'OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1922 + PAGE SEVEN pm -- - I i : x = rh 3 ------ a NS -- A) cia Show Cases "| TTHouses Wanted | : DET. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, | FOR SALI --SHOWCASES, WALL HOU WANTID TO or, : | | : Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, | cases ind general stor Baty. ni poise Alvert Syreet. 114-b AROKG THE CHURCHES (Continyed from page 3) WHY PAY MORE ? 19 King St. West, Phone 231. lowest prices. A posteard Will| - a : j . She saw all her plans for him crumb- ry BRAD: bring our representative oA call be Exchange A -------------------------- a i : > ) "ne G04.]YOU: See us before buying e | ley Block, Simepe 8t. 8: Phone a 1¢| where. Royal Cabinet Co,, 119 Lis $HT 8 TUCK pa i . ; ===== (0 Gifhange for farms, Apply Osh- Rev. O. R, dePencier, M.A, Jshe not profit hy tho unexpected en- fice HE Hogg and Lytle's store, - Storage is | eal Estate Bales Co, 61 King | 39 Athol Street West, bon ve x tow ings this * Rhone 048. LYE | SUNT UR STOKED -- IN CLES tied Bast. Phone 3. | Bay, yg pit Hecht oly undesirable girl, and make her un- -C, E. ALDSWORTH . IGS 1 TY for-cars. | ie : | bt « . EB. { irl, ' PR. 8. J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; any building, Also Sima Rit | 'Phone 880j. [derstand that ner acummn:ance with [= «Quality Cleaner and Dyer Pico 59 RYib's Sitter Sore, ed Road North. p1-1t | SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN, 8, 1622 Mervyn was an outragerand that it 8 Corner Celina and Athol St, East, Phone 549 Phone . » . $ - | | BE , 3 y . 7 s | i - | § a.m.--Holy Communion. | must immediately cease? She gave JAMES, Laundry (Continued from page 4) mr | 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. a dignitied cough and moved a chair CL EC LL TL TTL TT CE EH MEH THE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. ITY LAUNDRY, 13 SIMCOE yg "He stil] retains his fine skat-| 2.30 p.m,----Sunday School. . o Phone No. 87. Street North, Pst class hand ih, oy hoot the condition | : lin order to rouse the sleeper RR El Ce Toop. 4 p.m.----Baptismal Service (sec- . j * Di, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN: dry. Goods walled for and de '| ond Sunday each month.) { 'The disturbance did not have the DR. TREWIN, DBNTIST -- EN-| (sundry. 00d fami ly with the game any length of | ' rie {desired effect, Jackie only shifted HOW THEY DO IT Everything for the famig. | 3.30 p.m.--Choral KEvinsong, Iho s : trance to office one door east of | livered. Everything June 98 8 wr {th 6 p.m. Teachers' most 1€ position slightly and murmured: A : h i Petenbeck's Store, , Rs Thome PB mn ! ire were no particular stars oad Te "Merveen! A ave Jo yous slmet" g ; wind Jee hier how thelr LS Medical aries Joe For LAL elitr div Wednesday, 7.30 p. m.- ove | Te tei i A "sha R clothes always looking clean a ARD -- vo Tat al 0 | SV 4 At times thé visitors did nor | CI {had a strong inclination to slap the ny well pregsod. The secret r 3 e v a J { CRE 3 ; A : , o Dit, C. RB. WILSON, BAYSICIAN of hard wood bin Mg cord gaur- exer themselv®s to oy extent / al- RT, GRORGI'R HALL djsming gh), in conttilled ler, | s in sending them to and Surgeon,'Usion Bank Builling. {coro w 'Harris, phone 8, v. | though in the second period they cut{ 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School, blf sufficiently to be conten (eh A Pet M L hli Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr| anteed." Wm, Ha ' AT. | lod ang. ran wild with. their. op: Tuesday, 3 p.m.--<Mothers' ; with a vigorous shake. Jackie er McLaughlin Young, 1036, 14 Mil Bt em his awake, sat up, and looked drowsily Cleaner and Tailor Dit. MeKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR-| moog apr" VICTROLA. | Polgts. In the final period the Osh. 10%. - 7.81 around gean, Accoucher. Office and resi- FOR Price reasonable | Wills ran in four goals, and had Wed, and Thurs, 7.30 p.m.