VOL. 3--NO. 126 The Oshawa Daily Times 1he Oshawa Daily Retormer "Bar Freon Sead at ke Tons FAVORS NAVAL EQUALITY IN TONS OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents 8 Copy. . EsT---- SIXTEEN PAGES King George Hopeful Atmosphere revails Regirding His Majesty's Illness Physicians Report That the Infection Process Has Been Checked QUIET NIGHT Strength Maintained By Con- siderable Sleep During the Day London, Nov. 29-There was a more hopeful Atmasphere around Buckingham Palace today as the re- sult of the bulletin issued by His Majesty's physicians, Sir Stanley Hewett and Lord Dawson of Penn reported that the infective process was being held in check, The fact that there was no spread of infection was welcome news. While the bulletin indicated that the King did not sleep much during the night, it was pointed out that he had been getting a considerable amount of sleep during the day, No News of the Duke While the Prince of Wales has already 'completed the first stage of the long journey to his father's sick bed there was no news of the plans of his brother, the Duke of Glouces- ter, It is improbable that the Duke, whe is hunting in the wilds, has yet received any word of the King's ill- ness, Passed Quiet Night : London, Nov, Physicians King eorge issued the f wing bulletin this morning (ae A n passed 4 iet tho rather sleeples: at, he Info process is being held in cheek." "TIGER" HUFF WAS VICTIM OF ACUTE HEART DILATION Boxer Collapsed in the Ring During Bout With Chuck Mangin (By Canadian Press) sandusks, Ohio, Nov, 28,--Ac- ute dilation of the heart, caused the death of Donald "Tiger" Huff, local boxer, who collapsed during a contest here last might, the cor- oner decided today, Huff fell to the floor just hefore the end of the sixth round, after his opponent, Emil Bartsch, had delivered a ser- ies of blows to the head, Bartsch, who fights under the name of #Chyck'" Mangin, was arrested on a formal charge of manslauyhter, and released on hail of $5,000, WORTERS 70 PLAY WITH PITTSBURG OR NOT AT ALL President Calder Declares Ultimatum onthe Hold-out Goalkeeper (By Canadian Prem) a ontreal, Que. Nov. 29. MR transfer of Roy Worters, hold out goal keeper of the Pitts burg Hockey Club, to the New York Americans, will not be sllowed, President Calder of the National Lesgue, announced today. '#Worters is still under suspen- sion,' sald Calder, "and when the susbension is lifted he will play Pittsburg or not at sll." LJ) Italian Government Will As- sist Prince of Wales to Speed Homeward Journey FROM AFRICA Special Trains and Acro plane Facilities Placed at His Disposal (Cable Service To The Times Ry Canadian Press) Rome, Nav. 29.--Special ar- rangements have been made by the Italian government to speed the homeward journey of the Prince of Wales, providing h travels across Italy after reaching the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal from Africa, Special trains are to' be provided if the Prince lands at Brindisi, while aeroplane facilities will he offered if he wishes to travel by air from Egypt across the Mediterranea The Prince is at presént at Dar Es Salaam, awaiting the fast cruis- er Enterprise, expected there ahout on Sunday, Plans Uncertain Dar fis Salaam, Nov, 20,--It was officially stated today that the Prince of Wales had not yet def- initely decided regarding his de- parture for England but that he ex- pected to travel on the cruiser En- terprise, which is due here on Sun- day, The Prince is staying at the Government House, He accepted an invitation to a special dance in his honor tonight, MEETING PLAGE OF NATIONS' LEAGUE MAY BE CHANGED Canada Asked for Consent to Meet Elsewhere Than in Geneva (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont,, Nov, 20,--The De- partment of External Affairs has received an inquiry from. the League of Nations asking if Canada would consent to a meeting of the Council of the League elsewhere than in Geneva, The message states that the inquiry is due to the pos- sibility that the health of the Ger- man Foreign Minister, Gustav Stressmann might make it difficult for him to go to Geneva, Premier King has the inquiry under consid- eration. ISSUE TICKETS T0 CATHEDRAL FOR ENTHRONEMENT Rev, Cosmo Gordon Lang to Be Enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian ) London, Nov, 29-- Ther of ad- mission to Canterbury Cathedral for the Enthronment of 0st Rey, Cos. ordon g, as Archbishop of Canterbury, were distributed today after beig withheld for some time. This action was an obyious indica- tion that cathedral authorities were more assured that the King's con- dition would not remain so serious as to interfere with the ceremonies. Enthronement is to take place on December 4. International Hikes to Monreal, Nov. 29. -- The ignor- pnce of some people is refreshing, Stanley Cook, Secre-|and Montreal Board of Trade. unsigned letter from a place called Minot, in the State of Maine, ask- ing if Montreal had a livery stable large enough to house six dogs, 8 butcher shop where twenty pounds of meat for dogs could be purchas- ed, and hotel accommodation for two men. "questionnaire" described The the plans of Postmaster Alden Pul- Team Mail treal in December sifer of Minot, Me., to drive a dog team from that point to Montreal back, accompanied by bis brother, George Pulsifer. The let- ter declares that the two men will carry what is claimed to be the "first international dog-team mail." it is also pointed out that this "mafl" will distinct from Government mail, It is stated that the official start will be made from Lewiston, Me, on December 20, bearieg greetings from various State and civic offic- is Putting Up a Great Fight built part of the school. On the east school ¢ appearance, Above is the architect's pencil sketch of the Simcoe street front of the Technical school addition to the Collegiate. concrete construction faced with brick, and trimmed in stone. portion of the Collegiate will be wrecked, and a portion of the technical school addition will be built on the front of the large dnd more recently This addition will be of The older end of the school, facing Mary street, a X-shaped addition will also be constructed, housing other vocational asses and the Mary street front will also present a pleasing The additions will be three stories in height, corresponding Oshawa's New Technical School with the height of the present building. The west wing will contain eleven rooms, administration offices, board room, library, study rooms, teachers' rooms, cafeteria and lunch room, and boys' locker room and dressing room. The east wing will contain girls' gymnasium and dressing room, and dressmaking, millinery, cooking, laundry, home nursing, commercial art, machine shop, laboratory, motor mechanics, woodworking, electric shop, plumbing and steamfitting, classroom and two draughting rooms, Com- plete plans and working drawings for the two new wings are being pre- pared hy 8. B. Coon & Sons, Toronto, and will be ready for a tender call about December 10, RACING TROTTERS AT RECORD PRICES OLD GLORY SALE Average Prices for Yearling Thoroughbred Stock Set at $2,350 (By Canadian Press) New York, Nov, 29,--The highest average prices on record were paid for 21 head of yearling thorough- bred racing trotters at the Old Glory horse sale here, Juveniles out of Peter Volo, averaged $2,350, ATTEMPT TO STEM MAD RUSH OF SEA OVER FLANDERS Dykes Are Down and High: ways and Fields Are Flooded (Cable Service to The Times by Press) Brussels, Belgium, Nov, 29--The inhabitants of Flanders today battled desperately to stem the mad rush of the sea through the great breach in the dyke near Broedene and Kursal. Queen Elizabeth was personally superintending relief in the flood stricken regions of the Meuse, Sam- bre and Ourthe valleys. Travelling in a military barge the Queen had some thrilling experiences, The dykes along the Picardy coast were down and the sea flooded high- ways and fields near Le Treport, At Boutainville, Normandy, several unidentified bodies were washed up and 300 fect of concrete dyke was carried away, BOYS FAGE TRIAL FOR BREAKING AND "ENTERING, WHITBY Police Think Arrest of Three Youths Solves Mystery of Petty Thefts (By Staff Beporter) Whitby, Nov. 29.