Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 18 Feb 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Lindsay Scribe Fears C.0. B.L. Will Be Wreck TALKS OF PLAY BRN BEING PAID HAS DINDSAY ANY NEW MEN? "Whither is our vague drifting?" says the Lindsay Post, "when it ap pears in the publie press than Galla- gher, of Kingston, has located In ~ Oshawa and will do the twirling for the Oshawa Club this year and that three stars have heen seenred hy Co- bhourg, and Goyer, Belleville's pitch- ing ace, has gone to Guelph. There is only one conclusion. Instead of an amateur league we are becoming oul and out professional. We have nc proof, of course, that Gallagher, o! Kingston, is receiving any financial consideration from the Oshawa (lub but there is always a"suspieion wher baseball players change their place ol abode just in time to come with in the residence clause and the same will apply to Cohourg's new comers The writer was an officer otf the ola Midland League when the imports tion of playeps started. [It just ve quired two years to wreck all the teams financially and put the league ont of business. We would regret! very much to see the Central Leagu« suffer a similar fate hut #f the League officials wink at these im portations this is sure to he the out -- aa ET KING STREET BOYS SCORE DOUBL E WIN The Sil Miny Behool hockey card at Bradley's 'rink last night consisted of only two games, which resulted in a donble victory for King Street, King Btreet juveniles took Simcoes into camp by 1 to 0, after one of the most closely contested games of the season, The teams were svenly matched and it was anybody's game until the referee announced the eons clusion of play, your, or Deer, of Port Hope, another new man In the C,0.B.1, cironit were also receiving remuneration, but to our knowledge nothing log baen sald to that effect, Thera is no doubt but that when the Central Ontario League cpens its senson on May 24th that every (nam in the cirenit will have one or two new faces, If it is decided to pro- hibit people from moving from ope town to another, especially when they happen to he hockey players or haseball artists, a new rule will have '0 be added to the constitution, How: wer, wo do not tuke the statements mude hy The Post seriously, ns the freyhirds are no doubt trying to teep the players they already haye| standard, right in Lindny) { won over How the teams ined up: * Bimeoes- Goal, Nott; defence, Me» IKay and Bailes; centre, Found; right wing, Spires: left wing, Bryan, kubs, Vickery and Hurst, Bt. eGorge's- Goal, Miners; de- Irwin and Allman; centre, Hall } right wing, Lowery; left wing, Lott; subs, Romhough and Black. The senior fixture was also closely contested, although the brand of hockey was not np to the usual high King Street eventuslly St. George's 3 to 1. The teams were: THE LOVE NEST | King One of the finest casts ever assem . sled will be seen in "The Old Nest," fenee, G. Flinto tantra rsa mr be Rupert Hughes story of mother | fence, G. Flintoff and 8. Flintoff ; 'ove aml American family lite, that! centre, Drew; right wing, Cox; left will be shown at the Regent Theatre| Wing, R. Flintoff; subs, Horne and 'or two days, beginning Monday. "The | Hiscock. story is a flim version of a short SLOPY { St. Slat appeared Iv te Saturday Brening, fence, Ave Ladd and AM. Ladd; hin Fain Bln J » (tra, Bell; right wing, Kilbirn; The director, Reginald Barker, so IRE. Snowdon; subs, Atkinson well known for the many fine produe- : fons he hus made for Goldwyn, ! Simeoe juniors defaulted to the In the cast Mary Alden plays the! Presbyterians and Presbyterian son- lending role, that of the mother. who fore defaulted to 8. Gregory's ippears first as the young matron with 1er six children of school age. Then, 1 little older, with greyving hair, she is heir companion and adviser. Finally, hey grow manhood and woman Street---Goal, Lander; §de- de. "en. left and George's Goal, Miners; hack ut St. The girl of today bone than the least she shows has more girl of yesterday- to more of it come. The way to stamp out profes sionalism is by nipping it in the bud. There is a grand opportunity for some of the delegates