Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1928, p. 6

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a's Daly Interest Lo SOCIAL and PERSONAL Allan Gillies and family, WL of Lindsay, are taking up residence in this elty. and Ms, Yorer Hall and mm, of Lindsay, were the ests of friends in the eity over oe week-end, | a ss Lulu a. nurse-in-train- Ju the Oshawa General Hos- was a recent guest at her A in Marmora. Baron and Baroness Josef Forff are entertaining at supper on .Sunday, December 9, in honor of Miss Marie McDougald of Toroa- te, whose marriage takes place this month. * % Messrs. Cochrane, Thompson, Jackson and McGuire, councillors, and Mr. A, W. Young, town clerk, all of Cobourg were present at the meeting of the Chamber of Com- merce held here Monday evening. W Mr, and Mrs, Harry W. Rae, Masson street, are in Peterboro. where they are attending the fun- eal of the former's mother, the late Mrs, John Rae, whose death occurred in that city on Monday, December 3 * ¥ * Russell Attersley, youngest son of Mrs, BE, M, Attersley, 127 Sum- mer street, was surprised at his home last evening by Mr, Jackson, echoily master, the choir boys of Holy Trinity Church and other boy friends, who gathered on the oc- casion of his thirteenth birthday, The evening was spent in music, singing and games. Refreshments were served by the hostess, . Ad * Miss Edna M, Robinson of this gity, is among the graduates of the Port Hope Hospital Training School, who graduate this evening, The graduation exercises are being held this evening in the Port Hope town hall at which four nurses, Misses 1, Blanche Bruce of Nestle- ton; Edna M, Robinson of Oshawa; Beryl Wakefield of Peterboro and Sadie ¥, Hall of Meaford, will graduate, A dance is being held after the exercises, The Ladies' All of St. Andrew's Church held a successful tea and sale of work yesterday afternoon in the supper room of the church. The tables, on which the work was displayed, were placed around the walls of the room, while the tea tables were in a circle in the centre of the room. The tea tables were centred with bouquet of cut flow- ers, The room was well-filled for the greater part of the afternoon #nd the work was quickly sold. The basaar was opened by Mrs, R, D. Preston, who after her speech, was Presented with an old-fashioned Rosegay by Miss Dorothy Young. [Those in charge of the sale of wor k and tea were: Mesdames Webb, 8 Kylye, P. Kyle, Lander, Td Murtry, McCullough, McKinnon and Cawker. * The Lepd-A- Hand Club held their regular monthly meeting on December 4 at the home of Mrs. a You Ma Have White Hands Too- Hands soiled with house- work: wrinkled apd toil- worn; reddened and rough- eped by wind apd weather --such hapds may be made white and velvety by fre- Quept application of French Balm This healing and soothing lotion keeps the skin youth- ful, prevents catchy fingers ~--apd for the gentleman makes an ideal afrer-shave, Special 3c Bottle (Regular b50c size) Jury & Lovell ury BEXALL STORES W. Evans, Annis street, Mrs. Spen- cer, president, conduc the meet Nominations for officers for 1929 took place and im the elections which followed the fol lowing officers were elected: As, i Ts, vice-president ; 1s. Marie Schwartz, secretary he elected); Mrs. Edith Marie Evans, treasurer, The retiring presidemt, Mrs. Idella Spencer was congratu- lated om the successful way she had conducted the business of the club in the past year and tae charitable work accomplished, Mrs. Spencer wished the club a success- ful year im the 1929 season, The meeting was brought to a close with *"Blest Be The Tie That Binds", with Mrs. Frankie Branton at the piano, The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Branton and Mrs, McDon- aid then served tea, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of the club. The installation of officers will take place the first meeting in January, 1929. MISSION CIRCLE MEETS The Women's Mission Circle of the First Baptist Church held their regular meeting yesterday in the schoolroom of the church, The regular business was conducted with Mrs, (Rev.) John Galt con- vening. A paper from the Toronto circles was read in regard to the convention in Brantford and an appeal to the churches to come to their aid, Mrs. J. Galt, the speak- er of the afternoon, gave a talk on the address of Stanley Jones, the author of "The Christ of Indian Road", who spoke at Massey Hall, Toronto, last week, Mr. Jones is a missionary in India and he spoke of his work there, which Mrs. Galt summarized for the Mission Circle. INSTALL OFFICERS L. O, L, NO, 133 Installation of officers of L.O.L, No, 138, fer 1829, took place at the Orange Hall, Blackstock, on Monday evening, There was a large attendance of members and the County Master CC, Devitt, of West Durham, presided. Following are the officers installed: W.M.