Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 18 Feb 1922, p. 5

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 PAGE FIVE Dental DR. T. €, CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West, Phone 231, DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- | ley Bloc k, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 6504 DR.'T. 8, TUCKER---DENTIST, OF- ¥ice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948, 1-yr. DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery (tore. Phone 959. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST - over Jury and Lovell's Drug Phone No, 97. DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- trance to office one door east go Detenbeck's Store. Medical WILSON, PHYSICIAN | Union Bank Building, Phone 7, 110-1yr | OFFICE Store. | DR. C. E and Burgeon, Sinmicoe St. North, DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, #eou, Accoucher, dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria | 8t., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST.. East, Toronto, will be at Jury &° Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday: from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. 96-1, DR. ¥. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Milier's Arcade each Sat urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of discases of ear, nose and throat only, SUR- Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-! vister, Solicitor, Notary Pubiie, Con- yeyancer. Money to loan. Offie> " 14 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone' & D. A J. SWANSON-- _BARRISTER, Selicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osi awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residences 5163. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Stundard Bank entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J ¥. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, B.A. G. D. CONANT, BA, LL.B.--BAR rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office (entrance) 74% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gea- eral practic 2. Phone 63. HE. MORPHY, BARRISTER. 11% Simcoe Ls gr 9 Oshawa. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office Phones-- -Office 210, Res. 169. ---- 89-tt| BY DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR --= | Yo0ms, suitable for light Bonsekeep- Office and resi: | Fp) RENT - 'hoard. Storage - FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLE dry bullding. Also storage for ears. { Day phono 5527, night 658W. Rut | son Road North. Nt To Rent Assembly hall, suitable for general purposes, (Good entrance, welll: ligh®d; hardwood floors, kitchen, sink, connections for electric stove H, Bngel, 16 Simcoe North, 118-1m OFFICES FOR RENT--A SUITE of three fully modern equipped of- {flees « for rent, Above Standard 'Bank. Phone 89 for particulars. es 123---1m | TWO FRONT ~~ OFFICES = AND | down stairs shop with good light, | suitable for barher shop and baths H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, Phone 308, 119-12 | ROUSE 16 MBNT, APPLY 0K, | Han, 'Phone 252. aTte (TOT Sk TO RENT, ELECTRIU light and water.-----Apply, 576 Mill St. 'or "Phone 10177. 136e TO RENT -- 4 UNFURNISHED ng. Apply 69 Hogarth St. - 13% - THREE UNFURNISH- bathromn flat, all conven- Apply Box "PP" Reformer os : 133-a ~ Work Wanted YOUNG LADY (ENGLISH) DESIRES a position, in Oshawa, as Children's Nurse experienced.--Address, Miss Edwards, Port Whitby. 129g | POSITION WANTED -~ REFINED &irl, junior stenographer, desires posi- tion with business firms, doctog or den- tist.. Apply Box 208 Whitby. 132-¢ Board and Room BOARDERS WANTED--NICE TOM- fortable room, for two meh, with Anply, Phone 561. 131-¢ WANTED TWO GENTLEME~ hoaders *o room together. 146 Atho' St. E. i 131+ « 'FURNIS flat to rent (ed rooms, | fe nees, 'offic c. Apply 16 Fr St. WwW 133-« rtelp Wantea--Male WANTED -- GOOD. HONEST ' business man, with little capital, tc £0 into partnership. For particul ars apply L. K. Boskoff, Outario House, Port Hepe, Ont., Box 98. 