THE OSHAWA DAILY TIML>. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 PAGE 1 t\ Canadian Life Insurance Assets Reach Large Sums Imposing Total of $1,033, 522,174 Declared Reached for First Time at End of 1927 -- A. E. Macnutt, Prominent Member of the Life Insurance Companies, Tells of Progress Toronto, Nov, 29--The imposing total of $1,033,622,174 represent ing assets of Canadian life insur- ' ance companies was reached for the first time at the end of 1927, A. BE. Macnutt, a prominent mem- ber of the Canadian Assocation of Life insurance companies, pointed out in addressing the representa- tives of life insurance companies at their annual meeting, This sum represents an increase of 727 per cent over the assets of 20 years ago, that is in 1907 when their total was $124,917.832. In the corresponding period the as- sets of United States companies In- creased 332 per cent. The rate of growth, therefore, of Canadian companies is much more rapid. The Canadian yearly rate of growth from 1908 to 1914 was 11.06 per cent; from 1915 to 1921 which was of course the War and vpost-War period, there was a falling off to 8.91 per cent; but from 1922 to 1926 there has been an annual In- crease of 14.21 ner cent. Tf the Ins mentioned rate is maintained until Granulated, Inflamed Eyelids: Granulated lids or inflamed eyes spoil anyone's appearance. Dr, PET- TITS EYE SALVE, used over, 120 years, brings instant, blessed relief. It takes out inflammation, that ugly crust disappears, Keeps eyelashes trom falling out, Beautiful, sparkling eyes with healthy lids. lovely lashes-- eyes free from irritation, soreness, if vou faithfuly use it, Just ask for DR. PETTIT'S EYRE SALVE, 80¢ and 0c at Jury and Lovell and all drugstores, 1932 or in five years' time, the as- sets of Canadian companies will exceed two billion dollars. Excluded In the above calculations Mr. Macnutt did not include the assets of United States or British compan- les doing business in Canada. They do, however, he says, "include In- vestments made by Canadian com- panies in securities outside of Can- ada representing the investment of a portion of the premiums receiv ed on their foreign business, such foreign investments in the aggre- ate being quite substantial. Un- doubtedly the Canadian public has greatly benefited by this business written outside of Canada, for a substantial percentage of the for- eign reserves has been brought into Canada and invested here, as many foreign countries require omly a small portion of the premiums ori- ginally within their own borders to be invested locally. Those Canadian companies who do a foreign busi- ness are able to make a very real provision to the welfare of Cana- da by investing part of their for- elsn income in developing Cana- dian resources. They also serve a useful purpose in bringing the Do- minion to the attention of peoples in many quarters of the globe." Statutory Restrictions Speaking of statutory restrictions upon investments, Mr. Macnutt sald "Under our Dominion Insur- ance Act companies may Invest in bonds of all classes, with very few limitations, Unsecured debentures may only be purchased when issued hy a company with a five-year div- idend history on its preferred or common stocks." While this sum- marizes briefly the investment re- strictions of Canadian law, Mr, Mac- nutt says with regard to the latter "The investment officials of Can- adiant life assurance companies are 1 helleve, practically nnanimous in thelr opinion that these Invest- ment restrictions have worked out admirably during the elehteen vears the present law has heen In force, It has, of course, heen slirhtlv amended from time to time to make it ecanform to chaneine economic and finanetal conditions." In Canada In Canada, comnanies are not restricted to the same extent as wn the United States where each state ing business therein. This localiz- ing of jurisdiction has resulted im "insurance investments being large- ly confined to mortgages, govern. ment, state and municipal bonds! and railroad securities, though in recent years public utility issues have loomed up largely. Very re- cently the State of New York pass- ed legislation permitting compan- iés to invest in preferred stocks of certain corporations which can show earnings of four per cemt for the past five years on their entire cap- italization." Mr. Macnutt interprets this action as being an indication of the public desire to widen life company investment powers. Brit- ish companies, Mr, Mcnutt points out, are "particularly