$ FE 2800 ' RR gp A a » at a ' \ A I WAI 0 BA at of ' The Ontario Reformer "- All the News While It Is News VOLUME 50 --No, 132 Published 13 Tuesday, Ti Oshawa, Ont, Conada ursday and Saturday OSHAWA,- ONTARIO: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 Yearly Subseription $20 ingle Coples 5 Cenls TEN PAGES CONGERT BY GLEE CLUB LAST NIGHT WAS ARARE TREAT King Street Church Crowded to : Doors For Popular Musical Event AN ENJOYABLE PROGRAM Ovganisation More Than Lived Up To Advance Notices of Merit Lovers of music, singing, and the better class of entertainment in Oshawa, had no reason to be dis- appointed at the concert given by the Victoria College Glee Club in King Street Methodist Church last night. Advertised as a first-class musical attraction, the organization, which has been in existence for over a quarter of a century, certainly lived up to its reputation. One of the largest audiences to attend a simi- Jar dvent in Oshawa, filled the audi- torium to overflowing, seats benz at a premium: Of the program, replete in its var- jety, and every number acceptable to all present, much could be said The choir of 32 voices, singing numbers unaccompanied, was wel! received, the ehorus work and ind: vidual parts being well taken. Th conductor, Ernest R. Bowles, pro. ed himself an expert in that capacity. Outstanding in the program was the generous response made by the f- ferent artists to the namerouns call for encores. The program copsisted of read ings, solos, quartette and musical numbers, dialogues and choruses There was not a dull moment during the whole two hours and a half. Outstanding among the artists was Mr. M. A. Cayley, who undonbt- edly one of the best entertainers heard here for many a day. The quar- tette of Messrs. Walker, Agnew. Brown and Cayley, made several hits and was well received. The audience found jm Mr. R. Azncw an cloca tionist of high order and rare abil ity, who delighted his hearers on every occasion, and he appeared of- ten One of the most humorous num- bers of the program was an up-te- date grafid opera, depicting a fire ir 2a tenement house. The number was written to prove that if one takes the right view of grand opera it is humorous. The characters, R.G. Agnew, W. H. Walker. B. L. Gaten and R. G. Start, assisted by the chorus, played their parts well and with little dificulty brouzh! down the house. Another humorous num- ber was "A Debate in the Local Par ish Council," taking place carly sisties, whem the womentou: auestion to be settled wa or aot Oshawa, following th: of Bowmanville, should install a town pump. The decision was in the negative, and the andiemee wa: left with the jmpression that the town must remain dry. The program in cluded also sermons, and the one om "Old Mother Hubbard™ proved a side-splitter. The patriotic and more touching numbers were appreciated On the whole, there was nothing lacking in the program, and the Ep- worth League of King St. is to be congratulated mot only for bringing to Oshawa a high class entertain- in the whether ment by experienced artists, but on | the goodly sum realized for the fur-| therance of chanch work. The tickeis for the concert sold well and early, 50 that a record crowd was secured. The Victoria College Glee Clab will be welcome to Oshawa on any other occasion that they decide to voturm The organization i= a credit to the college. MATOMES AND THE FPOEEST There is one safe way 10 dispose of every lighted match Break it in two before throwing it away. if you will preach this dectrine the conatry accustomed to breaking the matches, and you will fiwd that the aamber of match fives will be greatly peduced.