Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 14 Feb 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR: OSHAWA, ONTARIO: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1922 SE-- WORLD EVENTS: | News of Nearby Places THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. coal on the way and hose: What yy "William Banks. + Mr. EB... il Toronto Vo PRY 16 Eetting. lov. ave Very sii For : clear What is in the wind in respect to With signatures attached to a SpENL tho Weekend £i home. alien Miss Shand reports the Jule of her skin the war debts of tne allies and their | number of agreements and provis-| i pus BE . 1188 ibank and Mr. 'D, | store, this time to Mr. John Birkett, associates? The question arises as|jonal understanding, the Washing: Suit, the Tames Eng ® Shaw's School, visited at W, T, Tay-| of North Myrtle, who intends to and : Pe ory ph y 9 @ result of the remarks made hy | ton disarmament conference has con-| her pak ed ¥ pb iv A bs lors. move the building and place it on Premier Lloyd George at the open-| cluded its work. As President Hard-| will start from Vancouver on Febs|. Mr: and Mrs. Will. lane, andfnis own property there. It is an old bright taviiz ) & dihui grandchildren, Marjory and Fred | landmark of Myrtle, having heen in ing of the British Parliament, It| ing of the United States and others| ruary 11th, travelling over C, Valencia. vished aL 8. J: Williams 3 was, he said, impossible for Britain | have pointed out, there is no doubt| ¥. R. in the private car "Monts ion A on ot Ea Y e neighborhood for-a good many eyes alone to cancel debts, or make a | that it will.he followed by other and| 'norency, on a concer tour which visited Pi 1. 'Baker's Yri years. satisfactory readjustment. That | perhaps more important gatherings will extend across Ca to Hal 3 te Mn Words a Mr, Chas. Slack, of Oshawa, cal- would depepd ppon action by all the| with a view to erecting safeguards Hida som ieting the lobr ¢ Nod | family A srw Al and fied on ou tew of his friends in the other nations. It would he unwise | around the ideal of peace for the come Bu 18 e ami ed: Mr, W. C. Werry, 19 village on Thursday. : tutes, giving concerts at New York, | Oshawa, y > . g for Britalm to abandon all her | world. Long before the conference ae giv ig other Eastern cities, Ushawa, Sunday. ang aieden A0 Mr. Ivan Rodd has purchased a A ---- Beauty Hint for Women When food is only imperfectly digested, it gives rise to fermentation, clogs the howels, and renders the blood impure. This results in dull eyes, muddy skin, blotches, pimples and other disfiguring marks. Beecham's Pills act immediately on the stomach, liver and howels; regu- ancouver, B.C, -- Mad claims against other countries if| had reached a formal close it had ceased to he a newspaper sensation even among those newspapers across The company recently completed a tour of Australia. Church. Mr. Will Westlake attended a young driver and is busy these days training it up in the way it should , a : . | skating party in Oshawa lately. go Winnipeg, Man. Canadian Pa A number of relatives and friends] The G. T. R. Company has been late them and keep them in a vigorons condition, They are mild, harmless and dependable. They are compounded of remedies of vegetable origin having Take great medicinal value, they were not willing to rediprocate, y But if all the nations would come together and consider their war| the border which, ignorant of great + ¥ ! b debts, hey would and that Britain | events outside of their awn ar sie Otros at Winnigte | tone- from here attended the funeral of | Making some changes in the station Us : would not lag behind any in gener-irow ken, persisted in "playing it yp" Ww a ti od BR no Mrs. Edward Pascoe, Thornton's | bere, among other things cutting a Sold osity or justice. In the same speech | us the world's biggest event for| po. 0 0" 0% prado but | Corner's : i doorway through from the waiting h 25¢--40 pills : he made a reference to the financim | some weeks after its beginning. But tii has been promoted to be as- ; Several from here enjoyed the |TYOOm to the living apartments. The bi 4 ore 50c--90 pills : chaos and the consequent desperate | while the masses may be confused! yigiani freight traffic manager of [drama at Salem last Wodnesday | Station is under new management, n boxes . situation of Austria. Britain was { and disappointed as to what really! Lastern lines with headquarters is | niont which seems to he giving general -- --- advancing two million pounds im-| happened and what it really means,| Montreal. The luncheon was pre. Mr. RJ. MeKessock: pave an. ag-} satisfaction. TTT id - mediately to that country, good se-| the thoughtful student of affairs will | sided over by P. C. Coleman, Vice- dress at the F 1h igh A i Bf Rik a ' On Friday evening. ail ibe avails Mary Street School Why Prohibition Fails? eurity having been pledged. France | look rather to its educational value.