Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Nov 1928, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents ER a ESS - HARMONY Nov: 28.--Mr. and Mrs. 3. Datos, Ni Datoe, Mr, and Mra, Denny ud family an aster Ross Carr of Toronta spen Mae with Mr. and thon By Da- foe. na rs, J, Wa Helen Chapman spent Sunday iat Toronto. Mr, Arthur Giles a Nir, Charles Morin were in Buffalo on ay. , Mrs, Charles Mackey and Mr, Harold Mackey spent Saturday at boro. hy Poe Home and School Club will hold thet far Tomi peat w ¥ vem N otibek. | Rev Dr, Flecher will give an address. Parents Happy When Baby Sleeps Soundly Here's a way to soothe erying, wakeful babies to sleep quickly and rasily, It's the way doctors endorse, and millions of mothers have prov- ed it safe and harmless, A few drops of purely-vegetable, pleasant tasting Fletcher's Castoria, has the most fretful, restless baby or child asleep in a few minutes! And for solic, constipation, colds and upset wpells, there nothing like Castoria The Chas, H. Fletcher signature is the mark of genuine Oastoria, Avoid imitations and be safe. Mr, Miss RAGLAN Nov. 27--Mr. J. Notting: an, Boag, ony and Mrs, Frank Notting- | Lorne ham and Master Roy Nottingham spent Sunday at Mr, L. Knapps, Burketon. Miss Rose Brent has returned home after spending the past week T with her sister Mrs. R. Radbourne, Toren to. Miss Susie Bray visited her broth- er Mr, W. Bray at Aurora one day last week. Several from here are attending The Royal Winter Fair at Toronto this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kellington nee (Rilla Pierson) on there recent marriage. Mr, and Mrs, R. Squelch, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hughson visited in Toronto for a few days this week and attended the Fair. Mr, and Mrs. J. Evans were in Lindsay visiting Mrs, Evans sister Miss Edna McKee who is suffering from a nervous breakdown. Mr. D. Thompson and son Lloyd visited in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. J. Hughson has returned to her home at Myrtle after spending the past week with her son Mr, N. Hughson. ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Nov. 272--Mr. W. G. Smith is visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Smith, at Oshawa. Mr. 'E. C. Ashton has purchased Mr. Gordon Werry's truck and ex- pects to do trucking. Hlways the I) 0 or to It in AE Specia WE'LL CLOTHE YOU INSTYLE 1 Master Made Men's Suits and Overcoats Fine fabrics in all popular y models. Finely , large variety of patterns for men and young men. Suits $15 to $32.50 Overcoats $19.50 to $35 ' Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey and son Clem, spént the week end at Mr. Wilfred Marks, Scugog. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson, e Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. T. McGill wade a trip to Toronto and attended Royal F: air, tulations to Mr. and Mrs. cLaughlin on the arrival of a baby girl iss Edna and May Lamb, of Peterboro, at their brother's, Mr, Lamb's. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Virtue and grandson spent Thursday at his mo- ther's, Mrs. J. W, Virtue. . Mrs. John Pye is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Stainton, of oronto, Mr, and Mrs, W. Noble and son Ottis, of Toronto, visited at Mr. Joe Martin's, J Mr. Gordon Werry and his moth- er, Mrs. H. J. Werry, attended the Winter Fair. 1% : The C.G.LT. girls are giving their playienss at Enfield. eR vi rone e his ednesday even- ing is to present the Banner to their e. Leagu J. M. Whyte has returned home from Haliburton where he reached anniversary services, Mr, tm. Pointon taking the appoint- ments here very acceptably. Sorry to hear of the death of Mr. John Lee, who lived in St. Joseph, Mo., brother of the late Mr. Fred Lee, who kept store here. He will be buried at Bowmanville. COLUMBUS Columbus, Nov. 28.--Mrs. Robt. Sutherland spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W, Sutherland at Osh- awa. Mrs. Geo. Hayes is home again after spending the past few days with her sister Mrs, Thompson at hitby. WOR 1d weather on Sunday kept Mr. L. Cook our garageman busy filling cars with anti-freeze. Mr. Ross Murison of Madoc spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Murison. Miss Jessie Metcalfe of Toronto and Mr. Duncan Gavin of Barrie spent Sunday with the former's sis- ter Mrs. L, T. Cook. The children of the Mission Band are premarin for a splendid eon- sert on Thursday night of a pazeant and music bv local talent followed by a lunch. Come and foin them. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morison. Stewart and Ross snent Sunday with rela- tives in Taranto Mr. and Mrs. J. Mazee and hahv af Tarontn snent a few dave with You need pot limit yourself to i the choice of 2 single dress suit coat, You can select enough clothes see you 'hrough the sea- jon, and paying will not be a rardship, f \ takes only a Dollar or two weekly to keep style. FLOOR LAMPS $12.50 to $25.00 Complete DISTINCTIVE COATS All richly fur trimmed fn broadcloth, suedine, fur fabrics $12.50 to $32.50 FUR COATS Seal Coats $95 to $165 DRESSES Satins, Georgettes, Crepes, All the newest styles. $9.75 to $19.50 ENGEL'S 21 BOND S71, W, Phone 308 the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. BE, Snudden. Mr. John Pickering has purchas- ed a New Ford Car. Mrs, Paul Purves has returned home after spending the past few weeks with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Gregory at Chatham, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Glover Jr, and 'children Doreen and Donald of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 8, Glover Sr. Mr. and Mrs, Morley Cook, Dor- is and Eileen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, T, Cook, Mrs. A, Murison and Stewart at- tended The Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on Monday, Mr. Wm. Ward visited his broth- er Mr. Levi Ward at Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Reison attended The Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last week, Our school teacher Miss Vivian Appleby was off duty for a few days this week suffering from a bad cold. Mrs. Harvey Hardy and daugn- ter Doreen of Solina are visiting with her father Mr, Jas. Reeson, The Young People gave there play Home Ties to a large and ap- preciative audience at Mount Zion on Wednesday night. Mrs. A. Cook and Noreen and Mrs H. Arksey and Douglas of Brooklin visited with Mr, and Mrs, Levi Elling one day this week, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott Mr, and Mrs. John Hislop attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on | Tuesday. Mr. Lorn Cook spent Tuesday In Toronto. Mr. Jas. Hobbs is Home again after spending the past three weeks in Peterboro. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Noy, 28.-- The funeral was held Monday from the Luke Undertaking parlors of Helen eight year old daughter of Willian and Jennie Rouston. The little child had been ill less than a week. Rev, Cann de Pencier officiated at the funeral services, A large number of neighbors and friends of North Oshawa as well as the school mates Pof Helen attended the funeral, Four hoy school chums acted as bearers. Charles Chim, Arthur Moffat, Fred Lindsay and Fred Burrows. The floral tributes were from N. Osh- awa 8S. 8, N. Oshawa Day School, Teachers and schoolmates, 8, Osh- awa playmates, Home and School Club, N. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fleming, Mr. and Mrs, T, H, Pleming, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Flem- ing, James Fleming and Family, Miss Rathwell, Evelyn Broek, Guelph papers please copy. Mr. Dixon motored to St. Thom- as for over the week-end to bring home Mrs. Dixon and baby Mollie who have heen visiting relatives there for the last two weeks. ; Mrs. Charles Blanchard, Kendall Ave., and Mrs. Arthur Legge, Mary street visited Mrs. Thomas Solomon Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conlin and Ilene went to Toronto Tuesday. While there little Miss Tlepe had an Interesting chat. with Santa Claus who presented her with little book, Sympathy fis extended Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin and family in the death of their four month-old babe. Miss Lorraine Drew, Master Ross Drew spent Saturday with thelr cousin Billie Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Strong and baby Olive with her father here from Enniskillin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tattersal enter- tained their friends and neighbors Do as Mr. Gard Kiem foert 20.7% re EAGT Zio Tablets stop my hesd: hes so y that I do not mind having them any more," or oy Ao Me tosullr from end and take Zutoo; to a dance in their mew house om Friday evening. Music was provid- ed by Mr. Pascoe and Miss Pascoe. of Enfield and Mr. Duel of Oshawa Lunch was served by the hostess. Dancing was resumed until the wee sma' 'ours. All departing saying | |they had a wonderful time. Mre F. R. Kirby and children sepnt Friday with her sister Mrs. Solomon. Great preparations are being made for both day school and S. S. Christmas comcerts old Santa will be there. Miss Marguerite Conlin of Ked- Tun spent a few days with Mrs. Fred Conlin last week, Mr. and Mrs. Glover visited Mr. | ana Mrs. Joe Valiant Port Whitby Saturday. Several from here are at the Royal Winter Fair. M. A. Beckett spent Monday and Tuesday there. SEAGRAVE Seagrave Nov, 28--The regular monthly meeting of the United Church Ladies' Ald was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, Crosief 50 McMillan Drive Oshawa, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, with an attendance