Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 11 Feb 1922, p. 3

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Emme Tenders Close for noey Applications for the position of town engineer elosed yesterday, apd u meeting will be held in a few days t oopen same. Quite a number have been received, and yesterday one ap- plicant came to apply in person. Five Team Bold A team of horses used by the Fire Department for a number of years, have been gold for $190 by the Fire and Water mittee of the Coun- ell, to the Ja livery. A new team is now being sought. Has Farmers' Magazine, formerly edi- ted Hy Mr. F. M. Chapman, of Pick- ering, and published by the McLean ishing Co.. of Toronto, has beer discontinued, and its mailing 1st merged with Maclean's Magazine. Charged With Receiving Perey Cowan, of Bowmanviile, eame up in Cobourg police court this week on a charge of receiving a quantity of flour. knowing it to have been stolen, and was committed for trial by P.M. Floyd. He was allow- od out on bail of $1000. The flour wps stolen from a C.. P. R. ear by of the four committed for trial on the Orono burglaries. Anniversary Serviees Anniversary services are to he held in King Street Methodist Church Sanday morning and evening, and arrangements have heen made io make the event a memorable ome The speaker for the day will he Rey. 8. W. Dean. Finance Recretary of the Methodist Church in Canada. The choir will render a special pro- gram. The amniversary offeving will be taken as msmal, am appeal heing made this year for ome thousamd dollars. Morsemen To Orgamize A meeting is to he called soon for the purpose of forming Me West Durham Horse Associgtion. ~~ Sach was the decision of meting of leading breeders and dealers at Bow- manville. Mr. Milton J. Wight, Pro- widence, was appointed - Chairman, and a committee of Chester Power. Maple Grove; Geonge F. Annis, Cour thoe; George F. Ormiston Elmer Bradley. Enfield: Albert Hills. Ty- rome: Harry Barrie. Bowmanyille: Arthur Welsh. Salem: A. C. Chap- man, Orono, and W. Frank Rickard, Newcastle, was formed to arvange for holding a spring horse show in Row- manville. Mr. Albert J. Balson, So- Maa, was appointed Seovetary Oshawa and District FEL a a aa J Sermons on The Home Beginning tomorrow, Rev. J. H. McBain will preach a series of ser- mons at Simeoe St. Methodist Church on "The Home and Its Relation- ships." The subject for Sunday morning is "The Happy Home," and in the evening, "The Marriage Altar, or Choosing Life's Partner." Good Program Furnished The Home and School Club of Park Road school beld a most sues cessful entertainment and social last night. Mrs. C. A, Kinnear took the chair and an excellent program of about 20 numbers was furnishea, an outstanding selection being a din logue by Mrs. Handling and several mentl n. Refresh t were served at the close. / Bbh---- Duties Increased Rev. James T. Daley, D.D.. In- speetor of the Children's Aid 'Society for Northumberland and Durham and a former pastor of Cobourg Cop~ gregational Church. has had his du- ties increased hy being appointed of- ficer under the act for protection of children of unmarried parents. awd also agent in connection with the new Adoption Aet. To Meet At Whithy d The Bay of Quinte Mathodist (Com- ference will meet at the Ontario La- dies' College, Whithy, again this year, opeping on June 20. Tie full conferende, with both the clergy and laymen iu attendance, will open on June 21 This will he the fourth consecutive session of the conference to he held at Whitby. There will he, in all probability, quite a nam- her of changes of stations Heard Mrs. Paskbanst Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst addres- sod the students at Ontario Ladies' College. at Whitby, Thursday aight on "Citizeaship." From citizenship in its wider aspects she gradually developed her talk to the individaal responsibility of citizens for the wel- fave of future zenerations. Prine- pal Fo. Le Farewell presided A Arom Oshawa were preset hana Kaovutive In the veport of the Liberal Oom- vention which was held in Whithy on | Wednesday afternoon. the list of | members of the Oshawa executive, | lozather with the chairmen of the | various polling swb-divisions, was in- [advertently owitted. Following is | the complete list of the names: Ex ecative---J. L. Whattam, J. P. Mam- gam, J. CC. MoGill, Mrs. A. W. Rell, Dir. Cameron, Dr. A. BB. Ford. Ohair- 1 -- number of persons from Whitby and | PEA CG TR OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1022 Railway News in Brief Moose Jaw, Sask, =(r00d progress ha: been wnade during the past smoith with the work of finishing the interior of the C. P, R, Office Building in convection with, the new station here. The contractors ex- pect that the building will be ready for occupancy by April 1. This will complete one of the finest stations west of Winnipeg. i Vancouver, B.C.--The Comm'ttes of the Board of Trade was thld by W. B. Lanigan, traffic manager of the C. P. R, at a eonfr-ro=oe t the freight classification No.' 17 | which was prepared in 1919 has been shelved, and an entirely new list Is at _prezent being prepared. There was considerable diserssion in regard fo the retention of the existing trade lists, und:r which shippers ean mix certain commodi. ties in the same cars for shinning. Local business men were afraid that the present trade lists would be ine terfeved with to the detriment of their business, but Mr. Lanigan gave an undertaking that there might be a modification in the existing ar- rangements, but it would not be of such & nature as to interfere in any material way with business. Much satisfaction was expressed by the Board members at this assure ance. ~ ' PY Kingston, Ont. The Royal Mil. tary College at Kingston has just | repgived some interesting relics pre- sented by prominent C. P. R. offi- | cials. Mr. E. W. Beatty. K.C.. Presi- dent of the Canadian Pacific Rail way has seat two splendid war relics in the form of a Prussian kel met and a regimental flag captured from the enemy during the late wor. Mr. Beatty, who i= a member of the. college governing hoard, is taking a keen interest in its progress and bis gifts have been placed in the staff mess. A number of very:interestine and erviceable articles have heen hand. od to the college by Colonel F. L. ) Kirn, of the bawrd of sovennors, one of which, an vmbrella-stad made from a passive shell.came 2 im the "ontre-sol" to the mess. Other rifts from Colonel Wanklyn include a handsome table lamp constructed foom an 18 pound shell: a todacee box made fram a shell vase: and a fine engravimg depicting "The Sor- vender of Cronje." The latter is particularly appropriate as framed group photographs of the ex-cadets whe were in the South Africa War have heen preserved and will he hung on the walle in proximity to the picture of the dawn. of Maiuba. Colonel Wamklyn has also given the college a splendid pictace on- titled "Rivals" which is oompesed of composite photographs taken of lightning and an express train, | This picture hangs in the oadets' TOW MEeSS-DOnm., i | 8 SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB, 12, AMONG THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN fo Nt. George's--Cor, John snd Centre, Rey, C. BR, dePencier, MLA, 39 Athol Street West, Rev, C, F, Sient, BA, 177 Athol St, E. Phone E504. 1922 8 a.m.---Holy Communion. 11 a.m. --Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.--~Sunday School. 4 p.m. ~-Bapusmal Serviee ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong, Monday, 7.30 p.m.--Teachers' maot- ing Roys' (see- Wednesday, 7.30 p. m.- Club. ST. GRORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m.----Sunday School. Tuesday, 3 p.m. Mothers' fon. Wed. and Girls' Club. Un- Thurs, 7.30 paw. CHRISMAN WORKERS CHURCH Athol Street Rew. T. 4. Logan, Pastor SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 12, 11 a.m.---~Fellowship 230 p.m. Sunday School. | Tuesday and Thursday Prayer | and Praise, 8 o'clock. | 1oze! BAPTIST Fwmanuel Baptist Church--King E. Rev. J. L. Harton, B'th, Pastor Residence: 18 Aberdeen Street. SERVICES, SUNDAY FER. 2, 1922) 11 am---Public Worship. 