THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 PAGE ELEVEN REV. F. E. MICHAU BISHOP IN AFRICA Second French-Canadian to Hold See in Central Africa Montreal, Nov, 39.--Rev, Father Edward Michaud, member of the Order of White Fathers, has been pamed bishop of the diocese of Ta- | his bora, Central Africa, It was anm- nounced Monday. This is the second bishopric to be filled by a French- Canadian in Central Africa, The new bishop succeeds the late Mgr. John Forbes, brother of the late Mgr. Forbes, Archbishop of Ottawa. Father Michaud was born in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, the son of Louis Michaud, civil engineer, who was head of the department of public works for 20 years in Mon- treal. Admitted to the Order of White Fathers of Africa at Quebee in 1908 he was ordained priest at Carthage London, N ov, 29.--State open- ing of Parliament the other day by King George with Queen Mary by side wearing the Cullinan dia- 000 has revived the speculation over t became of the "other half" of | bigger diamond, The enormous hal brother, however, has never been found although scientists, diamond miners, financiers, geologists, and thieves have been searching for it for 23 years. Its whereabouts and Quaker Dairy Ration When you feed Quaker Sugared Schumache with Quaker Dairy Ration you're bound t« win, They're both aces! Quaker Sugarec Schumacher is a complete carbohydrate feed, it combines ideally with any protein concen: trate, especially Quaker Dairy Ration, Gives your cows a chance to show what they can do, A great feed for young stock, dry stock, bulls, and all other livestock as well, We have it-- a fresh stock on hand now, HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED Phone 203 wie Oshawa, Ont, .| was purchased by fag in Burrard Inlet for trade. Up to November 1 to the Vancouver, A Grain Terminal 'Above is seen the new Wheat Pool Elevator at Vancouver, Below, a fleet ah ie" he Filion S Chae Hay Serine ad ship 531, ushels to t, 3,333 to the Antipodes and 851,000 to other countries, The Con ita grain export Euro 1,901 dian Pacific Lo Rg hen already unloaded 10,146 cars of this season's grain compared with 4,931 in 1927 at the Vancouver elevators, and it is expected that this Company alone will handle 36,000 cars to Vancouver during the crop season, even ils existence world's mysteries, South Africa abounds with strange stories of the missing half of the Cullinan diamond. One version is that it was found by a native worker in the diamond mines who feared to dispose of it because of the strict law governing the illicit selling of stones, A notorious criminal once almost had his hands on it, but he '~ one of the .| attempted to trick the native who was prepared to sell it to him and the native fled with the diamond. Another story has it that the dia- mond is still in the possession of na- tive tribesmen in the Zoupansberg distriet, The British royal family, however, seems to be satisfied with the big sparklers they got from what may be only half of the Cullinan diamond. The stone which was found in 1905 originally weighed 30253 carats, It the Transvaal Government and presented to King Edward. Jt was taken to Amster- dam and divided into nine large stones and several smaller ones, The two largest ones are 516% carats and 809 8/16 carats, making them the largest diamonds in existence. Quick Pile Reliet Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is guaranteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back, It gives quick aetion, even in old, stubborn cases. Hem-Rold is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the lower howel--the cause of piles. -It brings joyful re- lief quickly and safely or costs noth- ing. Jury and Lovell, Ttd., and druggists everywhere sell it with N\A this guarantee, Ontario's Education Sets World Record Saint John, N.B, Nov. 29--%A Canadian province, or American state, can be known for a number of things but there can be no finer ad- vertisement than that provided by a school system that is second to none," said V K. Greer, chief inspector of public schools, in telling the Teachers' Institute here that Ontario sets a world's record in that feature of the educational system which provides at least two years' high school training for every pupil, even in remote dis- tricts, Education in general is so far advanced throughout the pro- vince, Mr, Greer says, that no child in the whole of Ontario even in the backwoods settlements of the North, need get heyond regular school age without enjoying the advantages of adequate tuition hy fully certified teachers. Ontario's educational ma- chine has heen built up over a period of years until today it constitutes one of the province's greatest asscts, 7,000 NURSES WILL MEET IN MONTREAL Montreal, Que., Noy 29.