THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, COLUMBUS Columbus, Dee, 5.--The Dance at 'he Township Hall was well attend- »d on Friday evening last. Mr and Mrs, Fred Wilson spent saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson. Mr. Howard James of Detroit spent the week-end with his moth- or Mrs, John James, Mr. and Mrs. A. Merison and Stewart spent Sunday with relativ- 3s in Goodwood. Miss Mary Dyer of Oshawa, spent Sundav at her home Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dyer, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Ashton are sick with bad colds. Mr, Wm, Ward, visited at Little Britton on Sunday, Mr. John Prescott is under the doctor's eare. Mr. John Beacock of Blackstock is helping our blacksmith Mr Fred Tarves, h Mr. John Bromell, Miss Mary Bromell spent the week-end at Tor- onto. Mr. Robt Gilroy from Toronto spent Sunday at Wm, Ellers. KEDRON Kedron, Dec, 4.--The boys and girls classes of the Kedron Sunday School will hold a concert in the at 8 p.m. The program will com- sist of a play emtitled "A Case of Suspension," a dialogue, music and chureh on Friday evening Dec. T,, Misses Marguerite and Kathleen and Mr. Fabian Conlin attended a party at Columbus on Friday night. ' Miss Beatrice Mountjoy visited with Mr, and Mrs, Merlin Hepburn, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Scott and daughter Grace visited at the home of Mr, Harvey Moffatt, Orono, last Tuesday. 4 Mr, and Mrs. W. N. in vis- ited with relatives in Orono on Sat- urday. . Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Werry and children called on Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs." Merlin Hepburn, of Enfield, visited Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mountjoy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett. and family, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, John Brock of Courtice. Mr, and Mrs, H. F. Werry, Mr. Harold and Miss Berfice Werry visited with Mr .and Mrs. Frank YOU NEED VISIT ONLY ONE STORE FOR ALL YOUR FOOD REQUIREMENTS MODERN WAY A. & P. Has Every: thing You Need -- Everything Fresh -- and Everything at Typically Low A. & P, Pri These Grocery Specials Good Until Saturday, Dec.15 MONARCH PASTRY 3) 1b. Bag 14 1b, Bag FLOUR SALE 17¢ 31c (24 1b, 59¢ Bag +1.03 EAGLE BRAND MILK Condensed ~ *« 3 TINS §50¢ UICK ov REGULAR UAKER OA TS - " Large Pkg. 23¢ SHIRRIFF"S MARMALADE ORANGE - 40 Oz. Jar 37¢ SOS Cleanser, 2 tins 28¢ Crispo Fig Bars 2 lbs, 20¢ GUEST BIZE Ivory Soap, 4 cakes 18¢c SOAP CHIPS, 2 lbs, 23¢ CURRANTS, 2 Ibs, 31¢ Post Toasties, 3 pkgs, 27¢ SALT, 3 Pkgs. 25¢ Free Running or Jodized PEAS, 2 No. 2 Tins 19¢ Standard No, 5 Sieve AYLMER Peaches, 2 No, 2 Tins 43¢ Halves COOK'S FRIEND Baking Powder, 8 oz, 19 KRAFT CHEESE, Lb, Canadian Loaf 37c Bo eBeele ote dhe dlectools deeteeteotertoctuote oboe d. LI J A J J Me EXTRA WEEK-END SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only 2. + oe : 3 BUTTER Pasteurized OLD DUTCH ft ddc | Cleanser3 tins27c | Quality Th Creamery Ib 42¢ 2880.8 208080884888 88 J J 4 d J . 3 . d J 4 . 3 J d 4 3 . J J J J vo 3 I I I PN TT WTI SS J SO 0 SS 03 FTP PPTPTTTTTTTTIPTTTTTTETS La WEEK-END SPECIALS FRUITS & VEGETABLES FUICY FLORIDA ORANGES Doz 23¢ Slightly Smaller Size, doz, 10¢ ICEBERG LETTUCE, Head 10c YELLOW COOKING ONIONS 4 lbs, he Branston Pickles, 15 piint jar 20¢ Cut Rock Candy, Ib, 19¢ Canada Biscuit Co.'s New Biscuit VEGETIZED WAFERS Pkg, 21¢ DELICIOUS APPLES Good Sizes Doz, 28¢ and 31c LARGE SIZE Grapefruit 2 for 25¢ NEW CALIFORNIA Carrots 2 Bunches 19¢ THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS A &P. Quality Beef PORTERHOUSE ROAST Ib, 35¢ PRIME RIB ROAST RUMP ROAST Ib. 25¢ Ib, 25¢ WING ROAST Ib, 30¢ SIRLOIN Ib, 28¢ STEAK OR ROAST FRESH CHOPPED BEEF SUET |b. 1B¢c EXTRA WEEK END SPECIALS ON Fancy Trimmed LOIN ROAST Lean BUTT ROAST Shoulder ROAST ib, 15¢ Roasting HAMS Ib, 22¢ Whole or Half Ib, 23¢ Ib, 20¢ IN OUR FISH DEPARTMENTS FRES CoD 2 lbs, 23¢c Bolling Cuts FRESH FLOUNDERS 2 lbs, 25¢ VRESH TS Ib, 18¢ VRESH : SEA HERRING Ib, 10c FRESH HADDOCK SMOKED Finnan Haddie 2 Ibs, 25¢ Ib, 12¢ FANCY BREAKFAST BACON SLICED pound 28¢ Whole or SMOKED, SUGAR CURED HAMS ib. 25¢ OLD ENGLISH STYLE Mincemeat 2-1bs.25¢ BEST SLICED BOILED HAM 1b.45¢ "ZA MEAL Piece % fi. 4 By the . Pack Bacon 06 FANCY MILK FED, 5b, Ave, Chickens;...... Ib. 38¢ CHOICE, 4-5-1b; Ave, FOWL ©. THE "MEAT LIMITED OF CAVADS ATLANTIC: PACIFIC | | j SS recitations. Everybody come and | satty, Brooklin, on 'Monday evens enjoy a good time. ing Miss Vida Langmaid, Oshawa, spent the week-énd wigh her sister Mrs, E. Mountjoy. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Dec. §.-- Sunday services were well attended, As usual our pastor Rev. J. H. Stain- ton preached a very interesting and helpful sermon. Music was render ed by the choir, Services next Sunday will be as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snowden, Tor- onto spent Sunday with relatives in this community, Mr. Chester Power visited his brother-in-law Mr. George Ranton, Brantford, last week. Mr. and Mrs, John Sanders, visited at her brothen's Mr, Chas. Snowden's on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Claude Tucker and son Donald, Stirling and Mr, and Mrs. Frost, Frankford, called on several old friends in this commun ity over the week-end, Mr. Erale Laird, Toronto, spent Sunday at home, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Snowden vis- ited her parents Mr, and Mrs. W. L. 'Macklin, Cobourg on Monday. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission band will be held in the school on Friday afternoon, The Congregational Meeting which was to be held last Friday evening was called off on account of the outbreak of diphtheria at Baseline. Extra precaution is be- ing taken and we hope the disease will soon be checked. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Allin, Neweastle visited at their cousin's Mr. Lloyd Snowden's on Sunday, Glad to report that Mr. Laird has returned home from the hosni. tal after his recent accident. He is making favourahle progress. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Stevens. Tawn visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, on Surday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Mr. WwW. J. Snowden, Mr. T. Snowden and Mr, C. Oxford snent last Wednes- fav at tha Raval Fair, Mrs, W. J. Snowden atterded 'ha Raval Fair Tact week and gnant ~avaral days with her son Mr, Roy "nowden. ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Dec. 4.--Mr, and Mrs, Fred Adams and family Osh. awa spent Sunday at Mr, Levi Brunt's, Mrs. Burke and daughter Roch- ester, visited her a'ster Mrs, Frank Robbins and brother Mr, J. Moorey, Mr, and Mrs, Herb, Slemon, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visited with thelr parents Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Slemon, Sorry to report Mr. Thomas Me- Gill has had to go to Toronto to undergo an operation, We hope it will be successful, The Ladies' Ald will have an el- ection of officers on December 19 in the basement of the chureh, All ladies: welcome, SRR ing a few days in the city the guest of Dr. Ruth Johnston. The choir of the United Church motored to Brougham on Sunday afternoon and in the being their anniversary. Several thers from the village also attend- Mrs. Peter McNab of Toronto ac- companied by her two grandsons, Master Allan and George Renfrew are visiting at the home of Miss Effie Miller. : The sale of home made baking cooking (including candy) fruits and vegetables which was held in the basement of the United Church on Saturday afternoon was a great success everything being sold. The proceeds will be used for Mission- Ary purnoses. ' The Christmas entertainment in connection with the Sunday School of the Baotist Church will be held on Dec. 20th, A good program 13 being prepared. Mr. Fingold. formerly of Clare- mont but now of Toronto called on friends in the village one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gibson who have been snendirz a week in the oitv have returned home. Will those who are giving ta the shower for the neighborhood Asso- oiation Toronto nlease leave their ~ontrihvntions at the home of Miss Sarah Fivang wheve it will ha nack- ad and forwarded to its destina- tion, Mr. and Mra, P. Foravih af Mark- ham who have heen visitine friends fn the villame have ratnened name. Miss Margaret MeNahh has re- turned home after spending some time in the city, Mrs. PRarland and son @Mardan Accomnanied hy Mp. Raohert Rilhy sant Sunday with friends in the itv. N Mr. Wm, Graham, wha hae heen ndeing hares at the Paval Winter Wale 1s confined ta his hed with a "avere attack of the flu. We wish "mw a sneedv recovery. Mr. Luther Pawes af Patarharn "nent the weak.and with hig moth- ar Mra. J. Readman, The Tasahers and schalarg af the "inited Church Surday. Sehanl are now hnav nranapine for the (hriet- man entertainment whi-h wil he held an Non. 21st. This 18 an event which all ara lan*ing forward to with much ea~erness, ZION Zion, Men 1 -- Taschars and 'nls of the nnhlia gehaal have "iroade started tn neactiea thelr "rasram for Ohelvtmag tn he hatg 'tha ehurey, Frldav avaning Dee tot. Nan't fareet tha Anta. Messrs, Frank Pascoe and Weed ing in St. John's United Chavet Remember, in buying for Christmas . . . 