--jaround. : M "an 1214 King St. Wost., Oshawn ! In good condition. Price | thark; o vO "1 Girts' Club. { Where are you erveen?'" she 2 . dence, King St. East, corner Vistorss to the proper purchaser Apply 259 214 tried to do so they conld: ua- {yawned We do Cleaning, Pressing Re : a . il edly hi tehed a couple ; ; le , Press p- St., Oshawa, Phone 94, : Gliddon Ave. 115-D " edly have notched HB couple TIA WORN CHIRON | "What are you doing here?" Vir- ' pairing and Dyeing. Goods Di. 1. J, SEBBRT, 73 BLOOR ST. | FoR BALE -- 15 TON OF TIMOTHY | ; : . a : ! di iy | ginia demanded tartly, ? ; called for and delivered, Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & |p" "05 0 wayity, at $20 ton deliv Rowden Elusive L Athol Street engl Jackie WREI Dig sleepy eyes on Lan / Phone 509 Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday|o..i 'Ww, F, Scott, Columbus, Tele: {he opening minutes of the con-| SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. §, ee] Jaap ep) d from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- phone 239716. 115-tf test obourg threatened to find the Pastor Rev. T, 3. Logan | "Do. yon 'usually make a practice tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr GOOD FIR KING HEATER J FOR etsfbut owing to Smith's vigilance.| . yy 4 mn. --Public Worship. ot coming here to sleep afternoons?" BE : were not successful. Rowden | ).m.--Public Worship. dia Pi. D, B, NEB PHYSICIAN &|..10 -- Nearly new. Ed. Bouckley, 7p. » Virginia proceeded suspiciously Surgeon : Ear Nose and Throat, i Roar King East. 115-a!™ through to the Cobourg goal on| RBihle Study Tuesday, Wednesday! : 2 . + : By ' =~ , 3 fe E HE { By this time Jackie was sufficient- ? as [LT Rigdon bk 2, - ofccasions but shot wild. He how- | and Thursday at 8 p. m. i 3 ) Ofice over Do iujon_ Bank a Ho For. Sale netted the disc immediately at-| [ly wide [Bake io understand that a 7 .m,, uses Io + IN ; . "9 \ re v 4 she was being addressed by a strange by appointment. 96-tf FOR SALE -- 6 ROOM HOUSE ter faking a pass from Fair. bRow-! BAPTIST od y ed Sl i Rl aT AAR ' ca. denfwent through alone for the next! Emmanuel Baptist Church--King E. | iady in beautiful, sweet-smelling ap- + DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF i 2LOOK centrally located, oh Jor Mn ide onelfive minutes later. He was as! Rev, J, L. Harton, B'th, Pastor 'parel. ) PHONE 1046 W ig ng TE iv sat a, pnd Hy for quick |SHbjery as an eel and time after time) Residence: 18 Aberdeon Street. © | spy no," she replied innocently, office over ug ? @ ~ | gas ' arg , , | foolkd the home team's defense, get-| SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. 8, 1922 "that is not habitual with me. But urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul-1gale, For particulars apply Boxiy; through for a shot on goal, | i : . 115-cl a.m.----Public Worship. this morning, madame, I get up at tation and Heatmont Sf diseases of A13 or Phone 544, 2X e second period saw the visitors! 2 p.m.--Sunday School. four o'clock to go to the ---- what ® PY san, Boge and throat ORY: ein : nelp Wantea--Male {using some combination whieh' gave! 7 p.u.-- Public Worship. rr Jackie : | ' Don't let your clothes lcok shabby. Have them pressed and cleaned 'WE HAVE FARMS TO EXCHANG i ANGLICAN | But there might be time to pree up. Ali kinds of ladies' and gents' cicthes cleaned, pressed and re- carefully cleaned, Coats turned, relined and altered ar moder- ate charges, (foods called for and delivered, : 8 £ - = paired, White furs and infants' carriage robes and woollens gar St., Toronto. 107-% | for wn property and town propert t, George'ss=Oor, John pad Centre, yont such a disaster. Why should gz i B : Sho . = BE -] E i you call it? Marche aux fleurs." = re the an advantage. Ttiordon open! Monday, 2 p.m.--2. M. A, Club. | ed! ; 201 M Y S - RP nN Indeed! Are yon a wer«girl Legal WANTED, -- MEN AND WOMEN. [ 08 ng in this stanza on an| Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. h e you a flower. A R ; i ------------ A py ly T. J. Irvine, Room No. 5, pf : | attempt after going down Friday, 8 p m.