The Ontario Reformer | (Established in 1871) ' An independent newspaper pub- lished every other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing end Publishing Company Limited, Charles Mi, Mundy, Presi. dent, Managing Director and Treas- wie; A. R, Alloway, Assistant Man- ager, J GEQ/ A, MARTIN . - Bditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year. United States subscriptions $1.50 extra to cover postage, e SR . i oF CRO EDITORIAL COMMENT To make some people happy it is absolutely necessary to envy them. | Eh } The more some men loaf the more | money they seem to expect when they | do work, ed The practical man of to-day car-| ries out the plans of yesterday's | theorist. { It we had to pay for all the ad, vice we get there would be no money | or less advice in circulation. Rd copies 6 cents. OSHAWA, SATURDAY, FEB, 11TH GOOD LUCK TO OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO, Gratifying indeed it must- have . been to all Oshawa residents, and! well-wishers of this town, of whom there are many who are not fortun- uate enough to have this as their post- office address, to read the announce, but it would be more to the point inthe Commission paid interest charges ment of the formation of the Oak- land Motor Car Company of Canada: No man ever worries half as much {about his ipabilities to pay his debts | | as the men be owes do. ; Wow ubout the Sliiicoe Sireei sub- | why, "Mr. Mayor? Time is fying, {and subways are not ordered or bujit 1304.84. {ina day. : | 'Margot Asquith, speaking in New! | York, announced that she wak 'on' the side of prohibition. Very good! 'her case if she made war on cigar- .ette smoking hy women. with offices and factory located here. | Oshawa has become known, only in Canada, but throughout tae United States, and in Europe as well, as the hub of the motor In dustry in the Dominion. General Motors of Canada have advertised no: | A state attorney at Los Angeles, | Calif., says there appears to be a' "conspiracy of silence" In movie- (land In conueetion with the Taylor murder. Is that not to be expected of actors in the "silent drama?" this thriving Ontario town through-3. Selection of P. C. Larkin, one of out the whole world. which Oshawa will derive from thie oon niecioner for Canada in Eng 151,065.68. publicity cannot be measured in deoi- lars and cents. Nevertheless it is an intangible asset which will work tc! the advantage of the town and its inhabitants. The manufoture of Oakland ars! ™l fill his mew position satisfac in Oshawa meams, according to the apnouncement made last week, more The benefit . | Canada's merchant princes, as High | land, dogs not Come as a surprise. | Mr. Lorkin has made a great suc- cess of his own business, snd mons 'knowing the man will doubt that ke torily. In business, in diplomacy, and in the social life of London, he |power.. The oost of the service is stake care ot 'back into the plant or is assembled work for an alresdy busy industry, |™&F be relied upon to reflect credit Appropriating Hydro Money By J. B, Middleton Na | \ \ The task of the Hydro-Blectrne Power Commission of Ontario is te procure electrical energy, either hy generating or by buying, to trans- form i to a convenient voltage, and 0 transmit it to the borders of each municipality which has contracted with the Commission for a supply of apportioned amongst the various Afugtomers and at the end of the year ol ahd revenue must balance, Phe method of administragion is best gefletced from the Operating rt of the Niagara. System for 0, the latest available figures. The Commission paid for generat- purchasing power $1,960,- That sum was suflicient to all fixed charges and op- erating expenses incurred by the op- eration the Ontario Power Com- pany's plant. On the investment in transform. ing stations and transmission lines { Al ROBERT K. JACK DESIGNER OF NEW OLDSMOBILE TW FOUR WELL KNOWN Robert K. Jack Designed Armored Cars for Expedi- tionary Forces of $644,859.37 and set.aside $310. 