| President, and attended by nearly at Zio : he cat )er and Kon hangue ah] Fiday yen hes J 2 : An enlargement of the grounds, London Daily Telegraph: Ther« was giso making advances. These | it has accomplished something in| one hundred officers, a La us Foi week, : 3 ; 4 e San n Spe J ate ere requis re-arrangement of the seats, repairs | can he no doubt that in certain dir- were temporary measures . pending | sctualities. Navies will he reduced William Campbell Bowles, who is | Ars. IH, (. Scott is improving nice- | itloned to take the budding musie-|,, ory ang changing of main | ections Prohibition has done great h 4 ' i " 0 to be assistant to Mr. W. B. Lanigan, | 1. We "hope it continues. jans of the meighborfiood and their ! : the removal by the United States] for a stated period. Agreements! V ¥ 4 * iq gd : i 4 steam pipe in the basement. good in America and can do still Senate of certain dificultics in the 1 Nave been reached . on territorial freight traffic manager, with of! ices | Mrs, F. Westlake and Mrs. Elmer | friends to a recital in the Hall at The 'electrical installation in. this L- more. The tamil of the law. aE : . A \ at Windsor Street Station, Montreal, | Wilbur have been under the doe- | Brooklin. They reflect much credit a : way of assistance on the pledge of | rights which would inevitably have | po Uoonded the long ladder to suc- |yoy's care but are bette on. thelr teacher. Miss. Adams. school is in good order throughout, | stands is that it goes much too far. Austrial national secu¥ities This | led to war had the policy of drift! regs step by step. He joined the | (0 Sm a yet ay. = i al a AR. near} it having an entire eondnit installa- | It has exactly the faults that a simi- had reference to certain liens on se- | heen allowed to govern. Nations, | service of the C. '. R. on December Vseni on a Bol 1 ames Jere Lindsay spent the early part 3 the tion. Unless further extensions or | larly repressive Puritan regime had curities which deprived Austria of | as represented at such gatherigs, do| 1si, 1891, as junior clerk in the po OF 9 WEICOR 10 TRE aa fC heir friend. Mss. Park, | lectrical equipment is desired, pre- | in England under the Common- the chance of borrowing money in| not move faster than public opinion. oitieé of the general freight agent, iid : Nn awa to try and retain Mi B 3 hi fod criend, re. ! '| sent wiring will be satisfactory, wealth. It condemns the innocent the world's markets. Sore stricken | though it must be confessed that re-, Montreal. He continued with the [OUI "Bent at the station here oa ay 8 operation » Centre Street School with the guilty, and thus provides most of them are the European | presentatives sent there are not ul-! following promotions: September, The Y. M. B. C. are holding a cancer about six won s Ago and it A brief but pointed recomimenda- | the former with a grievance and the have agreed to withdraw | ways in closest touch with the mass| 1892, stenographer, one office} Social evenisg i Solina Hall on was thomas! sue Soule not live, hit tion is a new school. Suggestions | latter with an excuse. That you can- these liens. Bat the American gov-} of opinion in their own country qanuary, 15, Ba Mi 8 HA lursday evening of this week at 8 oy ) aking | ho treatment preserih: for general improvements are made. | not ehange human pature by the ernment requires the consent of the | Raymond Poincare, the French Pre. | pio a October, corre, Ban ed i Sounz men are re- AYhert, she 1 Jong well 2nd Hopes Wiring in the school is defective| enaction of tyrannical laws is a les- Senate to that action. Lloyd George | mier, put the matter well in one of | (Bo dence clerk, freight depariment, The Rolo sent. : on Ahi re ld, throughout, but owing to the like-|son that stares at the reader of his- put it very diplomatically: The man? those flashing sentences which his | 'innipeg; July, 1899, chief clerk in Wor uy eetink , or The A fow. Dights ago - couple Ly) lihood of this school heing removed, | tory from every page. in the street, however. may have his [countrymen expect of him when he! thé freigat department, Winnipeg: home of Mrs i a at the tramps or Tobbers Lpossibly both) the committee does not insist that - own opinions and express them mueh | declared that the world was in need | May, 1993, chief clerk freight de- rs. 8. J. lams onthe . 