ped Sun : ° al Ring 5! Chareh ns am oe boyhood of Carleton, Ww ho lived on ald the best games seen here this rlish heart that Bowman had stol that the Winning team Would not be edneniay MEH farm and knew intimately the char Sis oni. tose Digits oh. Sruiliphel WL. 219 Sesised : , ! - --- CHAPTER XXXIV acters that have heen made immor oN \ A , . ' ENTER TORONTO LEAGUE sussoni's wif AR. tiie «tras A incide i 8 o Sassoni's wife was setung he : i ; ie creen The incident At a special meeting of {he exe- room in order Her brown face wore of Carletow's early life impressed | cutive of Oshawa and District Foot- an anxious look. for Pietro had been him so vividly that he never forgot ball Association on Saturday even. absent all night. The last time that it. and when he had Erown to man's ing permission was granted to the had happened there had ben trou cstate he made it the theme of two Oshawa Football Club {Thorntons} ble Tua potice had Some, "skeq Es to play in the Toronto and District | many questons, and gone away re if his best loved poems i Association again this coming sea luetantly This time they wigan | The poems in question eventually son This decision will have to he | COME and perhaps not go awap with found their, way to the motion pic ratificd at the apumal meeting of {out Pietro. At ten o'clock list nigh! ture screen of to-day. hecause of the the 0. and D. F. A. which will ve | he had left the house saying he Wa appreciation and Rrosh . held on February 27th. Thornton | going to play cards with a fellow . ai \ and foresight of Mr. | are looking forward to having 4 Italian He was an inveterate card Fox. Like many another great the- | most successful season in the. Toron- player, but he seldom stayed out af atrical production. it appeared to to Association and they can now wo) 1EY midnight yet midnight and i : H " a » arly morning had not seen dis Te just happen along | the people head with preparations tor the { POF ilo ) seen his us oi « autil the people. ine of the league tr Perhaps he had had a guar up to its greatness "SOV rel over the cards and he or another the Hill owes its existence to a But ti \ Y - i had used a Knife y esterday. she re simple, homely incident in the ear- iy mo vb . with ieilization meniiiored, Pierto had een Sharpes: oe of 4 tatimer tush iid i he Bo : al 4. Samsgerule ng his Also he had been cantauk ¥ 3 u ain Sy sa ory wrous. the afternoon and evening han a ye FOV 1 hol . i i hen 2 your ® provided wholesomt and they're fighting hae the devil be had not been able 10 sit stile the New Sata shat for in Ireland for Conciliation OF somes These signs in him had taught her N«¢ ork playgoer thing else Gall Reporter 10 he apprehensive a. ce snl A pathetically she swept the dirty Noor. attended to a number of small - hirds in cages + Sussoni 28 SOmMe- Beauty Hint for Women = i Liew iren. and set Sassoul's bre rkfast in ; i . ; oo» cadiness on the hob When food is only imperteetly dizes ae ( ms mj rie tly dige sted, Somewhere about seven o'clock he, For it gives rise 0 fermentation, clogs the ame quietly in. He was unkempt, y bowels, and renders the blood impure. with she look ju bie face oi une Wao clea " i : has heen drinking sa vil - This results in dull eyes, muddy skim, Dro _--t" ae Reavis \ p, wt A « Cried he woman. skin blotches, pimples and other disfiguring Bat what has Kept thee? 1 have and marks. Beechan's Pills act immediately dome nothing all wight bul eset " the =f ach. liver \ sar ot Aves for thy safety Hast thou fail- bright on {he stomach, liver and bowels: regu- | 3n wmong enemies? Or hast thou an late them and keep them in a vigorous ines? eyes condition. They are mild, harmless and Shut thy mouth." he commanded | Lal pid ik Lo owas but collecting a debt last dependa de. They are compounded of wight." A slightly amused distortion remedies of vegetable origin having | of his lips indicated that he had do het Ruy {20 suecessfally Take wreat medicinal value. Sot : #® Well, have thy meal while it is wot y i Sassoni shuddered at sight of the | food, rose from the chair on whion, he was sitting and with gorge rising wert outside. His wife nodded to, = herself. It was evident that he had 2 a taken too much to drink He came Sold i 5c--40 pills hack demanding coftee--black as his. every: where a a soul. She brought it to him, a little | in boxes 50c--90 pills toubtful now whether the results of' inebriation accounted for his in- temper There was something else, rm mY 01 she dared not ask questions. The' S---- hot coffee seemed to do him zood Preseatly he was able to tackle his breakfast. When it was finished he pushed the plate away. leant back. e took something from the sash at his, waist, and threw it across the table, | "Clean that." i Her eyes went fearuflly to it. toy ------ him. them to the doer. She thought | -------------- {of the police Laide, she whispered, "what . : | hast thou done : We have secured a quantity of one of the finest hog and "Cleaned it = ; ! ean a rabbit yesterday." he cattle feeds on the » market. This feed is as fine as | amswered with an ugly Tangh. | flour, as mealy as pea-meal. and whiter than fine shorts. itis "What «ise? One would suppose | per i or feed than can be de fx pure i lg think 1 had killed a man" grown grain because most of the hull or fibre is eliminated. Ouiy -- pri gv nh a : & k - 4 ~ : | 2 2 SUN ad not! Try at and we know you will like at. {at all in two twe minutes whoa the Our Poultry Mash has been improved and is now a in it bright. Do as 1 tel 1 thee. greater i } oer. , Make un clean." Our Flour is the product of Canada's finest mills. She departed suhmissivels. and & ter a while brought the weapon back | speckless and burnished. Sasson A picked up the baby and dandled it ------------ " pon is knee, giving it the hilt of the knife to play with. zZuavdinz the . + blade. His wile watched his doinss . og alarm. At last she said shak- ily: f- mith Com "Pietro. 1 am ould with fear. Mast : thou verily killed a man?" . Sasson ae wot turn his head. He ; was vegarding his voungest-ho.a Phone 8 Celina St. thoushtfully. One day that Uny Just 9 1 f P Office , hand would he strong like his own, a us Sou ost man's hand. poweriui enough 10) wield the knife which now lay | heavy in its teehie srasp | PO BE VONTINUED, . -------- Ca thu Lc LL JI aa ~

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