--Three local boys, who were arrested by Chief H. Gunsop, 2 week ago Sunday night, on a charge of entering two bomes and stealing goods, will ap- pear before Magistrate Willis in police court at 7.30 o'clock tonight. The lads are seid to have admitted breaking into several other places including the public library, All Saints' Anglican Church and cofirt house and the police consider that their arrest bas solved a. number of petty thefts witich have extend- fals to local officials. ed over a period of a year, Canadian Shi Alaskan the tip- of the Alaskan Peninsula, of wheat for Shanghai, ship, Chief Maquilla of the Canadian- Apieriean Shipping Company from which § O § calls were picked up by a coast radio station this morn- ing is about 1500 miles off the Pacific coast enroute from Kildonan, B.C, with grain for Shanghai, ituation Urgent A later message from the Osaka Shosene Katsha liner Arabia Maru, said that ship was rushing to the assistance of the distressed vessel. The § O S said the situation was urgent and asked ships to stand by. Nothing has been heard since and uneasiness is felt, The possibility is suggested that the ship's deck foad of lumber might have shifted, caus- ing her to list. . Kine Chief Maquilla registers 9,500 tons and carried eight officers and 32 men, ROBBERY ATTEMPT FRUSTRATED BY POLICE VIGILANCE (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Nov, 20.--Four Toronto men, including Morris Mayhink, 253 Frankland street, Frank Page, 277 Royce avenue, Will Suther- land, 8258 Dundas street west, and Allan Hedley, 635 Queen street west, are wanted here for attempt- ing enter Cook's service station, Dundas street, early Wednesday morning, The men are at present in jail at Tornoto, having been ar- rested in Todmorden - for stealing goods from two service stations on the highway, Chief Guneon was in Toronty Wednesday night and identified the car used by the bandits, They will be brought here for trial next Tuesday, Police Vigilant Only the vigilance of the local police prevepted the men from making a haul in Whithy, Chief Gupsop was coming from his home to the police station te identify two lads w! been detained by act- ing Constable Bailey, according to information received from Toropts that two boys had escaped from ap industrial school. While on his way be noticed a large green car parked on Dundas street mear the residence of Samuel Trees, and oc cupied by four men. 'The mep saw him and drove away, Kept Close Watch Chief Gunson warned Constable Bailey, who kept close iookout in the district for the rest of ths pight, The men returned a sec- ond time and again drove Away, | it is expected that they esme back a third time and were about to gain eotrance to the service station through a rear window when they were again frightened and left for safer regions. ar Out LJ Vancouver, B.C, Nov, 29-The in Distress off oast Sends S.0.S, Calls Seattle, Wash, Nov. 29~8 O 8 calls heard today indicated that the Canadian steamer Chief Maquilla, a grain freighter was in distress. off The nature of the trouble was.mot learned, The ship carries eight officers and 32 men, There w ere no pas- sengers aboard, The ship left Kildenan, B.C. on November 17 with a cargo UVEBEC MOTOR ACCIDENTS uebec, Nov. 28,--Sixty persons lost their lives and 1,322 others were injured in 4,388 automobile accidents in the Province of Quebec during the last eight months and a half, acording to statistics issued by the Department of Revenue to- day, THO SENIOR TEAMS FOR KINGSTON IN ONTARIO HOCKEY Queen's University and City May Be Elevated for the Coming Season (By Canadian Press) Kingston, Ont., Nov, 20.--The Kingston Hockey Club this morn- ing made formal application to be placed in the senior series of the Ontarlo Hockey Association, Queen's University having also ap- plied the prospects are that King- ston will have two senior teams during the coming season, WHITBY HAS TASTE OF PIONEER DAYS AS HYDRO FAILS A Burnt - out Transformer Brings Darkness to the Busi- ness Section (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Nov, 29. -- A burnt-out transformer at the corner of Brock. and Colborpe streets caused the business section and central dis- trict of the town to be plunged inty darkness from 5.40 to 6.40 o'clock last night. Merchants were requir- ed to transact business over the. counter by candle light or lamp light and it would seem that time was reversed in its flight by at leas balf a century. The efficient efforts of the pub- lic utility commission employes re- stored the hydro service within an hour, much to the satisfaction of everyone, Fumes from onions are kept from the nostrils and eyes by a gas mask which has been especially adapted] appointed to domestic instead of war use. It is casily slipped on or off and af- fords an unobstructed wision through wide lenses. It may also be used by hay fever victims to avoid dust, PILOT HAY TRY TO FLY FROM HAVANA 10 DETROIT GY Walkerville Flyer Safe in Cuba After Forced Landing in Florida Havana, Nov, 29.