120-j PHON¥ 133-2 NEAT AP necessary Bradley 133-a S-1-G-N-S SALESMEN manager 815. WANTED Jearance, Apply Bldg., WANTED -- SIX MEN, experience not i% am. Room 3, Simcoe and Athol Sts, { High Class Workmanship Assured E. H. TANE 91 Wilkinson Ave. Hi IF YOU practic well, br. 8 Spinal Adjustments and get Examinations free at office. Al. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Aa Surveyors M. M. GIBSON-- _ONTARIO AND DO- wmigion Land Surveyor and Civic En gimeer, Whithy Phone 231. Sac- cessor to late W. E. Yarnoldsaf. Port Perry. 3410 Educational MISS BEATRICE STACEY. TEACH- wr of Piano. Pupils now being tak- en on. Conservatory method. For appointment, phone 226. Kesidence 161 Athol St. E 127-41 |" LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embaimers, private am bulance; morgue and oh W vom-1 mection; picture framing: i1 Simooe | $1. Seath. Phone 219. Residence | J Division St. 26-1 Fr: D. W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER - and Embalmer:; private ambulance. morgue and chapel, motor fameral if : desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. 198 x Insprance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IX ix Wellington Mutual and Union Fire | Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. Mcl.can, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 v A. HILARY, AGENT FOR "TEE Sun Life of Canada, also places five, accident aud automobile insurance in dinile companies. Phone pina ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT ldeal Tir: Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- 1 age, Shmaooe St. South. Tires for sale. Jomieson Bros, Proprietors. Phone 68. ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO. | m 4 Say It with Flowers F. H. COX Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs a specialty. 36%, Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. ! Phone 285 1 Offer Shares in { The Williams Piano We To Close an Estate Offers will be peceived for each) of the stock of The Wil- Limited, liams Piane Company, of Oshawa, Ontario, turers of the Willi Scale Piano. Ofters may be made for all or any of the shaves. Neo offer necessarily communications Reformer Office, 20 ocmmon shaves and 18 pre- ferred shares (par value #igv J BLANKETS, | cept Bill | ever. | one | Newer have 1 written to him or; made | a rendez-vous. (a cure | he will mol have Rather would I be married jo 2 { Boche? 4 ive im. Benny was dead. morning. gone and 1 told him | wery not seen him. Now that he knows he can do nothing with his persecu- tion he will doubtless abandon it. As for marriage to him, quail, it is impossible. finds it i= 50 he will doubtless re- g Company, Limited think that perhaps sometime T mad You wish it. an amiable girl like yoursel! shomid ar of the Aewil." i Rooms Wanted WANTED --- FURNISHED SINGLE Foal for gentleman convenient to C. office, with hoard or hreak- a. Box "I" Reformer. 133-a Articles For Sale SUILDING FOR SALE--SUITABLRE for garage, twelve feet by nineteen feet. Matched siding, two windows metal roof. Price $50. Call phone 289rl-4, The Canada Flour & Seed Co., Oshawa. 131-¢ FOR™SALE™ A CHAMPION RANGE coal or wood, in good condition, cheap, Apply 118 Simcoe St. N,, Phone 85. ~~ 132-h EGGS™ FROM TIBAVY LAYING White Leghorns Headed by prize winner, especially mated for winter layers. $1.60 setting, Dickie, 329 King East, 131-¢: FOIL SALE---1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $3560 cash, Apply 458 Albert Street 131-tf FORD TRUCK FOR SALW IN GOOD shupe.---Apply, R. C. Henry & (o.. King Street 150LF FOR BALE ~~ WICKER BUGGIE and go-cart combined. Thos. All- man, 146 Elgin E. 3 132-¢ ABROPLANE LINEN ~~ STRONG- ost and best obtainable for shirts, | yvaists, window hangings, dresses, ste, ete, reduced to 85e. per yard, while it lasts. 10 only white enamel hed cots and springs $3.75 to'clear. The Army Store, 21 Prince Sireet. ' 133-1 MEN'S FLANNEL Riding Breeches, Put- Grey Greateoats, un- Lowest prices Prinee Street. 133-tf 5 Work Shirts, tees, Leggings, dyed. $8.00 each. The Army Stores, 21 | mortgage. j eprner Division St. Farms For Sale FARM" FOR BALE--ABOUT SEV- enty-five acres, five miles from Osh- awa. Good buildings. Land all plowed. 