Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1928, p. 9

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" Easy-to-F RADIO PROGRAM: Tonight's Hest Features System (WEAF)=La Touraine (WEAP)-Home Com. ' (WJ2)--Sylvasia Forest: (NID) Smiah Bros, N.R. Millionaires. LS oe Nevo: Nghe Clb Ror Regular Daytime Programs Daily Except unless otherwise A, RE RN Wl Ames. Suis Nh : Morning i 10) KTR Paul, Musicale; Sets WEL 0) Chicago. Early Risers Ww 8-Cinc. Setting Up; Der Chicago. Morning ol. Sant City. Bible les: JT ST (m~Ginet Women Correct (326)=Detroit, Tonight's Dinner; 9.45 ahi Markets. 9.50 Ho 42 oi Columbus, Educational 10.00 RiRY 4 SP) Shenandoah. Varied pro- Mic (36)~Kansas City, Columbia vr @O-Mpls-St. Paul, Bemiine tel We ih Wiz Witkds, ii Fis, KWK, WREN Wor Bo, Sad Be "io Flash; Wea. Ws (476) =Jefferson City, Markets; Bullets. - 10.30 wo (535)=Ames, Ia, Markets; Wea: Y1aq $17)~Worcester, Women's 10.30 WORG (0) Mpis-St, Paul, Stock 1.00 Wen Re oetee Home manage- Be n= --Akron, WA oy 5)=Chi fags Overture hr. )=Atlanta. Weather Mark. Wing (48 ~Milwaukee, News; 11s Wk AR Nouschol A Veal wkd CKN Ya (535)-A WOW (508) CNRM ih (Tues, Thurs.) WCAE O40 = Pls Music S| WOR ($= Bulle. "Weather: ts, Won (416)=Chicago, Morning musi. Was (332)=Pitts, St, Patrick's WHE (216)=Cleveland, Noon musie, WwW. , Luncheon songs, WLW (428)~Cinci, Music; Markets, Wiiko (447.5)=Chicago, Home econo: woe \F0)~Pavenport. Opening Mark. Was NS Teieracn City, Markets, WRC (315.6)=Wash, Farm Flashes. WTAG (317)=Worcester, Organ; Mar. kets, WA (320 Detroit, Weathers Lungh: Wh Fy a0) - =~ Richmond, Aunt Sammy (Mon., Wed, wi (187) = Milwaukee, rogram, 12.30 webs (370)=Mpls-St, Paul, Stock re: Eke (465. f= ~New York, Markets; Luncheon Mu WTAM (80) =Cleveland, , Dinner mu- Wir (492)=Phila, Luncheon music, JRVA (270)=~Richmond, Sunshine Hour (Mon, Wed, Fri, 12.45 WIR (400)-- Detroit. Musical Matinee, WLS (345)=Chicago, Dinnerbell pro. % 80 N 8% 200 £9 bag > 9.15 ho 2.3 Musical program ofr LY J Market ing. a pt ark: aha. Housewives a An Pe 3 City, RR Melodies; wit York, Luncheon wos nm City, Markets; i aly Gu. Niu us (SB)=Ames, Markets; Fam NRA (96)=Moncton, Music; Maik: ox Schenectady, Television oN Luncheon music 1.40 WGN 16 le ansas City, Country bby yy Matinee aw 20 Roa (361)=Denver, Weather; a )<Toronte, Musial pro: WHBN OB Caer on aon WGBS (254)=New York, T Music av (RS Shenetadr. + Makes i a (400) wos (a Ra. City. yg WMT eT) Milwaukee. Musical pro: Wal {1)=Nashvite, Luncheon Cos: 23% Weel (0) Mal St, Paul, Weath- Non fe Sa) es © WOI (35) Ames, a 245 wow (508) -Omaha, arkets Receipts Musie; Mark. 3.00 (Neo (4.5) Ottawa, Whoa (39)--~Chicago, Housewives Sat.) WH (5 (335)=Phila, Concert (ex, be JL (176)=Jefferson City, Closing wip (42)--Phila, Musicale, 330 WEAF (454.3)=New York, Studio pro. fis LS (345) ~Chica; Homemakers a0 WhiAL Ton) ivi Salon hina KDKA C00 --Pitts. 2 so mc WBBM ()~Chicago, Orch Orchéstra cons cert: organ Vek - h)-Cn hicage, Matinge dance i ew! White" (492)=Kansas Nene. asics nee, WO {30).~Davenport, Homemakers Hour (ex. pls-St, Paul, Steck re. wl WCCO (370)=N a (o=Yotoren City, Theatrical i ®hursda Programs THURS SOAS REST EATURES 10003 Nhe System (WJZ)=Dr, Cope- 1 Hous 10.45 Nie System (WEAF)~"Hands of His 11.00 WHA ' Chicago, fxerture Hour, NB ystem Cooking School, 11.15 ik System ( A Criking In. (Central)=Farm Schenectady. Television, 4.00 Wiz, Chicago, US, Army Band also EVENING PROGRAMS 5.00 WADC Ar Dinner concert. 