----- heir practice. hen? 2 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A--BAR-|g vq rqlpank Building, Oshawa, | adfidual attempt alter BOWE 5 Servites conducted Tn Sun: -- ister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- 7 111 ¢ | the fde and circling around the de- Regular Services conducted in Sun TO BE CONTINUED br j Money to loan. Office Ontario. ee | feRgp. Oliver made a pretty stab at day School room. { X } CONTINUE * 4 Ki 2 St. East, Oshawa. Phone BOOKKEEPER THOROUGHLY ig 1, carrying the puek BCross In| meee mee | Ge 3oliar Sia: [ 144, ing . East, . experienced and capable bookkeeper | g of the Cobourg net but lost CHRISTIA Ag a ag yi aoltay anges hs 9. 1 4 : , ' ' u e J e Vl e Pesky ARRAN, Te -- co | and office manager wanted to takelghelijse. Rough play developed on Rev, E. T. Cotten, Pastor i : : : ] ig J 8 , 3 fo . TR in itd il t zis nerally ages I D. A, 4. SWASESON BARRISTER. charge of books and to manage of-) the part of the home team. Cun- Christian Charch-----Centre St, near ne 3s ma) Ls Eenerally Wh; id to Solicitor, Notary Publ or piste yap, fice and office staff. Oshawa position. | pjadham was benched for hodying| King. { needy opie ~ art it of o Wd oar Ste, M braugises ¥ rranged, | APP giving full particulars as to gulp into the boards but that was, Our Leader--Christ, peo} amilton Spectator. Criminal Law. Loans arranged. ] ability and experience and where ob- ) ; handed out for this! Our fellowship--Character, Office, King-St. Chambers (formerly y the puly penalty hgnded « n-- ° y tained. Also give references. BoX/ofce and there should have been! Our name--Christian. a ' : . i d M || Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- "I" Reformer office. 114-¢| ;a4ly 2 half a dozen more. Higgim-| Our right--Individual interpreta-| reenwoo a 1 S awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence i { y a xh 1 Wooly m performed the same feat on:bLon. 516). Help Wanted-- Female " 2 on Smith but it was| Our Aim--Unity of all believers. KY - . GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR-| FES SETENT MAID WANTED Our Creed--The Bible. 5 : cd 1 pass. Trips became fre. | Our Croed--The Bible. "| Established 1838 risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Ring Small family and good wages. t and while the homesters 'suf-| BERY ¥CEE, BUNDaY T4AN. 3. ; did po lic, éte. Office over Standard BanX.framplyn, 117 King East afi seyerely through penalties they | 5°, "0 ¢ Wors lass Si Si . ' x > 1% x * dist | ' 1 2.3 .m.--Sunday School. | entsance Simeve St; Phone 13. J |WANFED -- COOK. CENEWAL.|wab allowed to carry on to 8 cortain| 7 A gin Wve Mn Cotton THE STERLING MARK FOR QUALITY F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. pig : middle aged preferred. small house. exit which only tends to spoil hoc | Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. | Window Cards B.A. TR - Apply Mr. Carlyle, 271 Simcoe Street | kein the estimation of the specta-| Sy St bin G. D. CONANT, B.A, Lol BAR North: 114-b| to 4 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. | mrammr=------<rr Tr GIRL FOR Final Pericd Exciting 6 Simeoe St. South. { Dies (Spi ance) Y I Simece Sto housework. Phone 495 115-a he final spasm was, to say the SERVICES, BUNDAY, JAN. §, 1922 High Class Workmanshi South, awa. Loa ne = - So as a ="===|jcagt, exciting. The visitors ran up i : BIR. apd 7 pa Subject, | Assured ; mortgages, conveyancing ipl a2 . To Rent the count to 5-0 in short order. Bul-| °* RETATAS Bi. : i i E. H. TANE eral practice. Phone G3. ! ger drew a penalty almost as soon as! Wed., 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting, : ' Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office | Hall. Phone 252. 97¢f| iatd)y after Rowden rushed and shot. ing through Christian Science. 1112 Simeoe St. South, Oshawa.;= Lost | 1d Found == | thd puck elancing off Oliver's skate] You are cordially invited. Phones---Office. 