--Leonard S, Flo brought his Spartan biplane down on the field at Camp Colum- bia at 8.52 o'clock Wednesday af- ternoon after a flight of 110 miles from Key West, He appeared to be suffering still from the sudden illness which forced him down at Key West in his attempted non- stop flight from» Walkerville, Ont., to Havana, Welcomed The former army aviator requir- ed 1 hour and 52 minutes for his flight, because of opposing winds. He was received hy Colonel Julio Sanguily, commander of the aero- drome, and by Captain John G, Beam, United States Army, assign- ed here as executive officer to the Cuban aeronautical school, He al- so met and was congratulated by Lieutenant Benjnamin Mendez, Co- lombian pilot, who is en route to Bogota, May Fly Back Flo said he would remain here for several days, and was unde- cided whether to attempt a non- stop flight from Havana to Detroit, He said he would probably enter the aeroplane races from Detroit to Miami to be held in January. MAJOR GRAHAM BELL HAS TYPHOID INFECTION Ottawa, Nov. 20.--An improve ment noted in the condition of Ma- jor Graham Bell. Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals, within the past 24 hours, continued to be maintained today. The Deputy Minister's physician, Dr. Campbell Laidlaw, announced that following an operation performed Tuesday at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, the bac- teriologist, Thomas Little, had es tablished a diagnosis of typhoid infection in the patient's condition. Major Graham Bell has been confined to hospital for more than a week. a TT WILPEIA DEPARTMENT Ottawa, Nov, us -- Important staff changes at Department of National Defense are fn prospect, elthough they will ably not be given effect till early in the com year, The retirement of General Panet, as adjutant-general, fis rumored with Brig.-Gen. , Sal Brown mentioped as his able successor. Brig. Suthe) Brown is now takivg a special course in Great Britain, Col. Claude Hill, director of or- Adj ral of M.D. 2, Toronto, So far mo officiel announcement on the proposed chapges fis avail- able, . ~ SESSA Viscount Cecil Would Have Britain and U.S. on Parity in Sea Power State and Navy Departments of U, 8, Silent on the Pro. posal of Representative Britten, Chairman of U.S, Naval Affairs, for Confer. ence on Disarmament -- Senator Swanson Dubs the Idea as Revolutionary (Cable Service to The Times by The Canadian Press) London Nov. 29.--Viscount Ce- ell, of Chelwood, who was active in the formation of the League of Nations, favors parity of the Umt- ed States navy with the British navy. He advocated absolute mma- thematical equality in both toms and guns between the two nations, speaking before the parliamentary committee of the League of Na- tions Union. Silence and Criticism Washington, D.C., Nov, 29.--Sil- ence from state and navy depart- ments and criticism from Senator Swanson, Virginia, has been the re- action to Representative Britten's proposals for a naval conference, Britten, chairman of the house na- val affairs' committee, cabled Stan- ley Baldwin, Premier of Britain, suggesting that members of the committee and a committee of the British Parliament meet to talk over the question of sea equality, Senator Swanson said the pro- posal was revolutionary, pointing out that any treaty of disarmament must be ratified by the Senate and made by the President, Britain Interested London, Nov. 29.