Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 11 Feb 1922, p. 7

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xr i ------ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 PAGE SEVEN : SO Show Cases oh T. 0. CLBMENCE, DENTIST, FOR BALE --SHOWOASER, WALL 0 over Andison's Tailor Shop, cpses and general store fixtures at 19 'King St; West, Phone 231, lowest prices, A posteard will bring our representative to call on DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- you, Bed, us befits buying else g ; | where, oyal Cabinet Ca,, 119 Lis- laydock, Simcoe Bt, 8, Phongtis. oO 8%. Toronto, ' 119-1m DI, T. 5. TUCKBR--DENTIST, OF Storage fice: over Hogg and Lytle's store. SFRNITURE STORED -- IN CLBAN Phone 948, 1-¥¢. {dry building. Also storage for cars. : ara. Day phone 562), night 5528W. Ru DR; 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; | . Offige over Kyle's Groeery json Road North. Plt. ABROPLANE LINEN -- STRONG. est and best obtainable for shirts, walsts, window hangings, drosses, ete, ete. $1.00 per yard while it, lasts, The Army Store, 21 Prince Street, 120.1, BLANKETS, MBNS ~~ FLANNBGL Work Bhirts, Riding Breeches, Put- tees, Leggings, Grey Greatcoats, un- dyed, $9,00 each. One leather coat and one leather vest. Lowest prices. The Army Stores, 21 Prince Street, 5 120-1, Phone 959. diy Board and Room 4-1 yr. -- is ¢ - - DR, JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT--EVERY CON- over Jury add Lovell's Drug Store. venience; very central. 16 King Si. Phone No, 97. | W 128-c DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- ©N- TO LET -- FURNISHED ROOMS trance to office one door east of | for light housekeeping. All conven- Detenbeck's Store. {iences. Apply 144 Athol St. BE. EL | : 128-¢ Medical YOUNG MAN OF REFINEMENT : ss meee (l@sires. room and board with private DR. C. EB. WILSON, PHYSICIAN family, Box K, Ontario Reformer, and Surgeon, Union Bank Building. Oshawa, Ont. 128h Simgoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yF =ssamase Te osm DR, MCKAY o- PHYSICIAN, SUK. | __ 0 Rent geor, Accoucher. Office and resi-| By DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR deuce, King St. East, corner Victoria | Assembly hall, suitable for general 8t., Oshawa. Phone 94. purposes, Good entrance, well - ee on lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen, DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST. gi connections for eleetrie stove East, Toronto, will be aL uy & | H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, 119-1m Lovells. Drug Store each RMS |oppapg "poR © RENT----A" SUITE from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for cousulta- 1,0 op on™ pny" odern equipped of- tion in disease of the oye: 13-4 yr fices for rent. Above Standard 'DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Bank. Phone $9 for particulars. Surgeon. Ear. Nose and Throat 123--Im = re : 1 / ' FOR SALE--INCUBATORS, BUCK- eye 120 egg, used twice, cost $40, will take $20; Cyphers 70 egg, fiz- ted for oil or gas, cost $30, for $15, P. Kilburn, 466 Albert St. 120-0 FoR BALE -- A SHORT HAIRED collie dog, 9 months old, good man- nered, Apply 214 Celina St, 129-h -- FIRE E. large size, Apply Standard Bank of Canada, Oshawa, : 122-1 FOR SALE -- PONY AND COM: plete outfit, including brass mount ed harness, buggy and cutter, all in excellent condition, Box 395, Osh- awa, Gigs ee 119-11 FOR SALE -- FIRST CLASS TIM- othy and clover hay, also ensilage, by the ton. For further particulars apply J. N. Thickson. 