Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 4 Feb 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921 "Oshaw a ohidl District : - FRE 3x Ds SESE a Soming Kye relvlist Dr. F. 8, Ho bg 167 Yonge Street, Toronto, Optometrist, at Felt Bros, jewelry store, Oshawa, Tuesday, Web, 7th. Glasses, it required, at right prices. 126-¢ Third Anniversary Snowden's Grocery, Simeoe~ St. North, is today observing the third anniversary of its opening in Osh- awa. Tea is being served from 3 to # o'elock this afternoon and § to 10 o'clock this evening. Special anni- versary prices prevail in the stove. Council Meets Monday The Town Council meets in regol- ar session Monday night, for which there Is quite a heavy docket. One of the questions to he settled, left over from a special meeting a few weeks ago, is the granting of further pool room licenses. Service For Men A special men's service will he held in Simcoe Street Methodist Church, on Sunday evening. A mus- ical program will he given hy a men's chorus of forty voices with organ and orchestra accompainment. The subject will be "Men Wanted." Add New Instraents Bix new instruments are heing added to the hand of the Salvation Army in Oshawa. The band officers me time ago undertook to collect pds in aid of the band, commenc- ing with the usual Christmas seren- ndes and so far their efforts have been very successful. / AMONG THE CHURCHES ARERR md smal anno Bible Class Noein! The Adult Bible Class of Simepe Street Methodist Church held a so- cial on Tuesday evening. There was a miscellaneous program and al) present enjoyed themselves. The class now has in progress a mem- bership campaign, which is proving quite successful, and for which a prize has heen offered to the winner of two 'teams. Quartetto Sent Up for Trial In Cohourg police court on Mon- day hefore P. M. Floyd, Roy Stacey of Bowmanville, Arthur Little of Bowmanville, Chas. Finlay of New- castle, and , Blake Stapleton were committed for trial on six different charges of theft and hurglary. Sta- pleton pleaded not guilty to six dir- ferent charges, and was commitihd for trial hefore the county judge. There is a likelihood of charges he- ing' laid against others, salvation Army Speaker Lieut, Col. G. Miller, of Toronto, architect and chairman of the prop- arty hoard of the Salvation Army, 14 to he the special speaker at week- end services of the local Army. To- night his subject will he, "Beneath Two Flags." He will speak at three | services on Sunday, At 11 a. m. he will give the Holiness address. His subject at 3 p. m. will be "The jreatness of Little Things," and ai 7 p.m., "The Great Hand of God." ANGLICAN Bt, George's--Cor, John and Centre, Rev, (, R. dePencier, MA,, 39 Athol Stréet West, Rey, (0, K, Stent, RA, 177 Athol 8t, I. Phone 8804. SERVICHS, SUNDAY, FER. §, 8 u.m,~--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.---Sunday School. 4 p.m.----Baptismal Service ond Sunday each month,) 9 p.m,--Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.80 p.m,--Teachers' ng. Wednesday, Club, (gen meet- 7.30 p, m---Boys' BT, GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m. -SBupday School. Tuesday, 3 p.m.--Mothers' jon. Wed, and Thurs, Girly' Club. CHRISTIAN WORKERS CHURCH Athol Street Rey, 1, J, Logan, Pastor SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 1022. Rev. 7. J. Logan, Pastor, has heen in Niagara Falls during the past week, condueting special meetings and has had splendid results. Heo will he inOshawa for some time. 11 a.m--Fellowship. 230 p.m.---Sanday School. 3.15 pon. Women's meeting. 7.00 p.m.--Gospel Service Handwriting on the Wall." Tuesday and Thursday and Praise, 8 o'clock. Un- 7.30 p.m.