--Fred Hamilton; D.M.-- Byron Hyland; Chaplain--Rev. P, G. Powell; Recording Secretary-- S. Vancamp; Financial Secretary-- Herbert Swain; Treasurer--Wm Hamilton; D. of (O.--Orial Edger- ton; Ist Lecturer--Stanley Wil. llams; 2nd Lectyrer--W. Rey- nolds; Committee--1st,--Earl CO. Dovell; 2nd--M., V, Malcolm; 8rd Jos, Forder; 4th--Wm. G, Hoo- ey; Gth--W. 1. Ward; Sick Com- mittee--Jos. Byers, 8. Swain at W. A, Vaneanp. DOMINION W.G.1.0. INVITED TO HOLD CONVENTION HERE Miss Duff, Provincial Work: er, to Visit Oshawa in January The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union held the December meeting in Simcoe street church yesterday afternoon with the presi- dent, Mrs. Robertcon, convening, The devotional exercises were cons ducted by Mrg J, White and Mrs, Bebbington, Following the business meeting a program was given, Mrs, Dunn sang a Christmas solo and an in- structive clip sheet exercise was given hy Mrs, Salter and Mrs. J. Johnston, one item of which was the prize one-minute speech of a county president at the Provincial Convention, One Minute Oration This speech was as follows: "Let us wake up, shake up, get up, and stay up; let us sing up, preach up, pray up, and pay up; let us never back up or give up or let up or shut up until prohibition is built up.' Mr. H. C. Trepeer, organist of King street church, contributed a fine ipstrymental and Mrs, J. Booth gave a reading, "The First Christmas Eve." An upapimous invitation was ex- tended to the Dominion W.C.T.UJ. to meet in convention here next June, Plans for a tea ip Japuary, when Miss Rosamund. Duff, pro- vincial worker, will be here on her tour through Ontario county, were made, Special Values in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the aan. Shape, Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shop $1 for Marcel and Shampoo Algo $1 for Finger Wave and Shampoo Free Demonstration of Fairy Stove Phone 2968 or call at 86 Simcoe St. N. Oris Dyange Hut THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 1928 1 INOTHERS HEAR HOW BOOKS INFLUENCE YOUNG PEOPLE Fine Address By Mr, Sly field Before South Simcoe Schoal Assn, Th la ting of the e regu mee 0 South Simcoe Home and School As- sociation was held last evening with a large number in attend- ance. During the business meeting it was suggested that 8 prize be offered to the scholars of the room having the most mothers in at- tendance at the meetings of the association, The school orchestra opened the program with a number of selec- tions. Miss McConnell contributed a reading and Miss Vida Langmaid a vocal solo. Influence of Books Mr. A, Slyfield, librarian of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute, spoke on "Bringing Books to Bear in the Lives of the Young." The speaker traced in detail the eéxtemsion of the library work among children and he pointed out that the best time to develop an appreciation of literature is during the impres- sionable years of childhood, "If young people can be trained to discriminate between good and in- spiring and harmful and valueless in books, then as men and women they will use books intelligently and in such a manner that they will be of real benefit to them- selves', he said. Library Committee The speaker showed that this was a field of endeavor open to teachers and school club workers and the members of the Associa- tion were urged to form a school library committee in the tion, Many suggestions were given as to the proper way to go about this work with the young. Mr, Sly- field stated that good books strengthen and exiend the founda- tion of education and give the best beginning of that self education which is important for subsequent success in life, Children, who read easier to teach than those who do not. Through reading they