Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 4 Feb 1922, p. 7

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| } i | | } | | | 4 eral practice. | TD. CONANT, BA. Chiropractic | YP YOU RHE STO, TAKE CHIR. | direetors, 'DW. DALTON -- WR OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY A, 1921 PAGE SEVEN iA PR. T. C, CLEMENCE, DENTIST, | Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King: St. West, Phone 231. DR.R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- Jey Block, Simcoe Bt, 8, Phone b04. Sp DRI, 5. TOCKER--DENTIST, OF- fico] ovey Hogg and Lytle's , store, Ph P48, 1-yr, DR; 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; ofipe over Kyle's Grocery (fore. Phone 969, 4-1 yr. DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 97, J So a ------ DR. TREWIN, DENTIST trance to office one door east Detenbeck's Store, wad ee EE SL DR, C, B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Burgeon, Union Bank Building. Simcoe St. North. Phone 57, 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- Beot, Accoucher, Office and resi dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR. L, J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., Kast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. for gonsulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Bar, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele-. phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or by appointment, 96-t1 DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Milier's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul-, tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. SRR I ERI a legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-, rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office i King St. East, Oshawa. Phone | 445 D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, | Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-| cer, ete. All branches of Civil and | Criminal Law. Loaps arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly | Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- | awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residenec 5167. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON----BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank | entrance Simeoe St.; Phone 13. J.| ry Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. KN- of L.L.B--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. | South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen-| Phone 63. 1 Simeoe St. "South, Oshawa. | | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office | Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. Emme | AR practic Spinal Adjustments and get | well. Examinations free at office. | Dr.8. M. - Jones, 86 Simcoe St. Korth. i i ------ hr | Surveyors w . GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- | minion Land Surveyor and Civic Eun-' gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- i cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Pert | Perry. 73-41 Educational MISS BEATRICE STACEY. TEACH- | er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- en on. Conservatory method. For appointment, phone 226. Residence | 161 Athol St. E. 127-41 | Undertakers & Embalmers | EOKE BURIAL CO. -- FONEAL, embalmers, private am- ; morgue and chapel in con.' mection; picture framing: St. South. Phone 210. 19 Division St. { bring our representative to call | clean oats. { Assembly hall, isink, connections for electric ! venienees. Show Cases CJ 0 -- L 'cases and general store fixtures at lowest prices, A posteard will on See us hefore buying else- Royal Cabinet Co., 119 Lis- Toronto, 119-1m Notice MR. E. C, COLVIN WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts contracted by his wife, Mrs, Jan, 31st, 1922, 125-c MR. A. E. (TED COLVIN, WATER- works foreman, wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that the adv, running in The Reformer over the name af A. E. Colvin has no connekbtion with him. The sim- flarty of names has caused some mis- understanding, 127-a Real Estate for Sale HOME FOR 8A] bungalow. All modern convenien- ces. Hard wood floors, newly decor ated, garage. Apply on premises, H. Hamilton, 17 Ritson Rd., North. 