at the Central League annual meeting next month." The article also adds that Lind- say. Port Hope and Peterboro are] saying nothing Probably it is just as well. Occasionally a rumor flagh- os around the eircuit that two . or three Kingston players have located in Lindsay and will throw in their! lot with the Groystrds this coming season, Of course we are not so sure of this as Lindsay is that Gallagher is in Oshawa. [It is common know! edge that Cobourg have three out-! side players who have located in the Summer Town recatly, but until it is known definitely that these pla ors are receiving a salary it might be as well to say nothing about it. Pro viding Gallagher did locate in Osh awa (and no doubt many Oshawa' fans would like to see him heres at would not he the first time that Tod | has played ball in this city. Ted; twirled for the Cedar Dale wine hers for two years in the senior cay league and also for the Ochawa team which played several gart.es with To- ronte amateur teams during those two years, In regard 10 world he quite allege that sations of professionalism. it as fair for anyone Oulette. one of the the Central League tw sa last Garis' Bedtime Stories UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE WOODIE CHUCK Copyright, 1924, by MoUlare News paper Syadionte. (By Howard R. Garis.) Once upon a the little woodchuck, or boy. asked his mother if not have a panty. "Because. rou kaow, Mother spoke Woodie, "it is near spring! now, and most of the animal boys and girls. even those that sivep » long time in the winter, have awak- | ened now. and I'd like to have them | to my party. Max 127 "Wes." said Mrs. Chuck "And invite Uncle Wigzily, salled out Waddie. who wag brother "Oh, sare, we'll ily" said Woodie, te invite the Manny Uncle Wiggily said that he he very ziad tw come Chuck's party. and, of connse, Jame Fuzzy Wauzzr went also. "Oh. I'm so glad you have come?!™ cried Woodie, as the hunny geatle-1 man and the maskrat lady reached the woadchuack home "Now well play a lot of games aad have some zood things Ww eat." "That's the best pant of panty?" langhed Uncle Wiggily. Soon the animal bors and gids from Sammie and Sw the rabbits, to Curly and Floppy Twistytail, the pisgie boys, were having a mood time. Uncle Winsid and Nurse Jane joined in aise. plax- ing "Ring Aveound the Rosie" aad "Hide the Piano." Aust when 1 fan was at its host, and when Mrs®PCOhuck was thinking | about bringing ont the cake and joe | oven. inte the house came bapnd- nz the had old Wouzie Wolf, Woodie Chuck, groundhoz | he might ume too? Abe nave Uncle Wig- s0 off he hurried | would | Nurse | the RHEUMATISM sommes w= T.R.C.'S Hane yougiven up? Mane you yourself that amprythengs baths, scrums, eloo= tricity, whe found rocowery in msing T.R.C's. (Tomgleton's Rbhoumatic C - aie hase thousands of es beyond doubt FAs stohe the | cille Ricksen and Buddy Messenger | + {through the front door that had bean | 4 | | {buat here 1 am, im the {lets hear a2 of Woodie | doi tw W oodie | je Lamtierail, x wl was goin to tangle the Wolf, 10d, leave the old nest and strike out! Mary's Journal. ~ SATURDAY, Williams Nine Ti Fighen Hold ONTARIO, OFFICERS NONE OUT OVER GENERAL MPTORN IN NINTH --n night by winning Heights 15 to 6, from nings, getting three in the iva The four in the seventh frames The line-ups were: Willinms: MeConnell, Fair, Snowden, Carlyle, Legge, #lintof, Holden and Missett, Simcoe Heights: Dafoe, Hele, Fa rell, Cook, Dell, Small, Hall, Gower and Ambrose H The score: Willing waa an smh TAH Simcoe Heights LO 2000 standing hy tors 7 to § trimming General Mo- This wag one of mories singe the schedule commene- ed, the final rans, stanza by scoring The losers led all the til the last inn'gs, ed, The officers won out iu the fina stanza by scoring three runs innings. Motor squad equalizing run do was to get tempt. The teams Officers to shove across the best they one in their last were Houdler Simpson into the world for themselves. Here, ! the poignancy of Miss Alden's acting a2 the old mother is irresistible, Other players in the cast are Helene Chadwick, Cullen Landis, Dwight 'rittenden, Nick Cogley, Lounise Love. Iv. Billie