rer CECE ECEX ECETEXY PETIT ca Hui i ES 7 ; g 3 HEL i £ H if | {i in 5 ir 2 INSTALLMENT 7 One August day, in the long vaca- tion, when she and Amy had walked back from the bathing beach, where all Cottonwoed's younger crowd had thered for a dip, and were lunch- ng in the kitchen, Amy told her that arianne had refused to marry Fox Madison, Barbara stood perfectly still at the sink, Fox was a joke; no self-re- specting gir! in her twenties would want to marry this florid, unam- bitious idler past forty," Yet ' Yet, without any one suspecting how he fel t, quietly and unortenta- tiously, on one of these summer days, he had actually asked her, Who else had asked her? Who else was going to ask her? "How do you know, Amy?" "He told ard Duffy, and Ward told me, "And she vefused him." "Oh, of course! She's waiting for Link, It makes me sick to have her get him," Amy said carelessly, "She has lots of attractive points, Am Ad . "Qh. she's fascinating, of course-- she gets them all, Except Ward-- except Ward!" Amy did not say the last words aloud, she merely sang them in her heart, But their truth was the secret of her indifference to Marianne's charm. "I guess she'll get Link," Barbara shserved, hoping to be contradicted, "Oh, he's crazy about her now; any one can see it," Amy answered, Barbara told herself that Amy knew nothing about the matter, Link was constantly in Marianne's company, and that, in Cottonwood, was quite enough to start the rumor, And not for thei first time, nor the tenth, Barbara only waited until the heat of the day somewhat lessened with the coming of the late after- noon, to walk up to the Wilsons' and find out for herself what they were oll doing. She despised herself for going, but she could not keep away. A tall slim girl, with her bright hair almost hidden under her small white hat, she strolled slowly toward a portion "of the 1 the Pe. SE er Je 4 as she went she felt a sort of sicks ness in her soul. Anything would have been better, more diganified than this--to hang about where one was not wanted, THE QSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1928 But then she was wanted; they ak | ponds ways welcomed her most enthusias- tically when she came in. Only this was different from the old iceling, the careless, cheerful im» pulse to go where one wished to go, and say and du what one wished, Marianne's coming had seemed to intensify everything--to make them all self-conscious and strange with one another, Nobody was at the Wilson house; the maid thought they were all over at Mr, Mackenzie's. Barbara walked the long block, under the big trees, and between the old-fashioned gar- dens where flowers made swimming blots of color in the afternoon sun. Inez, Marianne, Link, Margaret, and Harry Poett were in the dark, handsome library, among the musty shadows and the odorous leather bindings; they said it was coolgm in there than anywhere out of d&Wrs. Barbara protested that it was not so hot, now. She, Amy and Ward were going to walk down for a swim, be- | Lou ore supper. Nothing senshtional going on in the library. Yet Barbara sensed change, sensed import under the smooth-running surface of the com- monplace scene. Marianne, always the center of every group, was extended comforts ably on a chaise longue, hert slim legs and crossed ankles in full view, a cigarette in her fingers, her lazy, mischievous glance moving from one face to ae in turn, She spoke little, and Barbara noted that Link, sunk into a wicker chair' near by, spoke less, Harry was teasing young Margaret, and Inez was making her usual unfortunate effort ta lend sprightliness to the conversation. Link was charming in his own home, and Barbara found herself re- alizing, as if for the first time, that this splendid place, this big brick mansion, with its shuttered bay win» dows and big curved central stair. way, would be his some day; barns and stables, flowers and arbors, fruit trees and horses, Link's wife, whoever she might be, would be mistress here. What a role for a girl to filll What a sunny life with this man for a companion, and this friendly town for a background! Link asked her to help him, when refreshments were in order, and Bar- bara went with him into the clean big Jantty that smelled of scrubbed wood and cheese and apples and they got out bottles of ginger ale, glasses and cheese crackers, together, The maids were out, it being Thursday afternoon; Barbara saw a supper of cold meat, salad and cake neatly arranged for Margaret's cone venience in the ice box. Sunshine slanted redly across the orderly, spacious kitchen, checked glass-tow- els were hanging neatly on hinged poles, two moss roses were in a glass on the spotless sink, Outside the screen door, watching them wistfully, lay Link's big Airedale, "Hello, Goh!" Link greeted him. His voice seemed to Barbara oddly quiet and heavy, somehow, The friends advised me to try after lol as new poron now," women suffer periodical Aopakligi, , but Dodd's Kidney Pi 9 Poids Kidnay ¥ A surely convince you, Sore Back and Headaches Disappeared Dodd's Kidney Pills were Recommended by Friend *1 ha Trouble," wri » McDonald, 35 Kner Ly suffered rile wi a hd, : Erplanede, and used to take awful sore H D: I had used half a box I felt 7, It took