BASEBALL BOWLING CURLING OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921 -- ace FIVE THE SPORTING WORLD RA sR lL HOCKEY SOCCER GOLF, Ete. Degjardines Is owing Class FORMER OSHAWA HOCKEY PLAY. ER MAKING NAME FOR HIM. SELF IN WESTERN ONT, Bert Desjardines, who, a few years was a member of Oshawa's junior O.H.A, team, is making a name for himself up around St. Thomas where he is playing intermediate hockey for the lower City, Bert, while in Oshawa, was a member of the staff at Butterworth's garage, and is now working with Mr, Butterworth in St, Thomas, According to newspaper reports, Desjardines is one of the outstanding players in that district, The London Free Press has the fol- lowing to say regarding a game he- tween London Alerts and St. Thomas: "Desjardines, 'the wing man for St. Thomas, is one of the neatest stick-handlers seen on the London lee this year, He cireled through the Lohdon defence frequently and scored three goals for the Granites." In a report of the game hetween St. Thomas and Ingersoll in the lat- ter city, the St. Thomas Journal says: "Frenchy Desjardines in two spee- tacular rushes registered the two points for them and with the sup- port of Crowe and Baldwin kept the Ingersoll team in check. Only two penalties were meted out and both were given to Ingersoll players, a notable improvement on the first match staged in St. Thomas recently, "The Saints presented a 'stlid frott' in the last two periods and kept the home team hustling all the time, The first period ended 3 to 0, Each side counted one in the second session. The Flower City pucksters were especially vigorous in back-checking, and the Ingersol- lites were prevented from displaying their customary effective combina- tion, St. Thomas sent in another in the third period and about five min- utes before the finish when Desjar- dines was laid out the *'Cheesers" counted two more." Already Talking Baseball A slight movement is already be- ing made towards preparing for the 1922 season of the Central Ontario Baseball League. On Thursday, See- rotary Jack Nott issued notices to all clubs to the effect that the annual meeting would take place in Oshawa some time during the third week in March. The meeting will occupy a whole day and all the more import- ant details for the coming season will be arranged. The election of officers will be one of the most im- portant items. Football Annual on Monday The annual meeting of the Osh- awa and "District Football Associa- tion was supposed to have heen held on Wednesday evening of this week but the only representatives present were from Bowmanville and the loc- al clubs, and a postponement was made. Another meeting is being ar- ranged for Monday evening. Lindsay Midgets will be accompa- nied to Cobourg Monday night by a special train of rooters,~ Lindsay juniors are playing fast hockey ana | they have the support of their fans who expect their representatives to go a long way in the junior race. REFOBMER WANT ADS. PAY Pras dear; FIVE 8.8. HOCKEY GAMES ON MONDAY Monday night, Feb, 6th, will be a big night for the Sunday School hockey fans, Two juvenile, a junior and two senior games wiil be on the bill, The schedule for the night is: 6-7: Preshyterian vs, 8t, Gre- gory"s (Juvenile A.) + 7-8: 8, Oshawa vs. St, (Juvenile B,) 8 to 9--8t, Gregory's vs. Preshy- terians, Senior, 9-10: Kings St. (Senior A.) 10 to 11--S8outh 'Oshawa VS. Gregory's, Junior, On Wednesday night the St. George's Juveniles tied with the South Oshawa Juveniles 1-1, so that a good game should he in store for Monday night. Many fans claim that some of the senior games are as good as any O.H.A, games, Come Monday night and see St. Gregory's and the Presbyterians clash and find out for' yourself. Their group is nearly over and hoth are determined to win. But above all, hoost! ° vs, Simcoe St, St. ARTISTIC SKILL GIVES TO "THE CONQUERING POWER" UNUSUAL BEAUTY Artistic picture sets with a finish seldom hefore achieved in screen production serve as a hackground for Rex Ingram's newest production for Metro, 'The Conquering Power," showing at the Regent Theatre Mon- day and Tuesday, This is Mr. Ing- ram's first production to follow "The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse." The story unfolded before the cam- era is laid In the provincial town ot Noyant, on the Loire. In the telling of the story the most picturesque structures were required. For them Mr, Ingram sought the aid of Rud- olph Barton, poster artist, magazine illustrator and formerly a fellow art student with the youthful director. Together they studied Balzac, con- sulted innumerable authorities on French architecture and worked out a series of settings that sould