5,30 NRC System: Dill and Jane to WEAF, (283)~Baltimore, Sandman Waldorf Astoria Music to WEA A CAE, WRC, WW], WTIC, WEFL on Enicago. Federation Labor Hour. WHK (216) ~Cleveland. Trio, WIP (49)=Phila, Concert orchestra, WisN (268)~Milwaukee, Peter Rabbit, (116)--Chicago, Book Warm, WIRT (389)~Chicagn, Orga wis (394,5)~New York, Semp's or: chestra, VIR 400) =Detroit, Dinner Music; v "TAM (280)+-Cleveland. Dinner musie, V/A (326) Detroit, Dinner coneert, 6.15 wt Q (487) = Milwauk B (326)= Detroit, Cy Mg Y 'System: of (447.5)--Chicago, Jorsy Turvy 6.30 KDKA (306)=Pitts, Wm, Penn Con. 1.00 KTHS (w8)=Hot Springs, Noon fea: tures (ex, Wed.) cert, "All Performance e Proves It ERC A SR "HAYTON 188 Arthur St, Phone 1643.W LSTER you seek in Radio® THIS CHRISTMAS For the whole family--a gift that keeps on giving joyful entertainment year in and year outs This versatile entertainer may be obtained om very easy terms at Nua Wc (oy Datsie "0. W ichigan Orches ¥ 13 Regis tra; i fa W Waki Sichestra and Chicago. hse News; Amos and a iswark. Si Program. 3 ERE ode A Wad a WTMJ chestra, 72.3 CNRM Ti to 3 " (24)--Chicago. The Demonstra- Ld o WCAU cert, WCAE WGR NEEL W av " (39.5)~Schenectady, Sein ho 8) Cleveland, Ee -- vel Talk, gan; or. CRRW, { Worcester, (487)--~Milwaukee. 441) Montreal. aS Co (256)--~Phila. Suellenberg Con- (M2)-Pitts. Uncle G imbee, (545)--Buffalo, i ystem: Comfort Hour to Webi! WIJAR, WTAG, Farm pe Wa N Lu6)-Chicago. Nighthawks; Al WHR S2i6}-Cleveland, Business Talk; SHA Rochester. Dinner music WIV Wu vie Whya 8.00 CNRM pi ily KST NCCO Wea" WEA LE WARN, wes; WT Ri Na, WHY wi Be rem: 18 Wh kweAn Aik Rohe, (Nan. i. (365)~Louisville, Orchestra (428)~Cinci. Poherty's orches, tmore concert veman play. (270)~Richmond, Organ; Mo- = ntrea) to. CNRO ENR NW, , (n-t Paul, Trail Rlazers, H0)-=Mpls- -St, Paul, Our State (3p. fy choy Hr, TI KOA, WWI, AAs + Floarwalker, @ 7)=New = York, Oakland's i526) Chicago. News; Musicale, (268)~Milwaukee, Marwood Si Lehn and gin WIR, A ren. 8 Wik wie (345)=Chicago,. Scrap Book; The A ir) (447.5)--Chicago. U, of Chicago OR (422)~Newark. WOR Stock Co. wha (37) --Atlantis City, Gospel Wa (461)=Nashville, Craigs orches, wcco (361 Ld Shey BC Sy WEAF, Wi 0, WGN Ww AF, } (Mala +8t, Paul, Common (chicago Markets; Special Fea: rown Palace ors (256)--Phila, Minute stem: Hoover Sentinels "Wa, WFAA KV, 0 WRC, WTAM, l Wa "WHA en, x KSD, wou » WEEI hea, WLS Players, W Na xh t Champion prkets me Wis "5 BEA X YW, Rk wi i404 WREN, WMAK WTMS Whiz, 'WhA L' WIR, AM, hein Old Melodies, (487) Milwaukee, inging Fireman, WTIC 9,00 CNRM n=l to CNRO Rasife Wiz Columb WARC WFBL, a Wee" w WHA Classical, WGN (416)~Chicago, wisy i eh, AQ fA w iva Hour, wy ALAR ( Khe s WEAF, weco' Crafts WEAU. wey (379.5)~ Schenectady, nb (y is We We MAK re Jibei md Singers i fo t 17, KDKA, KW ii (500)~Hartford, "Tone Color," Mootretk ing Rogram a " Seiberling (208)--8t. Paul 308) Springfield. program, Sweetest Maid, Merrymakers, AY ' 4 whl M, ikon wae "oll OR, We o KW: Melodeers, (3% --Phila., Kansas Hour, ¢ in) earwater, Organ; Fada Hour, Fada, Jour sere to iwi YH Wor M, WMC, Wa --Detroit, Eons iners, es woo (268)~Milwaukee, wit Vij pind Uh, ow, 5)==Chicago, WW (428)~Cinei, Ga 8 (345)--Chicago, WPG (272)--Atlantic pd lt Ar (370)=Richmond. and Jokes ph he Ab ystem: The Contraltones to 70)-Mpls- St, Paul, *l336)~Phila, Musica! hii i Levin ram, on We R (545)~Buffalo, Pci orchestra P, WHAS, WSM, Ww. W, WhAQ RVA rn ok & an K iid HE X¥is Wear! landers, RTT WM (447.5)--Chicago, (#70)~Richmond, Library Fed, 280)~Cleveland, Recital hour, fr AAR icago, Orchestra; News; Paul, Ft. Snelling (37! B)~Hot Springs. Meyer Da. 85) Baltimore, The Mary: AM, 34.4 C, WSB, Minstrel Columbia Setworks A herts Rix Me WKRC, KMAC Wi RW, woco GN (M16)~Chicarn. Goldkettes ; Musical Melonge, SER to SAK, won WSPD, wie, FAN, Ok aneapolis, Pianist; WFAA. eye, WSB, Wi (338) =Clearwater. Kiwannis DODDS KIDNEY PILLS WHN (27)~New York, Varied pro- 'HT (22)--Chicago. Maytag Ramb- (N NISN (268) Milwaukee, Krueger's WIR (400)--Detroit, Cotton Pickers. WY SSE RS: se CAG. wiz BS-New. York, Wayside Ina o ly WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Steinite pro- ram, ia (272)--Atlantic City. Subway Ww WA S0-Richmend, Staff Ww. (461)--Nashville. Foon Md Sho 10.3% Pacific Network: Sym mphony how KOA (%1)--Deaver, tension Servi ces. Orches alg Sxylem: Palais tra Fl WWJ, d'or WFI, WGR, Wav WiC, WMC. WCAE (212) Pitts, Entertainers. Vere (256)=Phila, Entertainers; chestra, lumbia to WARC, WMAK, Feature; or- Network: The Merrymakers NAC, WEAN, WFAL, JAS, WADC, Wi C, WGHP, WOWO, KMOX, KMRC Wihh, WICC, WHK, WLBW, NHC System: Iso-Vis Orchestra and enor to WGN, WTMJ), WOW, WDAF, KSD, WCCO, NHK (258)--Rochester, Carborundum Band also WGY, WHAS (366)--Louisville, Studio Con. on. NBC Sys Fortune Tellor to WIZ, waz, WHEN, WRAL, KDKA, WLW, KYW, KWK, WIR WRC (315)- ~Washington. Lotus orches. WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Silver Slip- per Revue; News. CNRM 1) Montreal. Organ, Dance Orchestra ta CNRO, CNRQ, CNRT, CNRR (312)--Regina. Popular program KPRC (345) Houston, Amos and Andy also KSTP, WDAF, WJR, WHK, WCAU (256)--Phila. Picadilly Revue. WFLA (333)--Clearwater. Dance music WGN (416)--Chicago, Tomorrows Trib., Hungry Five. WIBO (526)--Chicago. Popular; Dance orchestra. WLW (428)--Cinci, Mell Dell; Theis orchestra. NRC System: Siumtnr Music. to WIZ, WRC, Ww MAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Andy; Concert Orchestra. WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Orchestra Whe (272)-- Atlantic City. Wiva (270)=Richmond, Dixie Seren. ader Wa (461)--Nashville, Studio program WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Dance music Lu (205)--8t, Paul. Dance music, WIR (400)--Detroit, Orchestra; wha (216)~Cleveland, Days orches, WCCO (370)--Mpls-St. Paul. Long's orchestra, CNRC (434.5)--Calgary. Studia program KFI (468)--Los Angeles, Concert or- chestia, WCAU (256)--Phila, chestra, ; WGN (416)--Chicago, chestra, WHN (297)~New York, With, A 79)-Schenertady, : Pollack's orchestra and Amos and Rhodes Dance mus News; Evergreen or Goldkette's Frivolity Club Organ to or: to Wear Ww ; wis] (487) Milwaukee, Dance Music 1-2 hours). wsh (405)~-Atlanta, Organ, 00 KNX (285.5)--Hollywood, Feature pro- ram. Columbia Network: 1 to WARC WGHP, WHRM, KYW (294)--Chicago. KEX (254)-- Portland. o KJR, Kifox (375)--8t. Louis, Dance Music WGN (416)--Chicago, _ Dream Shin; Goldkettes Orchestra; Nighthawks (1 Cana- WEAN, Lombardo's WFAN, KMHC, KOIL. Fiorito's arches. Salon Orchestra WViiAo (447.5)--Chicago, Benson or: chestra, WHN (297)--New York, Orchestra, WGR (345)--Buffalo, Wil 428)~Cincl, Showbox Orches, Paci Vetwork: Maxwell Hour, KMBC (316)--Kansas City, The Mid- Nighthawk Silver Slipper Shea's Sym- 12.30 5 12.45 WHA" on Kansas City, 294)--Chicage. Insomnia Club, 1 oh= Vancouver, The Boh ote Network: The Trocaderans to KFI, KPO, KEX (254)--Portland, Kremer's orehes, KJR (309) Seattle, Meyer's orchestra, (Copyright 1928 by Audie Bervice 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) CONSIDERING PLANS T0 CURTAIL OUTPUT Contemplated Action May Cemadian Increase Price of Welsh Coal on, Dec, B.