Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reformer, 3 Jan 1922, p. 1

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ram All the News Whilelt Is News Piiblished at Osha t Tuesdo™, Phursday and oy DSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, . JANUARY 3, 1922. ! Er TT -- ne 'Sanitary Sewer Assured For Westmount District | Lmportant. "Trunk Sewer Promised For Years Will Now Be Built to Serve Rapidly Growing Area Where Suéh Service Has | "Long Been Necessary I /RE. EQUIPMENT BYLAW DEFEATED A ich Misunderstanding Re- aanding Benefit of $15,000 Fruck With Pumper and "hemicals -- Chief Cam- ron Says Fire Prevention Nork Will Cor Continue 'ly a vote of 771 to 354, a majo:-' | of 417, the ratepayers yesterday | g their sanction to the expendi- of $70,000 for the construction he Westmount saniary sewer ich will serve a largé and growing and a sewer CHILDREN MADE. k ean be commenced forthwitir don 'gf the towa, ch has heen before Councils for past 11 years. Incidentally, th carried on during the winter iths, giving employment to 2 number of idle men. A start i uld be made in a few days on ex- «vation work on the Base Line. , 'he large majority in. favor of th ver, which came as a surprise, «ves the Couneil a clear mondate proceed with the work. It re- 4 a majority in all polling =uh- isipns and in all wards, showin: t was generally. recognized by + people that the work gvas very etial, and that the mts of west end had waited g enough Torin p e ware many" who thought it the bylaw would he defeated rause only one section of the town sald be pery and the result of tee vpting Bas been received with cneryl satisfaction. , Mayor Stacey wid Mpt might that the large vote #t wo doubt as te the wish of the pe, notwithstanding the ex- yr umed need for careful expenditure 'hisgear. The $70,000 will be se- 'vdl by the issue of debentures. "eling a period of 20 years. The 'eon the bylaw by polling sub- ishus was as follows: { For edinat 11 is #1 15 33 45 36 61 1 354 a majority of 2 Bylaw carried by 'here Sewer Runs fhe by Engineer Storrie Con- _tiag engineer Toronto, in his re- t to the Council in the--fall of 20, will be a 10-inch increasing 40 (Continued on page 5) savage to the Dominion Express $20. and £0 pany will be covered by about $200. PULL QU Iptimists are expecting' to i.--Washington Times. - --e----tigte. "he champ optimist is a man who 8 10 the average bangiiet to get withing to eat.-- Winnipeg Free -s. i a d estmount sanitary sewer, as; S00" two full bites out of every two- MAYOR--57 MAJ. 1921 And Anno. Domini; 1921, 'passed ont at midnight Saturday, and A, DD 1022, wag ushered in, hy the ringing of bells in Osh- awa,. Not a few were on the st! to 'watch the passing of whe old year, and as the hands of Anclent Ben on the fire hail towgr reachell 12, the town and chu bells rang out, The band of the Salvation Army was on the streets, fol: lowing their 'yearly custom, playing appropriate airs, such as "A Few More Years Shall Roll," ete. There were no watehnight services in any of the churches, but the Now Year ! was marked in all places of i Yomp Sunday by special ser GEORGE T. MORRIS Who was elected Reeve, tr -- iain CB RUDITY Ls SS HAPPY WITH TEA AND INE CONCERT Over 500 Youngsters Were Guests of the G.W.V.A. Yesterday Afternoon It weanld bave made the heart of ] the most misergble grouch soften ' on ' ' {embers vesterday afternoon to sec the happy of Yasteriny ILS - w Eo ie smiling faces of over 500 children ' . v/ 2 A the n's municipal desti 1822 of Oshaw i entertatuad «inthe arn. ibe to Ea haandlaesting 1 four ories by the Ladies" Auxiliary of the w 1 War Volorains" :» f ards, resulted in the retury of aine Grent War Velerans Association, new members out pf 16. in conjunction with the G. W. V. A. The annual event, looked forward As alrdady noted elsewhefe in this to by the children for some time] issue; Mayor John Stacey beads the past, was a great success, and cer-| Board for a fourth term, For a tainly brought happiness to maay a | Strong right arm man he will ayes child, as