bring joy to the masger of fiction whose story is interpréed for the screen. Days were spent in the ar- rangement of slight details such as 80 often are overlooked in the mak- ing of a stage or fiim production. In order to get the full benefit of these settings, Mr. Ingram worked out several photographic innovations that are developments of his unique work in "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." John F. Seitz, who was in charge of the crew of photo- graphers who transferred the "Four Horsemen" to the screen, handled the camera work for "The Con- quering Power." Alice Terry and Rudolph Valen- tino, whe headed the all-star cast in "The Four Horsemen," enaet the leading roles in **The Conquering Power." Other members of the cast are Ralph Lewis, Edward Connelly, Bridgeita Clark, Cleo Madison, No- hel Johnson and Mark Fenton. The screen version of the Balzac nove) was prepared by June Mathis. who! wrote the script for the famous Ibanez novel. BUILDING SOCIETY HAD GOOD YEAR At the annual meeting of the wo- man's branch of the Building So- ciety of St. George's Church, held Monday afternoon, reports pre- sented showed a very successful | year's work, while plans were laid i to carry on in a more energetic man. ner than ever. The financial state- ment of the treasurer showed that over $2,000 was raised by the So. ciety during the year. The follow- ing officers were elected:-- President--Mrs. F. W. Cowan ice-Presidents--Mrs, Giekie, Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. Cornwall, Mrs. Stent. Secretary--Mrs. 0. C. Richardson Treasurer--Mrs. K. V. Mills, Since the woman's banch of the Society was organized a total of nearly $9,000 has been raised for the new church building fund. READY AND WILLING. Brockville Recorder: An lowa fe- male sheriff says she is ready to bang a man. Many a woman has made a man put on a collar when he dide't want to. Of Course Not? "It's all right to tell a woman she is an angel, but--" "But--2" "It f=a't necessary to keep harp- ing om the subject!" --Wayside Tales. mR ---- REFORMER WANT ADS. PAY pairing and Dyeing. Goods called for and delivered. Phone G09 George's Interest in Sunday School hockey is steadily growing as the schedules progress, and the winners in the 'various series will soon he decided, The greatest battie is anticipated in the senior section, which is divided into two groups. South Oshawa ap- pear to be the winners of one group, while King Street are the probable winners of the other group. Last night South Oshawa clashed with the Christian Sunday School, the latter team going down to defeat 8 to 1. The game was a tidy battle for the first fifteen minutes, the losers holding the South Enders to a 2 to 1 score. In the second period the winners scored three, and added three more in the third. The teams were: South Oshawa--Goal, Barriage; defence, Hutchinson and Lott; cen- tre, Claus; right wing, Long; left wing, Jackson; subs, Mallett anu Gunn, Christian--Goal, Elliott; defence, Bennett and Corrin; centre, Tumey; right wing, F. Bennett; left wing, Anderson; subs. MeGregor and Peel- ing. Of the juvenile fixtures, the out- standing contest was the King Street St. Georges affair, the Methodists winning 3-2. The Anglicans streng- thened their line-up considerably since their last appearance on the ice, and they had as much of the play as their opponents. During the first period the winners forced the play and they fooled Sleeman with a couple of shots, which he ordinar- fly would have turned aside, During the closing minutes of the game, the Anglicans put every ounce they had into the attack and kept the disc | hovering around King Street's goal. St. George's are still in the running and last night's defeat has made them eager to get back at it again, The line-ups were: | King Street--- Goal, Blair; defence, | MAN ARRESTED HERE | GIVEN THREE MONTHS Last week three men and a young girl were before Magistrate 0' 2 Rourke at Trenton, charged with | a serious offence, =iys the Trenton! Advocate. Perey Wannamaker, oi | Oshawa, formerly of rTenton, was the principal offender. He was ara- | rested in Oshawa and has heen sen- | tenced to not less than 3 months or | more than 22 months in the Ontarie | Reformatory. Accused must pay] $200 to the parents of the apparent- | { ly feeble-minded girl. The young! girl has been taken care of for some { time in the Orillia Home. The oth- | ar two men, Chas. Spicer, aged 45, and Harvey Wannomaker, aged 15 years, were discharged. All were ac- cused of carnal knowledge of the child; but the former only was convicted! ALLOW WHITBY MAN OUT ON BAIL Herbert A. Lebar and Hugh Me- Mahon, both of Whitby, were ar- raigned before Magistrate