--Proposals for restricting the coal output of South "Wales will be considered hy the owners tomorrow in an attempt to deal with the depression in the in- dustry, The idea is that the eonal output shall he regulated by the demand for coal, the owners to be compensated for losses in output and penalized for each ton produc- ed In excess of the quarterly alloca- tion, It is likely the mew proposals, it adopted, will be the beginning of a scheme of national co-opera- tion in the coal industry and that they will also lead to the co-opera- tive marketing of coal. The owners believe this is the only way to re- store any semblance of prosperity in the industry, thought it is obvi- ous the scheme will mean an in- crease in the price of coal apd may affect the price of Welsh coal exported to Canada, preserved, and. three old muzzle- loading cam Holsting a. guns to the surface, Martin related that he had scraped and polished them hoping to learn PAGE Nine overtaken and sunk x Port Limon. for it have not beem sue- CANADIANS WIN, LIVESTOCK SHOW AT CHICAGO Duncan Campbell of Moffat and Robt, McEwen, London, Get Awards Dec. §5--A 12-.year- old Towa farm lad emerged from the International Livestock Exposition today as the champion stock raiser of the country. He was Clarence Goecke of State Center, Iowa, whose yearling Here- ford steer, Dick, which he raised and fed himself, was chosen the grand champion steer of the entire exposition by Walter Biggar, live- stock expert from Scotland, who came to Chicago to judge the cham- pionship steers, In addition the Hereford Breeders' Association had offered a special prize of * $300 to the owner of the grand champion steer, providing it was a Hereford, The corn king championship of th annual Exposition was won by Rom Workman of Waverly, Is, a "husk off the old stalk." Seven years ag his father was the corn king. inners Canada's winnings in the lae cattle judging today, not a grat deal of which was conducted because of the delay incident to picking ne grand champion steer were confired to a place apiece for Duncan Ganp- bell, of Moffat, Ontario, and T, A Russell, of Toronto, in the breedng shorthorn division, Russell won fourth place in the class for cow with calf at side with his Flower Girl 15th, Campbell won third in the class for heifers alved in the last quarter of 1927 with Proud Beauty, by Broadhooks King, out of Proud Duchess 8th, ] Champion Robert McEwan, ig London Ont, sheep breeder swept through to al- most a complete victory, the breed- ing southdown sheep division fur- nishing a field for his conquests, McEwan finished second to the Mountain Farms in flock ¢ompeti- tion, but won the blue ribben when one of his yearlings was adjudged champion ram of the Southdown breed, His ewes won the reserve championship, and he took first and second in the yearling ewe class, and third in the class for three ewe lambs , McEwen took first prize for a pen of three ram lambs to esp his per- formance, BLAME MOONSHINE FOR YOUTH'S DEATH Walkerton, Dec, 5.--John Wil. son, of Pinkerton, was arrested Tuesday by Provincial Constable McClevis of Hanover, following an inquest into the death of Joseph Reid, a young man of Greenock Township, whose body was found in a shallow creek by the road- side, A bottle of swamp whisky was found near the body, Gordon sawyer, Reid's companion of last night, is reported to be ill tonight, He is sald to have told police that the liquor was purchased from Wilson, It appears that Sawyer some time during Monday afterpoon mot- ored to the Reid home, and later he and Reid drove off together, returning about 10 o'clock last night, The two young men parted on the 14th concession about 30 rods from the Reid farm, This ap- parently is the last time Reid was seen alive, Dr, Tucker of Paisley was called to the scene and summoned Cor- oner Dr, H. G, Joyce of Cargill, who impanelled & jury, A postmortem was held under the direction of Dr, McCue of Walkerton and Dr. Tucker of Pais- ley, and the stomach was sent to Chicago, Tis. was then postponed, to be held at Cargill Friday, December 14, HARBOR WORKS ARE PROMISED VICTORIA Victoria, Deg, 5.