PAGE FOUR .4 THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER The Oshawa Daily Times 1s a member of the Cana: dua Prem, the Genuine Baily Sswigapue 4% and the Circulations, Delivered by carrier: 30c a week, mail (out side Oshawa cartier delivery )1 in the Counties of Ontario, Durham and Novthumber land, $3.00 a year; elsewhere in Canada, $4.00 a year; United States, $5.00 a year. TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Building, 4a Temperance Street, Tele phone adelaie 0107, H, D, Trenidder, vopree sentative, REPRESENTATIVES IN OA, Powers and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicage, --- =m SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 HELP THE CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Oshawa citizens are being given an op- portunity again this year to help the less fortunate members of the community at the Christmas season through the agency of the Christmas Cheer Fund. This work was first established on a sound basis some four years ago and has since been carried on very successfully each succeeding year, The Committee in charge has three main objectives: (a) no needy family over- looked; (b) every case investigated; (c) mo overlapping, In other words, the Christmas Cheer Committee aims to carry out the work entrusted to it efficiently as well as sym. pathetically, J The need this year is perhaps greater. than last, Many heads of families are out of work and are unable to provide the necessi- ties of life, to say nothing of a little extra treat for the children, without which Christ. mas would be just like the other days of the year, except a little duller and a little sad- der, Those who are in better circumstances cannot but heed the call of the needy, parti- cularly the children, at Christmas time, How can anyone be happy in making merry 'around the Christmas tree, and sitting down to Christmas dinner in the comfort, perhaps the luxury of their own home, without hav- ing at least done something to make the way a little brighter and the load a little lighter for those less fortunate than themselves, Those: who give generously to the Oshawa Christmas Cheer Fund will surely experience the joy to which the Master referred when he said; "It is more blessed to give than to receive," The Treasurer of the Fund is Mr, T, W, Joyce; Manager of the Dominion Bank, to whom cheques should be made payable, Con- tributions may be left at the Dominion Bank or at the Ontario Government Employment office, 8 Bond street west, or at the office of The Oshawa Daily Times, Simcoe street south, = All contributions will be acknowled- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 * of profitable truck operation, the problem of the railroads is simplified somewhat, al- as a matter of fact the truck men seem to be of the opinion that, experts or no experts, they can profitably haul goods for much longer distances. BEAUTY, BRAINS AND BUSINESS A novel of several summers ago told of Sally, a girl so distractingly pretty that as soon as she stepped into the street a crowd collected about her, She was only a simple village maiden and quite unfit to cope with the devastating effects of her bewitching beauty, Had she been a modern miss, working in 'a business office, it is a question whether her extreme good looks would have been an asset or a disadvantage. It is certain they would have aided her in obtaining a position, but it is quite as certain that they would have been the cause for many wasted min- utes if her desk were placed in the same room with male workers, Opinions solicited from prominent busi- ness men pretty well agree that good looks in a business woman are not a drawback, The business girls themselves seem to sub- scribe to this view, for most of the ambi- tious ones are keen to appear at their best, Perhaps it is best for business and the business girls that young women who, like Sally and Helen of Troy, are so beautiful as to be almost a public menace are few and far between, It has long since been proved that the beautiful are not always dumb and that to be an office distraction a girl need not be beautiful, Whether a girl is an asset or a liability to an office depends less upon her looks than upon her conduct during working hours. ! EDITORIAL NOTES Persons most disposed to start something are not always best qualified to see it through, When you look at what some women mar- ried you know that nothing less than love could have persuaded them to do it, Education: Spending months teaching hand-writing to a generation that will use typewriters, The world's population will double in 60 years, it is estimated, which is bad news be- cause it will mean twice as much human na- ture, families to help and support, and that SAYS STOCKBROKER SLAPPED HER FACE New York, Dec. 1. -- Winnifred Sackville Stomer, author and edu- cator, Wednesday night caused the arrest of Robert Loeb, a member of the New York Stock Exchange, on & charge of disorderly conduct after an altercation in front of the Sherry Netherland Hotel on Fifth .javenue, at 53th street. Saturday, Dec. 1, 1928. WHAT OUR WORK SHOULD GIVE US You and I have ourselves and our perhaps fills our minds and our hours to a very considerable extent. How- ever as you have this life to live any- way, why not get all the enjoyment, the satisfaction, the "kick," as our young friends call it, that may be yours. Dr, Glenn Frank, President of the University of Wisconsin, tells us that as we all have to work, there are four necessary things to our work that make or will give it that co uplete- ness that is worth while. First, the work should not be so easy that you are not learning something and over- coming something everyday. This makes it a sort of daily "adventure." Second, enough variety that it taxes your brain but is not too dii- ficult for mind or body. Third, a sense that the job you are doing means something to the world; 1s helping the world's pro- gress. Fourth, to like and be liked by your fellow workers. Your natural question is what has the above to do with that body oi She charged that she met Loeb, accompanied by a woman she said was wearing an $8,000 bracelet she had given loeb to be repaired. When she asked for an face. She called an officer and had him arrested. BOBCAYGEON HOCKEY CLUB Bobcaygeon, Dec. 1.--~The Bob- caygeon Hockey Club, at its open- ing meeting of the season, elected Dr. R. B. Kelly as President: Gor- don Moore, Secretary-Treasurer J. R. Mcintosh, team manager and Chairman of an Athletic Committee which consists of C. Anderson, C. Crant and Charles Gordon. yours. Well, just take all four of Dr.