Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 9 Feb 1922, p. 10

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Rd "pie SIX 4' _---- LOUISE GLAUM AT TOP BY DINT OF HARD WORK Few stars of the screen have had a more interesting career than Louise Glaum, hailed by critics everywhere as ono of the few truly great emos tional artistes of the silver sheet. The star of J. Parker Read, Jr.'s "The Lone Wolf's Daunghter," hy Louis Joseph Vance, a W. W. Hod- kinson release, which comes to the when hut twelve years old at a church entertainment. in .a small Maryland town, i The praise of the tawnspeople had its effect and four years later she | was a prominent member of a Balti more stock company. RE Av a while - v . OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 1 Chinese 1d (Continued from page 1) for any such advice as she had never | done anything of that nature, Robert Mason, who was el Later She junon in the cafe at the time, told | journeyed to the Coast and was in- ithe Court he heard the complainant | stalled as leading player in a big goream and on going to find ont the! stock organization in Los Angeles, Here she came under the notice of | the late Nat Goodwin, who engaged | her as his leading woman, and for Grand Theatre beginning made her to-night, | years she toured the country public! appearance first with inquiries. him in some of his higgest plays. GRAND THEATRE | FEBRUARY 9TH, 10TH, 11TH Louise Glaum "The Lone Wolf's Daughter" The sequel to "The Lone Wolf' and "False Faces" wv SPECIAL ATTRACTION Ee 4 ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE 4 BE SURE TO SEE THE BEST Martin's Theatre ERNIE MARKS, MGR. MURPHY'S LOVE HUNTERS in "The Bride Shop" . Friday and Saturday and Saturday Matinee "The Moonlight Marriage" A real Musical Comedy with real Musical Comedy people also ALICE BRADY in "THE LAND OF HOPE" and SMILING BILL PARSONS in "WANTED A BABY" Special Candy Matinee Saturday--A Bag of Candy given to every child on entering the theatre MATINEE PRICES Children, 10c Adults, 25¢ NIGHT PRICES Children, 10c Adults, 25c CENTER SECTION | NEXT WEEK--FEB. 13--14--15th Three Acts of Vaudeville and Mary Prevost in "The Parisian Scandal" Comedy and scenic pictures. Prices, Children 10c; Adults, 25c. Tax Included Tax Included {cause of it, she told him Yet had | slapped her, She was crying pretty hard, he stated, He then sent for a| police officer, who came in to make! He did noy see the actual | occurence, he mald,' He olaimed that the complainant's face was red [dnd slightly swollen. The accused denied committing the |oence hut stated he had instruc tions from the proprietor to stop the | waitresses from talking to hoys who | did not come in for meals. His yan [gion of the scene was that the |plainant, as she passed him in kitchen, made a threat with a tark | (at him. He pushed her away and) then she struck him, he alleged. He told His Worship that he spoke to! [her on several occasions ahout talk- | ing to heys in the cafe. His Wer. ship dismissed the case, di] Mary Kashal pleaded guilty to al charge of common assault andl was [fined $5 and costs, T. K. Creighton {appeared for the complaint and W.! Rowe for the defendant. Joseph Craig was charged with keeping an unsanitary closet in the Veteran Billiard, Parlors on Bond | Street West. At the request of the ICrown an adjournment was made until Friday, February 17th. RECENT 1 DEATHS | { | MRS. EDWARD PASCOFE At her home in West Whitby, | near Maxwell's Corners, there passed: away suddenly early Wednesday morning Mary Ann Walter, wife of Edward Pascoe, at the ripe age of $1 years. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of that section, spd ps as well known to many in Osh- 1 . When a young girl of 11 'or [12 2 she came to Canada with her par- ents from England, who were pion- {cers in the township. During he» i long residence in West Whitby de- | ceased enjoyed the respeet of =a | wide cirele of friends who regret; | her passing. She was a member of) egen THE BEST a ----" LAST PRESENTATION of Beat TODAY os fg 5 Featuring Lon Chaney FRIDAY and SATURDAY Jack London's Famous story PICTURIZED "The Mutiny of The Elisnore" | King Street Methodist Church, Osh- awa. Deceased is survived by her hus- band, three sons, John, of Creel man, Sask.; Edgar on the home- ; stead, and Oliver, living on the Base | Line, West Whitby: one daughter | Mrs. Elgin Annis, of Oshawa: three | sisters, Mri. Archie Terwillegar, of Harmony: Mrs. Thos. Allin, New- castle: Mrs. John Pascoe, Soline, and one brother. Richard, living at ! Maxwell's Corners i { The funeral will take place on] Friday afternoon. at three o'clock, with Rey. A. M. Irwin in charge of | the service Interment will he made in Union Cemetery. i IMMIGRANT ROLE A MASTER. | PIRCE. i So successful was Alice Brady, the Realart star. in her impersonation {of the young Polish immigrant gin) {in "The Land of Hope," her latest] i release. that she has decided tw do * a series of pictures of a similar type, | { allowing her to portray humble hero- | ines, rather than the society 1¥pes { she has heretofore done i | "4 should like nothing better tham bet do a series of just such sirong, | simple, appealing roles." said Miss Brady recemtiy. "1 am enthusiastic, lover 'The Land of Hope, and feel | that 1 hare never heen given a better ! vehicle than this drama of humble people and their struggles." Here's "Swilinz Bill" Parsons! | with us again? This time it is im] | "Wanted--a Baby." newest of his {Capitol comedies distributed by | Goldwyn, that the fat funster gives! arthur proof that his transition | from big business to an enviable! place in the screen firmamen: was? a joyous mexe not omly for him. bat for lovers of clean and original com- | ady the world over. ; At Mantin's Theatre, Sth, 20th and 1ith. « CARD OF THANKS Mrs. R. Fepguson wishes to thank her kihd neighbors and friends for their kindness and floral tributes im § her recent sad bereavement. Also | the Board of Presbyterian Church and staff of King St. School 129-2 February { AN MEMORIAM | | MOORE--In loving memory of Wail-! ter J. Moore, who passed away om! Friday. February Sth. 1920. Sadly! | missed. i WIFE AND FAMILY. | ARTHUR in loving memory of Arthur, who died Fehouary 19, still missed by Mrs. I'S Ferguson. LEACHMAN in joving memory of jour dear , Thomas Leachman, fishe departed this life on Fehouary 8. 1920. {Rapid and swift the moments glide: Two today since Tommy died. mie and now he's blessed With perfect peace and heavenly vest. {--Sadly missed by Aunt. 1 Wanlac is one dollar at Beatties) « Monday a rrr Social ~Miss Brennan, of Gananoque, 18 the guest of Mrs, CO. 8. Leg, 33 Brock #treet east, ---Mr, Clarence Pettigrew, of Win- nipeg, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Smith, 73 Bond Street West, Mr. L. 0, Clifford, M,P,, is in Ottawa this week in copnection with his Parliamentary 'duties, --=Mr. Walter H, Wagar, of Mon- real, was a visitor on Wednesday Bh his brother, Mr, W. H. Wagar. --~Mrs. Sarah Harrls spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, James { Courtice, in Bowmanville, ---Miss Mary BE. Banhiy. 18 Buck- ol Ingham Ave. is visiting Mrs. Gr A, Worthington in Detroit for a few | days. ~--Mrs. J. E, Matchett and daungh- ter, Gladys, Newcastle, visited at Mr. Harvey Matchett's, Oshawa, Ov- er the week-end. Miss G. A. Ross, for the five months entrance class teacher at Mary Street School, left this of- ternoon for her home in Brussels, --Mayor Stacey; C. M. Mundy and Geo, Miller were in Toronto yester- day attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Hunters' Fish and Game Protective Association. --Mr. C. P. Davis, secretary of the South Ontario Agricultural So- ciety, attended the twenty-third ap- nual convention of the Ontario As- sociation of Fairs and Exhibitions, Past which was held in Toronto on Tues- |* day of this week at the King Edward Hotel. ~--A very enjoyable social evening, taking the form of a euchre party, was held in St. Gre 's Hall Mon- day evening under th auspices of the Catholic Womep's League. ®jf- | teen card tables weph arranged. Miss | Brennan, of Gana ne, won the | ladies' prize, a bo Wf