well as happy parents sho | George Morris, elevated from the | looked won. The children of war | rank of couneillor to that closest to veterans were in the majority, but| ihe chief magistrate, and taking the the entertainment was thrown open | place of E. L, Viekery, who was a to all little folks of the town. mayorsiy Sandia, bul.drophed ot The children early in the after}? @ running. - We. Zn soon were allowed yo play around | Jeputy-reeve last year, steps up the spacious armory ball, and the the Aim filed by" the. lu oF ane' lent Tower of Babel bad nothing Brady, while. bis plage On the noise that was made. About ; 4.30 they sat down to well laden 4 Li. Mason, who has to the tables, on which were year, setiving at the end of, 19290. of Ay ony ton | many good things that Ji Oshawa, as last year, is again as- ale § folks | ! 0 like. The blessing was 0 the Rev. C. R. De Penecier. ared of three strong representatives 10 the County Council at & fime twals, neediess to say, disa "| when strong representation is neces- as if by magic, and hefore the gath- ering broke 4p each child was y if thé town is Ao secure its just Mr. Hill served last year, given a well laden stocking, filled wt while Mr. Mason has served om | with candy, vuts and oramges. During the afternoon three prog arena fons, taking a particular | interest im roads. inent local comedian: om ined Paces : On he Board there will the children and were kept SV Te spondin" to ecucores following each stunt. Dressed as clowas;: and one} = homes including W. J. THs. 0. BR. Burns, W. B. Rowe, Robt. D. Preston, O. M. Alger, John as a professor of music and sings ing, the entertainers provoked much Stanton Rotand David Hub hell DFJ The five é ; th Taughter. It was a real treat to hear the children sing in chorus such wel known songs as "Pelgy O'Neil," : neil who ran ric and were ve- turned to power Mayor Stacey. "Pack Up Your Troubles jin Your Reeve Morris, 1st Deputy-Reeve 1. Old Kit Bag," and others. The gathering byoke up about ¥V. Hil, 20d Reeve Frank L. Mason, and Tho: 6.20, and jit was a tired army of children that wended its way homes wards with happy recollections af inthe fallen of who were in t Goyne, A. J Gra New Year's Day, 1922. -----y IN FOE A TRAMP More's 4 definition of an optimist: A stranger who goes broke in exception, reporied rhen the polis closed wha {at five ¢'clack Jt was no easy task to Sout the dail , because of the fact ia busy day, +i Ep On optimist is that husband believes his wiferas good a cook as the dinner oy assert. --Westfield pleasant one. "QUARTETTE OF EXPERIENCED PusLic servants HEAD | His JOHN STACAY Re-elected Mayor fora Tourth term, ¥ » ---- F. LL. MASON Who was elected at deputy Reeve, GOLDEN WEDDING OBSERVED MONDAY Ms. and Mrs. fanac Huggine Hon- ored by Friends and King Mondey afternoon, a Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H their gol- a wesdlag in on hating completed fifty The cere yells a home, Thornton's Ce orners, with about thir- ty-five of their immediate relatives present. The afternoon was indeed a very A happy feature of the proceedings was the presentation of 3 purse of gold to Mr. and Mrs. Hug- s by their relatives, the handsome Zift being accompanied with a suit- able address. The congregation of King Street Methodist Church also took the opportunity of extending to them their best wishes for a continu- ed life of happiness and prosperity. On behalf of the church, a beautifu} tapestry chair was presented to them. Among the guests WET, Mr. Lawrence Smith, /Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clemence, Mr. BR. Downey, of Peter- boro; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fursey, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lander and Mr and Mrs. Frank MeLaughlin. COMING + EVENTS THE UNION. PRAYER SERVICE will "be held tonight in Simeoe St. Methodist Church. Plan to he present. 11%a DON'T FORGET T0 HEAR DR. 05- wald Withrow, of Toronto, on Mor- al Education, in the Regent The- atre, Jan. 4, at 3.45 pm. Come prepared to ask questions. Mus- ical numbers. 