J. E. Wil- lis on Monday, at Whitby, charged with "that they did comspire at Whitby together to commit the of- fence of arson, at the Town of Whit- by, on or about the 11th day of Oc- tober, 1921, by causing damage by fire to a building on Dundas Street, in the town of Whitby." This charge was laid as a result of investigations earried out by D. H. Saville, Deputy Fire Marshall, fol- Llowing the fire which destroyed the building occupied by Mr. Lebar for his implement and hardware busi- ness, and almost completely des- bar's assistant at the time of the troved his stock. McMahon was Le-|ed Great Battle in Senior Section S. S. League South Oshawa Appear to Be Winners of One Group-- ' King Street May Win Other--Some Good Games Friday Night Irwin and Allman; centre, Hall; right wing, Lowery; left wing, Lott; subs, Rombhough and Black. St, (eorge's--Goal, Steeman; de- fence, Smith and Lowe; centre, Wil. liam y right wing; Little; left wing, Winstanley; subs, MeCahe and Mont- gomery, South Oshawa juveniles showed their superiority over Simcoes by defeating them 4 to 1. The winners displayed better team play and stick work than their opponents, and had they shown better abijity in shooting they might have increased their total by at least two or three 'more. The South End youngsters are shaping up well and stand a good chance for the juvenile title. How the teams lined up: Simeoes--Goal, Nott; McKay and Bailes; Found; Bryan; Haines. South Oshawa--Goal, Bentley; des fence, Snowden and Arnold; centre, McInally; right wing, Miners; left wing, Wilson; subs, Cunningham and Edmunson. The Christian Church juveniles gained a close victory over Cedar Dale in the closing game of the evening by 5 to 3. , The game was fast and clean and the score was a fair indication of the play. The teams were: Cedar Dale--Goal, Homer; de- fence, C. Jackson and J. Jackson; centre, R., McDonald right wing, R. Kellar; left wing, F. Kellar; sub, Morsely. Christian--=Goal, Racer and Martin; right wing, F. Crouse; subs, Koch. The game which was scheduled between Simcoe & Christian Church juniors was claimed by the latter defence, centre, C, D. right wing, Spires; left wing, subs Vickery, Hearst and Trott; defence, centre. W. Starrs Starr; left wing, Manuel, Petre and ya Simecoes having defaulted. COUNTIES WANT SOME REMUNERATION | An amendment to the Jails Public Charities Act io the OT A., was suggested in a resolution sent to the Ontario County Couneil last week from (he County Frontenac. At the present time, more particularly under the O.T.A., man offenders are fined, say, $200 | and costs or three months, and if TH of they are not in a position to pay they | are sent to the county jail. After a month's confinement the cells, the fine is paid, 10 other words, the Government uses the county as a means of extracting fines from offenders and gives no- thing in return. The resolution from Frontenac, which the Couneil en- dorses, would ask the Government to so amend the Act that either a portion of ali fines paid by men after serving a portion of their semtence in jail be allowed the county, or else the cost of maintenance of the prise oner. The resolution sent from Frontenac was also endorsed by the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. Extraordinary "Did your wife have a complete trousseau when you were married?" "I should say so. Why, I dide't have to buy her any clothes for three . weeks afterwards."--Boston Transcript. At Bradiey's 8 rink to-might at six o'clock, the Centre Street, and Nas- sau Street hockey teams clash. The losers will have to provide am oyster supper so a lively time is anticipat- fire. Mr. Saville was present at the Court House on Monday, and assist, ed Col. J. E. Farewell, Crown Attorney, who prosecuted. W, H. Kennedy defended the accu The case occupied all day ahd well on into the evening, when it was ad- journed until Monday, February 6th, at 2 p.m., McMahon, who bas been fn gaol for over a week, being allow- od out on $1,000 bail. MR. KIPLING DECLINES. Detroit Free Press: 'There have been many public men in England who have mot cared for titles. Men like Gladst for imst have felt that the stations they have achieved as commoners gave thew honor enough, and that any title con- Dodd's She Would Not Be Without Then Mrs. Funk Tells Other Women About Dodd's Kidney Pills She Suflered Terribly and Was so Bad She Could Not Do Her House Work ~-- What Dedd's Kidney Pills Did For Her. . Winkler, Man., February 2rd -- ({Special.) -- Just how Dodd's Kid- ney Pills have made a reputation as suffering women's best friend is again shown in the case of Mrs. J. her tell her story in her own words. "I suffered for years from ldduney trouble, female