Celebrate St. Andrews Nightin Highlanders and Lowlanders Join Together in County Town to Observe the An- niversary of Scotland's Patron Saint -- Steaming Haggis is Piped By Piper Lawler -- Program By Talented Artists (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dee. 1.--St. Andrew's Night, the anniversary of Scot- land's patron saint, was fittingly observed at the Presbyterian Church last night, when the annu- al St. Andrew's concert was pre- sented. tended by Scotsmen and the descens dants of Scots from Whitby and district and not even the inclem- ent weather hindered the gathering of the clans, as it might well be called. The large school room of the church was "giorated with the plaids and the cartans of many & Highland and Lowland family, The climax of the evening came when Piper Lawler, of the legion pipe band, Oshawa, attired in full uniform, piped in the steaming haggis. Before dispersing all joined in the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." Scottish Humor The program included Scottish songs and readings, spiced with Scottish jokes, and the assisting ar- tists performed in a mariner whic), won the hearty opplause of the aud- ience and called for encores. Rev. John Lindsay made a very capable ehairmon and told a num- ber o§ stories concerning his own countrymen which well proved the ever growing belief that more than half the jokes upon Scotia's people originate among the Scotch them- selves, Rev. T. F. Best, pastor of the Whithy Baptist Church, also eon- tributed several humorows anee- dotes, while Mr, James Ormiston, who is a native of the homeland, added his share to the stock of humor, , Talented Artists Community singing of several fine old Scottish songs, under the direction of Mr, Harry Salmon, organist and choir leader, was much enjoyed, Miss Purvis of Osh- awo, gave several pleasing read- ings and recitations, including tw: favorites by Robert Burns, Mr Walter Kerr, of Ashburn, who p sesses a rich bass volece, rende four good selecting, while: Mr, J. Young, of Knox College, Toronto, entertained the audience with four splendid baritone solos, Piper Lawler also performed dered several stirring melodies, for St, Andrew's night could not he celebrated in true form without the aid of the plbroch, The Haggis Due to the good offices of the ladies, tasty and ample refresh. ments were served Including sand- wiches, coffee, shortbread, oat- meal cookies, cake and last but not least, the haggis, which was baked to true perfection, LURE OF IGE CREAM ALMOST FATAL TO YOUNG WHITBY LAD Echool Boy Struck By Car Saved By Pr:sence of Mind (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Dec, 1.--A young school boy had a narrow escape from seri- ous injury yesterday when he was struck by a motor car on Dundas street, a short distance west of the post office. The lad had apparent- ly darted across the strest to at- tend the opening of the new Whit- by Dairy which was being marked by a free distribution of fee cream cones to children. With his eye on the proposed feast he took no time to ohserve the traffic, narrowly missed three cars, and was hit by o, fourth, ! Up and Away He did not fall under the whaels, but apparently grabbed hold of some portion of the machine and was drageed for a few feet. The car stopped and the driver, fearful that he had injured someone, yor out. But the little fellow was euicker, and rising to his feet he darted away. Apparently he was rnhurt for when the. driver took after him he easily outstripped him. Homemade Cooking Of all kinds for sale, For information CALL 88.F The event was well at-' and ren- | Loyal Fashion DALTON CRANFORD 1S FOUND GUILTY "OF SEDUCTION North Oshawa Man Sentene- ed to Term in the Ontario Reforamtory (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Dee. 1. -- Dalton Craw- ford, of North Oshawa, was sen- tenced to a term of 18 months de- terminate and 6 months indeter- minate in the Ontario Reformatory, when convicted by His Hover Judge Ruddy, in county criminal court yesterday afternoon, on a charge of seduction of a young Oshawa girl, Crawford was ar- rested early this summer by Prov- inclal Constable Thos, Mitchell. He defended himself on the grounds that the girl was not of good character, The court was convinced that the prisoner had committed a grave offense and sen- tenced him accordingly. D. A, J. Swanson, of Oshawa, acted as defense counsel, while the prosecution was conducted by the crown attorney, J. A. McGibbon, THREE GONVICTED FOR THEFTS AT BOWNANVILLE Car Owners Get Back Bat. teries, Tools and Headlights After Arrests Bowmanville, Dec, 1.--A good cleanup was made by Chief Ven- ton and Constable Hall when they recovered four batteries, tools, headlights and side curtains which had been taken from several cars hetween there and Blackstock. Three men, Harvey Cooper, Jack Cooper and Jack Sheppard, ap- peared before Police Magistrate Ward on a charge of theft, Crown Attorney Kerr acted for the crown, Mr, Hall of Cobourg for Sheppard and W, Ross Strike for the Coop- ers, All were convicted, Sheppard getting two months in Cobourg jal, Harvey Cooper was fined $50 and costs and was bound over for two years, The younger Cooper was given suspended sentence, The several car owners were glad to get back their property, RUGBY TEAW OF HIGH SCHODL To RECEIVE TROPHY Presentation to Be Made on December 7 By President Rugby Union Bowmanville, Dec, 1.--At the Commencement exercises in connec- tion with the High School on Fri. day, December 7th, a cup will be pesented to the Rughy team, This cup is being donated hy Dr, Neal of Peterboro and the presentation will be made hy C. 8. Browne of Peterboro, President of the Central Intercollegiate Rughy Union. At the regular luncheon of the Rotary Club on Friday, they had a8 speaker John J, Burton, Toron- to. Rotarian Tom Knight in intro- ducing Mr, Burton, spoke of him as being the happiest man he knew, He possesses a most genial disposi- tion and his address 'Business Good and Bad" was most interest. ing and thoroughly enjoyed by the WANT ATTEND ThE FUNERAL OF LATE MRS, WM, HOPPER Many Beautiful Floral Of. ferings as Tribute to Well Beloved Whitby Woman MANY ATTEND Ga (By Staff Beporter Whitby, Dee. 1.