-- "The - Prayer Addyessedd Lions Club At the last weekly luncheon of the Oshawa Lions Club dir. Dyson, archi~ BAPTIST Fong Service Recognized In recognition of his long service, Joseph King. of Whithy, was elected | chairman of the Board of Education at its ipaugural meeting Wednesday night. During the year just com- pleted the Board erected a fine new school on King Street, und in his ad- dress Chairman King forecasted the remodelling of the Dundas Street School. Advertise for Engineer The current issue of the Contract Record contains an advertisement under the signature of F. E. Hare, Town Clerk, asking for applications for the position of town engineer for the town of Oshawa, same to be in by Febraary 10th. The advertize- ment says that applicant "must be thoroughly experienced and be able to take charge of all municipal work." Getting in 100 Meters Waterworks Engineer N.J. Goebel expects a shipment next week of 100 water meters, authorized to be pur- chased by the Commission. The in- stallation of these, the engineer says, should increase the revenue for 1922. The ultimate aim of the Commission is to have all water on the metered service. New District Manager Mr. 3. B. Johaston, M.P.P.. bas been advised that a district office of the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries will be established at Oril- Ma, in charge of Mr. Fleming. of Ot- fawa. Mr. Fleming will have juris- diction over the counties of Dufferin, Grey, Simcoe, Victoria, Haliburton. Peterborough and Ontario. and the | tion, gave an address on "The Signs tect of the Toronto Board of Educa- Rev. J. I. Harton, B'th, Pastor 2 2 . I. {] ' Residence: 18 Aberdeen Street, SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 1922 11 a.m.----Public Worship. 3 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.- Public Worship. Monday, 2 p.m.--FP. M. A. Club, Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice, Regular Services conducted in Sun- | day School room. of the Times by a Merry Optimist." Mr. Dyson declared that today there is room for the optimist and optim- ism, not that type of hlatapt'optim- ism whose only basts is fiction, but the spirit of true optimism, sane and sensible and based upon facts and figures. The address of Mr. Dyson was received with interest and ap- preciation. Investigate Soldier's Story The Dominion Command of the Great War Veterans Association al Ottawa are engaged in verifying the extraordinary story told by Sergeant W. J. Ball, of Port Hope. the Cana- djan who was missing for a couple of years and who turned up with a story of loss of memory. Ball gave some very specific information of the places he had been, the 'hospitals he had been in and other information as regards his wanderings. that he remembered when his memory 2.34 -8 p 3 came back. and the G.W.V.A. is us- 7 La yuna) Scinol, ing both cables and telegrapn lines Wed., 5 py to establish the truth of Ball's story. ey 3 Prayer Meeting rs CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ! 6 Simeoe St. South. CHRISTIAN Rev, E, T, Cotten, Pastor hwistian. Church---Centre St., King. Our Leader---Christ. Our fellowship--Character. Our name---Christian, Our right--Individual interpreta- Hon, Our Aim---Unity of all believers. Our Creed---The Bible. SERVICES, SUNDAY, PEB. 5 11 am.---Public worship, near 1922 - Kicked on Head by Horse Elmer Maybee, son of dy Maybee, member-elect for East! LE a.m. and 7 pan. Northumberland, is slowly recover-|®lip. Subject, "Spirit. ; ing trom the serious accident which! ~ Wed: 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting Public Wor Maybee had been calling on friends |g through Christian Science. in Smithfield and when he went 10} the stable to harness his horse the! animal kicked him on the head, ! causing <oneumsion of the brain. Mr. Maybee Dbecan unconscious, inl 4 Mago? : which condition he has remained | SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 1922. ever since. Mr. Maybee was in the| 11 a.m. Public Worship. Recep-| stable for some hours before he was tion of Members. Sacramental discovered and his condition for sey Service. eral days was quite critical. The doe- 11 a.m.-- Public Worship. KING ST. METHODIST Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A, BD., 1932. Ewmannel Baptist Church--King KE. | i | | 1 { | | | Mr. ML. 1. | SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 5. 