119-n FOR SALE, 3 BURNER OIL STOVE, Articles Por Sale | | ! Relp Wantea--Male YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN this business; must have references, Apply, ¥, W, Woolworth Co, 126b DISTRIBUTOR TO HANDLE A sales force marketing a fire oxting- ulsher, This is a paying proposi- tion. Investigute it yon are ua real hustler, H. G. Wilson, 84 Bay St, | Toronto, 128-0 WANTED GOOD, HONEST business man, with litle capital, to go into partnership, Wor partieul- | ars, apply Lb. K, Boskoff, Ontario | House, Port Hope, Ont., Box 98, | 120-§ WANTED MEN AND WOMEN who stand for honesty and integrity who are willing to put forth their best efforts to realize their mabi- tion, and who wish to better then | present position. Apply to Mr Syms, Standard Bank Bulidinz. Osh aww, Ont, 138-L1. -- te Miscellaneous FOR SALE==i04 ACRE FAILM, --_ _ _ ----Lhnb about four miles from Oshawa, in Kood shape lor spring's work, with | fair house and excellent bank barn. WE HAVE HOUSES FOR SALE! from $750 w $10,000. Jt costs you | nothing to see them. | WE ARE IN A POSITION TO IN- | with oven; Singer Sewing Muchine, Folding Bed Couch, small Table.~Apply, 27 Simcoe South, 1201 shape. Apply, BC Henry & Co. King Street Eust. 15008 Office over Dominion Bunk. Tele- TWO FRONT ~ OFFICES ~AND phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or down stairs shop with good light, | 'by appointment. 96-t1 | suitable for barber shop and baths | LADY'S MODEL FOR DRESSMAK- ing, size 36 or 38. Adjustable to any size. Apply 31 King St. East. 189-¢ Kitchen | sure your car in a good reliable com- | pany at the very lowest rate proeur able. Get our figures betore insur ting. We write all kinds of insur- | (ance, Oshawa Real Estate Sales | Co. A. C. Lycett, Phone 625; J. © Young. Phone 90%-J; 81 King St E.. Phone 793. ; 128-¢ {WANTED 10 MEN NEAT APPEAR ECE Everything for your office Desks, filing cabi» nets and other office furniture--ledgers, stationery---inks, pens, pencils -- everything for your office is here at its best and at very reasonable prices, Gp . DIXON'S 0 We master draung pencil" N, fo I bo Mi Bi fin { i SR wi | ELDorAD gp mova ns has lead so smooth and easy - flowing that it makes writing a pleas- ure, All 17 degrees are for sale here (HB for general use). - If vou have never used the Fldorado, try one just to satisfy yourself, We shail mid» advise vou which degree i» best for your work: @ REFORMER OFFICE ap por. 2 2% oo 3 . Builders and Contractors PEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A D new home, or repairing your old one, ste me, lots for sale. payments and save yon $20 the ing with elreuses, something still, motions. rooms; bathroom flat.----Apply, 178 Athol St, K. 180a COMFORTABLE WARM ROOM FOR rent; sult two gentlemen. -13 Athol St. West, 1300 I also have fine building I can give you easy money,--t!, Contractor, Box 5hn, Stacey, Builder Park hone 557, and Road South, AE MILLER AND IHR DONKEY, Those who strive to please every- dy please nobody -----moralizes "The Donkey" picture of "Aesop's Film Fables" series, The kick-off starts the foothall me, But, when you kick-off you ish. your life game, All human clowns are not perform- THE OSHAWA RAILWAY COM- PANY, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Oshawa Railway Company will he held at the office of the Company in the Town of Gananoque, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 15th day of March, 1922, at the hour of 10.30 a.m., for the election of Directors, and such other business as may be brought before the said meet- ing, J. H. VALLEAU, Secretary Gananoque, Ont., February sth, 1922, : 130-1 Her and the Try to move a donkey against his Il and he'll give an example' of Brooding over troubles tehes out more. Notions don't always often result in You can push your fountain but your pencil must he lead. pen Many pease. to but few Fables please "Aesgp"s Film try » REFORMER WANE ADS. PAY | PROTECT Your Income WITH AN ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS POLICY, ANNUAL AND MONTHLY PREMIUMS Call 1046W ance. ~--Apply 10 a.m. Monday morn ling. Rooms 3-5 Bradley Bldg. Sim | ea ~ a. H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, DR.F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR "0% »lcoe & Athol Sts, 130a | Street West, Toronto, will be at his. . Phone | sioy BIRCH STAIRS, 14 TREADS Oshawa, Ont. {24 Inches wide, several glazed sash V. A. HENRY office over Milier's Arcade each Sal- HOUSE TO REN1.