two boxes altogeth hes, grows more severe, Rest may give temporary strengthen the cause of the pain, sadaches, Kidney odd's DODDS KIDNEY 4, PILLS Ay i KIDNEY er, end Back. pain SOc fuscia citi # penny for @ shilling? Then why try Regulator, GUARANTEED to produce , in the increased ue famous LJ A Spoonful In the Dai pence! Who wouldn't give to spend 8 few cents to buy when it is number le SE IR 20 il als, PRESLEY Feed~ Sa a i d in RY Nite hd In i then. du Spain. | ar Be rai" he added suddenly "eNot--not that way, At least, I girl spok t that-you won't thin i and expression, when he 3) 3 were ful cance, "Would you be sorry?" he asked. It had come, It had come. No more uneasy speculation and vague jealousy and restless analysis now, The world plunged, for Barbara, resettled on its axis, but never to be the same, e impossible had hap- pened, the unbearable must be borne, "You are sorry?" Link rather ac- fused her than asked her, reading her 00K, "Oh, no--T'm, glad, of course!" she faltered bravely, He dropped his hands from her shoulders and walked to the window, and she followed him there, They stood together, looking out unseeing at the dooryard and the laden goose- berry and eurrant bushes and the rinsed milk bottles neatly inverted on a vine-wrapped picket fence, "I've got it awfully hard!" Link said Rresently, with a gruff, embar, rassed hoyish laugh, | . The girl sent him a quick oblique lance, in a low voice, her face red: ening. "She likes you a lot, Barberry Bush," the man said awkwardly, "I'm glad!" Her tone was lifeless; she felt oddly numb, What was the secret--why was she out of this, Why didn't he why, hadn't he made her understand? hy wasn't it of Barbara Atherton that he was telling some other girl this? - Jealousy caught her in sharp teeth and shook her, It was all Marianne --all for Marianne! It wasn't fair, "I guess it's the first time, with me," Link was saying, in a happily shamed and shaken voice he tried to make laughing, "She's got me! love her so! I want her so," "Good luck to you, dear," Barbara said solemnly. And as she raised her innocent, troubled face, and her luminous eyes to his, he stooped quite simply and kissed her, "Welll" ejaculated Harry Poett from the hall doorway, in joyous ap reciation, "Really, Link--real arbara--" "Oh, you shut 4 and mind your own business!" Barbara could say good-natured, instantly armed, ond twirling her bottle-opener again, as she preceded the two boys to the library, "Don't worry about Link and mel" the direction of the «Rok Marianne, raising a brown slim arm from which the flowered soft sleeve uttered like a great wing reached for another cigarette and regarded them with narrowed, brilliant eyes, "Link, give an account of yourself," she commanded, lazily. Barbara saw Link's answering glance, she saw his big hands tremble @s he opened and poured the drinks, Marianne's power over him seemed to radiate from her like a visible aura; she had only to speak and her accents dominated the room; even when she lay still, sipping her ginger ale, and watching them all with her bright, quick eyes, they were all conscious supremely and primarily of er, When Link crossed the side garden in the summer evenings and went up the Wilson's drive, Barbara wondered when he took Marianne for walks under the big, moon-washed trees and loitered with her by a paddock gate or when they two murmured an murmured on the side poreh, ev into She ight, did Marianne let er Barbara had not wanted him to kiss her, just a few months ao. He bad t er she was stand-offish and uite |, - -lt's Automatic Oshawa Hat service a7 King 8t, W. Phone 1184 Oshawa "nn mean 68d cold. Was Marianne stand-offish and cold? "People cure themselves of the drink habit and of the drug habit," Barbara told herself sternly, walking home alone to join Amy and Barry and Ward for a late dip in the sea. "And I'll cure myself of this, I'll not think of them=1I'll not care what happens to Marianne, or how much she gets out of lifel I have plenty without them--they really matter to me no more than if they were Eur- opean royalty, I'l be nice, I'l be friendly and interested, but I'l build my life without them, I must, unless I 'want to suffer fnghtiuly in the next year or two, ey'll have an nouncement parties, i 4 she'll have the handsomest trousseau ever seen in Cottonwood, and the biggest wed. ding, and she'll be mistress of that place" "I mustn't think this way, and I mustn't care, Now! It's over, and I'm going en my way serenely, to find my place in the sun, Marianne Scott may be the most fascinating and irresistible woman alive, but she can't marry more than one person, after all" 3 : "Link, He simply worships her Trembling and red and shaken like a boy in his first love affair." "But I mustn't think about that, not goi ¥ ETAT ve y haven't, and that's FILN ON CANADA GREETED BY JEERS oically, | Returned Harvesters Were EE ------------ WOULD-BE SUID T0 ANSWER GHARGE Nurse Who Shot Her For mer Fiance Will Recover Denver, Col, Dee. 1.