3 p.aa.--Sunday School. 1 7 pan --Public Worship. Monday, ® p.m.--F. M. A. Club. Wed., 8 p.m---Prayer Meeting. Friday. 8 p.m.--Choir practice. { Regular Services conducted in Bam ay School room | { CHRISTIAN | Rev. KE. 1. Cotten, Pastor : Christian (hunch---Contre St, Sear King. { Our Leader Christ. Our fellowship Character. Our name Christian. Onr right -- Individual tnterprate- | thon. Our Aim--Unity of all believers. | Our Creed---The Bible. SERVICES, SUNDAY FEB. 12. 11 Public worship. 2.30 pown---Sundar School, : pan Pablic worship, --- Wed.. ® pan--Prayer Meeting. A am OCHRASTIAN SCIENCE 6 Simvoe Ht. South. i SERVICRS, SUNDAY FER. 12 192! 11 am. and pow. Public Weor- ship Subject Seal' Wed, § pam Testimony meeting. | when testimonivs are given of heal- ing through Christian Science. i You ave ooodially invited. i | {dreds of pigeons. coving and futter- GREAT CATHEDRAL A PIGEONS" HAVEN For Hundreds of Years The Pets Have Lived in Dome's Shadow Ove of the minor bunt unusual sights of London, one which is not in the guide books, but which ar- rests the attention of every visitor as well as of Londoners who pass the spot every day, is to be found at Bt. Paul's Cathedral. Recently, one of the Canadian school teachers over there was asked what ghe thought was the most interesting thing she saw in St. Paul's. She re- plied, "The most interesting thing wus outside, not indide- -the pigs pons." J St. Paul's stands at the top of Ludgate Hill, equi-distant between the Strand and the Bank of England, hiturcating., therefore, one of the densest streams of trafic in the orld. In the midst of that great rething highway, on a mere oasis in front of the steps leading to the main entrance, are the pigeons of St. Paul's which are born, live and die under the shadow of the dome, within a few feet of danger apd death. Yet never, with but one ex- eeptional instamee, are they harmed to the extent of ruffling a feather.'® On a strip of Hag-stones are haun-! ing, stratting round with the seif- assurance of perfect safety, begging from the visitors. They give the im-! pression of having staked their claf | and having a perfect right to be; there, and knowing if they wander | half a dozen feet off their own "ranch" swift death under the wheels of a motor will he their nortion. Al- though they have the full use of PAGE THREE The dress goods that carry di and Pumpkin be so stylishly made up. Ta Navy and Maise ................. o Included axe all the staple colo shades are, Whirlpool Blue ! French Charmeuse word in style for the coming season, 40 inches wide. Navy, Black, Deep Copenhagen, + CREPE-DE-CHENES In all the delicate colors which are so tasty and can Orange, Jade Green. and American Beauty. 36-in. wide. ............... -+ 81,50 & Ward & Dewland stinction. The latest Tauwe §3.5074 upe, Pink, Torqdois, ariohonns - $1.95 yd. BITEAU rs. Among the newer , Mahogany, Bons, $1.75 their wings not one ever embarks on 80 great an adventure as to AF across the street and perch on an adjacent roof For hundreds of years their an costors have made St. Paul's their home, and unless the great fire of 1668 ix repeated. their descendants are likely 10 do the same. So cluse- iy are they assembled in front of the steps sometimes, that visitors to the Cathedral have to pick out a path gingerly through lest they ead on one, for they are 80 tame and so 1922 | used to trafic that they will scance-{©! iy trouble to got out Hf the way. In- stinot, developed through loug ages, tells them that not one of the thoan- sands of people wha walk thoeush their midst every day will alanm or harm them Who owns them? foods them? | Everybody responsible for their Keep more likely ing than starvation morning TIN alge thew a faporite amusement with | all classes and all ages Take ay small haz of bisonits or bhreead or! Nobody. Wha) Nobody is but they to die of ever-iced- Ther eat from The feeding of | now they will even peck pieces held be i sight head to foot with pigeons erumbs placed. ! Only once did anything untowaed | went {happen tg the pigeons. ABO, picked take