unhamper- ed" the Law preferring to rely up- on the judgment of directors. In that country it is felt that any company following an unwise policy will be subject to much un- desirable publicity, and that there- fore public opinion 1s the best safe- guard.' Mortgages Favorable Mortgages continue to be favor- ed by Canadian companies and they occupy the most important place in their investments in the 21 year period under review. The percent- age of total assets represented by this class in 1907 was 29.36 per cent. until in 1913 it reached 37.09 per cent. and from then on during the War perfod declined to very much the same degree as Invest- ments in Canadian Government honds. In 1920, when holdines of Government bonds were at their highest, the percentage invested in Mortgage Loans was almost at the lowest point, that is, 24.56 per cent, Mr. Macnutt pointed out that the companies, ignoring advan- tageous rates of interest, increased during the War period enormously thelr purchases of Government bonds." It would appear that the investments in mortgages other than those on farms were $170,000, 000 in 1927 or 17.12 per cent of total assets; farm mortgages amounted to $74,357,351 at the end of 1927 or 7.87 per cent of the companies' assets, as compared with 14.22 per cent. in 1921, The ex- planation of this decrease, Mr. Mac- nutt points out, was due to the ser. fousness of post-War agricultural depression, At the end of 1921 in- terest was overdue to the extent Of one year or more of 12.83 per cent of such loans in the Province of Alberta, This Increased to 26.27 per cent in 1026, hut has since de- creased to 15 08 per cent in 1927. You have your choice simplicity" of the Paul restr, services, , with quently huge production volume--has made prising reductions in the prices of TE Tea Services and other hollowware pieces, without in any way altering gh quality, CoMMuNITY their traditionally of patterns, evere, with its simple lines and ained ornamentation, You may prefer the slender, aceful curves of the classic Grosvenor, uminous flat planes in the "modernistic manner" of the new Patrician-Moderne is making an irresistible appeal, tremendous vogue for silver a conse» ossible sur. ere is the "dignified To many, the Commumrry PLaTe's The of the other serving bi and or eces ofthe tablosilyerware Revere ran 855.00 You will want S-piece PAUL REVERE TEA SET Col. and the Paul service ' has jurisdiction over companies do- | 1a Manitoba the percentage in ar- rears of interest for ome year or more was 9.55 per cemt in 1921; 25.37 per cent in 1925; and 18.05 per cent. in 1927. In Saskatchewan the percentage of 9.20 per cent im 1921 increased to 12.07 per cent in 1925, but has now been reduced to 8.18 per cent, so that all three of these great Western provinces show considerable and much needed improvement in 1927 Province of Quebec farm loans, which are ex- tremely small, show the very large percentage of 28.45 per cemt fin arrears in 1921, but have since de- creased to 15.56 per cent In 1927. ATHEISTS IN THE US. IN ALARMING NUMBERS Chicago, Nov. 29.--Forty million persons in the United States, most of them assuming a sanctimonious demeanor, are atheists, but only a small percentage of them an brave enough to admit it, Charles Smith, hunger-striking atheistic leader, sald In an interview Wed- nesday. Smith arrived in Chicago yester- day, hurling a bombastic denune ation at the Arkansas anti-evolu- tion and anti-atheism laws, and de- termined to carry on in his fight to have these "deprivations of lib erty" wiped from the statute books in southern states, His first act after reaching his room in a fashionable hotel, was to take the Gideon Bible from his table and throw it into the waste basket, declaring: "There is nothing Bible is a lle." "There are atheists on all sides of us," Smith told the United Press, 'Forty million would be a conservative estimate, Only about 100,000 are willing to admit it. The total church membership in the United States is about 40, 000,000. Presuming that another 15,000,000 also believe. in God, but don't attend church regularly, it would leave easily 40,000,000 or more atheists," Smith, who recently went on a hunger strike in Little Rock, In protest against the Arkansas law prohibiting an atfelst to testify in court, plans to hold a mass meet- ing in Chicago in his campaign against "intolerance." Going to Protest "I was sentenced for spreading literature tending to incite riot,' he sald, 'But my testimony was not permitted in