1 you, where, gar St, 25-¢ : Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 552J, night 552 Rit son } Road North. 91-1.t, FRIDAY, FEB. 10TH, DISPERSION Auction Sale of Registered Clydes dale horses, Regigtered and Grade Holstein cattle, rkshire hogs, line of farm at dig the proper- ty of Mr. E. L. Ruddy, at his farm on the hill, Pickering, Out. Sule at one o'clock sharp. See large bills. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. 126-128 Ee "General Wants WANTED -- A GOOD REFRIGER. ator at a resonable price, Phoue 1045. 138 Prince St. 127-a WANTED -- 50 TO 100 BUSHELS Must be up to, or above, standard weight. 138 Prince Phone' 1045. 127-a "To Rent BY DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR suitable for general Good entrance, well hardwood floors, kitchen stove H. Engel, 16 Simeoe North. 119-1m [OFFICES FOR RENT--A SUITE {of three fully modern equipped of- fices for rent. Above Standard | Bank. Phone 89 for particulars. 123-- im ™O FRONT =~ OFFICES AND down stairs shop with good light. | suitable for barber shop and baths. | H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, Phone 208. 119- Li | HOUSE TO | RENT. --APPLY | 0. R, Hall. 'Phone 252. , 97¢tf FOR SALE OR RENT -- NEW house on Dearborn Ave., with gar- age. Apply L. Hancock, phone T84r2s3. 127-¢ { TO LET -- TWO UNFURNISHED | rooms. Heat and light supplied. Apply 16 Albany Street. 127-a ROOM TO LET -- WITH ALL CON- Apply 178 Albert St. 127-¢ purposes. lighted, Phone T31j. S-I-G-N-S E. H. TANE 91 Wikkinson Ave. WANTED Lady Cashier. Apply Man- "0 TNDERTAKER | and Embalmer; private ambulance, mongue and chapel, motor funeral if | desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. 108-r | Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED of Wellington Mutual and Union Fire | Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Ageut, Tel. 31! V. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE | Sun Life of Canada, also places fire, | accident and automobile insurance in | reliable companies. Phone 1046w.! 9-6-3ma. | Pp han | | Tire Repairing | ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- 280. Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jawmicsen Bros, Proprietors. Phone 766. 1-t1 "ingmmeers BRE, WYNNE-ROBRRTS --3 Seymour, Engineering. Architecture and Surveying. $1 King StL. East, Oshawa, phone 793. 40 Jarvis St. | 'Toronto. Phone Main, 2897. 29410 Phone 2744. will tune your piano so that it really will play. Satisfaction St. Methodist Church, is prepared to, accept a limited number of pupils in Pianotorte, Yeoice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc. apply on | Methodist | 73-ine go, I -__. A Good Business: School -- kere's why d Ouer twenty thousand young men and women have learned shorthand. typewriting end busi- ~ shat' sthe sesvet of our success. Eleven fully quipped schools. We havea chair and a desk fu: you. Start at any time. Write now for handbook. PF AACINTOEN CHIEF PHNCIIAM. Mary Colvin, after | | full! St. { at Eo r---------- ------ p------ Vp Board and Room | ROOM WITH BREAKFAST OT &~ fall Board wanted, Wed next. All conveniences, Rox 8. 126h, TO RENT -- TWO OR THREE U/N- furnished rooms to' Rent, Heated and lighted, All modern convenien- ces, Box "KE" Reformer, 126-h BOARD AND ROOM, NEAR GBN- eral Motors, All conveniences. Box "PP", Reformer, 127.0 Lost and Found LOST ON FRIDAY NIGHT, AT St. Gregory's Hall, a sterling silvey bar pin set with an amethyst, Fin- der please phono 61w. 127-h LOST BETWEEN BLGIN 87. and Mclaughlin's office, ~a dark brown silk purse containing sum af money, Pinder kindly return te 23% Kendall Ave, Reward, 127-8 WOULD THE PARTY WHO PICKED ap a revolver on Canadian Nationa! train arriving at Oshawa December 27, midnight, please return to Cuna dian National Express office Oshawa and receive reward. 