Cotton. Molly Malone, M. 1. ("Lefty") Flyon, Rbland Rushton, Fanny Steckbridge. snd the ehildren who played in the Booth Tarkington "Edgar" comedies, Johnny Jones, Lau. of Agincourt, Defeated Says Mr. Hughes the end of this! appealing photoplay: "This has not | heen much of a picture for plot or action or mystery, but if it should per-! suade yom either to remember pionsly, | il she is dead, or, if she lives, to send her a long lovedetter or en a tele y' savi | gel oh Mond Nell. J shislk al, vorge Southwell of Oshawa defeat home und see her, then this picture! ©4 H. F. Foote, Peteruory, in fae would give move real joy than apy | final for the Baton Trophy 15 to 18 other picture ever made." er has the local curling arena -- been the seene of such a ree as INDOOR BASEBALL LEAGUE | Soblage of curlers as that which STANDING {attended this annual tournament PW LL and never before has the enthusiasm Williams . SRY + | reached the height it did this year Pedlars : Sea | al curlers were more thaw de Business Men hted with the maguificent success Regiment 8) which greeted their efforts and (hey Simcoe Heights HE 6 were very profuse in their thanks wo Officers : ona 3 € the weather man for his gener General Motors i 3 in furnishing them with an atm Knights of Pythias 7 2' phere which always meets with Commencing Tuesday morning at eleven o'clock, the Oshawa bopspiel 15 not brought to a util sterday afternoon at 1.30 when close ol n gr os. the aproval of fotlowers of this popular TU | past inn The matches during tournament not oaly excitement for the themselves. bat the labge (ered of spectators, Who were om ~ "fp | hand while the competit Fore wing played Wom by Fight Shots The rink skipped by XN. 4 Green, of Agincourt, caprarad the Melaugh- lin Cup after experiencing ex- others | Cling contests ha An 3 «a for if] Mave Nananew a 12 Al thous intense aterest was oceatned in the result of this competition. the msolation series was Watchod mors and t farm- despite many furnished bundance of ions 12 open for fresh air. howled the invite up' dida't Wolf >' Tao party, me to the just the same Uncle Wiggily and all the looked very sad and unhappr it is bad to have a wolt howling oat- side the door it is worse 10 have him! ™ house L& But, all of a sudden, Woodie! closely by local caries, thouzht of something by which hej ished wore excit oconld play a trick on that Wold, the rather obtained by 'Before come to wy! the winners, it was more closely oom- panty." wood 1 Wor {testod. The Peterbore quariatie fell {bar Answer Is way behind duamng the carly stages of Maen as, sore Noa cam avid the litle You mast first riddle." Wut. were coming stronger tawands "AR right! I'm good at riddles Y ihe close howled the Wolf | suid Woodie. "It a very old one, and 1 did not make At] up myself. 1 ask you: "How wneh' au rinks. While wood would a poodchack chamck Afi rink was out to win. had it aot heen a woodchack conld chuck woed?™| Av Row BeRse Al spotismanship and Answer me thai?™ Vie emilaanah Rn msdn' aati" olf The Wolf Minked his eyes LE nihasiastic spirit over the same | stowty said: very few rinks would have taken "How much chuck can a woodpile | PAT Throughont the play, harmond "This is a™ sportsmanship was vach exhibited br and covery and Prosomts Priges wrong!" At ten o'clock Thursday night the it omoe | fiaal for the. Molanghlin Cap was decided in favor of RJ. Greene, and immediately after hie was presented . { Youre away Tp Woodie. "A say {ances for you" and he did "Why, the answer to that" said the Wolf. "is that he wowid saw' pant of the {Seat is! ous spirit was prevalent aad the best | Some wood ------ _---- 'He musta't saw te mast, chwck # or thoow it, yom oll said Uncle Wigily. sewing how Wood- | 1] "il me the middle once mone," 1 Jbl the bad chap { * How mach wood would a wood chuck chnck if a woodchuck ocowld' chnck wood 7 asked Woodie. i The Wall tried to sar it andl thea {to think of an answer, bat his tongue | jz all twisted A 10 pon the answer. tor yon imever swess iL said Woodie. "Bat | ron have Wo say it after me as fast) as yom can" "AN right 4 will?" smapped he awe. Se Woodie repeated: "A woodchack would ohack as much wood as a woodchack whe loomid ohmck wood could. { | ~Wait a mipmte now." ovied thei [Wolf. "1 can sar that! A chuek-{ | wood could would chop chuck can Aas} la <hip chap would stop--wondchack | aenuiiptte sanhnok---chip chop --er' H my tonzwe is all twisted Ake | ovew?