210, Res. 160. IES ana ou int the nei. Oliver secured the nexi - : Ww. E. If. SINCEAIR, B.A, LLB. ! WOULD THE Pag ty wig FICRED wok ter in five minutes after comiug tes JOG ST METHODIST . . ri hor. Not: >ublic 1 up a revolver on Canadian National outs a corner in front oi the goa . A. M. , BA, B.D. Ps | | I du | parrisiers Soups, Notary Pups. ob arriving at Oshawa Satin auth" given a penalty just after the Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 mproving A stria Phones: Office 99; Res. 229. 27, midnight, please return to ('ana | face-off for bodying. Cobourg notched ' SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. 8. 1922, Conditi Phones; a dian National Express office Oshawa thelr only tally of the night after a» 11 a.m.--Public Worship. on tions and receive reward. 114-t! (serimmage in front of the vis.iors 2.90 p.m.--Sunday Scnool. Chiropractic LOST STARTING CRANK FOR citadel. Bugler got an open shot when 7 p.m.--Publie worship Are sure to make many desir- fi E_ MORPHY, B.A. BARRISTER, | HOUSE TO REN1.--APPLY O. R.|he dated out on the ice and immed-| When testimonies are given of heal-| 91 Wiikinson Ave, of Flour for Yactey and Cake Baking I " a " 'hai : other office work : . 4 es, 86 Simcoe St. North. THe T ON BR BER 26 BLACK 2, Rowden netting the puck or Friday, at 8 p.m.--Choir practice a : Tn Havi Dr. 8. M Jon 5 . FOET--0X DECTMBER v6, ELACR 89]. Wovde wering the Wack ori kriday. at § pu. Choir practi The Sost ob: DRE Sau ng been appointed Sole Agent for Oshawa a 1d. of Port STRAYED TO THE FARM OF gif. Rowden doing the trick on = 'Simcoe St. South, Cor. Bruce Street. classes, teaching commercial cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, 0 73.41 | Georee Wilbur, Lot 24, Con. 7, Dar- jolb rush. It was thought by some lev. G. Yule: Minister, Residence tie and general improvement Perry. lls > A 4 t= al was allowed choir will render their postponed pro- King St. Chambers Phone 917 . » r of Piano. Pupils now being tak-1 DET IUD VY AAs LL at goal was 2 i pce. Hp Ih : Hudson Bay Blankets in Grey - yo Conservatory method. For |SITUATION WANTED --AS OFFICE! fie teams were: gramme of Christmas music at the : arey, Blue, Khaki, ---- a. Swi: au arty wes gi " A beautiful soft wool 7-lb. Blanket $6 per pr. Rad 5m . rivate am- Misce' cous | shawa--Goal, Smith; lefenee "riday, p.m.--Choeir practice. | | xr radi A - : 2 : Wiresgors. Suna mere es in con- Tan s {Fair and Riordon; centre, Smith; Heavy riding Br eeches, sizes 33-in. to 38-in. = = --Jack C ichae » : : 3 3 . 2 2 DW. DALTON ---- UNDER (AKGR|+"M" Reformer. 195s IR Reree---Jack Carmicha, { 10 am Fellowship Meeting. Flannel Shirts with collars in Khaki, Light and Ewmbalmer; private ambulance, ANNUAL MERTING m-- | Ho a.m~--Public Worship. 1 ~ 39 . a Saturday. the fourteenth day of Jan- ie next intermediate O.H.A. fix-| 7 pan. Public Worship. - ! Let. as ahow Issue Sox per pair, 3 pairs for TRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN| uary, 1922, in which Oshawa will take part} . Be YX 4 Wel 751 Te ts sides . % me a Jai rors bout i : , disc. ™ Monday, 8 p.m.---Epworth League. able openings for these who iF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO-| McLaughlin car, lost on Simeoe St.|the players lost sight of the disc. 4 OY pes | ite Indu 5 dria. practic fpinal Adjustments and get] North, Friday afternoon, Janwary 6 |Suth had no chance to save. Row Wednesday, 8 p.n.-----Prayer meet bay industrial training in spanie! rearing 3 arlingtor p 2a mn: A : 3 taf ri ey Spaniel. iin Bs Roig " '97 wg forla few minutes But superior de- A cordial invitation and welcome IS SGon erurped by increased and District for the Sale of the celebrated Sury ors ¢ 0 «4 In work obte from p warning power that sue ain- MM, GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO-| Mill and St. Lawrence Sis, Oshawa. |f 1 Wor * Jprevs nt a etn. ds on to all. Sy wer that such. train minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- Nas-affiltoriss. The Wat foal Was © ITT TRBPTIDRIAS udson Ba Blankets : lington, a year oid heifer. Owner! he kicked the dise with his Manse, 65 Simcoe 8... Phone 493. courses | y = " may have same by proving vroperty| eo but the referee apparently did SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. &, 1922 ! 