114-11 LOST--ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT on King St. T. Eaton envelope con- taining 1 $10 bill. iFnder kindly "oturn to R. Moffatt, 251 King St ¥. Phone H66, 127-8 LOST -- ON JANUARY. 227 A LA. dies gold wrist wateh. Reward if found and left at 241 Kendall Ave. 1 b TOURING LAST WERK Ti a diamond bar pip. Libers for returning to 231 King or phone 255. 126-¢ Miscellaneous Sl TONOTICR The Ontario Union Cemetery (o, Notice is hereby given that a gen- eral mecting of the shareholders of the Ontario Union Cemetery Com- pany will be held on Monday, the 6th day of February, 1922, 4 o'clock, p.m., at the office of Mr. Geo. W. McLaughlin, the President the corner of Mary and Rich: mond Sts., for the election of direc- tors and the trausaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. By order of the Board, M. J. ROWE, Secretary Dated at Oshawa, Jan. Articles For Sale | POUR-NINETY CHEVROLET | ir in good running order. Must he sold, Mr, F, Sharrard, 90 Ale St, WANTED---SETTING HENS puy cash or trade laying them, Apply 389 King St, Ritson Road, 8S. ARBROPLANE LINEN ost and best obtainable waists, window hangings, flags, ole, ete. $1.00 per yard while i lasts, The Army Store, 21 Prines | Street, 120t.1. BLANKETS, MENS FLANNEL Work, Shirts, Riding Breeches, Put- tees, Leggings, trey Greatcoats, un- dyed, $9.00 each, One leathe andl one leather vost, Lowest prices. | The Army Stores, 21 Prince Street, 120-tt, FOIL BALI FORD TOURING CAI 1919 'model, Al condition. For par- Liculars apply A. 12. Bell, 78 Bond St. | W. Phone 804. 126-¢ FOR SALE baby carriage, in good condition, it. Westdl Phone 286. FOR SALE hens for | E., or 16! 127-4 --- STRONG for shirts - WHITE with reversible gears Apply 35 Broe k 126-} FIREPROOF BAFE 'arge size. Apply Standard Bank of 'anada, Oshawa, 122:t4 FOR SALE- Ale horse and driver. He is road horse and grand saddler; als pony outfit, Must be sold to clon | in business deal) Apply 539% Kine | St. EB. 126-5 | FOR COM- | ete cd harness, buggy and cutter, xcellent condition. Box 385, awa. "OST January. reward" St. East, SALE -- PONY AND all in Osh- 119-4 FOR SALE FIRST CLASS TIM othy and clover hay, also ensilage iy the ton, For further particulars gpply J. N. Thickson. 119-5 FET BIRCH STAIRS, 14 TREADS inches wide, several glazed sast mitable for poultry house or garage me 5 ft. electric ceiling fan (new) 1 ly 4 ft. by T ft, guitable for stare. Cheap. 21 Prince) St. at 125-1 | 'OR SALE. -- THREE BURNEIR | ew Perfection oil stove, with oven | also a Singer sewing machine anc! double folding bedeouch. Appi: turday between | pom. and 6 p.m Simcoe South. 127-4 25, 1922, PEN. OF FERRIS WHITE LES F 123 arns for sale, 8 pallets, 1 cockercl " " - $20.00. Cockere! alone worth t} APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT | ones. 123 Celina St iz NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Help Wanted --F male application will be made by the Mun | 1 INTED--A YOUNG OR MIDOTF icipal Corporation of the Town o vod WomRiE general sii Oshawa to the Legislative Assembly he able to do fy umg | Servan ! K © able do vlain cooking « of the Province of Ontario at th: vousework next session thercof for an Aet---- Tamblyn, 117 King St fa). To authorize the Corpors- tion, 'when extending the wats works Svstem by the comstruction ¢ water mains, to charge lands abu ting directly on said water mains o° benefitted thereby an anuuwal rate « Seven and one-half cents per foot! frontage for a period of Thirty year 0 pay and in full satisfaction of the FROORK Ald evenings Apply Mp owners' share of the cost of Brai Maks Room 4. Ceniral i extensions and water mains and the 1 interest thereon, and to cliarge 1 al D7 8 Tod TTT remainder of the cost against the) $ ENOCRAPHER ha ANTED Corporation of the Town of Qshawa| ¥ust well experienced and cor at large. petent. L' Apply Reiormer office, (bh). To charge lands abutting on B--_-- or henefited by water mains con- structed as local improvements prior