Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Feb 1922, p. 7

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PR, T, C. OLBMENOCE, DENTIST, Office over - Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West, 'Phone 231. DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD. | ley Block, Simeoe St. 8, Phone 504, | 80-41 DR. T, 8, TUCKER~--=DENTIST, OF-, . OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY-44, 1023 T | cares and general 'store fixtures at lowest prices, A. postcard will | bring our represéntative to call' on you, Bee us before buying else- { where, odd St. Toronto, Storage 1191m fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. WIRNITUNE STORED "= IN CLEAN Phone 948, 1-yr. | DR. 8, J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office' aver Kyle's Groeery tore. Phone 969. 4-1 yr. PR, JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE. over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, | Phone No. 97. DR. TREWIN, pDENTIST trance to office one door east " Detenbeck's Store, 1 Medical ! DR. C, B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North. DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR- 'Beor, Accoucher, Office and resi dence, King St. East, corner Victoria | St., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR, L. J. BEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST; East, Toronto, will 'be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for eonsulta- tion in ( disease of the eye, 12-1 yr DR. Dr B. NEELY, PHYSIC IAN & Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat, Ofiece over Dominion Bank, Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or by appointment, 96-1 DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at hig oftice over Milier's Arcade each Sat urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for eonsui- tution and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, ARI Tee rr ------e fr ioe Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.-BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. "BN of | D. A. 7. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-, cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law, Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osi awa, Phoues, Office 940; Residence 5167. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAI- risters, Conveyaneers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank entrance Simeoe St.; Phone 13. J ¥. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, A NR . - G. D. CONANT, B.A. L.L.B.--BAR rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing eral practice. Phone 63. JH. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, 11% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Oftice Phones--Diice 210, Res. 160, IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Esaminations free at br. 8. MN. Jones, 86 Bimeve St. Korth. Surveyors os M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- Phone 231. 'E. gineer, Whitby. cessor to late W. Perry. Suc- Educational MISS BEATRICE STACEY, or of Piano. Pupils mow being tak- en on. Couservatory method. appointment. phone 224. i161 Athol St. E. Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- ; morgue and cua 1 con- mection; picture framing; 1! Simeoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 »r D. W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER and Embalmer; private ambulance, | mongue and chapel, moter funerai if | 199 Simcoe St. | 108 | desired. Phone 47. South, Oshawa. 7 Imsurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN | Wellington Mutual and Union Fire lasurance Society, London, England. | X. A. Mclean, Oshawa Agent, Te Tel. 21 VV. Sun Life of Canada, also places five, accident and automobile insurance in | reliable companies. Phone 1940w. | A$ 3wmo. \ Tire ALC KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- Age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors: Phone 766. 1141 == Phone 57. 110-1yr| _ mer Office, 2 and gen- . office. | Yarnold, of Port | THACH. For! Residence | 12711 | A. HENRY, AGENT FOR | THE | | dry bullding. - Also storage for gars. Day phone 552J, night: B62W. Rin- ! 