Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 3 Jan 1922, p. 2

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en 3 OSHAWA, ONTARIO; TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1922 , -- ---- CT -- FE -----_S--SM Ll -- ---- -- -- ~ - , FPP TIGRE | PY y o assets cop * trom + AFT fh, og Res ' Ev i A) : p ' j down to defeat. here Was only | eal " | "Outarid 'Reformer Swans ome fl Successful |The Reformer's Slate and y , Ronco ot we obi between bin] Toront. #\ (Establi : Bo, ; L . Feed : 1 W. B. Rowe, who was eleete ; SREY 3891) wergy, JI renibintics suid. he od Tron . ; It Far ed Is Coun Graves tak, Soged; . 187; ! é { 4 H ow ) v at / (4) , G £8 congolati re i An independent newspaper pub. struck, the benefit to the province, (Continued from page 1) ey ee] os h t I the fact that while in office Tom out Baki pa a] ; g ; lished every other day (Tpesday,| will exceed, it is believed, the bur- prised at the fire bylaw being de a i ' 4 ered the town hig best servic h municipalit Thursday and Saturday afternoons) | den that construction during the feated. If he had not made a study Eleven of Fifteen Carlilintes Endorsed Voi Refomer Are nd : bonds No . nge, Says | of it he toa might have voted against A lady campalgner vent into o| gydroridial majoriti at Oawa, Canada, by he war period fmposed. Completion of | it The fire fusurance rates were | i Elected 18 Council by the Vv polling subdivision yesterday an hd voting munis Lint Charles' M, Mundy, P ¢ the world's greatest power davelop- | too high, he declared. He did. nat ' ' Yas i . asked the depnty-returning officer if ane of t Ne oy wun dont, Managing Director and Treas- | ment also emables Ontario tu take know what committee he woulg be FoR ------ she could have a list of all who had a rom its set | urer; 4, R. Alloway, Assistant M80: | the fullest possible advantage of the Sw TRIN Year. wnt ¥..8 I A rs | THE SELECTIONS THE T} voted, stating thut she want'd to] priefly, ledt night 're BEST APN a. ditor | COMING Industrial 'revival, whieh | ciespor rates. vam sp Lal du to the Libs Com yever She pkatniands te SUBSURIPTION RATES: | ultimately will further justify the South-West Ward Councillors | George T. Mo Oeorge T. Morri§ reminded the member of the veiitler | ing words: Carrier Okha heavy $80,000,000 expepditure. Couneilop-elect Preston said that | L BEPUTY REF) sex that there was no politic thig] on igh he in ce Even. the dary nation of the be yas oy thar Sotightag at the yon "WV ow wi ne an election, : 4 ot ale Sv ' : : big voté he had secured, headings DFR : SPUTY - ve { : Hr eng Sates. i mijtions work stagger the lay mind. The cul |, polls. His policy, und tho poliey | YOR 4 " M y =n DEPUTY REI B Coun. Graves is authority for tho he Jeast. He ive 4 pe coples § cents is, thirteen miles long, with four | cr everyone else should be Lo boost | FOR COUNCILLORS COUNCILLORS statement that over 5 names fu hin] Ie Che Heels 0 ed ple » se + | miles of river section and nine miles| Oshawa." Couneillor-elect Brown | South West Ward South West War o | ward were not on the voters' lists De in | we te rr . | i : 8 { y OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JAN, 8, 1932 | of canal proper. At. the deepest Wat Sutetn) yor She Swe a | s+ O. R. Hall Robert D. Preston and that many an elector who prof epeymstances at all" ea ---- : point 72 feet of earth and '85 feet eapte of that part of the town "to | Kober. I. Preston A w Brown wepteq b:mvelf of The holling hook For Toronto Ea. - . i ---- " of rock were dug out, making | take a hath, he said, amid tanghter.