home 10 his sterviag fawily { policeman arrested hifa ou a charge Cp It is 0 see a child ] | ny ancommon th covered frow ! inst snatching i) the ther are is | galls ween your lips fawn wherover A few years {th 4 of work, them 19 mau who was out ap two and killed a hrea stealing and took him betore a magistrate Aut it was found that! ® he could aot he convicted of stealing. | #3 bacause the pigeoms did not hel rhs to anybody: ne one could come ward and say "Thix man l birds The Dean and Ch St. Pauls voluntarily assume ootion of thew, because, ol time and "squatter's right hase made St their Pass St. Pan whon night and uary a pigeon will aloft avar the great boou in the Jaterstices of the & architecture, they have gon v ana 1 y aN by als has =n, in bell old 18] galls d a | Pediars sell tam other birds \1 wild to a be Thames along the thousand all will 1 2 un day long, swoop down little bags of pigeons make remarkable adapuing tooming civilization found in the flucks of sea- Enbank« Tramcars and autos pass by Lat the and saatch outstretched hand. pieces of and people derive much enters particularly as a gull of foud hy otl and has manages rs a ww rn 3 ME i= sight legont"s will scamper ont of the 2 tres hind for their and beg 1 home LW mes at le | iment teeding the seagulls in this with a in its beak 33 msually twist Ww sWal- ot a nuis. with children perambulitor, child's 5 awvith At. hand p---- ---------- : a i8loep, will swoashi and 1 mw { lgrain. Not only will the pigeons eel mashine and dhe ham of - : n ! 'traffic hrings them wa, and Evaery- { RING ST. MEDROIMST | swarm ronnd to feed oat your aegis 10 i Go Aisin ak |Rev. A. M. Aowin, BA, BO, Pastor | Land. but they will mount wp om {xine ME pits Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 your shoulders, clamber on your hat i CHIPS OF THE OL) BLOCK Loudon Express: The repant that ord Gladstone will direet the Liber- campaign calls to wind the large Mr, A. D. MacTier, of the C, | has a presented an engravi | the painting entitled "Comueades™ | the college. This wonderful of { L ta Sweet Peas ... Dafiodils Nawncissis Freesins CALENWULAS--25 dar. Camations and Violets HMracinths Also an assavtent of eather plants PHONE Flowers for Valentine's Day We doliver anywhere, G02w welvet smapothness, the delicate creaminess, «of this marvelous beauty cream. It faidly sndlts Anto the skin --without a trace of grease, or the dogging of a single pore. Ancmiic fissues speedily drink it in, beconting smooth and softly gilislile moder Combination Cocam Jontedl. A pedfect hase for powder. Like home 2 jar today. . : Sus £ JRY LOVEIL LTD. Smeesns A AanND E W. THONPSOK ! all opunected with the college, as is | or | men 1 1 tish picture has been much admired | hy all who have seen it, and the kindness of these friends «of the Military College is appreciated by Anniversary IRERVICES, SUNDAY FER. 12, 1922 Rev. 8S. W. Dean, Finance Seonetary lof the Methodist Ohmoch, will he the apnavent from the many happy ve- {Swonker at both services. Extra marks heard. {special music will be given by the -- . oheir Anniversary offening Yon Vanosuver, BC. -- The "Princess lave Weloam: \ Louise," all-British Columbia Wilt | Monday. 8 pan Hpwerth League ! and newest addition to the coastwise | Tuesday. SN pw. --Qfficial Board. passenger Tloet flymg (he honse- | Wednesday pan Praver Meot- flag of the Canadian Pacific Rail- 1 ie way, Will he veady for commission | Friday shortly, it was stated by Capt. C.D, ! Nervoutsps, marine superintendent, British Columbia Coast Steamship Service © "Princess IN Choir Practios | PRESBYTERIAN | Simone St. South, Cor. Ben. G. Fale. Minister, 5 brats d Manse, 85 Smmone 8, ANS. he Amnte heen; Vicari And § suman SUNDAY PES. 12, 19221 of a thorough test of the boat's 11 am Public Worship north 2 pan Sunday Schad the 7 pam Pahlic Worship "Prinoess Louise" vas designod. The | Mii pastor will have charge of Alaska service between Victoria, | POUR services : { Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Flag: A cardial wvitagion le extended to way will he maintained hy the |All te attend these services ond A! "Princess Louise" from the Aime (hearly welodme awaits yon. ghe is put inte commission for the | Friday, 8 pan.