-- Met) nBum- ber of friends and relatiy. . tended the funeral of Lov wig William Hopper, well-known resi- dent of Whitby, whose death oceur- red last Wednesday night, in her 77th year. The service was hela from the family residence on Dun. lap street at 2.30 o'clock yester- day afetrnoon, interment be- in the Union Cemetery. Rev. A. M. Irwin, of the North THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 floral tributes in- from the Ladies' Church, Rebekah Among those from out-of-town who attended the fumeral are im- cluded: Mr. and Mrs. John Graban, Mrs, Hilts, yong Mr. Albert McCarl, pectation-- the greatest sensation progressive industry | besuty and quality in powsible to provide dred dollers more | | i | [ i } I& 3 PRODUC of to; Mra, W. Dunbarton; Mr. and Mrs, Mament and M. Pa nington; Miss Emma and Mrs. W. Petrie, Mr, by and Mr, Bert Hopper, NEWSY ITEMS FROM HUSTUING TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville, Dec. 1.--Mrs, F. J. Manning, Church street, emter- tained at two delightful parties on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. At seven o'clock h tea was served from small tables prettily decked with deep rose carnations , Came , Mn Kir- wa. daughter, Mrs. W. I. MacTavish, Toronto, received with her and as- sisted in looking after the guests. Miss Grace Caverly and Miss Mar- garet Climie also assisted im the tea room. Mrs. A. L. Hagerman, Conces- sion street, entertained at a din: ner party on Thursday evening, covers being laid for twelve, Bowmanville citizens are looking forward to the comcert to be given in the Opera House on Sunday evening at 8.30 by the Oshawa Citizens' Band. Anniversary services in St. Paul's United Church, Sunday, December 2nd. The preacher for the day will be Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, D.D., LL.D., Principal of Queen's Uni- and fern, after which the guests Alkhongh the whole country was looking forward to its presentation with eager ex. But no one ever dreamed that it would be in the price range of the four, 8 Six of such startling performance, flashing only be enjoyed in cars costing sever! hun. played bridge. Mrs. Manning's versity. There will be special music and a most profitable and interest- ing day is assured those who at- tend. VITAL STATISTICS Bowmanville, December 1.-- Vital statistics for November this year show a considerable de- crease in the birth rate and a sub stantial increase in the death rate, the figures being as follows: No vember, 1927, 11 births, 3 marri- ages and 3 deaths. November, 1928, 3 births, 1 marriage and 8 deaths. CHAMBERLAIN MAKES FIRST PUBLIO SPEECH London, Dec. 1.--Sir Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign Sec- retary, made his first public speech Friday night, following his return from a tour abroad, during which his health was restored. He pre- sided at a Unionist demonstration at Birmingham. Sir Austen said that be had come back from Canada mot merely pre- foundly impressed with the pro- gress of the Dominion, but still more struck with the immense fut- ure which was open there "for the youth and enterprise of our race." He had made it his business, he sald, to find out about the mem who went to Canada from Great Britain for harvesting work. He had been told that many of them had decided to settle in Canada and were "the kind of stuff Cam- ada needed" and the kind of men who would make good there. ARRESTS MAY FOLLOW HEAP EXPLOSION |is ASH Belleville, Dec. 1.--Henry Cope- | land, 344 Planacle in a ville of an explosion the back of the county jail. land will lose the sight of eye. He also has a deep gash the right shoulder, the result ia ty iii llr placed tn dump since that time. Mr. land was thrown G force when the sh ing struck the employed as a garba of the ecitv. 4 for Bconomicd Transportalion ATTY -- LET /M fr -- i ACR e Outstanding Chevrolet 'of Chevrolet History - a ix in the price range of the four] «although it had been freely predicted that the new Chevrolet would represent the most spectacular of all Chevrolet achievements-- =the announcement of The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History--a Six in the price range of the four--has proved to be of the world's most Everyone was familiar with Chevrolet's bil. liant record of success, Chevrolet had become the world's largest builder of sutomobiles by establishing, yess after year, new standards of performance, Everyone knew thet the low-priced field. mance, an economy averaging better than high compression performance without special fuels, The new hot-spot manifold sasures complete fuel vaporization, The new and larger carburetor incorporates an auto. matic acceleration pump, and an improved venturi choke for quicker winter starting; while a new AC gasoline pump, with filter sssures adequate fuel supply no matter how long or steep the hill, A new heavier crankshaft statically and dynamically balanced malses torsional vibra. tion imperceptible at all speeds--due partly to its exceptional size and partly to the rela. tive shortness of its crank-throws, The entire rocker arm mechanism is automatically lubri. ested; and this, combined with the new camshaft, new large valve tappets, new fabric OSHAWA GENERAL T OF MOTORS ditions by semi-molded linings and a few brake band design, The steering mechanism is fully equipped with ball bearings and the new steering wheel is of the flat slender rimmed type--an important contribution to ease of control, The new and quieter transmission contains heavier gears of vanadium steel while the driving gear and pinion are made of 3% % nickel steel--the finest gear material known coil construction, larger shielded safety gaso. line tank in rear, improved differential lubei. OF The Coupe The Sedan, The Roadster , . , , H665 The Phaeton, , , , , FO65 The Sport Cabriolet , '885 The Convertible Landsa?925 LIGHT DELIVERY CRASS , #510 A Se Ve Sie 1% TON CHASSIS ,..,,0» omnis Tom Toe vores F160 vores 1870 Ontario Motor Sales, Limited ONTARIO CANADA, LIMITED