2 dq bf o) ¢ . any further alterations be made 2 Wi IR a more bluntly as to the attitude of of moral disarmament. In other | partment, Calgary; January, 1905, Thursday last. There was a good Spdeavored ko breay he of houge 14 | Hilleroft School 1 TIE TT IRKERS PRAYER. | the United States and the lethargy of | words that the abandonment of war-! Assistant gemeral rreight agent, Cal- crowd and a good time . : the nelghborioo ul WATE etect For the north, portable cupboards, | come. 10 ee asking id 4 its > 4 atters of is ki ship comnstructio, e i o of ®ary; March, 1905, assistant genera. The annual seed Fair of the Far-) frying to force a window When | inking cups nd a cinder ide- No extra good Juek in the race, ts Senate in matter this kind. truction. the upbuilding of eirht t. Vancouver: ovem- : mers' Club was held i a1} Saz.| this house was vacant Some mouths g cups an nder si I pray Thee for nothing that savors Perhaps lethargy is hardly the word | great armies. and the maintenance | jeep en ral freight agent, l ardar veil eld in the Hal Sat. EO, it was broken into and ran. "3M across the street are' recom-| of profit or power or place; ~bat in any event the Senate ac-, of conditions provocative of war. Neison; Marcn, 1908, genera] frei | A large number of girls from heral sacked--a lot. of damage being done mended ; : I'll take every chance with the rest, ross the border will never be noted | would be removed when the minds agent, Winnipeg; June, 1909, general bon pect to attend the Eirls' o Om: her but this time, the folks were home Installing Water Heaters No fate that is mine will I shirk, for its speed in dealing with such!and hearts of the people were deter-' jyeignt agent, Vancouver; June, dng Bowmanville he gir . conference and the uninvited visitors made a! 'ith reference to installing wat-| But whether I'm workman or master, matters as this. It would uppear | mined that they should be. Our own| 1911, again general freight ageniy lind ranville the last of this quick pot=a0as : 3 a er heaters or hot plates, as recom- | Dear Lord, keep me true to my work' from the remarks of Premier Lloyd | representative. Sir Robert. Borden, | Winnipeg; January 1st, 1922, pre- | "¢ di py mended to the Board by the Cen-|From risking things "almost" and George and other intimations and | had something of the same idea in moted to be assistant freight traffic Pastor Joucs preached to a good mr ree tral Council: of Home and. School "nearly," hints that there bas been a much | wind when he stressed the educa- manager, Eastern lines. crowd on Sunday and delivered a Im rovements | Clubs, the installation of an eleetrie | From rushing through "amy old more serious discussion as to the | tional value of the gathering. ig : splendid sermon Pp heater for each school is recom- wad," proposed cancellation of war debts . = Winnipeg, Man. -- Op bis, RRIWED league on Monday night was well : Co -- ' | mended. A" 20 zallon tank is sug-| From jobs that are done imsincerely tham Das vet heen made public Lx Fr avs as Sa from Monreal recently, . 4 PR 1ttended and an excellent program (Continued from page 1) gested Deliver me, Master, I pray; . 1 would appear that Canada is on | man, Vice-President of the C. P. RB. } was given. Be sure and come Beit {nz of the street to the west of the Let "botching it" fill me with terror. = * = the eve of a new era in connection | Western lines, issued the fellowing |... .. Enniskillen League is visit-| present sehool grounds. Release me from perils that lurk: : i . ; ie ' 4 . t v ing condi- |. " 1 } 3 ip ta connection with the statements jek the moving picture industry. ] official sta ment regangh 8 rc com. {IDE us and the program is to be a! Advertise for a new janitor owing Army Pack in bungling and *'scamping" 'and fn the British Parliament and else-1 There is a distinct movement whic Lions and imp y Ferguson 1 error, A 1 : y .s debate, "Resolved that the press will atl . 