---APPLY O. R. | urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. Tn congnl. Hall. 'Phone 252. tation and treatment of diseases of | oro. PAT eI iy | . FOR RENT--SIX ROOMED BRICK | Sat, nose and Ahroat only, house with all couveniepces and! REF SI furnished. Apply after five pom.aat! Legal '154 Colborne Street E. 128-0 LO suitable for poultry house or Karage. SECURITY SALESMAN WANTED. Fue one 5 ft. electric ceiling fan (new), | 1 table, 4 ft. hy 7 ft, sulkable for store. Cheap. 21 Prince Si. Lg 12541 SECONDHAND HEATER FOR SALE cheap. 387 Albert St, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, BA. -BAR- HOUSE T0 RENT: ELECTRIC rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- light and water.--Apply. 376 Mill £¢ veyancer. Money to loan. Office or "Phone 1017J. 13ue Th Bing Sh Yast, Olam. Phone HORSE, WAGOON AND HARNESS ------ a -- avon FOR SALE. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, The authorized Trustee of the Solicitor, Notary Public, Convgyan- Estate of Joseph Harris offers for cer, ete. All branches of Civil and sale a horse, a spring wagon, and a Criminal Law. Loans arranged. set of single harness. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Further particulars may be had | Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- from Messrs. Grierson & Creighton, | awa. Phoues, Ofice 940; Residence Oshawa. Outario, b16d. . Authorized Trustee. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAN- Lost and Found risters, Conveyancers, Notarles Mb. \ py OsT--SONEWHERE DF. | lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank tween Reaton's grocery store and entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. sgnes Street. on Tuesday afternoon. F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creightod. 4 poll of bills. about forty-five dol- | B.A. lars. Pinder will be rewarded by TTD D. CONANT, BA. 1.L.B.--BAR- | leaving at Reformer Office, i rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, - ete. FOUND _LANP FOR AUTOMOBILE | Office (emtrance) Ti; Simcoe St. Lamp. Owner may have by paying for South. Oshawa. enue rr on pi) we apply 8. G. Champ. Phone mortgages, converancing and geau- 162r3. ARTA oral practice. Phone 63. LOST ON THURSDAY NOON AIRE. | aniston Gale Tervior Pup: answers to mame HE RORPHY BA. EX of "Major." --Finder kindly nretarn 41%: Simcoe St. South, OShaWL. 0 31x Nassan St. Reward. An Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office ---- Phones---Ofice 210, Res. 160. a Chiropractic TT YOUNG LADY (ENGLISH) DESIRES | a position. in Oshawa, as Ohildven's | Nurse: experienced. Address, Miss | TREASURE ART HEATER Large size Cheap. Must he sold, leaving town. Apply J King St... Harmony Third house past red barn Rug Weaving WEAVING OLD RUG 129¢ | Pollard, | 128! leads supplied: full assistance given: 'confidential. Apply Box 7 mer, | Refor-~ {RUIN © During December. 