--Dr, J, D, Mae- lean, Liberal candidate in Thurs- day's Federal by-election, in a statement made public today, out- lined a program of expansion for Victoria harbor which he said he would advocate before the Domin- fon Parliament if elected, The program calls for work at the Victoria inner and outer har- bors and at the Government docks in order to accommodate a larger class an increased amount of ship- ping, with the purpose of enhanc- ing Victoria's standing as an in- Maclean ssid he bad shaped bis ideas after conferences with ship- ping snd business men and wou BOY LAUGHED AT WANING AND PAID IVES AS PENALTY] Jur' Returns Verdict of Ac gidental Drowning in Toronto Bay onto, Dec. 5.--Yoath laughed at the warnings of experience and pal again the dreadiul price when Garge Wallace Hodge, aged 17, and Renold Goodrich, aged 18, two sea cdets, ere drowned in Toronto y on November 17 after their ofoe, had swamped in a storm off Migg's Island. Such was the conclusion drawn fom the evidence adduced last night $ the inquest at the City Morgue then John W. Medland, aged 19, nd Elliott W. Langley, ita aged 13, he two survivors, told a coroner's Toronto for analysis, The inquest]: industrial and commercial city, Dr, jury the story of the stark struggle in which Hodge and Goodrich per. ished. Warned Two gray- -haired watermen of many years experience--Capt. Pat- rick McSherry, skipper of the tug Clarke Bros, and F, A, Dunne, night engineer at the mainland ferry docks --both swore that they had solemnly warned Hodge and Goodrich against attempting to make the island by canoe in the prevailing Storm. Paris, Dec. 6--A gigantic would represent about $20.000.- velopmen! which drought the crowds to the newspaper office, and when it was found that seals had beem placed on the building the police guard had some difficulty in maintaining Similar scenes were reported from Lille, Tourcoing and Roubaix, where the concern had established windle, resulting im ) to "in estore' of per $20,000,000, hoed in the Chamber of Deputies oday and reached toward the iat, Two arrests have been a i - The affair got into the Chamber Deputies when M., Chastemet, ialist member from Isere, inter- fellated Premier Poincare as to what measures he intended to take to prevent similar occurrences in the future", the member adding that he stood ready to mame two Cabinet Ministers who were closely interested in financial companies of a character "not unlike that which das just collapsed." M. Poincare refused to discuss the status of his involved Ministers He did, however, say that sterner supervision was being created for the control of such projects. --snde hE meh ip women, a m the poorer classes, stood mournfully, and at times menacingly, outside the of- fices of the Gazette du France to- day, The newspaper was a subsid- ary of financial companies organ- ized in all the large cities and the crowds were clamoring for reim- bursement of lost "investments" . The case promised to develop into one of the greatest blows to French savings that has been de- livered since the Panama Canal scandal Expert acgountants who have been exmining the books of Mme, Marhte Hanau, 42, and her divorced husband but present busi- Ress partner, Lazare Bloch, esti- mated that the crash had caused losses of from 150,000,000 to 500,~ 000,000 'francs, The latter figure Investigators said that the meth ods employed by Mme. Hanau and her former husband recalled those used in the United States several and thus bait the trap attractiv for still later "investors™. EE RE Conan London, Oat., Dec. $--A check-up