--Dopat: Fire Marshall Lewis. Ontario One of the priacipal arcu- ments used against Oshawa by Lindsay and. Peterbore at the mecting in the King Edward alti | lead | To-night's Speaker fa - Rev, LL, 8, Havepstock, B.A, B, Th, Pastor of Century Baptist Church, Toronto, who is to he the speaker tonight at the special service in the Baptist Church. LINDSAY GETS THE PLOWING MATCH Wins Out Over Oshawa--Four Places Sought This Inter- national Event } The rapid growth in popularity of the International Plowing matches held annually under the auspices of the Ontario Plow ngen's Association, was markedly demonstrated hy the presence a tthe asso tion's annual meeting at the King Edward Hotel, Toronty, Tucsday, of deputations re- presenting no fewer than four places, contesting zood-naturedly for the 1922 matches. After the claims of London, Lindsay, Peterbore and Oshawa had been clogquently urz od | by the respective speakers. the sele -1 tion of the directors fell upon Lind- | say. Jt was felt as for several years the matches had been held in the West, it was now the turn of the Eastern part of the Province, and that in this Lindsay was first in the tield Dr. H. A Stevenson, M.P.P., spoke strongly in suport of London's ad- vantages A similar strong adyo- cacy on behalf of Lindsay came from a large "deputation headed by ¥.C.| Sandy, MPP, and including amo2s others, Warden R. J. Patterson, © | Victory County; Mayor John O'Riley, of the Town of Lindsay; Mr. Hick- son. of Bobeaygen: Mr. Davidson, | Mr. Smale, member of the Boaid | of Trade; John Carew, president the Agricultural Society, J. 'Niven, president of the Count; 0. and J. J. Thur MP. Victoria. J. 3. Dafiu: and his follower: | Peterbore were cgually enthusiastic pressing their iavitation. AINong | the speakers were, L.. Winslow, re | presenting the Cavaa Plowmen's As- | | soniation: Reeve Rye of the Town | Mig Noda Movashan Sustom, of ? nship of Oona and Mr. Noa» roprescatiag the Towaship of Smack Oshawa's (dyamtages urged by William A. Dryden. R chairman of the deputation; W. 14 Marshall, Major Stacey, and Wardes Fred Richardson, of Ontario County FELDSPAR TC OPEN IN THREE WEEKS Allan Grauel, of Feldspar Glass Limited. told a Reformer pepe sentative yesterday afternoon that Mr. MH. M. Libengood, of the Dom- inion Glass Company, Toronto, had boon appuinted manager of Feldspar Limited "at Oshawa, assuming Wis duties this week ' Questioned as te when the factory lon Ritson Road would be ready for operation, Mr, Grawel said that it would take about thoee weeks to wot things in shape. Me avenrved that prospects weve bright for the pperation of the factory 1] Mco- UF ior | 'on from fim o Ruoere | a tha Tow MA were capably a a GTR. OFFICIALS OSHAWA VISITORS Mr. BR. #1. Fish. general supefintend- ent of the Grand Tonnk Railway Sys- tom, Momtveal: and Mr. 4. D. McMil- lan. superintendent at Belleville, rived in Oshawa carly Monday mom- ling and made an inspection of the ter {minal facilities at Oshawa Jot. The {inspection was made with a ypiew to {further extending and i ving { same, 4p take cave of incveased busi- {mess due 10 ropewed shipment activi {ties on the part of the General Motors and other Jocal industries. After the jour of inspection the railway offic- ials proceeded to the plants of the Gen- | oral Motors, whepe, after meeting the: | president, Mr. R. §. Mclanghlin, they weve shown thronsh the plants. The | party Juft heve at 3021 am. for We; ronte 1 During their visit here the officials | expressed themselves as very Saver. ally impressed with the volume of) business being handled heve, the pves- J transportation system as at present ex. isting herve. AN AGEL TRUDE | Filchhurg Sentinel: Yom have to) be an old man befeve you believe a | fellow onght to werk and save while Foung. Ey SEADING SAPURDAY Skating Bradley's Rink, Saturday might. Band in attendance A {held in the Asembly Hal of th iBchool last evening mader the au: pices of the Commercial Club {one hundred members, including teaching staff and a pumber of the ipareats was passed in playing old fashions 1] games + | freshment {when the party was ratbor unique, and the {to the {dump, Gibbs Street, Tuesday and although Mr it (to oentained {the five broke out. Helen Willetts, Age 12, Missing Since Leaving School Yesterday Little Helen Willatts,, aged twelve years, and daughter of Mr. and Mr. Willetts, 132 Bar rie Street, Is missing and her parents are dumfounded to know what has become of her. Helen left Albert Street sehool which she was attending yesterday afternoon at dur o'clock, hut she never returned home and her mysterious dis ippeargnee i causing Mr. and Mrs. Willatts untold anxiety, Despite the best efforts to as- certain her whereabouts, no clue has been uncovered. The police were notified carly last evening and although "they searched 3 v Litle Real Estate Moving Locally Although