1922. happened to him a few days ago. Mr, | When testimonies are. given of heal- - Parsonage 129 King St. E. Phone 2H "PAGE THREE A LINEN FESTIVAL An exhibition that is mest unique in its grandeur. We believe it to be one of the most complete Linen i showings that has ever been seen in Oshawa, Certainly the biggest since the war, One of the pleasing | features are the low prices that reign all through the shipment, Prices that you didn't have any hope of 'seeing for some time to come. Your biggest wishes in rgards to linens may now be realized. "AN EARLY VISIT WILL GIVE YOU A BIGGER VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM | | i | i | ) H PURE IRISH LINEN TABLE CLOTHS With a handsome border design and a beautiful satin finish. If you have been looking for some- thing just a little nicer than the ordinary run, here is just what you want in two sizes, DINNER NAPKINS Of course no dinner is complete without a set of pure Irish Linen Napkins, - especially when they have such beautiful designs and are made on such a gener- ous scale. 22 x 22 ahs $8.75 doz. TABLE TOPS OR TEA CLOTHS Do you serve 5 o'clock tea? Or maybe you have a few friends in, and you would like to have things nice. One of these delight- ful colleen brand tea cloths would most certainly draw admiring ex- pressions from your guests. Just a nice size for a small "affair." One yard square ,..... 98¢ each » TABLE LINEN BY THE YARD Maybe your table is an odd size and it is hard to get a cloth ready made the right size. Here is your opportunity to lay in a good supply of Colleen Brand Sea Island Cotton, bleached. 54 inches wide .......... Shvssisssacetee inne ; $1.25 =" corps $1.50 vd $1.75 »=4 60 inches wide ..........cooonneriniinninnnn 70 inches wide ......... srebvisiins | will be proud of. Drawing Linen 45" wide, very fine, suitable for hand- for Many of our customers will be glad to see this, as Drawing Linen has been greatly in demand .... $2.50 yd. Embroidery Linen Round Thread Embroidery Linens in two qualities, 36" wide .... $1.50 yd. | = embroidered napkins or linen. You are copdjally inyited. } A Pure Irish Linen Cloth By the yard. A beautiful design with a wonderful finish. A cloth that you A good 2 yards Cotton Huckaback Towels Sizes 18 x 34, a towel that is very suit- able for everyday needs .... pillow and only 75¢ pair Pure Linen Huckaback Towels Bedroom Towel, size 18 x 32. you got plenty? an embarrassing position of running out of towels at a critical time. better to be overstocked than not to have enough. Pure Linen Crash Towelling It is a pleasure to feel the texture of this towelling. As regards the drying qualities of a Crash Linen Towel, any housewife is experienced, and you will not need to be told; as expen- ence teaches. This line is in two qualities ........... - 40 and 50¢ yard White Linen Towelling With a soft wash finish. Once seen it will speedily be sold, as it is so reason- ably priced niki elastin nd 50c¢ yard Red and Blue Check Linen Tea Towelling A new mark is set in the low prices of this favorite towelling. 22 inches wide .................. 35¢ yard Have Don't put yourself in It is These are pure linen, 24 inches wide RTT tors are now hopeful for his recoy Tigh. m.--Public Worship. ery. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. { : Monday, & p.m.--Epworth Le2gue | i Tuesday, § p.m.--Official Board Wednesday, 8S p.m. Prayer Meet i g. ' Friday Choir Practice : Districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound. and Sudbury. and will have charge of the administration of the law in| this large territory, and of the stock- | Molds Box Social | ing of lakes with fry, ete. | Ome of the most successful socials |; FAR j ever held by Victoria Lodge, L.T.B. | For Trial | No. 55, took place in the lodge rooms | i (Continued . from pa; Leslie McCullough, of Newtonvil-| on Tuesday evening. A pleasing! PRESBYTERIAN iA. J. Stalter. b, A. Valleau, le, appeared before Police Magistrates Jyogram was given, Dr. Kaiser act-|giamece St. South, Cor. Bruce Street I Hall. E. J. Bale (secretary) Horsey, of Bowmanville, on Friday | Jug as chairman. Among the num-!gev G. Yule. Minister. Residence the | The Year Reviewed morning of last week, charged with | bers were readings by Misses Gladys! Manse, 65 Simcoe 8., Phone 493. | Mrs. F. W. Cowan, conyenor ol the stealing two rolls of fence wire. the | Green, @ladys McLaughlin and Miss|gppvions. SUNDAY, FEB. 5. 