519.12 to a Renewal Fund. This Fund is designed to equalize the amount of the investment by the time all the debentures on the orig- inal investment are paid. The sum of $48,714.61 was appropriated to meet such contingencies as might arise, and $195,569.61 was provid ed for sinking fund. Finally, the cost of operating, maintaining and administering the | Niagara psa for the year 1920 was $585,098.63, waking A total exponuture of $3.-{ Robert K. Jack, engineer for he ft is apparent that of | Olds Motor Works, who designe . this total outlay everything save ile! new Model 47 Oldsmobile Twin Four, current expemses of $585,098.83 is well known in Toronto. He was and the interest, $644,552.37, is ap: | associated with the sRussel Motor pilied to the reduction «of capitalicar Co. and desigued their well- charges. Two-thirds of the collected from municipilities £0es| yr Jack is a product of Scottish p training ih engineering. In 1902 he as Reserve to apply ultimately to-| Co trontioed to Argll Motors Lad. wards the reduction of rates | Glasgow, and spent nine years work- The Commission had estimated at joo sho various departments of that ; . Commission (Continued from page 1) :he .pavk property and his own, the | latter nuw becoming a summer re- sort, mig he connected with a sys- tem of driveways. i Last night's motion to defer action | for the present was moved hy Com- | missioner Robson, and seconded by | Mayor Stacey, | Lakeview Wailer Supply | To provide a water supply for | Lakeview Park, it was decided to lay a two and one half inch main fro | the 18 inch force main as far as th present three-quartéy inch service, at a cost of $5.20, as 1ecommended by Waterworks Engineer Goebel. The main will connect with thai on the Conant property, Mr. Caant hav! aE | promised to construct a ta t-inch line} from the pump house I ne along Kluane Avenue to the exhiting two inch main, alsc a two-inch main at] the bottom of the hill cir Kivene| Avenue to the Park bounds ry, "or| which no charge will be made . The | Board had two other alternative pro- positions submitted by the enginecr, me to cost $553.28. and the other ay six inch main, at $5,242. At the pre- sent time the only source of wRier! supply at Lakeview is two pumps. Suggested Improvements In a general discussion of park mprovements Chairman Henyy said that it had been suggested to him that the portion of the park in front! of the orchard at Lakeview Pur he terraced, and a four foot wide cement walk for about 400 built alcng the lake front Commissioner Robson pointed on the necessity of building a retain ng wall of about four feet to protect t park fronting the lake shore High water would wash away from time 10 time a portiom of he 1 i The Board concur view | expressed by Com. taitey } yaras money | known ambulances during the war. @ Helping Your Business GEHAWA BRANCH, . CEDAR DALE BRANCH, L$ RR JOXLIN BRANCH, . Ld » DOMINION BA EEP your business account with this Bank. You will find us always read- ily helpful, with unbiased counsel and competent cervice, and adequately equipped to conduct al] banking transac- tions connected with your business. Discuss your problems with our local manager. You will find him interested. "we C. N. HENRY, Manager, 4 A.A » . E. C. CROSS, ' that some provision should be made] {for the people using the park at] 'Sunnyside. was suggested Another Committee | A committee LUCKY LIE Playground equipment | Judge--Rastus, yo've been shoot. £ fiw craps again. Rastus--No, sub, Jedge. walkin' along pas' where Ah wuz of the chairmun, a crap Mayor Stacey, Chas. Robson and A. !game wuz goin' on, when mah dice Mark. Adve at 8 It was the unauimcus opinion | that something must yaar along this line (have to be raised by debentures, a "it #8 thought the work cannot be done | 'for ess than $4,000. less ail youn her neck in her Chron OnE seize upon the story of ths WO J. Stalter was appointed to secure |fell out of mah pocket an' rolled a estimates on the cost of constr building for sanitary conveniences, - ailcluding plumbing, wting | seven. --Zit"s Weekly Newspaper at Clean Vote : Andy, a negro porter at a theatre, he done this|pelongs to.a lodge. We met him on The money will | Broadway and he said the orgapize- {tion was to have mew quarters. | "Did you vote for a change?" we {asked. "Ah wasn't at de meetin," plied Andy, "but Ah voted | peroxide."