324 pew oil wells were opened in Mexico, in | { dicating that the condition of the { Mexican people will soon azain be- | come a matter of international econ | cern. American Lumberman (Chi- --- em = it = i BR WAAT ADS. PAY CARPETS | APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT | re-woven mn reversible rugs by well |! known Toronto firm address with C. BE. Aldswonh, 32 Athol St. East. "Phone Xo. 549, and 1300 1 > --R S-1-G-N-S Sat, Wall 4 Signs of all kinds PHONE 56-3 High Clas Workmanship Assured E. H. TANE #1 Wilkinson Ase. {IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- N Edwards, Port Whithy. ; practic Spinal Adjustments and: get - ; well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simove St. North : . PRACTICAL NURSE WANTED -- 4 (under zraduate preferred) to oan for elderly invalid, Apply 232 King Surveyors 282 =~ St. East, or P. 0. Box 68. 12%-0 NM. M. GIBSOX --ONTARIO AND DO minion Land Surveror and Civig En- WAXTED XUMBER OF LADIES p to colour Buster and birthday cards gineer, Whithy. Phone Suc- 3 Rr cessor 10 late W. E. Yarnold, of Port at home: light, pleasant work. En- . J clase Jc stamp for panticulars Perry. asal mem hn Ladies" Supply Co, Cumstock Bldg Torino Educational STIR MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- stax aight 29 sul. A 2 as AN 8 daytim« as well as Say It with Flowers F. H. COX Wedding Bouwguets, Funeosl Designs a apocialty. 36% Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Out. er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- olderly lady proterved. -- Apply, on on. Conservalory method. For Union St RL Appointment, phone 226. Residence WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH 162 Athel St E 12748 Aeht house, work. Apply, Mrs. NX. ¥ x = Meichen, 6 Ritson Road. 13k Undertakers & Embalmens STENOGRAPHER WANTED MUST EE hy an ~------------ he well esperienced. Apply, Refer LUKE BURIAL OO. NERAL 4 mer OGilioe. Ane Aireotars, embalmers, pri MR a ANTED A NOUNG GIRL POR | Malance; morgue and chap cam v ' 4 . © housework: short hours. -- Phone 435 nection; pictave framing: 11 » w RIE 10h SL. South. Phone 210. Residence | { 1? Division St 26-1 ar C. DALTOX .-- UNDERTAKER and Embalmer; private ambulance, mongue and chapel, moter fanerat if desived.. Phone 47. 199 Simeoe SU South, RWWA. A08-r Real Estate for Sale HOME POR SALE BUF RRICK bangalow All mogiern oanvenion- | ces. Hard wood floors, newly decar- ated, gavage. Apply on premises, J Hamilton, 17 Ritson Rd, Newth. A128 TWO LOTS POR SALE ON SOUTH PIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IX Gao of Alice St.. heimeon Mary and | Wellington Mutual and Union Fite pivigion Will sell cheap for quick | Insurance Society, London, Eng . . 214 Division St. 12T¢ _X. A. Mclean. Oshawa Agent, Tel $1 0 DMS - rE - | Te Swmdr Gapriosmns, the Goat | Ea SERY, AGENT POR THE Br. Dros ne eRIlAOE AREA - 3 Bin 1isie ad Ca a Alka ha a in' ning of a desive i» aconmuiate far- veliable companies. Phone Adfw. : ther wisfiom. ET Joon tndastrial | { [ann suet to make many desie- {able opening: these wad have mdusirial, training in hookkevping. stenuzvaphy and wher office wark The oust wh business tranmg is sour votaoned hr inoveased caving power that such toain- AUR Bus, We apecate a classes. teaching and genoral or i and Night commecciad improvomet opurses | ha nanal lof Tx Leave your| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that! { application wil} he wade by the Man- | Solicitors to the representative will call on you with | 'wipal Corporation of ihe Towa ofl 1304. sample rug and supply information. { Oshawa to the Legislative Assembl jo! the Proviece of Ontario at the next sessiog thereof for an Aet,-- ia) To authorize the Corpora tion, when extending the water works System by the comstractioa of { water mains, to icharge lands abut ting directly on said water wains or benefitted thereby an ananal rate of Seven and one-half ovals per fout frontage tor a poniod of Thirty year and in fall satisfaction of the share of the cost of such cxtensions and water mains and tie