THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 New York, book romance Rohan," wealthy daughter of an English peer, ended. And Lady Florence, who loftily sacrificed everything for love, has gone the way of all beautiful and tragic story-book heroines, Fate put an insurmountable obstacle between her and her lover, so she died by her own hand. Nov. 29.--The story- of "Lady Florence and beautiful |, "contemplated a $100,000 alein- english Baronet." Before long the story evem got around to Mrs. Rosmer, of whose exi Lady FI seemred to be unaward, Saturday afternoon she was invited to the office of an attorney and told that Mrs, Ros- ation of affections suit. There Lady Jjerence made her great gesture, "He's worth it," she said as she put an arm about Rosmer, standing at her side. "I'll pay the $100,000." Pictures of Lady Florence and Rosner were in the next editions. ceedingly refined; the plan is oval and the decoration is confined to a Dublin, Nov. 29.-- A statute King William II, which has been a landmark im College Greem for the past 200 years, is to be removed because the citys commissi AUSTRALIA SPENDS HUGE SUNS ON REPATRIATION Millions of Pounds Annually Go Towards War Pen- sions and Settlements Sydney, N.S.D.,, Nov. 29.--The govenment of Australia has spent nearly £100,000,000 in the repatri- ation of its war veterams, it is dis- closed in official figures recently of say in its present condition it is un- safe, d. This sum was expend- ed on war gratuity, land settle- ment, war service homes, general 7,485,582 pounds and a further increase may be anticipated. Since the inception of the Re- patriation Department im April, 1918, the disposal of claims for benefits, other tham war pemsions, has been heavy. Expenses in pro- viding employment accounted for £2,824,000; vocational training, £4,847,000, medical treatment, £4, 172,000; lving allowances, £1,- 186,000; education of childrem of deceased or totally and permanent. ly incapacitated soldiers £732,160; land settlers, sustenance, etc. £649,852, beyond the Commonwealth, £503,953; furni- ture (small business, live stock, and plant) £1,507,169; other bene- fits, £363,096. The Repatriation Commission, on June 30, 1928, was paying pemn- sions to 266,670 persons, of whom 72,667 are ex-mfembers of the forces, the remainder, 194,003 be- ing dependents. Do You Own Your Own 64 King St. West Telephones 572. 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, Ultimately, of course Rosner had to learn that he had not met a titl- On Armistice Day a bomb placed repatriations and war pensions. att he foot of the equestrian sta- That might seem the end of the MAY ARRANGE TO : The annual report on the Re- Roy Ty ov iady Tor ed lady. When he did, he refused |tue blew away a portion of the ped- | patriation Commission, which has USE ARID COUNTRY seg a rurday, when she au [to see Frances any more. estal and the left hoof of the horse. | been tabled in the House of Rep- Only $4,500.00 . a herself willing to pay $100] On Sunday an ambulance drew |Civie guards failed to capture two |resentatives, shows that the ex- Phones: »71 931; 68TW. On Your Terms " 000 for the love of Bernard Rosner, |UP to a litile rooming house on [men who were seen leaving the | penditure on general repatriations| Sydney, NS.W., Nov. 29--Etforts SR ; haps will shed a tear, for the Manhattan avenue. Lying limp im |vicinity, The bomb was one of three [and war pensions up to June 30 which may lead to the use of Today's Ba ain iby lB lady and turn to other |a gas-filled room was Frances [similar violent demonstrations | last was £21,524,383 and £73,149,-| many square miles of arid coun- u Tg against statues of English kings in| 210 respectively. The annual try in Central Australia were out- conifer trees have been received in Sharpe. In her hand was the sum- New 6 Room hic 4 to & 22vearald - vy mons in the alienation sult, a Dublin and its vicinity. liability under war pensons was iy hid gor ia % Sun "" Australia