--While the British foreign office takes the same general interest in" Represen- tative Britten's proposal for en Anglo-American Jrrlismentary con- ference on naval affairs, as other official quarters, no answer will he sent from there, It is felt that the proposal is a parliamentary matter, Star is Humoroos The Liberal newspaper, The Star, says Britten has horrified the dip- lomats, violated traditions and laid himself open to incarceration in the "Yankee equivalent to the Tower of London," It is possible, The Star says, that what Britten and Lord Lee think today, their governments may think tomorrow. Lord Lee recent- ly made a proposal similar to that of Mr, Britten, CHEAPER RATES T0 IMMIGRANTS BEING SOUGHT Negotiations Going on in London and Decision Ex- pected Soon (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont, Nov, 29--Negotia- tions for cheaper ocean rates for British immigrants to Canada are still being carried on in London, and a decision is expected within a few days, officials stated here today. While it was admitted that negotia- tions ere taking longer than .ex- pected it was denied that any dead- ck existed, : A ten pound, third class rate, is being urged on steamship companies by representatives of British and Canadian gover ts for | hold adn farm workers. to the fact that since the war, rates to Australia have doubled fares while fares to Canada haye more than tripled. WEATHER Lower Lakes ET Sr eh Fixed Date for Easter Subject of Negotiations London, Nov, 29---Negotis ations with other govern- ments concerning a fixed date for Easter have not yet been instituted, but are under con- sideration, said Sir Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Secre- tary, in the House of Com- mons. The British House of Commons last July gave third reading to a measure stabiliz- ing Easter at the Sunday af- ter the second Saturday in April instead of determining the date of the phases of the moon, The bill does not come into cffect until an interna- tional agreement has been reached, BAKER SENTENCED TO THO YEARS IN TORONTO JAIL North York Farmer Found Guilty of Theft of Over $40,000 (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Nov, 20.--William Baks+ er, 66, North York farmer, was found guilty by a jury on two counts of theft, and sentenced hy Justice Logie to one year in Tore onto jail, The jury brought in ® verdict of guilty of theft of $40.9 778,60 from the Drake-Watsops Springer Association, INWIGRATION T0 CANADA TOTALS 131,754 PERSONS Britishers Totalled 47,300, Foreigners 62,990, and from U, 8, 21,374 (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont,, Nov, 29,--During the first seven months of the eurs Tent fiscal year, 131,754 persons immigrated to this country, Of these, 47,800 were British, 62,000 from, forelen Sountriss Piisids of e Unite ates, and 21,874 fr the United States, 94 trou Peak Period The returns Issued by the Depart. ment of Immigration today shows that the month. of August was the peak period for British immigra- tlon when 12,460 came to Canada from the United States, fi April to October, 2imbered 20.984 native born Capadians, 1,028 B tish subjects with Canadian domi cile, and 766 naturalized Cansdis = ans, % Britishers pglish immigrants continue ' be in the majority, dai 24178 pore sons coming from England, 12,8 from Scotland, 7588 from Ire and 2,768 from Wales, Ge Germany Provides the largest proportion of those from preferred 5 vhia Epropean countries, 9,7 Ron-preferred nationals, with 18,» Ruthenians outnumbered Negotiations. have drawn attention | 727 GLENCOE MINISTER CALLED Mimico, Nov, 29.--At 8 tional meeting in the Che ag cbureh here, a unanimous call extended to Rev. John Gallow, y of Glencoe, Ont. Rev, Edgar Foree man, of Toronto, presided. The Tae eAncy Was ca by Rev. Peter Jameson being called to Van er two BBoO- 5 Whithy's Silent Cop (By Staff Whitby, Noy, 2§,--Ope ber of the Whitby police force has fallen upon evil days and may pow be seen lying in disgraceful pose on the sidewalk jn front of the post-office. The good, but silent constable wes as usual doing 24 hour duty at the Four Corpers where Brock street crosses Dundas street from the south when along came a 'woman motorist and with purpose dire ran straight into the Lies in Pose on Sidewalk Reporter) policeman, bowling him over like sk Even bis wooden frame snd iron backbone could mot % the shock and he was lifted clear off his feet. The woman proved & hit-and-run driver and left scene of the mecident faithful silept officer : full length upon the high After undergoing he resume duty upon of town council. my; hy