industrial condi tions have picked up wonder- fully in O:hawa during the past month or two, local real estate agents report very little activity in their line a tlhe present time, although they are hopeful of a revival as spring approache It was explain ed by one agent to The Re former yesterday that many men who had contemplated, or are even now contemplat ing buying or building, ars short the sgary cash owing having gone behind in their gros nd other hill on account of unemployment Another agent w of the opinion that the decision of the Town Plauning Commis siom some time ago that sub- division plans only with 40. foot lots would be accepted was wonkiug a hardship on the working man who could not | afford to buy a lot this size, {| while it was also a detriment | to real cstate owners of nee to {COMMERCIAL CLUB'S VALENTINE SOCIAL delightful Valentine A adil V e High Orxer were present The evening 19 «o'clock were served indulged in until gathering broke up until when ro- Gam 11.29 The dancing 1 the program, ing + devoted were aga eliminated emtire various gam from mg VE SMALL BLAZE AT GARBAGE DUMP Fire broke oul ail the municipal night Drinkle whe a harge put forth covery effort to he fiames, at found mecess summon Chief Cameron. n time was Fire (The Fire Chief docided 10 turn over) {the garbage with fork purpose, the Firs {out and for this Arigade was ocaliod An investigation was wade Mester day by Fire Chief Cameron, Sanitary Inspector Palmer and Coun. A § Brown, chairman of the Sauitary and Relief Committee, whe attributed the camse of the fire to local fas LRT having dumped ably empty can: a om Presut- which mall guantitie of oil gasoline, and some waste oil rags. These it was thought were lighted by some children who wene seen thers bat near the dump whon the fice was first detected PROBE WAMITBY SURE An mvesti ion was wpened the Fire Marshal's Office today at Whithy inte the five which destroyed the home of A. 4. Scott about month age. Mr. Scott was a tenant and the home was owned by Mrs MeCamn. Ne one was present when pects for futuve business. and the | WEN. SINCLAR ary the town thoroughly last night, as well as the surrounding dis trict, they too were unsuccess ful, There is apparently no plau: ible reason why the little girl should not return to her home unless she has been molested by some one. However, the search i being continued and are hopes are entertained that she may be found today. Helen wore a pink tam and scarf, a brown striped coal and black boots. That 'her disappearance fs due to becoming lost is not considered as it iz only a short distance from the school to her home. SEEKS MASS OF FACTS IN HOUSE S. Ontarip Member Gives Notices of Motion at Opening of Legislature A notice of motion was presented the Legislature when it opened on Tuesday by W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal member for South Ontario, asking that the House should re | ceiy a return, showing amounts, | under the beading rey. {enue and ordinary re- { ceived and cxpended by Govern- {| ment during the months of August. September and October in the years | 1919, 1920 and 1921 The motion wil r to show ordinary =: to Ahe following itemn forests, mines edu ture, game and fishe | Secretary, public highw motor | vehicles branch, insurance. law smecession duty, deposits in bods for succession duty, { to of ordinary expe ture, +1 the return ia regard Lands agricul- Provincial nue | stamps, lieu of corporation tax, and fire marhal, cas- ual revenue, labor, T. & N.O. Rail- | 2a How Much Was Paid Out Mr. Sinclair also wishes to know the total amount paid out during the f came time in regard to: Civil Gov- ernment, legislation, administration of justice, education. publie institu. tions and maintenance, lands and forests, Mines Department, refunds, games and fisheries, Highways Dk partment; Attorney General's De- partment miscellaneous; Treasury Department, miscellaneous; miscel lamncous servi , labor and heaith public works, Hydro. public build- mgs, statatory expemditurcs, wisce! laneous; northern development, im- provement to highways, miscellane. ons; teachers' and inspectors' sup- | erannuation fund. special warrants He alse reguires all correspondence duri August. September and Oct ober, 