'Apply A. W, Short, Oshawn R.R. No, 2. A811 ATTRACTIVE BATE OF FARM property, close to Oshawa. 105 ac- ros, sandy clay loam, good house, splendid outbuildings, woods, ploughing all done, immediate pos- session. Will consider house in ex- change, Lycett & Young, 61 King St, E., Phone 793. 3 HOUSE FOR SALE --- A NINE room, red brick, nearly new, hot water heating, modern plumbing, a real home, 10 minutes walk from centre of town. Apply H. (. Brad- 'ey, Phone 169, 183-0 * Rug . Weaving RUG ~ WEAVING -OLD ~CARPHTS re-woven into reversible rugs hy well known Toronto firm, Leave your alldress with C, BE. Aldsworth, 52 Athol St. East, 'Phone No, 549, dnd representative will call on you with sample rug and supply information. 130h MisceNluancous $1,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS Apply 182 King, East, 131+ "Builders and Contractors BEFORE BUYING ORR BUTT, DING A new home, or repairing your old one see me. | also have fine building lots for sale. 1 can give you casy payments and save you N. Stacey, Builder and 320 Park Road South, Contractor. Box Hit SET BIRCH STAIRS, 14 TREADS, 14 inches wide, one 5 f.t electric eiling fan (new), 1 table, 4 ft. by { ft,, suitable for store; 1 partition I fi. by 24 ft. panelled with beaver Phone b57. Lost aud Found LOST --- THURSDAY, B. service badge, No. 43575 amel. Finder please return U7) u2n ward with drawer section. Cheep, '1 Prince Street. 133-t.10.1 PERRIS WHITE LEGHORN PUL- ots for sale, $2.50 each. Appiy 123 *elina St 122+ +. f£.: Auction Sale ta AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD | "urniture and Farm implements, by | {. L. Knister, Lot 35, Con! 3. Dar-| ington, on Wednesday, Feb 22. i922. Also farm stock, Hay, Grain wd Straw and a Huron Kitchen ange, farm having been sold. Sale 1 p.m. sharp. For terms see pos- | ters. James Bishop. auctioneer f Feb 14 18! - H Help Wanted--Female | STENOGRAPHER WANTED; MUST. w well experienced. Apply, Rel mer Office. WANTED -- sist with housework. Street. TA YOUNG GIRL TO J Apply 70 Celina 132« ackie" When he came out of hos- pital all my good resolutions wer: forgotten. | wanted him more than At first he wouldu's look at me, but after a time he changed. One night when we were out walking he promised to marry me: and that's what he would have done, 1 be- lieve, if you hadu't written to him P'r'aps you dida't mean any harm. | Perhaps you found him so fascine- 4 ting "Fascinating?" cried Jackie Hal | Die wW! To me he is a man to make shudder. Xow please to listen. You have a misconception of my self. Probably Bowman has Aied. To this day. /1 de discovered where to me here He made a claim to take Benny from me. But he could not find fim be- camse he was in the hospit:d to have Then Bowman made me threats. First de demanded money. I obtain it to rid myself af him. Then he change his mind, and said money. He will It was magness? not know how he I live. He came marry me instead. But to make time for gny- self and Beuny to escape I lot hig | Tuesday ttom and Upton Sinclair Albert Street, {LOST -- A GOLD WATCH | tween Cedar Dale and Tooley's Finder please phone 259r1d. BY Mill 18% THURSDAY string of large green beads silver chain Finder please io 21 Centre Street LOST on return 133-a GOLD PAID FOR BY SOULS "The Money Changers," the Benjamin B. Hampton-Pathe af the Grand Theatre next and: Wednesday, i= not a crook play, nor a Chinese play, but it is a study deftly combining all three in a powerful story of New York that | tukes in alike the glitte ring splendour of the richest city's highest society and the colorful, mysterious. drug | laden atmosphere of the Oriental underworld. Written for the feature Monday. screen by Mr. Hamp- and hased om the theme of Mr. Sinclair's famous novel "The MoneyChangers." the story revolves about a man greedy for money. A respected member of soclety and president of a big drug company, it was not known that he was alo the guiding spirit of a ring of drug trai- fickers. At the cost of the souls of men and women he grew rich with money that bought am iMicit drug. The plot of "The Money Changers" un- masks the hypocrite and brings about a turning point toward happiness in three romances. Improving Industrial ( hh »- to make able openings for have industrial training ia bookkeeping. stenography aad other office work The cost ob business training is soon returned by increased earping power that sach train- ing zives, We operate Day classes, teaching: and general OUrses. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE King St. Chambers Phone 917 Are sure many desir- those who and Night commercial improvement next he came That was this fear of him thas But when Se my 12 go to the deuce, and since then § have rest tran- When he tan t% son. Bat @t is a pity that 1 do not undersand how become attached to so had a mam. Most certainly he must be the hooth- School here's why @ Quer vaeny thousand woung men aud women have learned chonthand, ypewnitng and busi ness methods inthe Shaw Business Schools. Every student has 'rece wou penendl auentcnend nd dud help i -- hats thesecetof our success Eioven fuliv sauippes schosls We have actaic and a desk for gen. Start mt any ume. + Wena for handbook + RCNTERE Cor Princieal. money, 130-3 mos. | FEB. 9. CLASS | Blue en! 132-b | Reward. | AFTERNOOX ' all-star Private Bill DE --. (Continued from page 1) years impose, levy and raise #uch sim as may he necessary to meet the corporation's: share of the cost and interest thereon over and above the amount provided by. the said frontage rate of seven and onc-half centg per foot hy a special rate suf- ficient. therefofs on all the rateable property in the said Corporation and it shall not be necessary for any by- law hereafter passed authorizing the issue of debentures to pay for any watermains and levying the sald rate of seven and one-half cents per foot frontage pursnant to this Act, to set out by recital or otherwise the Cor- poration's or property owners' share of the cost of any such watermains nor to set out or provide any specific sum to meet the Corporation's shure of the cost of such work and it shall he sufficient for any such by-law to provide for the leyying of =aid rate of seven and one-half cents per foot frontage on abutting or benefited properties and such further amount a8 may he necegs; Fy to meet the an- nual instalments of principal and interest in respeet of any debt or debentures authorized by such by- luw by special rate on all 'he rate- able property in the corporation. 2, It shal be lawful for the sald corporation ty charge lands abutting mm or henetited by watermains here- tofore constructed as a local improve- ment and in respeet of which speeial issessment roHs have heen settled by a Court of Revision, an annual frontage rate of seven and one-half ! cents per foot frontage for remainder i of period of 30 years calculated from | the year in which the said speeial assessment rolls in respect of such works were respectively settled not- withstanding anything contained ip said assessment rolls or any by-law in respect of such works heretofore passed; the first" of such an-| nual rates of seven and one-half | cents per foot frontage being imposed | and collected in the vear 1922. The said annual rate of seven and one- half cents per foot frontage shall he for the purpose of paying and in full satisfaction of the owner's share of the cost of such watermains and! the interest thereon. The remainder | of the cost of such watermai shall | be borne by the Corporation uo! the Town of Oshawa at large and tha said corporation shall in each year during the remainder of the period of thirty years calenlated as afore-! | said, impose, levy and raise such Sums as we be necessary to meet the corporation's share of the said | cost and interest thereon by a raw sufficient ths ¢ on all rateahl Property in said corporatioh 3 t add 1 for COTO, ion 1 the BE dire v no owatermain heretof constructed x corporation at large, an annual rate of seven and one-half cents per foo | frontage for a period of twenty years: from and including the year 