Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Nov 1928, p. 4

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CAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 After Two Years Absence oF Pacific Goast-Hocke is Brought Ba Vancouver, B. C., Nov, 29.-- Speed will be the watchword of the different managers whem the four teams which will form the newly-organized Pacific Coast Hockey League get into action in an effort to revive professional hockey on the Pacific Coast this winter after an absence of two ears. y Youthful players, who are fast, ambitious and keen for a struggle on the ice have been picked up from the Prairies, where some of the greatest players in the Na- tional Hockey League got their start, to help popularize the fascin- ating winter pastime. The pro- fessional game functioned for many years with considerable suc- cess on the Coast until two years ago when the Western Canada Hockey League disbanded owing to the difficulties experienced by Prairie clubs to keep going. In the reorganization of the four-team loop, consisting of Vie- toria, Vancouver, Seattle and Port. land, one of the most compact circuits in the country has been formed, With all four cities situ- ated close together the teams will not have any long trips and every city will have one game each week --or a total of eighteen home gamas for the season, The league officially opened on Monday, Nov- ember 19, at Vancouver with Vie- toria furnishing the opposition, to Life Games will be played at Victoria each Tuesday night, Thursday at Portland and Friday at Seattle, Frank Patrick, again the direst ing genius behind the mew league, is very optimistic as to the future of the professional game at the coast. He feels that it may take a year or probably two years be- fore teams of Stanley Cup calibre will be developed, but he has every confidence in the ability of the youthful players to develop into ou ube 1 wi) not De He figures w long until East and West will be fighting it out for possession oi the Stanley Cup and the world's championship again. Patrick's first move to Secure talent for the league was the pur- chase of the players of the Winnl- peg Maroons, former members of the American Hockey League. Thirty thousand dollars was ex- pended for nine players, the plek of the team and four of them will wear Vancouver uniforms, while five will ald the Victoria team to keep in the running, The Portland and Seattle management also lined up Prairie talent with the result that, on the cve of the opening, all managers are well sat- isfled with the material available, When the league was formally launched the various club man- agers agreed, inasmuch as the league was new and speed was to be the first principle in the pur- chase of players, that mo former players connected with Coast Hockey association or the Western Canada Hockey League, would be sought. Ome ex- ception was made, however, That was Jack Walker, last year with t, and who starred om the Coast for many years, was to play for Seattle, his old love, "Mickey Iom, the "irom man" of the puck and poise, will be the leading referee again. The first two teams will play off for the championship, with the third team also in the series if finishing within five points of the second team, On paper the Vancouver club looks strong. Percey Jackson, for- mer Tail, B.C., amateur, looks like the pick of the goalies, Joe Jerwa, defence, comes from played for the Winnipeg pros. last winter, The firet string forward line of the Winni team, Art Somers, Bill Phillips and Sandy Sanderson, look good to score many goals for the Lions, the new nickname for the Vancouver club. Sammy McAdam and Jimmy Ar- nott, Winnipeg amateurs, Chuck Dunn, junior from Calgary, Gor- don Teal, former Moose Jaw pro., Don Cummings, Edmonton amateur and Don Kenny, also from the Alberta capital, are battling for places on the forward line, Jack Houbrigs from Blairmore, Alta., will help on defence, Many former Winipeg players are on the Victoria club roster under the management of Joe Smith, who is making his debut in professional ranks after successfully managing O'coats HALF PRICE FRIDAY and SATURDAY 40 Coats to be cleared in two days. Ulsters, slip-ons, belted