in Jtge quantities in re- Brick dressed to Franges' mother an e rn in an a ss to the Roy Pra cent years and has been planted Firs = Ce oe bo Bie ibd Nearby were two notes--one ad- = : a Society here recently. Yestigations, whieh bia is fully in several states, very Modern tossed ahoy a dressed to France's mother and the Many important sheep stations, |Porn was directing. It was the on a cot in Bellevue Hospital, the Queensland is concentrating on a Reduced from ¢ bject at Koonamore to study the other to "Dear Anybody, the : Professor Oshorn sald, were in the | 9%J6€ reforestration scheme involving the $3,500 to $4,500 romance of lady Florence 144 iy World." WATCHES dry western areas, but difficulties Stawih oy Junge of Tegenars use of indigenous trees exclusive- its tinsel and left only Thess. "My love was real" 'the letter were met when over-grazing de-| tion of the salt bushes. The pro-i, Disney Real Estat In the remote town of Bay Rob- OUR SPECIAAYY ;ramme of experiments and ob- e ¥. This policy was announced to members of the Empire Forestry Conference at their recent i here. Queensland, it was said, re- quired 5,000 acres of replanted pleied the natural pasturage. The study of salt bush flora had been taken up at the Koonamore vegeta- tion reserve and field laboratory, about 100 miles west of Broken on said, "but T am not. T am just a simple country girl who wanted to get into the movies. Life is too complicated. T lost the love T want- ed and I do not care to live any erts, Newfoundland, not many pid 3) Let months ago, Frances Sharpe, who Opp 8550 shared the world wide feminine longing for an actress' fame and servations had been in operal.on for two and a half years, and al- ready much promising data had accumulated, It your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN Mr. E. F. H. Swain, chairman romance, cast a few meagre belong- Yon " Hill. An area of nearly 1,500 _ : - forest per - and year in order to main-|of the provisionary forest board of on D2 bandas oii i dig That was the end of Ladv Flor THE JEWELER acres had been securely netted |Decide on Up-to-date tain production in accordance| Queensland, said that in No against stock and rabbits, and the laboratory placed in charge of a science graduate. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research with the cutting, and at present replanting had reached only 1,000 acres annually. Within seven years, it was declared, the 5,000- Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticmal and Oshe awa Raliroads. 10 King St. W, Hye ence, but not of Frances Sharpe. When she was taken to Bellevue Hosnital and revived for a hrief moment, she told doctors, feebly years it was expected to be able to provide a sustained cut of 300, 000,000 cubic feet of timber as Frances wanted to be in the mov- fes and had the good sense to rea- lize that the desire alone would Reforestation Plan Phone 180 Brisbane, Australia, Nov, 29 -- compared with 100,000,000 ro- not sanvince producers she had the [ 20 oA to die. But she will bad made a grant towards the 1u-] while seed of various Canadlan|?°T® Wark would be attained, vided by the present stand. makings w Foi TR be kept under their care to insure ---- - . Bot one im poi TC against further attempts at sulelde. : Tw more about the idlosyneracles of By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb Japanese Prince Is producers than France did gave her a tip. "Publicity," he advised. "Get Made Recipient of some publicity." For A That was how Ladv Florence Re- Handsome Present TURKEY, fan was created born out of the THE PATH OF imagination of the Newfoundland Tokio, Nov. 29.--A beautiful LEADS girl who believed that a title and | wedding gift of eight antique Eng- TO po . ___ | lish silver candlesticks from Bri. J oiiihd tish resident of the Japanese em- Disney-Cott FF AMB CE - 87 Celina 8t. Phone 1088 TIME TABLES R, HIGH GRADE EQUIP. | fe Sy, ad ae She A am. MENT KEPT IN PER |i @ sm Dae Went FECT CONDITION, < 23 a.m. Dail Hd 4a. i ---- MEANS RELIABLF 4.55 pm Daily. SERVICE #4 om. Daid Sunday, IT WAITER KEEPS LOOKIN PARDON DR: BUT 10.05 a.m. Paily. Ph 8 2 AT MEAS IF UR THOUGHT 4 roxas hd You 4 204 pm. Daily except Sunday, one WVT TWN BOM Ten } "Dai o ED | WOULDN'T DOME THING ? AGES Phe am Swit EIST 1 . 