court, We a the only group of people in ! United States denied this privilege, We are going to protest against this deprivation of liberty, That law was enacted through ignor- ance. "Those hill billies in Arkansas and fundamentalists are being told their children will be ruined though study of evolution, We insist on the right of free speech, Those people down there made life miserable for me. If I hadn't been a native of Arkansas, I believe they would hve lynched me," Smith plans to seek the ald of" Clarence Darrow, noted criminal Jawyer and agnostic, in his fight against the Arkansas laws and sim- ilar ones in the states of Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi and Maryland. "Agnostics are atheists, al- though they are a little skepticar in their beliefs," Smith said, 'The story of the virgin birth started me thinking and I became an athe. Ist, in this; the FARMER RAISES Types of Living Life the ng strangest crops. house nestles on a t land slope. If one little white sign on a he would ous by their absence there. are elephants, leopards, ers, parrots, pythons, lions, ected creatures in was "Benson's Animal Farm." stead of produces roducing hay, the farm, is American repre Carl Hagenbeck, of Stel lector of wild animals, them here, of red and gold paint, of bands, of natty uniforms. In down on monster kegs tions, Quick-witted ponies learn to puzzled audiences the correct ers forget their children in shows or at stands, cently for $8,200. Chatham News, ANIMALS TO SWELL THE CIRCUS RANKS Worlds Strangest Farm is Dotted With Many Peculiar Nashua, N.H, Nov. 29.--One of world's strangest farms "is lay- plans for one of next season's Near Hudson Center, a few miles from Nashua, a placid white farm- al New Eng- not notice a : near. the road's sdge ve no rea- son to believe' that the barnyard be- yond the house contained anything more startling than contented cows. As a matter of fact, cows seem to be about the only animals conspicu- ere hyenas, bears, monkeys, yaks, camels, buffa- loes, pea-fowl, zebras, African gand- tigers, eagles, lynxes, ghus and other unex- the barnyard, arns and in the pastures beyond. If one did notice the white sign in the dooryard he would know a he well kneyn Alice would have found here a wonderland almost as surpris- ing as the one conceived by Lewis Carroll. Even the purling brook con- tains its surprises, for out of it are taken, not trout, but gold fish. In- farm sh grass for aquariums. John T. Benson, proprietor of the sentative of ingen, near Hamburg, Germany, renowned col- From this farm are taken animals to swell the ranks of performers in circuses. Zoological gardens draw up- on it for specimens for public display and such private individuals as desire special animals for their estates find Men who look and dress like or- dinary farm workers, but who receive heavy salaries, teach the animals the tricks and stunts that later delight circus audiences, There is no glamor blaring the quiet of this New England hill farm, ponderous elephants learn to kneel, to stand on their hind legs, to sit and go through all the other performances customarily seen in staged exhibi- tell time and otherwise thrill onlookers. Tig- jungle ways and learn enough to go through the evo- lutions and drills that amaze circus crowds everywhere, Parrots learn to sit on perches and to talk. Bears are taught to walk like men and amuse wayside An American bed was bought re- The Detroit News supposes that there was a convention in town at that time,-- BANK ACGOUNT FOR YOUNGEBALKAN KING Michael's Money Will Re- main Intact for Many Years Buckarest, Rumania, Nov. 29.-- King Michael who reached the age of seven a month ago Monday, op- ened his first bank account. He deposited a cheque for 200,000 lel which members of the retiring Bratinaneu cabinet gave him as a personai gift on his name day. This would afount to approximately -1,- 200 if converted into Canadian money. Michael is able to read and write and sign his own name. The law, however, does mot allow him as a minor, to draw cheques. Therefore the present fund, and any deposits which he may add to it, must re- main intact until he reaches his majority October 25, 1939. Although he may not spend his own money, there 1s no such restric- tion on his official funds. So to-dav five hundred thousand lel were tak- en out of his clail list to purchase shoes, clothing, food, books and tove for tinv destitute bovs and girls of the kingdom. The king was instructed that this action shonld remind him never to forget the mis- ery and sorrow of the poor. Hushand and Wife Show Real Interest In Medical Careers (Bv Canadian Press) London, Ont, Nov. 20.