1921, pasting from the Depart. ment of the Provincial Treasurer urging and suggesting the collection of all possible revenue, and in pantic- wiar the succession duty office and e ntors urging the payment of moners to the Goverm- ment before Ootobes 31, or before the close of the fiscal year: and for | the total amonat of all deferred par- | ments claims for which were thea in the hands of the Department of the | Provincial Treasurer and ready for | payment at commencement oi ithe new fiscal year { Socks Mingston Highway Costs 1 Another of motion by Mr call return showing total cost of the work done on Kingston highway at the east | ond of the village of Pickering in the summer of 1921, showing ooest {of excavation, of sanfacing, the oni- Zinal cont of filling the hollow when { the poad originally built, the Lariginal of surfacing the por- [tion broken mp last summer, and by | whose epders the change in the sur { face of the voad was made in the summer of 1921 | | | | from i 10 solicitors 1 the not ioe nolan ior a th | | the wa vost People whe say they can't see ap) signs of spring vet ave jinwited to look inte the shop windows. --Clere | tang Plain-Dealer. - { AMMANUEL BAPDIST OHURON King St. Bast, which was ve-ppenefl this week after the vecent five. conference for the deepening of spiritual life is being held in the church this week. and | BAPTIST CHURCH REOPENED AFTER THE RECENT FIRE Being Held Deepening of Spiritual Life THE POWER OF PRAYER Special _ Services For | Rev. W. J. H. Brown Spoke Tues. day Night; Rev, C, H, Schutt ~ Last Night After fifty years of continuous use of their, present church auditor- jum on King Street East as a place | of worship, Oshawa Baptists, a few weeks ago, on account of a fire, were deprived of the use of the auditor. inp and. were obliged to uze the Sunday Sehool rooms for regular | Sunday services. With all trace of {the fire removed, the auditorium freshly painted and re-decorated, and la new furnace installed, the church {was reopened again on Sunday last, {This week the fe-opening is being {marked with onference for the {decpening of spiritual life, the first Jmeeting being held Monday when the pastor, Rev. J. L. Harton, B.Th., gave the introductory address. The meetings are being largely attended, land it was announced Tuesday {night that if those attending so des sired, the mectings would be cons tinued for another week or longer. | The Power of Prayer { The need for, and power of prayer {was the subject of a very powerful | discourse dediveged Tuesday night {by Rev. W. J. H. Brown, pastor of { Annette 5t. Church, Toronto, the | service being designated as one of | consecration 'Basing his discourse lon the organization and history of the early church as recorded im sev- | eral chapters of the book of Acts, Rev. Mr. Brown said that many lessons of prayer were found to be written asros: the pages of that | book Prayer. he declared, was a {great unifying force, which would, las in the early days, work wonders {in the church. it ercated an atmos- | phere which made it possible for] {God's word to do its mighty work. | | United, believing and prayer today was the greatest unify - { ing force in the world. There was nothing today like preaching the word, as the apostle did on the day | lof Pentecost, and it was a glory to} preach that word when there prevail | M £ {ed the proper atmosphere to do it | 1 | Prarer alse removed difficulties as it did the iron gates of the prisoa | {walls through which Peter passed. | {| All had their iron gates to overcome | and if there were anything the world | needed today more than anything | else it wae a revival of the power ol | prayer. Only when the church came | [back to the day of Pentecost would } there be the results as im the early! | church at Antioch. Prayer brought | {about a ecouviction of truth, and 2! | Holy Ghost administration, and only | |the church that gave itself to God] | would know what that meant. There | | would be no unsettled problems if | we gave ourselves to prayer. Rex. { Mr. Brown expressed the comviction, as in the early days, we could bave perennial revivals in all owr charch- { The power God as manifest in the gospel had mot changed, and the present condition of the world did mot excuse a