9 I sum Read North, To Rent | BV DAY, WEEK, MON Assembly hall, suitable for ge purposes, Good entrance, lighted, hardwood floors, kitdhgn sink, connections for electric stove I, Engel, 16 Simece North, 118-1m HOUSE To THPURNAC 0] (Hight and water, LL B76 Mill Bt, Phone 1017}, 181-h [OFFICES FOR™ RENT----A SUITE of three fully modern equipped of- ficos for rent, 'Above * Standnrd (Bank, Phone 89 for particulars, aie 123---1m TWO FRONT ~ OFFICES AND down stairs shop with good light, suitable for barber shop and baths IH. Engel, 16 Simcoe Nerth, Phone' 308 119-1t HOUSE TO RENT ~--APPLY 0, RK. Hall, phan 2 2. 9711 | ) her lacing. light ed water, --Apply, 276 Mill St, or "Phone 1017). | S700 Work Wanted YOUNG LADY (ENGLISH) DHSTRRS a position, in Oshawa, as Children's Nurse; experienced. Address, Edwards, Port Whithy, Help Wanted--Female WANTED MATERNITY NURSE, 10 stay' nights as well as daytime: elderly lady preferred.--Apply, 10 Union St, 150h STENOGRAPHER WANTED, MUST be well experienced.- Apply, Retor- bie | AN- Apply bs King 8t WAKTED A GOOD GIRL TO sist with general houselvork, to Mrs. T.W. G. MeKay. E. . Board and Room BOARDERS WANTED--NICE COM- fortable room, for fwo men, with board. Apply, Phone 561. i TWO OR THREE a UNFURNISHED | oome; bathroom flai-+Apply, 170 | SECONDHAND HEATER FOR | BALE | | B 12%: 4 { Athol BL. E. 130-a | Royal Oabinet Co,, 119 Lis- Ensen 20 od ee) | othy and clover hay, 131- b| 1 table, 4 ft. isle! TE ---- RE TE ot Boh grt Mo ty 2, i) Py ry Wout Tl ITN ROT 4 1d pet ATT E-- PAGE -SBEVEN | Articles For Sale ABROPLANK LINEN -- STRONG: ost and best obtainable for shivts, waists, window hangings, dresses, ote, el, $1.00 per yard while it lasts, The Army Store, 2 Prince Street, 120t.1, BUILDING FOR SALE--SUITABLE for garage, twelve feet by nineteen feet, Matched siding, two windows, metal roaf, Price $50. (all phone 289r1-4, The Canada Flour & Seed Co,, Oshawa, 131. NEW PERFECTION COAL Of stove for sale. 3 burners and oven. hea it sold quickly, also sone icooking utensils, FOR SALE--ONE RANGE 'llent cooker, washing two screen doors, B1OW 7 pm, BLANKETS, Worle Shirts, EXCH, machine ang phone Mrs Foster 114 Agnes between six and 131- MENS FLANNEL Riding Breeches, Put tees, Leggings, (rey Greatcoatls, un dyed, $9.00 cach, Ong leather coar and one leather yest, Lowest prices, The Army Stores, 21 Prince Street 120-t1 CHEV. CAR FOR SALE--CHRV car in good condition 18 model, Jak 90 Alico St, 131-a GGS FROM HEAVY LAYIN( hite Leghorns Headed by priz winner, especially mated for winte; Jayers. $1.50 setting, Dickie, 23¢ {King § East, 131 '| FOR SALE--1 TON | FORD TRU CR, in first class shape, $360 cash, 181-ti FOR BALE -- FIRST CLASS TIM- also ensilage, by the ton. - For further particulars apply 4. N, Thickson. 119-n {FORD TRUCK FOR SALE; IN GOOD shape.--Apply, RR. C. Henry & Co. King Street Bast. 15044 LADY'S MODEL FOR DREBSMAK. ing, size 36 or 38. Adjustable to any | size. Apply 31 King St. Bast. 129-¢ | a BIRCH STAIRS, 14 TREADS {24 inches wide, several glazed sash, [suiiable for poultry house or garage one 5 ft. electric ceiling fan new) by 7 It, 21 Prince St. {store. Cheap. MR. METCALF WiLL BE "AT {market Saturday to sell balapce oi, apples. | groceries, also heans, cggs dil-b 387 Albert st. hea P-- TO RENT -- TWO ivenienees. Phone 156W. 131-a WANTED--- TWO GENTLEMEN boaders to room together. 146 Athol Exchange TOU RING tion wanted in exchange for stock in | manufacturing company X Reformer. Help Wantea--Male SALESMAN WANTED TO Stock of first wlass magufacturing | company. Apply Box R. 131 {| WANTED -- GOOD. business man, with little capital, to | go into partnership. For particul- | ars apply L. K. Boskoff, Ontario | is House, Port Hepe, Ont, Box 98. 120-§ "MAN FOR singic between 21 to Chief Cameron. 121 WANTED --PERMANEN Fire Department ; land 35. Apply. Fire Hall. FITRNIStae rooms, breakfast if desired. Ail con-| 31-¢ CAR IN GOOD CONDI-| coe. Anply Box | 1 "SELL 'ieulars in first letter Reformer. | - HOXEST | -a. i High Class Workmanship Assured E. H. TANE v1 Wilkinson Ase. Say It with Flowers F. H. COX , Wedding Bougyuels, Funeral Mgigus a specialty. 36'; Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Lost and Found LOST--ON SATU RDAY BETWI pr Colborne and Celina Sts. a pear! cresent pin. Reward if returned to 200 Celina St. 121 | LOST -- MONDAY MORNING ON Gibbs. 