12.09 a.m. Daily. Al times Phd shove are times traine depart from Oshawa Station, SECT THID CNR. TIME TABLE Effective Sept, 30, 1928, 823 a.m. Daily exceps Bunda am. Dai t ye. 8.58 a.m. Si day RY. 9.59 am Daily : 1.17 p.m. Daily except § 2.32 pm, Daily except Sunday, 47 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 42 p.m, Baily. 09 p.m, Daily except Saturday, a 7 ) mh HIN J. / --oN Bankrupt Sale of Men's Wear at 79 SIMCOE ST. N, £8 8 ® as Oo g F a.m. Daily. a.m. Daily except Sunday, a.m. Daily. 3 a.m, Daily except 4) pm Daily except Sunday, 7 p.m. Daily. 27 p.m Daily except Sundty, .14 p.m. Sunday only, 45 p.m, Daily except Sunday, moa 8: ¥ wo |8 ©. 3 @ 1928. by Int] Feature Service. Ine. Gount Brimin rights veserwed w > Pa | For bettervalues in VELLING Tony DIAMONDS A SINCE MAY, ON THE NIGHT OF OCT,2,A PART OF THE CTTY WALL Whity, Oshawa, Bowmanrill Burns' Jewelry Store | J 15 PROBABIL TA Tie Pom FELL. THE SPANISH THINKING THE LEYDENESE HAD BROKEN OUT, WELL, WHAT SCHEDULE ; h i (eEEK oa EPR. TS apa bY IDEA OF A THANKSGIVING DAY FROM FLED, A SMALL BOY, GYSBERT. CORNELLISEN, SEEING THE ARE YOU TM THANKFUL i Leave Leave Arrive Arrive --- THANKFUL THAT I HAVEN'T b Oshawa y Hospital THE CELEBRATION OF THE DUTCH PT OF FOR, BETTY ? (|) Two "tummies" (| § Pim Gon iho m-- . CITY OF LEYDEN, TOMMY. a T0 ACHE 820 am. 9.30 am, 9.45 am, i ON THE REVOLT, . Bg a Bam 12% pm CO AL MUSEUM AT LEYDEN, jit q 1.30 pm, 2.00 p.m. 2.20 pm, -w 2.30 pom, 3.00 pm, 3.20 p.m, apifitm tom Lm Eom : rm ié io bm ol a UT Phone 193 i spon mim warn usen |B W. J. SARGANT OF THE PURITANS HAD LIVED IN | niin Wiig od . fa, nin Yard--89 Bloor Street, E. LEYDEN BEFORE THEY SAED FOR AMERICA A HUGE POT OF HODGE-PODGE (MEAT hy Hospi Whithy Oshawe Bowmanvill Orders Promptly 1M 1620, THERE THEY JOINED WITH THE DUTCH AND VEGETABLES ), STILL COOKING OVER fim mim Amin Delivered IN THEIR THATISGVING ON 0C1 3.1 MEMORY THE CAMRFIRE FROM THAY ORY 0 THS ot imam SHEE BREE R50 OF THE MIRACULOUS DELIVERY OF EIEN THASGAING HAS SEE CREBRATED 20 100 p.m, ns ba [54 pa. in i \ THE SPANISH ON OCT, 3, 1574. ' I LEYDEN WITH A CROVMING DISH OF d éh © ] smpm GbE Fyn abn W.A. HARE : HAD BEEN BESIEGED BY THE SPANIARDS 10 ng Fm puna ax. "me fh dhe Wid Ps 60pm 70pm 7.20pm BX pm A 4 RIST gmp soem mepm foe wust || TILLIE THE TOILER--The Voice That Registers By Russ Westoves, op J10 Po Aba LM to Hundi-eds of pec)le wear ¢ Th v7 7 - - --- 4 OICE | Whithy Hospital with utmost comfort » OLICKNER "ra Ah IT's ALL SO FUNNY. Yo ¢ VO HE ANYTHING o or ARY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Hare's Fa "tlc - Lenses IS OUT: IS L ME IF YOURE You SEE MR, GLICKNER | Asay, CERTAINLY Eve WAITLL You |[OH, Boy! iv Musy io 1 fo Tels aw (| oe kaor re S| Xian te oun (Lng) | |ShsiStee, (Mes hE ies iol) Was =e fi HE SSA Sed Joven iE Toe Rl Sister) (Jy | Ti PRN S) Aco fer 2 2 bi #10 am 1200 pm, 1215 pm. 1225 pm : J IPHONE TO ? oy ss TIES WHY § HIS NAME, BUY ; on thi iRbm 1927 Chev Sedan LUNCH Agr Lah Age MYSELF bd WHAT'S IN A pm. 615 pm. 6.30 pm, ; i) A " AND NAME WHEM 45 pm, 815 pm. 8.30 p.m, ROSS, AMES & . TALK vA ' p.m. 10.0525. 1045 pm, 11.00 p.m, ; co O / Yours IN Love' rf ars Bones ite | HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 8, ITE Jus am 1015am 00am 11.0sm |9 Prince 8+, Oshawa - Phone 116v [1] a 12.30 pm, 12.45 pm. 10pm LN pm RES INALD~ ANY ~ 245 pm. 30pm. 53pm WAY.) DONT 45pm 50pm 53pm » : 6.45 pm. 7.00 p.m. JR om 4 / : WHAT HIS NAME 11.00 p.m, fis id bY d 1200 pom Mak , NE Time marked +s" busses to V. A. Henry rs = OR eh RDN i is Yo, 2 Si, Insurance & Loans Hl rT v : a HE DRIVES T Bo Phoses 1198W--0ffice P Cus 1 a ARE Xo Osbaws Waiting Room. 10 Prince St. J 1858) --Hesidence ABOUT