church for fatlure to bring about conversions. Last evening Rer. ©. H. Schutt, Supt. of the Baptist Home Mission Board, preached 2 powerfnl discourse on "The need and power of faith™ Basing the sermon on the Biblcal jn cident recording the letting dowm of the paralytic man through the roof of | 2 house where Christ was preaching, Rex. Mr. Schutt pointed out that here was first displayed faith dn Christ, and a love for fellow man, both working together and productive of pesuits. Be-| hind all Christian work, the speaker | said, there must be faith. | There was need todar for a greater faith. and love was the incentive that wonld work it omt. Am appeal was made for a move eannest seeking afler God, and a greater desive to accomp- lish something for Him through the exercise of a sound, Chistian faith. me COMING EVENTS | 1 Toronto, who will continued | _, | ed while D. A. J. To Address Conference REV. A, IMRIE, B.A,, B.Th. Pastor of Indian Road Baptist Church he the speaker Friday night at the conference for deepening of spiritual lite in the Baptist Church. REVENUE OFFIGERS LOCATE A STILL Innocent Looking Milk Can Had Been Fitted Up For | Purpose The second seizure of a still was made in Oshawa just over a week 480 by Iespector Floody. an Inlard | Revenue Officer, assisted by the Pro- vincial Police. The still was locat- ed in the home of Frank Goberuick, Ritson Road and Olive Avenue, and 2 of milk ean with pipes soldered into it. The tubs used for | the mash were not seized. Further | formation regarding the case will] be made public at an early data. { Thomas O'Connor, who was want- | 4 by the local police on a BOTA. | ~harge, and who has been in - the United States for the past year, was | brought to Oshawa ou Tuesday, hay- 'ng been deported by the United States authorities. In Police Court his morning the charge was read i a remand for eight days was granted at the request of both the prosecution and defence. 3 BP. Mangan is appeasing for the accus- Swansou is acting consisted a r the Crown y Snider, »6 Queen Street, was harged with giving a prescription 0 Mrs. Mary Sayyae, after having chtained it from a local doctor. At the request of the Crowa a remand + v SPOTTER for eight days was arranged. J. P.| Viangan is appea:ing for the accus-| Wd with D. A. J. Swanson prosecut- ; | | EAST WHITBY 10ST AN OLD RESIDENT | Merc. Banard Smyth Hed Lived | in Australia and ireland The Township of East Whitby lost one of its oldest inhabitants in the person of Mrs Bernard Smyth, wid- ow of Bernard Smyth, who died at er home on February Sth. Despite her advanced age of 90 years, de ceased was active anti] the end, be- ing around the kitchen half an hour before her death Deceased who was born ia Queboe 1882. was a daughter of nd Mrs. John Spurrill, and 'he city in Mr last of sever. Her father was 2a gar- rison officer of the 32nd Regiment at the Citadel Her mother, prior to her marriage. was Sarah O'Neill, a school teacher in fArcland Mer father ou retining from the army went home te Ireland where he lived for a short time. On petuarn- ing te Canada he settled in the towa YoNT FORGET THE WHIST DRIVE in G. W. V. A. Hall, Monday, Feb 30. First class prizes. 1320 THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE Mospital Auxiliary will be held in the Nupses' Home, Monday, Febou- ary 20, at 230 o'clock. 12240 LOOK FOR THE SALE OF HOME- made covking at the market in aid of King St. Bazaar, Sat, Feb. 18th. i3s-a BOX SOCIAL AND DANCE AT MHE Town Hall, Frday evening, Feb- mary 17, under auspices of the Five Dept. 30c KING STREET HOME & SCHOOL Cjub will hold a carnival on the school rink on Saturday next, Feb. 15th, 2.39 to 5.09 pm. Bight cash priges. THERE WILL BE A RUMMAGE sale in St. George's Barish Hall, Centre Street, Friday, Feb. 15th, sale to commence at two o'clock. 