8St., between purse SBIAInInE money, 176 Burke Houses Wanted WANTED TO BUY FIVE OR roomed house. State price and yp Apply Box V*" se ward, 1% | Reformer. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEFOLD]| Furniture and Farm implement H. I... Knister, Lot 35 Con. {lington, om Wednesday, Feb. 22. (1992. Also some stock, Hay, Grain and Straw and a Huron Kitchen range. Sale 1 p.m. sharp. [see posters . James Bishop. Auction- | eer Rug Weaving | WEAVING -OLD CARPETS ha Da 29 | RUG "1! re-woven into reversible rugs by well ~Leave your | 'known Toroute firm, laddpess with C. E. Aldsworth, 1Athol St. East, "Phone Xo. 549, | representative will call on you with (sample rug and supply information 1 "oh Builders and Contractors | AFORE BUYING OR BUILDINGS me w home, or repairing your old oui {see me. 1 alse have fine building lots for sale. 1 cam give you cary payments and save you money." N. Stacey, Bailder amd Contractor. [520 Park Read South, Rox "Phone 557. A 550 THE OSHAWA GAILWAY (0) PANY. 5 [= 1 | | | | NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEX THAT the Amnual Gemeral Meeting of the | Shareholders of the Oshawa Railway Company will be held at the office (of the Company in the Towa of {Gananogte, Ontarvie, on Wednesda. the 15th day of March. 1922, at the {hour of 1030 a.m., for the election of | Directors, such other business a= may be brought before the said meet- ing. J. H. VALLEAU, Phone 286 |Gananogue, Out. Al Secretary. February Sth, 1922 : 04 227 Dearborn Ave. |' 181-b. suitable for | 125-451 Burke and Sim-, af | fIX For terms | and | .- Miscellaneous $1,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST CLARE mortgage. Apply 182 King, East gomer Division Bt. | Lil WANTED-- SMALL, FURNISHET flat or house, modern, avpiy Bor Li gid Reformer, 131-h; RR Farms For Sale FARM FOR BALE----ABOUT Sk} enty-five acres, five miles from Osh awa, Good huildings., Land al' lowed. Apply A. W. Short, Oshaw: .R. No. 3. 131 Farms Wanted FARMS WANTED = WK BOY, sell and exchange farms, town or sity properties, Let us have partie alars, We answer promptly. E Trull, sales manager, Imperial Real- y Co.,, 167 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, Tues. & Thurs. to Feb, 16 "Jackie" (omtivned from page 2) took place yesterday afternoon. Sir 'urion was quite satisfied with it You had his message on the tela DHYhone saving that all was wed, did You not?" "Yes, said Jaekie. Her rembied. She was stunned. "After the operation he was rather tonger than usual in coming round, hut everything seemed all right When he did regain consciousues i he was wonderfully peaceful ana happy and quite free from pein. He told me he had had a beantiful dream andl said something about wentigz to go on with it. like that, as love, lips He had a good night, house surgeen. lis pulse ting so fechle And then, if alt ye conld do, Le zraduall It was one of those unforeseen cases -we get them sometimes when the natient ms to lose the will to live, I's hopeless then, Rir Purten came round before the end. Fiery thing was done that could he done { He just slipped away." Jackies turned 2 foee her "is was get ses of slope to it permit for me him?" she asked. "Yes, dear." The nurse led her to ths , Where jess than thirty-six hours pre- iously Jackie had been silt ing with enny. antieipating his recov *becring him up She how oud the carnesines with which he hod nar. ated hi= dream-----that dream of a happy death Now he lay there, or move again. God. not man, had cured him But Jackie could mot think of God. Her grief was too She only knew that she Benny, her poor il, her dearest, A friend. Dry-cved | him, wondering at in the dead fa to look upon never to speak lost she looked the calm It seemed to wear down serenit an expression of infinite knowledge, | of sovereignty. EL] said the Mademoiselle, La look "He { gently. * Jackie did not seem "Where is God {| stricken voice. "He my echeri. . happy." Nar. can you doubt to hear. asked in @ » has taken away is she | She fell on her kuves by the bod- | | side. Her desire was to pray, her heart was dumb. "I cannot pray." bul she said, Patients are ofren | He asked me to give you | but | at four o'clock I had to eall np the! in spite | sank. | room | ry and | nity | aud | Ware. { | | { |] Montreal Edmonton mp-- a ------ a £24 Good. Noi for Housewives! tira ) LS i AFace of Porcelain ond A Heart of Stel" you know SMP Diamond Ware and SMP Pearl They're the extra hard-faced enameled kitchen wares with the shield trade-mark--the most staple kitchen wares on the market, now being sold in the stores at These wares are Reduction off prices prevailing last fall. This follows a big redue- tion of 23%: made last summer. In other words, a Dia- mond or a Rear] Ware pot that was sold for $1.50 last summer ¢an now be bought for 90c, Go to Rous dealer and look at SMP Diamond or Pearl War Diamond co is light blue and white, with an all-white lining and threc coats of enamel. Pearl Ware is grey and white with two coats of enamel. Ask him about this new 20% reduction in pies. Make It makes all sure of the trade-mark "SMP" in the shield, the difference, TORONTO The Sheet Metal Products Co., *S ds » ' Winnipeg hroxen | he last remaining | whispered again, "Where The nurse's kindly hand stole over shoulders "My dear, can you Jook on | boy's face and ask--or doubt? let grief embitter you. as familiar with death as I am, { lieve me, you would be certain | her \ that Don't is God?" | If you were' 0e-,| of | fone thing--that there is a God, and' that there is a future life i would tell you so if he { --T'll leave yom while I'll come . Benny could speak. . here for a little back." | Se Jackie remained with her dead. gazing hopelessly the still, eoid face so like and unlike her cheri Bean) She was entirely heod- les of the iact that Benny's death REFORMER has a circulation that exceeds 2800 copies issued every other day. Its pages are crammed full of all the latest local sews, Is | WAM ADS are read by 211 and are sure 40 bring results. They cost littie Hut accom- piish much Don't hesi- tate. It will PAY vou as it has hundreds of olhers to give the Reform- or Want Ads a trial. The Ontario Reformer Phone 35 | meant her release from Bowm She had forgotter his exist Benny's loss affected her like a « - ing weight. She had so counted on his recovery, | their joint future--plans free {all fear and apxiety Xow his last words 10 her: from and pain came back if it does happen that 1 don't get better it might only be God's way of doing what was best And then again: It was ever 50 much better than heing alive .allthe strain and fatigue had gone. Think what that felt like to a chap who neo er could get more than a hund- red yards at a time. ... "Oh, cheri," she eried, "giv heart of tramquilbity...." | Even as she mnttered the words al assuaging seuse of peace descend | od on her. It became manifest | her that to mourn when Benny had {told her mot to de so--10 | 'a made such plans for | e ane | mourn | when he had won free of pain--as | (a form of selfishness. Why should | she grudge him the joys of eternity | hecause she remained alive bunden- |od with trouble? Why, above all, | should she doubt the goodness of | God simply because He had seen fit the gates of Heaven te She saw the narrowness of her wision . TO BE CONTINU ED i THE WALL OF CHINA In 214 B.C.. the Chinesc® commenced building the Great Wall, which isolated their country from the rest of the world and helped retard their national progress. The business man who maintains a wall of "dignified reserve' towards the buying public is just as surely retarding his own business growih. People like to buy from the store that shows its appreciation of their business, gives good value, and courteous, kindly ser- vice, with a "come again" invitation. . Your advertisement in "The Reformer" would be a standing invitation to your store. When our rcaders open up their paper do they see your "bid" 2? The Wise Shop Where They Are Invited Issued by Canadian Weekly New Association Head Office, Toronto, . Ca AFTER ALL DEAR - WE ARE. VERY HARRY - FEW PEOPLE. LAVE TOLETHER AD LONG AD WE HAVE ] iL grr YOUR "SLAPPERS re ON SOME THING TAELA- DME 1M GONNA HE SEPARATED FROM SOME PAOMNE YY - ILL WAIT MERE AT THE LATE ---- ----n YES AUT AF YOu» r MIA T TO, mE = TOL MIAD OEY TOR TAE. THOSE 20oxES DAC AS QUACK, Af { ho i 12 Ts WHERE MR NCS LAVES? paved for all examinations, 282 Jac- wie Stress. A a ------ A | IE -------- CE .

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