a RA WR SER TI AUD J AOS A SN PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER |, THE LOCAL SCREEN "Four Sons" and "Perfect Crime" are Attractions at Local Theatres Next Week cedented for 4 screen It is unpre tain as many Tes attraction to com presentatives of a notable second eneration as does 'Four sons." ting at the Regent, Monday. It has in its cast the distinctive off- spring of parents who have achiev. ed success in the world of Y. and of art. Francis X. Bushman, Jr. of the matinee idol of early screen days, plays one of the title roles, the high light of his film career thus far. In the role of Franz, the giant soldier son of Grandma Bernle who is among the firat to answer the call of the colors Bush- man has won unusual tributes for the vitality of his acting, and its truth of type, Ruth Mix, a daughter of Tom Mix, celebrated cowboy star of mo- tion pletures, is following in her father's footsteps under the banner of this company. She plays the role of one of the Tyrolean sweethearts of the four young men In their Bavarian village. Ferdinand Schumann-Heink. a son of Mme, Schumann-Heink, world famous as a grand opera diva, also appears in this picture, depicting an army surgeon in a small town garrison. The story parallels to an extraordinary de- gree some of the experiences of Mme Schumann-Heink's own fam- ily in the war, with brother against brother, Mme, Schumann-Heink's Inter- est in the picture was greatly a- roused by this feature, and also by the glowing accounts of her son, who told her of the endearing qual- ities of the picture, as well as of the lovable appeal of Margaret Man who portrays the leading role of Grandma Bernle. Mann, who had been a humble ex- tra for ten years until "Four Sons" raised her to a pinnacle, UNUSUAL MYSTERY FILM Something unusual in mystery drama is scheduled to open Mon- day at the New Martin Theatre, The picture is an FBO offering. "The Perfect Crime, featuring Clive Brook and Irene Rich, and directed by Bert Glennon. This production is said to em- sented on the screen. The story con- cerns a world-famed criminologist, who, bored with the ease with which he can solve criminal pro- blems, decides to commit the per- fect crime--to prove that such a thing is within the province of man. His own confession of guilt to save an innocent man forms the ploy a situation never before pre- dramatic climax. In addition to the stars, the dir- ector has selected some of the most prominent names in motion pictur- es for important farts, such as Tully Marshall, Gladys McConnell, Carroll Nye, Edmund Breese, Ethel Wales, James Farley and Phil Gas- ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES "The Overland Telegraph" is the new title for Tim McCoy's pi . . . . t which deals with the building of the trans-continental oe Soe Waters is the director and the cast includes many prominent names. Little Carmencita Johnson and young Billy Naylor played bro and sister in Pathe's "Ned McCobb's Daughter" with Ai By thy having been cast in identical roles in "The Trail of '98," when George Cooper and Jacqueline Gadsen were their parents, and more recently in the Fox production, "A Wild West Romance." Tiffany-Stahl announces that they have just sold to the Consoli- dated Amusement Company of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, through their San Francisco branch manager, Mr, H, M. Lentz, "The Toilers," "The Cavalier," "The Grain of Dust," "The Alba Night Boat," "The Tragedy of Youth" and "Nameless Men." hy Na oa, "Thirst," new starring vehicle for John Gilbert, went into produc- tion last week at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio. Mary Nolan has the feminine lead in this film, based on an original screen story with an African background by John T. Neville and Dale VanEvery. Miss Nolan recently completed the chief feminine role in Lon Chaney's "West of Zanzibar," which is also an African story, William Nigh is directing "Thirst," was a Gilbert starring film, Nigh's last M-G-M film was "Four Walls," which New Martin Coming Monday . Mystery Sensation / of the Year ® 4 hrilling 11 le le] FOR DAYS The Greatest Mystery Picture Ever Filmed | percentage of crime Is perpetrated Sl | by persons of low mentality, The il |1imited reasoning power of the av- | leaves a clue." | public will find a mystery plot of | uring Clive Brook and Irene Rich, What's What and Who's Who in the Amusement World Pictorial Snatches From High On Local Screen Next Week Upper left--Irene Rich as she appears in "The Perfect Crime" at the New Martin, Upper right and left centre--Scenes from the sensational film attraction, "Four Sons" at the Regent Monday. Right centre--Clive Brook co-starring with Irene Rich at the New Mar- tin, Lower right--Irene Rich and Clive Brook in a scene from "The Perfect Crime," opening at the New Martin on Monday next, Lower left--Margaret Mann, whe appears in "Four Sons" at the Regent, 2000000000000 Graceful Old Age und Blooming Youth Feature "Four Sons" -- Either a beautiful old age, or beautiful youth, tend toward fame in the movies to-day, The movie camera is cruel to those of "faded beauty, but it frequently per- forms the miracle of transforming from obscure extras into stars, those fortunate beings who have grown old gracefully. It is the im- partial movie camera, then, that is responsible for the recent flood- ing of the plane of scree lunvinar- fes with very young stars, or silver haired actors past the half century mark. In no other picture has this int been more strongly empha- than