1922.1 The remainder of the cost of sueh | Ratermains shall be borne by the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa | at large. and the said co ! shall in each year during said period! of twenty impose, levy and 1 'raise such sum as may be nec to meet the corporation's share ro the said eost and interest thereon | by a rate sufficient therefore on ali} ihe rateable property fh the said cor- poration 4. If in respect of any watermain heretofore or hereafter constructed {by thd said Corporation of the Town Oshawa. the annual rate of seven { and one-hall cents per foot frontage imposed for the periods aforesaid against the lands abutting on or { benefited by amy such watermain { shall produce more than the actual | cost of such watermain, the surplus { { over and above the actaal cost shall | be used by the town Ton fhe general waterworks papposes as the Counei! | rporation | years, ! of 1 of | A lands abut Ating 8 | expense of th bs | {the {Shareholders of the jof the Company in ion JGananegue Let Us Wire Your House If you are going to have your house wired you will want it done right, You can depend or our workmanship. We guarantee it, and use only first class, standard materials. Let us estimate on your wiring. Our prices are right, W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N, PROTECT Your Income WITH AN ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS POLICY, ANNUAL AND MONTHLY PREMIUMS Call 1016W V. A. HENRY of the said town may from time to, Mr. and Mrs. James Crossman, time direet, Hayden, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cro; 5. Every by-law passed by the man. Kedron, vigited at Mrs. Jo Town of Oshawa and all assessment: Mr. Sohn Linton has been indis- and rates therein authorized pur oc. 4 this Just few Jars suant to this Act and 21] debentures § issued pursuant to any such hy-law shall be legal. valid and binding upon the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa, and it shall not be nec- essary@for any purchaser of any such debentures to inquire into the pro- ceedings «aken in connection with. such by-law or the works authorized | | thereby or the assessment made : thereunder. TAUNTON Miss Elsie Marta, has been visiting at Mr er's, Mr. Arthur Lapgmaid is having! 1 sale of pure-bred Shorthorn cattl Tuesday, February 21st. A good | > 10 get thorougabred sto:k. E. G. Willoughby. Erin. was ent visitor at Mr. LL. J. Corn MOVED From Our Old Stand to "23 Bond St. E. Bowmany Allan Fish Let wus show you ow work. It is swe to satisfy you. New Method Cleaners And Dyers Heury Scott is busy threshing clover, and is open f rs for seed. Miss Elsie Phair, Courtice, is wis in wr friend, Miss Maud Poa Miss Viola Traill, Bowmahi aud Mr. Arthur Moor i : ent Sunday 'at Mr Mr. John Vinceut n honor of his niece Cornish's THE OSHAWA KAILWAY COM- PAXY, The Fonthill N Nurseries | Established 1837 GIVEN THAT Meeting of the Oshana Railway | held at the oWice the Town of Gananogue, Ontario, on Wednesday the 15th day of March, 1922. at the is hour of 1030 am. for the election of " Directors, and such other business as ap may be brought before the said heel - avd : pli plats ne VALLEALU. Frat and Secretary Cok February sth any STONE & MBLLAGION, NOVICE 15 HEREEY Annual General Largest in Canada Company will be Meadguanters far Quality hursery Stock IH Out Terente, IVE SDRAMNED MY ANKLE THADIMG *O? Seymour, Engineering, Architectu~e and Surveving, $1 King St Bas, Oshawa, phone T92. 49 Jarvis St. Toronto. Phone Main, 2897. Will. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Live Stock a specialty. 6Tr1-4 Bowmanville. ovzanist and choirmaster of the King | St. Methodist Church. is prepared to accept a limited mumber of pupils in Pianoforte. Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc, apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist Thuroh, or Phone S077. 73-ine 39 po -- FELAD Nel TOUR WWE v5 AL RIGHT HER AME IS MOT ™NIVURED J DELL DE UP any A FED MMNMUTES, 20 DHE WON'T ne fr ---------- | NOU STI | AROUMD- AC,

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