| Frank's suggestions and see how | that body of yours enters into cvery | | one oi them. First how much "adventure" is in | your spirit in the morning, if you have overeaten the night before or slept badly? Why you don't even want to go to work: Second, there must be a certain amount of routine in all our work, and how "deadly" that becomes when that body of yours is below par from indigestion, constipation, an ah- scessed tooth, headache, safe feet, or other conditions There is no energy, mental alertness, left to use your brain on a new problem, Third, the thought that you are.or should be doing or creating some- thing may not even enter your head, the way you are feeling. Fourth, if you are feeling below par, you can readily guess how small things will annoy you, and you may he more or less of a Yerabh" to those about you with whom vou work, And so as vou and I go about | the task of living and try to keep in mind Dr. Frank's four suggestions, our first thought should be about our hodies, about our health, hecause | health gives or takes away from us| our ability to measure up to the HH SILENCE | FAR M above suggestions, and thus get from life all the wonderful gifts she has to hestow. (Registered in accordance Copyright Act.) with' the LIFE TERM ON LIQUOR CHARGE Flint, Mich., Dec 1.-----Channie Tripp, 37, of Flint, Wednesday was sentenced to life imprisonment following conviction of a fourth violation of the Prohibition law. The sentence was pronounced by Circuit Judge Fred W. Brennan, under the new State criminal code which makes a life sentence man- datory for a fourth felony conyie- tion. Fred Palm, of Lansing, was sentenced to a life term on con- viction of possessing a pint of gin several months ago, following three | felony convictions, MAN SHOT DEAD STEALING TURKEY Chicago, Dec, 1.--The body of Joseph Decorado, stripped of all clothing and wrapped in a blanket, was found Wednesday night in an alley on the west side, He was shot, police learned, when he at- tempted to steal Thanksgiving Day fowls from James Vilona's butcher shop. Vilona, armed with a shotgun, sat 3p all night on Tuesday watching the stock of turkeys in his store, Decorado broke into Direct Private Wires to New York and Toronte Quotations Boarded om New York, Toromto, Montreal and Standard Mining Exchanges Enquiries and Correspondence Solicited OSHAWA OFFICE Telephone 2600--t : Alger Building, Opposite Post Office F. G. CARSWELL, Manager Cassels, Biggar, Tarner & Crawford Stock and Bond Brokers ESTABLISHED 1902 Members Toronto Stock Exchange Associate Members New York Ourb Market STOCKS a ---------- iI SroBiE-ForLONG (© A SE, S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 3 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R, Office Phones 143 and 144 GRAIN LONDON, ENG, f. J. REDDIN, R Teleohors: HOT + Investment Record Booklet Our new Investment Record Booklet may be used to enter essential data regarding your securities, and saves unnecessary trips to your safe deposit ° box to obtain such data. Wa shall be pleased to send one of these Booklets on request; or if you will send us a list of holdings we will enter them and make a valuation, with recom. mendations where necessary, : DominNION SECURITIES ON LIMITED CORPORATI Established 190] ER Wood, President Head Offices TORONTO, 26 King Se. B Ay toy | N orLa8 of its perfection than could 3 our first ride in the New Cadillac alle, silence will tell you more any srgument E ELOQUENT THAN WORDS 4 ry YZ Ti 7 // = 7 2) 'A In addition, the new Syncro-Mesh Transmission chan fini MARR LB i ges gear softly, » new Duplex Four Wheel Bra Gone are all the familiar body-noises associated in the past with motoring «+ absent are those subtle sound -vibra- fis eostte. imitate 8 dow) Shightest rewire Le Rewly } . engine iis wg RL ak id mendous power. The New Cadillac and La Salle are cars that one must see and drive, or else forego the greatest joy a motorist can know, A demonstrator is ab ¢ wre is always at your the shop during the night and was shot when he refused to surren- der, Companions dragged him to a waiting automobile and escaped, later disposing of his body, ged throught the columns of The Times, Tearing off the coupon in the lower right- hand corner for a trial lesson in will develop- ment is one way of eliminating yourself as a candidate for the world's largest monu- ment, ONWARD " History is thought to repeat itself and life is said by the profound to move in cycles, but invention rushes onward never to return to yesterday's antiquated methods, The New Cadillac-La Salle bodies snd buil¢ th 'The automobile and motor truck are re- placing the railroad and the street car and the next generation may see machines of the air make obsolete the railroad, trolley and automobile. Almost over night -the radio supplanted the phonograph and is now threatening the telephone and telegraph, Electricity has revolutionized commerce and industry and is otherwise affecting our habits of living, Every day production records in many in- dustries are beaten through improved meth- ods and the inventive genius of engineers, The work of housewives is being daily dim- inished by the never ceasing efforts of the inventor and the trained mechanic. On the farm a twelve-months' job for hu- man hands has been reduced to as little as 60 days' toil for machinery that never tires but the next generation will wonder how the farmers of 1928 got along with the "anti- quated machinery" available to them. The press which prints your daily news- paper is capable of printing and folding more papers cach minute than the press of yes- Bit of Verse is. SURCEASE gu When you are tired, and all the music dies, And the glad light fades from your skies, Remember, then, another day shall dawn, Au bring you on its wings a strength re- mn, When you are weary with the clash of life, And all your world seems vibrant with the strife, Bemember that in quietness and in peace When least you look for it will come re- lease, No pein but has its surcease, and no ache But shall be stilled ere the poor heart shall break Not for the pmsent live we--but to see The great light breaking, of Eternity. And the glad light fades dully from the skies. ~--Maude Gurney Tyler [PNEUMATIC CONTROL IN BODY AND CHASSIS CONSTRUCTION The NEW CADILLAC The NEW LA SALLE and NEW ELEETWOOD BODY CREATIONS MOTOR CITY SERVICE Limited ANDREW MOFFATT, President 26 ATHOL STREET WEST CAD-BRIX OSHAWA