2 2 Educational and paying expenses. 11la-1a-4a inoff think sor despite the strenuous 11 a.m.---Communion Service | CANADA BUSINESS lam forced to dispose of a portion of my stock of tie ; COLLEGE appointment, phone 226. Residence |r store manager or bookkeeper. BY! 801,,.r0 Goal, Johns; defence | eh eaine wider 3 hav harge of! - White, Green and 8 rlet, now on sale. " . 4 - iness tw r-five Ww 5.4 «oal, 8; Boe he pastor wi ave charge ---- --_-- " 3 : 161 Athol St. E. 12741 business Han ul semis ve bow mm and A. Bulger: centr both SeTViGeE. i Army Blankets, brand new ro == ¢ n ! right wing, Cunpingham; A cordial wwitation is extended to A WANTED -- A FIRST MORTGAGE] 4 vi rden: left wing. Oli-'g = nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe| .,, of $1500 against a Hoot resi] i es Ridin il pion? 9% SINEOP WY. METHOMESE CHEBCS From $5.75 pr, i . , a i S17) gelt: 8 ¢ ¢ r Bai p. | St. South. Phone 210. Residence} a property. Centrally loeated.| Rey. 3. H. McBain, B.A., Pastor. to 1 | Sep ; and Dark Grey, an ideal working man's k ol iP x Awards will be presented to the Bo d S E po we £2 horgue an sapel, oor func if Koti is herey Sines that the An-% AWA AND WHITBY members of the League of Young 23 n t. » Shirt $2.00 each si . i. oe 2 nual Meeting of the Oshawa. Horti-! Worshippers. : South, Oshawa. 108-r cultural Society will be held at the MEET ON MONDAY 3p. Monday, 8 p.m.--Epworth League. Khaki Serge Pants size 40 onl $4.50 per . Wellington Mutual and Union Fire|clock in the afternoon. be on Monday might when | Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.--Prayer Meet- you ow work. P ; . & : ys pr insurance Society, London, England. E. J. JACOBI, thy are scheduled to meet the ing re-war issue, Dark Serge Pants $4.25 per pr. well. Fgaminations free at office. | Pinder please leave al Reformer of- dea an Fair combined for the sixth ing bookkeeping, stenography and er, Whithy Phone 231 Sue- tafed with about four minutes to PRESBYTERIAN We operate Day and Night gineer, y- 2 Z¥1, = ISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH Situations Wanted [Wf tious of Cobourg's supporters. 7 p.m.--ong Service. The other lines to make room for same. F "i . . ~ . -n A | » " Undertakers & Embalmers Sredentiale, C.J Brook, 76 Visor wing, Higginbotham; subs, Fish-'41) to attend these services and a; $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 each JUKE BURIAL CO. -- FORRE AE je S17 jerlnd fart. lLiearty welcome awaits you. 19 Division St. 261 Sr eurity guaranteed Apply BoE SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. 8, 1922 | Our Old Stand § cunt y School asd Moved ~ Khaki Sox 35¢ per pr., 3 pairs for .... $1.00 ; ¢ A i Board room of the Public Library, on {| Club. XN. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Secretary. - s at Bradley's rink. Both teams It is sure to i r Heavy all wool Sweater Coats $5.25 each es EA AEE | a TOR RACIST 3 ES p . by almost the . PRP vA. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE NOTICE OF REGISTRATION On Sfp beaten Cobourg by amos 06) MENS OWN satisfy you. Heavy all wool Und $1.60 Sun Lite ot Canada, alo places fire, BY-AAW No. 9760p NEW (Ore No Henly matched. The SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. §, 1922 ea ya wool Underwear per garment accident and automobile insurance in 3 ad a epresentatives are! Brotherhood Federation of Canada Regu i Boo sec 25 reliable companies. Phone 1046w. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a i Eo ne who have been Branch South Oshawa Methodist. 