and plain. Fawns, Greys and Lovats, Sizes 36-42 REGULAR $25 COATS On Sale Friday Morning at Just Half Price. Vancouver amateur teams, Robert son, elghteen-ydar-old Regina lad, posotion with th mg Phe fama w L} the sub. Runupe, Kelly and are slated for forward duty with Evans, Moose Jaw, Downie, and Leacock doing the subbing. Seattle, with Pete Muldoon, for- mer manager of the Chicago Black Hawks, in the N. H. L,, and of the old Portland Club, at the head has fifteen athletes battling for places. Bert White, Winnipeg, amateur, and Ossie Jones are available for goal. Konnie Johnanneson, & mem- Can- | 2 t | more, Alta, and Douglas Brennan fence possibilities. Wininpeg boy who was with Chica- go last year, has been named cap- tain of the Eskimos and will work at centre with Jack Walker doing the subbing. Vads Lindsay, Regina boy who played pro. hockey for Minneapolis, Young Smokey Harrls from Winnipeg, Jack Kwasney, Ed. dle Lowe, Winnipeg, Pal Powers, Mel McGregor and Earl Overand are others who are promising for- wards, The Portland club, managed by Bobby Rowe, known to all hockey fans, has been mustered from all parts of the country, Red Hardak- er, goal, has a splendid reputation. Joe McGoldrick, Ted Jacques, Frank Burke and Artie Armstrong are aggressive defence players. Dave Morrison and Ike Morrison, who played professional with Regina and Moose Jaw last winter, are the nick of the forwards Dan Carrigan, Smokey Runge, Red Conn, from Saskatoon, and Jack Gratt are other forwards. NEW FLYING BOAT SERVICE IS LIKELY Australia and New Zealand Will Probably Be Linked Up By New System Auckland, NewZealand, Nov, 29. ---Kstablishment of a regular fly- ing boat service between New Zealapd and Australia will prob- ably materialize in a few years, according to Captain Kingsford- Smith, who recently flew a plane across the Tasman Sea--the first successful flight over that route. "An air service between the two Dominions, operating on a regular schedule, is quite feasible in my opinion," sald Captain Kingsford: Smith, *'I have definite ambi ions in the direction of establishing such a service, as a matter of fact, In our recent flight we were ahle to show that the passage is not unreasonably perilous and with the expected advancement in the mechanical perfection of aircraft it should be possible to eliminate danger in a year or so," Kingsford-Smith added: tha! when he goes to Europe he wil endeavor to enlist financial as'ist ance for the establishment of a service such as outlined, WHOLE FAMILY IS LST IN NORTH Man, Wife and Three Chil. dren Drowned When Canoe Tips Pembroke, Nov, 28.--Joseph Reynolds, a young trapper of the south-western Quebec hush lands, together with his wife and three children, were drowned in Kippewa Bay on November 10, according to a report received here today, The tragedy occurred when the canoe in which the Reynolds family had paddled from their cabin near Stubb's Bay, up the Dumoine River, into Kippewa Bay, suddenly capsized. The bodies of the father, mother and one child have been recovered by Indian natives, and search for the remains of the other children was continuing, it was sald, Meagre Details The meagre details of the ac- cident which so suddenly wiped out an entire family were brough here by a hunting party which came out from the Moor Lake dis- trict today, Kippewa Bay is located in Quebec, about 130 miles nor. of this town, Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds 30 Days Or Money Back Real pharmacists and chemists everywhere know that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain just the proven essential Ipgredients that increase weight, create appe- tite, build up the power to resist disease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women, So now men and women who keep up with the times are taking MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets --rich in health building, strength creating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. So why not start to-day? Why pot fill out those deep hollows in neck, cheeks and chest? Why go om through life with sunken cheeks and -parrow chest when you cap take advantage of this straight for- ward offer. Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. Andi bear this in mind, if they don't help vou in that time your money will be refunded. 60 Tablets 60 cents-- », v Size $1.00. At Jury and Lovell. T. B Mitchell. W. H, Karn and druggists everywhere. J =X | BATTLE OF GUNS RAGES FURIOUSLY IN PETERBORO 'Mayor May Explain Situa- tion to Veterans at a Meeting Tonight Peterboro, Nov. 29.--~The next engagement in the battle of the guns is scheduled for tonight when another general meeting of the ex- pot hog men of Peterboro has been ed. The notice states that the meet- ing is for the purpose of discussing matters affecting veterans, but it is expected the war trophy episode will be the main topic and that Peterboro's returned soldiers will decide whether they want the cap- tured guns returned to Confedera- tion Square, placed on some other suitable site ,or taken over by the Canadian Legion and retained where they are at present on the Legion lawn, Mayor May He There It would not occasion surprise were Mayor Denne and others in. volved in the episode to seek per- mission to address the veterans and discuss the issue at this meet- ing. Meanwhile the controversy coa- tinues and this afternoon Judge Huycke, chairman of the War Mem- orial Committee, issued the follow- ing statement of that body's con- nection with the mat.er, "As I understand from a reeent newspaper article, the Government gave these guns to the City of Peterboro, The council was author ized to hold them in trust for the people of Peterboro and keep them in repair in perpetuity. It would also be understood that they were to be kept in a suitable place, This being so the council would be in duty and honor bound to keep them in a proper place, Not Responsible "I wish to emphasize the fact that the Memorial Committee is in no way responsible for the present troubles or the cause of them. The reason is simply this, that the Memorial Committee has absolute- ly nothing to do with these guns or thelr custody, They were ap- pointed for another purpose which they have tried to complete, It is irue that at a recent meeting of this committee, one of its mem- bers who is also on the City Coun- cil, stated that he thought the council would move these guns from their present position, but he did not say when, where or how, He asked Captain Abraham what he thought the veterans and the legion would think of this proposi- tion, No Authority Captain Aoraham replied that he had no authority to speak for any- one but himself on this matter, but further sald that personally if the guns were removed to some other suitable place he would not object. All the other members of the com- mittee, who were presemt, said nothing. Probably for the obvious reason: it was none of their busi- ness. It is mot true as has been stated in Toronto that at this meet- ing some mother who had lost her son objected to the guns' position in the park." SEES NO DEMAND SUNDAY MOVIES IN THE PROVINCE Agitation Not Expected to Follow Decision in the Quebec Case Toronto, Nov, 29.--There will be no agitation for Sunday movies in Ontario despite the fact that Mr. Justice Desaulniers has decided that they are not illegal in Quebec. Three reasons are given for this: (1) The Lord's Day Act prohibits them; (2) there is not sufficient demand for them; and (3) the exhibitors and dis- tributors do not want them, An official closely connected with the motion picture indutsry said last night that Ontario people have form- ed the habit of going to the movies during six days of the week, while in Quebec they are accustomed to movies seven days a week. This was just a habit, an. therefore there was no need of introducing Sunday moy- ies in Ontario, he said, even if the law permitted them, Local theatres get plenty of business during the six days of the week they are open and their owners do not want to keep them open Sunday, he declared. The Quebec Judgment Quebec case in which judgment was given permitting Sunday movies a- rose from the complaint of the High Constable of Montreal against the United Amusement Corporation, Limited, for operating a moving pic- ture show on Sunday, This company was summoned before Judge Marin, of the Court of Sessions, and there