--A rea! par- tnershin of interests hetween hushand and wife is revealed in the resistra- tion at the Medical School of the University of Western Ontario of F. H. Brown, and his wife Gertrude, Both have had considerable exneri- ence in the healing art, since hoth are trained nurses. They served in (Great Rritain durine the great war in connection with Red Cross work Mrs, Brown, at the outhreak of the war was stationed at Belfast, Ire. land, doing health work, During the nerind of the war she tanaht several hundred VAD, girls, In 1922, she came to the United States, where she received an appointment as madieal Creek, Michigan, Mr, Brown was rejected for active service in the areat war. sn devoted his energies tn nursing. Mr, and Mrs, Brown will require five vears to comnlete the course in which they have registered. For 35 Years He "I suffered with indigestion and gas for 35 years, Since the first dose of Adlerika, I have not been troubled a bit,-- D, Carlisle, Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re- leves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat and sleep well, Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste mat- ter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and howels, Adlepilke will surprise you, Jury and Lovell, Drugglsts, No Building is Better " Than Its Frame If you are content with inferior framing material you will not be interested in what we have to offer. The odd piece here and there in a stock will lower the price, but at the same time lowers the value you get. Our stocks are bought on Standard grades and sold on Stand. ard grades. We make no grades of our own to suit the particular occasion--this is a point many overlook to their disadvantage, Come and see us. Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Rd. N. Phones 2821-2820 StoBiE-ForLONG &(@ GRAIN Head Otfice: Retord Bu AND WELLINGTON STS. TO S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa «= Above C.P.R. Office Phones 143 and 144 matron at the sanatorium at Battle ||] Had Gas--Gone Now ||| Would You Go Into Business Jf You Had An Opportunity? NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Partner wanted for Life and Fire Insurance Co. for city of Oshawa, Ontario and Durham Counties, Make from $3,000 a Year AND UPWARD APPLY BOX J Compacts | | | To suit the | most fastidle ous tastes, Loose powder vanities, Fu. turistic models, French I enamel compacts, I | | | Priced at $1 to $12.50 | | Your Rexall 'Store 1s of Gift Suggestions There's a host of good things at your Rexall Drug Store awaiting your choice, \ can save not only time and bother, but can also save money, Your Rexall Store is one of 10,000 Stores co-operating with the United Drug Co., the world's largest pro- ducer of drug store commodities, You get the tremendous' advantage of this great system in price, variety and up-to-the-second service, Shaving Sets The recipient of one of our imported shaving sets will en- whole year, $1.00 to $8.50 "Pearltone'j Makers have even excelled themselves this year in pro» ducing new designs and new pastel shades in brushes, Combs, Mirrors and Manicure Sets, $3.75 up -SS---s-------- To Add The Personal Touch To your gifts of pens, pencils or compacts, let us engrave the mame FREE om our own makes. | {1 | | | Joy cool and clean shaves for a | "A rich, red, enamelled box with a refreshingly perfumed powder, Com- plete with large yelour puff, Throws a 200 foot beam of clear light. Special, $1.49 Complete AUTO STROP RAZORS A gift any man will be proud to possess, Valet Model ,,,,,,,.$1.00 Roman Model ,,,,, $5.00 Boudoir Set ,,,ss,,,.$1,25 Parisian model ,,,,.$6.00 You I [Ld Atomizer ll Additional models of futuristic pattern, Regular lines at greatly reduced prices, $1.19 to $12.00 a Kodak Give Shari Perfme The freshness of early blossom time in gift sets of rich satin and kid, Priced at from $2.50 to $30.00 ET ------ Children's Candy Laura Secord's are preparing a special box of Lolly Pops and pure sugar candy for the kiddies, Order carly. Persops of all ages are pleased to have a Kodak of when you give a kodak. Priced from $5 up == Desk and Pen Sets Made by the world's best makers, Sets by Parker's, Wahl or Waterman's--sil- rer, gold or bean ful thades of color, Whes In Need of DRUGS Phone JURY & LOVELL Ze Rorall Drug sore Simcoe St. Phone 68 S. "Where You Save With Salety" "n> E