| C. J. Wileox 0. . fall V ) at he had no vote, i By huge majorities ¢ THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION : : ; ! Nal. é North West Ward North West Ward = =» ; : h total depth of 157 feet. The total le, too, wanted to eo-operate for | A. R, Goyne Roland Moffatt One deputy-returning officer 5 Picketing totvnshiby oi oe excavation of earth reached 13,000,- the best advantage of Oshawa. Coun- D. F. Johnston » David Hubbell turned in his ballot box to Returnhg ' roted The muniéipal election battle is at cillor-elect Hall said that he had | Roland Moffatt ' Der Joln oan a aL Ys | Yoro 4,933 people vot 2 = 000 cubic yards, and of rock 4,000, { 27 end. that the smoke of the trjed to do what he considered hest | i RE : WF law and 827 against. ult ol Ee oh Oshawa elec- 000 cuhie yards, The conerete lined | is Oshawa Jast year, hd hewould Aontls Kobi. Ware Nouth Yash Wara that at or he Satie oh he fa to hear from the figures - » » A v RN i at any elec n. "wi . % W tors, bn the general result, have rea- lon:is 48. fot Wide and 35 fol ad the sane this yours Arthur Lewis 0. R. Burns ) "hig ward, and the heavy vote Whe Ror the Pras. 3 son 10 congratulate themselves, in depth, permitting a water velocity South-East Ward Councillors J. Triel : Ww. B. we | naturally inereased his labors, where the bulk of the p Mayor Stacey has been given a of ten feet in a second. Councillor-elect Trick was glad to North East Ward : North East Ward #8 je voted almost solidly for fourth term, but the closendss of proved by the people. "I am here Thomas Hawkes seg the Westmount sewer bylgw ip- 0. M, Alger Tho Hawken The time honored enstom o/lcall-| tion of the radial. The . y 4 . 4 : J. M. ~ ing out the hand after the rdums|is nearly all rural, wa the Vote seems to indicate that he THE KING CABINET ing agivite Io the Yoyu auf Bu 1.°A, Stanton i] J. A Stanton" | were known was not forgotted last | & yea against the me: is losing his hold, and that he won't yp gain, » I wed. AA night. The band was called it hy! In 'Pickering only the find it possible to duplicate Tommy That Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King b J A of the township voted, pond rd YER bi AAR oped fo prove worthy of fhe Ye - " ge i Chureh's record in Toronto. "Had! T5¢med the best Cabinet possible || dence whieh had beén placed | | IH Jurihuted ame CTION NOTES : Yistopy, wae wever In. edit. Mr. Whattim opened his campaign | with the material at hand Is pro- . This was the cleancst mui "Nr Topkip, defeated eandidatelf SEEEEIS00 SES earlier, or had the campaign been | ap1e That it is a Cabinet which | S25 ! Which he RAG OVE (op Tesye, algo spoke briefy. He was or N-- : free of allegations of breaking faith, | wii carry out the progressive mea- | y 168-1 proud of Ihe clednness of the cloc- Ah 4s feust, "and west 4s wo , ete, which did not elevate the tone | oo... which thie eountry needs, and Por 3 PIN. ER tig h the RO on abe as Riker the twain shall me." Z st, Hi rshin might A " rE e had a" ) vegard e poet Kipling, bat they sar of fhe Eobiest, Big Warsi -_ which The Reformer fe-ls Mr. King ; Connelllors for Morris' who defeated nim. [Ret yesterday in Oshawa when fhe not have survive ; realizes are necessary, is problem- 26 pecpic." | Gopd mien werd. ndeded to manage |edit Voted solid to comstruct ih ecp ourself Informe¢ 1 ARR ' ' ma closeness of the vote also SuUpports| ....; prom the country's stand Be he. M.A : EE airs, ho said, and he he-! Bree" Ranitary sewer in the wi a ) v : | impr CORRE Re te. RE DRE - " Guntilior eloet 0. M. Burng" syd | == Hh : he : Mayor Stacey 10; celebrats wir{ - - pe = - re ------------ I ------------------ » ---- the view The Reformer took prior aw WB. {| lig y able men had heeu | ction of the town 1 point it would have been a distinet |, 10 Osha a : Lp todend x . to tise election. in sizing up the can- . came to Oshawa two or fhiee years' el . sv UR Monthly Com BE tat tore wos uot much to] advantage bad Mr. Kiag's oloris to; ugh And I ail Bot sort tht a. Other glacted canaidates were pot | Abr ©. Ww. G. MeKay, medical views the er i ge take members of the Progressives | because J he leye we have Lhe hast] present. ' The meeting goncluded | faith ofiicer 8. eray, mele diti h wu trade ehoofo bety een Shem, = into his Cabinet been crowned with|town in" Onfarie." = He. Was" sgbky, with, fheers for the pew ronncil. ROT ay Re a Ii.3 itions throughout Canada, with w! kh Th town ought to proft as a re-| 0" pooyy may. neever, show | Phat TOF MOME OF h pen romduet. Cadel -- = A with the substantial 1a fority «iv our widespread branch system ens! s sult of the new blood injected into v ' . the campaign had not heen conduet- IS IT JUST TACTICS ? 