--Chow poactics. northern run until June next, when the aummer schedule of the Alaska woule will go into effect. 1 xi 5 Street. | Louise" will first be the | operated, Capt. Neroutsos states, a tat machinery before she is Alaska, for which to wuioe Mov. 4. M. Molinin, B.A, Minister 2 Simooe St. South. Phone 148 Lander: 2, 0. R. Hs 4, E.R. Curtin, A. MoEvoy H. 1,C A 2. C. Richavds; dohn Hall, #%, liam Bone: KN, Wadge 1% am 1 Uawker: E ] lah T pa. Subject "The mavtiage Avhoarg Gots 100. Milk {Altar or choosing a life partner A Cobourg dairy ammgmnces that, ! Monday | pm Epworth League heginning today, the price of milk! Wodnesday 7.30 Prayer Moeting. will be veduced 4p 0c. a quart, This i= a mednction of une vent feom the | ~ rr price of the past few months, | MEN'S OWN -- | SERVIORS, SUNDAY FRR. 12. A922 " | /Beptherhood Fedecation of Canads a Gone {Branch South Oshawa Methodist. i | Mesting with Olass YEIRRA™" 2230 { ~ ! pm. Bible Swdy, alse Speowm! and | She [13 i Vital Subjects, up-to-date. | p---- he Followsnlp Meeting. Suhject- The Home" sunday School and Men's am. rm AOSPHL MBEIING AT NE RANG THEATRE [SERVIOES. SUNPAY PER. 12, 1822 Speaker WW. RR. Fvench. Subject : What is the Sou! or what is Man? The smhject will he SR {discussed Trom both the Biblical and Petits Meching, Matane Co,. Que. | scientific viewpoints. The public are Pahruary 10th (Special). Rejoiciag | invited to hear this very instrpctive that she is again in good health after {and helpinl sormon. Seats free, | Six years of suffering, Dame Edmond | Roy of this place is singing the | praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills, . "Nou «an ell Jevervone." anys | {Dame Rov. "that the pain in my side | ne Aisi pantad and that my strengih |SERVIOES, SUNPAY PRB. 12, 1822 | come in i i i pe ie x rhs { 11 am---MHoliness Meeting. | T suffered Tor six years." She <On-, oo 0° Praise Meeting and Bn- {tinmes, "1 avas also troubled ath 000 onion Soldiers. rheumatism. cramp in the muscles.' 20, cyjcation Meeting. backache headas took a4 . asst Stie amis a AM Pitle:| Young Broplels classes directly in The reason that Dame ¢ got such | he morning at 10 o'clock. prompt help from s Kidney Sanday School and Bible Pills is that every one of her troubles | ®t 2 pam. ; : {is a symptom of Kidnev Avoubie.| Moudar night Salvation meeting Dodd's Kidney Pills ave purely and | #4t 8 pan. jsimply a kidney yemeds. Whey, Tuesday Life Saving Scouts and strengthen the kidneys to de their | Life Saving Guards. full work of straining the Impurities | 730 pam.--Alse cotiage prayer out of the blood. meeting at | » Ask your neighbors about Dodd's Kidney Pills, {Mame Edmond Roy Si MHE SAMNARION ARN Adintant and Mes. 43 Pp hate | wide | Me y dom SMIMOGE SIT. MEDRGMST ORUBROE | 1 SERVAOES, SUNDAY FR 2. AMR 2 2 SERVIOES. SUNDAY PER. 4 » g standing Egyptian. is ready to ander Class | Jam. : Saturday---Praise meeting at #8 : Yh : : and eat omunbs off the hirim ana WORLD EVEN THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. " h Willtam Banks. With the Irish problem well on the war tw a lasting settlement, British attention again turned to Eavpt and Andia For Expt a measure of home ride was agreed upon seme time age it ie DOW ASSAMANE Mare canopete fonm. Lord Allenby, High Commissioner for the conntry., has had some ox-~ toomely difficult problems te cou- tend with since onthreaks of agita- tors in Caire and. elsewhere oatled for the display of the fiom hand. now on his way te London w consult with the Home Gozern- ment as to the extont of the free to be immediately contenred | upon Egat In tact, a Aveaty was the then Premier of the commtry resigned because the terms weve not acceptable to the Egsptian party to which fe looked for political sap- port Sarwat Pasha, another ont- is | take the foramtion of a Govrenment. {He has laid down certai nstipnia- {tions and terms These. with some | modifications, ave said to be quite | similar in principle to the propPOs- itions recently made voinntarily by Britain. In addition to abolition of {the protectorate, ther include free dom of foreign velations swhject 10 Britain's final approval of toeaties {which affect British rights, a freely [elected Parliament, the withdeawal | of British advisovships vveept in cer- tain cases. safeanards for the Sur Canal and of cerin stoatesic { points. In Londen a mood deal of avedit i= beinr. ziven to Hon. XWin-| i ston Charchill for the favorable at- titnde of the Government towad Bgyptian aspirations. as was thel case in respect to the final form of the Avish treaty andl the provisional arrangement bhotween Collinge and <raig for the South and North ce- spectively. 11 i= alse logked mpon as somewhat of a pebafl- for Lood Curzon and the War Office. Their at- itnde towards Egypt seems to have pean of anbounding military rigidity. The veassombling of the British Parliament for a short session has miven additional interest te recent political developments in the Old i i There are 4 few other busy places | anm | ation nol nt LS Hare a Mr | 1 80 ! liked ol one. at the consistory in Rome. Me, will assume the name of Pope Pius XI. Me isdn his 85th year. and papal representative Poland NOATrs the was nn lar \ several The Washington Coutorener, which has od a front page daily press, is sul! Arawing to a glose,™ Ras acooms= plishet something ts origina: Disarmament almast om ron cPas ths ted as be Iw a ord of haps | Lord Glad | ishary in trait 1 her of of esmen that we There There ourt Mr. Winston Austen Chamberlai Lords Rober Most of them ho sons of wes = au {are t i. reli men. Mr. Plain Dealer WErs ropart sland that the orange crop h La lemon At frosts year because wey Sveight cates. judgment y pay this A previous geneds have i only Lord Charchild, 1. lord Sats ! Hugh Cec- not gone quite far as their fathers would have But most of them are wonhy and Churchill alone shows promise of compieting COurse. . Califora- ane one-third riined by these trait n half the lemon couldn' Por on tham, objectives. and what has bhven attain od man a stepping-stone two sti? wider agroements for the benetit of hamanity The naval limitation pro- } gram has now becu adopted with the moditicatipns familiar to the "eading poblie. Agreement has hoon! reached also for the maintenance» the status que with regard to tortifications and naval bases in the | Pacific possessions of Britain. Japan + and the Unitod States. A settlemena | the aispatc heiweon China' and Japan on the Shantuang issue | has beon veached. As soon as this! is fovmally ratified Great Britain | aceerding to an annonrnceMmOnt made by Mr. Balfour, will restove to China | the leased territory of Wei-Hei<Wei * The conforence in plenary sessipn | gave assent 1p these arranzements and approved of the separate negotiated dx the hig five Britain. France, faly. Japan and United States--relating iviction of the sabmari: mse of poison gas in v "open dopr™ vespin was alse adopted. All Ahe avrangermeani= the biz powers afiecied {Continued on he ol husis of mee Land. While matters connected with the Avish Free State, Egvptand | finance in relation to Britain itself were previously regarded as being the most important items on the agenda. Andia is now looming large. Theve has been a new efiort 10 carry out the passive campaign plans at the head of which is MK. Ghandi, | the Nationalist. the form of «civil disobelionce. Non Arch- Cardinal Achilles Ratti, hishop of Milan. Italy, and a \ of that cogntry, was elected Pope on the seventh hallot of the Sacred Col- This time it takes! most | Alternative? We have many cases tried sarums, cleg- DOCOVETY an (Templeton's We have that prove RCs tobe the msing T.R Mhcumatic thousands of 'beyond doubt Sed by Mary & Lovell ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the science of Anstomy. The "LIFTUP "annented invention with aon-tip elastic osae Deh seat sqpracs the abdomen ated very beneficial for use aiter am oper- A 204 VANE BD. vet rel 5

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