1 i "ag 4 + : . « a $ 1} to the death of Mr Aho aps enrc1l has the support i adine od. pany's lines west of Fort William ' { : . : a where on the proposition to cancel] 24s the support of many leading ed- | Alterations to the present light- | {Continued from page 1) Dear Lord, keep me true to my work! 4 N i a io more to uplift humanity ha ationis : 'Commercial conditions .as lmey I amity than i ar sir dm : at | Weationists, ps siness : the NE EN) . ] ask : war debts. it is worth noting that} FA * Futur . sine 88 and] it at the moment have imposed on {tbe platform Eldad League have! ing system and arrangement of wir-| A Round About Jomrmey i ask {oF So mole tian mY Meihbor the pound sterling has steadily ad-|I0ancias men. and members of var-i 0 PR. as on all other business the afirmative and Enniskillen the! Service now entering building | The supposition is that the But give me. Great Lord of All is too small. if electric plate is to be pack, with hundreds. and per- vaneed on the New York Exchange. |'0us proviucial governments as well | organizations, a poiicy of caution juegative. Mr. Chas. Shortridge, Miss Lal Florence Walkington and Miss Lyda | installed haps thousands, of others, was g It was over $4.36 when this was |S the Dominion government, 10 es- wilh respect tw embarking on large : Nritton.. The Wall Street Journal, | tablish the industry om a firm foot-| expenditures on capital account. t | Taylor are to uphold the Eldad Lea: best. Sirens. Bchool ! shipped. back to Canada after 1 She Sitength ho be (rae to Wy Best: a uoted financial publication in New | WE In our own land Vancouver,! has been decided therefore, 10 pn gue. Other numbers will be provid- Only minor repairs and purchase the armistice was signed, but Fry bmgh tigi, i i Rep dor i York, takes this continued improve- Calgary. Winnipeg. Kingston. Ot-i nounce a beginning on eh. Mors ed by the Enniskillen League of equipment are recommended for that it should pass through so | of ji rather commonplace morta! ment #8 a text on which to breach 181 a, Toronto and other places have oY 2 ars AE expendi- ro-- ----m--m this school The committee seeks| many supply depots, reach the | Who tried to make good at his trade! a sermon to the people of the repub- | VN i ture including that for the comstry MYRTLE. § authority to "take steps 10 stop es-| wholesale warehouses, be bought Me. Bankers and financiers, it} | tion of bramch lines, has beeu { caping zas when definitely located." | by an Oshawa storekeeper. and gays, hold the opinion that foreigm | - - " | poned umtil March or April wien il Our enterprising merchant Mr! An entirely exchanze is pronouncing judgment | NEW MARTINS THEATRE | is hoped that the outlook will be 1G W. Rodd. has been getting in his] wiring. on the fore polic adopted BX { Marie Prevost certainly charmed, Wore clear and that the indications the United States. "They prophesy | i | of a steady revival in railway traffic 1 Creat Britain will obtain, be (Continued on. page. 6) Sarnia man murders father and new installation. of! then fall inte the hands of its brutally assaults sister, with recommendations as tol original and rightful owner. Hamilton's municipal Hydro ser- season's supply of ice this last week, | same i who will prize it all his life, is vices show large surplus on year. with the assistance of Mr Wm. Wiles ; Simcoe Sureet School i 3 e and pleasant coinci- Grand Jury returns true bill in re definitely vemi. Apa : : { 3 4 ato: at Ki Se Heian XH oeuin. ee will le ore min i Bg ud to be and Mr. J. Pyke Fountains in the basement. Addi- | dence indeed Ahrens murder case at Kitchener. proadominant hold on international | the theatre-goers at the new Mar tin last night As Lioue ithe win-, some French M'mselle. she captured | undertaken at once is the building Mr. Jas. Hortop had a carload of | tional lights in fan room and store | Canadian delegates to (Catholic 4 au r more than the heart of the young] of a large ocean pier at Vancouver. [corn and another of lumber deliver- | room. Moulding at baseboards to be Baltimore American: If you hate ! Foresters' Convention in train rade. These bankers believe that | American college student who she] This is justified by the constant {od here recently This is his third | lowered Use of sawdust and oil! to see it snow you're getting old.! wreck. Britain will not only pay her debts. | at first shocked. "Where Snow King | growth of ocean traffic through |car load of corn this year. and it is] instead of dustbane. { If you like to sit and look out at| Brantford detectives enter explic- but eauncel those due from her al-| Reigns" shows wonderful views of | 4 anadian Pacific ports. It will take jraken up wery readily as the farm- | Remedying of existing defects in {it smowing, you're middle aged. If} it denials to charges in probe. lies, and also forego her 22 perilacal winter seemery. while the. Cen- | approximately eighteen mont: Ww are anxious to get it. He re.