™ howled the Wolk. want to come to your od | anyhow™ And he was i R! {A oor He BE 0 | party, | Tussed {the midd it. that » se | anse he couldnt even sar Lsteaieht. mnch less answer | ar he van hackward, amt {hanting Uthle Wigzily or any one, |! Then 1 fan went on and every | lone said MRodie was veal smart to | tangle the Af with the wid riddle | | and if the sifiye lifter doesnt AF to pall ont tackshwith the can ppener' the © fall downstairs Southwell's Rink Wins Consolation Series Trophy (Game Was Close and Large Gallery Witnessed It--Greene, | Napanee Rink for the McLaughlin Trophy--Bonspiel a Great Success this handsome trophy bh) Drew, in the Mr RS. MeLaughiin with EW donor, Drew winners on and also an Oshawa again next in whatever competitions arranged Mr. J. F. Tamblyn presented the ecotving ciub up receiving automobile is the first time that Napanee and Agincourt an Oshawa bonspiel and visit proved to be entirely fal M1 3 and Mr iv samtable replies, thanking local club the and good wishes Yesterday afternoon Southwe11 fellow Were being Pr with Trophy Smith. president of the club. maki the presentation The winter Hobbs, T. Fishdeigh, C. Pt G. Southwell received sweater while: the member the rink were presoated with bottles T™ . 2 wast the of absence of Oshawa behall might Prides bags and the rugs rFiaas have for and his honored by the Eaton s of seven After fournament winning of wight matches played ning in the pre primary competition in the first round. to Torontw, by one 1 solation they The SOW oan they lost Aberdes "ns, in the SIX Samos. ORY shot won all honspiel this ol the looal and represented the HO» est ovuniry from as far as far curiers Thay north and wad east Gilding. Toronto skipping ene the as " ndsay ora as far of A berdeens, of Southwell in the Consolation, famlt bocanse of his afternoon The remaning scores shin] are as follows MoLanghlin Draphs Kewmi~tinals Napanar Lakefield CA. Maxbhoe 12 AW. Redpath Aginosar Mosp Cnr, RA. Groen Maxw all of the 18 A Finals Azinoourt : Billion Kepnedy Mapa nee Wa. lemell AME Derry GP. Caer Bort Kennedr CA Maxh oe 12 RA. Gooene © atom Wowphs Fourih Round DsATWa Oshawa. DM. Maw ... 12 WE Swith .. Dsanw a. Olavemont Gen. Svathwel 14 R. Bessie .. Peterhora. Oshan wa. AF. Dome A2 Fonnstoh Markhnm Aginoonrt A. Malealaa JAS OL Thompson . Fifth Round Ashawa DM. Hall... Mavemont. W.A4. Ringham Markham. Dsna wa Gon. Son wwe 142 Avordeons. F. Giving .. Pet. thora, MF Fome an das. Malcolm. Lakenie da. Queen Cay. AN. Redpath 14 3. Maxwell . Semi-fiuai AR defanlied 10 Oshawa. Pete®hove. MF. Foate ...08 AW George let i aell von about Uncle Wig- ily and W Shack. i {Fo0D INSPECTION Leadership VILTORY Willinms Plano Company strengths ened thete position as leaders ol the Indoor Baseball League on Thursday Simeon The winners sefup- ed all their runs in the first fone in. five in the third and seven in the fourth, losers got two in the fourth and Hobbs, [in their efforts James, Loti if | > Baldwin, N.' den, 15, | win. The Officers ¢ limhed up on a Jevel| with Simcoe Heights In the Jrhgue | OMeers the most exciting contests seen ut the wr- SOUTH E} The 13sers Jed all the way until} three! way nn- Both teams pluy- | les defeating South The |! . losers led all the way until the last! to play off a tie game Both teams played snappy | The two teams provided a merry bat- ball and despite the efforts of the U=. the' Ing could ut- Snow- Nr. the Mr sxtended congratulations to the Cinb invitation to return to year to compete ar he as 1 then the winners re- rauners- This from their first SUCCESS Mad hee | » thel The Kind hospi ef | LHourge irlers esented Mr. ii. E acock amd COWS. | Paierboro | thermos | rink skipped by Southwell had suooessful record throuzhout ow win-! liminary round of the: out | oth Tam | witnessed | wist curling ever staged | the sathering hope | of this! were pre. most Aas Bram tom Poter- as Napanae, FP, WAS | strongest Torau- | 10 rinks and qualified 10 meet Goorge seminal of thel but was forced ta de- 4 having to take part in a city competition yeste art F. Gilding, of Tovonte Abherdeens Southwell, of ofieid. Rifpath . 