protested that the court had no jure isdiction to hear the case. A writ of prohibition was applied for in the Su- perior Court to prevent the case pro- ceeding, with the result that the above decision was handed down, John A, Cooper, president of the Motion Picture Distributor and Ex- last night that this decision would not have the effect of starting an agitation for Sunday movies in On- tario, "There was some fear in Quebec when the Lord's Day Act was passed that some of their traditional Sun- day pastimes such as political meets ings and baseball games would be shut off," said Mr, Cooper, "That this would not be the outcome of the new Act a clause was inserted to the effect that in Quebec any 'anc. ient usage' should not be interfered with, The Lord's Day Act is a Do- minion law, but Quebec is exempted to this extent, hibitors' Associaton, said emphatically |. Sane 1,500 Ib. Fatted Boiling Fowls 30¢ 1b. 1,000 Ib. Young Roasting Chickens 38¢ 1b. Friday and Saturday For a Tasty Supper OYSTER STEW CLAM CHOWDER rr ------ JUST PHONE 3267 ---- Choice Atlantic Cod ...... Choice Atlantic Mackerel Cholee No, 1 Sea Herring Choice Flounders ... ' Atlantic Haddock ... Choice Lake Herring . Golden Smoked Fillets , Golden Smoked Haddies Large Mild Kippers , Large Choice Smelts Direct from the lake Whitefish I Sliverbright Salmon Halibut, whole or half , LEER RR EY « serene. ide 1b, «+2 lbs, 23¢ «+ 18¢ 1b, ..18¢ 1b, veeeee 2 1b, S080 ««17¢ 1b, He 1b, teeta ae 3c pair tree es,80c Ib tteaee B80 teeta, EERE KERRI EERE ET -------- FRIDAY'S SUGGESTION Baked Halibut--Place amount of pan, Half cover with milk, with canned tomatoes, Bake A Tasty Dinner Bake 10 minutes, Halibut required in deep ; Now cover 15 minutes, Season to taste, The Oshawa Fish and Poultry Store Telephone No. 3267 W, JONES 8 1.2 Simcoe St. S. FISH, EGGS, POULTRY, FRYING OIL BUTTER, SAUCES AND "When the action which resulted in this decision was commenced the coroporation found that they had to prove that motion picture theatres were open on Sunday before the passing of the Lord's Day Act and that the Sunday performances were covered by the 'ancient usage, They were successful in proving this through the medium of an old man, who opened the first moving picture theatre in Montreal, and who swore that he had kept motion picture theatres open on Sunday prior to the passing of the Act." ' So -------------------- Gentle words, quiet words, are, afs ter all, the most powerful words, == W. Gladden, wild Every civilization has kept animals in captivity, Old City Strawberry JAM 40 oz, Jar PEAMEAL BACK BACON Piece 27¢ Pure Pork HEADCHEESE 2 Pounds 25¢ # NUTS _ In The Shell Freshly Roasted Peanuts, Lb, values demonstrate it! Mixed Nuts, Ib. ............23¢ Walnuts, 1b, ..........., ,...28¢ Filberts, Ib. ..........., ......18¢ Spanish Almonds, Ib, ..25¢ Brazil Nuts, Ib, ....... wr 282 statin sommstrvsirnrens 108 Get Your Share of these "Star" Values J. And hundreds of others equally desirable in quality and price, at the Eaton Groceteria! Again this store shows you that our large buying power and skilful purchasing assure outstanding values in groceries and sundries--with the added economy of self-service in clean, convenient surroundings! Let these "Star" specials and every-day PRICES EFFECTIVE Nov, 30th TO DEC, 6th, INCLUSIVE KITCHEN NEEDS FOR EVERY HOME Prepared Icings, Pink, Almond, Orange and Lemon. Pkg. . Weston's Soda Wafers, Family Size Pkg........,28¢ Herbs in Tins, all kinds, 3 : Cooking Dates, 2 lbs, ,23¢ Bowes Almond Icing, 1 Ib, Tins : EATON'S | Mocha Java Blend J Coffee, %lb, ..38¢ £) | ERAT, APPETIZING CONDIMENTS Eatonia Tomato Catsup, bottle ....20¢ Eatonia Sweet Pickles, bottle........48¢ Bisto, for making gravy, pkg.,........20¢ French Walnuts o 7» Xs La Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, 8 oz, jar.................28¢ Thousand Island Dressing, 8 o%.,........ .. B34c NavelOranges au: Jie ins TI Rd Creer ode 42c ® ND California 37¢, J a Store Hours 0 am. to 6 pm, Daily Including Wednesday and Saturda EATON GROCETERIA OPERATED BY #T, EATON Cm 52 SIMCOE STREET, N. DELIVERIES Deliveries loave daily at 0.30 am. Il am,

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