in the mew Fox Film cial, directed by John Ford, which is coming to the Regent theatre. Besides bringing to the fore a sixty year old extra girl, Margaret Mann, who portrays the featured role of a mother of four sons in the picture, director Ford placed on the production's roster, the names of second generation ac- tors whose parents had been prom- inent either on the stage or screem. The daughter of Tom Mix, high- est salaried screen star, is given her opportunity in 'Four Sons." Ruth Mix, blonde, slender, eighteen years of age, with an indefineable hint of her father about her eyes, acts with the naturalness of a sea- soned actor before the camera. There is a wholesomeness of facial contour, which is reminiscent of her father, the Western star. Her simplicity of characterization marks her for good work in the future, according to director Ford Like Ruth Mix, also the child of a distinguished screen player, Francis X. Bushman, Jr., blonde, tall, a veritable young giant, por- trays the character of one of the four sons in the mew Fox produe- tion. The prominent role was not awarded to young Bushman be- cause he is the son of a former matinee idol and screen lover, but hecause of his physical fitness for the part. His portrasal of the role showed him to he a "true son of his father." As the son of Madame FErnes- tine Schumann-Heink America's best loved concert singer, Ferdi- nand Schumann-Heink was ev- pected to adapt himself to the vo- cal art. With the impetuosity of youth, he turned his back upon the expectations of the publie, his relatives, his friends, and joined the great parade of young movie actors. In the new Fox produe- tion, "Four Sons he characterizes a Teuton officer. Though the role is minor, who is to say that young There are many members of the mobility of Europe, play- ing minor roles before the cam- era, as there are in practically every other profession and trade now in America. At least there are many who claim they are of the Blood Royal. But there are few real Dukes who are acknow- ledged as such by their country- men and who are making there livelihood here in humble eap- acities. One of these is the Arch- duke Leopold of Austria who plays the of a German of- ticers in Fox "Four Sons," directed by John is coming to theatre, Leopold has a minor sympath- etic role, and is shown in one »f the fine little human touch= 38 of this production kissing the hand of the peasant mother who has lost two of her sons in. battle, the X Heink will not rise to the heights in screenland as his mother did in the realm of musie? Two generations removed from the theatre, and, like young Heink, disdaining to stand in the light of reflected glory, June Collyer, new Fox Film featured player who en- acts the role of an American girl in the picture. She is the grand- daughter of Dan Collyer, for 654 years an actor and favorite on the American stage. So graceful old age and blooms« ing youth have an equal oppors tunity in the newest of all the arts. Perhaps in no picture has this been more clearly demonstra= ted than in "Four Sons," which ac- cording to the verdict of New York critics is one of the most heauti- fully eonceived, photographed and directed pictures of the present sea- son, NEW HIGH RECORD IN GRAIN SHIPPING Fort William, Dec. 1, -- More than 6,000,000 bushels of grain dumped in the holds of a fleet of vessels by lake head elevators in a single day constitutes a new high record for grain shipping at the head of the lakes, This records breaking feat 'was performed on Tuesday of this week, according to official figures given out today, The total number of bushels amounted to 6,280,437. ANOTHER SMASHING | ATTRACTION® Clive Brooks and Irene Rich to Kill Fans in "The Perfect Crime" Statistics reveal that a major erage law violator has given rise to the generally accepted belief among police that "the criminal always Because of this condition, the unusual interest in "The Perfect Crime," the new FBO special feat- ; : y You'll Live Again Baffling Fantastic the Cherished Mem- ories of Your Youth, ° Starting MONDAY If You Have a Mother remember she toils and slaves for you---think of her just this once and bring her Wednesday---It's MOTHER'S NIGHT which is coming to Regent Theatre next Monday, For tha central figure in the story is an eminent crime psychologist, whose eventual en- tanglement in 8 murder, which he plans to be "the perfect crime," is the direct result of an overdevel- oped mentality. Thus, in place of the usual weak- minded law breaker, the picture re- veals a master criminologist of ex- ceptiopally high intelligence, who becomes a master criminal. Con- vineed that he can succeed where all others have failed, he plots and carries out his amazing test with- out leaying a trace of evidence. Then, through & surprising series of developments, he is induced to sacrifice himself and present the solution of the murder, which oth- erwise is destined to remain a clos- ed book. Clive Brook's portrayal of this student turned madman is perhaps the outstanding screen characteriz- ation of his career. And Miss Rich, who plays the sweetheart of Brook, likewise is regarded as being per- fectly cast. "The Perfect Crime," based on Israel Zangwill's novel, "The Big Bow Mystery," was adapted for the seren by W. LeBaron, vice-president in charge of production of FBO and was directed by Bert Glennon. The cast also includes Ethel Wales, Ed- mund Breese, Tully Marshall. Car- roll Nye, Gladys McConnell and James Farley. - a > / Jrene RICH / MARSHALI Canin! BREESE