113-a r) Sa ---------------- Worship Gets F ourth Term In Close Contest With J. L. Whattam res 0 +! Vietols Majority is Small. ' Nine Below Toto HL est He Has Received in Monday Motsice | Any of His Mayoralty y Bi! Fights--South End of the BW iogivd ole hola Sele airs ii Town Gave Him Strong Momes on Monday morning, || Support iP They found that old man win- ep ter was giving this part of the | 89 BALLOTS WERE FOR E. L. VICKERY J. V. HILL Who was elected First Paputy Réeve | : SUCCESSFUL CIVIC CANDIDATES VOICE | THANKS TO PEOPLE Town Hall Filled with Electors To Hear Speeches Last Night CO-OPERATION IS MOTTO Vickery Absolves Citi ' Com-| mittee from Blame for Whattam Running Suflicient electors raved the iey blasts last night, leaving their cosy homes to fill the tows hall to the doors to hear the elected civie candi- dates and two or three of the less for- tunate men who wepe defeated. Mayor Stacey learned the returns in tae old Oshawa Cafe, which he used as his beadquarters, while Me J. L. Whattam heard the electogs' verdiet contivent a 'sample of cold | weather, It was the severest ' weather of the season, at 8 o'- | { " - clock in tiie morn'ng the tem- | i¢ i : perature in Prionglube Bg f he : Mayor Says Victory Gives Four Corners being nine be- Him More Satisfaction Than Any Other of Ris Sixteen Contests -- Says Campaign Against Him Most Unfair low zero. That it was colder | | during the night, by at least ' three or four degrees, seems | probable. i To-day's Uric! spow 'storm, | Just before ncon, was another | indieation that we are now in | the middle of winter, and that | | sleigh bells will be tingling | soon. The young folk are al- ready enjoying skating, and the youngsters: will soon get more | use of their sleighs than they have to date this season. i In one of the closest and most i | keenly fought contests for the mayor- ; | alty honors in Oshawa, John Stacey was yesterday elected mayor for a { fourth term by a majority of 57 over + his opponent, J. L. Whattam. It is | | some years since 80 much interest !'was evineed in a mayoralty fight, and there have been few contests in recent years the result of which was | so uncertain "until the end. Two | factors entered into the fight the! | made it interesting, one being tha TORONTO EASTERN. BYLAWS CARRIED (::: nese all Stacey Whails at his office. at Hoge and Lytie's store. Following raceipt of defivite knowledge of the result, both Mayor- alty candidates, together with other contestants and electors adiowrned to the town hall, for what was wirtu- ally a "thanksgiving" meeting. D.} A.J. Swanson made a capable chair- man. Mayor Stacey was the first of the successful contestants to voices his thanks §o the electors for their sap- "port, and assured thew that he do- sired to give his best serviee to make the town of Oshawa a better place, - Former Reeve Vickery, whose name also appeared on the Mayor- alty ballot, although he withdrew after qualifying, also spoke. Ile 100% | opportupity te set himself right with : reference to the activities of the. Citizens' Committee. "1 don't blame the Citizen's Committee; § don't! blame anyone. I don't believe they | had anything to do with Mr. What. | | tam qualifying at_the last minute," he said. "At firs{ 1 did, but 1 dave | found out diferemtly since them Ii ofily went to the 's ittoe ! meating once. Some of the biggest | and best wen in the tows of Oshawa ! | attended the committee's meetin REN and 1 am now comvinced that they had only one thing in view, and that was to assure a stronger and befter | council in the town." Mr. Wi also declared that it was mot a between capital and labor, as some liad said. Cousidering the sgort time he had been in the election, and other things, Mr. Whattam sald he felt he had made a very creditable show- ing. He expressed his thasks to these who had Bim. well as to those whe had not dome He assured tht electors he was Re nearly as downhearted 2: some of his supporters. Deputy Reeve-elect Hill, in weoie- ing his thanks, said he was mot sur- (Continued on