inen bandker- | chiefs, and Mr. M men's prize, a pair of socks: vames, and dancing followed. The | and 'Personal ~Miss Healey, provincial public health nurse, who has been carrying on preliminary work in Bowmaavil- le for some time, is a visitor in Osh: awa to-day, calling at the publle health department, --Quite a number of members of the Fidelissimo Bible Class of King Street Methodist Sunday School spent a most enjoyable social even. ing at the home of Mrs, McQuaid, Games and music were indulged Mm at the close of which dainty refresh. ments were served, --Mr, and Mrs. Geo, W. McLaugh- lin, two daughters, son Ewart, and Miss Lorraine Tod, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Tod, leave this even. ing on a trip to the Mediterranean, fncluding a trip to Egypt and the Holy Land, They sail from New York Friday on the steamship "Em- press of France," and will he gone until about the end of April. Mr. Me- Laughlin plans to visit all the Eur- opean offices of the General Motors, located in all the larger places along the route of the trip. A visit will be made to many of the historic places in the Holy Land, including Jeru- salem. Mr. MaLaughlin plaps, possible, to take a trip from Jeru- salem to Damascus. FRIDAY NIGHT'S 8. SCHOOL GAMES The following | is the schedule for Friday night, Feb. 10th, in Sunday School Hockey :-- 6 to T---Cedar Dale vs. terian, Juvenile, A. (4 Simeoe vs. St Preshy- 7 to 8 Juvenile, B 8 to 9 ---Preshyterian vs tian, Senior, B. 9 to 10--South George's. Chris- | Oshawa vs ea, the gentle- | © egorv's, Senior, B 10 to L3--Christian vs. Proshyter- | St. ladies served refreshments 4 ian, Junior, B _] League have these socials, planned. a series of! evening. one to be held every | H vot the South Oshawa and St. Seniors. It promises to he the best | victors, the hoys on the hill, { noys of South Oshawa St Lent to win, ! Monday night last has been protest- Be sure to see the game between | ed. Gregory | cutive South This game will decide who are | change FOR ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY "SEE CANADA FIRST" Double FREE TRAVEL Coupons BUY IN OSHAWA Saturday is double coupon day--Saturday is double value day--Get your share of the big values for that day and get your double share of "See Canada FIRST" cou- pons. Saturdays offer a two-fold advantage for those who will be buying here, Come and get your DRUG WANTS at Karn's Drug Store Next the Post Office Phone 378. | -------- or ihe | HAD NO QUORLM. | and both are Gregery's and South Oshawa on jof a quorum. This will come before the exe-|meoting of If sustained it will give the | Oshawa Juniors to win their group. the \some day mext week. COUPONS. For One Day Only "SEE rey FIRST" g ouble & TRAVEL Coupons BUY IN OSHAWA kj SATURDAY IS DOUBLE COUPON DAY--SATURDAY IS DOUBLE VALUE DAY--GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BIG VALUES FOR THAT DAY AND GET YOUR 'DOUBLE SHARE OF "SEE CANADA FIRST" FREE TRAVEL SATURDAY OFFERS A TWO-FOLD ADVANTAGE FOR THOSE WHO WILL BE BUYING HERE SATURDAY. COME, GET YOUR SHARE. large, New Leatherette Chairs and Rockers This week we have received a fine lot of lea- therette easy chairs, brown Spanish covering, plain and room $13.75 each with spring seats. 00 each. New Reed Easy signs, different coverings. They are splendid value at this price or brown, spring bases. Chairs New Gray or Fumed finish, spring seats, up- holstered cushions, with reed backs, or up- holstered seat and back, splendid range of de- Price range $11.75 to $18.50 each Leatherette Couches Yes, they are good value, wide width, black Saturday a Special Price | $13.75 each aia cic, in great variety at right prices. Get your spring Curtains made up now. LUKE BROS. 63 KING EAST OSHAWA An efiort was made Monday after- | noon to hold a meeting of the Ex- The Junior zame played between |ecutive of the Board of Trade, bur same had to be postponed for lack There has not been a» Board for some months, but Secretary MeGibbon in- anot her | tends to try and have one called ior

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