28 the Sewer Lviv. 'Tha Deetsuss us 10 keep in close touch. the Council. There are eight new that 'Hon. -¥--A. Crerar apd his sup-| od more cleanly. When Councillor-| New York [Evening Post: As / g men out of the sixteen, as well as porters showed political wisdom in| elect Stanton spoke he was sull un-. eapelusive an argument as any _| der the impression that he was ticd apeainst De Valera de Ut e- ; ve frien co-opera ! 2 a demanding a re two Who formerly sat at. the couell min Tog = ih a for third place, However, hie prom-| public in open session is" Iie Valera | FH®Ith turned down the proposai 19 , ard, Among the new men, Messrs. ised that if elected he would endea-| enhmitting in a secret session a plan |st@t work on Nassau street und a »ifatt, Johnston, Burns and Trick merit support. ition Sia 9 {or so Garry Sut hin Soci ledge | 1h does, not fall Jor a repuhile. lee it. The vote showed, said the | HE, CANADIAN BAD EY a tstanding, and the should Quel represen n in the i 2 mens-| e, Valera as head of the "re- . youd dx w ¥ A ' ou sta d 5 nt of id selyes, | Cabinet undoubtedly merits che con- ures, and to approach every ques-| public" deems Jt necezsary fo put MQH., that notwithstandin: tl A /e 5° good .accon om! d ~ he fi ; of Hon with an open mind. up the best fight he can for a re-| CYP! heavg civic expenditure, the | OF ( OMMER( F. eo other new men, Messrs. Preston, | fidence of the financial interests "I am defeated but not disgrac- public' before yielding to reason, we | enfral public realized the needs of | | PAIC-UPCAPITAL - . $15,000,0( a --------_---- a wild not have gone to the people ith: probable, had pot the Board of We shall be glad to mail thi regu oo! witout charge, upon add od » you yr ger, Hubbell and Stanton, while| the sister provinge. Utterances of ed." said Mr. Graves, a member ot' con afford to wait for the taetical | thelesteryff section of the town gin { so well known. will have oppor- | dominating Cabinet munisters from | 1921 council who was ousted yes-| game to work jiself out. Otherwise ow sccombingly RESERVE FUND $150000C h Gi - - 0) » nity to prove their worth and help | that province during the election, barda¥ ite 4 hilleve that, mx muni it is 3 Fiog of choosing ar and sid | g 3 '¢ shadow of a pame rather than § 3H A 4 \f make Oshawa an even better place | however, are not such as to mspire| pat (he council this year would be! pogce and the substaniialities of | Clan. craves. of inst vears ) OSHANA BRANCH, H. E. Tylor, Manager. an it now is, in which to live. Mes- | confidence in the rank and file of | 4 strong one. Politics, resulting | ip dependence } Coulliil. wal one of those who wont | _ Mason and Rowe have sat at the | Canadians. Furthermore, the effort from his attitude in the Federa: suneil Board before, and their ex-| to gain support with the electors by pedis mr. sn ¥ience and knowledge of local af-| jncjusion in the Cabimet of several|sppsspssssassssssssssssssssssissssssssssssssssssy' " irs, particularly on the part of the| yombers of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's A rmer, will be an asset to the town. | cabinet cannot be looked upon as Bit 0' Verse f Among last year's councillors who | o,, aitogether wise move. There has are left at home are Messrs. Wilcox | poon an evolution in this world since ZO0IOMAIIAAAN00 RANA 0NNIN IRM ARRNRNNNIINININNNES \d Goyne. Their defeat is greatly | ;;o 1911 election, when the Laurier THE BOYS. be regretted, particularly that of | oqo inictration ended. Men are re-| Has there any old fellow got mixe ir. "Wileox. Both men have given quired as leaders in public affairs with the boys? - 3 od service to Oshawa, and The Re- If there has, take him out, withoat - who are young enough to have been aki o A yrmer feels that the town as a whole o young making a noise. the Joser by their defeat. influenced by the changed condi-| Hang the Almamac's cheat and the i the Bool Catalogue's spite! 