of the first ation of returns on the munici; election results was made Ry i Cierk Samuel Baker and his staff, but failed to reveal any errors likely to her the stand- ng of Spe de, F ec official majority of Mayor- elect W. J. Kilpatrick over Gores A. Wenige is recorded as 377 and, while this has been about the aver- age of mayoralty majorities for the past twenty years, there is some talk in municipal circles of a re- count. Mayor Wenige spoke of this possibility at the city hall this morn- ing, but later refused to state his intentions, The total of more than 20,000 votes was the largest in his- tory, with the one £aseption of 1925, when Mayor John M. Moore was elected over Mayor Wenige. Though only four aldermen were elected this year, five seats will be filled on the council, due to the fact that Ald. Kilpatrick vacated his aldermanic scat with a year to run, and the place will 2 filled by Chris Hawken, who was fifth in the running a year ago, "They laughed at me," said the the boys as they waited about the docks for Medland and Langley, who were paddling from the island to pick them up, "I said, 'There's no use talking to you fellows" Accidenta Mr, Dunne said tel he had told them that no canoe could live in the storm then blowing. "I told them that if they had no place to stay ov- ernight except at the island," he said, "they could stay with me in the Clark Bros." The jury found that the drowning was purely accidental, but in a rider attached to its verdict it urged that reater publicity be given the har- or by-law which prohibits the carrying of more Rg three adults in a canoe, It was suggested that copies of this regulation be posted where island residents and others could see them, Several witnesses who claimed to have been boating for years, said that they had never known of this rule. ALBANIAN ASSEMBLY NOW PARLIAMENT Tirana, Albania, Dee, 6, -- The constitutional assembly passed a law transforming itself into a par. liament, it was announced Sun- day, This is the final act In connec- tion with the assembly's work oi amending the constitution to per- mit the transformation from a re- public to monarchy with King Zogu on the throne, NEW ZEALAND HOUSE OPENED FOR TAKING A TEST VOTE Wellington, New Zealand, Dec, 5. --The new Parliament was opened Tuesday after new members, elect- ed in the recent parliamentary elec- tion, had taken the oath, 8ir C, E Statham was re-elected as Speaker, The formal opening, however, takes place tomorrow, the function being performed by Sir Charles Ferguson, Governor-General, The Parliament is convened for the purpose of taking a test vote, Premier J, G, Coates' Govern- ment having suffered a severe set- back in the elections, The standing of parties is officl- ally: Government, Reform party, 20; United Liberals (Sir Joseph Ward), 27; Labor, 19; Independ- ents, 6. Total 80, advocate that sn early state be wade on the work, veteran ferry captain, who had met | wick stock, We deliver Hogg & Lytle, Limited P 203 CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPH OFFICES are now Exclusive Accepting Offices MARCONIGRAMS to Great Britain, Europe, Asia, Africa. Australia and South ' ? America. Use the Beam for Speed, Accuracy and Economy CANADIAN MARCONI COMPANY the best on the 16 Celina St. With cold weather coming and not much sunshine your poul- try need cod liver oil, We have quantity you want, Feed our Superior Scratch Grain along with our Laying Mash and make your hens lay, DoYour Hens Lay? market in any Cooper-Smith Co. Phone 8 \) $1.00 per 90 ib. Bag First Class Grade A qualify, Yor choice Ontario or New Brum. in the city.

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