--Montreal will he host to 7,000 nurses next sum- mer here from all parts of the world, when they attend the Congress of the International Council of Nurses. Nineteen countries will be repre- sented at the Congress which will take place here during the tutire week, beginning July 8, 1929, Held in a different coumry every four years the congress took place in Helsingoirs, Finland, in 1925, and the choice for the next congress fell upon Canada with China a close second. It was decided indeed to hold the congress in China but the civil war trouble there caused recon- sideration of the decision and Can- ada was decided upon. All the larger cities of Camada applied for the privilege but the Grand Council chose Montreal. QUEBEG SHIPPING SHOWS INCREASE Thirty-Nine More Passenger- Carrying Vessels Than in 1927 Arrive Quebec, Nov. 29--An increase of 39 passenger vessels is recorded for the port of Quebec during the course of 1928, which season came to a close on Sunday afternoon. During the present year 266 liners docked here inward bound, as against 227 last year. This includes all vessels which bring immigrants to the port of Quebec, and includes vessels plying between here and Newfoundland, as well as freighters which sometimes bring passengers over, Arrivals during the season were made up of: Canadian Pacific, 87; Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson, 60: White Star, 44; North German Lloyd 8 and Hamburg-American, 1, The carryings of the different companies during the season were: Canadian Padific, 66,891; Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson, 34,841 and White Star 2,961. FATAL RIOTING AT MEXICAN ELECTIONS Mexico Cy., Nov. 29--Despatches from Pubela Monday sald that one person was killed and more than 40 wounded in street fighting atten- dant upon an election for the gov. ernorship of the state. It was fear- ed that five of those wounded might die. Alco-Meter i an service stations. MONTASAL GORATVILLE SCIENTIFIC RADIATOR PROTECTION MAPLE ANTI-FREEZE in the radiator today. At leading garages and Ask for it by name 3 CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Toronto To Be Host To Spanish Royalty Toronto, Ont, Nov. 29.--For a brief 30 minutes on Dec, 3, Toronto will be the proud hostess of the daughter of the King of Spain, On that day representatives of one of the oldest reigning families in Europe, their royal highnesse the Prince Don Alfonso, the Infanta Beatrice and Prince Don Alvaro d'Orleans Bourbon will arrive on the Canadian National private car from Montreal, leaving almost at onge for Detroit. The Inianta Beatrice is a daughter of the King of Spain and the Princes Alfonso and Alvaro near blood relations. Accompanying their royal highnesses will be Senorita de Vellavieza, lady-in-waiting to Infanta Beatrice; Robert Pepworth, secretary to Don Alfonso, and Charles Le Marie, director of Thomas Cook and Sons. Two maids and a valet will complete the party, The VALUE of BOVRIL to WOMEN Women who are easily tired need Bovsil to prevent them from gettin in repleni quickly; "run down"! Bovril is ng a woman's reserves of energy, y valuable It acts so You feel the benefit of Bovrilwits warm, stimulating action upon the wearied system-----as soon as you have swallowed it, And if you keep up your Bovril daily you will seon find your strength become equal to the work and worries of everyday life, For Bovril builds up health and fitness by sound nutrition, Bovril is the best of the beef--its vitalizing and energising properties in concentrated digestible form, BOVRIL prevents that Sinking Feeling The MOST SPECTACULAR OVERCOAT SELLING of The YEAR DISPLAYING AND SELLING HUNDREDS OF MENS WINTER OVERCOATS | BOY'S OVERCOATS Selling at $8.45, $10.45, $12.45 $14.45 and $16.45 | BOUGHT THESE BOYS COATS AT THE SAME TIME | BOUGHT MY 542 MEN'S OVERCOATS AT A WONDER. FUL PRICE CONCESSION. YOU WANT TO BUY A BOY'S OVERCOAT, YET YOU DON'T WANT TO PAY MORE THAN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR GOOD QUALITY, COME * AND SEE THESE. TO Here's My Idea Of Economy TASTE--HERE YOU SAVE MONEY AND ENJOY IT. 1850 GUARANTEED SAVING ES ---- SAVE MONEY AND ENJOY IT! IN SOME STORES YOU SAVE MONEY, BUT YOU HAVE SUBMERCE YOUR $2.25 True-Knit Combination Underwear $1.59 Men's Wool Sweaters, all styles $3.95 Men's Merino Shirts or Drawers....88¢ Men's Wool Flannel Shirts....... $1,189 Men's Merino 430 8 -- CUTS DOLLARS OFF THE SELLING PRICE 2 An Styles-All Cloths-All Models- COME Saturday for Your O"coat. 50 AllSizes Whatever Your Price, You'll Find More Variety In Your Size, We Have A Mode! For You. Short, Slim, Tall, Stout 'What's Your Idea ? 'MY IDEA OF ECONOMY IS TO "GET" QUALITY AND THE BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY SPENT, PLENTY OF THE WANTED NAVY BLUES IN CHINCHILLAS - WHITNEYS - MELTONS Mens and Boys' Clothing 6 KING ST, EAST THE HIGHEST G HTS Boys' Winter Combination Underwear, Suit $1.29 Boys' Wool Windbreakers..........$2.49 Boys' Fleece Underwear ............. 68¢ Boys' Sweaters, any style Boys' Wool Lined Leather Mits....38¢