interest thereon. and 10 charge ths remai against the Corporation of the Towa of Oshawa wn pay on ners' nder of the cost good future for right man: all replias a-- haved boys, and one day her mistress | asked, boys so well?" Sally barrel-stave, am' quent." --Watchman---kxa miner Her System A negro had a family of well-be | "Sally. how did you raise yous | "ARN ell you, missus." wuswered ! "Ah raise' dem Ah raise' boys with ca fre REFORMER WANT ADS. PAY - The Fonthill Nurseries Eatablished 1887 Bangest in Canada Whithy Lumber.and Wood Yard ji We have In Stock LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, POSTS, WOOD, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, CEDAR, SHIPLAP, FLOORING, V MATCHED SHEETING, MOULDINGS AND TRIM No order too large or no order too small WHITBY LUMBER AND WOOD YARD Phone 12 Evenings 127 12% 1 write cation STONE A MAAAMNGISN, Toowniv, Saat at large Abi. To charge lands abutting on or benefited by Water mains oon structed as local improvements prior to the 1st Jauwary, 1922, amd in respect of which special Assesament Rolls have boon settled bx a Cour { Revision. an annual frontage raw of Seven and one-half cents por fom frontage for the remainder of a per ind of Thirty years calculated fron rear in which the said special Assessment Rolls in respect of sach works ware respeetively svitled. not withstanding anMthing containad wm said assessment polls or any By-lav in respect of such works herateiore passed. the first of such anaual rates of Seven and one-half oonts | por font frontage being imposed and collected Wm the Year A922: they said rate of Sevem and enchall coms per Tool frontage being far the purpose of paring and in fall satis faction af the owners' shape of ths wost of suvh water mains and the in- threat thovean and the seomainder of\the cost of such water mams to he homme dr the Carporation of the Town of Oshawa at ange The LB) Te vhange lands abatine directly am or honefitted br water mainz) herviniare constructed at the vaponde of the Corporation at dange. an anwnal rate of Seven and one-hall | oonis per Toot frontage for a peried ny years fram and incindinz The remainder » the ver A922. ol {ahe colt of such water mains te be haope! dx the Conperation i the i Mowmjof Oshawa at lange PDADER AT ASHAMA this 2%th hb Aannary, A822 ¢ Cunporation of th ma. Be 2 dar Toms ol GRAERSOX. Tower Solicitor iN § Quer nweoty thousand young won and women have learned shorthand, tpowntng and bus nese methods wn the Shaw Buiness Schools. Ev dont has tee: ved pewonal anemonandemda dual bein WW rae neo for handbook PA CINTORM, Cnr PRINCIAAL Let Us Wire Your House i you are gong to have your house wired you will want at done right. You can depend on our workmanship. We guarantee it, and use only fst class, standard materials. Let us estimate on your wining. Our prices ave night. W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 ~ i -------------------- A= --- F DF LOY Sov D IMBCGIE THAT iD ov | | HORPAE FOR DAIaER A | SE am Ome CORAM DAR AS LOS ATL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Aldea) Tir: Repair Shop, Jackson Gac- ay, Simcoe St. Semth. Tives for sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. acgept a limited aumber of pupils in Kepice Cultave and Pipe ' Organ. For terms, eic. appic on H ; 18 FL = iL. DRE Ve =F DAR uw Ate On ---- SAO AOR LETHE, ADA Dan, A elev | he Ee To SE Wa aol © em LAA WO TOR WE OTe {NED AN ERC ALEMIENA en 1 TAN owr AN RES 3 a CAAT INARA Nan i m---- HER fF : or f 12 4 we ov hws Fiavens SERA. An. Saturdays at King St. Methoflist Mhurch, or Phone S634. 0 FONICA MoNBIL AC AM, TEAGH- : piano and theors. Papils pre- or ai ssaminations, 252 Aan. -- A pT

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