1ar issue ts (not conds) $6 per pr. 9-6-3mo. | by-law was passed by the County of SPE TL FEIT LAG UT er. Meeting with Class "EIRRA™ 2.30 | Grey Army Great Coats (not dyed) $9.00 each i rm -------- Ontario, on the 28th day of July... t10v are a strong combina- Pm. Bible Studs, also Special and Tire Repairing 1921. Any motion to quash or set] OE ie ame team last year save Vital Subjects, up-to-date. Large sizes only in Army Rubbers 90¢ per pr. ST KiNDs OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | hentures (0 the amount of $50.000.00 G3, the hardest opposition en-| oth 5 3 yds. b i A cai Shop, Jackson Gar- to be applied in and towards the pov: Jl 1003" in the local group, so] GOSPEL MEETING i Sheets Vy J y 2 yds., Single Bedspreads, age. Simcoe St. South. Tires for Sent oF the share of construetion aig showing against Cobourg indi- _at the Puttees, Khaki iefs, Money Belts, sale. Jamieson Bros, Prgprietors. the Provincial Highway, passing gs that they are even stronger! GRAND THEATRE ; . Fatigue Breeches, Kit Bags, Ha Ju 11-t¢ | through the County of Ontario, aniiglh jyefore. Oshawa is now wel! SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. §, 1922, Encl Kit Phone 766. ~~ 1a such By-Law was registered inline lead, but in order to vetain it| 7.30 p.m -- The End of the World === ---------- 'nglish Leather Leggings (Brown or Black), ; _-- the Registry Office of the County of { : i hi - | in this<Generation." | i ers Ontario, on the Sth Gan of Saban must win from Whitby on Mon in this<Generation Medal Ribbon and Brooches, ete., ete. | The public are invited to hear this BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS &|1921. Any notion to quash sr set | ol » mp meee rn lecture. i y Seymour, Engineering, Architecture |aside the same or any part thereof 8 | Speaker; Evangelist W. R. French. Last Bu Not Leas and Surveying. 61 King St. Hast, i he Slag within three maathg i TOWN WINS | | t t Oshawa, phone 793. 40 Jarvis St. |after the first publication of thls nc SCHOOL | THE SALVATION ARMY i A 3 Li Poranco. "Puen Main, 2637. 38-1 thoe. and cannot be made tereatiori ff FROM HIGH | TMB RMA TION Me eroplane Linen FF " ES ened dive 20th day of December, Af R---- | SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN'S, 1922 A PIE : iz » ., 1921. - he proposed fixture between Osh- | : ; Es arial Roshi most beautiful material and Piano Tuner TL 8 5. FaRBELL. Cry Tr a Sunday 11. a.m. Special iat i for p very, very KF COX. 17 BLCIN ST. EAST, y , R Any 3 : strong. Splendid Embroide Wind Phone 2743, will tune your piano so junior series of the Union Hockey | gunday 7. pam. Very 'Special Re- E oc? Rr FT : J ' gue was pulled off last night a1' oo Ladies Children's Dresses, that it really will play. Satisfaction dley's rink. Cork Town proved | vival Meeting. i " . a etaranteed. Pianos tuned singly or BE oe 4 10 2 2 pa. Adu Bile Olas and! Men's Shirts, etc. It has everlasting wear and annual contracts. 106-1m | Say It with Fl. RE out 7 may Eeboh. | + is the strongest Linen made. This is the $1.25 Musical Instruction {@F 2 little oftener they might have INTERNATIONAL BIBLE | quality at HERBERT C. TREENER, ATC.M. wn up on even terms. The score | dents' Association etn. shaseen, ATH] 7 90. COX Florist - rgan master i oriods was 20, 3-0, and 4-2. | Meetings in "Sons of England Hall, § : Eiri Chri Sr SER Err) i ONLY $1.00 PER YARD i. os ae 8 to ork Town--Goal, Fair; defence, | SERVICES, SUNDAY, JAN. 8, 1922 i WI J a limited number of p J Ml Huggins and Donald; centre, E. | 2 p.m.--Public Worship. { 36-in DE siPianptame, Voice Ctr anil Pipe Wedding Beuguets, Funeral [fssins; right wing. Rovebec; left | 7.30 p.m. --Public Worship. Organ. terms, - apply on Designs 2a (Whe Blair; subs, Wiggins and, Aftgrnoon--Subject, "Earth's Fa- a a Tan King 'St., Methodist specialty. ; M ; Ll mel. {ture King in Training." i Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30 26% Simcoe St. North. | JHiich Sshool Goal, Harts defence, Evening--Subject, "What are the MONICA McNEIL AC. AM. TBACH- { ms and Montgomery: cenive. four beasts of Rev. 4:-67" | Ph 28 Phone 138 : er of piano and theory. Pupils pre- Oshawa, Om. right wing, McCabe; left; Speaker, Mr. Arthur Guest, of To-4 one £ 21 PRINCE ST. pared for all examinations, 282 Jar- Phone 885 Little; subs, Mackie and Allin. | ronto. i wis Street. srari ¥: Wilson. Seats free. No golleation' i . |