page 2) SIF | were only about double the total vote asi 5 Stacey elected by a majority of Although E. L. Vickery was out 7 | the raoning, bis mame appeared | the ballot... He reeeived 29 votes. From u perusal of the vote poll from each subdivision it will be not t Mayor Stacey rece ved fair 881 Lt im all sections. The south e:} of the town, as was to be expeet: J gave him good support, while majority ia the centre of the tof came really as a surprise 4 Great excitement prevailed afi? the poles closed, the chief intdferl being in the mayoralty contest. M1 Whattam received the returns in b office, surrounded by a number his supporters, while Mayor Siaec; had his headquarters in the forme Oshawd Cafe premises, which wele crowded to the doors. At ome um? {Continued on page ONTARIO COUNTY'S POPULATION ISU? Nosthisn Part of County Shots 1. Decrease, Bat Not So in South Additional cemsus statistics haw ed out at Ottawa the end of Li, week give figures showing the jhe mayor, and the other was th: I the election of Mr. Whattam mean ' | that he would be one of few to ga { the chief magistrates' ehair witho | serving in the Council, although 1 Torcnt, Pick-| isi The st Jommissicn. e strenuous caw ering Townships Strongly ! paign carried on by both § dats Support Radial during the last few days alSo mae 2 { the result interesting. The majori Toronto stands - irue . to public preceived. hy. Mayor -Steeey ist) pression of confidence in Sir Adam | contested the seat. Last ) rag By es that deo pri] the office by acclamation. > ¥eS leave room for doubt the citizens of | of the polling in subdivisiop Toronto yesterday voted in favor of | follows: the acquisition of the Toronto Subur- | And by majorities larger in propor- | tion to the total vote the mumicipali- ties in the Niagara Peninsula have likewise voted for the purchase of the Niagara; St. Catharines & Toronto Hydroradtal system. This latest tribute to the leadership bot Bir Adam Beck, following elosely, as jt does, upon the successful in- | | auguration of the Chippawa- power people of the Hydroradial zone thet | ! the municipalities who have pled ; their eredit to the Hydroelectric | cheap power and railway enterprises are determined that the march of Figuring Out the Vote The total vote for the Toronto | Suburban purchase was 29.667, there i being 16087 for and 13,580 against, {giving 2 majority of 2507. The Tar | aftrmaisse vole of 15,872 and an verse vote of 14080, the total vote I heing 29,952, and majority 1.792. Compared withsthe vote on the radial and power "cleanup" last that time a total of 30,753 voles were (cast, but only 1.672 against the pur- chase. Thus it will be seen that while vesterda)'s vote was somewhat in jexcess of that recorded in Jamuary, | has served nine years on the Wate ownership, and has renewed iis ex- Smallest fn the three years he his ban and Toronto Eastern Railways. | Railway to become a part of the development, is a mandate from the | | progress in Ontario shall not be halted. Easters' bylaw received i vear, these figures are significant. At | 1921, the majorities given yesterday | cast against the * On the other hand, the municipali- ties in the Niagara Peninsula. with the exception of Humberstone village, save handsome majorities for the pur- chase of the Niagara, St. 'Catharines & Toronto Raflway. It is this bydaw that Pr Drury flatly refused 1s sanction order-in<Couneil. That for the ok Phi of the Toronto Sub- | urban was of 2 similar nature, while the ome dealing with the Toronto Eastern was merely to amend the existing agreement 10 proceed with (Comtinned on page 2) |: 2 Mazon 2 1 2222 RERE Stacey gee l 3 fi" 4 Bafamwona teen Vickery RA Tonkin BE | i Hf g- {§ Ward 1 South West z 115 68 | Besunraans lav | @Ward 2 RESULTS oF THE M UNICIPAL ELECTIONS. BY POLLS FOR COUNCILLORS , Ward 3 «North West North Ontario, 15,437, as a 17.041 im 19102; Aecxense, 20.11 per cit Ontario ovis # therefore 46.17% # i 5.482 \ Le Optimist: A nA mole hill ont of a trouble. --Oklaboma A 4

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