17 FEBRUARY 18, 1922 URGENTLY NEEDED That food Tnapoetion hy the, Health Department is very necessary. hs de monstratéd by the seizure of Impure food and several prosecutions, wus the opinion expressed by Sanjtury Inspec. tor ¥, C. Palmer yesterday. The de- partment's activities this yeur bad in eluded prosecutions for selljng adult: erated butter; publicity anent unsafe milk; dastrnction of over 6,000 cans of pork and bhouns, Recently a warning was served on Jocal butchers prohibiting the use of Preservaline, a substunce largely used for the preservipg of fresh meat, Inspector Palmer sald that there wiz therefore evidence aplenty that the publie unknowingly buy sdultera: tod or unfit food stalls, and every sup. iport should be given the department to serve the best publie erase, AT THE Me Donald, Holden, Pew kel, Harris, Green and James, Motors: MeDougull, Jubb, Cornish, Breckinbridge, Dafos, Defl, Cole and Bald- Hobbs, | * 1 General ie orring Small, The score TEEN Sem] B31 1001--8 DERS DEFEAT ST. GEORGE'S Ax IGeneral Mtors LINDSAY E. PERRIN Canada's Geo. M. Cohan a result of King Street juven- Oshawa on WHE Necessary South Oshawa last night. ee te ee ---- ei Sr Br | Wotnesdus night, it or St. Qeorgé's and finally. gain- The win- the leader Enders by 2 to 1 the South the verdfet ners are now tied for ghip of the group with King Street and a sudden-death game will de- cide the title. The winner will meet St, Gregor¥'s juveniles for the championship A goodly number of , were on hand for the contest between South St. Gregory's which was « sudden- death affair was watched with in- terest St Gregory's secured the only the gume thereby win- The Play of Today. Full competent Acting company, spectators games and the Oshawa and TU ESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. | goal of ARLIE MARKS NEW STOCK COMPANY Martin jr DAYS, Starting Monday FEB. 20th Geo. M. Cohan.. Big New York Success 45 Minute from Broadway | | NEW PLAYS, NEW VAUDEVILLE, NEW SCENERY, SINGERS, DANCERS, MAGICIANS, MUSICIANS OPENING PLAY MONDAY, FEB. 20, The Girl from Killarney ning group A. of the -------- | Junior Saints notched their counter in the first period. WEDN ESD AY, FEBRU ARY 22, South Oshawa « onside rably | weakened owing lt Premiis | | The Lure tiutchinson. the played sted hoe . obit Os The strongest play ever written or Both teams {key, the Clapper Brothers for thy hut had luck in St. Gregor: going look to tirgt place in series The Was to the shining hard Sure an losers they shooting, strong bat they will have thelr Monday when they azainst Street's fast Junior games (or Monde) Nows Tt XN Ki South Oshawna for Juvenile honors N » 9°31, Air 3 St lau Ladies this will interest you. LE TREN ight wih ng St.ovs Growy ys, title does Alon oe games will Reformer ad Friday group jead PRINCESS ABDI HAMID She tells you what you want to know. SPEC IAL M ARKS PRICES, War Tax Extra rol ~ Junior Grou ) nmencs We AR tor the finals will co ay mix further ments regarding be made in Tae § Keep next Wednesday Fewe 2 Wen toe see the Children under 14 years not admitted on Wednesday night Extra Additional Attraction 25¢. ¢. 35¢ and 50¢ thre cups wings, We Bellevidh and Cauning: A. Hills ree R PORT HOPE ELIMINATED at the { Goal H FEE | 8 rink at J for a few minut tx ake 1) ---- race Groen arrangements fo Wednesday | Port lay evening when x § Wings i Friday uights' tu the | were ated by Bellevill wo 5.1 Refe Senior Lea reet and South | the =110 winning the row OO | - Osha Both teams are keep- | 1 | Would Henry ing i are com-| Hope--Goal, Micks: defence. ! Haiti =n Mactice and ori winuiug the Lovell trophy. | dex and Carter: 2. | Lomis Glohe-Demoerat ! | Heowitsan. King st Ford alse is =» Wa « up their ident of Pre ir aud Whelan. Boland: dd. centre, and Lows Arnot like wo yolen ence, PLAYER'S NAVY CUT CIGARETTES wom- | i | { { | 0! 3 ae 3 5 Er Sha ua

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