--New York Globe. ian in Syracuse who broke | while combing out a snarl | iresses. ---8an Franci Alexandra | of bobbed hair re doubt- | by at home when "they had nothing to o{wear." How fashions change'-- | Liverpool Weekly Post. The courge displayed by General *® the Dominion. Motors of Canada, and Messrs. R. S. and W. Mclaughlin, in launching inf © manufacture of the beginning of the year the horse-| Lo pizaiion. While he was a mem- . -- 'power rates Shak it Woulg be voce ber of its engineering slaff he de- Both Premier Drury and Sir Adam F207 20 SHARES $B VAIO he | signed the 15 hp. singlé sieve Argl k are noted for the squarencss'sctual results showed a slight vari. WOON a jo Ihe English racing Oakland cars I most commendable, | Of their Jaws. Press reports reiate ation ole war of the other in al Ll at Brooklands. He was tech- An} o w num: | 8. A : tad Oshawa folk generally wil thet Iu discussing the Hydro aicuaiities. 71e hat were sup. | mically educated at the Glasgow aud wish the mew industry mach . sue BRight's challenge the Premier's piled with energy for less than the West Sootland Technical College, cess Jaw set a little move Grmiy; and af- amount collected in the horsepower from which he holds a first class cer rE -- » ter reading Sir Adam's statement, rate. That excess of $111,577.62 | tificate in motor car engineering. PROPOSED RINK MEETS WITH "ofa majority report was credited to them. The mumici-| yu, 3971 Mr. Jack came to America Sing the "s i of the ralities which had mot paid safiiciens short time with the awto- Sutherland Radial Commission, one ¥ and after a sho FAVOR the outlay were billed for:T = wi e American Lo is convinced that the Hydro chamy- io, ho 24. | mobile division of th ES jon has also set his P the shortage amounting 10 B2EC| comotive Co.. he joined the Cadillac Many Oshawa pesidests pinched in "odvpe Jaw more firm- 255.63. Ta. vee Xie the estimated organization, as assistant to D. Mec- themselves Thursday might to pee i. the fal yong i pun oe fig pri outlay was $112.651 .- Call White in the i of Ine y ! lim earnest there cam no doubt, * , 2 ; oo | Cadiliac eight cylinder motor. or i they wens y awake when they | with the Legislature opening on 13h 4 Sl oper = nl ot the war he designed the armored fring 2 hat. 4 _ | Twesday. 4 ; | cars built for the Canadian Expedi- TR ice Arena was contemplated --r | tionary Forces, and later, as mana- ~ here. Since Aamnowncement Was After all the discussion the bam Miss Cposs. Public Health Nurse, | ger and chief enginoer of the Aevo- made that a company was Leng on Canadian cattle preventing them ave a splendid talk to the South | Marine Plane and Motor Co., at at. formed, and that options Bad been | catering England fs not fo be re-/Oshaws Canadisn Girls in Trainioe| ler. NJ. he designed tell GRC possible si A : home RUrsing, especially as it ap- | oxlinde 3 O10 $ a " aasphe sites for the arcis, moved. The only apparent resuit of plies to the baby in the home. This | he returned to Scotland, Where Le am comment has Hon | the campaign for the removal of the is the first of a series of lectures Miss | was works manager for the = Acro- heard on the streets. There sere ombangs is that it is mow definitely Cross is Johnson Co., large builders of avia- to be an uwnamimity of opinion in established that the action of the Nursing and First Add. I 38] 5, motors support of the project, and the jro-' British Government in continuing Lt 10 Make He od ail possinic | Immediately after the armistice motors should mot have great 2Uf-|the bam is mot hecaunse it is tho tical as possible. med 10 America to assume ficult in securing the mecessary 4aP- | Canadian herd « present position of engineer -of ital. a Bre gocmsped. "e | the Olds Mator Works. The Model i a i -1 47 Twin Four Oldsmohile motor is Whithy has a fine skating rick, The Bell Telephone Co. is mot to x 2 entively the product of Mr. Jack's and even Port Perry has a mew mod- he allowed to increase its rates, haul girls, and ther ave all looking for- | designing. In it he has inconporatcd era joe plant, so that Oshawa cas the public owe no thanks to Chair- wands to the talks to be given by Miss mot only a mumber of features Ais- not afford to be in the background mam F. B. Carvell, of