131-b AF YOU ARE A LOVER OF GOOD A of Whithy where he conducted = general store for years, and where his young family was bronght up and educated. The deceased, pre- vious to her marriage, had seen much of the world, having lived in Australia, England and Ireland, and making the trip to Australia over 79 years agp in 2 sailing vessel, which took three months to make the woy- age. She lived in that conntry mine years, when she returned to Whit- by and married Mr. Smyth, an Arish pioneer. and they lived on the home- stead in East Whitby, which Mr. Smyth as a lad cleared of wingin forest and built his home, wheve de- ceased resided until her death. ceased hy her hashand 21 years ago. and by one son and three danghters. They were A. 4. Smyth, whe Was drowned on the ill-fated "Princess Sophia," en his vetnrn from Alaska; Mrs. J. B. Bench, of St. Catharines, sister-in-law of Rev. Father Beach. of Oshawa; Mrs. F. J. O'Rourke, of New York, and Miss Agnes. Of ther family all that remzin ave Smyth, of Oshawa, and Sarah, who vemained with ther til her death. The funeral took place on day morning from the family dence to St. Goegory's Church, Requiem mass to the a Rtas i surviving member of a family | | The late Mrs. Smyth was prede~t | WOMAN 1S GIVEN A SIX NONTHS TERM FOR 0.7, OFFENSE Frozina Maxymuck Was Given ... Alternative of $100. and Costs ; BOUGHT LIQUO Maximum Penalty Not Imposed Because of Neediness of the Family Convicted of having committed an offense against the Ontario Temper- ance Act, Frozina - Maxymuck was sentenced to six months in the coun- ty jail at Whithy by Magistrate Hind in Police Court yesterday afternoon. The case arose out of a visit of a spotter sent out by the Liquor Li- cense Department, Toronto, last No- vember. It was alleged that the ac- cused had sold a bottle of liguor on Sanday, November 27th, to Pete Gnot. J. P. Mangan, counsel for the accused, attempted to prove that 2 boarder by the name of Pete Simons bad sold the liquor but in cross-ex- amining the defendant, D. A. J. Swanson, who was prosecuting the case, induced ber to admit that shr kaew Simons hdd been selling ! { liquor prior to the date when * formation was laid and als that time. Under the Act t ! sufficient to prove the accused guilty of breaking the law, althovg' the evidence gid not prove 4st she gold it personally. At this juncture Mr. Mangan, after conyersing 'with hig client, changed the plea of "vo guilty" to ome of "guilty." In Poor Circumstances In asking the lenieney of the Court. Mr. Mangan pointed out that the defendant and her family were in very poor circumstances @nd ther in her evidepce she had attemrt-d to tell the truth. She had, Mr. M gan stated, reported to Mr. Ma {and to Mr. Rainish that a board. had been: selling liquor at her hom © showing she was trying to kee: within the laws of Canada. There were three children and the family were living in an unfinished house. trying to make a living. Mr. Swansop., on behalf of the Crown, explained that unfortunately, the Crown had been put to comsider- able expense, but in view of the fact that the woman was in very poor cii- cumstances and more or less finan- cially in need, he would not press for 2 heavy penalty. Taking into consideration what counsel for the accused bad pointed out, His Worship decided not to im- pose the maximum punishment and sentenced the accused to six months with an alternative of $500 and COSLE. Alex. Szpak, ome of the spotters and Pete Gnot were the chief wit- nesses for the Crown, both testifying that Mrs. Maxymuck sold the bottle of whiskey to Gmot. The accused told the Court she had mot seem Szpak on the date in question but Gnot had come to her house inquir- ing for Pete Simons. Accused stat- ed that Gnot was talking to Simons and that it was from Simons he had purchased the liguor. OSHAWA CARS IN SAME CLASS AS BOSTON'S Oshawa, the busy manufacturing town at the southern extremity of ®utario county, finds itself today in the position of having geeatness thrust upon it, by virtue of proceed- ings at one of His Majesty's counts of justice, said the Toronto Globe on Tuesday. © During the hearing Tuesday of an action brought by T. H. Comber against the Toronto Street Raliway Company for $25,000, for injuries sustained when two cars crashed on Gerrard street bridge on March 4, 1914, W. BR. McRae, then mester me- chanic for the company, was asked br counsel if he could name any big street railway systems on the conti- aent which still used trailers of the type and vintage of the one in the accident. He could; and named two--Bostop and Oshawa. Fewer warships on the ways even~ tually will mean more ships of com- merce on the waves.--Bostog Trans- cript. ' / "