'The 'Pen is paramount So choose your Desk Set wisely The Ou Bone (Model KO) with Lady or Junior Sine Pes, 10.90 Oh olor Dok Sone 37S a7 S100 60 A fountain pen desk set is just as as its pen, so be sure to look first a Parker Duofold. The pen is held by the base at any angle, always ready to your hand -- ready to write immediately with Par- ker Pressureless Touch efficiency at *Guaranteed Against All Defects. You gouldn't fir 1 a smarter, more up-to-date Christmas gift than a Par-| : Desk Set. To be sure of the genuine, look' for the imprint, "Geo, 8. Parker--' DUOFOLD," on the barrel of each pen.' Tus Paaxzs FOUNTAIN Pan Comrawy, Late TORONTO 3, ONTARIO . Your finder-tips, "Big Business," banks, hotels, ex- pert accountants--all who are inter- ested in speed, accuracy, legibility and ease of writing -- are selecting Duofold Desk Sets, And Parker Duofold Pens have Non-Bréakable Barrels in your choice of five flashing colours, and are Parke 'Duofold Desh Sets The Parker Duofold Fountain Pen is made to give lifelong satisfaction. Any defective parts will be replaced without charge, provided complete pen is sent to the factory with Lic for return poste age and registration, a - I SECRET USE PARKER DUOFOLD INK -- FOR FOUNTAIN PENS AND ALL GENERAL USES ol 1 Cameron were hunting on Tuesday {man and Miss Gladys of Hampton | church next Wednesday p.m, and got a fox, {vere among the guests, also Miss | bth, Wednesday a bunch of 'young fellows went hunting rabbits near Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stainton en- tertaincd at a family gathering on Thursday night for baby Keith's 1st birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Chap- as since gone to New York for a | mas, | "pecial course in nursing. Mr. and Mrs. J. W., McMaster | Toronto on Srturday. Ladies' Aid will be held at the jand Milan, when election of officers vil 'mber Sonley, R.N., Oshawa, who | ba held, Subject for roll eall Christy -- The Ttallan government has apé and Mr. Al:x, McMaster went to proved a plan to lay a telephond cable to connect Naples with Rome 3 Mr. Wm. Lamb visited with his son Mr, Lorne Lamb. son, Mr, and Mrs. Grant Gerron of Port Perry visited at Mr, Orr Jef. freys, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Aldred and | Mrs, Hinton Toronto visited Mrs, | Sweetman, | Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Graham and | daughter Burketon visited at Mr, James Freeborn's. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Bradley and family Tyrone, Mrs, Edith Beckett and babe Manitoba visited at Mr, W, O, Herring's, Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Swain, Black~ stock visited with Mrs, Jas Mount- joy sr, Miss Reva McGill visited Stewart Rulman's Scugog. There was a good attendance to hear Miss Mitchell speak of her work from coast to coast on the missionary field, Bhe is one of the gifted persons one will not soon forget her message, Lunch was served and a social time spent, Mus- ic was rendered during the program by Miss May Werry , Miss Marion Orchard and Mrs. Russel Orr ston, Mr, and Mrs, May and Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto visited at Mr, E, C. Ashton's Sunday, Rev, J. M, Whyte occupied the pulpit Sunday evening and dwelt on the difference and changes the coming of Christ has brought te the world. The thought and infin. ence of Christianity has been the forerunner of all moral reform, Next Sunday will be another mis- sionary thenre, CLAREMONT Claremont, Dec, 4,~~Miss Hilda Sulman of Toronto spent the week- end at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. John Sulman, Miss Bessie Graham spent Sune day with her parents Mr, and Mrs. James Graham, Mr. A. D, Peters of Port Perry who has heen visiting his daughter Mrs, Beverly has returned home, Miss Stephens of Toronto has returned to her home after a plea- sant visit with her brother Rev, H. R, Stephens, Miss Margaret McLellan is spend- When You Feel It Coming Mrs, in bias! Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gerron 5H Phat oo de FT Ry Et 5 fh ah oe a an a Bm ml AE a Rie Be mos Be x nos me nies ans SRS EER BEE Le LER El SEE Ca at a Th ie a Rh des Rt 2 te ae MOT) Ra] ~