the Railway C988 | tinotdly his own. This new Twin Four another winter, : a lis a car for the educated motorist. Commission, for this decision. Be- | | Ia it is incorporated the idea of the | CamSe of Bis previous acts it is mot "Well, Dinah, is your hashand 2 multiple criindered motor with its HEALTHIER WITHOUT SaTprising to find him supporting The New York Nimes reports the Mapor Waiss, a government in- good provider?" smooth eve flow of power, together higher rates. "Yessaum: but Ise powerind| With a light body with its corres shoeved he's gwine ter git ketched | ponding economy at it" --Kansas City Journal. conclusion of 37 leading American SPeotor, who visited Oshawa last insprance companies that the year Wook, expressed the opinion that the 1921 was the healthiest pear in the Brices of building materials had ial- Yiswory of both the United States and | 12 a5 low as they weve likely to go. Canada. The figures for the ficst ten This enght 20 encourage prospective months indicate a lowering of the | Puilders in getting busy at omce death rate among policy holder: The offer of a local real estate oom : -- ! a S ok nh 1 | an F N © eve Webe XU 2.8 40 1320 4p £24 An 3321. RAND AD Eine Siscthnt off the £ug-| Ne doubt Whose amie Which the eles Pr Adjutant ih personally |simpeard is told to take as models ang hy the Army, while the majority for laying mp riches ave resaALD |yompe neferved to Relief © cor CJ i - {Wi eox CIGARETTES 10 for 15¢ EEE Your Estate There is but one cerfein way «f having an Estate, and that sthrough 14 - surance. Canadian Government figuies 1ocently compiled show that out of 107.109 perons who dod m one year, 100037 lott catates of less than $10000. The vast majortty leit mothing. 25 for 35¢ TALE OX MOUSE NURSING going to give the girls: on BE e---------- lS | ne tite sto 3 ot a Swocssstul Mam | Lakin" Chamoes | FENER RBLAEF APPLACANT { Adjutant Graves, in command of ithe local Salvation Army Conps. Pe- porte a falling off in the number of applications for velief, partionlaris among marvied men, since the main {trunk sewer on the Base Line R 2° i stamed. Previous to that there mere {men calling at the © _oer's home Giving Mim The Air Mandy--Rastus, »o" all knows dat >" pemind me of dem deve Tixviw' machines? Rastus--Xo Mandy, how's dat" Mandy--Why, hecaws yomse good on earth.--Ohio Sun Dia? Cincinnati TimesStar: A Chicago | cent. of the life insurance business "PTV found that the students whe | of the country. There was a A , attended the movies oftenest ware $n deaths Seam home, {Te who stood lowest in their Ast. Deposits ave made yoarly. This is what »Ou ave saving. Shon af 20 sen fc Canad Ale guoranioc: the wm 208. Wour life is insured from the the 6 fui : Aa So tule e fret on Forestry. Confincted Ay dhe Chadian Forestry Assnciation 1 am told that sactificial &ilk ' the planting work at the government Lanadian spruce | expense. Mt is also provided that MAiffevence. De-| the timber from such land at nw- meal silk? | tarity shall be the property of the is practically the | municipality. The covernment ges na- | pothing out of it except the perfor tubes mance of a highly important pub- <alled 10 | lic dmty woplipuip into cellulose and, Q Is there much likelihood of ood products in gen Sed. Duvndends ave paid at stated smtervals a actum af all deposits 4 the and of 20 sence mn afidiion 1p the Ah. These doiflends fe used Ao increase the amount of your surance, peg waft sick: philoso a= fe for 20 years. 5th. The cath value of Policy andl Dividends scpressts waluahle asst. mschil an business, and your "estate" is protected a by the ansurance. 6th. An the endl of Twenty Xs Aw Iu Lge sf dpe yo it --Pe-- wou can drew a Special Cash Cuasastee. together saith fhe Ace: Policy tally paid for posi ip you live-- : i 8 i ! fi | i § i | | 1 foe i outing to carn Dividends a: long as A : his Special Cash Guarastee may be applied to increase 2 $5000 policy to more than $7,500. 7 : 7 Le ~~ i i | | : ] i ¥ NN I 3 A | i ; i : 3 i ! i | i i i i I | - ---- | | i | | § i i il Ad for Particulars Hi | i | : | § { i ; | : | ; | 4 | : : | | Hi 4 i I | | NR; | i 1 i it i : i? a | Canada Life a way -- | IR i hi i i | iis 2 4 | ir i | | | | --