T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT to the '1st January, 1922, and in * {Stock a specialty respect of which special Assessment] 16 -4 Bowmanville. Rolls have been settled by a Court of Revision, an annual frontage rate | of Seven and one-half cents per foot |} frontage for the remainder of a per ind of Thirty years calculated fron the year in which the said specia Assessment Rolls in respect of such works were respectively settled. not- withstanding anything contained ia said assessment rolls or any By-law in respect of such works heretofore | passed, the first of such. annual rates of Seven and one-half cents per foot frontage being imposed and collected in the year 1922: the sai annual rate of Seven and one-half cents per foot frontage being for tide Treasurer. ARCADE JAS aN op xp © an experienced dry zoods sal { woman, also one who is eapabis 'ndling ready-to-wear milliner so an office as Apply a: T' Miller & Sons A GIitl. WANTED FOR sistant orang NURSE suet he Auctioneer Members and Ex-Mewmbers of G. W. VV. A. Mr. F. Durien has no far- ther executive position in Osh- awa Branch G. W. V_ A » Nn C. HUBBLE, Neochotary To Wit | Apply E. R. McClellan, Graphic Arts ' | spare * Write for | WANTED i business man, with little capital, | vo r coal House, Port Hope, Ont., i who stand or honesty and integrity WICKER | Syms | awa, Ont, | wan COMBINATION SAD: Black, nice rans, Wisconsin. I ning never strikes twice outfit, including brass monn? | & | ment of | Lightning very often strikes in near | ance may ly | i doubtless show a markedly clo: i . ) lation to e« Land r { Tanlae ' --------_ Te rae Tam imme Sr Help Wantca--Male SALESMEN WANTED (WITH CAL or rig preferred) to eall on farmers, Vosition permanent, Good income tpald weekly, Give age, past experi- ence and references mo frst lettep, Ont, 127-¢ WANTED -- A (GENTLEMAN OR Lady representative in Oshawa to t handle Watkin's Products, All or time, Fine opportunity, full partienlars. The J.R, Watkins CSmpeay, Dept. IL7, Ham. flton, Bin 124d HONEST to partnership. For particul- K. Boskoff, Ontario Box 98, 120-3 WOM EN | Bld Toronto, GOOD, into urs apply L. WANTED -- MEN "AND forth theb hinbi- their who are willing to put hest efforts to realize their tion, and who wish to better nresent position, Apply tn Mr Standard Bunk Building, Osh 126-t1 Farms Wanted TO HEAR FROM having farm for sale; give inrs and lowest price. John J, Canada Street, Chippews Jun,21-28: Feb 4 LIGRTNING "ZONES The time worn theory that "ljght- in the same has been moditied by forest | of the United States depart ! agriculture to this extent: OWNER particu place" xperts ly the same places. It has its zones, in other words. where its appear- usually be counted on with each electrical storm. With the accumulation of data on' causes and locations of fires in the pation- al forest: these lightning zones] ould he mapped out and protective measures introdnced----such as fire limes, regyiated grazing, and clean- ing out of dead trees---which would more or less automatically contro} | [lightning fires at the start, the -for-| esters believe. If these lightning zones were so mapped they would re srtain types of sometimes more or ed sections of many forests. bottles LY PORTAD less localiz. soid 97.000 never had Pharmacy, A Jury & Lovell "We have and have tompla it Jacobs' inta, Ga Sold by REFORMER WANT ADS. PAY Say It with Flowers a single | CHINESE ANKLES The Canadian department of com-! merce informs manufacturers of TWO LIVED IN HENHOU Hr Found living In a henhouse, dilap- ldated and heatless, with one blan- hosiery that the women's stockings ket on their bed of rags and in a most emaciated condition from lack they ake are not suitable for the ¢ Chiles market because the an. Of Proper sustenance, a man ana woman were brought in to the coun- kles are too big. Chinese ladies | ! > have more slender ankles than Can- iy jail at liadmy hy a resident of udiun women. It i«%he practice of |COr0N Blding. The couple wera in 4 . 