weakness and mnery- ouspess," Mrs. Funk says. "I was 80 bad I could not do my housework. I suffered térribly but after using Dodd's Kidney Pills I feel much bet- ter. "I can do my housework again and I will keep on using Dodd's Kidney Pills until I am entirely well. "I am well satisfied with what Dodd's Kiduey Pills have done so far. werybody who suffers should try them. I would mot be without Pills." r neighbors if Dodd's Kid- néy Pills are not the greatest of all {22% the Gov. | ernment gets the money, but no al-| lowance is made to the county for) the keep of the man at the jail. In| COLLEGIANS PLAY OFF TIE TO-DAY Oshawa and Bowmanville High fichool teams are tied for the leader thip in the district of the Central Ontario Intercollegiate Hockey l.eague, each having won three games and lost one, Whithy has lost all four games, On Saturday the locals and Bowmanville will play off in Whithy and which, ever team wins, will probably meet the winner of the northern district, which includes Port Perry, Uxbridge, Lindsay and others, A week ago in Bowmanville 'the Oshawa students met defeat hy a core of 9 to 3 hut last night at the High School rink the locals took re- venge by trimming the Bowmanville sextette 7. te 2, Last year, Oshawa High School went through the group without a defeat but they are meat. ing with stiffer opposition this seas- on and the contest in Whithy on Saturday promises to he a real lively battle. The Oshawa team lined up as follows: Goal, R, Clarke; defence, Bouck- ley and Wilson; centre, Flintoff; right wing, Wright; left wing, Luke; subs, Browne and Mason, BOWMANVILLE KIDS LOSE ONE GAME | In the O.HeA. Sapior game played at Bowmanville Thursday night tne home team gave Cobourg their only defeat of the season hy 5 to 2. The ice was in good condition, Bowman-| ville gave an excellent exhibition of | hockey. Period scores were: 2-1, 6-1, and 5-2. Cobourg--=Goal, Jackson; right defence, Baker; left defence, Nic- holls; centre, Wilber; right wing, Moore; left wing, Calver; subs, Bow- en and Hargraft, Bowmanville--Goal, Pearce; right defence, Densem; left defence, Me- Murtry; centre, Piper; right wing, Crossey; left wing, Kelly; subs, Lux- ton and Hooper. Referee--H. Mitchell. VETERANS' FOOTBALL MEETING ANNUAL The G. W. V. A. Football Club will hold a special meeting in the G. W. V. A. Hall on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 7th, at 8 pom. The business fn consist of election of officers | for the coming season. A large at-| | te :ndance of players and supporters | players | are | pros- | ji requested and any new | will be welcomed. "The Vets. very enthusiastic about their pects for another successful year, | efforts to eelipse their brilliant cord of last season. re- Picton, in an intermediate semi-final nm will now meet Port Hope. The first of the home and home games will be pla ayed in Picton on Tuesday evening {on the following Friday. Officers Break Losing Sreak WILLIAMS PIANO (00, CONTINUE WINNING BY DEFEATING THE REGIMENT The Officers of the Ontario Coun- ty Regiment encountered a new ex- perience on Thursday evening in the Indoor Baseball League, when they won their first game of the season. Their opponents were the (General Motor nine, whom they succeeded in defeating hy 17 to 11. The losers were leading 0 to 3 at the end of the third innings but the Officers came through with eight counters in the next stanza, which practically cinched the game. The line-ups were, Officers, Harris, Smith, Henry, Pierson, Mason, Simpson, Boudler and Beckel, General Motors: Dobney, Duncan, Breckenbridge, Jobb, Metcalfe, Mer- cier, A, Legge, Cornish, MeDougall and Hester. The score: ---- Officers ,. Patton, Gower, 021/823 1--17 General Motors ...2300.024--11 In the second contest, Williams continued their onward march hy winning their sixth consecutive vic- tory by a 10 to 5 score from 'tha Regiment. The game was close and interesting, the Piano Tuners being follows: Regiment: Salter, Brien, Metcalfe, Gower, Bouckley, Patton, Gibson. Carey and Beaver. Williams: Southwell, Fishleigh, Snowden, Hobbs, Carlyle, Legge, Missett, James, Hurst and Holden, The score: Regiment ., .. Williams ,. .. Green, Me- Williams Pedlars , . Simcoe Heights ... Business Men Regiment General Motors Knights of Pythias Officers 'a ARR a=DeO™ comosoomol EE Is Germany really poor or merely poor pay?--Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. Many foreign countries are clam- oring for Tanlae. Its fame is world- wide.--Jury & Lovell. and | and they intend putting forth extra | having defeated Pe terboro with the return fixture at Port Hope | E---------------- AR a | ! | remedies. 5 | NAVY CUT PLAYER'S CIGARETTES