|the wiring system as noted by the in- (You like to be out in the snow, Two leading members of Wel- {iury Comedy featuring Harry Sweet | complete the work. The filling wnd ports that he has a car load of nat | spector vou're young land's Italian colony are murdered. for trade advantages This is a ra- |p "Shipwrecked Animals." : Hurst dredging for the site has ately : thar = erated view perhaps. and!and Levars delighted the house with | een completed. ~The per + -_ Liord orge's speech, as quoted, | cent. of German reparation in return Ee ------------------------------------------- i i 1 od feet long (with pro 3 os their songs. dancing. and humorous | eight hundo for further exiemsion BOE soem xo Siacaume i 40 » Junge i hi, , il iners Nonsense." Fitz i PS id hundred and twenty - that -*laterer mar ve done | ®erald aud Laxton were well ve-i sight feet wide, and will carry four Y 3 . ma we done by the | ceived and their impersonations of { ra.way tracks to enable freight ie {| animals and birds They were es Le handled expeditiously between id pecially good in a whistling special- | ship and cars. It will be equipped { Bess momentous decisions tor Ear- iy Billy "Rube" Reus entertained | with the most modern facilities for ope and that Britain will be the star { in a Rube Comedy The New Mar. handling passengers and freight. 1 Khe frince sw long way 10 4 tin is endeavoring 10 gel the weryqi With lue construction of this ier Tipperary." some one said at a re- | best vaudeville. anil are adwertising following on the reinforcement al ceut international conference But | every issue of The Reformer ot sh the OCEAN Tieet by the grea team des seem that "Tipperary" or | Martin Theatre News edited by AAA the com- Earepesn readjustment. i€ now in Via cent O'Vernon, press agent. and { pany gi confident that it will held ight. { will be a guide to theatre patroms. Pr Caneda for many years the blue . ' ribbon of supremacy un the Pacific. To assist in the prompt movement of traffic, snechiamichl conling plants of an improved 1ype wi T at Yagie Rivet, Out, La Riviere, | Man, Estevan, Sask, Swift Cacrent, ask. and Medicine Mat, Als. ; "Tue growin of the frat waffie on Okanagan Lake justifies the building of an additional ice sip! building at Okanagan Landing, BC, and this will be undertaken at suce. Automatic protection signals will be installed at Sidoey, Man, and Ruby Creek, BC. y . > 5: supplies at the following 2 DAYS OF IN BETWEEN SHOPPING (Jf ix i: Sm 5nd United States, the coming Econ omie conference at Genoa will wit- FREE FARE ANYWHERE | Through The Medium of "SEE CANADA FIRST" FREE TRAVEL SERVICE Take advantage NOW of this permanent FREE TRAVEL SERVICE by saving "See waffic which may he expected, 4 pathwell, MacG and Wheat- a " py ! We'll make It worth your while lands 48 Maida. Boedenbucy, | Canada First" coupons--sixteen of Oshawa's progressive merchants operate and maintain comung in for these days iba: Paria. Fn ee their own Free Travel Department--each store issuing and redeeming its own "See Canada As an extra inducement we offer 10 dozen | ge dead Brita, T- high grade BLACK FINE WOVEN | a HOSE in all sizes for ladies, priced for Wednesday and Thursday at ..... 23¢ Get Full Details | (Continued from page 1) 10 dozen Children's 1 and 1 Rib BLACK i Su e_stobnt WU To COTTON HOSE in sizes from 6 to 10, J Smith's motion that the Red Cross offer be accepted. The motion car- priced for the above days at .. 3 pr. 450 ried unanimously. Trustee Dr. Hoig was appointed ang of the Board of the GROCERY SPECIAL --20 bars of Proc- {annual convention of the Ontarip tor & Gamble's Lenox Soap to go for §8¢ {School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Fred Flintoff & Sons | Association 40 be held in Toronto at | Mavdwave i Easter. - : 13 King St. W. A veguest from the cavetaker of! Latke Bros. Mary Street school for increase 'omplete Home Fumnisher a ten Scion 20 conti] aie Nie RA Athar ©. Feit A. L. Hamwerson Aeweller Watchmaker Gugoer Awry & Lowell The Achas Piano Stove Whe Rexall Store Phonographs, Reoovds, etc. King St. KE. 1856 Simope St. NX. Many mere bargains fo dear in the Grocery Section. i Prince of Wales receives welcome iat Agra. ! 1 There appears to be id me) { i possibility yet of a future mse for the | Arish shillelah.--Guelph Herald. | Mt is now evident that the peace! the Sin Fein Arish want is a big piece {of Ulster --Milverton Sun. - Ask For Your "SEE CANADA FIRST" Coupons

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