4 terrible condition, according to the foot hinding that accounts for iioutnoritios, It is understood 'that Fhe process interferes with the cir- [pe oyna 00 To vesidents of thi culation of the blood in the lower district for very long and for that part of the leg, and the result is a reason could . not be sent to the partial atrophy. Hence the slim: House of Refuge. They will appear ness of Chinese women's © ankles. || hofore County Magistrate Moore this The Imperial Government of China, | week when disposition of thelr cnse not Jong hefore it was ousted from will be made, power, issued an edict forbidding the binding of the feet of girl chil dren, This ukase was confirmed la ter on hy the government of the ('hinese republic, But it has been wholly ineffective. Fashion & stronger than law. If our own fed- oral government were to declare the wearing of silk stockings unlawful Canadian women would pay no at- tention to the prohibition. Not eyen a constitutional amendment would deter theni. In China erippled and deformed fect are the distinguished mark of a lady, and any woman of the so-called upper class who has "big feet" would be regarded as so- clally Inposeible Sartorial Note In Hong Kong 1s a Lailor Ah Men, The last named word in tafloring, ono MOVED] Our Old Stand p 23 Bond St. E. DIVIDEND NOTICE The Investors Service ( Canada, lad, Notice is given taat a Dividend. at the rate of 7%' per annum has { been declared on Fully Paid Prefers | ence Shares of the Corporation from the date of issue to December 3isi, 1921. The Dividend is payable on Feb- | rnary 15th next and the transfer hooks of the Coroporation will be! closed from February 5th to 15th nelusive, By order of the C orporation of Toronto, Ont, Let us show you our work. It -- wie Lv | - New Method { Uleaners-And Dyers -a bord, B. MORGAN, Secretary 127 Feb. 1st, i 1922 tr -------- FIRE ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS Sun Life of Canada V. A. HENRY : 201 MARY ST. PHONE 1064W F. H. COX Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs a specialty. 36%; Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Phone 885 The Fonthill Nurserie: Established i837 Largest in Canada Headguariers for Quality Sarsery Storch « tull Nowe and ner a © runent . plans, Truits for garde an or carey Pe . md wrchard plantings Fru and application STOAE & MELIA ornamental books sent ou purpose of paying and in full satif. faction of the owners' share of tie cost of such water mains and the i terest thereon and the remainger of the cost of sueh water mains} to be borne by the Corporation of fhe Town of Oshawa at large (3). To charge lands ab directly om or benefitted by mains heretofore constructed fat the expense _of the Corporation aff large. an annual rate of Seven and ¢ne-half cents per foot frontage for a period of Twenty Fears from and ifcluding the year 192 The remaighder of | the cost of such water maifhs to be barne by the Corporation] af the | Town of Oshawa at large | DATED AT OSHAWA fis 27th | day of January. 1922. The Corporation of the Oshawa. By J. G. GRIERSON, Town Solicitor tting water Town of | i 2 - | 4-8 Sat. C di . te make for Are many desir able opemings those have industrial training bookkeeping, stenography other ofl ice work The cost ob business training ig soon returned by increased earning power 'that such train- ing gives, We operate Day Sure who in and and Night commercial classes, teaching and general improvement Let Us Wire Your House If you are going to have your house wired you will want it done right. You can depend on our workmanship. We guarantee it, first class, standard matenals. Our prices are night. and usc only L.et us estimate on your wiring. W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N. 5 Greenwood Mills Established 1838 \rue STERLING MARK FOR QUALITY HE'S GOT HD NMERYE LEAVIN HIS APARTMENT DOOR OPEN AN HOWLIN LAKE THAT -1'™M NEATHER- xis 2 - hg A COULD [UT HERE FOR HOURS LADTENIN' TO HIM ATS JUST - for all hd Shower Fi 282 ae lade u we Street.

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