1922 | executive. reviewing briefly the work property of the Grand Trunk Rail-| Ingram. and solos by Miss Hurst, 0M aan Public Worship. "eZ lof the year. stated that same had way: Three sectionmen gave evid- | Miss Short and Mr. Henning. Mrs.! 3 0" cundav School. {heen earried om quietly i 4 ence of tracking the sleigh tracks | Henning acted as accompanist. The! 7 public Worship. |The sewing by willing oor dors as from the Graw@ Trunk Railway sta- | boxes Sore prettily. decorated. Mrs.{ Tue pastor will have charge of| Deen dow unselfishly anc ving: tion to Leslie MoCullough's farm. | Hearst winning first prize for having | poh services. . Oshawa Red (ross Hosier | ple; where they found one roll of wire on | the one most tastefully arranged.| A cordial anyitation is extended tol ® Misher place and Showa Ore MoCullough's sleigh and another! The boxes were auctioned off by Mr.iall to attend these services and a activity in peace time than ued % of mear his barn. Upon this evidence | William Maw. of Whitby. The amount | hearty welcome awaits you. j branch in the Drow Me is . ore the magistrate committed. the acens-| of the proceeds realized was most! Friday, 8 p.m.--Chow praetice. | plages where military divi sym of for trial. bail of $1.509 being ac- | gratifying to the members of the - jaa in operation The Ag hail y ip 8 cepted. Per Fade. . SIMCOE ST. METBOPIST CHURCH work here knew no cpend or na ion- i Rey. 4. MH. McBain, B.A.. Minister |8lity. there had after investigation _-- ------ 52 Simcoe St. South. Phone 148 never been a case ought fo 3s SERVICES, SUN rE < > society's notice turne « a - ot elon Satoh JGweus sowetrred wich sue Hu of an. 1 g. i JKay that there was r¢ 11 2m. Communion and Reugp-| 0. Year 0) work in Oshawa. and Hou Sers sib . ,.|in which the society might take am JB pa. Sunday School and Men's active part. Last winter there were Club. As 3 : _ {elothed 282 children. $ women and a w. About, fing Widnes. 11 men: this winter 88 wwildron. 1' gic by men's choir. with organ | women and 2 men were given cloth- and orchestra aceompauniment. Jn For children everything was) os pT duplicated. For men in the hospis GRAVIS . tals there had also been made overs SERVICES. SUNDAY. FEB. 5. 1922. coats, suits of clothes, ete. Complete Brotherhood Federation of Canade supplies are kept in the loan supply neh Bouth Osha wy? Deshgist cupboard for all demands m Bite ith 4 o 2.30 The following splendid report. giy- pm. Bible Study, also Special and | wo aie view wi the Fears Vital Subjects, up-to-date. {ing a panoramic view « 3 i work. was presented by the secre GOSPEL MEETING | tary. Mrs. N. Hezzelwood: AT THE GRANSG THEATRE The cold. unfeeling figures which Sunday. February 5. 7.20 p.m. | form part of a treasurer's report are Speaker WW. R. reach. | 50 inadequate to eXPress the true Subject: What is the Soul or!Standing of our Red Cross Society what is Man? The subject will be | that i approach the task with relue- discussed from both the Biblical and tance. Our society (formed of those { scientific viewpoints. The public ape | Fomen who toiled so ceasclessly invited to hear this very instructive; With needle and thread. fingers and helpful sermon. Seats free. | weary and worn, during all the . - ---- iawinl years of the war) has always pulsated wit? a love for mankind, a ! srnese ior the suffering and 2a Adjutant and Mrs. Graves, Com- | sympathetic desire to help those im manding Officers ©! peed. that even an apparently cold SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 5, 1922, | statement of debits and credits must 11 a.m. --Holiness Meeting. (send out a little of the same spirit. 