'That the fire equipment by-law wae tions. A mew sc of political Old Time is a Mar! We're twenty | efekicd is not surprising, in view of thought and method= is necessary. tonight! { 1e much adverse criticism of it prior A bright feature of the situation| We're twenty! We're twenty! Whol a the i at Ottawa, however, is the fact that Says. we are more: { So the election. The Reformer be- He's tipsy--young jackanapes! eves, however, that the action of | the Government has mot a majority show him the door! the electors in deciding against the of the House, but must depend for| "Gray temples at twenty?" --Yes ! | 25.000 expenditure is penny wise | support on Progressives, which will ; white, if we please; . ad pound foolish. Oshawa cannot] probably force some members of the w hath, the Sn flash Jal) Bio' ge i .: s a ope to continue forever with - its] 'Cabinet who might be termed reac-| uw... i+ snowing I spoke of? Excuse! resent inadequate equipment. It] tionary to give way to their younger the mistake! ill be remarkable if sometime there | colleagues. As a result of co-opera-| Look close--you will see not a sizn 5 not a fire which will do greater | tion between the Liberals and Pro-| of a falke! | image than was proposed to spend | gressives in passing truly liberal We want ie how Sips or mder the by-law. legislation. it will not be surprising | Aud these are white roses in place The passing of the Westmount sew-| it she country sees carried out with- of the red. | bi Soke hat ine pose nid in two or three years ihe plan Mr. We've a trick, we young fellow | awa are not sectiomal. e » We } | I's, King tried, but failed, to put through a, { swer will not benefit all parts of od a p E you may have een told, | te dowd. the. majority of the mate- at this stage. Of talking (in pulic) as if we were | old; ayers were lg enough to realize That boy we call "Doctor." and this | wt the western section of Oshawa] EDITORIAL COMMENT we call "Judge"; As long needed such a service. Pass- It's a meat little fietion--of coursa | i of the by-law will also enable a| Be sure and write it 1922. | it's all fudge. | 3 i N 1 gmber of men to be given work -- That fellow's the "Speaker" --the! aring the winter months. All couldn't win in yesterday': one on the right; | me r------ apps. 80 it is well to be a good | Mr. Mayor," my young ome, how | loser. | AN EPOCHAL EVENT IN re 20m Lonfghi? That's our "Member of Congress." Rh we say when we chaff: : Y Did you keep that New Year's| There's the "Reverend" What's his Ontario had reason to ieel. justly | Fsolution to surprise your minister name?--Ai'E ake me faugh? soud, when on Wedn2sday lasi, the| by attending church twice on Sun-{qpua¢ boy with the grave mathemati- rst great generator of the Chippa-| day? . cal look ©. canal installation responded fo Mage belies: he had written a won- © water power released by the com-| That the snow shovels are still ul book, : ned eifort of Premier Drury and | enjoying a holiday is not gemerally And Se ory Society thought it {ss Marion Beck. It was an swen| regretted. Would that the coal sho-| So they chose him right in--a good ouder moment for the fearfess| vels also could be given a wacation. joke it was, tee. dre protagonist, Sir Adam Beck, i d the army of young Canadian in the death of W. B. Burgoyne, gineers who conceived the dar- : ) eam with a +z development and carried it to 3 ' logical ; mpletion. eke for our manhood in That the great enterprise cost . OW. : him "The Austice" but many millions mere than was finst noy he's "The Squire." eutimated is correct. This was caus- ' ed-by unforeseen and heavier expen- g And there's a mice youngster of ex- ditusgs bacanse cf the war, and also ' Fate tried to conceal him by naming ws San scheme became lager him Smith; . as the i were gradually denelop- But he shouted a song for the brave. in dollars and sents, But not wb fhe] « There's a boy, we pretend, with 2 three-decked bra , "My coun- A F BPE i 1 would like to thank you for your kindneys in dlecting Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous 'New Year, Re. 1 am, truly, : a ' gue with our | -is 5 Beas peg RE te way Oda & Thy chil- "Holmes.

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