of nearly 60 members and visitors, friends being there from Bowmanville, Port Perry, and Oshawa. The president Mrs. J, Shunk ably filled her place in a pleasing manner, Some 30 members answered the roll call After which - the meeting was thrown open to plan for the bazaar and New England supper that {is to be held in the United Church Sunday School room on the evening of Dec. 5th. The different commit- tees being elected. Mrs. (Rev.) Davidson who has attended these New England suppers was asked to take charge, giving many good sug- gestions on an appetizing supper to be served for the small sum of 25¢ The Missionary program in charge ing to the late hour. At the close of the meeting a delightful lunch was served, the gemtlemen who ae companied the Seagrave ladies, to Oshawa were also invited to have lunch, -which added greatly to the social part. Mrs. Crosier, served ice cream which was very much enjoy- ed. A vote of thanks was given to the host and hostess for the kindness shown and the lovely aft- ernoon spent. All joining in sing- ing for they are jolly good fellows. On evening of last week a meeting was held in the United Church to organize a prayer and Bible study once a week through the coming winter. A committee was appointed to take charge of the meeting each week and to help make these meetings a success and a benefit to those who The Pastor Rev, Mr. Da Dn will be glad to see young and old come out and help along this wonderful work, our Sunday School is a credit to any community, why not make this weekly meeting the same, fill the Sunday School room to its cap- acity ere the winter ends. Mrs. H. Waunamaker and son Glen visited in Toronto recently with friends. Quite a number from Seagrave attended the special services held in Urbridge the past three weeks and report them wonderful, Mr. Angus Wilkinson of Oshawa, spent a few days among fri y Rev. Mr. Davidson attended the Sunday School Convention at Oak- wood on Wednesday of last week, where he addressed the convention. Mr. John Mark attended the Winter Fair in Toronto last week. Rev. Mr. Colburn of Toronto ad- dressed the service in the United Church on Sunday evening and those who heard him were delight- ed with his wonderful address, giv- ing such helpful advice to young and old, also the way budget money can be spent in so many ways to help the fallen generation and lead of Mrs. A. Martin was cancelled ow- them on to higher things of life. RED ROSE TIEAlisgoodted If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe Office Space TO RENT About 1,200 Square Feet Heat, Light and Janitor Centrally Located Apply Box '"N" Oshawa Dally Times a5¢ Baby Tale . B0c Camphor Ice Lotion $1.00 Penslar Hair Tonic B0c Shampona ' 28c Tooth Powder , $1.00 Lilac Vegetal B0c Mag Lac Tooth Paste 25¢c Zinc Stearate (Liguid) ,,,... 2hc Tread Easy Foot Powder Purchase the Extra Article What Is a One Cent Sale It is a sale where you buy an item at the regular price-- then another item of the same kind for one cent, ., Every article in this sale » high-class standard piece of ndise, just the same as we sell you every day at rege ular prices, 2 for Ble +++ 2 for $1.01 #5¢ Orange Blossom Tale ,,. +2 for BGe +++2 for Ble ..2 for 26¢c 2 for $1.01 2 for Ble 25¢c Glycerine & Rose Water, .2 for 86¢c 60c Spring Blossoms Brilliantine +2 for Bic Assorted Odors--Chypre, Colonial 60c Shaving Lotion 2 for 85¢ Talc for men, 3 for, BOc Hair Ofl 6lc 36¢ Sle Sle B50c Shaving Cream, 2 for Nelson's Perfumes Jasmine, Narcissus, Orange Blossoms, 1 oz. bottle, $2, this sale 2 for $2.01 IRERPIAvCZUREED IRE ER EE FRE RRANENP ARNE EER EERE EENRENDY; ARIEEREIRASIND for 60c Analgesic Balm s sore env B fOP Ble $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine , .8 for $1.01 BOc Boraline ,,:0., .0vv4....8 for Ble $1,00 Buchu and Palmetto Comp, Serger rem aes vem vey eo for $100 25¢c Oathartie Active Pills. ,...® for 26¢ 85¢c Charo, and Pepsin Logs...2 for 860 80c Cherry Cough Balsam ...8 for Biv $1.00 Cod Liver Ext, Pal, ,,,,8 for $1,01 50g Cold and Grippe Capsules @ for Ble 88c Carbolic Witch Hazel Salve 2 for 260 BSc Castor Oil Aromatio,.....8 for 86c BSc Charcoal Lozenges ,,.,....8 for 26¢c BSc Cold Breakers' Laxative: ..8 for 36c BSc Oorn Collode ,....s0s000:8 fOr 86c $1.50 Dynamic Tonic ,,,.,,.8 for $1.51 Soe ye Bath + 000 sori... B for Bic 75¢ Horehound, Honey andl Tar 2 for 76c $1.00 Hypophosphites Comp,, ,2 for $1.01 10c Pen-Lax Tablets sesrsrnss.® for 1c 25¢c Pen-Lax Tablets, , 00000 :8 for 26¢ B50c White Liniment ,,,,,,,,..2 for bic $1,00 Nux and Iron Tablets 2 for $1,01 ATR id Pills, 2 for Ase 26c Boe A 40 Digent- mm bi Sle Dragos 3 for 20€ 2 for B0c Dyspepsia Tab. jig an Sle Phospho-cod Tonic 2 for $1.01 = Russian Oil 2 for $1.01 Karn's Dru Next The Post Store

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