--Determin- od to die with her lover, whom she killed as he lay ing Wednes- day moraing, Miss fee King, 35-year-old-nu still was alive today and will be charged with first degree murder tomorrow. Patrolman Robert K, Evans, her former sweetheart, waa confined to a hospital gunshot wounds, in- flicted k by Eddie Ives ex- convict, killed another officer and a woman in a gun-battle in a nesro ming house, By a' queer twist of fate, Evans was placed in a room where Miss King was nursing Louls Smith, city fireman, + Miss King recognized the wound. ed policeman as the man to whom she was engaged before the world war. The ensagement was broken when Evans came back from the war and the patrolman married another woman, For five nights--FEvans and Miss Kinz conversed in low tones, aec- cording to Smith, and the last night the nurse seemed restless. fhe wrote at least two notes, and talked to her former fiance at various times, Then just hefore dawn she plac. od one of the notes at the foot of Hvans' hed, addressed to "Rob," and the other addressed to her brother, an undertaker, on a tahle, Then she pressed a revolver to the head of her sleeping lover and pilled the trizeey, 8he fired an- other shot into his heart and then turned the gun on herself, The bullet intended tn end her life, was deflected by a rib and she wi'l live, The note tn Evans said: "Dearest Boh: -- You belong to me and T carnot go on any longer living without you, T have waited five vears for this chance and. it came. | hone nn ane alsa will ever know the res! reason for this. On- ly von afA--Farice." The other vote said: "Please bury me at the same time and near him. T1'm sorry for the griaf and sorrow this brines to you. Farice," Prominent When Dis. order Broke Out 'Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Dec. 1.-- Rowdy scenes were witnessed in a motion picture theatre here Monday when films were shown and address- es given outlining opportunities for settlement on the land in Canada and for training unemployed youths as farmworkers. The Meeting, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor, broke up in disorder amid boos and jeers. The interruptors included a group of men who had returned from the Canadian harvest fields. MURDERER. HOPES T0 BE REPRIEVED Sherif Who May Have to Hang Murrell Also In. 'terested London, Ont. Dec. 1.--William Murrell, under sentence to be hang- ed on December 17, and Sheriff b. M. Graham, who must hang the prisoner if no one else is available, both approach the last three weeks with trepidation. Hangman Arthur Ellis, the only man in Canada who follows hang- ing as a business, will be in Van- couver, Therefore, according to his notification to Sheriff Graham, he will be unable to accept the sher- iff"s retainer here, Just what can be done about it is a matter of grave concern at the court house. The law holds that the sheriff personally is responsible for carrying out the death sentence. The hangman has no official status and no official appoint- ment. He merely makes his services available to needy sheriffs and the Department of Justice keeps sheriffs apprised of where he may be found. The hope of Sheriff Graham and all his staff lies in the proceedings from which Murrell likewise hopes for relief, The Minister of Justice may extend the time till Ellis comes, but the greater hope of Murrell is that the recommendation of the trial jury for mercy will be accorded. CASTLE AND BARBER SHOP IN WEDDING Berlin, Dec. 1, -- It is revealed that Duke Nicolaus von Leuchten- berg was married secretly in Mun» ich to Fraulein Mueller, a pretty Over the Red Network [41 ST. 8 P.M. EA TIME Wirst Concert Dec. 3rd FRANKLYN BAUER, Famous Tener of the Ziegfield Follies and Victor Recording Artie MISS VAUGHN DE LEATH, Noted Contralte © +=the Original Radio Girl-- MALE OCTETTE FINEST ORCHESTRA--35 Pieces Hear something new----surprising--different The latest and best in radio entertainment Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires (MOST MILES PER DOLLAR) pall Munich girl employed as a mani. curist in a barber's shop, The duke, who 8 32 years ol age, is the nephew of the Duke of Leuch- tenberg, who is at his castle in Bavaria, made a home for the mysterious girl who is alleged tu be the Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia, and the only member of the Czar's family to escape execu- tion by the Bolsheviks. The young duke was formerly an officer in the Czar's Cossack body- guard, He has studied music In Munich and has frequently con- Days of the "nickel theatre' ar recalled by a cein-in-the-slot cab inet for the showing of talking ° motion pictures and colored views: in three dimensions, For five cents, the patron will see a five- minute show featuring the latest news and sporting events, Should the film be too long for & run of only five minutes, the next part will be shown in another cabinet on the deposit of an additional coin, ---- The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal with its wonderful improvements has no peer as an agricultural ducted orchestras at public con: i A Paper on certs, this continent, ~The best Canadian' farmers know that, BUY And Help BUILD + Up Our ' Shopping District Every Dollar Spent Out of Oshawa Helps to Create Opposition to Your City YOUR ROPERL Suet Phone 5530 408 5 Brver wih cul' Oshawa Laundry And Dry Cleaning Oo, Mill Street Oshawa DRY CLEANING , If you want your clothes cleaned so they will look like mew, phope~* Money Spent in Oshawa Helpr Oshawa