3 pa. Praise Meeting and Kn-| In regard to the money we have rollment of Junior Soldiers. | saised. She largest item of vew | 7 p.m.---Salvation Meeting. | was the campaign of May, 1921, ah-] Young People's classes directly in |dertaken by Mrs. Geikie and 4he the morning at 19 o'clock late Mrs. Schell, whose name now 48 Sunday School apd Bibie Classia beloved memory ip our Red Cross lat 2 pm. j i Cirele. In this campaign we had Monday night Salvation meeting! the hearty support of the Press. as 8 p.m. | we always have had. -Mr. Ormiston, Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and|of The Reformer, gave us generous- Life Saving Guards. Iv of his ime and effort, which was 480 p.m. --Also cottage mueh appreciated. Mr. 'McCready, meeting at 8 p.m. g {of Toronto headquarters, gave us Saturday--Praise meeting 8 i valuabie assistance in the launching Gin SE JURY LOVELL LTD. Simceesis 8 {of the Junior Red Cross work. Ia- AND F. W. THOMPSOK ": " . : { Wisitors are always welcome [@eed, everyone was pressed into -t pe » 4 ai -. yiee. and each had a share in mak-| Supplies for local needs 236 571 ual nursing alone to take care of Ng it & suCeess. | Nurses" Sufury ss» 3A O= | the demands in the many braneh We find also that the services of | Equipment of Clinic > , of public health nursing and com- the public health bean | Balance in bank .. .. 3.467.892 manit vice. It was through the appreciated. and that many are able} vd RY Mrs. Cowan to pay. and prefer to pay. for help; $5.024.17% that an assistant public health nurse given to our funds in this way. Fer Public Health Report | was appointed for and in the past year. Mrs. Cowan's gener- Mise Harris. public health adopting this position affiliated with ogity placed oue of these nurses at|8ave a lenzthy and most interesting | the local Red Cross Society in wmak- the disposal of the Public Health] report showing an fimmense amount | ing possible the peace time policy of Department. Our clinies are doing of work accomplished for commun-! it ety It was particularly along splendid work. The one for English- ity welfare through the co-operation ast phase, the witigation of suf- speaking mothers is held up as a|of the Public Health Department and | fering. Mrs. Cowan wished the model for other towns. The one]the Red Cross Society The year| work of the Red Cross nurse. mould- eguipped by the society this past year 1921 had marked a year of unusual 'ed together with prenatal work and for the foreign-born mothers is afso | 8€UVities 1 measu of the department. doing good work and in many ways| tons. and cach 1 4 most important aetivi- heiping to make for this beloved Can- the same ideals, Lie yoar, Miss. Harris pointed ada of ours healthy sons and daungh- heal, the preveation of disease. and | establishment of the ters in this the home of their adop- mitigation of suffering." At the for non-English speaking Lion. beginning of last year the Health) population. The equipment for this The work of the Red Cross in con- Department, it was moted. was still | was given by the Red Cross, and en ection vith the Community Welfare in sp infancy, belug just one year old | tailed an outlay of about $150.00, cennot be definitely stated. Dozens at show ng such signs of activity -- of pairs of shoes, rubbers. innumer- that it was dificult for one individ- on page ghble suits of uaderwear. indeed, complete outfits have been provided for the needy ones of our town. Busy fingers, accomplished sewers and needlewomen are here every week providing these necessiiivs. One can- not estimate this work by either | word or figures Receipts Balance from last year From public health nursing Campaign . . Adel Donations Interest Community nurses have ry dé ndness of one year nurse that alith es One of th of the was the clinic the Continued EN) G0.58 4 #5530080 Eapeaditures Forwarded to hea Advertising . . 200.00 $722 RHEUMATISM sommes» TRC'S Have yougiven up? Mave you yourself to that old, THE SALVATION ARMY | at prayer oa £ Neds

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