enlarge their mental outlook and acquire an interest in things they would otherwise ignore, ---------------------- ELECT OFFICERS OF ESSEX LODGE, SONS OF ENGLAND H, Gay Chosen as Worship ful President and B, Morgan Vice-President The election of officers of Essex Lodge Bons of England No. 4, for the ensuing year, was held in the lodge rooms last night with the fol- lowing results: Worshipful Presi- dent, Bro, H, Gay; Vice President, Bro, B, Morgan; Chaplain, Bro, C. Wells, Secretary Treasurer, H. Simmons; Recording Secretary, C. Hill; 1st committeeman, Bro, W. Rowden; 2nd committeeman, Bro. R. Armitage; 3rd committeeman, Bro. H. Stone; 4th committeeman, Bro, H. Boston; bth committeeman. Bro. M. Hinton; 6th committee- man, Bro. G. Maidman; Inner Guard, Bro, A. McDopald; Outer Guard, R. Arkwright; auditors, Bros. W. Moore, 8S. Wotton and E. Pawley; trustees, Bros, ¥. Patte, G. Hart and W. Barrett. Delegate Named Bro, H, Simmons was appointed as the delegate to the convention of the Grand Lodge which will he held in Vancouver, B.C., next year, Bro. 8S. Wotton is alternate dele gate. The Juvenile pr, Board was constituted as follows: Secre- tary treasurer, Bro, W, H, An- netts; Chief Advisor, Bro. H. Gay; members, Bros, E, Pawley, G. Mad- der, G. Maidman and C, Lee. Christmas Recipes LEMON SHERBERT 6 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 cup sugar, % teaspon salt, 1 c vap- orated milk (large size), uart milk, grated rind of one--lemon. Mix ingredients and freeze. Sery- ngs, 8, FRENCH CHOCOLATE 1 quart milk, 4 ounces choco- late, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon arrowroot, Put milk in double boiler, add the chocolate broken in small pieces and then the sugar, Stir until chocolate fs dissolved. When the chocolate is hot add arrowroot, dissolyed in a little water. Serve with whipped cream. Servings, 6. BROILED CHICKEN Have four two and one-half pound broilers dressed and split for broiling. Place them in a well- greased pap, skin side down, sprinkle with salt and pepper and place small pieces of butter over them. Put in a hot oven and bake one-half hour or more. Remove to a well-greased broiler ang broil oyer a clear fire to finish. When dope place on a platter, brush over with Maitre d'Hotel butter and serve. A garnish of cress adds to the attractiveness of the dish. Time in oven, 50 minutes. Temperature, 450 degrees. Servings, 8. South | Simcoe Home and School Associa- | books become more intelligent and | GL. Andrews Cor. Ritson Rd, and Arthur St. Telephone 1611 W. J. Bone Cor, Colborne and Church Sts. Telephone 451 T.W.Brookes 64 Celina St. Telephone 113J 0. A. Gerrow 432 Simcoe St. South Telephone 117W W.H, Greenly Cor, Colborne and Mary Sts, Telephone 104 T. R. Heaslip Simcoe St, North Oshawa Telephone 238W AL Haverson 10 Drew Street Telephone 10 J. McCauley ' 18 McLaughlin Blvd. Telephone 2282 W. J. Powell 124 Brock St. East Telephone 145 E. Powers 706 Simcoe St. S. Telephone 991W J. Samnut Cor, Ritson Rd, and King St. E, Telephone 136 W. H, Scilley 458 Simcoe St. South Telephone 1036 PRUNES Candy Kisses, Assorted OSHAWA" | Coraniod Store News This advertisement brings to the readers of the "Times" glad news, As it means that the community store situated as it is right near your door, is now able to offer bargains unparalleled, Read this advertise. ment carefully and become acquainted with the community store whose advertisement appears on this page, and who is in a position to render a service uncxcelled, You will be doing a service for the com. munity store effort and making a saving for yourself, These adver. tisements will appear weekly during the present season, and your household dh ia can be safeguarded by watching for this weekly announcement, \ L. H, Pure PLUM JAM 40-0%z. Glass Jar 34c 2-1bs. 23¢. PEEL Lemon and Orange 1b. 25¢ 151b, 25¢ CLARKS MINCE MEAT 2-1bs, fog, 35C L. H. Pure Orange MARMALADE 40-0z, Glass Jar + 34¢C SEEDLESS RAISINS . Puffed Seeded Raisins i --a Biren 2-1bs. 2§¢C 1b, 27¢ GLACE CHERRIES MISTLETOE CURRANTS 11-02. 17 € rks. large size, 2-1bs for 25¢ Canned Goods BISCUITS Date Cookies Maple Leaf Peas. © 1». 23¢ | Lyn Lynn Valley Corn Lymn Volley Tomatoes ib. 18c 35¢ 2 TINS Sultana ' Jelly Hearts Licorice Allsorts - Jelly Beans

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